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National Scout Membership Badge

1.Scout Promise and Law

Knows the Scout Promise and the Scout Law, their meaning, and how to take the Scout
Promise and the Scout Law

Scout Promise:
On my honour, I promise to do my best
1. to do my duty to my religion and country,
2. to help other people at all times, and
3. to obey the Scout law
Scout Law:
a. A Scout is trustworthy
b. A Scout is loyal
c. A Scout is friendly and considerate
d. A Scout is a brother to every other Scout
e. A Scout is courteous
f. A Scout is kind
g. A Scout is obedient
h. A Scout is cheerful
i. A Scout is thrifty
j. A Scout is clean in thought, word, and deed

 The Law should be taken while standing at alert.

 The Promise should be taken while standing alert, and showing the Scout
2. Scout Sign and Methods of Saluting
Knows the meaning of the Scout sign; knowing and being able to do the Scout sign, sauté and
handshake; know when to do them

The Scout sign is three-fingered, and represents the 3

parts of the Scout Promise.
The Scout sign is made:
 When making the Scout Promise
 During ceremonies
The Scout Salute is made:
 When greeting other Scouts
 When reporting to a senior
 At funerals of important people
 During ceremonies

The Scout handshake is always made with

the left hand.
3.National Anthem
Is able to sing the national anthem correctly, with the correct posture; knows the composer of the
national anthem

The National Anthem was composed by Ananda Samarakoon

4. Scout Whistle and Hand Signals
Knows whistle signal for ‘Silence/Attention/Listen to my next signal’ and ‘rally call’; knows hand
signals for ‘horseshoe formation’ and ‘Parallel lines’.

Whistle Signals:
Message Signal
Silence/Attention/Listen to my
next signal
Rally Call

Hand Signals:

5. Knots
Knows how to tie the reef knot, and its use

The reef knot is used to tie two ropes of equal thickness.

6.Body Safety
Has read and knows the contents of the Body Safety handbook

The Body Safety handbook can be bought from the Scout Leader.
One core concept in it is stated below.
Our body belongs to us. When we interact with other people, we face
certain situations that may be good or bad. Shaking hands with
someone, talking with someone, hugging someone, playing games
with someone — these are all interactions.
Sometimes some people may do things to your body that you makes
you feel bad, or maybe you feel confused. When someone does
something like this, you have a right to take action to stop it. There
are 4 steps to be followed when this happens.
1. Say “No” — tell the person that you don’t like them doing
those things to you.
2. If they don’t stop, and you can’t escape, scream at the top
of your voice for help.
3. Escape from the situation as soon as possible
4. Find someone trustworthy that you can tell about this. If
they don’t believe you, keep searching for a trustworthy
person whom you can tell this who will believe. This step
should never be skipped.
There may be some instances where you have to skip some of these
steps for your safety. What kind of instances may they be?......

7.Conflict Resolution
Have a list of at least 10 people whom the Scout can trust in a situation of distress or in a conflict.
Their contact numbers and addresses should be written in the Log Book as well. This list could be
written in log book as a table with columns for Name, Address and Contact Numbers, under the
heading of this requirement: “Conflict Resolution”.

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