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darcadd handbook


October 15, 2008

CADD has become an essential, every day tool throughout daily operation all over our design offices. Our
increased dependence upon the system, together with the complexity of our projects, necessitates that we
issue an agreed-upon set of standards for implementation by all departments based on National CADD
Standards ( NCS.)

On behalf of the Dar CADD Committee (DCC), I’d like to introduce the following set of guidelines for our immediate
implementation and usage. These guidelines have been designed to allow us to maintain a high-level of standard
in our projects, to help us increase our efficiency and productivity, and to simplify our internal and external project

I welcome your feedback and appreciate any input to further improve of these guidelines.

Joseph Hajjar

darcadd handbook revB, page 2

Table of Contents
1 Introduction 4

2 CADD Files 4


File naming 5 Discipline code designators 7

Drawing type code designators 8 Sheet type code

designators 11

3 Layers 12


Layer naming guideline

4 Color Table 13

5 Drawing Set Organization 14

Sheet organization Sheet sizes 15

6 Implementation Guidelines 15

File naming

Layer naming list

Sharing Data Sending files for plotting 16

Drafting concerns



darcadd handbook revB, page 3

1. Introduction
The power and potential of computer-aided design is based on the ability and efficiency to reuse and share information. The
standardization of CADD drawings (naming, layers, colors, pen plotting thickness, etc.) is crucial, in order to share information
within Dar offices and with external sub-consultants.

This handbook is designed to help you organize your electronic data for easier “information sharing” within Dar, and to serve as a
guideline for all CADD-related procedures. The following issues are developed for implementation:

• Standarization of electronic information

• Creation of a common-user environment
• Suggested standards/guides for structuring drawing files
• Introduction of quality control over users’ drawings.

2. CADD Files
Types 2/Sheet files
CADD files can be referenced by other CADD files to provide Sheet files contain one or more views of model(s). The
means of sharing, coordinating, and revising data. views are usually arranged within a border and also include
a title block with project/client/consultant information.
There are three (3) types of CADD files:
1. Model files (project-related)
2. Sheet files (project-related) In some cases - especially in smaller projects - model and sheet
3. Library/standard details/stock files (non-project related) data are combined in the same CADD file. In these instances, it
may be easier to manage sheet and model information, when it is
contained in a single file. Distinguishing between models and
sheets is useful because CADD drawings are generally
developed during design, long before the organization and
1/Model files layout of construction documents is known. Sheets provide a
Model files typically describe the building geometry and its means to bring stability and reference to the plotted construction
physical components (walls, doors, windows, etc.) The files are drawing, which needs to be more like a hand-drafted drawing.
full-size and are not to scale.

A sheet file is a ready-to-plot file that includes important

parameters such as scale, colors, pen width, line types and
weights (Please see Figure 1 for visual reference.)

darcadd handbook revB, page 4

2. cadd files cont.

Non project-related • The second two-character field represents the Drawing Type
Code. The allowable characters for these fields are listed on pages
3/ Library/standard details files 8-11.
These files are used as source of information and are reused • The final four-character field is user-definable and is based
for various projects. They include information for detailing, on project requirements.
schedule, text database, symbols, borders, template title
blocks, etc.
Example 1: The name for a simple architectural demolition plan
model file would be: A-DP.dwg
File naming
All users have the freedom and the flexibility to name their Example 2: For a building that has multiple floors, a
model files without following any standardized naming system. possible model file name for an architectural demolition plan
They can name their model files based on PM requirements or for floor 1 would be: A-DPF1.dwg
based on their own needs. However, a standardized naming
convention of all CADD files allows us to determine the contents
of a drawing file without actually displaying it. Standardized
naming also provides a convenient and clear structure for
organizing the drawing files within project directories. The
naming system is limited to eight-characters for a file name, in
order to be recognizable within the DOS operating system.
1/ Model files naming convention
Standardized naming for a CADD model file includes two sets Figure 2. How to name a model file
of two-character fields, followed by a four-character
user-definable field. (Please see Figure 2.)
The first two-character field represents the Discipline
Code. The allowable characters for these fields are listed on
page 7.

darcadd handbook revB, page 5

2. cadd files cont.
2/ Sheet files naming convention
Library files should never be edited/altered in the directory in
All users have the freedom and the flexibility to name their sheet files which they are stored. When a library file is needed, the file
without following any standardized naming system. They can name should always be copied into the relevant project directory and
their sheet files based on PM requirements or based on their own needs. assigned a new file name appropriate to the project. Only then
However, a standardized naming convention of all sheet files allows us can a library file be modified to suit the individual project
to determine the contents of a file without actually displaying it. requirements.
Standardized naming also provides a convenient and clear structure for
organizing the drawing files within project directories. The sheet file
naming method (Figure 1- 3) standardizes:
• The first two characters as the Discipline Code. The allowable
characters for these fields are listed on page 7.
• The third character as the Sheet Type Code Designator. The
allowable characters for these fields are listed on page 11.
• The fourth and fifth characters as the Sheet Sequence
• The remaining three characters are user-definable or project

Example 1: The file name for a simple architectural floor

plan sheet file would be: A-101.dwg

Example 2: For a building that is divided into multiple

quadrants and multiple floors, a possible sheet file name for an
architectural floor plan showing Floor 2, Quadrant C, might be:

The Project Name, Project Phase, Package Number, Building

Number… are optional fields that are added in some cases to the
sheet files’ names based on Project Manager requirements or
Project specifications.

3/ Library files naming convention

Library files should be named differently from project files
because the classification and indexing requirements are
different. Naming should be grouped by building systems,
assemblies, or usage, since this is the most frequent search
method of these file types. Uniformat numbers provide a useful
method for this type of organization.

darcadd handbook revB, page 6

Discipline Code Designators
It has been agreed to use the following designators for the Dar departments.

A Architecture
E Electrical
ID Interior Design
L Landscape
M Mechanical
S Structure
CB Bridges
X Information Technology (computer)
B Geotechnical
CM Marine
R Resources
CE Environmental
U Planning (Urban planning)
TR Transportation
O Operations
G General
V Survey and Mapping
H Hazardous Materials
Q Equipment
F Fire
P Plumbing
D Process
W Civil Works
T Telecommunication
Z Contractor shop drawings (not produced by Dar)

darcadd handbook revB, page 7

Drawing Type Code Designator
Discipline Code Definition Discipline Code Definition

General (G) SW Sewerage Works

BS Border Sheet SD Stormwater drainage
KP Keyplan FF Fire fighting
IR Irrigation
Survey and Mapping (V) SL Solid Waste
3D Isometric/3D WT Water treatment
DG Diagram ST Sewerage treatment
DP Demolition Plan DM Dams
D Detail DT Miscellaneous Details
EL Elevation GN General
EP Enlarged Plan UD Utility Disposition
SC Section SP Wastewater Treatment Plan
SP Survey and Mapping Plan
Civil/ Site (CT)
HTRW/ Environmental (CE) 3D Isometric/3D
3D Isometric/3D AF Airfield Plan
AB Asbestos Sample Location
DD Demolition Basin Detail AP Apron Striping Plan
DG Diagram DT Detail
DP Demolition Plan GP Grading Plan
DT Detail PM Project Location Map
ED Evapotranspiration Bed Detail SV Survey Plan
EL Elevation CS Cross-Section
EP Enlarged Plan PR Profile
EV Environmental Plan SM Signing & Marking Plan
FD Leachate Field Detail DE Detail Plan
GC Gas Collection System Detail MD Signing & Marking details
GR Ground Storage Resevoir Detail PP Plan Profile
HP Hydraulic Profile LP Layout Plan
LC Leachate Collection Detail TS Typical Sections
LD Lift Station Detail DP Demolition Plan
LF Landfill Liner and Cover Detail PL Plan
LP Lead Paint Sample Location SO Setting Out Tables
OD Oil Water Separator Detail
PP Pollution Prevention Plan Civil Works (W)
QP Equipment Plan 3D Isometric/3D
SC Section CP Civil Works Plan
CD Spill Containment Detail DG Diagram
TS Septic Tank Detail DP Demolition Plan
WD Water Supply Building Detail DT Detail
WP Water Treatment Plan EL Elevation
ET Elevated Water Tank Detail EP Enlarged Plan
WW Water works QP Equipment Plan
SC Section

darcadd handbook rev% , page 8

drawing type cont.
Discipline Code Definition Discipline Code Definition

Geotechnical (B) Structural (S) cont.

3D Isometric/3D RD Roof Framing Detail
BL Boring Location RF Roof Framing Plan
DG Diagram RP Reinforcement Plan
DP Demolition Plan RS Roof Framing Section
DT Detail SC Section
EL Elevation SF Stair Framing Plan
EP Enlarged Plan TB Truss Bracing Plan
LB Boring Log TE Truss Elevation
QP Equipment Plan WG Wind Girt Elevation
SA Stability Access
SC Section Architectural (A)
SP Soil Profile 3D Isometric/3D
AC Area Calculations
Landscape Architecture (L) BE Building Elevation (Exterior)
3D Isometric/3D BS Building Section
AD Arbor Detail CP Reflected Ceiling Plan
DG Diagram CW Casework Detail
DP Demolition Plan DD Door Detail
DT Detail DG Diagram
EL Elevation DP Demolition Plan
EP Enlarged Plan DT Detail
IP Irrigation Plan ED Exterior Detail
LP Landscape Plan EL Elevation
QP Equipment Plan EP Enlarged Plan
SC Section FP Floor Plan
TP Turfing Plan IE Interior Elevation
KP Keyplan
Structural (S) LS Life Safety Plan
3D Isometric/3D NP Finish Plan
CP Column Plan QP Equipment Plan
DG Diagram RP Roof Plan
DP Demolition Plan SC Section
DT Detail WD Window Detail
EL Elevation WS Wall Section
EP Enlarged Plan
FD Foundation Detail Interior Design ,'
FP Foundation Plan 3D Isometric/3D
FS Foundation Section AP Artwork Placement Plan
JL Joist Girder Load Diagram CP Ceiling Plan
MD Masonry Detail DG Diagram
PP Precast Panel Layout Plan DP Demolition Plan
QP Equipment Plan DT Detail
EL Elevation
EP Enlarged Plan

darcadd handbook rev%, page 9

drawing type cont.
Discipline Code Definition Discipline Code Definition

Interior Design ,' cont. Mechanical (M)

NP Finish Plan 3D Isometric/3D
QP Equipment Plan CD Control Detail
RP Furniture Plan CP Control Plan
SC Section CS Control Schematic
SD Signage Detail DG Diagram
SP Signage Placement Plan DP Demolition Plan
WP System/Prewired Workstation Plan DT Detail
WT System Workstation Typical EL Elevation
Equipment (Q) EP Enlarged Plan
3D Isometric/3D HC HVAC Condensate Riser Diagram
DG Diagram HD HVAC Detail
DP Demolition Plan HP HVAC Ductwork Plan
DT Detail HR HVAC Riser Diagram
EL Elevation HX HVAC Demolition Plan
EP Enlarged Plan MD Machine Design Plan
KP Kitchen Plan MH Material Handling Plan
QP Equipment Plan PP Piping Plan
SC Section QP Equipment Plan
SP Security Plan SC Section
SP Specialty Piping Plan
Fire Protection/Suppression (F) FU Fuel Utilities Plan
3D Isometric/3D GA Gas Utilities Plan
DG Diagram QP Equipment Plan
DP Demolition Plan WA Domestic Water Plan
DT Detail
EL Elevation Electrical (E)
EP Enlarged Plan 3D Isometric/3D
FS Fire Suppression Plan AP Auxiliary Power Plan
KP Sprinkler Plan CP Communication Plan
QP Equipment Plan CR Communication Riser
SC Section CX Communication Demolition Plan
VP Evacuation Plan DG Diagram
DP Demolition Plan
Plumbing (P) DT Detail
3D Isometric/3D EL Elevation
DG Diagram EP Enlarged Plan
DP Demolition Plan GE General
DT Detail GP Grounding Plan
EL Elevation LD Lighting Fixture Detail
EP Enlarged Plan LP Lighting Plan
PP Plumbing Plan LR Lighting Protection Plan
PR Plumbing Riser Diagram LX Lighting Plan - Demolition
PP Power Plan

darcadd handbook rev, page 10

drawing type cont.
Discipline Code Definition

Electrical (E) cont.

PR Power Riser
PX Power Plan - Demolition
QP Equipment Plan
SC Section
EU Electrical Utilities Plan

Telecommunications (T)
3D Isometric/3D
CD Communication System Plan
DG Diagram
DP Demolition Plan
DT Detail
EL Elevation
EP Enlarged Plan
QP Equipment Plan
SC Section
TP Telephone/Data Plan

Sheet Type Code Designator

0 General (symbols, legend, notes, etc.)
1 Plans (horizontal views)
2 Elevations (vertical views)
3 Sections (Sectional views)
4 Large Scale (plans, elevations, or sections that are not details)
5 Details
6 Schedules and Diagrams
7 User Defined
8 User Defined
9 3D Views (isometrics, perspectives, photographs)

darcadd handbook reYB, page 11

3. Layers
General Status (phase) field
The “layer” is the basic tool used in CADD for managing and This is the last field; it is an optional one-character field
categorizing graphical and visual information within CADD designator that differentiates the status of work or
files. By turning layers on/off, changing their colors, line types construction phases. The prescribed field codes for this field
and line weight, different views and plots may be defined. are as follows:

N New work
The efficiency of a good layering system depends primarily on E Existing to remain
D Existing to be demolished
the integrity of the relevant data and a standardized layer naming
system. The data is the responsibility of the CADD operator; he F Future work
must keep the file data layer-dependent in terms of color, and T Temporary work
line types/weight/thickness. M Items to be moved
X Not in contract
1-9 Phase numbers
While the standardized naming system is simply a way to
streamline a procedure, these guidelines are designed to be
For a complete and updated list of basic layers, kindly
structured in a more fluid hierarchy that accommodates
consult Appendix A which includes the master basic list of
expansion and user-defined extensions to the layer list.
layers used in each department. Note that users can create
additional layers based on project needs or based on their
own requirements.
Layer naming guideline Each layer on the layer list has been assigned a color. This
The layer naming system consists of five fields as follows (_ color has been selected in accordance to the plotting thickness
_- _ _ _ _ - _ _ _ _ - _ _ _ _ - _) of the relevant data stored on this layer and the normal scale of
Discipline code
The first field is the discipline code, or the originator of the If another reduced scale is needed, the layer color will not be
data, which consists of a two-character field. Defined code altered. The color pen table should accommodate the need.
for agent responsible are listed before under “Discipline
Code Designators” on page 7.
The table in Section 4 shows the color to pen thickness
A Architecture
protocol as agreed upon by the Dar CADD Committee.
E Electrical
M Mechanical, etc.

Major group
The second field is the major group. It is a four-character
field that identifies a major building system. User-defined
major group field codes are not permitted.

Minor group
The third and fourth fields are minor groups; they are
optional four-character fields, each for further
differentiation of the major group. User-defined minor
groups are permitted.

darcadd handbook revB, page 12

4. Color to Pen Thickness Assignment Table

50 = Yellow

90 = Green

130 = Cyan

170 = Blue
10 = Red

0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 130 140 150 160 170 180 190 200 210 220 230 240 250

0 0.18 0.18 0.18 0.18 0.18 0.18 0.18 0.18 0.18 0.18 0.18 0.18 0.18 0.18 0.18 0.18 0.18 0.18 0.18 0.18 0.18 0.18 0.18 0.18 0.25

Red = 1 0.18 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.35

Most used pens in visible range

Yellow = 2 0.25 0.35 0.35 0.35 0.35 0.35 0.35 0.35 0.35 0.35 0.35 0.35 0.35 0.35 0.35 0.35 0.35 0.35 0.35 0.35 0.35 0.35 0.35 0.35 0.35 0.50

Green = 3 0.35 0.50 0.50 0.50 0.50 0.50 0.50 0.50 0.50 0.50 0.50 0.50 0.50 0.50 0.50 0.50 0.50 0.50 0.50 0.50 0.50 0.50 0.50 0.50 0.50 0.70

Cyan = 4 0.35 0.70 0.70 0.70 0.70 0.70 0.70 0.70 0.70 0.70 0.70 0.70 0.70 0.70 0.70 0.70 0.70 0.70 0.70 0.70 0.70 0.70 0.70 0.70 0.70 0.10

Blue = 5 0.50 0.10 0.10 0.10 0.10 0.10 0.10 0.10 0.10 0.10 0.10 0.10 0.10 0.10 0.10 0.10 0.10 0.10 0.10 0.10 0.10 0.10 0.10 0.10 0.10 0.40

Magenta = 6 0.10 0.30 0.30 0.30 0.30 0.30 0.30 0.30 0.30 0.30 0.30 0.30 0.30 0.30 0.30 0.30 0.30 0.30 0.30 0.30 0.30 0.30 0.30 0.30 0.30


Less used pens in less

= 7 0.30 0.70 0.70 0.70 0.70 0.70 0.70 0.70 0.70 0.70 0.70 0.70 0.70 0.70 0.70 0.70 0.70 0.70 0.70 0.70 0.70 0.70 0.70 0.70 0.70

visible range
Dark Gray = 8 0.35 0.35 0.35 0.35 0.35 0.35 0.35 0.35 0.35 0.35 0.35 0.35 0.35 0.35 0.35 0.35 0.35 0.35 0.35 0.35 0.35 0.35 0.35 0.35 0.35

Light Gray = 9 0.40 0.40 0.40 0.40 0.40 0.40 0.40 0.40 0.40 0.40 0.40 0.40 0.40 0.40 0.40 0.40 0.40 0.40 0.40 0.40 0.40 0.40 0.40 0.40 0.40

All shaded fields will be 20% half-tone.

darcadd handbook revB, page 13

5. Drawing Set Organization
1/Drawing area
Sheet Organization The drawing area is that portion of the sheet containing
Organizing a set of drawings is influenced by many factors, drawings, keynotes, key plans, schedules, and other
including project size, complexity, regulatory and client graphic and text data necessary to illustrate the work.
requirements, and type and number of contracts. The drawing area is divided into modules.

The most important aspect of sheet organization is the Individual drawings may comprise one or more drawing
sheet format. This section establishes a graphic layout that modules. Drawing modules containing graphic or textual
divides the sheet into the drawing area, the title block area, information are called “drawing blocks.” Each drawing
and the production data area. block is identified by the drawing area coordinate
The figure below illustrates the sheet organization, which
illustrates how sheets are divided into three main areas: The drawing modules are arranged in columns and rows.
1/Drawing area Columns are identified with numerical characters starting
2/Title block area with 1 and increasing to the right. Rows are identified
3/Production data area with alphabetical characters beginning at the bottom
starting with A and increasing toward the top of the
Each of these areas contains information concerning sheet.
construction or reference information, project management A corresponding letter and number therefore identify
or presentation information, and project production each module. A drawing block may be composed of one
information. or more drawing area modules and is identified based on
the lower left corner location.

Drawing Area Title Block Area

Border edge

Identification Block
Notes and key plan

Legend, Schedule,





Border edge

Binding strip Border edge

Revision block

Managment block
Border edge Sheet title block 12mm.
Sheet number block



Production Data Area

Paper edge

darcadd handbook revB, page 14

5. drawing set cont.
2/Title block area Many commercial sheet sizes are available - the ANSI, the ISO,
The title block area is the portion of a sheet that contains the and the Architectural sizes. All sheet sizes have a consistent
following information: project, client, designer, sheet sheet module within each system. The sheet size for each type
identification, and sheet management information. of sheet is an equal module to the next larger sheet size.

3/Production data area

The production data area of a sheet contains production For our purposes, we have found the ISO standard sheet sizes
information for that specific sheet. best to meet our requirements. The ISO standard sheet sizes are:

Sheet Sizes A4 210 x 297 mm

Common sheet sizes help ease storage and filing requirements A3 297 x 420 mm
of files’ hard copies. They also reduce multiple media A2 420 x 594 mm
requirements and maintain consistency in printed presentation A1 594 x 841 mm
material. The single most important determinant in selecting A0 841 x 1189 mm
the sheet size is to prepare a floor plan drawing on a single
An additional larger sheet has been made available as an
sheet without dividing the plan into sections.
option, for special needs of Planning and Transportation
departments. This size will have 200 mm extra to the
length of the A0 size to make it 841 x However,
When plans are divided, a key plan is necessary on each plan
the use of this sheet is subject to the approval of the
sheet to indicate the sector or quadrant location.
Project Manager on a case-by-case basis.

6. Implementation Guidelines
File naming A file is continued to be saved on the network with the same
The project manager will supply his/her team with the name until it is “finished” (typically a file is deemed finished
project sheet files names and the model files names in once it is submitted as a deliverable to a client.) Further
accordance with the standardized naming system set updates to the same file are considered the next stage or
previously. “revisions” and are to be marked accordingly (i.e. REV A, REV
B, etc.)
Layer naming list
 Base drawings
The current and updated list of layers can be found in Appendix
A. Departments are encouraged to add any new layer pertinent The department who is the originator of information
to their own needs, in accordance with the norms set (typically, the architecture department) will prepare a base
previously. drawing file. This base drawing will consist of a limited
number of layers with the basic information (i.e. walls,
Sharing data columns, grid, external dimensions) relevant to the use of
other departments. The base drawing will be saved on the
The sharing of data files in Dar should be conducted in a
originator department’s server and will only be updated with
manner that assures the integrity of information. At a stage
revision numbers by the person-incharge within each team.
when a file is ready to be shared by others for further
elaboration or for coordination purposes, it will be posted on
the network on the “P” drive in accordance to the QMS
procedure “IT Network Drive Structure.”

darcadd handbook revB, page 15

6. implementation guidelines cont.
n Reference of the base drawing Drafting concerns
Originators of base drawings will reference them as The following few points are of a drafting nature.
Xrefs from their respective location for further
elaboration, either in model or sheet files. Each n Drawing scale
department has the liberty to turn layers on/off, in the All drawn entities will be represented full size in mm (i.e.
referenced base drawings as well as to change color, line each mm of the drawn entity will be represented by one
types, pen width and pen weights to suit their respective CADD drawing unit.) Site plans and coordinate plans,
needs. which represents the actual site east and north
coordinates, will be the only exception. They will be
The optimization of the use of CADD is greatly drawn in meters (i.e. each drawing unit will represent
enhanced by subdividing the drawings to smaller sub one meter.)
drawings Xreferenced in the main model. (i.e. a file for
the grid, another for the columns, a third for the cores n Precision
etc.) The usage of Xrefs is greatly encouraged. All drawings will have at least three decimal digits
displayed at all times for the decimal linear units;
n Borders and title blocks degrees, minutes, and seconds for the angular units, or
As with base drawings, the department initiator of the four decimal digits for the decimal degrees.
project will prepare borders and title blocks. The file
containing this information shall be maintained n Base point
throughout the project and cannot be modified. All drawing files must have their origin base point at 0,0
No other title block files should be created by other and all drawn entities will be in the positive portion of
departments. This file will follow the same procedure the Cartesian axis For border drawings, the lower left
listed above for saving location and referencing by corner of the border will be at 0,0. Coordinate drawings
others. will have their entities drawn in real world coordinates.

Sending files for plotting n Insertion point

The insertion points for all referenced drawings will be
Plotting is done through an individual’s CADD software
at 0,0.
either by using “plotx0” command (in Beirut) or by
generating a plot file on the hard drive (in Cairo), then
sending the plot to the central plotting area. The plotting
operator will return the hard copy to the respective owner.

darcadd handbook revB, page 16

APPENDIX A: Layer Names 

Color Color Width
Layer Name DESCRIPTION Line Type Hue No. Line

G-ANNO-TTLB Border & Title Block, Stamp, North Sign Continuous 111 0.25
G-ANNO-NOTE General notes and general remarks Cancel notes Continuous 111 0.25
G-ANNO-SYMB Miscellaneous symbols Continuous 111 0.25
G-ANNO-LEGN Legends & Schedules Continuous 151 0.25
G-ANNO-TEXT Miscellaneous text and callouts with associated leader Continuous 211 0.25
lines and arrowheads

A-ANNO-DIMS Witness/extension lines, dimension arrow heads/ dots/ Continuous 21 0.25
slashes, dimension text
A-ANNO-KEYN Key notes with associated leader lines and arrowheads, Continuous 151 0.25
Con. Doc. keynotes
A-ANNO-NOTE General notes and general remarks Continuous 111 0.25
A-ANNO-NPLT Construction lines, reference targets, area calculations, Continuous 90 0.18
review comments, view port windows
A-ANNO-PATT Miscellaneous patterning, cross-hatching Continuous 80 0.18
A-ANNO-SYMB Miscellaneous symbols Continuous 111 0.25
A-ANNO-TEXT Miscellaneous text and callouts with associated leader Continuous 211 0.25
lines and arrowheads
A-ANNO-TEXS Small text size. Height = 1.5 to 2.5 mm x dwg scale Continuous 211 0.25
A-ANNO-TEXM Medium text size. Height = 3.0 to 4.5 mm x dwg scale Continuous 52 0.35
A-ANNO-TEXL Large text size. Height = 5.0 to 7.5 mm x dwg. scale Continuous 243 0.50
A-ANNO-XREF Reference files Continuous 90 0.18
A-GRID-IDEN Plan grid bubbles & text Continuous 161 0.25
A-GRID-LINE Lines connected to grid bubbles Dashdot 50 0.18
A-PKNG Parking symbols Continuous 191 0.25
A-PKNG-CARS Vehicles Continuous 61 0.25
A-PKNG-STRP Parking stalls Continuous 190 0.18
A-SITE Site - general Continuous 20 0.25
A-SITE-UTIL Site Architectural utilities, sports utilities Continuous 191 0.25
A-SITE-LNDS Site, Landscaping, Plants - Outdoor Continuous 191 0.25

Dar Beirut CAD Handbook B.1 -1 of 14 January 2004

Color Color Width
Layer Name DESCRIPTION Line Type Hue No. Line

Demolition Plan
A-ANNO-DIMS Witness/extension lines, dimension Continuous 21 0.25
arrowheads/dots/slashes, dimension text
A-ANNO-KEYN Key notes with associated leader lines and arrowheads, Continuous 151 0.25
Site Coordinate
A-ANNO-NOTE General notes and general remarks Cancel notes Continuous 111 0.25
A-ANNO-NPLT Construction lines, reference targets, area calculations, Continuous 90 0.18
review comments, view port windows, Plot identifier,
Hidden notes, parts, Construction tags
A-ANNO-PATT Miscellaneous patterning, cross-hatching Continuous 80 0.18
A-ANNO-SYMB Miscellaneous symbols Continuous 111 0.25
A-ANNO-TEXT Miscellaneous text and callouts with associated leader Continuous 211 0.25
lines and arrowheads
A-ANNO-TEXS Small text size. Height = 1.5 to 2.5 mm x dwg scale Continuous 211 0.25
A-ANNO-TEXM Medium text size. Height = 3.0 to 4.5 mm x dwg scale Continuous 52 0.35
A-ANNO-TEXL Large text size. Height = 5.0 to 7.5 mm x dwg. scale Continuous 243 0.50
A-ANNO-XREF Reference files Continuous 90 0.18
A-ANNO-LEGN Legends & Schedules Continuous 151 0.25
A-ANNO-REVS Revision clouds, Revision clouds identifier, Redline Continuous 210 0.18
A-ANNO-TARB Arabic Texts - ARBO Continuous 161 0.25
A-ANNO-TTLB Border & Title Block, Stamp, North Sign Continuous 111 0.25
A-DEMO-HAZW Hazardous waste Continuous 10 0.18
A-DEMO-IDEN Demolition tags Continuous 161 0.25
Status Layers
A-SITE-DEMO Demolition Continuous 10 0.18
A-SITE-EXST Existing to remain Continuous 110 0.18
A-SITE-MOVE Items to be moved Phantom 130 0.18
A-SITE-NICN Not in contract Continuous 220 0.18
A-SITE-PHS# Phase numbers(#=1-9) Continuous 181 0.18
A-SITE-RELO Relocated items Hidden 230 0.18
A-SITE-TEMP Temporary work Continuous 171 0.25
A-DOOR-DEMO Demolition Continuous 10 0.18
A-DOOR-EXST Existing to remain Continuous 110 0.18
A-DOOR-FUTR Future work Continuous 130 0.18
A-DOOR-MOVE Items to be moved Phantom 220 0.18
A-DOOR-NEWW New work Continuous 181 0.18
A-DOOR-NICN Not in contract Continuous 230 0.18
A-DOOR-PHS# Phase numbers (#=1-9) Continuous 171 0.25
A-DOOR-RELO Relocated items Hidden 10 0.18
A-DOOR-TEMP Temporary work Continuous 110 0.18
A-GLAZ-DEMO Demolition Continuous 130 0.18
A-GLAZ-EXST Existing to remain Continuous 220 0.18
A-GLAZ-FUTR Future work Continuous 181 0.25
A-GLAZ-MOVE Items to be moved Phantom 230 0.18

Dar Beirut CAD Handbook B.1 -2 of 14 January 2004

Color Color Width
Layer Name DESCRIPTION Line Type Hue No. Line

A-GLAZ-NEWW New work Continuous 171 0.25

A-GLAZ-NICN Not in contract Continuous 10 0.18
A-GLAZ-PHS# Phase numbers (#=1-9) Continuous 110 0.18
A-GLAZ-RELO Relocated items Hidden 130 0.18
A-GLAZ-TEMP Temporary work Continuous 220 0.18
A-WALL-DEMO Demolition Continuous 181 0.25
A-WALL-EXST Existing to remain Continuous 230 0.18
A-WALL-FUTR Future work Continuous 171 0.25
A-WALL-MOVE Items to be moved Phantom 10 0.18
A-WALL-NEWW New work Continuous 110 0.18
A-WALL-NICN Not in contract Continuous 130 0.18
A-WALL-PHS# Phase numbers (#=1-9) Continuous 220 0.18
A-WALL-RELO Relocated items Hidden 181 0.18
A-WALL-TEMP Temporary work Continuous 230 0.18
A-FLOR-DEMO Demolition Continuous 171 0.25
A-FLOR-EXST Existing to remain Continuous 10 0.18
A-FLOR-FUTR Future work Continuous 110 0.18
A-FLOR-MOVE Items to be moved Phantom 130 0.18
A-FLOR-NEWW New work Continuous 220 0.18
A-FLOR-NICN Not in contract Continuous 181 0.18
A-FLOR-PHS# Phase numbers (#=1-9) Continuous 230 0.18
A-FLOR-RELO Relocated items Hidden 171 0.25
A-FLOR-TEMP Temporary work Continuous 10 0.18
A-CLNG-DEMO Demolition Continuous 110 0.18
A-CLNG-EXST Existing to remain Continuous 130 0.18
A-CLNG-FUTR Future work Continuous 220 0.18
A-CLNG-MOVE Items to be moved Phantom 181 0.18
A-CLNG-NEWW New work Continuous 230 0.18
A-CLNG-NICN Not in contract Continuous 171 0.25
A-CLNG-PHS# Phase numbers (#=1-9) Continuous 10 0.18
A-CLNG-RELO Relocated items Hidden 110 0.18
A-CLNG-TEMP Temporary work Continuous 130 0.18
A-ROOF-DEMO Demolition Continuous 220 0.18
A-ROOF-EXST Existing to remain Continuous 181 0.25
A-ROOF-FUTR Future work Continuous 230 0.18
A-ROOF-MOVE Items to be moved Phantom 171 0.25
A-ROOF-NEWW New work Continuous 10 0.18
A-ROOF-NICN Not in contract Continuous 110 0.18
A-ROOF-PHS# Phase numbers (#=1-9) Continuous 130 0.18
A-ROOF-RELO Relocated items Hidden 220 0.18
A-ROOF-TEMP Temporary work Continuous 181 0.25
A-ELEV-DEMO Demolition Continuous 230 0.18
A- ELEV -EXST Existing to remain Continuous 171 0.25
A- ELEV -FUTR Future work Continuous 10 0.18
A- ELEV -MOVE Items to be moved Phantom 110 0.18
A- ELEV -NEWW New work Continuous 130 0.18
A- ELEV -NICN Not in contract Continuous 220 0.18
A- ELEV -PHS# Phase numbers (#=1-9) Continuous 181 0.18
A- ELEV -RELO Relocated items Hidden 230 0.18

Dar Beirut CAD Handbook B.1 -3 of 14 January 2004

Color Color Width
Layer Name DESCRIPTION Line Type Hue No. Line

A- ELEV -TEMP Temporary work Continuous 171 0.25

A-SECT-DEMO Demolition Continuous 10 0.18
A-SECT-EXST Existing to remain Continuous 110 0.18
A-SECT-FUTR Future work Continuous 130 0.18
A-SECT-MOVE Items to be moved Phantom 220 0.18
A-SECT-NEWW New work Continuous 181 0.25
A-SECT-NICN Not in contract Continuous 230 0.18
A-SECT-PHS# Phase numbers (#=1-9) Continuous 171 0.25
A-SECT-RELO Relocated items Hidden 10 0.18
A-SECT-TEMP Temporary work Continuous 110 0.18
A-FURN-DEMO Demolition Continuous 130 0.18
A-FURN-EXST Existing to remain Continuous 220 0.18
A-FURN-FUTR Future work Continuous 181 0.25
A-FURN-MOVE Items to be moved Phantom 230 0.18
A-FURN-NEWW New work Continuous 171 0.25
A-FURN-NICN Not in contract Continuous 10 0.18
A-FURN-PHS# Phase numbers (#=1-9) Continuous 110 0.18
A-FURN-RELO Relocated items Hidden 130 0.18
A-FURN-TEMP Temporary work Continuous 220 0.18
A-EQPM-DEMO Demolition Continuous 181 0.25
A-EQPM-EXST Existing to remain Continuous 230 0.18
A-EQPM-FUTR Future work Continuous 10 0.18
A-EQPM-MOVE Items to be moved Phantom 110 0.18
A-EQPM-NEWW New work Continuous 130 0.18
A-EQPM-NICN Not in contract Continuous 220 0.18
A-EQPM-PHS# Phase numbers (#=1-9) Continuous 181 0.25
A-EQPM-RELO Relocated items Hidden 230 0.18
A-EQPM-TEMP Temporary work Continuous 171 0.25

Dar Beirut CAD Handbook B.1 -4 of 14 January 2004

Color Color Width
Layer Name DESCRIPTION Line Type Hue No. Line

Floor Plan
General Information
A-ANNO-DIMS Witness/extension lines, dimension Continuous 21 0.25
arrowheads/dots/slashes, dimension text
A-ANNO-KEYN Keynotes with associated leader lines and arrowheads, Continuous 151 0.25
A-ANNO-NOTE General notes and general remarks Continuous 111 0.25
A-ANNO-NPLT Construction lines, reference targets, area calculations, Continuous 90 0.18
review comments, viewport windows
A-ANNO-PATT Miscellaneous patterning, cross-hatching Continuous 80 0.18
A-ANNO-SYMB Miscellaneous symbols Continuous 111 0.25
A-ANNO-TEXT Miscellaneous text and callouts with associated leader Continuous 211 0.25
lines and arrowheads
A-ANNO-TEXS Small text size. Height = 1.5 to 2.5 mm x dwg scale Continuous 211 0.25
A-ANNO-TEXM Medium text size. Height = 3.0 to 4.5 mm x dwg scale Continuous 52 0.35
A-ANNO-TEXL Large text size. Height = 5.0 to 7.5 mm x dwg. scale Continuous 243 0.50
A-ANNO-XREF Reference files Continuous 90 0.18
A-GRID-IDEN Plan grid bubbles & text Continuous 161 0.25
A-GRID-LINE Lines connected to grid bubbles Dashdot 50 0.18
A-COLS-ENCL Column enclosures/fire protection Continuous 112 0.35
A-COLS-CONC Concrete walls and columns Continuous 214 0.7
A-COLS-STEL Steel Columns Continuous 214 0.7
A-BEAM Framing member, Struct. steel, Framing extents Continuous 112 0.35
Floor Information
A-FLOR-FIXT Floor mounted/Free standing miscellaneous fixtures (not Continuous 210 0.18
including toilet fixtures) Appliances, Fireplace
A-FLOR-IDEN Room name, space identification text Continuous 161 0.25
A-FLOR-LEVL Level changes, shafts, ramps, pits, breaks in construction, Continuous 111 0.25
and depressions, Floor sign level
A-FLOR-NUMB Room/space identification number and symbol Continuous
A-FLOR-OTLN Floor outline/perimeter/ building footprint, Slab limit, Continuous 10 0.18
Projection line below
A-FLOR-PATT Material patterns (e.g., paving, tile, carpet) Continuous 30 0.18
A-FLOR-RAIS Access(raised)flooring Continuous 11 0.25
A-FLOR-RPRM Room perimeter shape (Interior walls)
A-FLOR-SIGN Signage Continuous 141 0.25
A-FLOR-SPCL Architectural specialties, toilet room accessories (floor Continuous 191 0.25
mounted only), display cases, stalls
A-FLOR Floor information Continuous 111 0.25
A-FLOR-OVHD Limit of floor above, Closet rods, Overhead items Hidden2 60 0.18
(skylights, overhangs)
A-FLOR-FNSH Floor finish Continuous 161 0.25
A-FLOR-RAMP Ramps arrows Continuous 141 0.25
A-FLOR-SADL Saddle, Checker plate, Channel Continuous 141 0.25

Dar Beirut CAD Handbook B.1 -5 of 14 January 2004

Color Color Width
Layer Name DESCRIPTION Line Type Hue No. Line

A-FLOR-VOID Void at mezzanine, Shafts Phantom 121 0.25

A-FLOR-EVTR Elevator cars and equipment Continuous 231 0.25
A-FLOR-STRS Stair risers/treads, escalators, ladders Continuous 111 0.25
A-FLOR-CSTR Concrete line for Stair Hidden2 90 0.18
A-FLOR-STHN Stair above, Handrail above Hidden2 90 0.18
A-FLOR-STHR Stair handrails Continuous 171 0.25
A-FLOR-STLD Stair Leader, Cut line for Stair Continuous 91 0.25
A-FLOR-HRAL Stair and balcony handrails, guardrails (except handicap Continuous 31 0.25
grab bars)
A-FLOR-CASE Case work (manufactured cabinets) Cupboards clinked to Continuous 171 0.25
A-FLOR-WDWK Architectural wood work (field built cabinets and counters) Continuous 21 0.25
A-FLOR-ACSP Access panel Continuous 11 0.25
A-WALL Walls Continuous 52 0.35
A-WALL-CAVI Cavity wall lines and insulation layer Continuous 31 0.25
A-WALL-CNTR Wall center lines Center2 191 0.25
A-WALL-CWMG Curtain wall mullions and glass, Wall glazed reinf. [conc. Continuous 11 0.25
Gypsum or plastic] Syst.
A-WALL-EXTR Exterior full height walls Continuous 22 0.35
A-WALL-FIRE Fire wall designators (patterning) Continuous 12 0.35
A-WALL-IDEN Wall identification /type text or tags Continuous 201 0.25
A-WALL-INTR Interior full height walls
A-WALL-MOVE Moveable walls/partitions Dashed 31 0.25
A-WALL-PATT Material pattern (e.g., insulation, hatching, and fill) Continuous 240 0.18
A-WALL-PRHT Partial height walls (do not appear on Reflected Ceiling Continuous 20 0.18
A-WALL-SPCL Wall-hung/attached specialties Continuous 21 0.25
A-WALL-CLAD Cladding for walls, Plaster on walls Continuous 11 0.25
A-WALL-JAMB Door and window jambs Continuous 51 0.25
A-WALL-HEAD Door and window headers (appear on Reflected Ceiling Hidden2 90 0.18
A-WALL-JAMB Door and window jambs (do not appear on Reflected Continuous 161 0.25
Ceiling Plan)
A-DOOR Doors Continuous 151 0.25
A-DOOR-IDEN Door number and symbol, hardware group, etc. Continuous 21 0.25
A-DOOR-PRHT Partial height door: swing and leaf Continuous 141 0.25
A-DOOR-SYMB Miscellaneous door symbols Continuous
A-GLAZ Window glazing Continuous 121 0.25
A-GLAZ-SILL Window sills Continuous 21 0.25
A-GLAZ-IDEN Window number and symbol Continuous 92 0.35
A-GLAZ-PRHT Windows and partial height glazed partitions Continuous 81 0.25

Dar Beirut CAD Handbook B.1 -6 of 14 January 2004

Color Color Width
Layer Name DESCRIPTION Line Type Hue No. Line

A-GLAZ-CASE Window and Door Casing Continuous 161 0.25

A-GLAZ-SILL Window sills Continuous 20 0.25
A-GLAZ-SWNG Window plan swing arc Continuous 150 0.25
A-LITE-CLNG Ceiling recessed lights, Electrical communication Continuous 123 0.5
A-LITE-EMER Emergency lights (use only when Electrical lighting Continuous 131 0.25
symbols are unavailable)
A-LITE-SURF Surface mounted lights (pendant, etc.) Continuous 151 0.25
A-LITE-WALL Wall mounted lights Continuous 141 0.25
A-HVAC-ODFF Other inlets and outlets (use only when Mechanical HVAC Continuous 21 0.25
symbols are unavailable)
A-HVAC-RDFF Ceiling return inlets (use only when Mechanical HVAC Continuous 131 0.25
symbols are unavailable)
A-HVAC-SDFF Ceiling supply diffusers (use only when Mechanical HVAC Continuous 151 0.25
symbols are unavailable)
Plumbing Fixtures
A-FLOR-PFIX Plumbing fixtures Continuous 140 0.18
A-FLOR-TPTN Toilet partitions and handicap grab bars Continuous 161 0.25
Sprinkler & Drain
A-SPRN Sprinklers Continuous 31 0.25
A-STRM Drainage symbols Continuous 191 0.25

Reflected Ceiling Plan

General Information
A-ANNO-DIMS Witness/extension lines, dimension Continuous 21 0.25
arrowheads/dots/slashes, dimension text
A-ANNO-KEYN Keynotes with associated leader lines and arrowheads, Continuous 151 0.25
Con Doc keynotes
A-ANNO-NOTE General notes and general remarks Continuous 111 0.25
A-ANNO-NPLT Construction lines, reference targets, area calculations, Continuous 90 0.18
review comments, viewport windows
A-ANNO-PATT Miscellaneous patterning, cross-hatching Continuous 80 0.18
A-ANNO-SYMB Miscellaneous symbols Continuous 111 0.25
A-ANNO-TEXT Miscellaneous text and callouts with associated leader Continuous 211 0.25
lines and arrowheads
A-ANNO-TEXS Small text size. Height = 1.5 to 2.5 mm x dwg scale Continuous 211 0.25
A-ANNO-TEXM Medium text size. Height = 3.0 to 4.5 mm x dwg scale Continuous 52 0.35
A-ANNO-TEXL Large text size. Height = 5.0 to 7.5 mm x dwg. scale Continuous 243 0.50
A-ANNO-XREF Reference files Continuous 90 0.18
A-GRID-IDEN Plan grid bubbles & text Continuous 161 0.25
A-GRID-LINE Lines connected to grid bubbles Dashdot 50 0.18
Ceiling Information
A-CLNG-ACCS Access panels, ceiling penetrations (see also A-FLOR- Continuous 220 0.18
OVHD in Model File Type: Floor Plan)
A-CLNG-CONT Ceiling control joints Continuous 151 0.25
A-CLNG-GRID Ceiling grid Continuous 231 0.25
A-CLNG-OPEN Ceiling/roof penetrations Hidden 232 0.35

Dar Beirut CAD Handbook B.1 -7 of 14 January 2004

Color Color Width
Layer Name DESCRIPTION Line Type Hue No. Line

A-CLNG-PATT Ceiling patterns (e.g., gypsum, plaster, user defined) Continuous 220 0.18
A-CLNG-TEES Main tees Continuous 232 0.35
A-CLNG-SUSP Suspended elements, ceiling mounted specialties (e.g., Continuous 241 0.25
clocks, fans, etc.)
A-CLNG Ceiling major features Continuous 151 0.25
A-CLNG-IDEN Finish tag: Ceiling Continuous 11 0.25
Roof Plan
General Information
A-ANNO-DIMS Witness/extension lines, dimension Continuous 21 0.25
arrowheads/dots/slashes, dimension text
A-ANNO-KEYN Keynotes with associated leader lines and arrowheads, Continuous 151 0.25
Con Doc keynotes
A-ANNO-NOTE General notes and general remarks Continuous 111 0.25
A-ANNO-NPLT Construction lines, reference targets, area calculations, Continuous 90 0.18
review comments, viewport windows
A-ANNO-PATT Miscellaneous patterning, cross-hatching, poche (see also Continuous 80 0.18
A-ANNO-SYMB Miscellaneous symbols Continuous 111 0.25
A-ANNO-TEXT Miscellaneous text and callouts with associated leader Continuous 211 0.25
lines and arrowheads
A-ANNO-TEXS Small text size. Height = 1.5 to 2.5 mm x dwg scale Continuous 211 0.25
A-ANNO-TEXM Medium text size. Height = 3.0 to 4.5 mm x dwg scale Continuous 52 0.35
A-ANNO-TEXL Large text size. Height = 5.0 to 7.5 mm x dwg. scale Continuous 243 0.50
A-ANNO-XREF Reference files Continuous 90 0.18
A-GRID-IDEN Plan grid bubbles & text Continuous 161 0.25
A-GRID-LINE Lines connected to grid bubbles Dashdot 50 0.18
Roof Information
A-ROOF-CRTS Crickets flow arrows flow info Continuous 90 0.18
A-ROOF-DRNS Roof drains Continuous
A-ROOF-EDGE Roof internal gutters Continuous 20 0.18
A-ROOF-EXPN Expansion joints Continuous 221 0.25
A-ROOF-HRAL Stair handrails, nosings, guard rails Continuous 40 0.18
A-ROOF-LEVL Level changes Continuous 21 0.25
A-ROOF-OTLN Roof perimeter/edge, roof geometry Continuous 20 0.18
A-ROOF-PATT Roof surface patterns, hatching Continuous 40 0.18
A-ROOF-SPCL Roof specialties, accessories, access hatches Continuous 80 0.18
A-ROOF-STRS Stair risers/treads, ladders Hidden 40 0.18
A-ROOF-WALK Roof walkways Continuous 90 0.18
A-ROOF Roof Continuous 21 0.25
A-ROOF-IDEN Roof slope information Continuous 21 0.25

Dar Beirut CAD Handbook B.1 -8 of 14 January 2004

Color Color Width
Layer Name DESCRIPTION Line Type Hue No. Line

Elevations (Exterior & Interior)

General Information
A-ANNO-DIMS Witness/extension lines, dimension Continuous 21 0.25
arrowheads/dots/slashes, dimension text
A-ANNO-KEYN Keynotes with associated leader lines and arrowheads Continuous 151 0.25
A-ANNO-NOTE General notes and general remarks Continuous 111 0.25
A-ANNO-NPLT Construction lines, reference targets, area calculations, Continuous 90 0.18
review comments, viewport windows
A-ANNO-PATT Miscellaneous patterning, cross-hatching Continuous 80 0.18
A-ANNO-SYMB Miscellaneous symbols Continuous 111 0.25
A-ANNO-TEXT Miscellaneous text and callouts with associated leader Continuous 211 0.25
lines and arrowheads
A-ANNO-TEXS Small text size. Height = 1.5 to 2.5 mm x dwg scale Continuous 211 0.25
A-ANNO-TEXM Medium text size. Height = 3.0 to 4.5 mm x dwg scale Continuous 52 0.35
A-ANNO-TEXL Large text size. Height = 5.0 to 7.5 mm x dwg. scale Continuous 243 0.50
A-GRID-IDEN Plan grid bubbles & text Continuous 161 0.25
A-GRID-LINE Lines connected to grid bubbles Dashdot 50 0.18
A-ELEV-CASE Wall-mounted case work Continuous 81 0.25
A-ELEV-FIXT Miscellaneous fixtures Continuous 81 0.25
A-ELEV-FNSH Finishes, woodwork, trim Continuous 21 0.25
A-ELEV-IDEN Component identification numbers Continuous 82 0.35
A-ELEV-OTLN Building outlines Continuous 81 0.25
A-ELEV-PATT Textures and hatch patterns Continuous 80 0.18
A-ELEV-PFIX Plumbing fixtures Continuous 141 0.25
A-ELEV-SIGN Signage Continuous 111 0.25
A-ELEV-BACK Elevation, back view, far distance Continuous 21 0.25
A-ELEV-FRNT Elevation, front view and near distance Continuous 53 0.5
A-ELEV-MIDL Elevation, mid tone and distance Continuous 41 0.25

Building Sections
General Information
A-ANNO-DIMS Witness/extension lines, dimension Continuous 21 0.25
arrowheads/dots/slashes, dimension text
A-ANNO-KEYN Keynotes with associated leader lines and arrowheads Continuous 151 0.25
A-ANNO-NOTE General notes and general remarks Continuous 111 0.25
A-ANNO-NPLT Construction lines, reference targets, area calculations,… Continuous 90 0.18
A-ANNO-PATT Miscellaneous patterning, cross-hatching Continuous 80 0.18
A-ANNO-SYMB Miscellaneous symbols Continuous 111 0.25
A-ANNO-TEXT Miscellaneous text and callouts with associated leader Continuous 211 0.25
lines and arrowheads
A-ANNO-TEXS Small text size. Height = 1.5 to 2.5 mm x dwg scale Continuous 211 0.25
A-ANNO-TEXM Medium text size. Height = 3.0 to 4.5 mm x dwg scale Continuous 52 0.35
A-ANNO-TEXL Large text size. Height = 5.0 to 7.5 mm x dwg. scale Continuous 243 0.50
A-GRID-IDEN Plan grid bubbles & text Continuous 161 0.25
A-GRID-LINE Lines connected to grid bubbles Dashdot 50 0.18

Dar Beirut CAD Handbook B.1 -9 of 14 January 2004

Color Color Width
Layer Name DESCRIPTION Line Type Hue No. Line

A-SECT-IDEN Component identification numbers, Continuous 111 0.25
A-SECT-MBND Material beyond section cut Continuous 241 0.25
A-SECT-MCUT Material cut by section Continuous 243 0.5
A-SECT-PATT Textures and hatch patterns Continuous 90 0.18
A-SECT-FNSH Marble, Stone etc. Continuous 91 0.25

Dar Beirut CAD Handbook B.1 -10 of 14 January 2004

Color Color Width
Layer Name DESCRIPTION Line Type Hue No. Line

General Information
A-ANNO-DIMS Witness/extension lines, dimension Continuous 21 0.25
arrowheads/dots/slashes, dimension text
A-ANNO-NPLT Construction lines, reference targets, area calculations, Continuous 151 0.25
review comments
A-ANNO-PATT Miscellaneous patterning Continuous 80 0.18
A-ANNO-SYMB Reference bubbles, match lines and break lines Continuous 111 0.25
A-ANNO-TEXT Miscellaneous text and callouts with associated leader Continuous 211 0.25
lines and arrowheads
A-ANNO-TEXS Small text size. Height = 1.5 to 2.5 mm x dwg scale Continuous 211 0.25
A-ANNO-TEXM Medium text size. Height = 3.0 to 4.5 mm x dwg scale Continuous 52 0.35
A-ANNO-TEXL Large text size. Height = 5.0 to 7.5 mm x dwg. scale Continuous 243 0.50
A-GRID-IDEN Plan grid bubbles & text Continuous 161 0.25
A-GRID-LINE Lines connected to grid bubbles Dashdot 50 0.18
Detail Information
A-DETL-GENF General features (miscellaneous items) Continuous 211 0.25
A-DETL-BLCK Blocking, furring and spacers Continuous 8 0.35
A-DETL-CABS Cabinets Continuous 3 0.35
A-DETL-CALK Caulking and sealant Continuous 8 0.35
A-DETL-CEIL Ceiling materials Continuous 3 0.35
A-DETL-EXTR Extrusions and formed shapes Continuous 8 0.35
A-DETL-EXWL Exterior wall materials Continuous 2 0.25
A-DETL-FAST Fastener Continuous 3 0.35
A-DETL-FLOR Floor materials Continuous 1 0.18
A-DETL-FLSH Flashing Continuous 4 0.35
A-DETL-GLAZ Glazing Continuous 1 0.18
A-DETL-GRLS Grilles and louvers Continuous 8 0.35
A-DETL-HDWR Hardware Continuous 1 0.18
A-DETL-INSL Insulation Continuous 8 0.35
A-DETL-ITWL Interior wall materials Continuous 1 0.18
A-DETL-MASY Masonry Continuous 2 0.25
A-DETL-PIPE Piping Continuous 1 0.18
A-DETL-ROOF Roof materials Continuous 5 0.50
A-DETL-STRC Structural features Continuous 6 1
A-DETL-TRIM Trim Continuous 8 0.35
A-DETL-IDEN Detail tags or identifier Continuous 91 0.25

Dar Beirut CAD Handbook B.1 -11 of 14 January 2004

Color Color Width
Layer Name DESCRIPTION Line Type Hue No. Line

Dar Beirut CAD Handbook B.1 -12 of 14 January 2004

Color Color Width
Layer Name DESCRIPTION Line Type Hue No. Line

Finish and Fixed furniture Plan

General Information
A-ANNO-DIMS Witness/extension lines, dimension Continuous 21 0.25
arrowheads/dots/slashes, dimension text
A-ANNO-KEYN Keynotes with associated leader lines and arrowheads, Continuous 151 0.25
Con Doc keynotes
A-ANNO-NOTE General notes and general remarks Continuous 111 0.25
A-ANNO-NPLT Construction lines, reference targets, area calculations, Continuous 90 0.18
review comments, viewport windows
A-ANNO-PATT Miscellaneous patterning, cross-hatching, poche Continuous 80 0.18
A-ANNO-SYMB Miscellaneous symbols Continuous 111 0.25
A-ANNO-TEXT Miscellaneous text and callouts with associated leader Continuous 211 0.25
lines and arrowheads
A-ANNO-TEXS Small text size. Height = 1.5 to 2.5 mm x dwg scale Continuous 211 0.25
A-ANNO-TEXM Medium text size. Height = 3.0 to 4.5 mm x dwg scale Continuous 52 0.35
A-ANNO-TEXL Large text size. Height = 5.0 to 7.5 mm x dwg. scale Continuous 243 0.50
A-ANNO-XREF Reference files Continuous 90 0.18
A-FURN-PATT Finish patterns Continuous
A-FURN Furniture work surface components and Office panels Continuous 231 0.25

Equipment Plan
General Information
A-ANNO-DIMS Witness/extension lines, dimension Continuous 21 0.25
arrowheads/dots/slashes, dimension text
A-ANNO-KEYN Keynotes with associated leader lines and arrowheads, Continuous 151 0.25
Con Doc keynotes
A-ANNO-NOTE General notes and general remarks Continuous 111 0.25
A-ANNO-NPLT Construction lines, reference targets, area calculations, Continuous 90 0.18
review comments, viewport windows
A-ANNO-PATT Miscellaneous patterning, cross-hatching, poche Continuous 80 0.18
A-ANNO-SYMB Miscellaneous symbols Continuous 111 0.25
A-ANNO-TEXT Miscellaneous text and callouts with associated leader Continuous 211 0.25
lines and arrowheads
A-ANNO-TEXS Small text size. Height = 1.5 to 2.5 mm x dwg scale Continuous 211 0.25
A-ANNO-TEXM Medium text size. Height = 3.0 to 4.5 mm x dwg scale Continuous 52 0.35
A-ANNO-TEXL Large text size. Height = 5.0 to 7.5 mm x dwg. scale Continuous 243 0.50
A-ANNO-XREF Reference files Continuous 90 0.18
Area Information
A-EQPM-ACCS Equipment access Continuous 91 0.25
A-EQPM-CLNG Ceiling mounted or suspended equipment Hidden 91 0.25
A-EQPM-FIXD Fixed equipment Continuous 91 0.25
A-EQPM-IDEN Equipment identification numbers Hidden 91 0.25

Dar Beirut CAD Handbook B.1 -13 of 14 January 2004

Color Color Width
Layer Name DESCRIPTION Line Type Hue No. Line

Life Safety Plan

General Information
A-ANNO-DIMS Witness/extension lines, dimension Continuous 21 0.25
arrowheads/dots/slashes, dimension text
A-ANNO-KEYN Keynotes with associated leader lines and arrowheads, Continuous 151 0.25
Con Doc keynotes
A-ANNO-NOTE General notes and general remarks Continuous 111 0.25
A-ANNO-NPLT Construction lines, reference targets, area calculations, Continuous 90 0.18
review comments, viewport windows
A-ANNO-PATT Miscellaneous patterning, cross-hatching, poche Continuous 80 0.18
A-ANNO-SYMB Miscellaneous symbols Continuous 111 0.25
A-ANNO-TEXT Miscellaneous text and callouts with associated leader Continuous 211 0.25
lines and arrowheads
A-ANNO-TEXS Small text size. Height = 1.5 to 2.5 mm x dwg scale Continuous 211 0.25
A-ANNO-TEXM Medium text size. Height = 3.0 to 4.5 mm x dwg scale Continuous 52 0.35
A-ANNO-TEXL Large text size. Height = 5.0 to 7.5 mm x dwg. scale Continuous 243 0.50
A-ANNO-XREF Reference files Continuous 90 0.18
Life Safety
A-LSFT-EGRE Egress requirements designator Continuous 151 0.25
A-LSFT-EQPM Fire equipment (fire extinguishers) Continuous 111 0.25
A-LSFT-TRVL Travel distances Continuous 90 0.18
A-LSFT-WALL Wall fire ratings (see also A-WALL-FIRE on Model File Continuous 80 0.18
Type: Floor Plan)

Area calculations/Occupancy Plan

General Information
A-ANNO-DIMS Witness/extension lines, dimension Continuous 21 0.25
arrowheads/dots/slashes, dimension text
A-ANNO-KEYN Keynotes with associated leader lines and arrowheads, Continuous 151 0.25
Con Doc keynotes
A-ANNO-NOTE General notes and general remarks Continuous 111 0.25
A-ANNO-NPLT Construction lines, reference targets, area calculations, Continuous 90 0.18
review comments, view port windows
A-ANNO-PATT Miscellaneous patterning, cross-hatching, poche Continuous 80 0.18
A-ANNO-SYMB Miscellaneous symbols Continuous 111 0.25
A-ANNO-TEXT Miscellaneous text and callouts with associated leader Continuous 211 0.25
lines and arrowheads
A-ANNO-TEXS Small text size. Height = 1.5 to 2.5 mm x dwg scale Continuous 211 0.25
A-ANNO-TEXM Medium text size. Height = 3.0 to 4.5 mm x dwg scale Continuous 52 0.35
A-ANNO-TEXL Large text size. Height = 5.0 to 7.5 mm x dwg. scale Continuous 243 0.50
A-ANNO-XREF Reference files Continuous 90 0.18
Area Information
A-AREA-IDEN Room numbers, tenant identifications, area calculations Continuous 91 0.25
A-AREA-LINE Architectural area calculation boundary lines, Space Continuous 243 0.5
A-AREA-OCCP Occupant or employee names Continuous 81 0.25
A-AREA-PATT Area cross hatching Continuous 250 0.18

Dar Beirut CAD Handbook B.1 -14 of 14 January 2004

Uncontrolled copy


Pen Color
Layer Category Layer Description Layer Name Layer Type Width Number

Annotations Annotation, cutlines in Plans & sections S-anno-cutl Phantom2 0.18 1

Annotations Dimension Lines in Plans & Sections S-anno-dims Continuous 0.18 1

Annotations Grid Center Lines S-anno-grid Centere 0.18 20

Annotations Grid Dimension Lines S-anno-grid-dims Continuous 0.18 20

Annotations Grid Identification number S-anno-grid-iden Continuous 0.35 3

Annotations Grid Circles S-anno-grid-labl Continuous 0.18 60

Annotations Levels in Plans , Elevations & Sections S-anno-levl Continuous 0.25 11

Annotations Leaders in Plans & Sections S-anno-mark Continuous 0.18 10

Annotations Hatch Pattern S-anno-patt 0.18 10

Annotations Projection lines S-anno-proj Continuous 0.18 10

Annotations X-references Attachments S-anno-refr 0 0

Annotations Revisions Cloud S-anno-revc Continuous 0.18 1

Annotations Data tables, continuous line with 0.25 thickness S-anno-tabl-lc25 Continuous 0.25 111

Annotations Data tables, continuous line with 0.35 thickness S-anno-tabl-lc35 Continuous 0.35 232

Annotation Text in english to be plotted at 2mm hight S-anno-text-te20 0.18 60

Annotation Text in english to be plotted at 3mm hight S-anno-text-te30 0.30 56

Annotation Text in english to be plotted at 4mm hight S-anno-text-te40 0.40 99

Annotation Text in english to be plotted at 6mm hight S-anno-text-te60 0.50 5

Beams Concrete Beams S-beam-conc Continuous 0.25 41

Beams Hidden Concrete Beams S-beam-conc-hidd Hidden 0.25 111

Beams Beams, Pre-cast concrete S-beam-pcst Continuous 0.25 41

Steel Works Beams, steel, / steel (barbed wire / chain link ) / steel stud S-beam-stel Continuous 0.25 121
Beams, steel, / steel (barbed wire / chain link ) / steel stud, Objects or
Steel Works lines hidden from view S-beam-stel-hidd Hidden 0.25 61
Beams, steel, / steel (barbed wire / chain link ) / steel stud, material cut
Steel Works by view S-beam-stel-mcut Continuous 0.50 53

Columns Columns S-cols Continuous 0.25 161

Columns Columns, Objects or lines hidden from view S-cols-hidd Hidden 0.25 161

Columns Columns, material cut by view S-cols-mcut Continuous 0.40 169

Uncontrolled copy

Steel Works Columns, steel, / steel (barbed wire / chain link ) / steel stud S-cols-stel Continuous 0.25 121
Columns, steel, / steel (barbed wire / chain link ) / steel stud, Objects or
Steel Works lines hidden from view S-cols-stel-hidd Hidden 0.25 61
Columns, steel, / steel (barbed wire / chain link ) / steel stud, material
Steel Works cut by view S-cols-stel-mcut Continuous 0.50 53

Foundation Foundation, Footings S-fndn-ftng Continuous 0.25 121

Foundation Foundation, Footings, Objects or lines hidden from view S-fndn-ftng-hidd Hidden 0.25 61

Foundation Foundation, Pile caps S-fndn-pcap Continuous 0.25 121

Foundation Foundation, Piles S-fndn-pile Continuous 0.25 121

Foubdation Foundation, Piles, Objects or lines hidden from view S-fndn-pile-hidd Hidden 0.25 121

Foundation Foundation, Piles, material cut by view S-fndn-pile-mcut Continuous 0.40 69

Foundation Foundation, raft foundation S-fndn-raft Continuous 0.25 141

Foundation Foundation, reinforcing bar, Bottom group 1 S-fndn-rbar-bot1 Continuous 0.40 109

Foundation Foundation, reinforcing bar, Top group 1 S-fndn-rbar-top1 Dashed 0.40 109

Joints Joints S-jnts Continuous 0.25 21

RIBS Ribs Distribution in PLan S-jois Hidden 0.18 30

Foundation protection (fire system, water,...), ground water S-prot-gndw Hidden 0.35 52

Reinforcement Section boundary, reinforcing bar S-sect-rbar Continuous 0.40 109

Reinforcement Section stirups Shape S-sect-stir Continuous 0.25 91

Fill Slopes Fill Slopes S-site-fill Continuous 0.18 210

Slabs Concrete Slabs S-slab Continuous 0.25 131

Slabs Concrete Slab, Objects or lines hidden from view S-slab-hidd Hidden 0.25 131

Slabs Slab Thickness S-slab-labl Continuous 0.25 171

Slabs Concrete Slabs , material cut by view S-slab-mcut Continuous 0.40 89

Slabs Concrete Slab, openings S-slab-open Continuous 0.18 20

Slabs Concrete Slab, openings, Objects or lines hidden from view S-slab-open-hidd Hidden 0.18 20

Slabs Concrete Slab, reinforcing bar, Bottom group 1 S-slab-rbar-bot1 Continuous 0.40 109

Slabs Concrete Slab, reinforcing bar, Top group 1 S-slab-rbar-top1 Dashed 0.40 109
Slab, steel, / steel (barbed wire / chain link ) / steel stud, Outdoor decks
(attached, no roof overhead), Top of deck (bridges), bridge deck points
Steel Works S-slab-stel-deck Continuous 0.18 150
storm water, storm sewer , culverts,manholes,tunnles and
Drainage appurtenances points S-strm Continuous 0.18 30
storm water, storm sewer , culverts,manholes,tunnles and
Drainage appurtenances points, Objects or lines hidden from view S-strm-hidd Hidden 0.18 60
Uncontrolled copy

Stairs Stairs S-strs Continuous 0.25 121

Stairs Stairs, Objects or lines hidden from view S-strs-hidd Hidden 0.18 60

Stairs Stairs, material cut by view S-strs-mcut Continuous 0.40 99

Walls Walls / Cores S-wall Continuous 0.25 11

Walls Walls / Cores , Objects or lines hidden from view S-wall-hidd Hidden 0.25 11

Walls Walls / Cores , material cut by view S-wall-mcut Continuous 0.40 219

1 CB-ABUT-MBND Continuous abutment 161 CONTINUOUS 0.25

2 CB-ABUT-MHDN Hidden abutment 111 HIDDEN 0.25
3 CB-ANN0-CUTL Cut line ( plan and section ) RED PHANTOM 2 0.18
6 MEMB Waterproofing membrane 53 HIDDEN 0.5
7 CB-ANNO-PATT Hatch pattern 10 # 0.18
8 CB-ANNO-T060 For text of steel shape and scale 60 # 0.18
9 CB-ANNO-T080 Steel size & notations yellow # 0.25
10 CB-ANNO-T100 For grid text & stations 51 # 0.25
11 CB-ANNO-T120 For beams and footing text 82 # 0.35
12 CB-ANNO-T175 For sections and title text 103 # 0.5
13 CB-ANNO-TBLH Table - heavy line 233 CONTINUOUS 0.5
14 CB-ANNO-TBLM Table - medium line 111 CONTINUOUS 0.25
16 CB-ANNO-XREF Xref attachement # # #
17 CB-ANNO-VPRT Viewport storage # # #
18 MBND Continuous apron slab CYAN CONTINUOUS 0.25
19 MHDN Hidden apron slab CYAN HIDDEN 0.25
20 MBND Continuous beam 41 CONTINUOUS 0.25
21 MHDN Hidden beam 111 HIDDEN 0.25
22 BRNG Bridge bearing RED CONTINUOUS 0.18
23 CB-BRDG-CNTR Bridge centerline RED CENTER 0.18
24 CB-CABL-MBND Continuous prestressing cables CYAN CONTINUOUS 0.25
25 CB-CABL-MHDN Hidden prestressing cables CYAN HIDDEN 0.25
26 MBND Continuous concrete 131 CONTINUOUS 0.25
27 CB-DECK-MCUT Heavy concrete 83 CONTINUOUS 0.5
28 MHDN Hidden concrete 31 HIDDEN 0.25
29 MBND Continuous drainage pipe 71 CONTINUOUS 0.2
30 MHDN Hidden drainage pipe 71 HIDDEN 0.2
31 CB-ELEV-RBNF Near face reinforcement in elevation 103 CONTINUOUS 0.5
32 CB-ELEV-RBFF Far face reinforcement in elevation 103 DASHED 0.5
33 CB-ERTH-MBND Continuous natural ground 121 CONTINUOUS 0.25
34 MHDN Hidden natural ground 121 HIDDEN 0.25
35 MBND Continuous foundation 121 CONTINUOUS 0.25
36 CB-FNDN- Hidden foundation 61 HIDDEN 0.25

37 CB-GRID-CNTR Grids and centerlines RED DASHDOT 0.18

38 CB-GRID-ESNR Coordinates grids RED CONTINUOUS 0.18
39 CB-JOIN-CNST Construction joint YELLOW HIDDEN 0.25
40 CB-JOIN-EXPN Expansion joint 50 CONTINUOUS 0.18
41 CB-JOIN-MOVE Movement joint 141 CONTINUOUS 0.2
42 CB-METL-MBND Continuous steel 120 CONTINUOUS 0.25
43 CB-METL-MCUT Heavy steel 55 CONTINUOUS 0.5
44 CB-METL-MHDN Hidden steel 60 HIDDEN 0.25
45 CB-PIER-MBND Continuous piers 161 CONTINUOUS 0.25
46 CB-PIER-MCUT Heavy piers 13 CONTINUOUS 0.5
47 CB-PIER-MHDN Hidden piers 111 HIDDEN 0.25
48 CB-PILE-MBND Continuous pile 121 CONTINUOUS 0.25
49 CB-PILE-MHDN Hidden pile 121 HIDDEN 0.25
50 CB-PLAN-RBBO Bottom reinforcement in plan 103 CONTINUOUS 0.5
51 CB-PLAN-RBTO Top reiforcement in plan 103 DASHED 0.5
52 CURB Curb, new jersey and sidewalk line 151 CONTINUOUS 0.25
53 MBND Continuous road line 121 CONTINUOUS 0.25
54 MHDN Hidden road line 11 HIDDEN 0.25
55 CB-ROAD-PAVE Road pavement 8 CONTINUOUS 0.18
56 CB-ROAD-SHLD Road shoulders YELLOW DASHED 0.25
58 CB-SECT-RBND Continuous reinforcement in section 103 CONTINUOUS 0.5
59 CB-SECT-RHDN Hidden reinforcement in section 103 CONTINUOUS 0.5
60 CB-STRS-MBND Continuous stairs 131 CONTINUOUS 0.25
61 CB-STRS-MCUT Heavy stairs 152 CONTINUOUS 0.35
62 CB-STRS-MHDN Hidden stairs 121 HIDDEN 0.25
63 CB-STRP-MBND Continuous stirrups YELLOW CONTINUOUS 0.25
64 CB-STRP-MHDN Hidden stirrups YELLOW HIDDEN 0.25
65 CB-SHAP-RBAR shape reinforcement 151 CONTINUOUS 0.2
66 CB-WALL-MBND Continuous retaining wall 141 CONTINUOUS 0.25
67 CB-WALL-MCUT Heavy retaining wall 203 CONTINUOUS 0.5
68 MHDN Hidden retaining wall 161 HIDDEN 0.25
Uncontrolled copy


Layer Category Layer Description Layer Name Layer Type Pen Width Color Number

Annotations annotations, cutlines in plans and sections CB-anno-cutl continous 0.18 1

Annotations Dimension Lines in Plans & Sections CB-anno-dims Continuous 0.18 1

Annotations Annotation, natural ground level CB-anno-egct Continuos 0.25 121

Annotation, atural ground level, Objects or lines hidden from
Annotations view CB-anno-egct-hidd Hidden 0.25 121

Annotations Grid Center Lines CB-anno-grid Center 0.18 20

Annotations Grid Identification number , Easting & Northing CB-anno-grid-iden Continuous 0.18 1

Annotations Levels in Plans , Elevations & Sections CB-anno-levl Continuous 0.25 11

Annotations Leaders in Plans & Sections CB-anno-mark Continuous 0.18 10

Annotations Hatch Pattern CB-anno-patt 0.18 10

Annotations X-references Attachements CB-anno-refr 0 0

Annotations Revisions Cloud CB-anno-revc Continuous 0.18 1

Annotations Data tables, continuous line with 0.25 thickness CB-anno-tabl-lc25 Continuos 0.25 111

Annotations Data tables, continuous line with 0.35 thickness CB-anno-tabl-lc35 Continuos 0.35 232

Annotations Text in english to be plotted at 2mm hight CB-anno-text-te20 0.18 60

Annotations Text in english to be plotted at 3mm hight CB-anno-text-te30 0.30 56

Annotations Text in english to be plotted at 4mm hight CB-anno-text-te40 0.40 99

Annotations Text in english to be plotted at 6mm hight CB-anno-text-te60 0.50 5

Beams Beams, Concrete, concrete surface, cast-in-place concrete CB-beam-conc Continuous 0.25 41
Beams, Concrete, concrete surface, cast-in-place concrete,
Beams Objects or lines hidden from view CB-beam-conc-hidd Hidden 0.25 111

Beams Beams, Pre-cast concrete CB-beam-pcst Continuous 0.25 41

Steel Works Beams, steel, / steel (barbed wire / chain link ) / steel stud CB-beam-stel Continuous 0.25 121
Beams, steel, / steel (barbed wire / chain link ) / steel stud,
Steel Works Objects or lines hidden from view CB-beam-stel-hidd Hidden 0.25 61
Beams, steel, / steel (barbed wire / chain link ) / steel stud,
Steel Works material cut by view CB-beam-stel-mcut Continuous 0.50 53
Uncontrolled copy

Abutments Bridge, Abutment CB-brdg-abut Continuous 0.25 161

Abutments Bridge, Abutment, Objects or lines hidden from view CB-brdg-abut-hidd Hidden 0.25 161

Steel Works Columns, steel, / steel (barbed wire / chain link ) / steel stud CB-cols-stel Continuous 0.25 121
Columns, steel, / steel (barbed wire / chain link ) / steel stud,
Steel Works Objects or lines hidden from view CB-cols-stel-hidd Hidden 0.25 61
Columns, steel, / steel (barbed wire / chain link ) / steel stud,
Steel Works material cut by view CB-cols-stel-mcut Continuous 0.50 53

Prespective View Details, prespective or isometric view 1, Deck Faces CB-detl-p001 Continuous 0.25 2

Prespective View Details, prespective or isometric view 2 , Abutment Faces CB-detl-p002 Continuous 0.25 2

prespective view Details, prespective or isometric view 3 , Piers Faces CB-detl-p003 Continuous 0.25 2

Prespective View Details, prespective or isometric view 4 , Beams Faces CB-detl-p004 Continuous 0.23 2
Details, prespective or isometric view 5 , Curbs & New Jersy
Prespective View Baries CB-detl-p005 Continuous 0.25 2
Elevation, reinforcing bar, continuous line with 0.25 thickness ,
Reinforcement Reinforcement Shape CB-elev-rbar-lc25 Continuous 0.25 151
Elevation, reinforcing bar, continuous line with 0.5 thickness ,
Reinforcement Near Face Reinforcement CB-elev-rbar-lc50 Continuous 0.50 103
Elevation, reinforcing bar, dashed or hidden line with 0.5
Reinforcement thickness , Far Face Reinforcement CB-elev-rbar-ld50 Dashed 0.50 103

Foundation Foundation, Footings CB-fndn-ftng Continuous 0.25 121

Foundation Foundation, Footings, Objects or lines hidden from view CB-fndn-ftng-hidd Hidden 0.25 61

Foundation Foundation, Pile caps CB-fndn-pcap Continuous 0.25 121

Foundation Foundation, Drilled piers CB-fndn-pier Continuous 0.26 161

Foundation Foundation, Drilled piers, Objects or lines hidden from view CB-fndn-pier-hidd Hidden 0.25 111

Foundation Foundation, Drilled piers, material cut by view CB-fndn-pier-mcut Continuous 0.50 13

Foundation Foundation, Piles CB-fndn-pile Continuous 0.25 121

Foundation Foundation, Piles, Objects or lines hidden from view CB-fndn-pile-hidd Hidden 0.25 121

Foundation Foundation, Piles, material cut by view CB-fndn-pile-mcut Continuous 0.40 69

Joints Joints CB-jnts Continuous 0.25 21

Water Proofing protection (fire system, water,...), ground water CB-prot-gndw Hidden 0.35 52

Pavement Roadway Pavement CB-pvmt Continuous 0.18 240

Uncontrolled copy

Roadway roadway Line CB-road Continuous 0.25 121

Roadway roadway, Curb, curb points, Newjersy Barriers & Side walks CB-road-curb Continuous 0.25 151

Roadway roadway Line , Objects or lines hidden from view CB-road-hidd Hidden 0.25 11

Shoulders roadway, shoulder CB-road-shld Dashed 0.25 2

Reinforcement Section boundary, reinforcing bar CB-sect-rbar Continuous 0.40 109

Reinforcement Section stirups shape CB-sect-stir Continuous 0.25 91

Fill Slopes Fill Slopes CB-site-fill Continuous 0.18 210

Slabs Concrete Slab CB-slab Continuous 0.25 131

Slabs Slab, apron CB-slab-aprn Continuos 0.25 131

Slabs Concrete Slab, Objects or lines hidden from view CB-slab-hidd Hidden 0.25 131

Slabs Concrete Slab, material cut by view CB-slab-mcut Continuous 0.40 89

Slabs Slab, Pre-cast concrete CB-slab-pcst Continuous 0.25 131

Slabs Slab, reinforcing bar, Bottom group 1 CB-slab-rbar-bot1 Continuous 0.40 109

Slabs Slab, reinforcing bar, Top group 1 CB-slab-rbar-top1 Dashed 0.40 109
storm water, storm sewer,Culverts,Manholes,Tunnels and
Drainage appurtenances points CB-strm Continuous 0.18 30
storm water, storm sewer,Culverts,Manholes,Tunnels and
Drainage appurtenances points, Objects or lines hidden from view CB-strm-hidd Hidden 0.18 60

Drainage storm water drainage Pipes CB-strm-pipe Continuous 0.18 70

Drainage storm water drainage Pipes, Objects or lines hidden from view CB-strm-pipe-hidd Hidden 0.18 70

Stairs Stairs CB-strs Continuous 0.25 121

Stairs Stairs, Objects or lines hidden from view CB-strs--hidd Hidden 0.18 60

Stairs Stairs, material cut by view CB-strs-mcut Continuous 0.40 99

Walls Walls / Cores CB-wall Continuous 0.25 11

Walls Walls, Objects or lines hidden from view CB-wall-hidd Hidden 0.25 11

Walls Walls / Cores , material cut by view CB-wall-mcut Continuous 0.40 219
AutoCAD® Mechanical Layering System

Symbol on Pen Color Layer Line

No. Category Description Layer Name
Line Width No. Type

1 Fire Protection/Fire Protection Piping Fire F-STAN F 0.35 12 Continuous

2 Fire Protection/Fire Protection Piping Sprinkler Line F-SPRN-PIPE SP 0.35 18 Continuous

3 Fire Protection/Fire Protection Piping Sprinkler Nozzle 0.18 160 Continuous
F-SPRN-UPRT applicable
4 Fire Protection/Dry Pipe Sprinkler Systems Dry Stand Pipe F-SPRN-RISE DSP 0.35 18 Continuous
Fire Protection/Halogen Agent
5 FM200 F-FOAM-PIPE FM 0.35 4 Continuous
Extinguishing Systems
6 Plumbing/Plumbing Piping Cold Water P-DOMW-CPIP CW 0.35 4 Continuous

7 Plumbing/Plumbing Piping Drain P-SANR-PIPE - 0.35 3 Continuous

8 Plumbing/Plumbing Piping Drain Blocks (Riser) P-SANR-FIXT - 0.18 10 Continuous

9 Plumbing/Plumbing Piping Hot Water Return P-DOMW-RPIP HWR 0.35 12 Continuous

10 Plumbing/Plumbing Piping Hot Water P-DOMW-HPIP HW 0.35 12 Continuous

11 Plumbing/Plumbing Piping Rain Water P-STRM-PIPE RW 0.35 82 Continuous

12 Plumbing/Plumbing Piping Tank Supply P-DOMW-TPIP TS 0.35 82 Continuous

13 Plumbing/Plumbing Piping Water Blocks (Riser) P-SANR-FIXT - 0.18 10 Continuous

14 Plumbing/Plumbing Piping Fitting P-SANR-EQPM 0.18 10 Continuous

Document Title: AutoCAD® Mechanical Layering System Issued By: S.H., I.I. Issued On: October 2002 Printed On: January 9, 2003 Page 1 of 15
AutoCAD® Mechanical Layering System

Symbol on Pen Color Layer Line

No. Category Description Layer Name
Line Width No. Type

15 Plumbing/Plumbing Piping Under Line of Fitting P-SANR-UNDL 0.18 60 Hidden
16 Plumbing/Plumbing Piping Vent P-SANR-VENT ------ 0.35 4 Hidden
Kitchen Equipment not
17 Plumbing/Plumbing Specialties Q-OTLN-NTAG 0.18 10 Continuous
Numbering Tag applicable
18 Plumbing/Plumbing Specialties Valve Q-PIPE-VALV 0.18 10 Continuous
19 Plumbing/Plumbing Fixtures Plumbing Fixtures P-FIXT 0.18 10 Continuous
20 Plumbing/Plumbing Specialties Pump Q-OTLN-PUMP 0.18 10 Continuous
21 Plumbing/Pool & Fountain Equipment Chlorine P-EQPM-CHLO 0.35 82 Continuous
22 Plumbing/Pool & Fountain Equipment Fountain Return P-EQPM-PFNR FNR 0.35 4 Dashed

23 Plumbing/Pool & Fountain Equipment Fountain Supply P-EQPM-PFNS FNS 0.35 82 Continuous
Swimming Pool Back
24 Plumbing/Pool & Fountain Equipment P-EQPM-SPBW BW 0.35 4 Continuous
25 Plumbing/Pool & Fountain Equipment Swimming Pool Inlet P-EQPM-SPIN IN 0.35 82 Continuous
Swimming Pool
26 Plumbing/Pool & Fountain Equipment P-EQPM-SPSK SK 0.35 4 Continuous
27 Plumbing/Special Systems Drainage Library P-SANR 0.18 10 Continuous
28 Plumbing/Special Systems Acetylene P-EQPM-ACTN ACT 0.35 82 Continuous

Document Title: AutoCAD® Mechanical Layering System Issued By: S.H., I.I. Issued On: October 2002 Printed On: January 9, 2003 Page 2 of 15
AutoCAD® Mechanical Layering System

Symbol on Pen Color Layer Line

No. Category Description Layer Name
Line Width No. Type

29 Plumbing/Special Systems Argon P-EQPM-ARGN AR 0.35 242 Continuous

30 Plumbing/Special Systems Acid Vent P-ACID-VENT ACV 0.35 4 Continuous

31 Plumbing/Special Systems Acid Waste P-ACID-PIPE ACW 0.35 82 Dashed

32 Plumbing/Special Systems Compressor Air P-EQPM-CMPA CA 0.35 4 Continuous

33 Plumbing/Special Systems Carbon Dioxide F-CO2S-PIPE CO2 0.35 82 Continuous

34 Plumbing/Special Systems Distilled Water P-EQPM-DSTW DSW 0.35 82 Continuous

35 Plumbing/Special Systems Fuel Return M-FUEL-FLRE FOR 0.35 82 Dashed

36 Plumbing/Special Systems Fuel Supply M-FUEL-FLSP FO 0.35 82 Continuous

37 Plumbing/Special Systems Gas M-NGAS-PIPE G 0.35 82 Continuous

38 Plumbing/Special Systems Hydrogen P-EQPM-PHDR H 0.35 4 Continuous

39 Plumbing/Special Systems Helium P-EQPM-PHLM HE 0.35 92 Continuous

40 Plumbing/Special Systems Irrigation P-EQPM-PIRR IR 0.35 82 Continuous

Laboratory Cold
41 Plumbing/Special Systems P-EQPM-PLCW LCW 0.35 4 Continuous
42 Plumbing/Special Systems Laboratory Hot Water P-EQPM-PLHW LHW 0.35 82 Continuous

Document Title: AutoCAD® Mechanical Layering System Issued By: S.H., I.I. Issued On: October 2002 Printed On: January 9, 2003 Page 3 of 15
AutoCAD® Mechanical Layering System

Symbol on Pen Color Layer Line

No. Category Description Layer Name
Line Width No. Type

43 Plumbing/Special Systems LPG Gas M-LGAS-PIPE LPG 0.35 242 Continuous

Laboratory Hot Water
44 Plumbing/Special Systems P-EQPM-LHWR LHWR 0.35 242 Continuous
45 Plumbing/Special Systems Medical Gas M-MDGS-PIPE MG 0.35 82 Continuous

46 Plumbing/Special Systems Medical Vacuum P-EQPM-MEDV MV 0.35 4 Continuous

47 Plumbing/Special Systems Nitrogen P-EQPM-PNIT N 0.35 4 Continuous

48 Plumbing/Special Systems Nitrous Oxide P-EQPM-PNSO NO 0.35 92 Continuous

49 Plumbing/Special Systems Oxygen P-EQPM-POXY O2 0.35 82 Continuous

50 Plumbing/Special Systems Pure Compressed Air M-CMPA-CPIP PCA 0.35 12 Continuous

51 Plumbing/Special Systems Pure Nitrogen P-EQPM-PPN2 PN 0.35 12 Continuous

52 Plumbing/Special Systems Potable Water P-EQPM-POTW PW 0.35 4 Dashed

Reverse Osmosis
53 Plumbing/Special Systems P-EQPM-ROWS RO 0.35 4 Continuous
(RO) Water
Reverse Osmosis
54 Plumbing/Special Systems P-EQPM-ROWR ROR 0.35 242 Dashed
(RO) Water Return
55 Plumbing/Special Systems 0.35 12 Continuous
56 Plumbing/Special Systems Treated Water P-EQPM-TRDW TW 0.35 92 Continuous

Document Title: AutoCAD® Mechanical Layering System Issued By: S.H., I.I. Issued On: October 2002 Printed On: January 9, 2003 Page 4 of 15
AutoCAD® Mechanical Layering System

Symbol on Pen Color Layer Line

No. Category Description Layer Name
Line Width No. Type

57 Plumbing/Special Systems Vacuum P-EQPM-VACM V 0.35 4 Continuous

58 Plumbing/Special Systems P-EQPM-VCML MV 0.35 82 Continuous
59 Plumbing/Special Systems Soft Water P-EQPM-SCWP SCW 0.35 4 Continuous
60 Special Systems/Industrial Equipment Industrial Equipment Q-OTLN 0.18 1 Continuous
61 HVAC/Hydronic Piping Chilled Water Return M-CWTR-RPIP CHR 0.35 3 Dashed

62 HVAC/Hydronic Piping Chilled Water Supply M-CWTR-SPIP CH 0.35 3 Continuous

63 HVAC/Hydronic Piping Reheat Return M-SPCL-REHR RH 0.35 4 Dashed

64 HVAC/Hydronic Piping Hot Return M-HOTW-RPIP HR 0.35 12 Dashed

65 HVAC/Hydronic Piping Hot Supply M-HOTW-SPIP HS 0.35 12 Continuous

66 HVAC/Hydronic Piping M-SPCL-CDSD D 0.35 92 Continuous
Heating / Chilled
67 HVAC/Hydronic Piping M-SPCL-HCHR HCHR 0.35 4 Dashed
Water Pipes Return
Heating / Chilled
68 HVAC/Hydronic Piping M-SPCL-HCHS HCH 0.35 4 Continuous
Water Pipes
69 HVAC/Hydronic Piping Reheat M-SPCL-REHT RH 0.35 4 Continuous
Reverse Chilled Water
70 HVAC/Hydronic Piping M-CWTR-RCWR RCHR 0.35 12 Dashed

Document Title: AutoCAD® Mechanical Layering System Issued By: S.H., I.I. Issued On: October 2002 Printed On: January 9, 2003 Page 5 of 15
AutoCAD® Mechanical Layering System

Symbol on Pen Color Layer Line

No. Category Description Layer Name
Line Width No. Type

Condensate High
71 HVAC/Steam & Steam Condensate Piping M-STEM-CDHP // CN // 0.35 242 Dashed
72 HVAC/Steam & Steam Condensate Piping Steam High Pressure M-STEM-HPIP // S // 0.35 12 Continuous
Condensate Low
73 HVAC/Steam & Steam Condensate Piping M-STEM-CDLP CN 0.35 4 Dashed
74 HVAC/Steam & Steam Condensate Piping Steam Low Pressure M-STEM-LPIP S 0.35 82 Continuous

75 HVAC/Refrigerant Piping Refrigerant Liquid M-REFG-LPIP RL 0.35 82 Continuous

76 HVAC/Refrigerant Piping Refrigerant Suction M-REFG-SPIP RS 0.35 82 Dashed

Condensate Meduim
77 HVAC/Steam & Steam Condensate Piping M-STEM-CDMP / CN / 0.35 12 Dashed
Steam Meduim
78 HVAC/Steam & Steam Condensate Piping M-STEM-MPIP /S/ 0.35 12 Continuous
79 Heat Generation/Boilers Boiler Blow Down M-SPCL-BBLD BB 0.35 12 Continuous

80 Heat Generation/Boilers Boiler Feed Water M-SPCL-BFDW BF 0.35 4 Continuous

81 Refrigeration/Condensing Units Condensing Unit M-SPCL-RFCU 0.18 10 Continuous
82 Refrigeration/Water Chillers Chiller M-SPCL-RFWC 0.18 10 Continuous
83 Air Handling/Air Handling Units with Coils Air Handling Unit M-SPCL-AHUC 0.18 10 Continuous
Air Handling/Centrifugal Fans, Axial Fans, not
82 Fan M-SPCL-AFAN 0.18 10 Continuous
Power Ventilators applicable

Document Title: AutoCAD® Mechanical Layering System Issued By: S.H., I.I. Issued On: October 2002 Printed On: January 9, 2003 Page 6 of 15
AutoCAD® Mechanical Layering System

Symbol on Pen Color Layer Line

No. Category Description Layer Name
Line Width No. Type

Air Handling/Centrifugal Fans, Axial Fans, not

85 Roof Vent Fan M-SPCL-ARVF 0.18 10 Continuous
Power Ventilators applicable
Air Handling/Centrifugal Fans, Axial Fans, not
86 Roof Supply Fan M-SPCL-ARSF 0.18 10 Continuous
Power Ventilators applicable
87 Air Distribution/Ductwork Supply Duct M-HVAC-SDUC 0.35 4 Continuous
88 Air Distribution/Ductwork Return Roof Vent M-SPCL-CHPR 0.18 10 Continuous
89 Air Distribution/Ductwork Exhaust Duct M-HVAC-EDUC 0.35 3 Continuous
90 Air Distribution/Ductwork Flexible Duct M-HVAC-DFLX 0.18 10 Continuous
91 Air Distribution/Ductwork Fresh Air Duct M-HVAC-FDUC 0.35 132 Continuous
High Velocity Supply not
92 Air Distribution/Ductwork M-HVAC-HVSD 0.35 12 Continuous
Duct applicable
Low Velocity Supply not
93 Air Distribution/Ductwork M-HVAC-LVSD 0.35 4 Continuous
Duct applicable
94 Air Distribution/Ductwork Return Duct M-HVAC-RDUC 0.35 82 Continuous
95 Air Distribution/Ductwork Flexible Line M-HVAC-EQPM 0.18 10 Continuous
96 Air Distribution/Ductwork Splitter M-HVAC-EQPM 0.18 10 Continuous
97 Air Distribution/Ductwork Supply Roof Vent M-SPCL-ASRV 0.18 10 Continuous
Duct Riser Up & Dn not
98 Air Distribution/Ductwork M-HVAC-RCON by layer by layer Hidden
(continuous) applicable

Document Title: AutoCAD® Mechanical Layering System Issued By: S.H., I.I. Issued On: October 2002 Printed On: January 9, 2003 Page 7 of 15
AutoCAD® Mechanical Layering System

Symbol on Pen Color Layer Line

No. Category Description Layer Name
Line Width No. Type

Duct Riser Up & Dn not

99 Air Distribution/Ductwork M-HVAC-RHID by layer by layer Continuous
(hidden) applicable
100 Air Distribution/Duct Accessories Fire Damper M-HVAC-EQPM 0.18 1 Continuous
101 Air Distribution/Duct Accessories Volume Damper M-HVAC-EQPM 0.18 1 Continuous
102 Air Distribution/Air Terminal Units VAV Box M-HVAC-EQPM 0.18 1 Continuous
103 Air Distribution/Air Outlets & Inlets Door Grill M-HVAC-EQPM 0.18 1 Continuous
Dummy Linear not
104 Air Distribution/Air Outlets & Inlets M-HVAC-DLDF 0.18 10 Continuous
Diffuser applicable
105 Air Distribution/Air Outlets & Inlets Exhaust Arrow M-HVAC-EXAR 0.18 10 Continuous
Exhaust Ceiling not
106 Air Distribution/Air Outlets & Inlets M-HVAC-EXCD 0.18 10 Continuous
Diffuser applicable
107 Air Distribution/Air Outlets & Inlets Return Arrow M-HVAC-REAR 0.18 10 Continuous
Return Ceiling not
108 Air Distribution/Air Outlets & Inlets M-HVAC-RDFF 0.18 10 Continuous
Diffuser applicable
109 Air Distribution/Air Outlets & Inlets Return Grill M-HVAC-RGRL 0.18 10 Continuous
110 Air Distribution/Air Outlets & Inlets Return Linear Diffuser M-HVAC-RLDF 0.18 10 Continuous
111 Air Distribution/Air Outlets & Inlets Supply Arrow M-HVAC-SPAR 0.18 10 Continuous
Supply Ceiling not
112 Air Distribution/Air Outlets & Inlets M-HVAC-SDFF 0.18 10 Continuous
Diffuser applicable

Document Title: AutoCAD® Mechanical Layering System Issued By: S.H., I.I. Issued On: October 2002 Printed On: January 9, 2003 Page 8 of 15
AutoCAD® Mechanical Layering System

Symbol on Pen Color Layer Line

No. Category Description Layer Name
Line Width No. Type

113 Air Distribution/Air Outlets & Inlets Diffuser M-HVAC-CDFF 0.18 10 Hidden
114 Air Distribution/Air Outlets & Inlets Supply Grill M-HVAC-SGRL 0.18 10 Continuous
115 Air Distribution/Air Outlets & Inlets Linear Diffuser M-HVAC-LDIF 0.18 10 Continuous
Supply Linear not
116 Air Distribution/Air Outlets & Inlets M-HVAC-SLDF 0.18 10 Continuous
Diffuser applicable
117 Air Distribution/Air Outlets & Inlets Transfer Grill M-HVAC-TFGR 0.18 10 Continuous
118 Air Distribution/Air Outlets & Inlets Under Cut M-HVAC-UCUT 0.18 2 Continuous
119 Controls Control M-CONT 0.18 2 Continuous
120 Controls Thermostat M-CONT-THER 0.18 2 Continuous
121 General Text Height 160 M-ANNO-T160 0.18 10 Continuous
122 General Text Height 210 M-ANNO-T210 0.18 10 Continuous
123 General Text Height 260 M-ANNO-T260 0.25 2 Continuous
124 General Text Height 300 M-ANNO-T300 0.35 3 Continuous
125 General Text Height 350 M-ANNO-T350 0.35 3 Continuous
126 General Text Height 440 M-ANNO-T440 0.35 4 Continuous

Document Title: AutoCAD® Mechanical Layering System Issued By: S.H., I.I. Issued On: October 2002 Printed On: January 9, 2003 Page 9 of 15
AutoCAD® Mechanical Layering System

Symbol on Pen Color Layer Line

No. Category Description Layer Name
Line Width No. Type

127 General Text Height 500 M-ANNO-T500 0.5 5 Continuous
128 General Text Height 600 M-ANNO-T600 0.7 14 Continuous
129 General Text Height 730 M-ANNO-T730 0.7 14 Continuous
130 General Arrow M-HVAC-ARRW 0.18 10 Continuous
Text (Writes Inside not
131 General M-ANNO-TXIN 0.18 10 Continuous
Line) applicable
132 General Tag Label M-ANNO-TAGL 0.18 10 Continuous
Tag of Kitchen not
133 General M-ANNO-TKTE 0.18 10 Continuous
Equipment applicable
Pumping Station
134 Pumping Station M-SPCL-PSTN-AWAL 0.18 20 Continuous
Architectural Wall
Pumping Station
135 Pumping Station M-SPCL-PSTN-AFEN 0.18 20 Continuous
Architectural Fence
Pumping Station
136 Pumping Station M-SPCL-PSTN-AOTH 0.18 20 Continuous
Architectural Items
Pumping Station
137 Pumping Station M-SPCL-PSTN-ALAD 0.18 20 Continuous
Architectural Ladder
Pumping Station
138 Pumping Station M-SPCL-PSTN-AHRL 0.18 20 Continuous
Pumping Station
139 Pumping Station M-SPCL-PSTN-EPNL 0.18 10 Continuous
Electrical Panels
Pumping Station
140 Pumping Station M-SPCL-PSTN-EOTH 0.18 10 Continuous
Electrical Items

Document Title: AutoCAD® Mechanical Layering System Issued By: S.H., I.I. Issued On: October 2002 Printed On: January 9, 2003 Page 10 of 15
AutoCAD® Mechanical Layering System

Symbol on Pen Color Layer Line

No. Category Description Layer Name
Line Width No. Type

Pumping Station
141 Pumping Station Environmental M-SPCL-PSTN-CMSC 0.18 10 Continuous
Manual Screens
Pumping Station
142 Pumping Station Environmental M-SPCL-PSTN-COTH 0.18 10 Continuous
Miscellaneous Items
Pumping Station
143 Pumping Station M-SPCL-PSTN-SPAD 0.25 21 Continuous
Structural Pad
Pumping Station
144 Pumping Station M-SPCL-PSTN-SCOV 0.18 10 Continuous
Structural Manhole
Pumping Station
145 Pumping Station M-SPCL-PSTN-SACC 0.18 10 Continuous
Structural Manhole
Pumping Station
146 Pumping Station M-SPCL-PSTN-SSUP 0.18 10 Continuous
Structural Support
Pumping Station
147 Pumping Station M-SPCL-PSTN-SWAL 0.25 21 Continuous
Structural Wall
Pumping Station
148 Pumping Station M-SPCL-PSTN-SPIT 0.25 21 Continuous
Structural Pits
Pumping Station
149 Pumping Station M-SPCL-PSTN-STRH 0.18 10 Continuous
Structural Trenches
Pumping Station
150 Pumping Station M-SPCL-PSTN-SSUM 0.18 10 Continuous
Structural Sumps
Pumping Station
151 Pumping Station M-SPCL-PSTN-SOTH 0.18 10 Continuous
Structural Other Items
Pumping Station
152 Pumping Station M-SPCL-PSTN-DETL 0.25 2 Continuous
Pumping Station
153 Pumping Station M-SPCL-PSTN-ELEV 0.25 2 Continuous

Document Title: AutoCAD® Mechanical Layering System Issued By: S.H., I.I. Issued On: October 2002 Printed On: January 9, 2003 Page 11 of 15
AutoCAD® Mechanical Layering System

Symbol on Pen Color Layer Line

No. Category Description Layer Name
Line Width No. Type

Pumping Station
154 Pumping Station M-SPCL-PSTN-SECT 0.25 2 Continuous
155 Pumping Station Mechanical Cranes M-SPCL-EQPM-CRAN 0.25 2 Continuous

156 Pumping Station Basket Strainer P-SPCL-PIPE-BSKT 0.25 2 Continuous

157 Pumping Station Strainers P-SPCL-PIPE-STRN 0.25 2 Continuous

158 Pumping Station Gate Valves P-SPCL-PIPE-GATE 0.25 2 Continuous

159 Pumping Station Ball Valves P-SPCL-PIPE-BALL 0.25 2 Continuous

160 Pumping Station Float Valves P-SPCL-PIPE-FLOT 0.25 2 Continuous

161 Pumping Station Check Valves P-SPCL-PIPE-CHCK 0.25 2 Continuous

162 Pumping Station Control Valves P-SPCL-PIPE-CTRL 0.25 2 Continuous

163 Pumping Station Other Valves P-SPCL-PIPE-OTHV 0.25 2 Continuous

164 Pumping Station Dismentling Joints P-SPCL-PIPE-DJNT 0.18 10 Continuous

165 Pumping Station Flexible Connection P-SPCL-PIPE-FLXC 0.18 10 Continuous

166 Pumping Station Flange P-SPCL-PIPE-FLGE 0.25 2 Continuous

167 Pumping Station Pipe Fittings P-SPCL-PIPE-FTGS 0.18 10 Continuous

Document Title: AutoCAD® Mechanical Layering System Issued By: S.H., I.I. Issued On: October 2002 Printed On: January 9, 2003 Page 12 of 15
AutoCAD® Mechanical Layering System

Symbol on Pen Color Layer Line

No. Category Description Layer Name
Line Width No. Type

Miscellaneous Pipes
168 Pumping Station P-SPCL-PIPE-MISC 0.18 10 Continuous
169 Pumping Station P-SPCL-ACSS-SCRN 0.18 10 Continuous
Mechanical Screens
170 Pumping Station P-SPCL-ACSS-MISC 0.18 10 Continuous
171 Pumping Station Fans M-HVAC-EQPM-FANS 0.18 10 Continuous

172 Pumping Station Air Handling Units M-HVAC-EQPM-AHUS 0.18 10 Continuous

173 Pumping Station Water Tanks, P-DOMW-EQPM-TANK 0.25 2 Continuous

Pumping Station
174 Pumping Station M-SPCL-PSTN-PUMP 0.18 10 Continuous
175 Pumping Station Text height 160 M-ANNO-TEXT-T160 0.18 10 Continuous

176 Pumping Station Text height 210 M-ANNO-TEXT-T210 0.18 10 Continuous

177 Pumping Station Text height 260 M-ANNO-TEXT-T260 0.25 2 Continuous

178 Pumping Station Text height 300 M-ANNO-TEXT-T300 0.35 3 Continuous

179 Pumping Station Text height 350 M-ANNO-TEXT-T350 0.35 3 Continuous

180 Pumping Station Text height 440 M-ANNO-TEXT-T440 0.35 4 Continuous

181 Pumping Station Text height 500 M-ANNO-TEXT-T500 0.5 5 Continuous

Document Title: AutoCAD® Mechanical Layering System Issued By: S.H., I.I. Issued On: October 2002 Printed On: January 9, 2003 Page 13 of 15
AutoCAD® Mechanical Layering System

Symbol on Pen Color Layer Line

No. Category Description Layer Name
Line Width No. Type

182 Pumping Station Text height 600 M-ANNO-TEXT-T600 0.7 14 Continuous

183 Pumping Station Text height 730 M-ANNO-TEXT-T730 0.7 14 Continuous

Temporary text to be
184 Pumping Station M-ANNO-TEMP 0.18 10 Continuous
deleted in future.
Numbers used for
185 Pumping Station M-ANNO-NUMS 0.18 10 Continuous
notes: (1), (a) (*) etc.
186 Pumping Station M-ANNO-MISC 0.18 10 Continuous
187 Pumping Station Drawing Notes M-ANNO-NOTES 0.18 10 Continuous

188 Pumping Station Legends & Schedules M-ANNO-LEGN 0.18 10 Continuous

189 Pumping Station Data tables M-ANNO-TABL 0.18 10 Continuous

190 Pumping Station Dimensions M-ANNO-DIMS 0.18 10 Continuous

191 Pumping Station Center Line M-ANNO-CNTR 0.18 10 Continuous

Drawing or Detail
192 Pumping Station M-ANNO-TITL 0.18 10 Continuous
193 Pumping Station Revision Clouds M-ANNO-REVC 0.18 10 Continuous
Annotation Tags and
194 Pumping Station M-ANNO-TAGL 0.18 10 Continuous

Document Title: AutoCAD® Mechanical Layering System Issued By: S.H., I.I. Issued On: October 2002 Printed On: January 9, 2003 Page 14 of 15
AutoCAD® Mechanical Layering System

Symbol on Pen Color Layer Line

No. Category Description Layer Name
Line Width No. Type

Annotation Tags and

195 Pumping Station Labels for Kichen M-ANNO-TKIT 0.18 10 Continuous
Annotation Tags and
196 Pumping Station Labels for Laundry M-ANNO-TLAU 0.18 10 Continuous

197 Pumping Station Annotation Arrows M-ANNO-ARRW 0.18 10 Continuous

All other systems or accessories such as sprinklers, fire extinguishers, air ducts, dampers etc.
shall follow the mechanical department existing layers, already atributed for these systems.
Sprinklers fall under existing layer: F-SPRN-PEND
All ductwork fall under existing layer: M-HVAC-FDUC
All duct accessories fall under existing layer: M-HVAC-EQPM

Document Title: AutoCAD® Mechanical Layering System Issued By: S.H., I.I. Issued On: October 2002 Printed On: January 9, 2003 Page 15 of 15
Colo Colo Width
Layer Name DESCRIPTION Line Type r Hue r No. Line


L-ANNO-DIMS Dimensions Continuous 11 0.25
L-ANNO-CELI Center line, center line text Center 130 0.18
L-ANNO-TEXS Text small Continuous 211 0.25
L-ANNO-TEXM Text medium Continuous 52 0.35
L-ANNO-TEXL Text Large Continuous 243 0.50
L-ANNO-TARB Arabic text Continuous 211 0.25
L-ANNO-TRIM Cut line, trim Continuous 141 0.25
L-ANNO-NRTH North sign Continuous 111 0.25
L-ANNO-REVS Revision clouds Continuous 212 0.35
L-ANNO-STMP Stamp Continuous 91 0.25
L-ANNO-LEGN Legend and schedules Continuous 221 0.25
L-ANNO-XREF Reference files - XREF Continuous 90 0.18
L-ANNO-SYMB Miscellaneous symbols Continuous 111 0.25
L-ANNO-TTLB Border & title block Continuous 111 0.25
L-ANNO-NOTE General notes & general remarks Continuous 211 0.25
L-ANNO-CORD Site coordinates Continuous 111 0.25
L-ANNO-AREA Area calculation boundary lines Continuous 121 0.25
L-ANNO-VPRT View port outline Continuous 4 0.25
L-ANNO-CREF Cross reference for details and sections Continuous 52 0.35
L-DEMO-HAZW Hazardous waste Continuous 10 0.18

L-SITE Site Continuous 2 0.25
L-SITE-DEMO Demolition, items to be demolished Continuous 10 0.18
L-SITE-EXST Existing to remain Continuous 21 0.25
L-SITE-MOVE Items to be moved Hidden 130 0.18
L-SITE-NICN Not in contract Continuous 220 0.18
L-SITE-PHS# Phase number Continuous 181 0.25
L-SITE-EXCN Existing contours Continuous 100 0.18
L-SITE-EXPL Existing plants to remain Continuous 91 0.25
L-SITE-TRPL Plants to be transplanted Continuous 61 0.25
L-SITE-LIMT Site Limit Center 213 0.50
L-SITE-TEMP Temporary work Continuous 171 0.25
L-SITE-EMBK Embankment Continuous 50 0.18

Dar Beirut CAD Handbook B.4 -1 of 12 September 2002

Colo Colo Width
Layer Name DESCRIPTION Line Type r Hue r No. Line


L-ANNO-DIMS Dimensions Continuous 11 0.25
L-ANNO-CELI Center line, center line text Center 130 0.18
L-ANNO-TEXS Text small Continuous 211 0.25
L-ANNO-TEXM Text medium Continuous 52 0.35
L-ANNO-TEXL Text Large Continuous 243 0.50
L-ANNO-TARB Arabic text Continuous 211 0.25
L-ANNO-TRIM Cut line, trim Continuous 141 0.25
L-ANNO-NRTH North sign Continuous 111 0.25
L-ANNO-REVS Revision clouds Continuous 212 0.35
L-ANNO-STMP Stamp Continuous 91 0.25
L-ANNO-LEGN Legend and schedules Continuous 221 0.25
L-ANNO-XREF Reference files - XREF Continuous 90 0.18
L-ANNO-SYMB Miscellaneous symbols Continuous 111 0.25
L-ANNO-TTLB Border & title block Continuous 111 0.25
L-ANNO-NOTE General notes & general remarks Continuous 211 0.25
L-ANNO-CORD Site coordinates Continuous 111 0.25
L-ANNO-AREA Area calculation boundary lines Continuous 121 0.25
L-ANNO-VPRT View port outline Continuous 4 0.25
L-ANNO-CREF Cross reference for details and sections Continuous 52 0.35
L-SITE Site Continuous 2 0.25
L-SITE-EXST Existing to remain Continuous 21 0.25
L-SITE-NICN Not in contract Continuous 220 0.18
L-SITE-PHS# Phase number Continuous 181 0.25
L-SITE-EXPL Existing plants to remain Continuous 91 0.25
L-SITE-TRPL Plants to be transplanted Continuous 61 0.25
L-SITE-LIMT Site Limit Center 213 0.50
L-SITE-EXLV Site existing levels Continuous 250 0.18
L-SITE PRLV Site proposed levels Continuous 2 0.25
L-SITE-EXCN Site existing contours Hidden 100 0.18
L-SITE-PRCN Site proposed contours Continuous 110 0.18
L-SITE-EMBK Embankment Continuous 50 0.18
L-SITE-BLDG Building outline Continuous 243 0.50
L-EDGE Edge Continuous 2 0.25
L-EDGE-CONC Concrete edge Continuous 171 0.25
L-EDGE-STON Stone edge Continuous 51 0.25
L-EDGE-PLNT Line indicates the edge between two different types of Continuous 61 0.25
L-CURB Curb Continuous 151 0.25
L-CURB-FRNT Front curb line Continuous 151 0.25
L-CURB-BACK Back curb line Continuous 150 0.18

Dar Beirut CAD Handbook B.4 -2 of 12 September 2002

Colo Colo Width
Layer Name DESCRIPTION Line Type r Hue r No. Line

L-WALL Wall Continuous 131 0.25
L-WALL-CONC Concrete wall Continuous 191 0.25
L-WALL-STON Stone wall Continuous 41 0.25
L-WALL-PLNT Raised planters walls Continuous 71 0.25
Retaining wall
L-RTWL Retaining wall Continuous 242 0.35
L-RTWL-CONC Concrete retaining wall Continuous 212 0.35
L-RTWL-STON Stone retaining wall Continuous 52 0.35
L-RTWL-HIDN Hidden retaining wall Hidden 50 0.18
L-FENC Fence Continuous 152 0.35
L-FENC-CHIN Chainlink fence Continuous 162 0.35
L-FENC-STEL Steel fence Continuous 141 0.35
L-FENC-FERG Ferforge fence Continuous 41 0.25
L-FENC-WALL Wall fence Continuous 2 0.35
L-GATE Gate Continuous 131 0.25
L-STIR Stair Continuous 2 0.25
L-STIR-NOSG Stair nosing line Continuous 51 0.25
L-STIR-STUR Stair structural line Hidden 10 0.18
L-STIR-AROW Stair arrow Continuous 141 0.18
L-RAMP Ramp Continuous 151 0.25
L-RAMP-AROW Ramp arrow Continuous 140 0.18
L-RAMP-EDGE Ramp edge Continuous 161 0.25
L-SPRT Sport Grounds Continuous 2 0.25
L-SPRT-FOOT Football court Continuous 81 0.25
L-SPRT-BSKT Basketball court Continuous 11 0.25
L-SPRT-VOLY Volleyball court Continuous 141 0.25
L-SPRT-TENS Tennis court Continuous 51 0.25
L-ROAD Roads Continuous 30 0.18
L-ROAD-MARK Marking for roads and parking Continuous 180 0.18
L-ROAD-ZPRA Road zebra crossing Continuous 120 0.18
Site furniture
L-FURN Furniture Layout Continuous 1 0.18
L-FURN-BNCH Bench Continuous 30 0.18
L-FURN-LGHT Light pole Continuous 51 0.25
L-FURN-FLAG Flag pole Continuous 31 0.25
L-FURN-TGRT Tree grate Continuous 91 0.25

Dar Beirut CAD Handbook B.4 -3 of 12 September 2002

Colo Colo Width
Layer Name DESCRIPTION Line Type r Hue r No. Line

L-FURN-BLRD Bollard Continuous 141 0.25

L-FURN-LITR Litter bin Continuous 171 0.25
L-FURN-DRIN Drain gully Continuous 140 0.18
L-FURN-KISK Newspaper & telephone kiosk Continuous 231 0.25
L-FURN-GAZB Gazebo Continuous 241 0.25
L-FURN-FUNT Foundation Continuous 131 0.25
L-FURN-PERG Pergolas Continuous 30 0.18
L-FURN-PLAY Children play equipment Continuous 50 0.18
L-PATT Pattern Continuous 40 0.18
L-PATT-HRNG Herring bone Continuous 20 0.18
L-PATT-STCH Stretcher Continuous 120 0.18
L-PATT-RAND Random Continuous 40 0.18
L-FNSH Finishing Continuous 40 0.18
L-FNSH-STON Stone paving finish (pattern) Continuous 50 0.18
L-FNSH-INTR Interlocking blocks finish (Pattern) Continuous 140 0.18
L-FNSH-BSLT Basalt blocks finish (pattern) Continuous 190 0.18
L-FNSH-TERA Terracotta tiles finish (pattern) Continuous 20 0.18
L-FNSH-TILE Concrete tiles finish (pattern) Continuous 150 0.18
L-FNSH-CRMC Ceramic tiles finish (pattern) Continuous 120 0.18
L-FNSH-MLSH Mulch finish Continuous 30 0.18
Pergola / Gazebo
L-PERG Pergola / Gazebo Continuous 30 0.18
L-PERG-COLM Pergola column Continuous 232 0.35
L-PERG-MBEM Pergola main beams Continuous 31 0.25
L-PERG-SBEM Pergola secondary beams Continuous 30 0.18
L-PERG-HIDN Pergola hidden lines Hidden 40 0.18
Pool, fountains & water bodies
L-POOL Pool Continuous 131 0.25
L-POOL-EDGE1 Pool inner edge Continuous 131 0.25
L-POOL-EDGE2 Pool outer edge Continuous 140 0.18
L-POOL-STRC Pool structural hidden lines Hidden 120 0.18
L-POOL-STIR Pool stairs Continuous 10 0.18
L-TREE Trees Continuous 3 0.35
L-TREE-EGFN Evergreen tree; Ficus nitida Continuous 82 0.35
L-TREE-DEDR Deciduous tree; Delonix Regia Continuous 62 0.35
L-PALM Palm tree Continuous 101 0.25
L-PALM-PDAC Phoenix dactylifera palm tree Continuous 91 0.25
L-PALM-PCAN Phoenix canariensis palm tree Continuous 81 0.25
L-PALM-WFIL Washingtonia filifera palm tree Continuous 101 0.25
L-PALM-WROB Washingtonia Robsta palm tree Continuous 101 0.25
L-SHRB Shrubs Continuous 71 0.25
L-SHRB-EGNO Evergreen; Nerium oleander Continuous 91 0.25

Dar Beirut CAD Handbook B.4 -4 of 12 September 2002

Colo Colo Width
Layer Name DESCRIPTION Line Type r Hue r No. Line

L-SHRB-DEHS Deciduous; Hibiscus Syriacus Continuous 61 0.25

L-HEDG Hedge Continuous 81 0.25
L-HEDG-EGPC Evergreen; Pyracantha cocinea Continuous 81 0.25
L-HEDG-DEBO Deciduous; Berberis attawensis Continuous 61 0.25
Ground cover
L-GRND Ground cover Continuous 112 0.35
L-GRND-EGWT Evergreen; Wedelia Trilobata Continuous 92 0.35
L-GRND-PEHE Perennial; Hemorocallis Continuous 92 0.35
L-GRND-ANPE Annual; Petunia Continuous 121 0.25
L-CLMB Climbers Continuous 111 0.25
L-CLMB-EGBG Evergreen; Bougainvillea galabra Continuous 91 0.25
L-CLMB-DEWS Deciduous; wisteria sinensis Continuous 61 0.25
L-LAWN Lawn Continuous 91 0.25
L-HTCH-LAWN Hatch for Lawn Continuous 3 0.35
L-HTCH-GRND Hatch for Ground cover Continuous 82 0.35
L-HTCH-SHRB Hatch for Shrubs Continuous 60 0.18
L-HTCH-CLMB Hatch for Climbers Continuous 110 0.18
L-HTCH-HEDG Hatch for Hedge Continuous 80 0.18
L-HTCH-WATR Hatch for Water Continuous 140 0.18
L-HTCH-PLNT Hatch for planted areas Continuous 91 0.25

Dar Beirut CAD Handbook B.4 -5 of 12 September 2002

Colo Colo Width
Layer Name DESCRIPTION Line Type r Hue r No. Line


L-ANNO-DIMS Dimensions Continuous 11 0.25
L-ANNO-CELI Center line, center line text Center 130 0.18
L-ANNO-TEXS Text small Continuous 211 0.25
L-ANNO-TEXM Text medium Continuous 52 0.35
L-ANNO-TEXL Text Large Continuous 243 0.50
L-ANNO-TARB Arabic text Continuous 211 0.25
L-ANNO-TRIM Cut line, trim Continuous 141 0.25
L-ANNO-NRTH North sign Continuous 111 0.25
L-ANNO-REVS Revision clouds Continuous 212 0.35
L-ANNO-STMP Stamp Continuous 91 0.25
L-ANNO-LEGN Legend and schedules Continuous 221 0.25
L-ANNO-XREF Reference files Continuous 90 0.18
L-ANNO-SYMB Miscellaneous symbols Continuous 111 0.25
L-ANNO-TTLB Border & title block Continuous 111 0.25
L-ANNO-NOTE General notes & general remarks Continuous 211 0.25
L-ANNO-CORD Site coordinates Continuous 111 0.25
L-ANNO-AREA Area calculation boundary lines Continuous 121 0.25
L-ANNO-VPRT View port outline Continuous 4 0.25
L-ANNO-CREF Cross reference for details and sections Continuous 52 0.35
L-SITE Site Continuous 2 0.25
L-SITE-EXST Existing to remain Continuous 21 0.25
L-SITE-NICN Not in contract Continuous 220 0.18
L-SITE-PHS# Phase number Continuous 181 0.25
L-SITE-EXPL Existing plants to remain Continuous 91 0.25
L-SITE-LIMT Site Limit Center 213 0.50
L-SITE-EXLV Site existing levels Continuous 250 0.18
L-SITE PRLV Site proposed levels Continuous 2 0.25
L-SITE-EXCN Site existing contours Hidden 100 0.18
L-SITE-PRCN Site proposed contours Continuous 110 0.18
L-SITE-EMBK Embankment Continuous 50 0.18
L-SITE-BLDG Building outline Continuous 243 0.50
L-EDGE Edge Continuous 2 0.25
L-EDGE-CONC Concrete edge Continuous 171 0.25
L-EDGE-STON Stone edge Continuous 51 0.25
L-CURB Curb Continuous 151 0.25
L-CURB-FRNT Front curb line Continuous 151 0.25
L-CURB-BACK Back curb line Continuous 150 0.18

Dar Beirut CAD Handbook B.4 -6 of 12 September 2002

Colo Colo Width
Layer Name DESCRIPTION Line Type r Hue r No. Line

L-WALL Wall Continuous 131 0.25
L-WALL-CONC Concrete wall Continuous 191 0.25
L-WALL-STON Stone wall Continuous 41 0.25
L-WALL-PLNT Raised planters walls Continuous 71 0.25
Retaining wall
L-RTWL Retaining wall Continuous 242 0.35
L-RTWL-CONC Concrete retaining wall Continuous 212 0.35
L-RTWL-STON Stone retaining wall Continuous 52 0.35
L-RTWL-HIDN Hidden retaining wall Hidden 50 0.18
L-FENC Fence Continuous 152 0.35
L-FENC-CHIN Chainlink fence Continuous 162 0.35
L-FENC-STEL Steel fence Continuous 141 0.35
L-FENC-FERG Ferforge fence Continuous 41 0.25
L-FENC-WALL Wall fence Continuous 2 0.35
L-GATE Gate Continuous 131 0.25
L-STIR Stair Continuous 2 0.25
L-STIR-NOSG Stair nosing line Continuous 51 0.25
L-STIR-STUR Stair structural line Hidden 10 0.18
L-STIR-AROW Stair arrow Continuous 141 0.18
L-RAMP Ramp Continuous 151 0.25
L-RAMP-AROW Ramp arrow Continuous 140 0.18
L-RAMP-EDGE Ramp edge Continuous 161 0.25
L-SPRT Sport grounds Continuous 2 0.25
L-SPRT-FOOT Football court Continuous 81 0.25
L-SPRT-BSKT Basketball court Continuous 11 0.25
L-SPRT-VOLY Volleyball court Continuous 141 0.25
L-SPRT-TENS Tennis court Continuous 51 0.25
L-ROAD Roads Continuous 30 0.18
L-ROAD-MARK Marking for roads and parking Continuous 180 0.18
L-ROAD-ZPRA Road zebra crossing Continuous 120 0.18
Site furniture
L-FURN Furniture layout Continuous 1 0.18
L-FURN-BNCH Bench Continuous 30 0.18
L-FURN-LGHT Light pole Continuous 51 0.25
L-FURN-FLAG Flag pole Continuous 131 0.25
L-FURN-TGRT Tree grate Continuous 91 0.25
L-FURN-BLRD Bollard Continuous 141 0.25

Dar Beirut CAD Handbook B.4 -7 of 12 September 2002

Colo Colo Width
Layer Name DESCRIPTION Line Type r Hue r No. Line

L-FURN-LITR Litter bin Continuous 171 0.25

L-FURN-DRIN Drain gully Continuous 140 0.18
L-FURN-KISK Newspaper & telephone kiosk Continuous 231 0.25
L-FURN-GAZB Gazebo Continuous 241 0.25
L-FURN-FUNT Foundation Continuous 131 0.25
L-FURN-PERG Pergolas Continuous 30 0.18
L-FURN-PLAY Children play equipment Continuous 50 0.18
L-PATT Pattern Continuous 40 0.18
L-PATT-HRNG Herring bone Continuous 20 0.18
L-PATT-STCH Stretcher Continuous 120 0.18
L-PATT-RAND Random Continuous 40 0.18
L-FNSH Finishing Continuous 40 0.18
L-FNSH-STON Stone paving finish (pattern) Continuous 50 0.18
L-FNSH-INTR Interlocking blocks finish (Pattern) Continuous 140 0.18
L-FNSH-BSLT Basalt blocks finish (pattern) Continuous 190 0.18
L-FNSH-TERA Terracotta tiles finish (pattern) Continuous 20 0.18
L-FNSH-TILE Concrete tiles finish (pattern) Continuous 150 0.18
L-FNSH-CRMC Ceramic tiles finish (pattern) Continuous 120 0.18
L-FNSH-MLSH Mulch finish Continuous 30 0.18
L-HTCH Hatch Continuous 180 0.18
L-HTCH-PLNT Hatch for planted area Continuous 91 0.25
L-HTCH-WATR Hatch for water Continuous 140 0.18
Pergola \ Gazebo
L-PERG Pergola \ Gazebo Continuous 30 0.18
L-PERG-COLM Pergola column Continuous 232 0.35
L-PERG-MBEM Pergola main beams Continuous 31 0.25
L-PERG-SBEM Pergola secondary beams Continuous 30 0.18
L-PERG-HIDN Pergola hidden lines Hidden 40 0.18
Pool, fountains & water bodies
L-POOL Pool Continuous 131 0.25
L-POOL-EDGE1 Pool inner edge Continuous 131 0.25
L-POOL-EDGE2 Pool outer edge Continuous 140 0.18
L-POOL-STRC Pool structural hidden lines Hidden 120 0.18
L-POOL-STIR Pool stairs Continuous 10 0.18

Dar Beirut CAD Handbook B.4 -8 of 12 September 2002

Colo Colo Width
Layer Name DESCRIPTION Line Type r Hue r No. Line


L-ANNO-DIMS Dimensions Continuous 11 0.25
L-ANNO-CELI Center line, center line text Center 130 0.18
L-ANNO-TEXS Text small Continuous 211 0.25
L-ANNO-TEXM Text medium Continuous 52 0.35
L-ANNO-TEXL Text Large Continuous 243 0.50
L-ANNO-TARB Arabic text Continuous 211 0.25
L-ANNO-TRIM Cut line, trim Continuous 141 0.25
L-ANNO-NRTH North sign Continuous 111 0.25
L-ANNO-REVS Revision clouds Continuous 212 0.35
L-ANNO-STMP Stamp Continuous 91 0.25
L-ANNO-LEGN Legend and schedules Continuous 221 0.25
L-ANNO-XREF Reference files Continuous 90 0.18
L-ANNO-SYMB Miscellaneous symbols Continuous 111 0.25
L-ANNO-TTLB Border & title block Continuous 111 0.25
L-ANNO-NOTE General notes & general remarks Continuous 211 0.25
L-ANNO-AREA Area calculation boundary lines Continuous 121 0.25
L-ANNO-VPRT View port outline Continuous 4 0.25
L-ANNO-CREF Cross reference for details and sections Continuous 52 0.35
L-SITE Site Continuous 2 0.25
L-SITE-EXST Existing to be remain Continuous 21 0.25
L-SITE-NICN Not in contract Continuous 220 0.18
L-SITE-PHS# Phase number Continuous 181 0.25
L-SITE-EXPL Existing plants to remain Continuous 91 0.25
L-SITE-TRPL Plants to be transplanted Continuous 61 0.25
L-SITE-LIMT Site Limit Center 213 0.50
L-SITE-EXLV Site existing levels Continuous 250 0.18
L-SITE PRLV Site proposed levels Continuous 2 0.25
L-SITE-EXCN Site existing contours Hidden 100 0.18
L-SITE-PRCN Site proposed contours Continuous 110 0.18
L-SITE-EMBK Embankment Continuous 50 0.18
L-SITE-BLDG Building outline Continuous 243 0.50
L-TREE Trees Continuous 3 0.35
L-TREE-EGFN Evergreen tree; Ficus nitida Continuous 82 0.35
L-TREE-DEDR Deciduous tree; Delonix Regia Continuous 62 0.35
L-PALM Palm tree Continuous 101 0.25
L-PALM-PDAC Phoenix dactylifera palm tree Continuous 91 0.25
L-PALM-PCAN Phoenix canariensis palm tree Continuous 81 0.25
L-PALM-WFIL Washingtonia filifera palm tree Continuous 101 0.25
L-PALM-WROB Washingtonia Robusta palm tree Continuous 101 0.25

Dar Beirut CAD Handbook B.4 -9 of 12 September 2002

Colo Colo Width
Layer Name DESCRIPTION Line Type r Hue r No. Line

L-SHRB Shrubs Continuous 71 0.25
L-SHRB-EGNO Evergreen; Nerium oleander Continuous 91 0.25
L-SHRB-DEHS Deciduous; Hibiscus Syriacus Continuous 61 0.25
L-HEDG Hedge Continuous 81 0.25
L-HEDG-EGPC Evergreen; Pyracantha cocinea Continuous 81 0.25
L-HEDG-DEBO Deciduous; Berberis attawensis Continuous 61 0.25
Ground cover
L-GRND Ground cover Continuous 112 0.35
L-GRND-EGWT Evergreen; Wedelia Trilobata Continuous 92 0.35
L-GRND-PEHE Perennial; Hemorocallis Continuous 92 0.35
L-GRND-ANPE Annual; Petunia Continuous 121 0.25
L-CLMB Climbers Continuous 111 0.25
L-CLMB-EGBG Evergreen; Bougainvillea galabra Continuous 91 0.25
L-CLMB-DEWS Deciduous; wisteria sinensis Continuous 61 0.25
L-LAWN Lawn Continuous 91 0.25
L-HTCH-LAWN Hatch for Lawn Continuous 3 0.35
L-HTCH-GRND Hatch for Ground cover Continuous 82 0.35
L-HTCH-SHRB Hatch for Shrubs Continuous 60 0.18
L-HTCH-CLMB Hatch for Climbers Continuous 110 0.18
L-HTCH-HEDG Hatch for Hedge Continuous 80 0.18
L-HTCH-WATR Hatch for Water Continuous 140 0.18

Dar Beirut CAD Handbook B.4 -10 of 12 September 2002

Colo Colo Width
Layer Name DESCRIPTION Line Type r Hue r No. Line

L-ANNO-DIMS Dimensions Continuous 11 0.25
L-ANNO-CELI Center line, center line text Center 130 0.18
L-ANNO-TEXS Text small Continuous 211 0.25
L-ANNO-TEXM Text medium Continuous 52 0.35
L-ANNO-TEXL Text Large Continuous 243 0.50
L-ANNO-TARB Arabic text Continuous 211 0.25
L-ANNO-NRTH North sign Continuous 111 0.25
L-ANNO-REVS Revision clouds Continuous 212 0.35
L-ANNO-STMP Stamp Continuous 91 0.25
L-ANNO-LEGN Legend and schedules Continuous 221 0.25
L-ANNO-SYMB Miscellaneous symbols Continuous 111 0.25
L-ANNO-TTLB Border & title block Continuous 111 0.25
L-ANNO-NOTE General notes & general remarks Continuous 211 0.25
L-ANNO-VPRT View port outline Continuous 4 0.25
L-ANNO-CREF Cross reference for details and sections Continuous 52 0.35
L-DETL-MEMB Insulation membrane Continuous 140 0.18
L-DETL-ELEV Lines in elevation detail Continuous 2 0.25
L-DETL-MCUT Material cut by section Continuous 3 0.35
L-DETL-MBND Material beyond section cut Continuous 1 0.18
L-DETL-CONC Concrete in section Continuous 203 0.50
L-DETL-FNSH Finishing materials – stone marble Continuous 42 0.35
L-DETL-PLST Plaster line in section Continuous 230 0.18
L-DETL-STEL Steel in section Continuous 140 0.18
L-DETL-TRIM Trim, cutline Continuous 141 0.25
L-DETL-STIR Stair finish lines in plan detail Continuous 2 0.25
L-DETL-STHD Stair hidden lines in plan detail Hidden 10 0.18
L-DETL-HIDN Hidden Lines Hidden 10 0.18
L-DETL-PATT Pattern Continuous 40 0.18
L-DETL-VEGI Trees, plants Continuous 81 0.25
L-HTCH Hatch Continuous 180 0.18
L-HTCH-WATR Hatch for water Continuous 140 0.18
L-HTCH-CONE Hatch for concrete Continuous 190 0.25
L-HTCH-SOIL Hatch for soil Continuous 110 0.18
L-HTCH-STON Hatch for stone Continuous 50 0.18
L-HTCH-WOOD Hatch for wood Continuous 40 0.18
L-HTCH-GRVL Hatch for gravel Continuous 200 0.18
L-HTCH-FILL Hatch for fill Continuous 180 0.18

Dar Beirut CAD Handbook B.4 -11 of 12 September 2002

Colo Colo Width
Layer Name DESCRIPTION Line Type r Hue r No. Line


L-ANNO-DIMS Dimensions Continuous 11 0.25
L-ANNO-CELI Center line, center line text Center 130 0.18
L-ANNO-TEXS Text small Continuous 211 0.25
L-ANNO-TEXM Text medium Continuous 52 0.35
L-ANNO-TEXL Text Large Continuous 243 0.50
L-ANNO-TARB Arabic text Continuous 211 0.25
L-ANNO-TRIM Cut line, trim Continuous 141 0.25
L-ANNO-NRTH North sign Continuous 111 0.25
L-ANNO-REVS Revision clouds Continuous 212 0.35
L-ANNO-STMP Stamp Continuous 91 0.25
L-ANNO-LEGN Legend and schedules Continuous 221 0.25
L-ANNO-SYMB Miscellaneous symbols Continuous 111 0.25
L-ANNO-TTLB Border & title block Continuous 111 0.25
L-ANNO-NOTE General notes & general remarks Continuous 211 0.25
L-ANNO-VPRT View port outline Continuous 4 0.25
L-ANNO-CREF Cross reference for details and sections Continuous 52 0.35
L-SECT Section Continuous 4 0.35
L-SECT-MCUT Material cut by section Continuous 3 0.35
L-SECT-MBND Material beyond section cut Continuous 1 0.18
L-SECT-HTCH Hatch Continuous 180 0.18

Dar Beirut CAD Handbook B.4 -12 of 12 September 2002

Uncontrolled copy


Layer Category Layer Description Layer Name Layer Type Pen Width Color Number
Annotation Annotation L-anno continuous 0.25 201
Area Area calculation boundary L-anno-area continuous 0.18 121
north arrow North Arrow, Sign L-anno-arow continuous 0.25 111
Annotation, text, dimentions, notes, sheet borders, detail references, non physical
coordinates aspects of a building, bearings & distance labels (survey coordinates) L-anno-brng continuous 0.25 111
Annotations Centerline L-anno-cntl Center 0.18 130
Dimensions Dimension L-anno-dims continuous 0.18 220
Dimensions Text Multiple dimensions style,text L-anno-dims-text continuous 0.18 50
Graphic Scale graphic scale L-anno-grph continuous 0.40 9
Annotation Identification tags L-anno-iden continuous 0.25 111
Keynotes, keyplans Keynotes, keyplans L-anno-keyn continuous 0.18 10
Cross References cross references for details and sections lines, labels L-anno-labl phantom 2 0.35 52
Legend Legend Text and Schedules L-anno-legn continuous 0.25 221
Levels for sections & plans L-anno-levl continuous 0.18 151
Coordinates & Leader lines site coordinates lines - cut line - trim - marker, break marks, leaders L-anno-mark continuous 0.18 1
Match Lines Drawings match lines - Drawings parts L-anno-matc Phantom 2 0.50 43
Notes general Notes and general remarks L-anno-note continuous 0.25 121
None plot data Non-plotting graphic information L-anno-nplt continuous 0.10 95
Redlines redlines L-anno-redl continuous 0.50 13
x-ref files Reference, external files , xref files L-anno-refr continuous 0.10 254
Revisions Revision clouds, identifier, red lines L-anno-revc continuous 0.50 213
Planting Schedule planting Schedules, quantities Schedules L-anno-schd continuous 0.30 126
Drawing Satmp Stamping drawing ie.,information,tender,construction L-anno-stmp continuous 0.25 91
symbols miscellaneous symbols, Reference symbols L-anno-symb continuous 0.18 200
Text text large scale L-anno-text continuous 0.35 52
Titles Drawing or Detail titles, text titles L-anno-titl continuous 0.30 56
Title Blocks sheet borders, Border and title block L-anno-ttlb continuous 0.25 111
View Port Outline sheet borders, view port outlines L-anno-vprt continuous 0.35 4
area Area calculation boundary lines L-area continuous 0.18 121
Pergola Beams Beams, pergolas, shaded structures, ect... L-beam-perg continuous 0.18 30
building outline Buildings outlines for site plan L-bldg continuous 0.10 15
bridge site improvements, Bridges L-brdg continuous 0.40 19
Details Deatils L-detl continuous 0.30 7
Detail-conc cast-in-place concrete,concrete in section L-detl-conc continuous 0.50 13
Lines in elevations details L-detl-elev continuous 0.18 10
Detail Finish Finishing materials in section, stone-marble, etc... L-detl-fnsh continuous 0.25 21
Hidden Lines Objects or lines hidden from view L-detl-hidd hidden 0.10 245
detl-lines lines in elevations details L-detl-line continuous 0.25 2
Trim - Cut Line Markers, break marks, leaders L-detl-mark continuous 0.25 141
Section Cut Material beyond section cut L-detl-mbnd continuous 0.18 1
Material Cut Material cut by view section L-detl-mcut continuous 0.35 3
Membrane Insulation or water proofing membrane L-detl-memb continuous 0.18 140
Detail-Pattern Texture and hatch patterns L-detl-patt continuous 0.18 40
Plaster Line - Morter Plaster line and mortar in details L-detl-plst continuous 0.18 230
Detail - Steel Steel in section L-detl-stel continuous 0.10 145
Detail - Step Steps, stairs hidden lines in plan detail L-detl-step hidden 0.10 235
detl-plants Details, Tree points, trees, plants L-detl-tree continuous 0.25 81
light Lighting fixtures, lighting poles, tree up light, decorative lighting fixture L-lite continuous 0.25 51
plants Plant / landscape plants , softscape materials L-plnt continuous 0.30 106
Uncontrolled copy

plants beds Plant / landscape, Planting beds L-plnt-beds continuous 0.10 105
shrubs Plant / landscape, Bushes / shrubs L-plnt-bush continuous 0.25 71
shrub hatch Plant / landscape, Bushes / shrubs, hatch for shrubs L-plnt-bush-patt continuous 0.10 65
planters containers pots Plant / landscape, container / planters, pots L-plnt-ctnr continuous 0.25 71
Plant / landscape, Edge, line indicates the edge between two different types of
plant-edge planting,paving L-plnt-edge continuous 0.25 61
ground cover Plant / landscape, ground cover / vines, L-plnt-grnd continuous 0.35 112
ground cover hatch pattern hatch pattern for ground cover L-plnt-grnd-patt continuous 0.30 246
hatch patterns for planted areas L-plnt-patt continuous 0.25 91
remain plants Plants to remain L-plnt-remn continuous 0.25 81
plant shadow Plant / landscape, Shadow area L-plnt-shad continuous 0.50 252
trees Plant / landscape, Tree points, trees L-plnt-tree continuous 0.35 3
Tree Grate Plant / landscape, Tree points, trees grates for trees L-plnt-tree-grte continuous 0.18 240
turf - lawn - grass Plant / landscape, Lawn areas L-plnt-turf continuous 0.25 91
hatch for lawn grass Plant / landscape, Lawn areas, texture and hatch patterns L-plnt-turf-patt continuous 0.18 100
curb Parking lots, Curb, curb points L-prkg-curb continuous 0.10 155
curb line back curb line L-prkg-curb-back continuous 0.18 150
curb face line Face curb line - curb face L-prkg-curb-face continuous 0.25 151
Finishing Finishing Pavment L-pvmt continuous 0.18 40
Conc. Pavement Concrete pavment , concrete surface, cast-in-place concrete L-pvmt-conc continuous 0.18 150
Conc. Pattern Pavement, pavement points, Concrete, concrete surface, cast-in-place concrete, L-pvmt-conc-patt continuous 0.18 190
Hatch for Fill Pavement, fill and cover material L-pvmt-fill continuous 0.18 180
Gravel Gravel Pavement, Gravel surface L-pvmt-grvl continuous 0.18 30
Hatch for Gravel Pavement, Gravel surface, texture and hatch patterns L-pvmt-grvl-patt continuous 0.10 205
Interlocking Pavement Interlocking blocks pavement L-pvmt-intr continuous 0.10 25
Pavement, pavement points, all natural stones, ie. granite, marble, sand stone, lime
Stone Paving stone L-pvmt-ston continuous 0.10 55
Pavement, pavement points, all natural stones, ie. granite, marble, sand stone, lime
Stone Pavment Hatch stone, texture and hatch patterns L-pvmt-ston-patt continuous 0.10 25
Wood Pattern Pavement, pavement points, Wood, texture and hatch patterns L-pvmt-wood-patt continuous 0.10 45
riprap Riprap pavement, L-rrap continuous 0.10 215
site plan site plan improvements elements L-site continuous 0.25 2
Site phase number valid from 1-9 L-site continuous 0.25 181
Demolition site demolition, Hazardous waste L-site continuous 0.18 10
Site Items to be moved L-site hidden 0.18 130

Key plan (site plan), Site features, site improvements, Concrete, concrete surface,
conc edge cast-in-place concrete, Edge L-site-conc-edge continuous 0.25 171

deck site improvements, Outdoor decks (attached, no roof overhead), Top of deck L-site-deck continuous 0.10 35
paving edge pavement edge, two kinds of pavement edges L-site-edge continuous 0.25 2
Embankment - Slope Site features, embankment slope L-site-embk continuous 0.18 50
site site existing data to remain L-site-exst continuous 0.25 21
fences fences L-site-fenc continous 0.35 152
site furnishings Site features, site improvements, Furnishings L-site-furn continuous 0.18 1
Site Furniture Site features, Furnishings, beches and seatings L-site-furn-bnch continuous 0.18 30
Drainge Drainage slope indications, drain gully, water gutter L-site-furn-dran continuous 0.18 140
Gazebo Furnishings, gazebos L-site-furn-gzbo continuous 0.25 241
kiosk kiosk (information, newspaper, towels, ect...) L-site-furn-kisk continuous 0.25 11
Litter Bin Litter Bin, Trash receptacle, garbage collector, ect.... L-site-furn-litr continuous 0.25 171
play equipment Play structures, children play equipment, area L-site-furn-play continuous 0.18 20
Furnishings, pole, pole points (power,telephone,ect.) L-site-furn-pole continuous 0.25 31
Gates Site Gates, Doors L-site-gate continuous 0.25 131
Uncontrolled copy

limit of site Site features, site improvements, site Limits L-site-lmta center 0.50 213
not in contract site improvements, Not in contract L-site-nicn continuous 0.18 220
Pergola & shade plan pergolas, shaded structures, ect... L-site-perg continuous 0.18 30
pergolas, shaded structures, Objects or lines hidden from view L-site-perg-hidd hidden 0.10 45
pergolas, shaded structures, ect..., Posts L-site-perg-post continuous 0.35 232
pools, fountains site improvements, pools and spas L-site-pool continuous 0.25 131
pool edge pool inner or outer lines, pools and spas, pool Edge L-site-pool-edge continuous 0.10 175
pool ladder pools and spas, Ladders / steel Ladder assemblies L-site-pool-ladd continuous 0.18 140
pool step pools and spas, pool Steps L-site-pool-step continuous 0.18 10

pool structure Key plan (site plan), Site features, site improvements, pools and spas, Structures L-site-pool-strc hidden 0.10 185
Existing to Remain Items to be remain L-site-remn continuous 0.25 21
Roads site plan roads , site roadway L-site-road continuous 0.18 30
road marking marking for roads and parking L-site-road-mrkg continuous 0.18 180
sections site improvements, Section boundary L-site-sect continuous 0.35 4
beyond section cut Section boundary, material beyond cut L-site-sect-mbnd continuous 0.18 1
material cut by view Section boundary, material cut by view L-site-sect-mcut continuous 0.35 3
section-hatch pattern Section boundary, texture and hatch patterns L-site-sect-patt continuous 0.18 180
Sports Field site improvements, Sports fields L-site-sprt continuous 0.25 2
steps site improvements, Steps L-site-step continuous 0.25 2
arrow step Steps, arrows for stairs, access and north indication ect... L-site-step-arow continuous 0.25 141
step structure lines site improvements, Steps, Structures L-site-step-strc hidden 0.18 10
Key plan (site plan), Site features, site improvements, all natural stones, ie. granite,
Stone Edge marble, sand stone, lime stone, Edge L-site-ston-edge continuous 0.25 51

temporary works Temporary works for site L-site-temp continuous 0.25 171

zebra lines, crossing lines and street marking L-site-zbra continuous 0.10 125
soil - ground compacted & sub compacted Soils and ground hatch L-soil continuous 0.10 15
soil pattern hatch Soils, texture and hatch patterns L-soil-patt continuous 0.10 115
stairs Stairs finish lines in plan details L-strs continuous 0.25 2
Exist level Topography, existing data, Level changes, ramps, pits, depressions L-topo-exst-levl continuous 0.25 11
major contour lines Topography, Major topographical contours L-topo-majr continuous 0.30 136
minor contour lines Topography, minor topographical contours L-topo-minr continuous 0.18 1

Topography, proposed data L-topo-prps dashed2 0.50 213

Grading grading proposed data, Level changes L-topo-prps-levl continuous 0.25 2
spot elevation - grading Topography, site existing spot elevations L-topo-spot continuous 0.25 11
Uncontrolled copy


Layer Category Layer Description Layer Name Layer Type Pen Width Color Number
Witness/extension lines, Dimension
GENERAL arrowheads/dots/slashes, dimension text CE-ANNO-DIMS CONTINUOUS 0 1
GENERAL General features (miscellaneous items) CE-ANNO-GENF CONTINUOUS 0 2
GENERAL inlets, manholes, swales CE-ANNO-IDEN CONTINUOUS 0 4
GENERAL General notes and general remarks CE-ANNO-NOTE CONTINUOUS 0 2
GENERAL texture and hatch patterns CE-ANNO-PATT CONTINUOUS 0 2
GENERAL Miscellaneous symbols CE-ANNO-SYMB CONTINUOUS 0 2
DETAILS Conduit,Channel, ditch,.. CE-DETL-COND CONTINUOUS 0 3
DETAILS Equipment (e. g., controllers, valves, RPBPs, etc.) CE-DETL-EQPM CONTINUOUS 0 3
DETAILS fill and cover material CE-DETL-FILL CONTINUOUS 0 2
DETAILS Access panels, Access shaft, ceiling penetrations CE-DETL-HTCH CONTINUOUS 0 3
DETAILS Material Beyond Section Cut CE-DETL-MBND HIDDEN 0 2
DETAILS Material Cut By Section, View CE-DETL-MCUT CONTINUOUS 0 4
Detail title text, leadrerlines/arowheads and associated
FIRE Valves and Fittings CE-FIRE-VLVE CONTINUOUS 0 4
IRRIGATION Caps, crosses, and tees CE-IRRG-FTTG CONTINUOUS 0 5
IRRIGATION Existing Irrigation Pipe CE-IRRG-PIPE ACAD ISO 11 W 100 0 2
IRRIGATION Existing Irrigation pipe to be moved (relocated) CE-IRRG-PIPE ACAD ISO 10 W 100 0 2
IRRIGATION Existing Irrigation Pump Stations CE-IRRG-PUMP CONTINUOUS 0 2
IRRIGATION Existing Irrigation Pump Stations to be moved (relocated) CE-IRRG-PUMP CONTINUOUS 0 2
IRRIGATION Existing Irrigation pressure pipes CE-IRRG-UTIL ACAD ISO 12 W 100 0 2
Uncontrolled copy

SEWERAGE Existing Sewer Culverts to be moved (relocated) CE-SSWR-CULV CONTINUOUS 0 2

SEWERAGE Existing Sewer Manhole to be moved (relocated) CE-SSWR-MHOL CONTINUOUS 0 2
Access panels openings, Access shaft openings, ceiling
SEWERAGE penetrations, openings CE-SSWR-OPEN CONTINUOUS 0 4
Piping, above ground piping, pipe points (driveway /
SEWERAGE Existing Sewer Pipe CE-SSWR-PIPE ACAD ISO 11 W 100 0 2
SEWERAGE Existing Sewer pipe to be moved (moved (relocated)) CE-SSWR-PIPE ACAD ISO 10 W 100 0 2
SEWERAGE Existing Sewer Pump Stations CE-SSWR-PUMP CONTINUOUS 0 2
SEWERAGE Existing Sewer Pump Stations to be moved (relocated) CE-SSWR-PUMP CONTINUOUS 0 2
SEWERAGE Utilities, utility lines, existing pressure pipes CE-SSWR-UTIL ACAD ISO 12 W 100 0 2
STORM DRAINAGE Storm drainage headwalls, culverts CE-STRM-CULV CONTINUOUS 0 4
STORM DRAINAGE Existing Storm Culverts, drainage Inlets, Storm Drains CE-STRM-CULV CONTINUOUS 0 2
Existing Storm Culverts, drainage Inlets, Storm Drains
STORM DRAINAGE (Channels) to be moved (relocated) CE-STRM-CULV CONTINUOUS 0 2
STORM DRAINAGE Storm drain inlets - curb CE-STRM-CURB CONTINUOUS 0 4
STORM DRAINAGE Floor drains and cleanouts CE-STRM-FLDR CONTINUOUS 0 3
STORM DRAINAGE Access panels, Access shaft, ceiling penetrations CE-STRM-HTCH CONTINUOUS 0 13
Riprap, revetment/ stone protection, breakwater, dike, jetty,
STORM DRAINAGE Existing Storm Manhole to be moved (relocated) CE-STRM-MHOL CONTINUOUS 0 2
STORM DRAINAGE Existing Storm Pipe CE-STRM-PIPE ACAD ISO 11 W 100 0 2
STORM DRAINAGE Existing Storm pipe to be moved (relocated) CE-STRM-PIPE ACAD ISO 10 W 100 0 2
STORM DRAINAGE Existing Storm Pump Stations to be moved (relocated) CE-STRM-PUMP CONTINUOUS 0 2
STORM DRAINAGE Existing storm pressure pipes CE-STRM-UTIL ACAD ISO 12 W 100 0 2
WATER Caps, crosses, and tees CE-WATR-FTTG CONTINUOUS 0 5
WATER Existing Water Pipe CE-WATR-PIPE ACAD ISO 11 W 100 0 2
WATER Existing Water pipe to be moved (relocated) CE-WATR-PIPE ACAD ISO 10 W 100 0 2
WATER Existing Water Pump Stations CE-WATR-PUMP CONTINUOUS 0 2
WATER Existing Water Pump Stations to be moved (relocated) CE-WATR-PUMP CONTINUOUS 0 2
WATER Storage tanks (reservoirs) CE-WATR-TANK CONTINUOUS 0 2
WATER Existing Water tank (Reservoir) CE-WATR-TANK CONTINUOUS 0 2
WATER Water tank (Reservoir) to be moved (relocated) CE-WATR-TANK CONTINUOUS 0 2
WATER Existing Water pressure pipes CE-WATR-UTIL ACAD ISO 12 W 100 0 2

CT-AFLD-BLST Blast Fence Dashed 120 0.18
CT-AFLD-CONC Concourse Building Continuous 170 0.18
CT-AFLD-FENC Fence Line Dashed 210 0.18
CT-AFLD-FLNE Airfield Fire Lane Continuous 130 0.18
CT-AFLD-GSER-CNTR GSE Road Centerline Center 1 0.18
CT-AFLD-GSER-EDGE GSE Road Edge Continuous 32 0.35
CT-AFLD-GSER-STLB GSE Road Stations & Labels Continuous 50 0.18
CT-AFLD-LIMT Limit of Work Phantom 213 0.5
CT-AFLD-LEVL Levels Continuous 55 0.1
CT-AFLD-MRKG (-TYPE) Airfield Pavement Marking (+ Type / Optional) Continuous 255 0.4
CT-AFLD-SIGN Airfield Signs Continuous 7 0.3
CT-AFLD-TERM Terminal Building Continuous 170 0.18
CT-RUNW-CNTR Runway Centerline Center 1 0.18
CT-RUNW-EDGE Runway Edge, End of Pavement, Carriageway Continuous 5 0.5
CT-RUNW-SHLD Runway Shoulder Continuous 141 0.25
CT-RUNW-STLB Runway Stations & Labels Continuous 50 0.18
CT-RUNW-STRP Runway Strip Hidden 200 0.18
CT-TAXI-BLST Taxiway Blast Paving Continuous 30 0.18
CT-TAXI-CNTR (-NAME) Taxiway Centerline (+ Name / Optional) Center 1 0.18
CT-TAXI-EDGE Taxiway Edge, End of Pavement, Carriageway Continuous 5 0.5
CT-TAXI-SHLD Taxiway Shoulder Continuous 141 0.25
CT-TAXI-STLB (-NAME) Taxiway Stations & Labels (+ Name / Optional) Continuous 50 0.18
CT-TAXI-STRP Taxiway Strip Hidden 200 0.18

CT-BLDG Buildings Continuous 254 0.1
CT-BLDG-OTLN Buildings Outline Continuous 254 0.1
CT-BLDG-TEXT Building Labels Continuous 254 0.1

Control Points
CT-CTRL-BMRK Benchmarks Continuous 230 0.18
CT-CTRL-TRAV Traverse Continuous 15 0.1

CT-CULV Culverts Continuous 30 0.18

CT-DTCH Ditches Continuous 245 0.18

Dar Beirut CAD Handbook B.8-1 of 5 October 2002


CT-DTCH-BOTD Bottom of Ditch Continuous 245 0.18
CT-DTCH-CNTR Ditch Centerline Continuous 245 0.18
CT-DTCH-TOPD Top of Ditch Continuous 245 0.18

CT-FENC Fence Fenceline 245 0.1
CT-FENC-GRAL Guardrail Fenceline 245 0.1
CT-FENC-STEL Steel Fences (barbed wire, chain link) Fenceline 245 0.1
CT-FENC-WOOD Wood Fences Fenceline 245 0.1

CT-FUEL-EQPM Fuel Equipment (pumps, motors) Continuous 165 0.1
CT-FUEL-MHOL Fuel Manhole Continuous 165 0.1
CT-FUEL-PIPE Fuel Pipe Continuous 165 0.1
CT-FUEL-TANK Fuel Storage Tank Continuous 165 0.1
CT-FUEL-UNDR Underground Fuel Pipe Continuous 165 0.1

General Information
Dimensions (includes witness/extension lines,
CT-GENR-DIMS dimension arrowheads/dots/slashes, dimension Continuous 1 0.18
CT-GENR-LEGN Legends and Schedules (includes text) Continuous 80 0.18
CT-GENR-LINE Lines (For General, Detail, & Cross-Section Dwgs) Continuous 91 0.25
CT-GENR-MTCH Match Lines Phantom 5 0.5
CT-GENR-NOTE Notes and General Remarks Continuous 50 0.18
CT-GENR-PATT Patterning, Cross-Hatching Continuous 55 0.1
Symbols (e.g., scales, north arrow, section cuts,
CT-GENR-SYMB Continuous 250 0.25
stamp, etc.)
Text and callouts with associated leaderlines and
CT-GENR-TEXT Continuous 50 0.18
CT-GENR-REVS Revision Clouds Continuous 221 0.25

Irish Crossings
CT-IRCR Irish Crossings Continuous 30 0.18

CT-LSCP Landscaping Features Continuous 85 0.1

Natural Gas
CT-NGAS-EQPM Natural Gas Equipment (pumps, motors) Continuous 115 0.1

Dar Beirut CAD Handbook B.8-2 of 5 October 2002


CT-NGAS-MHOL Natural Gas Manhole Continuous 115 0.1
CT-NGAS-PIPE Natural Gas Pipe Continuous 115 0.1
CT-NGAS-TANK Natural Gas Storage Tank Continuous 115 0.1
CT-NGAS-UNDR Underground Natural Gas Pipe Continuous 115 0.1

Parking Lots
CT-PRKG-CARS Cars & Other Vehicles Continuous 175 0.1
CT-PRKG-CURB-FACE Parking Lot Curb - Face Continuous 31 0.25
CT-PRKG-CURB-BACK Parking Lot Curb - Edge Continuous 31 0.25
CT-PRKG-FIXT Parking Lot Fixtures Continuous 215 0.1
CT-PRKG-MRKG (-TYPE) Parking Lot Pavement Marking (+ Type / Optional) Continuous 52 0.35
CT-PRKG-SIGN Parking Lot Signs Continuous 7 0.3

Telephone Lines
CT-PHON Telephone Lines Continuous 145 0.1

Power / Electrical Utilities

CT-POWR-INST Power Instrumentation (transformers, etc…) Continuous 165 0.1
CT-POWR-MHOL Power Manhole Continuous 165 0.1
CT-POWR-OVHD Overhead Power Lines Continuous 165 0.1
CT-POWR-POLE Power Poles / Boxes Continuous 165 0.1
CT-POWR-STRC Power Structures Continuous 165 0.1
CT-POWR-UNDR Underground Power Lines Continuous 165 0.1

CT-PROF-BASE Profile Box Limits Continuous 131 0.25
CT-PROF-EGCT Existing Ground Text Continuous 2 0.25
CT-PROF-FGCT Finished Ground Text Continuous 2 0.25
CT-PROF-GRID Profile Grid Lines Continuous 254 0.1
CT-PROF-LABL Profile Labels Continuous 91 0.25
CT-PROF-PEGC Existing Ground Dashed 95 0.1
CT-PROF-PFGC Finished Ground Continuous 162 0.35

CT-PROP-LINE Property Lines Continuous 254 0.1
CT-PROP-TEXT Property Label Continuous 254 0.1

CT-RAIL-CNTR Railroad Centerline Center 1 0.18
CT-RAIL-EQPM Railroad Equipment (gates, signals, etc…) Continuous 80 0.18

Dar Beirut CAD Handbook B.8-3 of 5 October 2002


CT-RAIL-TRAK Railroad Track Continuous 5 0.5

CT-RRAP Riprap Continuous 55 0.1

CT-RIVR River Continuous 155 0.1
CT-RIVR-BOTM Bottom of River Continuous 155 0.1
CT-RIVR-CNTR River Centerline Continuous 155 0.1
CT-RIVR-EDGE River Edge Continuous 155 0.1
CT-RIVR-TOPB River Top Of Bank Continuous 155 0.1

CT-ROAD-CNTR (-NAME) Roadway Centerline (+ Name / Optional) Center 1 0.18
CT-ROAD-CURB-FACE Roadway Curb - Face Continuous 31 0.25
CT-ROAD-CURB-BACK Roadway Curb - Edge Continuous 31 0.25
CT-ROAD-CUTT Cut Slopes Continuous 254 0.1
CT-ROAD-EDGE Roadway Edge, End of Pavement, Carriageway Continuous 5 0.5
CT-ROAD-FILL Fill Slopes Continuous 254 0.1
CT-ROAD-LIMT Limit of Work Phantom 213 0.5
CT-ROAD-LEVL Levels Continuous 55 0.1
CT-ROAD-MRKG (-TYPE) Roadway Pavement Marking (+ Type / Optional) Continuous 52 0.35
CT-ROAD-NJSB New Jersey Barrier Continuous 100 0.25
CT-ROAD-RWAY Right-Of-Way Phantom 212 0.35
CT-ROAD-SHLD Roadway Shoulder Continuous 141 0.25
CT-ROAD-SIGN Roadway Signs Continuous 7 0.3
CT-ROAD-SETT Setting Out Data Continuous 50 0.18
CT-ROAD-STLB (-NAME) Roadway Stations & Labels (+Name / Optional) Continuous 50 0.18
CT-ROAD-TRAF Roadway Traffic Signals Continuous 7 0.3
CT-ROAD-VERG Verge Continuous 60 0.25

Sanitary Sewer
CT-SSWR-MHOL Sanitary Sewer Manhole Continuous 195 0.1
CT-SSWR-PIPE Sanitary Sewer Pipe Continuous 195 0.1
CT-SSWR-STRC Sanitary Sewer Structures Continuous 195 0.1
CT-SSWR-UNDR Sanitary Sewer Underground Pipe Continuous 195 0.1

Storm Sewer
CT-STRM-MHOL Storm Sewer Manhole Continuous 235 0.1
CT-STRM-PIPE Storm Sewer Pipe Continuous 235 0.1

Dar Beirut CAD Handbook B.8-4 of 5 October 2002


CT-STRM-STRC Storm Sewer Structures Continuous 235 0.1
CT-STRM-UNDR Storm Sewer Underground Pipe Continuous 235 0.1

CT-TOPO-COOR Coordinate Grid Tics & Text Continuous 50 0.18
CT-TOPO-GRID Grid Lines Continuous 254 0.1
CT-TOPO-MAJR Major Contours With Annotation Continuous 51 0.25
CT-TOPO-MINR Minor Contours - With Annotation Continuous 75 0.1
CT-TOPO-SPOT Spot Elevations Continuous 254 0.1

CT-WALL Wall Continuous 245 0.1
CT-WALL-MSNW Masonry Wall Continuous 245 0.1
CT-WALL-RTWL Retaining Wall Continuous 245 0.1

Water Supply Systems

CT-WATR-PIPE Water Supply Pipe Continuous 155 0.1
CT-WATR-STRC Water Supply Structures Continuous 155 0.1
CT-WATR-UNDR Water Supply Underground Pipe Continuous 155 0.1
CT-WATR-WELL Wells Continuous 155 0.1


1- In case needed, the name/label of alignments can be added to the centerline and station layers to separate
the various alignment (e.g in the case of interchanges). The name/label can be added at the end and should
be of exactly 4 characters (e.g CT-ROAD-CNTR-ALG1)

2- In case needed, the type of marking can be added to the marking layer to separate the various types.
The type label can be added at the end and should be of exactly 4 characters (e.g CT-ROAD-MRKG-L1-1)

3- Single alphabetic characters can be added at the end of any layer name to reflect the status of the feature.
The characters to be used are shown in the table below. (e.g CT-ROAD-SIGN-R)

Status Character
New Work N
Existing to Remain E
Existing to be Removed R
Existing to be moved (Original Position) O
Existing to be moved (Final Position) F
Temporary Work T

Dar Beirut CAD Handbook B.8-5 of 5 October 2002

Town Planning Department AutoCAD® Layering System

Serial Symbol Pen Layer Line

No. Category Description Layer Name on Line Width Color no. Type

1 Dimensions. U-ANNO-DIMS 0.18 6 Continuous

2 Identification tags. U-ANNO-IDEN 0.18 6 Continuous
3 Keynotes. U-ANNO-KEYN 0.18 6 Continuous
4 Labels / Zones U-ANNO-LABL-ZONE 0.5 253 Continuous
5 Labels / Maximum Height U-ANNO-LABL-MAXH 0.25 31 Continuous
6 Legends, symbol keys. U-ANNO-LEGN 0.18 6 Continuous
7 Markers, break marks, leaders. U-ANNO-MARK 0.18 6 Continuous
8 Match lines. U-ANNO-MATC 0.18 5 Continuous
9 Notes. U-ANNO-NOTE 0.18 6 Continuous
10 Revision clouds. U-ANNO-REVC 0.18 6 Continuous
11 Revisions. U-ANNO-REVS 0.18 6 Continuous
12 Schedules. U-ANNO-SCHD 0.18 6 Continuous
13 Data tables. U-ANNO-TABL 0.18 6 Continuous
14 Text. U-ANNO-TEXT 0.18 50 Continuous
15 Drawing or detail titles. U-ANNO-TITL 0.18 6 Continuous
16 Border and title block. U-ANNO-TTLB 0.18 6 Continuous
17 Buildings and primary structures. U-BLDG 0.35 242 Continuous
Buildings and primary structures:
18 outdoor decks (attached, no roof U-BLDG-DECK 0.25 242 Continuous
Buildings and primary structures:
19 U-BLDG-OTLN 0.25 242 Continuous
Buildings and primary structures:
20 U-BLDG-OVHD 0.25 242 Continuous
overhead (overhang)
Buildings and primary structures:
21 U-BLDG-PRCH 0.25 242 Continuous
porch (attached, roof overhead).
Document Title: AutoCAD Layers Issued On: October 2002
Issued By: B.R., M.F. B.10 - 1 of 6 Printed On: 14/1/2003
Town Planning Department AutoCAD® Layering System

Serial Symbol Pen Layer Line

No. Category Description Layer Name on Line Width Color no. Type

22 Retained building U-BLDG-RTND 0.25 242 Continuous

23 Political boundaries. U-BNDY 0.35 1 Center
24 Cadastral layer. U-BNDY-CDST 0.18 200 Continuous
25 Political boundaries: city. U-BNDY-CITY 0.25 1 Dashed
26 Political boundaries: county. U-BNDY-CNTY 0.18 1 Dashed
27 Political boundaries: corporation. U-BNDY-CORP 0.18 1 Continuous
28 Political boundaries: national. U-BNDY-NATL 0.35 1 Center
29 Political boundaries: province. U-BNDY-PROV 0.25 1 Continuous
30 Political boundaries: state. U-BNDY-STAT 0.18 1 Continuous
Political boundaries: town or
31 U-BNDY-TSHP 0.35 1 Continuous
32 Political boundaries: zoning. U-BNDY-ZONE 0.18 150
33 Sub – Zone / Sub-sector boundary. U-BNDY-SBZN 0.18 130 Center
34 Bridge. U-BRDG 0.25 2 Continuous
35 Building restriction line. U-BRLN 0.18 2 Dashed
36 Buffer zone area. U-BZNA 0.25 5 Continuous
37 Cemetery. U-CEME 0.18 3 Continuous
38 Communications: overhead lines. U-COMM-OVHD 0.35 1 Continuous
39 Communications: underground lines. U-COMM-UNDR 0.35 5 Continuous
40 Control points: grid lines. U-CTRL-GRID 0.1 125 Continuous
41 Control Points: grid lines text. U-CTRL-GRID-TEXT 0.18 50 Continuous
42 Drain fields: outline. U-DFLD-OTLN 0.18 3 Continuous
Easements: access (pedestrian only;
43 U-ESMT-ACCS 0.25 61 Continuous
private access).

Document Title: AutoCAD Layers Issued On: October 2002

Issued By: B.R., M.F. B.10 - 2 of 6 Printed On: 14/1/2003
Town Planning Department AutoCAD® Layering System

Serial Symbol Pen Layer Line

No. Category Description Layer Name on Line Width Color no. Type

44 Easements: conservation. U-ESMT-CONS 0.18 61 Continuous

45 Easements: electrical. U-ESMT-ELEC 0.18 61 Continuous
46 Easements: flood plain. U-ESMT-FDPL 0.18 61 Continuous
47 Easements: natural gas line. U-ESMT-NGAS 0.18 61 Continuous
48 Easements: telephone line. U-ESMT-PHON 0.18 61 Continuous
49 Easements: roadway. U-ESMT-ROAD 0.18 61 Continuous
Easements: right-of-way (public
50 U-ESMT-RWAY 0.18 61 Continuous
51 Easements: sight distance. U-ESMT-SGHT 0.18 61 Continuous
52 Easements: sanitary sewer. U-ESMT-SSWR 0.18 61 Continuous
53 Easements: utilities. U-ESMT-UTIL 0.18 61 Continuous
54 Easements: water supply. U-ESMT-WATR 0.18 61 Continuous
Fire protection system: hydrants and
55 U-FIRE-HYDR 0.18 20 Continuous
56 Fire protection system: piping. U-FIRE-PIP 0.18 20 Continuous
Fire protection system: underground
57 U-FIRE-UNDR 0.18 20 Dashed
58 Flood hazard area. U-BNDY-FLHA 0.18 20 Continuous
59 Fuel gas. U-FUEL 0.18 40 Continuous
60 Fuel gas: above-ground piping. U-FUEL-PIPE 0.18 40 Continuous
61 Fuel gas: storage tanks. U-FUEL-TANK 0.18 40 Continuous
62 Fuel gas: underground piping. U-FUEL-UNDR 0.18 40 Dashed
63 Irrigation: piping. U-IRRG-PIPE 0.18 40 Continuous
64 Natural gas: above-ground piping. U-NGAS-PIPE 0.18 40 Continuous
65 Natural gas: piping. U-NGAS-PIPE 0.18 40 Continuous
66 Natural gas: storage tank. U-NGAS-TANK 0.18 40 Continuous
67 Natural gas: underground piping. U-NGAS-UNDR 0.18 40 Dashed
Document Title: AutoCAD Layers Issued On: October 2002
Issued By: B.R., M.F. B.10 - 3 of 6 Printed On: 14/1/2003
Town Planning Department AutoCAD® Layering System

Serial Symbol Pen Layer Line

No. Category Description Layer Name on Line Width Color no. Type

68 Plant and landscape. U-PLNT 0.18 40 Continuous

69 Plant and landscape: trees. U-PLNT-TREE 0.18 40 Continuous
70 Ponds. U-POND 0.25 161 Continuous
71 Ponds: edge. U-POND-EDGE 0.18 20 Continuous
72 Power: overhead lines. U-POWR-OVHD 0.18 220 Continuous
73 Power: underground lines. U-POWR-UNDR 0.18 220 Continuous
74 Parking lots. U-PRKG 0.18 7 Continuous
75 Parking lots: cars and other vehicles. U-PRKG-CARS 0.18 7 Continuous
76 Parking lots: curb. U-PRKG-CURB 0.18 7 Continuous
78 Parking lots: striping. U-PRKG-STRP 0.18 7 Continuous
79 Parking: underground. U-PRKG-UNDR 0.18 160 Dashed
Continuous built-to-line on
80 U-PROP-BLTL-CONT 0.25 171 Continuous
Mandatory setbacks.
Built-to-line with permitted
81 U-PROP-BLTL-DISC 0.25 201 Continuous
scontinuous facades.
82 Colonnade / arcade on built-to-line. U-PROP-COLN 0.25 201 Continuous
Property boundary: property lines,
83 U-PROP-LINE 0.18 1 Continuous
survey benchmarks, property corners.
Proposed plot boundaries (new
84 U-PROP-LINE-PROP 0.35 212 Continuous
85 Existing plot boundaries (from base). U-PROP-LINE-RTND 0.1 55 Continuous

86 Restricted access from road to plots. U-PROP-RACC 0.18 50 Continuous

87 Property: setback lines. U-PROP-SBCK 0.25 171 Dashed
Jetty (ground and mezzanine floor
88 U-PROP-SBCK-JETY 0.25 201 Continuous

Document Title: AutoCAD Layers Issued On: October 2002

Issued By: B.R., M.F. B.10 - 4 of 6 Printed On: 14/1/2003
Town Planning Department AutoCAD® Layering System

Serial Symbol Pen Layer Line

No. Category Description Layer Name on Line Width Color no. Type

Property boundary: subdivision

89 U-PROP-SUBD 0.18 5 Dashed
(interior) lines.
Frontage governed by mandatory
90 U-PROP-SWCN 0.25 201 Continuous
street-wall controls.
91 Railroad. U-RAIL 0.18 190 Continuous
92 Railroad: centerline. U-RAIL-CNTR 0.18 10 Center
93 Railroad: track. U-RAIL-TRAK 0.18 190 Continuous
94 River. U-RIVR 0.18 140 Continuous
95 River: centerline. U-RIVR-CNTR 0.18 180 Continuous
96 River: edge. U-RIVR-EDGE 0.35 180 Continuous
97 Roads, streets and highways. U-ROAD 0.25 180 Continuous
Roads, streets and highways:
98 U-ROAD-CNTR 0.18 10 Center
99 Roads, streets and highways: curb. U-ROAD-CURB 0.25 51 Continuous
100 Road: median. U-ROAD-MDAN 0.18 130 Continuous
101 Road: NJ barriers. U-ROAD-NJBR 0.18 130 Continuous
102 Right-of-way. U-RWAY 0.18 130 Continuous
103 Right-of-way: centerline. U-RWAY-CNTR 0.18 130 Center
104 Right-of-way: lines. U-RWAY-LINE 0.18 150 Continuous
105 Key plan (site plan). U-SITE 0.18 140 Continuous
106 Site: coast line U-SITE-CSTL 0.18 140 Continuous
107 Site features: fences. U-SITE-FENC 0.18 170 Continuous
108 Public open space. U-SITE-OPNS 0.35 102 Continuous
109 Site improvements: pools and spas. U-SITE-POOL 0.18 140 Continuous
110 Site: quarry. U-SITE-QUAR 0.25 21 Continuous

Document Title: AutoCAD Layers Issued On: October 2002

Issued By: B.R., M.F. B.10 - 5 of 6 Printed On: 14/1/2003
Town Planning Department AutoCAD® Layering System

Serial Symbol Pen Layer Line

No. Category Description Layer Name on Line Width Color no. Type

111 Site features: retaining wall. U-SITE-RTWL 0.18 5 Continuous

112 Site improvements: sports fields. U-SITE-SPRT 0.18 94 Continuous
113 Site improvements: steps. U-SITE-STEP 0.18 7 Continuous
Site features: trees, shrubs, and
114 U-SITE-VEGE 0.18 70 Continuous
other vegetation.
Sanitary sewer system: underground
115 U-SSWR-UNDR 0.18 243 Continuous
116 Storm sewer: piping. U-STRM-PIPE 0.25 243 Continuous
117 Storm sewer: underground piping. U-STRM-UNDR 0.18 243 Dashed
118 Sidewalks. U-SWLK 0.18 253 Continuous
119 Topography: escarpment. U-TOPO-ESRP 0.18 200 Continuous
120 Topography: major contours. U-TOPO-MAJR 0.18 30 Continuous
121 Topography: minor contours. U-TOPO-MINR 0.1 135 Continuous
122 Topography: spot elevations. U-TOPO-SPOT 0.25 135 Continuous
123 Unidentified site objects. U-UNID 0.35 20 Continuous
124 Water supply: above-ground piping. U-WATR-PIPE 0.25 140 Continuous
125 Water supply: underground piping. U-WATR-UNDR 0.25 140 Dashed
126 Water supply systems: well. U-WATR-WELL 0.18 150 Continuous

Document Title: AutoCAD Layers Issued On: October 2002

Issued By: B.R., M.F. B.10 - 6 of 6 Printed On: 14/1/2003
Uncontrolled copy


Layer Category Layer Description Layer Name Layer Type Pen Width Color Number
Annotation Dimensions I-Anno-Dims Continuous 0.25 21
Annotation Legends And Schedules I-Anno-Legn Continuous 0.25 151
Annotation Legends And Schedules Text I-Anno-Legn-Text Continuous 0.20 211
Annotation Interior Notes I-Anno-Note Continuous 0.25 111
Annotation Non-Plotting Information I-Anno-Nplt Continuous 0.18 80
Annotation Revision text & clouds I-anno-revs Continuous 0.18 210
Defines the cut line between the Architecture and Interior
Annotation Architecture scope of work. I-anno-Swap Continuous 0.20 9
Annotation Title Block I-Anno-Ttlb Continuous 0.25 111
Annotation Paper Space Viewports. # I-Anno-Vprt-#
Annotation X-Reference Insertion Layer.# I-Anno-Xref-#

Area Room Numbers, Tenant Identications, Area Calculations I-Area-Iden Continuous 0.25 91
Area Area Calculation Lines. I-area-line Continuous 0.50 243
Area Occupant or Employee Names I-Area-Occp Continuous 0.25 81
Area Area Cross Hatching I-Area-Patt Continuous 0.25 250
Ceiling Ceiling Information I-Clng Continuous 0.25 51
Ceiling Ceiling Access I-Clng-Accs Continuous 0.18 220
Ceiling Equipment coordinated ( CCTV Cameras...) I-clng-eqpm Continuous 0.25 91
Ceiling Coordinated Fixtures (Smoke detectors,
Ceiling Speakers...) I-clng-fixd Continuous 0.25 91
Ceiling Ceiling Finishes Identifier I-clng-fnsh Continuous 0.25 161
Ceiling Ceiling Grid Ceiling I-Clng-Grid Continuous 0.25 231
Ceiling, component identification numbers & Ceiling Level
Ceiling identification I-clng-iden Continuous 0.25 11
Ceiling Ceiling not in contract I-Clng-Nicn Hidden 2 0.25 171
Ceiling Ceiling/roof penetrations I-Clng-Open Hidden 2 0.35 232
Ceiling Ceiling Patterns I-Clng-Patt Continuous 0.18 220
Ceiling Ceiling, Sign & Signage I-clng-sign Continuous 0.25 111
Ceiling Ceiling Coordianted Sprinklers I-clng-sprn Continuous 0.25 91
Ceiling Suspended Elements I-Clng-Susp Continuous 0.25 241
Ceiling Main Tees I-Clng-Tees Continuous 0.35 232
Columns Concrete walls & columns I-Cols-conc Continuous 0.50 243
Columns Steel columns I-Cols-stel Continuous 0.50 243
Center Lines Center Lines I-Ctrl-Grid Center 2 0.18 10
Control points, control systems, component identification
Center Lines numbers, Identification tags. I-Ctrl-Iden Continuous 0.35 152
Uncontrolled copy

Details General Features (miscellenous items) I-Detl Continuous 0.18 20

Details Component Identifications I-Detl-Iden Continuous 0.25 31
Details Material Beyond Section Cut I-Detl-Mbnd Continuous 0.25 241
Details Material Cut By Sections I-Detl-Mcut Continuous 0.50 243
Details # Designates Different Color Or Pen I-Detl-P-#
Details Textures And Hatch Patterns and Carpet Patterns I-Detl-Patt Continuous 0.10 250
Doors Doors I-door Continuous 0.18 20
Doors Doors (3d Views) I-Door-Elev Continuous 0.20 11
Doors Full Height Doors I-Door-Full Continuous 0.18 20
Doors Door Number, Hardware Group.Etc. I-Door-Iden Continuous 0.25 21
Doors Door not in contract I-Door-Nicn Hidden 2 0.18 20
Doors Partial Height Door Swing And Leaf I-Door-prht Continuous 0.25 141
Elevation Interior and exterior elevation I-Elev Continuous 0.25 51
Elevation Interior elevation objects located in the back of elevation I-elev-back Continuous 0.25 21
Elevation Wall-Mounted Casework I-Elev-Case Continuous 0.18 10
Elevation Miscellaneous Fixtures I-Elev-Fixt Continuous 0.25 81
Elevation Finishes, Woodwork, Trim I-Elev-Fnsh Continuous 0.25 21
Interior elevation objects located in the front of the
Elevation elevation I-elev-frnt Continuous 0.50 53
Elevation Component Identification Numbers I-Elev-Iden Continuous 0.35 82

Elevation Interior elevation objects located in the middle of elevation I-elev-midl Continuous 0.25 41
Elevation Elevation, not in contract I-Elev-Nicn Hidden 2 0.18 220
Elevation # Designates Different Color Or Pen I-Elev-P#
Elevation Textures And Hatch Patterns I-Elev-Patt Continuous 0.18 80
Elevation Plumbing Fixtures in Elevations I-Elev-Pfix Continuous 0.18 10
Elevation Signage I-Elev-Sign Continuous 0.25 111
Floor Floor Information I-Flor Continuous 0.25 41
Floor Casework (Manufactured Cabinets) I-Flor-Case Continuous 0.25 171
Floor Elevator Cars And Equipment I-Flor-Evtr Continuous 0.25 231
Floor Floor, Floor mounted, Misc. Fixters. I-Flor-Fixt Continuous 0.18 210
Floor Furniture I-Flor-Furn Continuous 0.25 11
Floor Chairs andother Seating I-Flor-Furn-Char Continuous 0.25 11
Floor Furniture (3d Views) I-Flor-Furn-Elev Continuous 0.25 11
Floor File Cabinets I-Flor-Furn-File Continuous 0.25 11
Floor Freestanding Furniture (Desks Creedenzas),Etc. I-Flor-Furn-Free Continuous 0.25 11
Floor Furniture Numbers I-Flor-Furn-Iden Continuous 0.25 11
Floor Furniture System Panels I-Flor-Furn-Panl Continuous 0.25 231
Floor Finish Patterns I-Flor-Furn-Pat Continuous 0.18 220
Uncontrolled copy

Floor Plants I-Flor-Furn-plnt Continuous 0.25 51

Floor Furniture System Power I-Flor-Furn-Powr Continuous 0.25 31
Floor Designations I-Flor-Furn-Stor Continuous 0.50 233
Floor Furniture System Storage Components I-Flor-Furn-Wksf Continuous 0.18 220
Floor Stair And Balcony Handrails And Guard Rails I-Flor-Hral Continuous 0.25 31
Floor Room Numbers, Names Targets, Etc. I-Flor-Iden Continuous 0.25 11
Floor Level Changes, Ramps Pits, And Depressions I-Flor-levl Continuous 0.25 111
Floor Floor not in contract I-Flor-Nicn Hidden 2 0.25 181
Floor Floor Or Building Outline I-Flor-Ouln Continuous 0.18 60
Overhead Skylights and Overhangs
Floor (usually Dashed Lines) I-Flor-Ovhd Hidden 2 0.25 41
Floor Hatch Pattern for Mosaic Tiles I-flor-PatM Continuous 0.10 235
Floor Paving, Tile, And Carpet Patterns I-Flor-Patt Continuous 0.18 30
Floor Plumbing Fixtures I-Flor-Pfix Continuous 0.18 140
Floor Raised Floors I-Flor-Rais Continuous 0.25 11
Floor Signage I-Flor-Sign Continuous 0.25 141
Architectural Specilaistis (Toilet Room Accessories And
Floor Display Cases) I-Flor-Spcl Continuous 0.25 191
Floor Stairs, Treads, Escalators And Leaders I-Flor-Strs Continuous 0.25 111
Floor Toilet Partitions I-Flor-Tptn Continuous 0.25 161
Architectural Woodwork (Field Built Cabintets And
Floor Counters) I-Flor-Wdwk Continuous 0.25 21

Glazing Windows, Window Walls, Curtain Walls Glazed Partitions I-Glaz Continuous 0.25 31
Glazing Glazing And Mullions (Elevation Views) I-Glaz-Elev Continuous 0.25 121
Glazing Full Height Glaszed Walls And Partitions I-Glaz-Full Continuous 0.18 20
Glazing Window Number I-Glaz-Iden Continuous 0.35 92
Glazing Glazing, not in contract I-Glaz-Nicn Hidden 2 0.18 10
Glazing Windows and Partial-Height Glazed Partitions I-Glaz-Prht Continuous 0.25 81
Glazing Window Sills I-Glaz-Sill Continuous 0.18 20
Mech. & Elect. Return Air Diffusers I-Hvac-Rdff Continuous 0.25 131
Mech. & Elect. Supply Diffusers I-Hvac-Sdff Continuous 0.25 151
Mechanical & Electrical Electrical General I-Lite Continuous 0.25 31
Lighting fixtures, component identification numbers,
Lighting Identification tags I-lite-iden Continuous 0.25 141
Lighting Lighting fixtures, Indirect Lighting. I-lite-Inlt Hidden 2 0.40 246
Lighting Lighting fixtures, wall mounted. I-lite-wall Continuous 0.25 141
Section Secion Miscellenous I-Sect Continuous 0.25 31
Section Section boundary, Finishes (Plaster, Wall Cladding) I-sect-fnsh Continuous 0.25 91
Section Component Identification Numbers I-Sect-Iden Continuous 0.25 111
Section Material Beyond Section Cut I-Sect-Mbnd Continuous 0.25 241
Uncontrolled copy

Section Section Boundary, material cut by view I-Sect-Mcut Continuous 0.50 243
Section Section, not in contract I-Sect-nicn Hidden 2 0.18 230
Section #Designates Different Color Or Pen I-Sect-P#
Section Textures And Hatch Patterns I-Sect-Patt Continuous 0.18 90
Walls Walls, Interior and Exterior Wall Cladding I-wall-Clad Continuous 0.25 11
Walls Wall Surfaces (3d) I-Wall-Elev Continuous 0.25 31
Walls Fire Wall Patterning I-Wall-Fire Continuous 0.35 12
full Height Walls, Stair And Shaft Walls, and Walls to
Walls Structure I-Wall-Full Continuous 0.70 54
Door, and Window Header (Shown on Reflected Ceiling
Walls Plans) I-Wall-Head Continuous 0.18 90

Walls Door, and Window Jambs (not on Reflected Ceiling Plans) I-Wall-Jamb Continuous 0.25 161
Walls Movable Partitions I-Wall-Move Hidden 2 0.18 10
Walls Wall, not in contract I-Wall-Nicn Hidden 2 0.18 130
Walls Wall Insulation, Hatching and Fill I-Wall-Patt Continuous 0.18 240
Walls Partial Height Walls (not On Reflected Ceiling Plans) I-Wall-Prht Continuous 0.18 20
Several lisps and CUIs were developed by each department in order to suit their needs regarding 
Toolbars and Menus. Moreover, in several departments some lisps, allowing the automatic 
insertion of layers into the drawing, were developed.   

The following menus and lisps are loaded at startup for each department:   

• lll.lsp and ggg.lsp are loaded as applications in the drawing. They are found under the 
location k:\Lisp\A   
• The command menk will load the Menu.   
• The command lsld will load the slides.   
• The command lfnt will load the fonts.   
• Under ToolsÎOptionsÎSystem, “Load ACAD with every Drawing” should be checked. 
• INSLAY.lsp which is loaded as an application in the drawing and whenever the 
command INSLAY is executed, a dialog box asks the user to choose which category of layers 
(Floor Plans, details..) needs to be inserted in the drawing.   
• SLD.cui and FONTS.cui are menus that should be loaded. They exists under the location 
• Support.cui exists under the location k:\Lisp\a\r16   
• Architect‐VBA.cui, OSNAPI.cui, SLIDIZ.cui are menus that should be loaded. They exist 
under the location K:\Lisp\A\MENU2007 (or MENU2008 depending on the AutoCad version).   

• Under PropertiesÎTarget, browse for k:\Lisp\S\MENU‐2007\profile‐2007.ARG   
• The template slay‐aia.dwt was designed so that whenever it is used, all the layers will be 
automatically inserted in the drawing. It is found under K:\ Lisp\S\MENU16.   
• The menus Tool‐Struct.cui, added‐blocks.cui and ACAD.cui are loaded. They exist under the 
location k:\Lisp\S\MENU2006 (or MENU2007 depending on the version of CAD used.)   


• Elayer.lsp, elayrod.lsp, elaydet.lsp, elayriser.lsp and elaytxt.lsp are loaded as applications 
in the drawing. They are found under the location k: \Lisp\E. whenever these lisps are loaded, a 
new button “Make Layer For Elec” is added to the menu and allows users to insert standard 
electrical layers into the drawing.   
• elec‐com.cui, elec‐tools.cui are menus that should be loaded and that exist under the 
location k:\Lisp\E\MENU2007 (or MENU2008 depending on the CAD version that users are using) 

• Under ToolsÎOptionsÎFilesÎSupport File Search Path the following folders should be 
• MENU2006 under k:\Lisp\M   
• MENU16 under k:\Lisp\M   
• M2001 under k:\Lisp\M   
• DWG under k:\Lisp\M   
• FONTS under k:\Lisp\M   
• FONTS under k:\Lisp\A   
• Under k:\Lisp\M\MENU16 (or MENU2006..), Flyout‐mech.cui, industrial.cui, M‐2008.cui, 
toolbars‐Mech.cui should be loaded into the drawing.   


• Under PropertiesÎTarget, browse for k:\Lisp\S\MENU‐2007\profile‐2007.ARG   
• The template Blay‐aia.dwt was designed so that whenever it is used, all the layers 
will be automatically inserted in the drawing. It is found under K:\ Lisp\S\MENU16.   
• The menus Tool‐Struct.cui, added‐blocks.cui and ACAD.cui are loaded. They exist 
under the location k:\Lisp\S\MENU2006 (or MENU2007 depending on the version of CAD 


• Architect‐VBA.cui, OSNAPI.cui, SLIDIZ.cui are menus that should be loaded. They exist 
under the location K:\Lisp\A\MENU2007 (or MENU2008 depending on the AutoCad version). 


• Geolay.lsp is loaded as an application in the drawing. It is found under the location k: 
\Lisp\E. After loading it, whenever the command Geolay is executed, the standard 
geotechnical layers are inserted into the drawing.   
• mico.cui and geosymbol.cui are menus that are loaded to the software. They are found 
under k:\Lisp\GANDM\Geo‐MNU‐R2006   

• Retool.cui is a menu that is loaded to the software. It is found under k:\Lisp\RE\MENU2006 (or 
MENU2007…) depending on the CAD version used.   


• Only the default CAD menus are used.   

Town Planning   

• Only the default CAD menus are used.   
Interior Architecture   
• INTRLAY.lsp is loaded as an application in the drawing and whenever the command INTRLAY is executed, a 
dialog box asks the user to choose which category of layers (Floor Plans, details..) needs to be inserted in 
the drawing.   
• THE NCS‐dar.ctb file is inserted in CAD indicates the Plot Style to be used. In order to insert it in your 
drawings go to ToolsÎOptionsÎPlot and Publish and click on PLOT STYLE TABLE SETTINGS.   
• There is also a drawing containing the standards regarding annotation used in all drawings. The IAU 
ANNOTATION DRAWING contains all of the IAU annotation standards that should be used when creating 
sheets in Model and Paper Space. 
The purpose of this drawing is to have consistency in the Annotation and Presentation of all IAU Working 
Drawings by following the standards provided. The IAU CAD manager will lead you to this drawing and will 
update you on any changes that are incorporated into this it. 
• Good CAD practices especially for the Interior Architecture Unit: 
1. To start a new drawing, do not “save as” a previous drawing used on a previous project. Always 
create a new drawing, use INTRLAY to get your layers and the IAU ANNOTATION drawing. This will 
provide any user with the latest layers, attributes, text styles. 
2. When drawing, never change the By Layer Settings. Always use By Layer. The IAU Layers has been 
developed to allow the user a variety of layers and pen thickness to achieve the desired effect. 
3. The user is to use the correct layers which are listed in APPENDIX A. This will aid him turning off or 
on any layers that may not be required in any drawing. 
4. The user is never to explode or “fudge” dimensions. 
5. Use the standard hatch available through lisps, HH, HH1 and HH2. 
6. The user should plot the drawings using the standard IAU CTB file (NCS‐dar.ctb). No user is allowed 
to create a separate CTB file. 
7. Text height has been set up in the IAU Annotation Drawing and the user should abstain from 
altering any text style or height. 
8. Do not import, copy or paste any information into your drawing that is not from a current IAU 
project, this is to ensure that unwanted attributes, layers, scale factors and settings are not 
introduced into the users drawing. 
9. The user is to ensure that he saves his/her work frequently. 

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