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Dr Paawan Wadhawan
Consultant Physician, Diabetologist and Sujok Therapist
Any Order
In this Universe?
• Is Our Universe a Orderly Universe?
• Is there is any Order in our Universe? Or everything
is going without order in this Universe?
• Let’s observe our Universe (Real World) around
• Within unlimited, deep,
silent universe, infinite
number of four armed
galaxies are spinning
spirally on self axis .
• Within every huge arm of
galaxy, numerous solar
systems are moving in an
orderly path.
• Within every solar system, all
the nine planets and numerous
meteorites are self spinning, as
well as rotating around sun in a
orderly path.
• Every 3 months in earth’s
atmosphere, seasons are changing
in a cyclic pattern .
• From spring to summer, summer to
autumn, autumn to winter and
winter again to spring in a definite
• Every 24 hours, earth is self
spinning on its self axis and
moon is completing a
rotation around earth, in an
orderly path.
• In our live Universe, all living
existence is taking birth from
nothing (Zero) through integration
process and after completing their
life cycle, every existence is
returning back to nothing (Zero)
through the process of
disintegration (death).
The Triorigin Order

•Is there any •Is there any order in

order at this our Houses?
Smile centre?
•What is that • The Triorigin Order
fundamental order
governing this
whole universe?
The Triorigin Order
The Moment when HE SMILED
Important Characteristics
Hetero Homo Neutro
• The force that • The force that • Neither attracts
pulls things pushes nor expels
• Expands • Contracts • Maintains
• Ascending • Descending present state
• Integrates • Disintegrates
• Connects all
• Heating power • Cooling power
• Maintains
• Simplifies • Complicates • Restores order
• Hurts our feelings • Pleases our feelings • Free from such
Neuto Force
• This is fundamental force of nature itself
• Its presence forms an environment in which all other forces operate.
• It’s a connector between the real world and the zero world.
• Neuto doesn’t reveal itself, doesn’t interfere with the course of events
allowing everything to happen in a natural way.
• It provides all existences with the rhythm of rest and space, of emptiness so
that they can exist harmoniously, preserving the order of the Triorigin Model
Triorigin order exists
Triorigin Model of Habitats
Triorigin Model of Continents
Triorigin Model of Oceans
Triorigin Model of Seasons


Autumn Spring

Triorigin Model also exists in your Family


•Many kind of therapies
available in this world then why
Triorigin Model of different therapies
prevailing in this World

Saints, Energy healing , Shamanism

Traditional Medicine Modern Medicine


ONNURI Medicine
(Medicine for all)
Study of Self
Already Great work finished by HIM.

Our job is to continue HIS work…

One question has to be answered?
• Pentium 1 to windows 10.
• Bullock cart to Mercedes
• Muddy roads to Bridge over Bridges
• Landline phone to I phone 7.
• 2D to 5D
• Why disease Prevalence is Increasing?
Triorigin Model of Self Surroundings


Space Time

Self Movement
He is directly Present around us as ……..

Melodious sounds for the ear to listen

Soothing Aromas for the Nose to smell Beautiful sights for the
eyes to see

HIMSELF feeling the

nature through us.
Tasty foods for the mouth to taste
Triorigin Model of Living Organisms
On the basis of their activity

Micro organisms

Plants Animals

Human Beings
Triorigin Model of living organisms
On the basis of level of Consciousness


Human Beings Animals

Triorigin Model of Four Kies received by Man


Air KI Food KI

Aqua KI
Model of life molecules forming our body



Structural Triorigin Model of different
components of food

Antioxidants, Vitamins, Minerals


and Water
Functional Triorigin Model of different
components of food


Proteins and Antioxidants


Vitamins and Minerals
Triorigin Model of different types of food

Food coming from the zero world

Food Artificially made with Food extorted from other Species with
Homo Spirit for earning profit. Hetero Spirit

Food growing naturally by

HIS Spirit ( Nature)
Trioigin Model of different types of food

Vitamin D of Sunlight

All Industrial refined, Animal food like Meat, Eggs, Fish

processed and preserved food and Dairy Products

Vegetables,Lentils, Beans, Fruits and

Cereals (Raw or mildly cooked)
STFC Diet-------The WFPB diet
SUNSHINE-The Neuto Food(Sun is the
source of this solar system)
Vitamin D and Cancer
Vitamin D and Immune system
Vit. D in Allergies and Asthma

1. It appears that there is a relationship

between low levels of vitamin D and
the occurrence of allergic diseases.

2. Patients with vitamin D deficiency

were more likely to report atopic
dermatitis .
Low sun exposure and Diabetes
Landmark trials showing link of Vit. D
deficiency and diabetes
Vitamin D in Multiple sclerosis
Vitamin D and Cardiovascular Disease
Food extorted from other species with
Hetero Spirit
•Meat, Fish, Eggs and Dairy are Hetero
Incidence of cancer in poultry workers
(The Hetero Spirit)
Meat and cancer risk
EPIC study proved that Cancer is strongly
linked to Poultry consumption
Hetero food and Cancer risk
Hetero food invites the Homo disease in
In summary, accumulating evidence
from this and previous prospective
studies supports a positive
association between dairy
consumption and risk of Parkinson’s
disease, particularly in men.
Hetero Food and Global Warming
Hetero food and Antibiotic resistance-
Facing the Post Antibiotic era
Animal Fat vs Plant Fat
Flow of lipids in blood-Little turbulunce/slowness-clogging of
Permeability of lipid membrane of cell walls
A Metanalysis as published in Diabetes Care Journal (1998),
has proved that daily intake of fish oil has no protective effect
on hyperglycemia in Type 2 Diabetes as previously assumed.
Truth about eggs---The Antibiotic exposure
Milk and Diabetes-NEJM
Proceedings of the nutrition society ---Nov 2000.
Nelson textbook of Pediatrics
Four Landmark Trials showing linkage of
Milk and T1DM
• Finland, which has the highest milk
consumption also has world's highest
per capita rate of insulin dependent
Diabetes Type 1 patients -
Diabetes Care Journal
Milk and Prostate cancer
Cows Milk and Breast cancer
1.Milk protein no is 17,B cells of
pancreas protein is no also 17.
2.Emergence of Jersey cow • High level of calcium
• High level of anabolic material
3.A2 beta casein changed to A1
beta casein
• Sun shine can give natural vitamin D to
4.Cow are injected with many discipline cal. of milk
hormonal injections. • Milk allergy very common
5.Cows are fed on a diet full of
Pesticides. • No species drink milk of other species
• Intestines have become thin in past 30
5.Cow lives in sunshine. years.
Bill Clinton Surgery History
1.Quadruple coronary
artery bypass surgery
-September 6, 2004
2. Emergency Lung Surgery
(Pleural Effusion)
- March 10 , 2005
3. Double Angioplasty
- February 11, 2010
Glycemic Index of Neutro Food is much
lower then that of Homo/Hetero foods.

• Study published in Diabetes

Care (Journal) - 2008,states
that the glycemic index of the
fresh and raw fruits and
vegetables are much lower
than any kind of food specially
the processed food made of
the same vegetable/fruits or
the food from animal source.
Immunogenicity-Plant protein/Animal
•HOMO FOODS-The Spirit of
Postal system of human body
Post sent to Paawan
Exact address written on genetic code of
Which will increase bone density?
Exact code(address) Altered code(address)
Calcium deposits
• Receptors of calcium already
occupied by other drugs
• Kidney stone
• Gall bladder stone
• Osteoporosis
• Calcified heart valves
• Calcified foci in brain
• Alzhiemers
• Parkinsons
Fresh fruits/Raw vegetables –Live
Homo food always has preservatives(The
Spirit to keep as such)—The Profit Spirit
Jaggery is Neutro
Table sugar is Homo

• High Refined Sugar has

Deficiency of Chromium
Manganese, Cobalt, Zinc and
Incretins recognize these
Minerals as receptors to act.
World War
• Even during World War I and II it was
seen that many countries including
Denmark, England and Germany who
were deprived of the refined food
because of scarcity of resources to
process the food, the rate of diabetes
and heart diseases reduced to 50%,
but again returned to the initial high
after the end of war when the supply
of refined food resumed.
Pizza and apple Burrowed in soil
The Neutro Food is full of Life
Triorigin Model of different types of
Neutro foods


Vegetables,Lentils,Nuts Fruits

Triorigin Model of STFC Diets

Rice Diet

Gluten free Maintainance Diet Elimination Diet

Maintainance Diet
Triorigin model of lifestyle disease


Diabetes Hypertension and Heart Disease

Autoimmune Disease
SIX Ki Food Consciousness-An Introduction
WIND energy
• Harmonized by humidity energy
and dryness energy on the basis
of Axis law and Subjugation law.

• Some times a Neutro wind may

repel a Hetero/Homo wind-------
i.e the law of same charges
expelling each other.
Wind Disease

• Allergies,Asthma-avoid wind food like orange,sweet lime , lemon, raddish,

cucumber, tomato etc. Increase Your Vitamin D level. Eat humidity foods or
Dryness foods.
• Turmeric
• Ginger
• Mushroom
• Roasted black pepper with jaggery
• Elimination diet of STFC is already a Miracle
• Kiwi for URTI and Flu (The concept of Ne Wind)
Mushroom-Fungus-Humidity is antidote
for Virus which is Wind plus Coldness
Neutro Dryness of Turmeric(Curcumin) and
Ginger harmonise wind disorders by
Subjugation law

• Active component of ginger is used as a laxative

and antacid medication. It is also used to warm
the body for boosting the circulation and
lowering high blood pressure. Because of its
warming effect, ginger acts as antiviral for
treatment of cold and flu [64].
Kiwi fruit the Neutro Wind
Hetero in Neutro Repels Hetero disease
Heat Disease
• Inflamation----RA,Osteo Arthritis, Acne, Ulcerative colitis,SLE etc
• Dryness foods are antiinflamatory foods
• Turmeric
• Ginger
• Fenugreek
• Coriander seeds
• Red chilli (The Neutro heat)
• Oregano( Ajwain)
Neutro Dryness harmonises inflammation
by axis law-----Curcumin in Turmeric
Turmeric in Rheumatoid arthritis
Neutro Dryness of Ginger harmonises
Inflammation of Osteoarthritis by Axis law
Fenugreek seeds the Neutro Dryness
with a strong anti-inflammatory activity
Red chili -the Neutro Heat harmonizes the
Dryness pain of Arthritis
Thyroid Disease
• Vitamin D status
• Iodized salt
• Brazil nut
• Falx seeds
• Stress
• STFC Diet
Vitamin D the food from Zero world
The Neutro Dryness of Brazil Nut is full of
Flax seeds contain Selenium
Hotness disease-The Hypertension
• Actually Coldness disease
• Salt ¼ teaspoonful
• Coconut water
• Banana
• Falx seeds
• Hibiscus tea
• Sunlight
• STFC RICE Diet-Malignant Hypertension
Potassium is Hotness Salt is Coldness
Coldness of salt-The main reason behind
development of Hypertension
Natural Bypass


Noble Prize -1998
Potassium in coconut water is pure
Hotness in high Potassium of Banana
harmonizes the Blood Pressure
Hotness of Hibiscus plant harmonises the
Humidity Disease-Type 2 Diabetes
• STFC Maintainance Diet
• Walk
• Sunshine

•Win over Diabetes

Simple WFPB diet on Diabetes gone gone
• Conclusions
• Consumption of vegetarian diets is
associated with improved glycemic
control in type 2 diabetes.
STFC diet proved a miraculous cure in
• Conclusion
The low-fat vegan diet appeared to
improve glycemia and plasma lipids
more than did conventional diabetes
diet recommendations.
Excess Humidity invites coldness
•Neutro Humidity Creates Balance
among Hetero and Homo Humidity
Neutro Humidity of Flax seeds Reduces
the Homo humidity of Dyslipidemia.
PCOD its relation with Hetero Humidity of
Infection-Boosting Immunity with STFC
• Kale
• Brocolli
• Kiwi
• Beetroot
• Mushrooms
• Exercise
• Sunlight
• Probiotics –eat raw
Dryness disease
• Fibrosis, sclerosis, collagenosis,

• Just eat Spicy STFC food

• Fruits and Greens prevent aging
Dryness in brain harmonized by heat and
hotness of Berries and fruits
• CVA-Stroke Recovery
• Ataxia
• Autism
• Dementia
Dryness pain tackled by Spices
Coldness Disease
• Cancers –STFC explanation of cancer
• Acai berry
• Curcumin
• Kale
• Onions
• Apple peels, Orange peels
• Greens
• Flax seeds
• Soyabean for breast cancer
• Green tea
Hotness of Nitrous oxide in green leafy
vegetables harmonizes the coldness of
Sulforanes produced by Brocolli are pure
hotness which harmonises coldness of cancer
Fruits/Berries are Brightness part of plants
which harmonise the coldness of cancer.
Fruits/Berries are Brightness part of plants
which harmonize the Coldness of Cancer.
Turmeric (curcumin) harmonizes the
coldness of cancer by anti-creation law
Hotness and Humidity of saffron cures the
Coldness of Alzheimer’s disease
Neutro Hotness of Coffee kills the
Coldness of Parkinsons disease
Neutro humidity of Flax seeds subjugates
the coldness of breast Cancer
Spiritual Controlling Foods
• Cereals and Sunshine as
• Water as Darkness
The Natures SIX KI
Food chain – Reducing Dioxin intake
Bio-Amplification/ Non-Biodegradeable
Cause of headache
Cause of backache
Daily dozen Of STFC Diet
Neutro Diet—The Maintainance Diet
The WFPB Diet
Neutro Diet—The Maintainance Diet
The WFPB Diet
Diet Chart
• Fruit Breakfast
• 500 -700 gm of citrus fruits
• 400+100+100
• Apple,pomegranate,
• Any 3 fruits
• Eat before you are hungry
Lunch/Dinner -2 plates
• Plate 1- rainbow vegetables
• 500 gm
• Raw or mild steamed
• Don’t remove outer coverings
• No salt or very little rock salt or Green
• Plate 2
• 200 Grams Sprouts
100 gm Snacks

• 11.30 am
• 5.30 pm


(soaked 6 hrs)
• Plus Hunza Tea(Kaava)
Homo Diet


•For Gastric Troubles

Hetero Diet-The Elimination Diet of Dr Mcdougall
For severe Allergies and Autoimmune problems
Neuto Diet---The Rice Diet of Dr Walter
FOR nearly Dead

•CKD , Malignant Hypertension,

Heart Disease
Triorigin Model of Different Healing
Modalities under Onnuri Medicine

Smile Meditation

Smile Tai chi, Smile yoga Sujok

Twist therapy, Smile Gymnast
Spiral Motions , Direction therapy

Its all about HIS teachings
Its all about HIM
Its all about SMILE
• Zero world or This world
• God or Man
• Smile or Success
We can end all suffering if we know
• What to eat to prevent disease • Keep smiling in all situations to
end all disputes


Smile Thanks

• Facebook page------1)Medisujok
2)Diabetes Reversal with TFC

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