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Applications of Artificial Intelligence

1) Expert systems:

Expert System is defined as an interactive and reliable

computer-based decision-making system which uses both facts and heuristics
to solve complex decision-making problems. It is considered at the highest
level of human intelligence and expertise. It is a computer application which
solves the most complex issues in a specific domain. The expert system can
resolve many issues which generally would require a human expert. It is based
on knowledge acquired from an expert. It is also capable of expressing and
reasoning about some domain of knowledge. Expert systems were the
predecessor of the current day artificial intelligence, deep learning and
machine learning systems.



Expert system used for chemical analysis to predict molecular



Expert system used to predict the degree and type of lung cancer.

2) Natural Language Processing:

Natural Language Processing, usually

shortened as Natural Language Processing, is a branch of artificial
intelligence that deals with the interaction between computers and humans
using the natural language.
The ultimate objective of Natural Language Process is to read, decipher,
understand, and make sense of the human languages in a manner that is
valuable. Most Natural Language Process techniques rely on machine
learning to derive meaning from human languages.


i) Smart assistants

Smart assistants like Apple’s Siri and Amazon’s Alexa

recognize patterns in speech thanks to voice recognition, then infer
meaning and provide a useful response. We’ve become used to the fact
that we can say “Hey Siri,” ask a question, and she understands what
we said and responds with relevant answers based on context.

ii) Email filters

Email filters are one of the most basic and initial

applications of NLP online. It started out with spam filters, uncovering
certain words or phrases that signal a spam message. But filtering has
upgraded, just like early adaptations of NLP.

3) Speech recognition:

Speech recognition is technology that can recognize spoken words, which

can then be converted to text. A subset of speech recognition is voice
recognition, which is the technology for identifying a person based on their

Facebook, Amazon, Microsoft, Google and Apple — five of the world’s top
tech companies — are already offering this feature on various devices
through services like Google Home, Amazon Echo and Siri.

i) Device control
Just saying "OK Google" to an Android phone fires up
a system that is all ears to your voice commands.

ii) Car Bluetooth systems

Many cars are equipped with a system that
connects its radio mechanism to your smartphone through Bluetooth.
You can then make and receive calls without touching your
smartphone, and can even dial numbers by just saying them. 

4) Computer vision:
computer vision is defined as “a subset of mainstream
artificial intelligence that deals with the science of making computers or
machines visually enabled, i.e., they can analyze and understand an image.”
Human vision starts at the biological camera’s “eyes,” which takes one
picture about every 200 milliseconds, while computer vision starts by
providing input to the machine. One of the driving factors behind the growth
of computer vision is the amount of data we generate today that is then used
to train and make computer vision better.


i) Google Translate
All you need to do to read signs in a foreign language
is to point your phone’s camera at the words and let the Google Translate
app tell you what it means in your preferred language almost instantly.
By using optical character recognition to see the image and augmented
reality to overlay an accurate translation, this is a convenient tool that
uses computer vision.

ii) Real-time sports tracking

Ball and puck tracking on televised sports has been common for
a while now, but computer vision is also helping play and strategy analysis,
player performance and ratings, as well as to track the brand sponsorship
visibility in sports broadcasts.

5) Robotics:
Most of the companies are now programming and designing
robots to handle the essential task related to agriculture. This includes
harvesting crops and works faster than then human laborers. Robots consist
of moving parts and sensors, but to operate some action using these parts,
artificial intelligence helps in processing the problem environment, inputs,
data and based on these data inputs, provide a course of action or output for
the robot to operate accordingly. Artificial intelligence and autonomous
robots go hand in hand.

i) Drug Compounding Robot

The days of hospital

pharmacists mixing ingredients and creating new mixtures of drugs
may well be a thing of the past. A partnership between German
robotics giant Denso and medication management industry leader
Omnicell have developed an automated medicine distribution system,
connected to the hospital prescription system.

ii) Arduino Braccio Robotic Arm

This product is sold as a kit
and requires assembly, so don’t expect your arm
immediately ready to bend. Weighing in at just under 2
pounds The Braccio is a rather versatile and flexible creature
allowing for object support, for example a camera or solar

6) Computer programming
Artificial intelligence (AI) is an area
of computer science that emphasizes the creation of intelligent machines that
work and react like humans. Some of the activities computers with artificial
intelligence are designed for include: Speech recognition. Learning.
i) Desktop software

ii) Notepad 

iii) Browser

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