Customer Attitude (Responses)

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Timestamp Gender? Age?

Have you ever done online

1/29/2020 15:17:59 female 23 Yes
1/29/2020 15:25:06 female 22 Yes
1/29/2020 15:26:42 male 22 Yes
1/29/2020 15:27:29 female 23 Yes
1/29/2020 15:37:25 female 21 Yes
1/29/2020 16:11:33 female 22 Yes
1/29/2020 16:26:53 female 21 Yes
1/29/2020 16:57:43 male 23 Yes
1/29/2020 16:58:09 male, female, others 22 Yes
1/29/2020 17:26:41 male 22 Yes
1/29/2020 17:29:06 female 21 Yes
1/29/2020 17:34:27 female 22 Yes
1/29/2020 17:35:38 male 23 Yes
1/29/2020 17:41:13 female 22 Yes
1/29/2020 17:52:35 male 19 Yes
1/29/2020 18:07:55 female 22 Yes
1/29/2020 18:16:37 female 22 Yes
1/29/2020 18:29:07 male 23 Yes
1/29/2020 18:38:51 female 23 Yes
1/29/2020 19:08:43 female 22 Yes
1/29/2020 19:16:41 male 23 Yes
1/29/2020 19:20:18 male 22 Yes
1/29/2020 19:43:26 male 22 Yes
1/29/2020 20:23:30 male 25 Yes
1/29/2020 20:26:36 male 21 Yes
1/29/2020 20:30:11 female 25 Yes
1/29/2020 20:40:32 female 18 Yes
1/29/2020 20:42:18 female 22 Yes
1/29/2020 20:43:54 male 18 Yes
1/29/2020 20:43:59 female 25 Yes
Which of the following pur How often do you use onli Maximum amount spent onWhat are the problems that
cosmetics/jewellery often below 1000 cheap quality
others rarely below 1000 damaged product
cosmetics/jewellery, electr often 1000-5000 delay in product
cosmetics/jewellery very often below 1000 cheap quality
cosmetics/jewellery, apparesometimes below 1000 cheap quality
cosmetics/jewellery often 1000-5000 delay in product
electronics sometimes 5000-10000 others
electronics rarely below 1000 cheap quality
electronics often above 10000 delay in product
electronics often below 1000 cheap quality
electronics often 1000-5000 delay in product
cosmetics/jewellery, electr often 5000-10000 non-delivery
electronics rarely below 1000 others
apparels sometimes below 1000 cheap quality
electronics often above 10000 cheap quality
cosmetics/jewellery often below 1000 others
cosmetics/jewellery often 1000-5000 delay in product
apparels, electronics, otheroften above 10000 delay in product
cosmetics/jewellery, apparesometimes 1000-5000 damaged product
cosmetics/jewellery, appareoften below 1000 cheap quality
electronics often above 10000 delay in product
electronics sometimes 1000-5000 damaged product
electronics often above 10000 delay in product
cosmetics/jewellery, electr very often 1000-5000 cheap quality
cosmetics/jewellery, electrosometimes below 1000 delay in product
apparels rarely 1000-5000 cheap quality
apparels sometimes below 1000 delay in product
apparels often 1000-5000 others
electronics rarely below 1000 delay in product
others sometimes 1000-5000 cheap quality
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amazon door delivery agree agree
flipkart door delivery, less effort strongly agree agree
flipkart door delivery, less effort, l strongly agree strongly agree
flipkart easy payment, door deliveragree agree
amazon door delivery, less effort, l disagree neutral
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flipkart wide range of products agree agree
amazon low cost, others strongly agree agree
amazon easy payment, door delivery,
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flipkart wide range of products, lowstrongly agree agree
flipkart low cost agree agree
flipkart door delivery, wide range ostrongly agree strongly agree
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flipkart wide range of products, casstrongly agree agree
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flipkart door delivery strongly agree agree
amazon door delivery, wide range ostrongly agree neutral
myntra easy payment, door delivery,
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flipkart easy payment, door delivery
strongly agree strongly agree
flipkart offers and discounts, cash strongly agree strongly agree
amazon wide range of products agree agree
flipkart offers and discounts strongly agree agree
amazon less effort strongly agree strongly agree
amazon easy payment, less effort, strongly agree agree
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flipkart low cost strongly agree agree
flipkart wide range of products strongly agree agree
[I prefer online shopping m [I prefer online shopping [Offers/discounts/big seas [I feel safe and secure whi
agree agree neutral agree
neutral neutral disagree neutral
agree neutral agree neutral
strongly agree strongly agree agree agree
agree agree strongly agree agree
neutral agree agree agree
neutral neutral agree neutral
disagree neutral agree neutral
strongly agree strongly agree strongly agree strongly agree
agree agree strongly agree agree
strongly disagree agree strongly agree neutral
neutral agree strongly agree agree
neutral neutral agree neutral
disagree neutral agree disagree
neutral agree agree neutral
neutral agree strongly agree neutral
agree agree agree agree
agree neutral agree agree
neutral neutral agree neutral
neutral agree agree neutral
agree agree strongly agree strongly agree
disagree strongly disagree agree strongly disagree
neutral disagree strongly agree disagree
agree strongly agree agree strongly agree
neutral neutral neutral neutral
strongly agree agree strongly agree agree
neutral agree strongly agree agree
agree neutral neutral disagree
agree strongly agree agree agree
disagree neutral neutral disagree
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