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I. Research Title: Implementation of CCTV in University and its effects on student’s


II. Name of Researcher : Paul Edward M. Monteverde

: John Anfernee T. Perez
: Earl John Refazo
Degree : BS - Criminology
Specialization : _____________________
Researcher's Contact Details : 09309370859
Name of Research Adviser : Monette G. Tenorio, PhD.


One of the means in monitoring and keeping track of the surroundings inside the

campus is by the use of closed-circuit television (CCTV) cameras. However, it is

crucial whether students agree or disagree with the use of the system. The main

objective of this study is to determine the effects of implementation of CCTV on

student’s behavior in the university. The researchers will use the descriptive type of

research. The participants of the study will be the thirty (30) selected students from

the ten (10) Departments of Manuel S. Enverga University. There is no significant

difference between the implementation of CCTV in the university and its effect on the

student’s behavior.



The increasing incidents of negligence and crimes violating the innocence of

people regardless of age have raised numerous doubts and questions in the minds

of every responsible citizen. The need of the hour is to ensure we are safe and feel

safe all the time. Vigilance and keeping an eye out for any anomaly or deviations in

someone’s behavior is something that we can all do to fortify ourselves in this fight.
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However, we are only humans and may overlook certain things or may even lower

our guard over time. Some of the common cases of this violent actions are being

taken place in public places, offices or in the most vulnerable areas such as

university campuses.

Perhaps more than any other time in history, school campuses need effective

security equipment and tools not only to ensure the physical safety of students,

teachers, staff and administration, but also to create a safe environment where

effective learning takes place. After all, students deserve a safe place to learn and

thrive as they grow, and teachers deserve a safe place to teach. To achieve this type

of security within the budgetary constraints most campuses are faced with, the

majority of school districts seek cost-effective security equipment with the hope that

it will also be effective. Schools are under increasing pressure every day on a wide

variety of issues, including teacher standards, facilities, amenities and infrastructure,

class sizes, theft, damage to property, school yard (and now classroom) bullying,

interloping strangers, and, more recently, terrorism. As a consequence, school

managers are turning to IP digital technology such as CCTV to help identify and

respond to these ever-increasing threats. CCTV coverage within schools now range

from small six-camera systems recording entry and exit points, up to 80-camera

systems covering common areas, corridors, playgrounds, locker bays, bike storage

sheds, carparks and admin offices (McCall, 2015). According to Delgado (2013), in

history, it was 1942 when Closed Circuit Television (CCTV) is first used in Germany.

German scientists developed the technology so that they could monitor the launch of

V2 rockets. Later, this kind of video surveillance was used in the United States

during the testing of Atomic Bombs. The statistical profile of offenders indicates they
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are disenfranchised young men with a history of trauma, bullying, academic

challenges, and exposure to violent videos and games. Whilst Philippines does not

have the gun culture threat, other potential perpetrators, such as non-custodial

parents, pose significant risks to school environments, as do more recent threats to

specific cultural and religious-based schools (McCall, 2015). Whilst external threats

to schools by thieves, vandals and weapon carrying criminals receives regular

attention by police and media, internal threats such as bullying of both children and

staff are equally common in some schools but are dealt with in-house and away from

the public scrutiny created by the media, except in the most extreme cases (McCall,


Another is that the right to protection can serve as a means of ensuring

people against this panoptic gaze and empower them to recapture control over their

individual data (Solove, 2008). Moreover, not at all like people, the cameras never

tire, and never disregard (unless modified to delete film after a pre-determined time).

They are moreover one-sided, within the sense that the camera does not feel

anything in the event that taken note or observed in return; subsequently, the social

standards and personal intuitive that might take put when one individual gazes at

another are absent. Accordingly, when principals watch their understudies, indeed in

the event that for a ‘good reason’ and having benign eagerly, pupils’ protection is


In various places, it’s also illegal for a sex offender to be within 500-1000

meters of school campuses. Regardless of the age of your students, CCTV for

schools can prevent any intruders. Non-sexual forms of harassment are also one of

the most common complaints on schools. Bullying is a serious issue that needs to be
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dealt with as soon as it occurs. Having cameras on campus will let bullies know

they’re being watched. Everyone will feel their identity and safety are respected and

protected when there is a good system of security on school grounds. Should they

end up in any kind emergency situation, whether it’s weather-related or an incident of

terrorism, CCTV in conjunction with a PA system can save lives. It can direct the

students away from the source of the incident toward a safe space.

B. Purpose of the Research

The study aims to incentivize the evaluation of the students, teachers, visitors

and guests and even other personnel of the university on how effective and efficient

it is to introduce a legit implementation of Closed Circuit TV (CCTV) within the whole

premises of the university and how it’s going to change the behavior of the students;

Specifically, this study intended to seek the answers to the following


1. Identify the demographic profile of the respondents in terms of;

1.1. Year level

1.2. Department/College

1.3. Student Classification

2. Identify the level of understanding of students on the advantages of CCTVs the


3. Determine the level of implementation of CCTV in the University.

4. Identify the effects of CCTV in the behavior of students inside the university.

5. Is there a significant difference between the implementation of CCTV and

students’ behavior?
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C. Theoretical Framework

CCTV cameras are placed in areas where they are thought to be most

effective, which typically includes highly populated towns, city centers, car parks, or

various other high-crime areas (Welsh and Farrington 2008). Given that the

placement of these cameras is very important, the crime patterns in areas of interest

are typically studied for periods of time to identify crime hotspots where cameras

could potentially be placed. In numerous cases, Geographic Information Systems

technology is used to precisely evaluate crime patterns for camera placement;

however, the placement of cameras can also be the result of input from police

officers and other criminal justice stakeholders (La Vigne et al. 2011).

CCTV surveillance is grounded in the criminology theory that suggests

potential offenders are less likely to commit crime if they believe they are being

watched or have a greater risk of being apprehended. This is also known as the

rational choice theory (La Vigne et al. 2011). CCTV is also grounded in situational

crime prevention strategy, which argues that opportunities to offend can be reduced

by altering a variety of mechanisms such as increasing the risk of an offender being

apprehended, increasing the effort to commit the crime, decreasing rewards from

crime commission, and reducing provocations that give rise to criminal opportunities

(La Vigne et al. 2011). This means that the offender must be aware of the added

surveillance for it to achieve its desired effect.

This research is anchored on the routine activities theory that is another

subsidiary of rational choice theory and developed by Cohen and Felson in 1979. It

requires three elements be present of a crime to occur; a motivate offender with

criminal intentions and the ability to act on this inclinations, as suitable victim or
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target, and this the absence of the capable guardians who can prevent the crime

from happening. This three elements most converge in time and space for a crime to

occur. It also says that the presence of capable guardian is also held to deter

individuals from offending. Guardianship can be the physical presence of a person

who is able to act in a protective manner or in the farm of more passive mechanical

device such as video surveillance or security system. These physical security

measures help limit on offender’s measures access to suitable targets. The essential

aspect of routine activities theory is the interaction of motivation, opportunity and

targets. In this way, the presence of guardians will deter most offenders, rendering

even attractive targets off limits. Therefore, the presence of opportunity coupled with

a lack of guardianship increases criminal motivation and the likelihood of an offenses

taking place.

An consideration the effectiveness of a surveillance technology is the type of

crime to be tackled, because this impacts the criminals’ ability to adapt. Although a

CCTV system may reduce the likelihood of burglary at a commercial location within

the range of the camera, there is some evidence that drug markets can continue

operation in the presence of CCTV by changing their operating practices. For

example, at one location some offenders met and discussed business in the

cameras’ presence, but concluded the transaction at another site. In other CCTV

areas, however, drug crime that could not successfully relocate or adapt to the

cameras was eradicated.

Fake cameras have been employed in some instances. It was learned that

crime was reduced on public buses after the installation of both active and dummy

cameras onboard a number of buses (indeed crime reduced on more buses than the
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ones fitted with any cameras, a concept known as a diffusion of benefits). It is

therefore possible that fake cameras could achieve the same preventative aim as

active systems. However, if users of the space under surveillance are led to believe

—through signs, for example—that they are being watched 24 hours a day and an

incident occurs, the misrepresentation of a form of guardianship may have liability


A number of other benefits, beyond a reduction in crime, may be accrued from a

CCTV system, including:

1. Reduced fear of crime.

2. Aid to police investigations.

3. Provision of medical assistance.

4. Place management.

5. Information gathering.

6. Diffusion of benefits.

D. Literature Review

Security Systems

Precautions that are taken to guard against crime, attack, and the likes has been

defined as security (American Psychological Association, 2015). It is highly done in

order to have protection against danger, loss and criminals. Such protection may be

provided by using personnel, animals, robots, etc.It has differentiated in traditional

and modern systems. Modern systems were made by technological support. There

are several forms of security systems: visual cameras, anti-theft devices, smoke

detectors, and alarm entrances and system. Some traditional systems are human-

based. Those are the ones that help prevent unauthorized and illegal actions inside
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libraries, reference rooms, as well as shelves areas. A security system is built with a

vary of components such as human element, security measures, and physical

security. A number of security principles are made, it simply means a security system

is generate if all measures of security become operational and integrate each other

(Kumbhar & Veer, 2016).

To provide a tri-mode security network (broadband, cellular/GSM, POTS access),

an integration of mobile and broadband access and control must be done, and also

to create and integrated security system that would enable users to remotely stay

connected to such premises. The said integrated security system also complements

existing premise protection equipment while delivering remote premise monitoring

and control functionality to conventional monitored premise protection. Additionally,

the system also enables broadband access to premise security systems by

integrating into the premise network and couples wirelessly with the conventional

security panel. Cameras, lamp modules, thermostats, and the likes are examples of

automation devices which can be added in order to enable users to see live videos

or images and control home devices using their personal webpages, cellphones,

and/or other remote devices (Dawes et al. 2015).

Closed circuit television (CCTV):

According to Ratcliffe (2015), a problem-oriented policy in response to a crime

problem is the us of CCTV systems. CCTV is a surveillance technology,

incorporating several cameras connected in a closed circuit, with its recordings sent

to a monitor, television, or recorder. One difference of a CCTV to a broadcast

television is that its signal is not openly transmitted. Over the last few decades, as

technology rose up and became more affordable, CCTV systems have become
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extremely popular as a surveillance and as a security application in which various

authors have written on CCTV installation and evaluation. CCTV cameras are

usually installed according to repeated trial-and-error and onsite experience. This

approach needs to be reformed to improve efficiency.There are some inherent

difficulties in processing digital images, so those readily available visual data have

not been exploited by the security cameras (Idrees et al. 2018). Until recently, files

such as visual datas were too big and CV hardware and software seemed to lack

speed to be useful. In contrast, accompanying sets of sophisticated CV applications

have begun to appear as computational capabilities and with improved processing

speed. A means to generate proactive pre-event predictions and a reactive post-

event data source is through a digitized video, which is being seriously examined.

(Adams and Ferryman 2015; Ferguson 2017). Human based-activity became a shift

to the domination of camera technology by the availability of affordable cameras and

contemporary surveillance. Cameras remain the popular option to address various

security concerns despite its long-standing concerns regarding the effects of such

surveillance on the society, which is more common in public and private sites

(Adams and Ferryman 2015). Consistent positive impacts are still not found and yet,

it became very effective in terms of police surveillance cameras which have reported

numerous human-monitored surveillance cameras in some settings like crime

(Alexandrie 2017).

CCTV as a surveillance system:

A criminal investigation can be thought of as a series of questions: who was involved

in an incident, where did it happen, what happened, when did it happen, why did it

happen and how were any offenses committed, known as the ‘5WH’ investigation
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model (Cook et al. 2016). It is believed that the extensive use of CCTV ““poses a

threat to our way of life” and that “widespread visual surveillance may well have a

chilling effect on free speech and activity” as argued by the campaign group (Liberty

2016). Certain circumstances are required in order for a CCTV to be useful in

answering investigative questions. To use CCTV recordings of public places during

investigations by the police officers, there would be a few legal restrictions. Without

warrant, operators of camera systems can provide recording to the police officers, as

established in the UK (Information Commissioner’s Office 2015). Likewise,

substantial investments in CCTV are made by other cities in the United States in the

past decade. Local police departments in the United States report using CCTV with a

percentage of 49% which is according to the most recent estimates. And as for

agencies serving jurisdictions, the usage increased by 87% with populations of

250,000 or more (Reaves, 2015). To reduce problems of endogeneity, researches

have taken advantage of opportunities afforded by social occurrences that are

naturally occurring when the allocation of CCTV is correlated with unobserved

factors that that determine crime (Alexandrie, 2017). No effect were seen in parking

facilities or suburban subway stations but instead found crime reductions ranging

between 24% to 28% in public streets and urban subway stations when reviewed

Alexandrie (2017) by seven randomized and natural experiments of CCTV. Camera

footage for investigation of assaults and early stages of investigation are some

useful benefits on having camera footage. Some security camera networks promise

their view surveillance video best at increasing clearance rates for burglary, property

damage, theft, etc. (Dowling et al. 2019).

Use of CCTV in schools

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Teachers, employees, and students would be expecting security and safety in

which a CCTV could play its part in meeting those proper expectations as school is

considered a place of work and a habitat for learning. In contrary, rights of every

individual for their privacy and avoid such unacceptable and intrusive monitoring for

whatever reason should be paid. Negative incidents can be prevented if CCTV in

schools are installed before they occur. An example would be prioritization of

students’ safety when seeing visitors before they see you. From any type of network

or mobile device, anyone can watch visitors with the help of the latest system.

Sexual assault and harassment are most common crimes seen on college

campuses. Every member of the community would be more likely to feel safe if we

have the ability to prevent an assault before it happens. Any monitoring of an area or

any goings-on on schools should be implemented and that includes finding the

appropriate CCTV. Technological advances is of a big help since it can help us view

current/past situations through our mobile devices. In case of intrusion or any

incident, it can be sent urgently to security or staff once this kind of system will be

triggered. On a CCTV setup, the most important factor is the operator. Also, in

handling the system, there should be a training for the existing system by all security

men. A discussion about confidentially of the videos are put into mind, as it was

expected on duties and therefore, should not be discussed with other people. To

counter violence in schools, an increase in the number of CCTVs is one of the

policies by the government. Monitoring the activities inside the school by its

authorities, including the faculty teachers and professors have become the public’s

responsibility. Detecting criminals is one of the means of having a CCTV surveillance

inside the campus. The CCTV’s spatial range around the campus has been identified
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as the school’s safe zone. It was said that criminals prefer instances wherein

satisfaction about their demands to maximize their rewards, according to the

approach of routine activity and the perspective of rational choices. Criminology

studies can ensure effective CCTV placement by identifying a logical selection

process with the reason of providing total surveillance on extensive areas. Also,

opportunistic patterns are also considered (Kweon & Lee 2016).

The above mentioned are some of the examples that explains to what extent can

a CCTV do inside the schools. Human rights is also one of the considered

implication in the study. The implementation of such is through the hidden curriculum

which is built by the school’s practices and ecologies they conveys socialization

messages not only through the academic instruction’s content (Kayama, Haight,

Gibson, & Wilson, 2015). Disciplinary, monitoring, and trust are the main purpose of

integrating CCTV in schools, not only for educational practices. Objectives

concerning the past events, forward-looking relationships, and real-time

management are the main objectives of the said purposes. CCTVs still have a few

studies but it was indeed one of the first and most common type of surveillance

technology on schools. Crime is not the only one caught during CCTV reviews, they

also include various kinds of behaviors such as: violence, vandalism, theft, loitering,

truancy, cheating on exams, and abuses on alcohol and drugs. Investigation on

disciplinary actions of course requires gathering of evidence and direct physical

interviews to protect physical boundaries of the institution from such threats (Perry-

Hazan & Birnhack, 2016).

E. Significance of the Research

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College of Criminology and Criminal Justice. This study will enable them to

learn more about the potential advantages of CCTV on the students inside the

campus. Moreover, the knowledge they would gain from the study would help them

in their future work.

Future researchers. This study can be a useful reference material. Likewise,

the study may also be used as a guide in conducting a research work relevant to

implementation of CCTV.

F. Statement of Desired Outcomes

In short term, students will be able to determine whether implementation of CCTV

in school will be beneficial for most of the students.

In long term, students will be offered better security by reducing such situations

inside the campus.

G. Scope and Delimitation

This study is limited to the analysis, implementation and evaluation of CCTV

camera security system to the college students of Manuel S. Enverga University.

This study will be limited to 30 students of each college department in Manuel S.

Enverga University and cannot be applied to any other establishment. This study will

add security to Manuel S. Enverga University students. It covers the whole university

area to fully implement the purpose of security system in the vicinity of the Manuel S.

Enverga University. The Network Video Record that will be implemented includes the

live recording, playback, backup and remote access. The backup photos and videos

can be saved to flash drive or flash disc.

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H. Definition of Terms

CCTV is closed-circuit television, also known as video surveillance, is the use of

video cameras to transmit a signal at a specific place, on a limited set of monitors.

Surveillance is a close observation of an individual or group, person or persons

under suspicion.

Investigation is the action of investigating something or someone, formal or

systematic examination or research.

Crime is an action or omission that constitutes an offense that may be

prosecuted by state and is punishable by law.

Security is freedom from, or resilience against, potential harm caused by other.

Beneficiaries of security may be of persons and social groups, objects and

institutions, ecosystems or any other entity or phenomenon vulnerable to unwanted


3. Description of Method or Approach

A. Research Design/Research Instrument/Data Gathering Procedures

The main objective of this study is to determine the effects of implementation of

CCTV on student’s behavior in the university.

With this objective in mind, the researchers will use the descriptive type of

research. The descriptive method is a fact finding method with adequate

interpretation dealing with the questions based on the present and current

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The researchers believed that this design is the most appropriate since the study

involves the collection of data concerning the current status of the subjects under

study. As its name connotes, this method simply describes what exists.

The researchers will use a self-made questionnaire to gather the needed

information. The researchers will present a questionnaire to people with expertise in

the field for validation. The respondents will be asked to answer the questionnaire

that the researchers will provide, given the assurance that their identifications were

kept confidential and the information gathered were just use for educational


The researchers will be given instructions to conduct and perform several

interviews to gather details and information to seemingly be the subject of the study.

The individual concerns with the study will be briefly oriented about the purpose

of the research before they will be asked to answer the questionnaire to gather valid

and reliable data. The researchers will disseminate the questionnaires individually to

each concern and they will be requested to answer the questions truthfully for this

was a big help to the development of the said research.

B. Participants of the Study

The participants of the study will be the thirty (30) select students from the

ten (10) Departments of Manuel S. Enverga University.

C. Sampling Design and Procedures

The researchers will use the stratified purposive random sampling method in

choosing the respondents.

The researchers will make a request letter from the school administration

and subjects before going to the testing proper. In administering the

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questionnaire, the researcher will use the time allotted for vacant to avoid

distractions of class discussions. The students will be given enough time to

answer the questions. After data gathering, the researcher will collect for tallying

the scores and to apply the statistical treatment to be used with the study.

D. Hypothesis

There is no significant difference between the implementation of CCTV in the

university and its effect on the student’s behavior.

E. Data Analysis Plan

To determine the number of population per college / department, Slovin’s formula

will be used and after the completion of the data collection, the data will be tabulated

and analyzed and interpreted based on the statistical treatment. To determine the

demographic profile of the respondents, the percentage distribution will be used and

to ascertain the level of implementation and its effect on students’ behavior, weighted

mean will be will be utilized.

On the other hand, One sample t- tests will be used to determine the level of

implementation and its effect on students’ behavior

The statistics will represent an essential part of this study in determining the

implementation of CCTV and its effect on students’ behavior.

F. Research Paradigm


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Demographic Profile
1.1 Year Level
1.2 Department /
1.3 Student
Questionnaire Effects of CCTV in
the Behavior of
Level of Students inside the
Understanding of Interview University
Students on the
Advantages of CCTV
2 Level of

Figure 1. A Modified Input – Process – Output of Implementation of CCTV in

University and its effects on student’s behavior.

The effects of CCTV in the behavior of students inside the university will assessed

by the select students from the different departments and colleges. Through this

assessment, the researcher will be able to determine the level of Implementation of

CCTV in the University and its effects on student’s behavior.

The process of assessing the level of implementation is through the use of

checklist questionnaire.

Conceptual Framework

The CCTV’s spatial range around the campus has been identified as the school’s

safe zone. It was said that criminals prefer instances wherein satisfaction about their
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demands to maximize their rewards, according to the approach of routine activity

and the perspective of rational choices. Criminology studies can ensure effective

CCTV placement by identifying a logical selection process with the reason of

providing total surveillance on extensive areas. Also, opportunistic patterns are also

considered (Kweon & Lee 2016).

The implementation of such is through the hidden curriculum which is built by the

school’s practices and ecologies they conveys socialization messages not only

through the academic instruction’s content (Kayama, Haight, Gibson, & Wilson,

2015). Disciplinary, monitoring, and trust are the main purpose of integrating CCTV

in schools, not only for educational practices. Objectives concerning the past events,

forward-looking relationships, and real-time management are the main objectives of

the said purposes. CCTVs still have a few studies but it was indeed one of the first

and most common type of surveillance technology on schools. Crime is not the only

one caught during CCTV reviews, they also include various kinds of behaviors such

as: violence, vandalism, theft, loitering, truancy, cheating on exams, and abuses on

alcohol and drugs. Investigation on disciplinary actions of course requires gathering

of evidence and direct physical interviews to protect physical boundaries of the

institution from such threats (Perry-Hazan & Birnhack, 2016)

Name (optional):
Part I. Demographic Profile of the Respondents
Instruction: Put a check mark to the box besides the item of your response

1.1 Year Level

1st Year 3rd Year
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2nd Year 4th Year

1.2 College/Department

Basic Education Department

College of Engineering
College of Maritime Education
College of Education
College of Nursing and Allied Health Sciences
College of Computing and Multimedia Studies
College of Criminal Justice and Criminology
College of Architecture and Fine Arts
College of Business and Accountancy
College of International Hospitality and Tourism Management

1.3 Student Classification

Regular Irregular

Part II. This part aims to identify the perception of students on the advantages of
CCTVs the University.
Instructions: Please read and analyse the following statement, then put (/) on the
space provided that corresponds to your opinion.
SD - Strongly Disagree
A - Agree
MA - Moderately Agree
SA - Strongly Agree

1. The use of CCTV make you feel safe and protected
against crime.
2. CCTV is an invasion of privacy.
3. A CCTV inside the campus is reliable.
4. CCTV cameras can reduce complications inside the
Document Code:
Lucena City Document Title: Under Graduate Research Proposal Form
An Autonomous University Page No.: Page 20 of 21
Revision No.:
DR. CESAR A. VILLARIBA RESEARCH AND Effectivity Date: February 2020
Reviewed by:
QUALITY FORM Approved by:

5. You feel conscious whenever you see a CCTV camera.

6. CCTV cameras can also reduce vandalism, cheating,
and bullying inside the campus.

Part III. This part of the research instrument will determine the level of
implementation of CCTV in the University an implemented.
Instructions: Please read and analyse the following statement, then put (/) on the
space provided that corresponds to your opinion.

Statement 3 2 1
1. Is there a CCTV camera in your
2. Are you aware that there’s CCTV camera
in your University?

3. Do you think that implemented cameras

help your university to lessen the crime?
4. Does the use of CCTV concern you?
5. Do you think CCTV is an invasion of
6. Does the use of CCTV in your University
makes you feel protected and safe against
7. Do you feel the useful of CCTV in your

Part IV. This part of the research instrument will identify the effects of CCTV in the
behavior of students inside the university.
Instructions: Please read and analyse the following statement, then put (/) on the
space provided that corresponds to your opinion.
SD - Strongly Disagree
Document Code:
Lucena City Document Title: Under Graduate Research Proposal Form
An Autonomous University Page No.: Page 21 of 21
Revision No.:
DR. CESAR A. VILLARIBA RESEARCH AND Effectivity Date: February 2020
Reviewed by:
QUALITY FORM Approved by:

A - Agree
MA - Moderately Agree
SA - Strongly Agree
1.CCTV cameras help the student to
behave and act as a responsible
2.CCTV cameras help for achievement
of the students, where students are
aware that they are being monitored,the
effect under concentration can be very
3. Having a CCTV camera in a
classroom is going to teach the student
or teacher how to improve their
4,The use of CCTV is a tool lessen the
naughty behavior of the student
5.CCTV cameras monitored and
preventing bullying among students.
6.CCTV cameras ensure discipline and
punctuality amon students.
7.CCTV cameras lessen some
destructive acts of students.

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