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ISSN: 2322-4770

© 2016,
Scienceline Publication Journal of Educational and Management Studies J. Educ. Manage. Stud., 6(4): 89-97, Dec 15, 2016

Learning and Personality: A Review

1* 2
Mina Khatibi and Farhad Khormaei
PhD Student, Department of Educational Psychology, School of Education and Psychology, Shiraz University, Shiraz, Iran
Associate Professor of Psychology, School of Education and Psychology, Shiraz University, Shiraz, Iran
*Corresponding author’s Email:

ABSTRACT: This review focuses on the effect of personality on learning styles of students and also briefly discusses
the relationship between learning styles and culture. A review of the current literature reveals that there has been a
lot of research on the effect of personality on learning processes in different age groups and at different
circumstances. Personality plays an important role that affects academic achievement. Modern research has shown
that individuals differ in specific human characteristics such as memory, motivation, decision-making, and learning.
In the last two decades, a lot of studies have been done to examine the relationship between learning styles,
learner’s personality, and performance in academic settings. The reviewed studies substantiate that there is a

relationship between personality types and/or traits of the learners, the way they establish their learning styles, and

PII: S232247701600015-6
Accepted 09 Sep. 2016
Received 13 Mar. 2016
their academic success in school and university both at an undergraduate and postgraduate level. Therefore,
learners depending on the type of their personality resort to different learning styles or preferences which, in turn,
affect their learning performance. Learning style assessment can provide the basis for a more personalized
approach to student’s advisement and placement, instructional strategy, and evaluation of learning. The concept of
learning styles is based on the theory that an individual responds to educational experiences with consistent
behavior and performance patterns. The complexity of the construct, the psychometric problems related to its
measurement, and the enigmatic relationship between culture and the teaching and learning process means that
the body of research on learning styles must be interpreted and applied carefully. These studies have served as the
basis for a follow-up teaching improvement of teachers. Results of these studies are also useful in helping faculty
better understand and improve the teaching and learning process for students. Additional studies involving the
personality type and learning style profiles of students and faculty of different cultural backgrounds and in larger
scales are recommended. In this article, we focus on the effect of personality on learning styles of students and also
briefly discuss the relationship between learning styles and culture.
Key words: Personality, Learning styles, Culture

INTRODUCTION traditions. The major theories include dispositional

(trait) perspective, psychodynamic, humanistic,
Personality and Learning biological, behaviorist, evolutionary, and social
A review of the current literature reveals that learning perspective.
there has been a lot of research on the effect of
personality on learning processes in different age Background and History
groups and at different circumstances. The following The study of personality started with
studies are a few examples of such research work: Hippocrates' four humors and gave rise to four
Ariani (2013); Bayram et al., (2008); Blickle (1998); temperaments (Storm, 2006). The explanation was
Caspi et al., (2006); Felder et al., (2002); Furnham et al., further refined by his successor Galen during the
(1999); Johnston and Orwig (1999); Hakimi et al., second century CE. The "Four Humors" theory held
(2011); Hashim et al., (2014); Jessee et al., (2006); that a person's personality was based on the balance
Kamarulzaman (2012); Matangi (2013); Miller (2010); of bodily humors; yellow bile, black bile, phlegm and
Molinuevo and Torrubia (2013); Pornsakulvanich et al., blood (Carlson et al., 2010).
(2012); Sadeghi et al., (2012); Salehi et al., (2014); Sharp Sir Francis Galton in 1884 made the first major
(2008); Verešová (2015); Wu and Lai (2010); inquiry into a hypothesis that by sampling language it
Yanardöner et al., (2014); Zimmerman et al., (2006). is possible to derive a comprehensive taxonomy of
The word "personality" originates from human personality traits: the lexical hypothesis
the Latin “persona”, which means mask. Personality (Shrout and Fiske, 1995). Personality is usually broken
also refers to the pattern of thoughts, feelings, social into components called the Big Five, which are
adjustments, and behaviors consistently exhibited openness to experience, conscientiousness,
over time that strongly influences one's expectations, extroversion, agreeableness, and neuroticism (or
self-perceptions, values, and attitudes (Winnie and emotionality). These components are generally stable
Gittinger, 1973; Krauskopf and Saunders, 1994). The over time, and about half of the variance appears to
study of personality has a broad and varied history in be attributable to a person’s genetics rather than the
psychology with an abundance of theoretical

To cite this paper: Khatibi M and Khormaee F. (2016). Personality and Learning: A Review. J. Educ. Manage. Stud., 6(4): 89-97.
Khatibi and Khormaee, 2016

effects of one’s environment (Krauskopf and studies have suggested the likelihood of an
Saunders, 1994; Briley and Tucker-Drob, 2014). individual's personality affecting their educational
Lewis Goldberg proposed a five-dimension identity (Klimstra, 2012).
personality model, nicknamed the "Big Five” (Albert et
al., 2009): (a) Openness to Experience: The tendency to Learning Styles
be imaginative, independent, and interested in variety Although there is no evidence that personality
vs. practical, conforming, and interested in routine. (b) determines thinking styles, they may be intertwined in
Conscientiousness: The tendency to be organized, ways that link thinking styles to the Big Five
careful, and disciplined vs. disorganized, careless, and personality traits (Zhang, 2001). There is no general
impulsive. (c) Extraversion: The tendency to be consensus on the number or specifications of
sociable, fun-loving, and affectionate vs. retiring, particular learning styles, but there have been many
somber, and reserved. (d) Agreeableness: The different proposals. Smeck et al. (1997) defined four
tendency to be softhearted, trusting, and helpful vs. types of learning styles namely synthesis analysis,
ruthless, suspicious, and uncooperative. (e) methodical study, fact retention, and elaborative
Neuroticism: The tendency to be anxious, insecure, processing. When all four facets are implicated within
and self-pitying vs. calm, secure, and self-satisfied the classroom, they will each likely improve academic
(Santrock, 2008). Personality can be determined achievement (Komarraju, 2011).
through a variety of tests, such as the Minnesota This model asserts that students develop either
Multiphasic Personality Inventory (MMPI-2), Rorschach agentic/shallow processing or reflective/deep
Inkblot test, Neurotic Personality Questionnaire KON- processing. Deep processors are more often than not
2006 or Eysenck's Personality Questionnaire (EPQ-R) found to be more conscientious, intellectually open,
(Aleksandrowicz et al., 2009). and extraverted when compared to shallow
processors. Deep processing is associated with
Education and Academic Achievement appropriate study methods (methodical study) and a
Personality plays an important role that affects stronger ability to analyze information (synthesis
academic achievement. Komarraju et al. (2011) analysis), whereas shallow processors prefer
conducted a study with 308 undergraduates who structured fact retention learning styles and are better
completed the Five Factor Inventory Processes and suited for elaborative processing (Komarraju,
offered their GPA suggested that conscientiousness 2011). The main functions of these four specific
and agreeableness have a positive relationship with all learning styles are as follow:
types of learning styles (synthesis analysis, methodical Openness has been linked to learning styles that
study, fact retention, and elaborative processing), often lead to academic success and higher grades like
whereas neuroticism has an inverse relationship with synthesis analysis and methodical study. Because
them all. Moreover, extraversion and openness were conscientiousness and openness have been shown to
proportional to elaborative processing. The Big Five predict all four learning styles, it suggests that
personality traits accounted for 14% of the variance in individuals who possess characteristics like discipline,
GPA, suggesting that personality traits make some determination, and curiosity are more likely to engage
contributions to academic performance. Furthermore, in all of the above learning styles (Komarraju, 2011).
reflective learning styles (synthesis-analysis and According to the research carried out by Komarraju et
elaborative processing) were able to mediate the al. (2011), conscientiousness and agreeableness are
relationship between openness and GPA. These positively related with all four learning styles, whereas
results indicate that intellectual curiousness has neuroticism was negatively related with those four.
significant enhancement in academic performance if Furthermore, extraversion and openness were only
students can combine their scholarly interest with positively related to elaborative processing, and
thoughtful information processing (Komarraju et al., openness itself correlated with higher academic
2011). achievement (Komarraju et al., 2011). Recent studies
Studies conducted on college students have suggest that Big Five personality traits combined with
concluded that hope, which is linked to agreeableness, learning styles can help predict some variations in the
has a positive effect on psychological well-being. academic performance and the academic motivation
Individuals high in neurotic tendencies are less likely of an individual which can then influence their
to display hopeful tendencies and are negatively academic achievements (De Feyter et al., 2012).
associated with well-being (Singh, 2012). Personality This may be seen because individual differences
can sometimes be flexible and measuring the big five in personality represent stable approaches to
personality for individuals as they enter certain stages information processing. For instance,
of life may predict their educational identity. Recent conscientiousness has consistently emerged as a

J. Educ. Manage. Stud., 6(4): 89-97, 2016

stable predictor of success in exam performance, conducted. In both studies, factor analyses of the
largely because conscientious students experiences learning strategies yielded two factors. One factor,
fewer study delays (Klimstra et al., 2012). The reason labeled ‘learning discipline’, correlated highly with the
conscientiousness shows a positive association with Conscientiousness scale and the other factor, labeled
the four learning styles is because students with high ‘elaboration’, correlated with the Openness of
levels of conscientiousness develop focused learning Experience scale. In Study 1, about 17 per cent of the
strategies and appear to be more disciplined and variance in college grades was accounted for by
achievement-oriented. However, the American personality scales and learning strategies. In Study 2,
Psychological Society recently commissioned a report learning strategies accounted for about 31 per cent of
whose conclusion indicates that no significant the variance in college grades. Path analyses showed
evidence exists to make the conclusion that learning- that the relations between basic personality traits and
style assessments should be included in the education grades were mediated by the learning strategies
system. The APA also suggested in their report that all (Blickle, 1996).
existing learning styles have not been exhausted and Caspi et al. (2006) evaluated the impacts of the
that there could exist learning styles that have the instructional environment (classroom vs. web-based
potential to be worthy of being included in educational instructional environment—WBIE) and personality
practices (Pashler et al., 2008). differences on students’ social participation were
examined among university students. Students
Review of the Literature reported their attendance, willingness to participate,
A review of the current literature reveals that and actual participation in each instructional
there has been a lot of research on the effect of environment. Students’ personality traits were
personality on learning processes in different age measured by the Big Five Inventory. It was found that
groups and at different circumstances. The following despite of frequent attendance to both educational
studies are a few examples of such research work: environments, the classroom seems to enhance
Ariani (2013) investigated the relationship students’ active participation whereas WBIE appears to
between personality traits and learning motivations by inhibit it. Participants in class were more extroverted,
correlating Big Five model of personality, Core self- open to new experiences, and emotionally stable,
evaluation, achievement and affiliation motivation, relative to non-participants. Such differences were not
and intrinsic and extrinsic motivations for leaning. found between WBIE participants and non-
Regression analysis results indicated that extraversion, participants. Students who actively participated only in
agreeableness, openness to experience, and WBIE were more introverted and more neurotic than
conscientiousness were positively associated with students who participated in both environments,
intrinsic motivation, but neuroticism was positively students who did not participate in either instructional
associated with extrinsic motivation. Core self- environment, or students who participated exclusively
evaluation was also positively related with intrinsic in class. These results point to the psychological
motivation and negatively related with extrinsic impact of the two instructional environments, and
motivation (Ariani, 2013). suggest viewing social participation as a result of
Bayram et al. (2008) investigated the educational context while individual differences play
relationships among personality traits and learners’ secondary role (Caspi et al., 2006).
academic achievement in a web-based environment Davis (2006) measured the learning style and
and attitudes towards web-based education. A survey personality type preferences of community
method was used for the study and the data were development extension educators by using Witkin’s
collected by Web Based Education Attitudes Scale and Group Embedded Figures Test (GEFT) and Hogan and
The Adjective Check List (ACL). At the end of the study, Champagne’s Personal Style Inventory (PSI),
it was revealed that the students were successful in respectively. GEFT scores were examined in relation to
the web-based education environment. Also, PSI scores. Both measures were examined in relation
significant relationships were found between learners’ to age, gender and academic background. More than
personality traits, academic achievement, and 56% of the community development extension
attitudes towards web-based education. The findings educators involved in this study favored a field
revealed that personality traits explain about 53.2% of dependent learning style. Females were more field
the academic achievement, and 52.7% of the attitudes dependent. Subjects with academic backgrounds in
towards web-based education (Bayramet al., 2008). the physical sciences were more field independent.
Blickle (1996) analyzed the relationships between Males were more than three times more likely to
personality traits, learning strategies, and prefer gathering information using their senses
performance. Two multivariate studies were (sensing) than females. Twice the number of female

Khatibi and Khormaee, 2016

subjects preferred gathering information through use Hashim et al. (2014) studied the relationship
of their unconscious (intuition) over males. Males between teacher’s personality, monitoring, learning
preferred reacting to information with logic (thinking). environment, and students’ EFL performance. They
Females preferred reacting to information with aimed to explore whether teacher’s characteristics and
personal reflection and consideration for others environmental learning factors influence students’
(feeling). There was a negligible level of association overall communication proficiency. Drawing on
between learning style and personality type subscales sociocultural theory, the authors assumed that EFL
(Davis, 2006). learning is bi-directional in nature. In addition to
Felder et al. (2002) studied the effects of conceptualizing the direct impact of domain-specific
personality type on engineering student performance determinants of communication proficiency, internal
and attitudes. The Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) classroom conditions and external college facilities
was administered to a group of 116 students. Type were assessed for possible moderating effects. All
differences in various academic performance constructs demonstrated low levels of multicollinearity
measures and attitudes were noted as the students and measurement scales indicated sufficient reliability
progressed through the curriculum. The observations and validity. Results showed that teacher’s personality
were generally consistent with the predictions of type is an important determinant of student proficiency in
theory, and the experimental instructional approach English. Monitoring efforts, however, did not have a
appeared to improve the performance of MBTI types direct influence on English proficiency but coupled
(extraverts, sensors, and feelers) found in previous with teacher’s personality and college facilities,
studies to be disadvantaged in the engineering respectively, the coefficient interaction effects became
curriculum. The conclusion was that the MBTI is a significant. Results also revealed that classroom
useful tool for helping engineering instructors and conditions do not interact with teacher’s personality to
advisors to understand their students and to design improve student learning outcomes, nonetheless acts
instruction that can benefit students of all types more predominantly as a predictor that directly
(Felder et al., 2002). enhances students’ learning (Hashim et al., 2014).
Furnham et al. (1999) performed a study on Jessee et al. (2006) conducted a study entitled
personality, learning style, and work performance. “matching student personality types and learning
Over two hundred participants completed the preferences to teaching methodologies”. The
Eysenck’s Personality Inventory (EPI) and Honey and objectives of the study were to (a) identify the most
Mumford's Learning Styles Questionnaire (LSQ). common personality types among first- and second-
Extraversion was highly correlated both positively and year undergraduate dental students using the Myers-
negatively with three of the four LSQ measures. The lie Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI); (b) identify the learning
scale from the EPI was also systematically correlated preferences of these personality types; and (c)
with the Activist and Reflector scales of the LSQ. Both determine a more effective approach to teaching
the EPI and LSQ traits were modestly correlated with clinical dentistry based upon student personality types
two criteria: ratings of Actual Performance and and learning preferences. Four common personality
Development Potential. Personality variables types were identified among respondents: ISTJ, ESFJ,
(extraversion, neuroticism) and certain learning styles ESTJ, and ISFJ, with a predisposition for Sensing (S)
(reflector, pragmatist) were statistically signifcant (desire for facts, use of senses) over Intuition (N) (look
predictors of rated performance. Their results concur for possibilities, relationships) and Judging (J) (prefers
with the recent meta-analytical studies that show decisiveness, closure) over Perceiving (P) (desire
personality variables account for a small but flexibility, spontaneity). The most common occurring
important amount of variance in measures of work personality type, ISTJ, represents an Introverted,
performance (Furnham et al., 1999). Sensing, Thinking, and Judging individual. Specific
Hakimi et al. (2011) studied the relationships clinical curricular techniques that would appeal to
between personality traits and students’ academic these common personality types are identified, and an
achievement. Results revealed that personality traits explanation of their benefit is provided. Results of this
were significantly related to academic achievement. study demonstrated the importance of faculty
Stepwise regression analysis indicated personality understanding and acknowledging different student
characteristics accounted for 48 percent of variance in personality types and related learning preferences as
academic achievement. Results also showed that a way to initiate improvement of undergraduate
conscientious was the most important predictor dental education, promote student motivation, and
variable. Finally, there was no significant gender allow for an expression of learning style preference
differences in the personality characteristics and (Jessee et al., 2006).
academic achievement (Hakimi et al., 2011).

J. Educ. Manage. Stud., 6(4): 89-97, 2016

Kamarulzaman (2012) reviewed the effect of which to construe and conduct research upon learning
personality on learning styles. Costa and McCrae’s styles. The implications of the theory for educational
Five-Factor Model of Personality (The Big 5) was goals, couched in terms of learning styles, also are
explored against Kolb Learning Styles. The Big 5 discussed (Miller, 1991).
factors are extraversion, neuroticism, openness, Molinuevo and Torrubia (2013) aimed to
agreeableness, and conscientiousness, whereas Kolb determine whether personality is related to medical
Learning Styles are divergers, assimilators, convergers, students’ attitudes towards learning communication
and accommodators. The author discusses the Big 5 skills and self-ratings on communication skills. The
factors and Kolb Learning Styles, issues relating to students completed the Communications Skills
personality and learning styles, and critical review of Attitudes Scale and rated their own communication
effect of the Big 5 factors and Kolb Learning Styles. It skills. Results revealed that medical students with
was concluded that personality has an effect on higher scores on psychoticism or aggression-hostility
learning styles when it comes to the Big 5 factors and showed worse attitudes. Students who tended to have
Kolb Learning Styles (Kamarulzaman, 2012). Major et a better self-image scored higher on extraversion,
al., (2006) investigated links between the Big Five, psychoticism, impulsive-sensation seeking, or
proactive personality, and motivation to learn. Results aggression-hostility traits. The authors concluded that
showed that proactive personality was, only in part, a the findings support the consideration of personality
composite of Big Five facets, which accounted for 26% traits for better student career guidance and
of its variance. Structural equation modeling results counseling (Molinuevo and Torrubia, 2013).
demonstrated that proactive personality, openness, Pornsakulvanich et al. (2012) performed an
extraversion, and conscientiousness predicted analysis of personality traits and learning styles as
motivation to learn. In addition, motivation to learn predictors of academic performance. They examined
was positively related to objectively assessed the influence of Big Five personality traits and learning
development activity. Proactive personality, styles on cognitive and affective academic
extraversion, and openness had significant indirect performance, and gender differences in learning styles
links to development activity. Results suggested that in Thailand. Results indicated that personality traits
proactive personality had significant incremental found to be better predictors of cognitive and affective
validity in the prediction of motivation to learn over all academic performance than did learning styles.
relevant Big Five facets (Major et al., 2006). Conscientiousness was a significant contributor of
Matangi (2013) studied the personality and academic performance. Among five personality traits,
learning preference interactions of women in tertiary Conscientiousness, Openness, and Agreeableness
education. The dominating personalities were significantly predicted cognitive academic
extrovert and openness, whilst the dominating performance, whereas Conscientiousness, Openness,
learning styles were elaborative processing and Agreeableness, and Emotional Stability significantly
methodical study. The students understood the most predicted affective academic performance. Learning
when the lecture teaching method was utilized and styles were also related to cognitive academic
they recommended that attachment and e-learning be performance. Moreover, students in Business
co-opted to improve their academic performance. Administration reported higher scores in
Insignificant associations were exhibited between Conscientiousness, Agreeableness, and Emotional
personality and learning style, and consequently with Stability than those in Communication Arts. Results
preferred teaching method, and expected academic showed no significant differences in learning styles
qualification. This revealed diversity of students’ between genders (Pornsakulvanich et al., 2012).
personality and learning styles implying that the Rovai and Grooms (2004) studied the relationship
university’s lecturers had to employ a variety of of personality-based learning style preferences and
teaching methods to ensure high academic learning among online graduate students enrolled in
performance (Matangi, 2013). an online doctoral program that utilized the
Miller (1991) pointed out that attempts to Blackboard e-learning system. Two measures of
broaden conceptions of learning styles to represent learning—course grades and perceived learning—
more adequately individual differences in were used. According to the Myers-Briggs Type
motivation/emotion, as well as cognition, are limited Indicator, the majority of students in the sample were
by a paucity of relevant theory. Personality theories extraverts, intuitives, feelers, and judgers. This profile
should, but do not, provide a satisfactory conceptual differed from that of the general population on two
framework for this endeavor. In an attempt to remedy personality dimensions: sensing-intuition and judging-
this situation, a new personality typology is outlined perceiving. The general population tends to be
which, it is argued, provides a coherent system within sensors rather than intuitives and to be equally

Khatibi and Khormaee, 2016

distributed between judgers and perceivers. No especially useful traits for attaining high levels of
significant differences in learning were found based academic achievement (Verešová, 2015).
on learning styles. The implication for practice is that Wu and Lai (2010) studied the learning style and
an online course can achieve equity in learning for all personality type profiles of hospitality undergraduate
personality-based learning styles provided the course students of Taiwan and the United States. The
is designed to include elements that appeal to participants completed a questionnaire that included
students with different styles. However, what is not demographic information, Kolb’s Learning Style
known are the roles of motivation to learn and volition Inventory (LSI), and Personal Style Inventory (PSI).
for students to persist despite any incongruence Results revealed that the learning styles of the
between individual learning style and the course as participants from these two countries showed slight
presented (Rovai and Grooms, 2004). differences with the Taiwanese participants having
Sadeghi et al. (2012) aimed at reviewing the more assimilators and fewer accommodators than
relationship between learning styles, personality, and their U.S. counterparts (Wu and Lai, 2010).
reading comprehension performance. Their research Yanardöner et al. (2014) investigated the
on learning styles, personality types, and L2 dominant learning styles and personality traits, and
performance showed that there was a relationship their relationships. Results showed that the most
between personality types of the learners, the way frequently occurring learning style was ‘assimilator’,
they establish their learning styles, and their success and there was no significant relationship between the
in language learning (Sadeghi et al., 2012). various learning styles and gender, department, or
Salehi et al. (2014) studied the effect of Grade Point Average (GPA). Further findings showed
personality characteristics on the learning styles of that the most frequently occurring personality trait
students. Majority of the students had assimilator was ‘agreeableness’, and there was no significant
learning style; dimensions of personality traits relationship between their personality traits and
including extraversion, agreeableness, gender, department, or GPA. Finally, there was no
conscientiousness, openness to experience, and significant relationship between the students’ learning
neuroticism were in medium level. For the big five styles and their personality traits (Yanardöner et al.,
personality factors, except neuroticism, a consistent 2014).
positive association with learning styles was found Zimmerman et al. (2006) investigated differences
(Salehi et al., 2014). in learning styles and personality types among
Sepehri et al. (2013) discussed the legal aspects engineering students, agricultural systems
of determining personality, effectiveness of this action, management students, and faculty. Learning styles
and possibility of that in learning language. They and personality types were evaluated using the Group
concluded that learning how to learn is an Embedded Figures Test (GEFT) and Myers-Briggs Type
empowering experience, and discovering one's Indicator (MBTI), respectively. Mean values for the
learning style can lead to an increase in achievement GEFT for all three groups indicated a strong
and self-confidence. However, it is important to realize preference for the field-independent learning style.
that no one style is better than another, although There were no significant differences in MBTI type
many language school programs favor certain types of preferences between engineering students and
learners over others (Sepehri et al., 2013). faculty. However, the agricultural systems
Sharp (2008) examined the relationships between management students differed significantly from
personality and second language learning. The study faculty in their preference for Perceiving and from
placed emphasis on the importance of personality in engineering students in their preference for Sensing.
learning success and examined research evidence on Results of the study are useful in helping faculty better
the issue, discussing some of the inconsistent results understand and improve the teaching and learning
that have been obtained. No significant statistical process involving the two groups of students
relationships were found in this study (Sharp, 2008). (Zimmerman et al., 2006).
Verešová (2015) evaluated the learning strategy,
personality traits, and academic achievement of Learning Styles and Culture
university students. The author found a significant Jordan and Eleanor (1995) in the Chapter 27 of
relationship between all four learning strategies with the book called "Handbook of Research on
academic achievement and a positive relationship with Multicultural Education, under "Learning Styles and
personality traits Openness and Conscientiousness. Culturally Diverse Students: A Literature Review
Conscientiousness and Openness appear to facilitate a discussed in detail the relationship between learning
variety of effective learning strategies and may be styles and culture. The concept of learning styles is
based on the theory that an individual responds to

J. Educ. Manage. Stud., 6(4): 89-97, 2016

educational experiences with consistent behavior and profiles of students and faculty of different cultural
performance patterns. The complexity of the backgrounds and in larger scales are recommended.
construct, the psychometric problems related to its
measurement, and the enigmatic relationship Competing interests
between culture and the teaching and learning The authors declare that they have no competing
process means that the body of research on learning interests.
styles must be interpreted and applied carefully.
Analyses suggest that the widespread conclusions in
the literature that African American, Hispanic
American, and Indian students are field-dependent
Albert, E., Abrams, N.M., and Abrams, L.D. (2009).
learners who prosper academically when taught with
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field-dependent teaching strategies are premature
print. ed.). Los Angeles: SAGE Publications. ISBN
and conjectural. Research does not support the
supposition that members of a particular ethnic group
Aleksandrowicz, J.W., Klasa, K., Sobański, J.A., and
have the same learning style. The body of research
Stolarska, D. (2006). Neurotic Personality
does have implications for enhancing the academic
Questionnaire. Archives of Psychiatry and
achievement of culturally diverse students by
Psychotherapy, 1: 21-22.
reminding teachers to be alert to individual students'
Allan, M. (2003). Frontier crossings cultural dissonance,
learning styles as well as their own actions and
intercultural learning and the multicultural
methods in reference to their students' cultural
personality. Journal of Research in International
experiences and preferred learning environments
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(Jordan and Eleanor, 1995). Allan (2003) in an article
Ariani, D.W. (2013). Personality and learning
entitled frontier crossings cultural dissonance,
motivation. European Journal of Business and
intercultural learning, and the multicultural
Management, 5: 10-26.
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Bayram, S., Deniz, L., and Erdoğan, Y. (2008). The role
learning in an international school, particularly the
of personality traits in web- based education. The
role played by peer-group interaction. It identified the
Turkish Online Journal of Educational Technology
affective as well as cognitive processes involved, and
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highlighted the importance of cultural dissonance in a
Blickle, G. (1996). Personality traits, learning stratigies,
model intercultural learning that showed how
and performance. European Journal of
multiculturalism can be achieved, but also how the
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intermediate outcomes of ethnocentrism, adaptation
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and assimilation often result.
and environmental continuity in personality
development: A meta-analysis. Psychological
Bulletin, 140 (5): 1303–1331.
Carlson, N., et al. (2010). Psychology the Science of
This review of the current literature reveals that
Behavior. Pearson Canada, United States of
there has been a lot of research on the effect of
America, p. 438. ISBN 978-0-205-64524-4.
personality on learning processes in different age
Caspi,T.A., Chajut, E., Saporta, K., and Beyth-Marom, R.
groups and at different circumstances. Personality
(2006). The influence of personality on social
plays an important role that affects academic
participation in learning environments. Learning
achievement. Modern research has shown that
and Individual Differences, 16: 129-144.
individuals differ in specific human characteristics
Davis, G.A. (2006). Learning style and personality type
such as memory, motivation, decision-making, and
preferences of community development
learning. Perhaps, the most important outcome of
extension educators. Journal of Agricultural
these studies is that they provide an opportunity for
Education, 47 (1): 90-99.
faculty to learn more about the teaching and learning
De Feyter, T., Caers, R., Vigna, C., and Berings, D.
process and to reflect on their own teaching styles and
(2012). Unraveling the impact of the Big Five
practices. These studies have served as the basis for a
personality traits on academic performance: The
follow-up teaching improvement of teachers. Results
moderating and mediating effects of self-efficacy
of these studies are also useful in helping faculty
and academic motivation. Learning and Individual
better understand and improve the teaching and
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