SA Strongly Agree SD Strongly Disagree A Agree D Disagree Questions SA A SD D

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Dear respondents,

As a researcher from Leon Guinto Memorial College Inc. we would like to have you as a
respondents to our research study entitled “A PROPOSED INFORMATION SYSTEM OF L. BAY
VETERINARY CLINIC CO”. We would like to know your opinion concerning the following
questions below.
Thank you!

Name(optional):____________________ Civil Status: ___________________

Age:____________ Gender:______________
This survey aims to evaluate the services that the L. Bay Veterinary Clinic Co
Instruction: Read the following questions carefully put a check( / ) inside the box.
SA = Strongly Agree SD = Strongly Disagree
A = Agree D = Disagree

Questions SA A SD D
1 Does he computerized information system speed up the internal
2 Does the computerized information system provide the customer
with updated information in quick interval?
3 Does the computerized information system operate a formal
performance of informational system?
4 Do you think that the customers will be benefits of the new system
5 Does the added system attracts more clients?
6 Does the computerized information system provide good quality of
7 Does the computerized information system needs make schedule of
customers more efficient?
8 Does the computerized information system solve past problems of
the old filling system?
9 Do you think that the computerized information system will expand
the help the growth of the company?
10 Do you think the computerized information system can handle many

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