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for Ecological Restoration
Options for Brazil’s Cerrado and Caatinga biomes

Andrew Miccolis
Fabiana Mongeli Peneireiro
Henrique Rodrigues Marques
Daniel Luis Mascia Vieira
Marcelo Francia Arco-Verde
Maurício Rigon Hoffmann
Tatiana Rehder
Abilio Vinicius Barbosa Pereira
The degradation of ecosystems and TECHNICAL GUIDEBOOK
loss of life forms throughout the planet
is often associated with farming and
grazing activities. Meanwhile, areas set
aside for preservation are “protected”
from humans by keeping them out
altogether, or by only allowing entrance
under strict controls. In this guidebook,
we champion the notion that human
action is not necessarily detrimental
to the environment; rather, it can be
beneficial, generating more life and
resources to bring about positive
impacts on the environment. Given
the premise that the human species
is part of nature, the main challenge
lies in ensuring the quality and impact
of human action on the environment.
Striking this balance requires nurturing
and improving our notions and attitudes
about care for water, soil, and all
life forms (including humans!). Some

production-oriented land use practices
deplete the area and degrade soils, while
others make the soil and vegetation

for Ecological Restoration

richer. What tips the balance one way or
the other is the approach that farmers
take to farming the land, to using and
managing natural resources.

The main goal of this book is to guide HOW TO RECONCILE CONSERVATION AND PRODUCTION
the adoption of agroforestry systems
(AFS) to restore and recover altered Options for Brazil’s Cerrado and Caatinga biomes
and degraded areas by using strategies
that reconcile conservation with social
and economic benefits. Based on a
combination of technical, scientific Andrew Miccolis
and traditional local knowledge from Fabiana Mongeli Peneireiro
innovative experiences, this book Henrique Rodrigues Marques
provides thorough guidance for Daniel Luis Mascia Vieira
technicians, farmers and policymakers
Marcelo Francia Arco-Verde
about how Agroforestry Systems can and
Maurício Rigon Hoffmann
should be used to restore the various
environmental functions that must be
Tatiana Rehder
performed in certain portions of all Abilio Vinicius Barbosa Pereira
private lands protected
Andrew Miccolis
Fabiana Mongeli Peneireiro
Henrique Rodrigues Marques
Daniel Luis Mascia Vieira
Marcelo Francia Arco-Verde
Maurício Rigon Hoffmann
Tatiana Rehder
Abilio Vinicius Barbosa Pereira

for Ecological Restoration
How to reconcile conservation and production





Por meio da:

Agroforestry Systems for Ecological Restoration: How to reconcile conservation and production. Options for Brazil’s Cerrado
and Caatinga biomes / Andrew Miccolis … [et al]. Brasília: Instituto Sociedade, População e Natureza – ISPN/World Agrofo-
restry Centre – ICRAF, 2016.
240 p.: il.: color. 26.5 cm x 18.5 cm.
ISBN: 978-85-63288-18-9
1. Agroforestry Systems. 2. Ecological Restoration. 3. Cerrado. 4. Caatinga. 5. Forest Code. 6. Family Farming
I. Miccolis, Andrew. II. Peneireiro, Fabiana Mongeli. III. Marques, Henrique Rodrigues. IV. Vieira, Daniel Luis Mascia. V. Arcoverde,
Marcelo Francia. VI. Hoffmann, Maurício Rigon. VII. Rehder, Tatiana. VIII. Pereira, Abilio Vinicius Barbosa. IX. Title.

This publication is the fruit of a partnership between IUCN and ICRAF, funded by the KNOWFOR (International Forestry
Knowledge) Project through a donation to the IUCN. KNOWFOR is funded by an agency of the government of the
United Kingdom, UK Aid. The publication was coordinated by ICRAF Brazil, in partnership with Embrapa, the Instituto
Sociedade, População e Natureza – ISPN’s Small Eco-social Projects Program – PPP ECOS/GEF/UNDP and the International
Union for the Conservation of Nature – IUCN. The project was also supported by donors to the CGIAR’s Forests Trees
and Agroforestry – FTA program:

Opinions expressed in this publication are those of the authors alone and do not necessarily reflect the views of ICRAF or
of any of the partner and supporting institutions.

The main objective of this book is to guide the adoption

of agroforestry systems (AFS) to restore and recover altered
and degraded areas, using strategies that reconcile
conservation with social benefits. It came about through
a participatory research process involving extensionists,
farmers, researchers, policy makers and practitioners
in the field of restoration and AFS. We began by analyzing
norms governing the use of AFS in environmental protection areas
(Permanent Preservation Areas – PPAs and Legal Reserves – LRs), to
make their practical implications in the field clear to extensionists,
farmers and policy makers. A broad-ranging survey of relevant
literature investigated the feasibility of AFS and the most suitable
systems to accomplish the ecological and social goals of restoration.
In May 2015, during a participatory seminar on “Conservation with
Agroforestry: pathways to restoration on family farms,” 70 participants drafted
principles and criteria to reconcile conservation with production. We then
systematically analyzed 19 AFS experiences to draw lessons for best practices
to be replicated, including visits to 16 farmers who shared their examples of
promising management systems and practices, and consulted experts. With
those inputs in hand, we propose recommendations to overcome challenges
facing AFS and to draft enabling legislation for Brazil’s new Forest Code. We
developed an approach to social-environmental diagnoses in AFS planning
attuned to the aspirations and conditions of families in their own environments.
For some of the most common situations, like degraded pastures and areas
with secondary plant growth, we present 11 agroforestry options to be
adapted to each farm’s specific characteristics. Recommendations include
detailed descriptions of 19 key species for the recovery of degraded areas, and
a total of 130 species deemed important for AFS-based restoration in a general
table with functional attributes. Although this book focuses on Brazil’s Cerrado
and Caatinga biomes, the approach for socio-environmental diagnoses, the
principles and criteria for selecting species and designing systems, as well as
the implementation and management techniques, can be applied in other
regions as well.
HOW TO RECONCILE CONSERVATION AND PRODUCTION – Options for Brazil’s Cerrado and Caatinga biomes

Andrew Miccolis – ICRAF – World Agroforestry Centre
Fabiana Mongeli Peneireiro – Mutirão Agroflorestal
Henrique Rodrigues Marques – ISSA– Instituto Salvia de Soluções Socioambientais
Daniel Mascia Vieira – Embrapa Cenargen – Brazilian Agricultural Research Corporation, Genetic Resources and
Biotechnology Center
Marcelo Francia Arco-Verde – Embrapa Florestas – Brazilian Agricultural Research Corporation
Maurício Rigon Hoffmann – Inkóra Florestal
Tatiana Rehder – ICMBio – Chico Mendes Institute for the Conservation of Biodiversity
Abilio Vinicius Barbosa Pereira – WWF Brasil

Andrew Miccolis

Alexandre Bonesso Sampaio – Center for the Study and Conservation of the Cerrado and Caatinga/ Chico Mendes
Institute for the Conservation of Biodiversity – CECAT /ICMBIO
Clarissa Aguiar – Brazilian Forest Service – SFB
Eduardo Malta Campos Filho – Instituto Socioambiental – ISA
Graciema Rangel Pinagé – Brazilian Forest Service – SFB
Isabel Benedetti Figueiredo – Instituto Sociedade População e Natureza – ISPN
Janaina de Almeida Rocha – Brazilian Forest Service – SFB
José Felipe Ribeiro – Embrapa Cerrados– Brazilian Agricultural Research Corporation - Cerrados
Lidiane Moretto – Brazilian Forest Service – SFB
Patrícia Pereira Vaz da Silva – Mutirão Agroflorestal
Rebecca de Araujo Fiore – Brazilian Forest Service – SFB
Rubens Benini – The Nature Conservancy do Brasil – TNC Brazil
Rubens Ramos Mendonça – Brazilian Forest Service – SFB


Iara and Erivaldo –Serra dos Campos Novos Community – Uauá, Bahia
Francisco Antônio de Sousa (Extensionist/Farmer) – Viçosa do Ceará, Ceará
Nelson Mandela (Extensionist), José da Silva Reis, Cleber de Jesus Brito and Elton Simões da Silva – EFA SE. Lagoa
do Pimentel and Lagoa da Capivara – Monte Santo, Bahia
Leôncio de Andrade – Lagoa do Saco Community – Monte Santo, Bahia
Antônio Braga Mota and Bueno do Missi – Irauçuba, Ceará
Ernaldo Espedito de Sá and Maria Marleide de Souza – Letreiro Community –Juá dos Vieiras District – Tianguá, Ceará
Moacir Santos (Técnico)– IRPAA – Juazeiro, Bahia
Gilberto dos Santos – Pau Ferro Community – Curaçá, Bahia
Antônio José Sousa de Moraes – Juá dos Vieiras District – Viçosa do Ceará, Ceará
Alberto Cardoso dos Santos – Salgado Community – Monte Santo, Bahia
Juã Pereira – Sítio Semente, Federal District
Marcelino Barberato – Sítio Gerânium, Federal District
Ginercina de Oliveira Silva – AMERA – Barro Alto, Goiás


Artur de Paula Sousa, Carolina Guyot, Ana Elena Muler


Cover and graphic design project: Wagner Soares Guilherme Werner
Layout: Guilherme Werner
Zoltar Design
Patrícia Yamamoto

We are grateful to all those who helped

draft the principles and criteria that laid
the foundations for this guidebook,
including the 70 participants at
the Conservation with Agrofor-
estry Seminar, held in Brasília in
May 2015, and the farmer-ex-
perimenters who took us in
during our field visits, as well
as the extensionists and con-
sultants. We especially highlight the contri-
butions and the work of Ernst Götsch, whose research
and innovations over the past 30 years have enabled
the successional agroforestry systems described here
to develop and flourish, benefiting generations of ex-
tensionists and farmers in various regions of the country.
We also thank Juã Pereira and Carolina Guyot, who sys-
tematized the case study on Sítio Semente, in the Federal District, which inspired
Option 1. We are also deeply grateful to: Miguel Calmon and Chetan Kumar, at
IUCN, for their general coordination of the KNOWFOR (International Forestry
Knowledge) Project, their close collaboration and valuable suggestions on the
early drafts of this book; the Instituto Sociedade População e Natureza – ISPN for
its leading role as a partner in this project and for bringing successful, innovative
experiences to the book, based on their network of family farmers benefited by
the Small Eco-social Projects Program – PPP-ECOS, funded by the GEF/UNDP; the
reviewers who read the first drafts and made valuable contributions to improve
the text, and the Instituto Salvia – ISSA, Renata Marson Teixeira de Andrade and
the Mutirão Agroflorestal for their important support and participation at vari-
ous stages of the book’s production. Lastly, we thank DFID – the UK Department
for International Development, for its financial support to this project and to the
CGIAR’s Forest Trees and Agroforestry Program – FTA, for its support for the ef-
forts of ICRAF – the World Agroforestry Centre, and the Brazilian Forest Service/
Ministry of the Environment for reviewing the guidebook and funding its reprint
and ICRAF’s Programme Development Unit for supporting this English edition.


INTRODUCTION ............................................................................................................................ 10

1. CONTEXT: THE CERRADO AND THE CAATINGA ......................................................................... 14


2.1 What are agroforestry systems (AFS)? . .............................................................................. 20
2.2 What does ecological restoration mean? ........................................................................... 23
2.3 AFS for restoration and conservation ................................................................................. 25
2.4 AFS beneficiaries................................................................................................................. 27
table 1: Published data on costs and economic results for different ecological restoration –
methods in PPAs AND LRs and Agroforestry Systems................................................................. 36
2.5 Challenges for successful AFS in the Cerrado and Caatinga ............................................... 41
2.6 Lessons and recommendations to overcome challenges.................................................... 45
2.7 Principles and criteria to reconcile social and ecological functions in AFS ......................... 47

3. HOW TO PRODUCE AGROFORESTRY SYSTEMS FOR RESTORATION .......................................... 50

3.1 Socio-environmental diagnosis........................................................................................... 50
3.1.1 Tools for a participatory diagnosis ............................................................................... 51
3.1.2 Contents of the diagnosis . ........................................................................................... 52
3.2 Decision-making on a landscape scale ............................................................................... 60

4. PLANNING AND DESIGNING AGROFORESTRY SYSTEMS ........................................................... 62

4.1 Area selection and planning: placement in the landscape and design elements . ............. 65
4.2 Selecting the species .......................................................................................................... 71
4.3 Economic planning ............................................................................................................. 80
4.3.1 Steps in the financial planning of agroforestry projects . ............................................. 80
4.3.2 Planning the agroforestry arrangement ....................................................................... 84
table 2: Example of how to plan an agroforest arrangement, with the successional groups
including cash crops ecological functions in the different production cycles and stories........... 84
4.3.3 Financial analysis . ........................................................................................................ 85
table 3: Sample spreadsheet with price data for products sold............................................... 87
table 4: Sample spreadsheet with crop yields during the afs assessment periods.................. 87
table 5: Sample spreadsheet with tasks behind labor and input costs and their respective
technical coefficients during the afs assessment periods for a single crop (bananas)............... 88
4.3.4 Integrated analysis of financial indicators .................................................................... 91
table 6: Net present value (npv), benefit/cost ratio (b/c), internal rate of return (irr)
and payback period (pp) for different agroforestry models, evaluated for 20 years................. 91
4.4 Implementation .................................................................................................................. 94
4.4.1 Preparation: materials, tools and labor . ...................................................................... 94
4.4.2 Methods for establishing Agroforestry Systems . ......................................................... 97
4.5 How management works . ................................................................................................ 109
4.5.1 Management techniques ........................................................................................... 109
4.5.2 Pruning management . ............................................................................................... 111
4.5.3 Pruning guidance ....................................................................................................... 113
4.5.4 Ways to prune ............................................................................................................ 116
4.5.5 Management guidelines . ........................................................................................... 120

5 AGROFORESTRY OPTIONS FOR DIFFERENT CONTEXTS . ......................................................... 122

5.1 AFS in the Cerrado and the Caatinga: learning from actual experiences ......................... 122
5.2 AFS options for different contexts .................................................................................... 124
option 1: Successional agroforestry for the Cerrado with intensive management ............. 125
option 2: Biodiverse agroforestry for PPA restoration . ....................................................... 132
option 3: Agroforestry intercropped in strips with enrichment of the Cerrado................... 137
option 4: Agroforestry to enrich and manage naturally regenerated secondary growth . .. 141
option 5: Agroforestry to restore degraded areas with fertilizer species ............................ 145
option 6: Agroforestry to restore hillsides in the Cerrado . ................................................. 152
option 7: Agroforestry to restore hillsides or Legal Reserves in the Caatinga ...................... 156
option 8: Forage production in agroforestry systems for the Caatinga ............................... 161
option 9: Restoring degraded areas with agroforestry in the Caatinga . ............................. 168
option 10: Protecting and restoring springs with agroforestry ........................................... 174
option 11: Agroforestry homegardens ................................................................................ 177
5.3 Step-by-step implementation of the options in different contexts .................................. 180
table 7: Summary of afs options for different contexts.......................................................... 182
5.4 Key species to recover degraded areas ............................................................................ 183
Mesquite – Prosopis juliflora . .............................................................................................. 184
White leadtree – Leucaena leucocephala ............................................................................ 186
Pigeon pea – Cajanus cajan . ................................................................................................ 188
Pear cactus – Opuntia fícus-indica ....................................................................................... 190
Mandacaru cactus – Cereus jamacaru.................................................................................. 192
Sisal - Agave sisalana ........................................................................................................... 194
Sabiá – Mimosa caesalpiniaefolia ........................................................................................ 196
Gliricidia – Gliricidia sepium ................................................................................................. 198
Umbu – Spondias tuberosa .................................................................................................. 200
Yellow mombin – Spondias mombin .................................................................................... 202
Mexican sunflower – Tithonia diversifolia . .......................................................................... 204
Inga – Inga spp. . .................................................................................................................. 206
West Indian elm – Guazuma ulmifolia ................................................................................. 208
Banana – Musa spp. ............................................................................................................. 210
Achiote – Bixa orellana ........................................................................................................ 212
Eucalyptus – Eucalyptus spp. ............................................................................................... 213
Guinea grass – Panicum maximum ...................................................................................... 218
Gamba grass – Andropogon gayanus . ................................................................................. 219
Elephant grass – Pennisetum purpureum cv. Napier ............................................................ 220
table 8: General table of species suitable for restoration in the cerrado and
caatinga biomes..................................................................................................................... 223
REFERENCES – TO LEARN MORE . ............................................................................................... 227
Diagno sis, design and
implementation of AFS
in different contexts
Photo: Fabiana Peneireiro

Photo: Daniel Vieira


The world is undergoing an unprecedented environmental crisis.

Over the last few centuries, soil use has depleted natural resources
and aggravated social vulnerability in several regions throughout
the world.

In rural areas, deforestation and pred- such situations. Rural communities,

atory agriculture have driven plant indigenous people and traditional
and animal species into extinction, communities can also benefit directly
reduced the quantity and quality of from well-managed vegetation, with-
available water, raised temperatures, out necessarily causing degradation.
altered rainfall regimes, diminished Such strategies can be fundamental
agricultural yields, eroded the soil and to the maintenance of ecosystem
even desertified large swaths of land. functions – the so-called environ-
Such degradation threatens the very mental services – by regulating water
presence of humans, pushing rural cycles, adapting to climate change,
populations into cities to find work controlling erosion and cycling nutri-
and generating a vicious cycle of so- ents. Areas undergoing restoration
cial, economic, environmental and processes can also perform major so-
even cultural problems, leading to the cio-environmental functions including
loss of their identity as peasants. food and nutritional security and sov-
ereignty, income generation, greater
Meanwhile, farmers, extensionists quality of life, conservation of water
and scientists have developed and resources, balance in climate and
put into practice forms of production biodiversity, among others. As they
aimed at turning back these degrada- advance ecological restoration along
tion processes. In many cases, nature with their own livelihoods, farmers
itself is able to recover altered areas. shift from being problem makers to
Humans, however, can accelerate problem solvers.
the restoration of such areas, caring
for the soil and water, and introduc- Despite a growing awareness of how
ing and managing plant and animal important it is to involve people in
species that would find it hard to es- sustainable ecological restoration
tablish populations on their own in processes – i.e. conservation – many


initiatives to “restore degraded areas” The technical orientations presented

or to “recompose native plant cov- here focus mainly on the context of
er” ignore the needs and potentials family farmers. Nonetheless, the var-
of the people and communities who ious techniques and options can also
live there. The high costs and lack of be applied by medium to larger farm-
financial return to conventional resto- ers who wish to recover their Legal
ration projects impel us to find more Reserves (LRs) and/or other altered
efficient forms of restoration that take areas outside the Permanent Preser-
into account those who live there and vation Areas (PPAs) with agroforest-
affect the landscape, to get them per- ry systems. These principles, crite-
manently involved in conserving and ria and orientations indeed apply to
managing natural resources. Agrofor- any farmer who wishes to reconcile
estry systems (AFS) provide a range production and other social benefits
of opportunities to include people in with the conservation of natural re-
processes to restore altered areas, as sources. They are also useful for any-
well as to include trees in agricultural one who has been obliged to restore
landscapes. their land and still wants to obtain
economic and/or social benefits in
For this publication to be useful, we the process 141. Although this publica-
recommend that it be distributed to tion focuses on Brazil’s Cerrado and
farmers, to the agents and organiza- Caatinga regions, those who wish
tions responsible for technical assis- can adapt the options presented to
tance, rural extension, rural develop- other biomes as well, as long as they
ment, farm credit, capacity-building select species and modify some of
and environmental governance. We the management practices suited to
also encourage national and local their context.
policy makers to debate, adapt and
internalize its suggestions with a This Guidebook is divided into five
view to developing and fostering sys- main sections. Following an introduc-
tems and practices that can reconcile tion and general context, we discuss
food production with environmental the socio-environmental benefits and
benefits and services through agro- challenges of AFS based on a literature
forestry systems. review (Section 1), as well as strategies


to overcome these challenges (Section by farmers and extensionists who

2). Sections 3 and 4 focus on methods participated in the field visits and the
and techniques to implement resto- seminar, as well as examples of suc-
ration-oriented agroforests, beginning cessful experiences.
with an approach to socio-environ-
mental diagnoses aimed at under- We hope this book will be a useful
standing the various limitations as tool for meeting the challenges of re-
well as the potentials of each context storing altered areas, including those
(Section 3). We then go over steps in specified by law. Its main goal is to
financial planning and design of agro- help researchers, extensionists and
forestry arrangements, in addition to family farmers develop and imple-
a variety of practical methods to im- ment solutions that include the hu-
plement and manage systems (Section man component in restoring and con-
4). In Section 5, we describe eleven serving legally-protected areas (PPAs
options for agroforestry systems that and LRs), while also supporting poli-
can be adopted in some of the most cy makers to enable the inclusion of
common contexts found in these two trees in farming areas, generating so-
biomes, including key features of each cio-environmental benefits for farms
context: farmer objectives, key species, and for society at large.
and guidance on management practic-
es. We then describe 19 key species May you enjoy reading this and have
for recovering degraded areas, their success in your agroforestry harvests!
main characteristics and functional
traits, as well as guidance on how to
manage them, followed by a General
Table of 130 species mentioned in this
Guidebook and considered important
for restoration with AFS in the Cerrado
and Caatinga biomes.

The species descriptions contain both

common and scientific names in the
General Species Table, except when
a species is only mentioned once in
the text. In such cases, the common
and scientific names are provided in
the text. Throughout the book several
boxes bring practical tips and quotes




Brazil’s Cerrado region contains a
huge variety of landscapes including
oases, hills, plateaus, high plains and
valleys, with a myriad of vegetation region has roughly 470,000 small
types, ranging from grasslands and farms, most of which belong to fam-
savannahs to dense forests. It is of- ily farmers and traditional communi-
ten called the cradle of Brazil’s waters ties128.
due to the number of headwaters of
some of the country’s most import- Brazil’s Cerrado is the world’s most
ant rivers, which distribute water to biodiverse savannah, with 13,140
eight of its twelve major basins: the plant species, approximately 3,000
Amazon, Tocantins-Araguaia, Parnaí- vertebrate species1 and 67,000 inver-
ba, North/Northeast Atlantic, São tebrates127. The Cerrado is also the
Francisco, East Atlantic, Paraná and source of livelihoods of a variety of
Paraguay 73, 105. In most of this biome, traditional peoples and communities,
the rainy season lasts from October including extractivists, indigenous
to April, with draught prevailing from peoples, quilombolas, family farmers
May to September. Rainfall may vary and others95, who also enjoy their
from 800mm per year in areas near own cultural diversity. Some of those
the semiarid region to 2,000 mm in communities have lived in the region
transition areas near rainforests53. It for hundreds of years and learned
occupies a vast expanse of some 200 over time to live with its diversity
million hectares, spanning across the and extract its natural resources in
entire Central-West and transitioning a sustainable manner, while others
to three other biomes in the coun- still depend on traditional slash-and-
try’s Southeast, North and Northeast burn practices to enable their pro-
regions, covering nearly a quarter of duction. There are still over 80 indig-
the national territory127. Today, the enous ethnic groups in the Cerrado,

Photo: Helena Maltez


Mirante das Janelas. Chapada dos Veadeiros. São Jorge – GO

and another 70 in the Caatinga (de- Those threats highlight the impor-
scribed in the next section). tance of stimulating and appreciating
the traditional sustainable practices
The Cerrado is one of the world’s most of rural communities and promoting
endangered ecosystems due to the innovative approaches to landscape
expansion of mechanized agriculture management that ally production
and the annual monocropping of soy- with the restoration and conserva-
beans, maize and cotton, the opening tion of natural resources. To that end,
of new areas to graze livestock, forests it is essential to foster public policies
planted to produce pulp and charcoal that uplift the Cerrado’s products, its
and dams built for hydroelectric proj- cultural wealth and the sustainable
ects 53, 105, 106. Those mostly predatory management of its landscapes. Agro-
activities are clearing some 30,000 forestry systems are excellent alterna-
square kilometers per year of the Cer- tives in this context, because they re-
rado – 1.5% of its plant cover 108. To- spect the potential of local resources
day, only 55% of this biome’s natural as well as the region’s ecological and
plant cover remains74. productive possibilities.

Geraizeiro community crossing a spring in the

Photo: Peter Caton/ISPN Cerrado of Northern Minas Gerais State

Photo: Do Design

Landscape with the dry Caatinga forest


The Caatinga is northeastern Brazil’s Pernambuco, Alagoas, Paraíba, Rio
largest biome, with several types of Grande do Norte and Piauí – as well
vegetation in fields, shrubby and tall as small segments in Maranhão and
forests, an ephemeral herbaceous Minas Gerais 52.
stratum and many thorny and succu-
lent plants. The trees and brush drop This exclusively Brazilian biome is
their leaves during the dry season home to some 2,000 plant species,
when their white trunks and branches 300 of which are endemic to this envi-
give the vegetation a whitened phys- ronment. Its fauna is also very diverse,
iognomy, which is behind its name in with 178 species of mammals, 591 of
the indigenous Tupi language: (Caa) birds, 177 of reptiles, 79 of amphib-
Forest (Tinga) White 70, 88. The biome ians, 241 of fish and 221 of bees70.
occupies about 85 million hectares in Average annual rainfall varies from a
Brazil, in almost all the states of the little under 300 mm, in Paraíba state’s
northeast – Ceará, Bahia, Sergipe, Cariris Velhos region, to over 1,500


mm, in zones that transit into other adapt to and co-exist with drought in
biomes. In the other direction, there the semiarid 52, 105.
tends to be much more evapotrans-
piration than rain, some 1,500 mm to Ever since Brazil was occupied and
2,000 mm per year 52, 72. colonized by Europeans, the region
has suffered from the clearing of its
Most of the Caatinga has shallow soils, forests for cattle grazing and charcoal
a warm climate and irregular rainfall. production, which are still its main
Those three factors combined make economic activities and the main
the environment extremely sensitive causes of degradation of the Caatin-
and vulnerable to desertification. The ga’s ecosystems7, 52. Its plant cover had
region’s human population is around declined by nearly 50% by 2009, and
27 million, many of whom are fami- measures taken since then to restore
ly farmers whose livelihoods depend and conserve the biome have been
on local resources. The Caatinga’s ir- few and insufficient72. Of all of Brazil’s
regular rainfall pattern makes life ex- biomes, the Caatinga has the fewest
tremely hard for locals, known as ser- conservation units (CUs), covering
tanejos, and demands alternatives to only 7.5% of its territory.

Farmers harvesting umbu, a typical fruit tree in the Caatinga. Photo: Do Design

Source: adapted from IBGE, 2006

The region’s residents face major Caatinga context, including livestock,

challenges related to the protection of are discussed in this book. We also
its natural resources, living with and share suggestions based on farmers’
adapting to droughts, appropriate res- and extensionists’ local experiences,
toration and management approach- for people to help avoid and even re-
es and the reduction of socioeco- verse desertification in the Caatinga.
nomic inequalities. Those challenges
demand effective action to counter The Cerrado and Caatinga need pro-
the degradation of the region’s soils duction techniques that enable native
and natural resources, including bet- vegetation to be managed in consor-
ter ways to raise livestock and make tia with cultivated species, to balance
use of the native vegetation. ecological and social functions on a
landscape scale and spread mosaics
In the Caatinga, agroforestry systems interlinked with corridors between
to produce animal feed, short-cycle production and preservation areas. As
crops and fruit-bearing trees are al- we shall see in the next section, agro-
ternatives that can combine conserva- forestry systems provide countless
tion with quality of life for farm fam- practical opportunities to strike a bal-
ilies. Some specific strategies for the ance among different objectives.


Agroforestry systems (AFS) can gen- “Agroforestry is a collective name for

erate income and provide multiple land-use systems and technologies
environmental services. They have where woody perennials are deliber-
been evolving worldwide for thou- ately used on the same land-manage-
sands of years, mainly among tradi- ment units as agricultural crops and/
tional peoples, and now sustain at or animals, in either a spatial arrange-
least 1.2 billion people (about a sixth ment or a temporal sequence.” 80,81
of humankind)82. Only in the past 50 ICRAF has also proposed that AFS are
years, however, has science begun to “dynamic, ecologically based, natural
study these systems, their costs and resource management systems which,
benefits and the complex interactions through the integration of trees on
among their plant, animal and human farms and the agricultural landscape,
components. diversify and sustain production in or-
der to increase social, economic and
2.1 WHAT ARE AGROFORESTRY SYSTEMS (AFS)? environmental benefits for land users
at all scales.” 56
There are several ways to define Agro-
forestry Systems. One of the first, There are several distinct types of
published in 1977, defined “agrofor- agroforestry systems and practices,
estry” as: “a sustainable manage- ranging from simplified combinations
ment system for land that increases of a few species and low-intensity
overall production, combines agri- management to extremely complex
cultural crops, tree crops, and forest systems with high biodiversity and
plants and/or animals simultaneously high-intensity management, as well as
or sequentially, and applies manage- several types in between. The terms
ment practices that are compatible that describe them usually vary ac-
with the cultural patterns of the local cording to the main components.
population.” 14
Silvopastoral systems focus on live-
The World Agroforestry Center (ICRAF) stock associated with pastures and
has suggested another definition: trees. In some contexts, particularly


in the context of restoration, the pres- new buds or stripping tree bark (very
ence of domesticated animals such as common for sheep and goats). Even
cattle, goats, horses, sheep, buffaloes, so, the animal component can also
swine and poultry is controversial, be a mainstay of livelihood strategies
since these animals may potentially that also enable family farmers to
have negative impacts on the vegeta- adapt to climate change, especially in
tion and soil. Besides leaving the soil semi-arid regions. Thus, in such con-
compacted, if not managed proper- texts, solutions need to find ways of
ly, they can also leave it bare or up- reconciling livestock raising with the
turned, eliminating plants through recomposition of plant cover (such as
uncontrolled foraging, especially of systems described in Section 5).

Silvopastoral system: cattle on an ecological pasture.

Santa Fé Ecological Farm, in Moquém, Nossa Senhora
do Livramento, Mato Grosso. Photo: Jurandir Melado


When agricultural and forest spe- agrosilvopastoral, whereas Agrosil-

cies are combined, either simultane- vocultural systems are characterized
ously or sequentially, with livestock by intercropping annual agricultural
raising, the systems are dubbed crops with forest species.

Agrosilvocultural system Agrosilvopastoral system

Successional or biodiverse agrofor- succession of species. Ernst Götsch

ests can be similar to natural forest has been the main thrust behind
ecosystems as they are character- the development and dissemination
ized by high plant diversity and man- of such systems throughout Brazil’s
aged in accordance with the natural ­biomes 44, 48, 86

Successional or biodiverse agroforest Photo: Fabiana Peneireiro

Photo: Andrew Miccolis

Agroforestry homegarden

Agroforestry homegardens are an species and interactions among these

AFS that combines trees with agri- components.” 19
cultural and/or animal, medicinal
and other domestic-use species. 2.2 WHAT DOES ECOLOGICAL RESTORATION
Located near homes, these sys- MEAN?
tems normally are very productive
and contribute in very important The most widely recognized defini-
ways to families’ food security and tion of ecological restoration is pro-
well-being. posed by the Society for Ecological
Restoration (SER), which defines this
For the purposes of this guidebook, practice as: “The process of assisting
our main reference will be the defini- the recovery of an ecosystem that
tion of agroforestry systems adopted has been degraded, damaged, or de-
in Brazil’s legislation: “land use and stroyed.”129 Conceptually, a restored
occupation systems in which peren- ecosystem contains a certain number
nial woody species are managed in of species that occur in the reference
association with herbaceous, shrub- ecosystem. Functional groups (made
by, arboreal, agricultural and forage up of species that carry out different
plants in a single management unit, ecological functions) are present or
using a spatial and temporal ar- in the process of colonizing the area,
rangement, with a diversity of native while potential threats to the health


and integrity of the ecosystem have and enhancing human wellbeing in

been eliminated or reduced. In addi- deforested and degraded forest land-
tion, the restored ecosystem is suffi- scapes.” 132
ciently resilient to withstand normal
stressful events, it is self-sustaining, Likewise, the definition used by the
and it has the potential to survive in- Ecological Restoration Alliance of Bo-
definitely under existing environmen- tanic Gardens stresses that “Ecolog-
tal conditions.129, 99 ical restoration can and should be a
fundamental component of conser-
SER’s concept has evolved and, more vation and sustainable development
recently, has been formulated as: “the programs throughout the world by
science, practice, and art of watching virtue of its inherent capacity to pro-
and managing the recovery of the vide people with the opportunity to
ecological integrity of ecosystems, not only repair ecological damage, but
including a minimum level of biodi- also improve the human condition.”133
versity and variability in the structure
and function of ecological processes, Other definitions focus more on eco-
considering its ecological, economic logical objectives, such as that of Bra-
and social values. [… It] seeks to en- zil’s National System of Conservation
sure that the area will not return to its Units (SNUC): “Restoration is a restitu-
degraded condition, if duly protected tion process of a degraded ecosystem
and/or managed.” 130 or a sylvan population to a condition
as close as possible to the original.” 134
For Brazil’s Ministry of the Environ-
ment, ecological restoration has a di- Clearly there is no readymade formula
rect relation with the recovery of de- for restoration, since each degraded
graded areas (RDA) and matches the environment has its own history and
definition used by the SER.131 is subject to variables that call for spe-
cific strategies. From this standpoint,
Some modern approaches to ecolog- restoration actions should be broadly
ical restoration adopted by interna- defined as those that reestablish eco-
tionally recognized institutions em- logical processes158 based on a con-
brace human wellbeing as a major ceptual framework that defines the
outcome of restoration processes. transition from a state of degradation
For example, the Global Partnership according to forest dynamics and its
on Forests and Landscapes Resto- implications in terms of management
ration (GPFLR) defines it as “the pro- and human participation both spa-
cess of regaining ecological integrity tially and temporally. This framework


should be based on sustainability for landscapes, agroforestry systems can

restored areas that cover ecological, restore important ecological process-
economic and social aspects that ap- es as well as ecosystem structures and
ply to landscapes with multiple land functions, while also enabling econom-
uses.157 This means that even if human ic returns and strengthening livelihoods
participation is not needed to restore and traditional knowledge in local cul-
areas that need to be preserved, it is tures.123, 135 In this approach, people are
essential for conserving them over treated as integral parts of nature and
time, particularly when agroforestry is players in the restoration process.136, 137
a key strategy . This is the basic premise that underpins
the principles, methods and recom-
Ultimately, approaches to ecological mendations of this guidebook.
restoration vary depending on the
context and objectives to be achieved. 2.3 AFS FOR RESTORATION AND CONSERVATION
For example, in restricted-use conser-
vation units, where the objective is The various inputs gathered for this
to restore, as much as possible, the study, including scientific studies and
composition and structure of the orig- farmers’ experiences, show that the
inal plant community types of AFS most rec-
(even when that ref- “The principles of nature ommended for envi-
erence is hard to de- are cooperation and not ronmental restoration
fine), it is essential to and conservation are
competition. Our biological
establish local plant complex, biodiverse
species, regardless of
function on this planet is to or successional sys-
their socio-economic diperse seeds and make life tems, which most re-
importance. In such processes more dynamic.” semble the original
cases, the use of ex- local ecosystems’ pro-
Ernst Götsch
otic species is not cesses and functions
recommended since and are managed
it might conflict with the conservation based on the principles of natural suc-
objectives of that area. cession. These AFS also entail adopt-
ing a broader concept of conservation
In mosaic landscapes (mingling produc- that encompasses human beings as
tion and conservation), however, it is part of the ecological restoration of
vital to include farmers or landowners systems that provide food and other
at all stages of ecological restoration social benefits, including income, in
initiatives, from planning to imple- addition to performing several im-
mentation and management. In such portant ecological functions. Lessons


learned from many complex AFS lead enhanced among our fellow humans.
us to conclude that the main factor Some forms of production impoverish
underlying a sustainable AFS is the the land and degrade the soil, while
quality of its management, i.e. the others enrich and protect the soil and
work of human beings. its plant cover. It all depends on how
farmers’ world views lead them to
In Brazil, the degradation of ecosys- work, on how they use and manage
tems and life forms is often associat- the land and its natural resources.
ed with grazing and other human ac-
tions. So areas requiring preservation Brazil’s current law for the protection
are “protected” from humans, whose of native vegetation (known as the
presence is banned or, when allowed, “New Forest Law”) allows for ecolog-
conditioned to strict controls. ical restoration through agroforestry
systems, as long as they maintain or
In this book, we defend the idea that improve the area’s basic ecological
human activities are not necessari- functions. This means that the out-
ly harmful to the environment. They come of human interventions should
can in fact be beneficial, generating benefit humans and all other living
more life and resources, making peo- beings as well.
ple’s presence helpful for the envi-
ronment. The assumption is that the
human species is part of nature. The
issue at hand is the quality of human
acts in the environment. Percep-
tions and attitudes regarding how to
care for water, soils and all life forms
must be developed, stimulated and


In practice, allying agriculture with 2.4 BENEFITS OF AFS

conservation requires observing the
principles of nature considering the WHAT ARE THE BENEFITS OF AGROFORESTRY
vocations of people and place (so- FOR THE ENVIRONMENT AND FOR PEOPLE?
cio-environmental conditions), as well
as the function of each species (in- Numerous studies throughout the
cluding humans), in order to choose world have identified multiple environ-
the most efficient species and com- mental, economic and social benefits of
bine management AFS, whose varying
practices that can intensity and signifi-
accomplish differ-
“Humans can include themsel- cance depending on
ent socio-environ- ves, become part of the system the context, the type
mental functions and live off it without degrading of system imple-
over time, thereby resources for life (soil, water, mented and how it is
consolidating more biodiversity). Better yet, they managed over time.
life and resources can help increase them. When We know that AFS
in a given area. The trying to include humans in con- can perform various
ethics of care must environmental func-
servation areas, other species
therefore always be tions. Those consid-
must also be included to help
present in design- ered important for
ing and planning make the environment livable. human beings are
solutions. This means exotic species too called socio-environ-
and presumes human interven- mental benefits. AFS
When ecological tion with plants and pruning. can help protect and
principles are fol- The key concern must always be enhance biodiversi-
lowed, AFS can si- the original, natural ecosystem.” ty, mitigate climate
multaneously gen- change and increase
erate social and Ernst Götsch a system’s capacity
environmental ben- to adapt to its im-
efits on the same plot of land. In the pacts. They can also help regulate the
following section, we summarize the water cycle, control erosion, silting and
main social and environmental ben- the cycling of nutrients to increase soil
efits of AFS based on a review of sci- fertility, improving its physical, biologi-
entific studies, mostly from Brazil but cal and chemical properties. In addition,
also from other regions of the world. AFS generate many useful products for
We also discuss major challenges to humans that can be sold, such as food,
the success of AFS and paths to over- medicines, fibers, seeds, raw material
come them. for shelter and energy.


While few scientific studies have been AFS CONTRIBUTE TO STOCKING CARBON,
published on AFS to restore conserva- ADAPTATION AND RESILIENCE
tion areas and on their impacts in the
Cerrado and Caatinga, some studies Scientific studies show that fully de-
on those biomes and on others in Bra- veloped AFS can fix very significant
zil and worldwide show that AFS can volumes of carbon because increased
contribute to conserving and restor- metabolism and photosynthesis rates
ing natural resources, and to strength- make plants absorb more carbon.81, 115
ening farmer livelihoods. In this sec-
tion, we summarize a broad review An agroforest’s capacity to sequester
of scientific literature on the benefits carbon varies, depending on the type
and challenges of AFS, focusing on the of system, the combination of spe-
Cerrado and Caatinga biomes. cies, the age of component species, its
geographic location, environmental
Here, we highlight some of the count- factors (such as climate and soil) and
less benefits of agroforestry systems: management practices.56 AFS adopt-
ed by family farmers, especially the
A) ENVIRONMENTAL BENEFITS AND ECOSYSTEM complex systems, can reach carbon
SERVICES sequestration rates close to those ob-
served in tropical forests.76
• Fight desertification
• Soil conservation A study to assess carbon dynamics in
• Restoration of soil fertility and 4-15-year-old AFS, managed by fam-
structure ily farmers in the Atlantic Forest in
• Shade and creation of microcli- the State of São Paulo, identified an
mates average annual volume of 6.6 tons
• Greater animal productivity due to of total carbon per hectare.115 An-
well-being (shade) and the nutri- other AFS study with African oil palm
tional quality of pastures (Elaeis guineensis) in the State of Pará
• Ecological corridors produced a high net accumulation of
• Enhancement of overall biodiver- carbon in the first years (averaging
sity, including the presence of pol- 6.6-8.3 tons of carbon per hectare per
linizers year), more than a nearby 10-year-old
• Regulation of rain water and better secondary forest.138
water quality
• Mitigation and adaptation to cli- Although carbon sequestration is
mate change fundamental to mitigating climate


change, it should however not be a diversity of species and the denser

prevailing factor in decision-making the tree cover, the higher the poten-
on the best system to perform essen- tial for carbon sequestration in the
tial ecological functions. Eucalyptus soil.56
monocrops, for example, store large
volumes of carbon but do not neces- AFS are also considered highly re-
sarily contribute to the maintenance silient to climate change, since they
and enhancement of biodiversity. have a longer harvest season, buffer
the impacts of extreme events such
Generally speaking, agroforests lo- as prolonged drought and floods,
cated in arid or semi-arid regions provide shade and shelter and act as
have lower potentials for carbon fix- alternative food sources in times of
ation than those in more humid re- flood and drought.57
gions. Although the climate is less fa-
vorable in regions with extended dry Agroforests are also able to change
seasons, AFS in these regions can po- microclimates, protect crops sensitive
tentially sequester more carbon than to direct sunlight, reduce wind speeds
surrounding areas with native plant as windbreaks, reduce temperatures
cover.81 In most cases, the greater the and increase relative humidity.54

Figure 1 – AFS are

beneficial and
perform important
ecosystem services
such as maintaining
biodiversity, protecting
water resources and
conserving soils.


AFS HELP MAINTAIN AND ENHANCE Some studies have also found an in-
BIODIVERSITY crease in native forest species and in
the pace of their succession after the
Areas planted with agroforests have a establishment of AFS modeled on for-
large potential for promoting greater ests in a secondary stage of succes-
biodiversity and helping reduce hu- sion59 (secondary forests, or “capoe-
man pressure on native forests, due iras”). It should be noted, however,
to their multifunctionality on farm that this does not necessarily hold for
and landscape scales.55 They sustain savannah or shrubby types of plant
the integrity of forest ecosystems, cover.34
enabling the creation and expansion
of ecological corridors and buffer Evidence from other studies indicates
zones110 They thus provide habitats a significant increase in the abun-
for species that tolerate a certain level dance of species in AFS, compared to
of disturbance. neighboring forests.15, 78

Figure 2 – AFS have a great potential

for enhancing biodiversity by
combining conservation with

Figure 3 – A permanent organic cover as mulch intensifies
soil life and promotes nutrient cycling.

AFS HELP CONSERVE AND MAINTAIN SOIL The more an agroforestry system re-
FERTILITY AND NUTRIENT CYCLING sembles natural ecosystems, the more
stable its structure and functions will
The well-documented role of agrofor- be, making nutrient cycling more ef-
estry systems in maintaining and im- fective, as opposed to monocultures
proving the soil is often attributed to of either field crops or trees.81 Com-
the use of biomass-generating species plex, well managed AFS also enable
with a high capacity for making nutri- good soil coverage, which is favorable
ents available. AFS can indeed help to increasing microfauna populations
restore areas with low soil fertility 84, and their action in the soil.18 Such
  by offering substantial volumes
123, 62 environments accelerate nutrient cy-
of organic matter to promote nutrient cling as roots act in association with
cycling 41, 45 while reducing the risk of soil life and organic matter to provide
soil erosion and landslides.39 nutrients.8, 20


AFS HELP CONSERVE AND MAINTAIN WATER tree species favorable to faster infil-
RESOURCES tration of higher-quality water into
the soil.12, 139 Agroforests covered by
The use of AFS has positive impacts tree species, with 100% closed cano-
on soil hydrological properties and ex- pies, can intercept up to 70% of the
erts a direct influence on groundwa- rainfall in some regions and help re-
ter recharge. This should be recalled duce superficial runoff, avoiding both
when assessing the impact of trees to erosion and flash floods.37 AFS set up
be planted on a farm, especially in re- to protect rivers and creeks can also
gions with prolonged droughts, such significantly reduce sediments and
as the Caatinga and Cerrado. pollutants washed into water bod-
ies.107, 117
The protection of water resources
and the potential for regulating the In addition to their environmental
volume and availability of water are benefits, AFS can also make major so-
positive outcomes observed in agro- cial and economic contributions, sum-
forests, which use a broad range of marized here:

Figure 4 – The influence of AFS on maintaining water resources


B) SOCIAL AND ECONOMIC BENEFITS yy Maintain and improve yields (high-

er production) over time
yy Enable the production of:
yy Empowerment of women (when
‒‒ Food they have leading roles in agrofor-
‒‒ Commodities such as coffee, estry production) makes gender
cocoa and latex
relations more equal
‒‒ Wood
‒‒ Raw material for shelter (straw yy Crops less vulnerable to pests and
and wood) disease mean lower losses in pro-
‒‒ Energy duction
‒‒ Medicinal plants yy Higher quality working and living
‒‒ Forage conditions (work in the shade)
‒‒ Honey (beekeeping flora)
‒‒ Raw material for handicrafts yy Stronger social organizations and
(seeds, fibers, etc.) more unity, consolidating commu-
‒‒ Cultural and spiritual goods nity ties

yy Promote food and nutritional se- yy Maintain agro-biodiversity and as-

curity and sovereignty sociated knowledge
yy Enhance honey production (Apis yy Achieve ecological and forest res-
and native/stingless bees), as an- toration at a lower cost than con-
other food product along with oth- ventional methods
ers provided by AFS
yy Enhance scenic beauty, providing
yy Greater efficiency in the use of possibilities for leisure and improv-
production factors (water, light, ing human well-being
yy Recovery of traditional knowledge,
yy Reduce the purchase – and opti-
solidarity and mutual-support ac-
mize use – of external inputs
tivities, dignified remuneration
yy Fewer economic risks, due to low- and better quality of life
er sensitivity to negative price and
yy Farmers can increase their sense of
climate fluctuations
belonging in a restored area, com-
yy Generate and diversify income
pared to conventional restoration,
yy Manual labor distributed better since in AFS farmers tend to build
throughout the year relations with their areas, prevent-
yy Greater cash-flow stability thro­ ing events such as fires or the en-
ughout the year and over the try of animals that might seriously
years, during the system’s cycle set back environmental recovery.


AFS CONTRIBUTE TO FOOD SECURITY AND • More favorable benefit/cost ratio

LOWER RISKS compared to conventional forest
restoration, due to management
practices and the multiple uses of
Agricultural landscapes that combine
AFS products75
the cultivation of multifunctional for-
ests with other land uses can give rise • More diverse production with a
to interesting options and creative variety of intercropping combina-
solutions for sustainable livelihoods.14, tions38 spread harvests through-
125, 22
Examples of socio-environmental out the year as compared do
services in AFS: seasonality of most farm sys-
tems115, lowers the risk of pests
and disease67 and contributes to
• More productive alternatives than
the production of more food and
conventional natural resource use
rural income, especially from for-
est products such as wood, fruit,
seeds and oils.114

Figure 5 – Diversifying the biodiversity and timing of

production lowers economic risks from seasonality and
from “pests” and “disease”


“We know one hectare of grass feeds five head of cattle during the
rainy season and one in the dry season here in the Araguaia region.
Now, one hectare of cassava in the agroforest gives me 70 or 80 bags
of flour. Today, a bag of flour goes for R$ 350 (which averages out to
about R$ 26,250*). On the other hand, I can sell a head of 4-year-old
cattle at the most for R$ 1,200 (which means R$ 300 per year). That’s
a big difference. Plus, for us who do both things and can compare,
raising cattle has a lot of costs, but with cassava you just weed the
field twice during the winter and that’s it. Since the cassava grows
in your agroforest, you take care of your seedlings at the same time,
which will soon be generating income too.

People with a system like this always want to deepen their roots in
the community. They never talk about selling their farm, just expand-
ing it. People with nothing but cattle bring up selling their land a lot
more. An agroforestry system gives people roots in the land.

The agroforest is the way I found to make a living and I’m happy there
in my agroforest, which makes me an example for others to follow.”

Luiz Pereira Cirqueira – Dom Pedro Settlement, São Félix do Araguaia,

Mato Grosso. Source: Agricultores que cultivam árvores no Cerrado140

*1 dollar = roughly 3.5 Reais.

AFS CAN BE ECONOMICALLY VIABLE economic return on the money invest-

ed, AFS can potentially generate posi-
In Brazil, agroforests have proven tive financial results that at least help
their economic viability in different pay for the costs of restoration. As we
contexts, although they depend on see in Table 1, conventional ecological
good economic planning, including restoration can be a major burden on
market research and using the right a farmer due to high costs and the ab-
techniques.100, 102, 103 sence of any economic payback. AFS,
on the other hand, clearly have a po-
In contrast to conventional resto- tential for turning the financial onus
ration methods, which usually give no of restoration into a bonus. Indeed,


the main challenge in ecological res-

toration is developing systems that
reconcile economic returns with the
environmental services expected of
preserved areas. As we see in Table 1,
successional AFS (with greater species
diversity over time) produce more fa-
vorable financial results (according to
the Net Present Value indicator) than
simpler AFS. This confirms the impor-
tance of prioritizing those systems for
ecological restoration, since they are
also more favorable in terms of en-
vironmental services, as seen in the
previous section.


Activities, place, year and

Method of Ecolo- Financial return
Costs (R$/ha) Source reference for costs and
gical Restoration (R$/ha)
economic results
Abandoned pastures in areas with
low aptitude for agriculture or low
Natural MMA
1.400,00 - 1.400,00 yields, monitored during first 5
Regeneration (2015)71
years. Estimate of average value
done in different regions.
Forest restoration by planting na-
Cury e Car- tive seedlings and tree species in
802,69 -802,69 valho Jr. islands, in Canarana, Mato Grosso,
(2011)28 2011. Costs refer only to initial esta-
Assisted blishment.
Regeneration –
planting some Drive and induce natural regenera-
seedlings tion, including isolation of the area
and seeds and removal of disrupting factors
2.131,09 - 2.131,09 Lira (2012)60 near the Rio Siriji Dam, PE, 2011.
Costs refer to average values for the
activities mentioned. Time of inter-
vention not specified.


Activities, place, year and

Method of Ecolo- Financial return
Costs (R$/ha) Source reference for costs and
gical Restoration (R$/ha)
economic results
Direct mechanized sowing of seeds
Cury e Car- of native tree species and shrub
749,80 -749,80 valho Jr. and herbaceous legumes, region of
(2011)28 Canarana, Mato Grosso. 2011. Costs
refer only to establishment.
No-till mechanized planting of forest
seeds (in soil covered with organic
matter) from 2012 to 2015, carried
Natural Hoffmann
5.375,00 -5.375,00 out on farms in the municipality of
restoration with (2015)47
Alta Floresta – Mato Grosso. Costs
refer to installation and manage-
planting of
ment until the 3rd year.
forest seeds
Cost in dollars per hectare with
no-till planting of a “muvuca” or mi-
xture of seeds, with three years of
Campos-filho maintenance in the area. Region of
4.298,85* -4.298,85*
et al. (2013)23 the Upper Xingu River, Mato Gros-
so. 2013. Costs refer to the average
values of planting and management
over three years on 26 farms.
Formation of riparian forest planted
with native species, minimum soil
Chabaribery tilling with digging of holes to plant
5.122,33 -5.122,33
et al. (2008)27 seedlings and 1st maintenance. Mu-
nicipality of Gabriel Monteiro, São
Paulo. 2007. Costs for the 1st year.
Installation and maintenance of
forest restoration project using
native Atlantic Forest species, spa-
Restoration Rodrigues
6.920,00 -6.920,00 ced 3x2m. Year not specified. Costs
by planting (2009)99
include planting and all forestry
treatments required during two
years after planting.
Total planting (1,666 seedlings per
hectare) based on average cost
estimates in several regions of the
10.000,00 -10.000,00 country. Years not specified. Costs
include implementation, manage-
ment and follow-up over the first
five years.


Activities, place, year and

Method of Ecolo- Financial return
Costs (R$/ha) Source reference for costs and
gical Restoration (R$/ha)
economic results
Installation, maintenance and explo-
ration of native species planted for
economic use of timber products.
Revenues from the planting model
by planting
17.092,25 29,177.65 IIS (2013)49 considering the most pessimistic
seedlings and
scenario for prices of timber from
economic use
native Atlantic Forest species. Costs
and financial results projected for
40 years.
System producing Brazil nuts,
cupuaçu, bananas and black pepper.
Machadinho do Oeste, Rondônia.
Gama 2002. Costs include establishment,
18.254,90 45.865,26
(2003)41 management and harvesting servi-
ces through the 10th year. Financial
results refer to NPV (Net Present
Value) for the same period.
Simple AFSs Less intensive and less diversified
systems based on five experien-
ces in different regions of Brazil.
Number of species planted in these
2.204,00 a 9.709,00 1.099,00 a 49.262,00 systems ranged from three to ten.
Costs and financial results represent
a range of all experiences, including
installation and management costs
in year 1 and NPV through year 10.
Successional agroforestry system
with annual crops, semi-perennial
fruit trees, native and exotic trees,
grasses and other fertilizer species,
Hoffmann in the Federal District. 2013. Costs
29.790,00 121.601,00
(2013)48 include establishment, manage-
ment and harvesting services. Costs
and NPV are projected through the
10th year based on production data
Successional in the first two years.
Successional agroforestry system
with tubers, semi-perennial fruit
trees, native and exotic trees and
fertilizer species, in Southern Bahia.
8.934,00 88.323,00 2013. Costs include establishment,
management and harvesting servi-
ces. Costs and NPV are projected up
to the 10th year based on produc-
tion data from the first two years.
*Value converted in the reference year of the study; exchange rate = R$ 2.33/US$




Assisted natural regeneration or active regen-

eration – Comprises the isolation of an area
(with fences and firebreaks), enrichment
with seedlings and seeds, when needed,
and the removal of disruptive factors, al-
lowing it to recover through the vegetation’s
natural dynamic.

Mechanized seed planting – Planting of native

seeds with adapted farming machinery. Machines are used both to
prepare the area and to sow the native seeds along with green ma-
nure species.

Planting of seedlings – Planting of seedlings, generally spaced 3x3m

or 2x3m, depending on the forest succession, normally accompanied
by liming and fertilization, surveillance and monitoring of seedlings,
control of insects, weeding and the isolation and removal of disruptive

Forest planting with economic use – Planting of native and exotic seed-
lings for profit, with varied spacing depending on the species chosen,
either in rows or strips.

Simple AFS –Agroforestry systems composed of a limited variety of

species. Generally, crops are planted in strips or rows to optimize pro-
duction and generate revenue, whether agrosilvocultural, silvopastoral
or agrosilvopastoral.

Successional AFS (also known as biodiverse or complex) – Agroforest-

ry systems with much diversity of native and/or exotic species, with a
(successional) management dynamic and the scaling up of production
over time. This is a more complex system and demands more manage-
ment and labor to generate abundance from the system and optimize
agroforestry production.


When well planned, AFS can pay back the first or second year, which is fun-
investments and generate profits for damental for family farming. In oth-
farm families in a short time, depend- ers, if no short-cycle crops are plant-
ing on the kind of system they adopt. ed, the return on investment may
In some cases, this return can come in take several years.17

The income (or revenue) generated by 10 to 20 hectares in agroforestry

systems is roughly the same as that of raising livestock on 400 to 1200
hectares (Pye-Smith, 2014)93

One important economic indicator for the entire country, few publications
family farms, called “family labor re- provide enough data to analyze their
muneration” (FLR), expresses the val- FLRs, which depends on total produc-
ue generated by a laborer’s working tion, labor employed over time and
day. Although there are AFS around fixed and variable costs.

FLR is an indicator that represents the value of the daily wage that an
activity (in our case, the AFS) pays a family farmer. Measured in Reais per
labor unit (LU) per day (Hoffmann, 2013)48, it is equivalent to the value
paid for the labor of a person in a day.

In an economic survey of 77 AFS ex- daily wage of agroforestry workers

periences analyzed by several Brazil- was higher than the average daily
ian researchers, they found six cases wage of farmworkers in general.48
with complete primary data available
for a period of more than eight years. The benefit/cost (B/C) indicator can
In those cases, the FLR varied from be used for family farmers or large-
R$ 53.00/daily LU to R$ 462.00/daily scale projects as a ratio to express
LU (these figures were corrected for the value of benefits divided by the
inflation to the time when the mini- value of costs, corrected to the pres-
mum wage was R$ 680.00). Most of ent value by the discount rate. The
this variation was caused by the dif- higher the B/C ratio the better the
ferent cash crops and how they were project. In other words, a benefit/cost
managed. The study showed that the ratio greater than 1 means the farmer


gets more money back than what was practical solutions developed on
invested. In those AFS in the survey, the scale of the farm and landscape
five of which had at least 25 years of where they arise. Others are shared
data, there were also major variations by the great majority of contexts and
in the results, from 1.8 to 10.2. All of involve structural issues such as re-
them, however had favorable ratios stricted access to rural development
for the farmer, i.e., greater than 1. policies (rural extension, capacity
building and credit), which depend
Besides the FLR and the B/C ratio, on medium- to long-term governance
there are more significant financial solutions.
indicators to assess the economic fea-
sibility of AFS, including the Net Pres- The most commonly observed causes
ent Value (NPV), the Internal Rate of of failure of AFS on a local scale in the
Return (IRR) and the Time to Return Cerrado and Caatinga biomes are:
(TTR) on Investment. A project’s eco-
nomic feasibility, after all, depends on yy Low access to knowledge;
analyzing all of these indicators to- yy Low availability of labor;
gether, as we shall explain in greater yy Limiting factors in the physical set-
detail in Section 4.3. ting;
yy Low access to inputs; and
An AFS’ potential for generating eco-
yy Lack of adequate agroforestry and
nomic benefits also depends on the
economic planning.
farmer’s capacity to overcome bar-
riers raised by adverse factors, some
of which are structural bottlenecks in ACCESS TO KNOWLEDGE
Brazil’s agriculture and livestock sec-
tor, summarized in the next section. One major stumbling block on the
path to success is limited access to
2.5 CHALLENGES FOR SUCCESSFUL AFS IN THE knowledge and technical assistance
CERRADO AND CAATINGA on the best management practic-
es required to enable and balance
Family farmers and extensionists in- an AFS’s various functions. In many
terested in the benefits of agrofor- cases, public extension services are
estry systems listed above face many unprepared to deal with AFS or agro-
barriers and limitations that must be ecology, much less participatory ap-
overcome to scale up the adoption proaches for farmers to help draft ap-
of restoration initiatives. Difficulties propriate technological solutions for
specific to local contexts demand their own context.


More complex biodiverse or succes- although there is still little machinery

sional AFS provide more socio-envi- or equipment specifically designed
ronmental benefits than do simpler for this purpose . Community or col-
AFS, but they also pose major chal- lective labor (known as mutirão in
lenges due to the broad diversity of Brazil) can be an important strategy
species and the complexities of man- to mobilize a collective work force
agement to maintain the system’s and strengthen social ties. For a col-
productivity and resilience. lective system to work, though, the
group must be quite cohesive and
LABOR well organized.

High demand for labor can be anoth- ACCESS TO INPUTS AND ENVIRONMENTAL
er limiting factor for AFS, particularly FACTORS
biodiverse ones, because they tend to
be labor-intensive and constant, and For many degraded areas, particular-
often there are not enough people ly where farmers have little access to
in a rural community to meet the de- inputs, another risk is low initial yields
mand. This is often also a problem for in food and cash crops. Even where
the recovery of PPAs and LRs in con- inputs are available on the market,
ventional projects that plant native farmers may not be able to afford
tree seedlings in their definitive spac- them, or their prices may vary with
ing, where the cost of establishing international market fluctuations,
and maintaining the area is high and leaving farmers vulnerable to outside
economic paybacks are either non-ex- factors.
istent or considered to be very low, as
in extractivist activities or Payments yy Establishing a large-scale AFS re-
for Environmental Services.35 quires large volumes of planting
materials such as seeds, seedlings,
Labor can also be a limiting factor in cuttings and rhizomes, to ensure
poorly planned or managed AFS that high density for the seedlings that
have been neglected by farmers who survive in the first years. In many
prioritize other productive activities situations, where these materials
that they master and that bring in are not available on-farm, they
short-term returns, such as annual may be found locally, but usually
crops, livestock, gardens or orchards. there is no planning or logistics for
collecting, storing and minimally
Part of the high demand for labor in processing a large volume of seeds
AFS can be covered by machinery, or to produce seedlings.91, 85


• The physical context is also chal- establishment costs compared to

lenging in the Caatinga and Cer- many monocrops, inefficient plan-
rado biomes, due to the poor ning and human and economic re-
distribution of rainfall, low levels source management, lack of eco-
of nutrients in degraded soil and nomic control, cash flow, limited
hilly terrains that are frequently diversification of AFS, inappropriate
leached, compacted, acid and poor combinations or components in AFS
in organic matter. Such factors can and low prices for the chosen prod-
be major limitations when com- ucts.89, 90
bined with low access to inputs,
labor and knowledge. In addition, AFS that are successful for
the first few years can see the output
LACK OF AGROFORESTRY AND ECONOMIC of cash crops decline due to faulty
PLANNING AND POOR MANAGEMENT or inadequate management. When
fast-growing species that shade fruit
Several economic factors can cause trees are not pruned, for example,
an AFS to fail, such as high initial fruit yields will decline.


Here are some other structural bot-

tlenecks to successful AFS related
to socio-environmental policies and
governance mechanisms, which vary
from one context to another:


yy Little access to rural extension services, generally under-staffed to
meet the needs of family farmers. Few extensionists have enough
training to help apply agroecological principles or guide restoration
with agroforestry systems.45, 91

yy Recommended production systems are often based on specific tech-

nological “packages” that farmers find difficult or unaffordable, and
whose success depends on resources beyond their reach such as
knowledge, inputs, labor, etc.

yy Low access to rural credit for agroforestry and agroecological systems.

Existing credit facilities are underused because small farmers are un-
aware of how to apply41, 57 and few extensionists have enough experi-
ence and knowledge to help them draft AFS projects.91

yy Difficulties in complying with complex tax and sanitary norms to be

allowed to process and market products and to license processing

yy Lack of consumer awareness about agroforestry, agroecological and

agroextractivist products and their origin.

yy Long distances, rough roads and lack of transportation to market pro-


yy Families, associations and cooperatives have insufficient technical

and administrative capacities to do planning, organize production and
manage processing and marketing.

yy Absence of specific markets and overall consumer ignorance regarding

the benefits of AFS.68


Based on farmers’ and extension • Adequate soil preparation, with

agents’ practical experiences with fertilizers if needed.
AFS, here are several suggestions that • Correct timing and methods for
may help overcome those challenges. planting and seeding including
depth, density and spacing.
• Area protected against fire and the
entry of livestock.
• Ease of access to inputs such as
AFS whose objective is both resto-
organic fertilizers, seeds and seed-
ration and production are more likely
to succeed when: lings.
• Correct management and upkeep
• Land-tenure issues are settled to of the AFS.
ensure farmers feel comfortable • Management able to reconcile
investing in perennial crops. food, market and environmental/
• Proposals are developed jointly conservation objectives.
“with” and “among” farmers, con- • Biodiversity enhanced through
sidering their desires, vocations, human intervention, by stimulat-
objectives, knowledge and skills. ing natural regeneration or with
• Farmers’ contexts are understood, the introduction of seedlings and
including the landscape’s limita- seeds of those species.
tions and opportunities. • Soil permanently covered with or-
• Good planning produces suitable ganic matter to keep it protected
choices based on correct diagno- and enable nutrient cycling.
ses: the choice of the area to be re- • Wind breaks used.
stores considers its location in the
• Evolution of ecological succession
landscape; the choice of species to
with greater volume and quality of
plant responds to market access
and demand issues, environmental
conditions and farmers’ vocations; • Exchange of experiences for farm-
recommendations for fertilizing ers and extension agents to feel se-
and management are designed in cure about intervening in the AFS.
accordance with farmers’ access to • Sufficient high-quality technical as-
labor and other inputs. sistance available over time.
• Sinergy among species is achieved • Value added to products, including
through proper combinations and certification and forms of econom-
interventions. ic solidarity.


The following principles were devel- • Give preference to local, landrace

oped by experts and practitioners varieties that can be reproduced
who have done restoration with AFS later (avoid hybrids and never use
in the Cerrado and Caatinga. transgenic seeds).
“When you have diversity, you don’t need
• Work together: extension agents to bring in fertilizer.”
and farmers with experience in
agroforests guide other agents and • Work in partnerships.
farmers. “Environmental agencies have to get invol-
• Collective efforts:
“Working collectively helps everyone learn.” • Get youth involved. Create com-
munity spaces to share knowledge,
• Learn from what went right and including with city people.
wrong. Don’t be afraid of mistakes, “Learning comes with practice. Observing
but don’t repeat them. and reflecting on the outcome of interven-
“Learn from nature and from people doing tions is the best way to learn.”
• Train multipliers.
• Get assistance from people who “The greatest tool for convincing people
know how to do agroforestry. is having an experience to show, or else
“Achieving change depends on training organizing the exchange of experiences.”
and organization.”
• Promote community organizing.
• Occupy participatory spaces, ex-
changes, fairs and gatherings. yy The human component is
fundamental! Whoever is
• Promote dialog between tradi-
taking care of the system
tional and scientific knowledge (at
must identify with it and be
universities, NGOs, companies and
free to intervene.
research institutes).

• Encourage exchanges of experi- • Working with participatory certifica-

ences among farmers. tion in the CSA (Community Support-
“Use the farmer-to-farmer method, based ed Agriculture) system adds value to
on the dialog of outllooks.” products and is a learning experience.

• Plan seed gathering and exchang- • Projects and extension agencies

es, and make them a habit. should encourage farmers’ contri-




“When I took it over, this area was very ugly, really degraded, because
there was nothing here. I lived here, but I moved away. I lived here with
my parents and my whole family. In my father’s very traditional system
you burned everything, nothing left, just uproot and burn it all. That’s
why this was all nearly desertified. It was burn and plant, burn and plant,
just take away, produce and take away. There was a fallow time, but what
happens to fallow land if you don’t feed it, don’t protect it, out in the
sun all day … When I met Chico and Elviro, who were working with AFS, I
started getting involved with them, about ten years ago. I’d lived outside
the farm already and seen a lot, other farms, and I came back to our area
where we had never even cultivated our own food, and I started working.
My dream was to produce food both for me and for nature too, where
any natural species could feed here without running any risk. A bird eat-
ing a mango or cashew fruit with no guns around to shoot them.”

Ernaldo Expedito de Sá – Tianguá, in the Ibiapaba Environmental Protec-

tion Area, Ceará.

“Work with love. Believe it’s good!” “If you keep the forest alive, you nev-
er worry about the dead volume (technical reserve in water reservoirs).”
Fátima Cabral – Pipiripau, Federal District (Brasília)

To provide a basis for agroforestry inter- in AFS. Those principles were first dis-
ventions and practices in a broad range cussed at tehe Conservation with Agro-
of contexts, a number of principles and forests Seminar: pathways to resto-
criteria aimed at combining social and ration with family farms, held in May
environmental concerns were listed 2015, and are summarized here. The
by a variety of people with experience list of participants is on page 49.


General principles to reconcile social vi. Use erosion-control methods

and environmental objectivs in AFS: when necessary;
i. conservation of water resources, vii. Keep the soil covered permanent-
the soil and biodiversity; ly with organic matter;
ii. preserve the farmers’ ways of life. viii. Keep drivers of degradation under
control, such as livestock (restrict-
Those principles can be broken ing their grazing area), fires (use
down into more specific principles firebreaks and refrain from slash-
and criteria: and-burn in nearby areas) and
pesticide drift (if used in nearby ar-
A) REGARDING ECOLOGICAL FUNCTIONS eas, only at times when there is no
i. Consider the farm as a whole and wind, and ensuring a buffer strip);
its function in the landscape be- ix. Manage species with the goal of
fore planning the priority areas successfully establishing the sys-
for Legal Reserves, Permanent tem over time.
Protection Areas and others with and …
special aptitudes for AFS;
ii. Use no synthetic fertilizers or pes- B) REGARDING SOCIAL FUNCTIONS
ticides, prioritizing local inputs, i. Provide for the farm families’
green manure, animal manure, ways of life, i.e., contribute to
rock dust, natural or homemade their food and nutritional securi-
products to control “pests” and ty and sovereignty, as well as in-
disease that are allowed by organ- come for their livelihoods;
ic agriculture standards; ii. Promote farmers’ autonomy by
iii. Recomposition and maintenance minimizing their dependence on
of the original plant cover’s phys- outside inputs, prioritizing the
iognomy, while managing natural use of local resources, emphasiz-
regeneration and dense planting ing traditional knowledge and ex-
with high rates of biodiversity and changes between traditional and
species suitable to the context (na- scientific knowledge and creating
tive, introduced and exotic), will be new knowledge collectively;
keys to a successful AFS and require iii. Get farmers involved in the con-
good planning and management; ception of the system, including
iv. Optimize exposure to sunlight by the choice of species, and ensure
using stratification; sensitivity to gender and genera-
v. Ensure that soil preparation has no tional concerns;
negative impacts such as compac- iv. Consider the interests of the fam-
tion or susceptibility to erosion; ily as a whole;


v. Take culture, world views and socio-environmental multifunc-

spirituality into account in the de- tionality (food, ornamental, green
velopment of agroforests; manure, medicinal, cultural and
vi. Choose species and design the spiritual values, biomass produc-
AFS based on available resources tion to raise other species, water
and each family’s management storage, etc.);
capabilities; viii. Promote agrobiodiversity, prioritiz-
vii. Choose species based on their ing the use of local landrace seeds.


Alana Casagrande, Alexandra Ferreira Pedroso, Ana Elena Muler, André Brunckhorst, An-
tonio Weber, Cainã Feraz e Silva, Carolina Guyot, Claudia Zulmira Cardoso Oliveira, Clau-
dionísio de Souza Araújo, Cosmo Nunes da Paixão, Delman de Almeida Gonçalves, Denise
Barbosa, Donald Sawyer, Eduardo Barroso de Souza, Elder Stival Cezaretti, Fábio Vaz Ribeiro
de Almeida, Fátima Cecília Paim Kaiser Cabral, Fernanda de Paula, Francisco Antonio de Sou-
sa, Ginercina de Oliveira Silva, Guilherme Mamede, Helena Maria Maltez, Isabel Figueiredo,
Renato Araújo, Igor Aveline, Igor de Carvalho, Ítalo Veras Eduardo, Jéssica Lívio, Joangela
Oliveira de Moura, Joel Araújo Sirqueira, José Augusto da Silva, José Fernando dos Santos
Rebello, José Melchior, José Moacir dos Santos, Leosmar Antônio Terena, Mara Vanessa
Fonseca Dutra, Marcelino Barberato, Márcio José de Sousa, Márcio Silveira Armando, Mar-
cos Rugnitz Tito, Mariana Aparecida Carvalhaes, Martin Meier, Mateus Motter Dala Senta,
Paulo José Alves de Santana, Pedro Oliveira de Souza, Raimundo Deusdará Filho, Regina Hel-
ena Rosa Sambuichi, Renata Zambello de Pinho, Ricardo Ribeiro Rodrigues, Rivelino da Silva,
Robert Ramsay Garcia, Rodrigo Mauro Freire, Sandra Regina Afonso, Selma Yuki Ishii, Silvia
Teixeira da Silva, Tatiana Rehder, Thomas Ludewigs, Welligton Gouveia de Morais, Gabriela
Berbigier Gonçalves Grisolia, Lia Mendes Cruz, Daniel Costa Carneiro, Daniel Mascia Vieira,
Fabiana Mongeli Peneireiro, Andrew Miccolis, Henrique Rodrigues Marques, Ana Cláudia,
Fernanda Oliveira do Nascimento, Artur de Paula Souza, Caio Sampaio, Silvana Bastos.

Photo: Andrew Miccolis


3.1 SOCIO-ENVIRONMENTAL DIAGNOSIS adopts to uses those resources and

A participatory socio-environmental achieve their objectives, and how
diagnosis is intended to analyze and they deal with stress and disturbances
understand a family’s main objec- (such as drought, market variations,
tives/vocation, what resources are health, etc.) to reduce their vulnera-
available to them and, if they have bilities. The diagnosis is the basis for
access, what strategies the family planning actions.

Figure 6: A good diagnosis and

participatory planning are essential
for the success of AFS.



The socio-environmental diagnosis This technique involves walking

should be carried out together with around the houses and the whole
the farmer, using the following partic- farm, considering the history of how
ipatory tools: the area has been used, the logic and
dynamics of its occupation over time
A “MAP” OF THE FARM (OR OF THE MICRO- and the kind of production carried
REGION) out today. This cross-cutting walk also
helps understand strategies involving
This can be a playful activity, hope- water, waste management and work
fully involving the entire family. It flows on the farm, as well as the farm’s
stimulates everyone’s spatial per- situation in terms of compliance with
ception of the farm, how the land is environmental laws.
used, connections among land-use
units (called agro-ecosystems) and Full knowledge of the gardens, fields
relations with neighboring areas. It and reserve areas is key to under-
is suggested that the family draw a standing the family’s vulnerabilities
map of their farm, showing the areas and the strategies they have adopted.
and how they are used. It may also One must then observe what kind of
be useful to describe land uses and plants and animals are produced, and
conditions in neighboring areas, in- how they are managed and used, to
cluding geography, socio-economic then be able to assess to what extent
variables, production, environmental the people are making use of locally
factors, etc. available resources. Comparing that
information with the farmers’ ob-
ANALYZE AN AERIAL IMAGE OF THE FARM AND jectives, we can tell whether their
ITS SURROUNDINGS livelihoods strategies are the best
approach to address the location’s
This image can be obtained on a com- specific problems.
puter using the Google EarthTM pro-
gram. Compare the family’s “map” The walk provides information
with the Google EarthTM image to through direct observation. Seeing
find more elements and perceive and grasping the soil shows many
the landscape, possible connections of its characteristics. Observing the
among fragments and the location of animals shows their states of health
degraded areas, water sources, areas and nutrition. Exploring the area to
with native vegetation, etc. be restored reveals any soil erosion,


where the rainwater runs and the 3.1.2 CONTENTS OF THE DIAGNOSIS
indicator plants. A look at the water-
ways shows how much silting there THE FAMILY’S OBJECTIVES, ASPIRATIONS AND
is. The makeup of the family allows DREAMS
for an estimate of how many hands
there are to do the work. Farmers are the key component of any
AFS, since they put in the personal en-
SEMI-STRUCTURED INTERVIEW AND A CASUAL ergy to make it work. To motivate them
CONVERSATION to try something new, their own objec-
tives and aspirations must be part of
To complete the process, a semi-struc- the systems designed and guide the
tured interview or a casual conver- selection of species.
sation in the farmer’s own setting is
often more effective than asking a This means that the dialog with the
person to fill out a complex question- family must begin with a conversation
naire. The conversation’s success will about their objectives, their vocation
depend on the listener being sensitive and their dreams, preferably involving
and attentive. A feeling of trust and different members of the family: wom-
shared interests will bring out much en, men, youth and the elderly. This
information that could be lost to a not only helps cover the needs of the
dry questionnaire. To that end, a visit different family members as the system
with a presentation by the extension is designed and the species selected, it
agent, a conversation about the work increases their likelihood of really com-
to be done, about the family, its ori- mitting themselves to the project.
gins and history, etc. will open doors
and favor closer relations between the First, we ask what the different mem-
farmer and the extensionist, based on ber s of the family would like to do with
a rapport of mutual confidence.closer their area, about their overall vision of
relations between the farmer and the the whole farm and of specific areas in-
extensionist, based on a rapport of side it (including the PPA and the LR). It
mutual confidence. is helpful to know not only what they
want to plant and produce but also
what they see as the future of that area.

From the outset, the process of plan-

ning, designing systems and developing
technical solutions must be carried out
together with the farmers or whoever


will actually be working the land, mak- ACCESS TO RESOURCES AND LIVELIHOODS
ing decisions and feeling the impacts. STRATEGIES
During the process, they will be able to
propose ways to achieve their objectives Here, we must understand whether
and materialize their visions, the ex- and how people use different resourc-
tensionist will provide information and es to achieve their objectives and ma-
new ideas about how to make those ob- terialize their vision of the future, and
jectives practical, while ensuring other to what extent those strategies have
environmental functions that the area been successful or not. This means
must provide to comply with the law. identifying how the lack of access or
misuse of resources can make farmers
The next step is a survey of the resourc- more vulnerable. It is also important
es on the farm and in the micro-region, to observe whether different strat-
and how accessible and affordable egies for using resources are making
they are for the family. This will help the farmer more or less vulnerable
reveal points where the family may be to certain risks and threats, such as
vulnerable, as well as identifying cer- climate change and extreme events,
tain potentials they were not aware of. market fluctuations (product prices
and the cost of inputs going up or
To find out about the family’s objectives, down), pest or disease attacks and
the following questions can be useful: changes in public or private policies.

The analysis of resources can give rise

What does the family want? to a dialog on longer-term trends,
Is the AFS aimed more at: whether the supply of each individual
resource has risen or fallen and the
• Conservation/restoration?
general availability of resources. This
• Food and nutritional secu-
analysis helps asses the impacts of
rity and sovereignty?
current land-use strategies, the con-
• Return on their economic
sequences of different management
strategies and possible changes of
• A combination of the
• What is the vocation of the
In the next section, we explain the
persons who will work on
different kinds of resources, focusing
the AFS?
mainly on their implications for man-
• What species does the
aging the agroforest. These concepts
farmer want to produce?
about resources were first developed


by researchers at the Institute of De- system’s degree of complexity are

velopment Studies (IDS) in the UK142,31 directly related to those resources,
as part of the Sustainable Livelihoods especially the availability of labor
Approach.126 and access to knowledge. The quan-
tity and quality of labor available are
HUMAN RESOURCES decisive when designing and choos-
ing management practices suitable
Human resources include knowledge, to a family’s situation. For example,
skills, health and other less material in situations with little available la-
but significant aspects such as faith, bor, more easily manageable species
hope, solidarity and spirituality. should be prioritized, depending on
the skills and possibilities of the fam-
The design of an AFS and the choice ily members. In addition, when the
of the species and the production farmers are knowledgeable about the
species and agroforestry practices,
Photo: Daniel Vieira
their confidence and skills in working
the AFS will increase their likelihood
of success.

To identify potentials for working in

the AFS, it is important to ask:

• Who will do the planting?

How much time do they
have available?
• Who will do the manage-
ment? How much time to
they have available?
• What are the laborers’
physical conditions? What
skills do they have?
• Are there people able to
process the products?
• Do the people who will
work in the AFS have knowl-
edge about the species and
agroforestry practices?

Photo: Daniel Vieira

Social resources, i.e. the farm family’s such as rural extension and rural cred-
relationship with a collective (local and it, solidarity activities (collective work
regional communities and society), are days, mutual aid habits), support from
also factors for the success or failure the community, among others.
of an agroforestry project. These re-
sources include social organizations (a To identify aspects related to this kind
group, association or cooperative), rep- of resource, the diagnosis should in-
resentation, access to public policies vestigate the following issues:

• What is the farm family’s degree of social organization?

• Do they have access to public policies directly or indirectly relat-
ed to AFS (such as credit, government-supported direct procure-
ment markets, distribution of seeds and seedlings)?
• Do they have access to extension services? How frequently, and
what kind of assistance is provided by extensionists to the family?
• Are there solidarity activities such as collective work days, mutu-
al aid, labor swaps, etc.?
• Are there activities in which a collective supports the farm family
(such as someone in the community to represent the farmer at
• Are they involved in spheres of social participation (committees,
commissions, fora, etc.)?


NATURAL RESOURCES Some indicator plants help assess soil

conditions. Arrowleaf sida (Sida rhom-
Natural resources are everything that bifolia), for example, indicates com-
comes from nature and may be avail- pacted soil. Cogon grass (Imperata
able in varying degrees to people who cilindrica), rabo de burro grass (Andro-
live in an area, including the air, wa- pogon bicornis) and ferns (Pteridium
ter, plants, animals, soil, sunlight and sp.) indicate acid and degraded soils.
others. Knowing the state and avail- Whitemouth dayflower (Commelina
ability of these resources allows us to erecta), purslane (Portulaca oleracea)
analyze an area’s main limitations and and fameflower (Talinum patens) are
potentials when picking species and plants that indicate soil with medium
designing systems suitable to local en- to high fertility. Many farmers can tell
vironmental conditions at the time of from the presence of certain species
the intervention. whether the soil will be productive or
not for crops, and that information
In ecological restoration initiatives, it is valuable. It is helpful to survey the
is particularly important to assess the crops adapted to the regional ecosys-
state of the spontaneous plant cover tem or raised on local farms, taking
and soil conditions, to introduce plants note of specific microclimates of a giv-
adapted to those conditions that can en farm, in addition to crop varieties
produce without depending on many bred by research institutes and tradi-
outside inputs. The vegetation that tional varieties that are well adapted
flourishes in conserved soil is a refer- and produce high yields.
ence for the biomass situation and the
AFS structure we can achieve. To that In planning an AFS it is vital to survey
end, we need to assess the area’s eco- the local sources of nutrients (lime,
logical resilience, in terms of its regen- rock dust, manure, ashes, saw dust
erative capacity and the stage of natu- and food-processing residues such as
ral succession of the native plant cover, castor bean cake, coffee husks, etc.) to
through the presence of regenerates supply the planted areas and thereby
(seeds or even living root stocks). That lower costs and boost output. This in-
assessment will indicate any need for formation can even influence which
enrichment or for management by se- type of AFS will be most suitable and
lective weeding and pruning, when the the best management approach in a
resilience is medium or high, or to in- given context. Even so, it is import-
troduce species important for succes- ant to bear in mind that some species
sion in the area, when resilience is low native to the biome do not accept ex-
with a prevalence of exotic grasses. cessive fertilization, when they have


already “adapted” to the acid and un- enhance the diversity of species being
fertile soil in the area. The souari nut introduced. It is thus a good idea to
(Caryocar brasiliense), for example, is map out the location of such sources
intolerant to lime on the seedlings. and the season when they produce
seeds, to include the gathering of this
Surveying potential planting material material as a vital step in planning.
present on the farm, environs or mi-
croregion (seeds, seedlings, rhizomes Important questions to ask about the
and cuttings) can substantially reduce local environment and natural re-
the cost of establishing AFS and also sources:

• What is the average rainfall in the area?

• When is the rainy season and what are the best months for
• Are there prevailing winds? From which direction? During which
• Is the soil degraded? If so, how much?
• How fertile is the soil?
• What crops are grown in the region under similar conditions?
• Which species occur spontaneously in degraded environments?
• What are the opportunities for connecting to forest fragments?
• Is there native vegetation nearby?
• Is any natural regeneration taking place?
• How intense is that regeneration?
• Does the ground get soaked?
• Is the terrain hilly or not?
• Is the soil compacted or not?
• Is the soil well drained or not?
• Is there a spring nearby?
• Is there a source for nutrients nearby (lime, rock dust, saw dust,
manure, food-processing waste, ashes)?
• Is there a nearby source for planting material (seeds, seedlings,
• Does the farm comply with environmental regulations?
• Has the farm been included in the Rural Environmental Registry?



Information must also be gathered Financial resources mean the capacity

on the physical assets, such as build- to invest, buy things or “save” not only
ings, equipment and tools. That in- money but things like livestock or tim-
formation will also help choose the ber trees, as sources of income, as well
species and design, establish and as having access to credit and to a mar-
manage the AFS. For example, if the ket. In addition to transportation, the
workforce is limited but there is a distance from points of sale and road
bush cutter, the size of the area and conditions, it is also important to be
the kind of management may be dif- aware of what the market demands.
ferent from a situation with the same
labor available but no bush cutter. A survey of short food supply chains in
Likewise, the presence of electric local markets can be valuable, for ex-
power allows farmers to process ample in the main markets in nearby
products into frozen fruit pulp, for cities and towns, as well as vegetable
example, which would otherwise be and fruit markets, covering factors
out of the question, just as water in such as: existing and missing prod-
abundance for irrigation significantly ucts, retail prices, sale volumes, qual-
expands their capacity to grow wa- ity standards and untapped demand.
ter-dependent greens and fruit.
That study will provide a profile of lo-
cal markets in terms of demand, sup-
Important questions about ply, prices, marketing strategies and
physical resources: delivery logistics.

• What are the main facili-

ties and equipment avail-
able on the farm (fences,
barns, running water,
electric power, etc.)?

• What tools and equip-

ment are available, to pro-
duce, store and process


The information from this diagnosis

will help identify major vulnerabili-
Important questions about
ties facing one’s resources and liveli-
market access:
hood strategies, as well as potentials
• How do people access the that might otherwise be overlooked.
market: street markets, These are the main variables to be
home delivery, institution- considered in decisions on the next
al markets through gov- stage of planning. Our intention is to
ernment programs (school design systems and solutions that re-
lunch procurement, etc.)? duce both socio-environmental and
economic vulnerabilities, while en-
• How far away are the mar- suring that the plan’s various social
kets? and environmental functions will be
• What transportation is performed. Ultimately, the discussion
available and how are the should be about managing multiple
roads? resources (human, social, natural,
physical and financial) so that the in-
• Which products sell best in crease (or reduction) of one resource
the market? will not undermine the resource base
as a whole.
• Where would the products
be sold?
Alongside the diagnosis, it is also very
• Does the product’s mar- helpful to be aware of model expe-
ket price cover the costs, riences with AFS-based restoration,
including labor, inputs and preferably by farmers in the same re-
others? gion. One strategy to encourage farm-
ers to establish AFS is to set up joint-
• What is the volume of de- ly-planned experimental areas, or else
mand for each product (on to begin by enriching homegardens,
local and regional markets)? and then expand into larger areas. This
approach reduces the risks in each ini-
• What is the selling price for
tiative and allows the systems to be
the farmer (both for direct
adapted and adjusted.
sale and for resale through

• What is the accepted quali-

ty standard for the product?


3.2 DECISION-MAKING ON A LANDSCAPE SCALE land use planning at the scale of land-
scapes, states or entire regions.
The scope of restoration and conser-
vation initiatives reaches far beyond One such tool is LDSF – Land Degra-
the farm because impacts and inter- dation Surveillance Framework, which
actions among drivers of degradation uses advanced GIS and soil analysis
and environmental variables play out technology to assess and inform the
at a landscape scale, in watersheds extent of degradation and restoration
or even in entire micro-regions. This in each area and to support deci-
scale requires participatory natu- sion-making on land use, and moni-
ral-resource management strategies toring and evaluation of impacts.121
involving the different players pres-
ent in the context and reliable infor- Another is LUMENS – Land Use Plan-
mation on the diversity of land uses ning for Multiple Environmental Ser-
and their impacts on environmental vices30, which supports negotiations
services and socio-economic factors. on decision making by simulating,
There are several tools and methods through modeling, different develop-
that can be extremely useful to sup- ment scenarios for a specific region
port negotiations and decision-mak- and their likely consequences, thus
ing processes involving land use at the enabling assessments of tradeoffs
landscape scale. for environmental service indicators
such as carbon, biodiversity and wa-
One methodology, developed by ter resources.122
IUCN and partners, known as ROAM
(Restoration Opportunities Assess-
ment Methodology)119, is very useful
to identify opportunities and estab- For more information
lish restoration priorities at sub-na- on these and other tools
tional or national levels, by achieving and methodologies,
shared understandings among vari- see ICRAF’s Negotiation
ous stakeholders. Support Toolkit122:

Over the years, ICRAF has developed
a toolkit that combines advanced php/2013/12/20/negotia-
remote sensing methods with par- tion-support-toolkitfor-le-
ticipatory methods also linked to de- arning-landscapes/w
cision-making science, to simulate
development scenarios and enable

Photo: Daniel Vieira



Planning agroforestry systems that behind the benefits of their pres-

balance social and environmental ence. Those benefits include all the
functions requires understanding the material they leave in the soil and
movement of nature itself. Ecological the results of their interactions with
succession drives the development other plant, animal and microbial
of ecosystems and expands resourc- species, which make nutrients avail-
es available for life. It is also the road able and improve the soil’s structure,
home for an ecosystem after a distur- fertility and moisture.
bance or degradation.
Each species occupies a story or lay-
In this process, different groupings er in the vegetation based on the rel-
of species succeed each other over ative height of different plants and
time. Species emerge, develop, take each species’ need for sunlight as an
hold, reproduce and die out, chang- adult. Plants in the emergent story
ing the environment for others that need direct sunlight the entire day,
come next. These dynamics arise while high canopy layer plants toler-
from species with different life cy- ate partial shade for parts of the day,
cles, eco-physiological needs (favor- and plants in the medium story toler-
able environmental conditions for ate a little more shade and those in
their development: light, humidity, the understory perform photosynthe-
temperature, nutrients, etc.) and sis in denser shade, with light filtered
environmental colonization capaci- by the overstory trees. When different
ties. Species with similar life cycles species from different stories grow to-
make up successional groups. As gether, they optimize the space they
they interact with the environment, occupy and thus the use of resourc-
they perform different functions and es (water, light, nutrients and “com-
modify it. Plants with shorter life panion” organisms such as beneficial
cycles develop with plants that live fungi and bacteria). This optimization
longer and, when they are pruned or makes it possible for AFS to be suc-
complete their life cycle, they leave cessfully established.

Agroforestry succession in the Cerrado, based on
systems developed by Ernst Götsch

Another important consideration So management practices must be

with sunlight is the forest dynamics in sync with local climate-induced
in each context, where native spe- changes that forests (and agrofor-
cies have co-evolved over thousands ests) go through over the course of
of years. In climates with a well-de- a year, as opposed to static percent-
fined dry season, for example, the age rates of shade for a given species
forest is deciduous, i.e. canopy spe- or kind of plant.
cies drop their leaves every year.
The middle- and lower-layer plants, Other species are typical in forests
which thus receive much more direct that undergo disturbance on a regular
sunlight, are physiologically adapt- basis, such as riparian zones or places
ed to that dynamic. Coffee bushes, with high winds, generally low or me-
for example, need a “shock” from dium-layer species, which still depend,
direct sunlight to induce flowering, however, on regular openings in the
after which fruits can grow under canopy, like the jabuticaba or Brazilian
the shelter of the budding leaves. grapetree (Plinia cauliflora).


In short, we must consider each time, there are plants that store wa-
plant’s life cycle and the story it will ter in their own structure, adapting
occupy to plan efficient AFS, especially to such conditions while also helping
to include plants that meet the needs other plants grow. Many native plants
of family farmers. more adapted to such conditions can
contribute to the success of AFS. The
In addition to different sunlight needs, choice of different combinations or ar-
plants also have different demands in rangements of such plants will there-
terms of soil fertility and water avail- fore depend on the context and the
ability. Some plants require very fertile main limitations and potentials found
soil, while others do well in relatively in each situation.
poor soil. Some need more water and
others have adapted to conditions The presence of herbaceous and
with little water available. In regions shrub species (which may be agricul-
with little water for long periods of tural or native) is very important as a

Figure 7: Good planning of forest layers will optimize

resources: water, sunlight and nutrients


natural nursery to establish trees from depend on the function of the cho-
seeds. This is the case, for example, of sen area. Areas that prioritize pres-
pineapple, manioc, jack beans and pi- ervation (PPAs) should be managed
geon peas, known as “nurse plants” or with lower-impact operations and
“mother plants”. We can use species require mostly native species.
that are very efficient at producing
biomass as sources of organic matter • CONNECTIONS WITHIN THE
to be chopped into green manure for LANDSCAPE
better fertility, to accelerate soil life
Observe the location of native plant
dynamics and maintain moisture for
fragments and try to connect them
other species in the ecological succes-
in the AFS design to facilitate the
sion process.
movement of wild animals and
enhance the benefits of ecological
When planning and designing AFS,
services for the AFS, such as natu-
we must therefore pay attention to
ral “pest” control and production of
how the species and their respec-
organic matter. AFS can be also be
tive functions are distributed over
established along the edges of such
space and time. First and foremost,
fragments to facilitate colonizing
systems must be designed based
altered areas. In such cases, native
on lessons and observations from
plants along the edges are pruned
the socio-environmental diagnosis
or coppiced to avoid the influence
and in compliance with criteria and
of old trees on the seedlings in the
guidelines for each step, beginning
AFS. The biomass pruned from the
with site selection.
edges is then used to cover the
soil as mulch in the newly planted,

For any plot to be developed, the plan- • SUNLIGHT

ning must look first at its role and links The sun’s path over the area should
to other elements in the socio-ecolo- be observed in the agroforest’s po-
logical context, including: sition and direction to ensure more
hours of sunlight for some species
and less for others such as young
saplings that need shade from mid-
PPA, LR, wind-break, crop fields, day onwards when the sun is hot-
strip to separate two production test. For example, when garden beds
areas. Design and species selection or islands of vegetables are planted


on the edge of an AFS, they should between hillsides and the angle of
initially be placed on the side receiv- sunlight is also important. In Brazil
ing the cooler morning sun but then (and the southern hemisphere as a
protected by taller plants that enjoy whole), north-facing slopes receive
the afternoon sun. Shrubs and trees more sunlight in the winter and
with longer cycles that grow more south-facing slopes in the summer.
slowly will not block the short-cycle Contour planting, swales and ter-
vegetables. Another example is the races, which can vary in width and
placing of cuttings, which should length, are highly recommended to
point to the setting sun (west) par- avoid erosion. The most important
allel to the sun’s paths to keep the technique in such contexts is cover-
stems from being scorched in the ing the entire area with a generous
hot afternoon sun. layer of organic matter.


Observe which way the water flows PRACTICAL

and any points where erosion is pos- On steep slopes, water TIPS
sible to divert it and enhance ab- will soak better into the
sorption by the soil, using terraces soil and nutrients can be
(swales) or small ponds to help the retained by digging swales
water soak in and stay there. Small or small terraces in fol-
ditches can also be key to draining lowing the contour of the
waterlogged soils when needed to entire terrain to contain
establish trees. Where more water is water flowing downhill.
needed, especially during droughts, The organic matter must
covering the soil with more organ- also be properly organized
ic matter keeps any humidity from along the contour lines to
dew in the soil from evaporating. hold back rainwater.
Another key strategy is to use wind-
breaks, which also substantially re-
duce moisture loss.
Check the soil texture: is it sandy
Observing the direction and steep- or clayey? Sandy soil drains water
ness of slopes is key to planning suc- more easily whereas clayey soil re-
cessful planting, management and tains it and can be prone to water-
harvesting activities. The relation logging. The soil’s organic matter


content can be gauged by observing Since the wind can also transport in-
its color, smell and texture. Good sects, like white flies, and the seeds
soil, with more organic matter, is of undesirable species into a system,
generally darker and has a neu- it is important to protect plants and
tral, pleasant smell of humus, with the area from strong winds. A good
a granular structure that makes it wind-break can significantly en-
soft and porous. Compacted soil, hance the production of an agrofor-
on the other hand, can create a se- est or a vegetable plantation.
rious barrier to plant growth, with
heavy machinery leaving soil com- • FIRE
pacted 20-30 cm below the surface.
When relevant, observe possible di-
There are simple ways to assess
rections fire may approach and plan
soil conditions that do not depend
systems accordingly with fire breaks
on expensive laboratory analyses
(weeded strips) and hedges to block
and can be performed locally by
them, preferably using species that
the farmer and extensionist. Most
don’t easily catch fire. Examples of
experienced farmers are good at
such species include the aveloz/
gauging soil conditions, so when in
firestick (Euphorbia tirucalli), janaú-
doubt ask them.13
ba/milk shrub (Synadenium grantii),
different types of sisal (Agave amer-
icana L), leaf cactus (Pereskia acu-
Observing the direction(s) of the leata), Mexican sunflower (or tree
strongest prevailing winds shows marigold) (Tithonia diversifolia),
where to place wind-breaks and pear cactus (Opuntia ficus indica)
to plant species more sensitive to and sabiá (Mimosa caesalpiniaefo-
heat behind others that can bear lia), among others.
more, to protect them from the
wind. Wind can break plants or • LOGISTICS
cause water stress, because it re-
Access to and movement within the
duces moisture, until the plants
area is key to bringing in inputs and
close their stomata.
taking out products. Decide where
the entry and exit to the area will
be located, and whether roads will
Stomata: Small apertures on
be needed to move machinery in
leaves through which gas-
the area. Plan strategically to avoid
es and water are exchanged
trampling and machinery moving in-
with the environment.
side the planted areas.



How will peoples’ lives change when
• For low-fertility areas, “fertilizer”
they move from one production sys-
species should be planted dense-
tem to another, from one plant spe-
ly, and fruit trees closer together,
cies to another in the same system?
since they will grow smaller than
How will each choice affect the farm
in more fertile soil conditions.
and family resources and vulnerabil-
ities identified in the diagnosis? The • When you are short on seeds or
selection of species and of manage- seedlings of very important spe-
ment practices must consider not cies, plant them to grow in their
only economic and environmental final spacing arrangement.
gains (for example, carbon or bio- • When there is little material to
diversity), but also the system’s propagate a species (seeds and/
overall resilience, plant and animal or seedlings) it is better to plant
health (both wild and domestic) and in a smaller area but completely
the wellbeing of the people involved covered than to space more thinly
in the process. in a larger area, unless the species
is able to spread well and occupy
To decide on the best spacing and fer- nearby empty spaces.
tilization for each species or establish-
• Do not worry about planting too
ment technique, it is important to recall
densely where it will be possible
all the factors identified in the diagnos-
to thin the area later. In any case,
tic appraisal, especially: soil fertility;
natural thinning may also be per-
availability of planting material (seeds,
formed by ants, termites, caterpil-
cuttings, seedlings); sources of organic
lars, etc.
matter (leaves, branches, wood) and
fertilizer (manure, ashes, compost, • Avoid planting species that occu-
rock dust, saw dust, etc.); availability py the same story vertical space
of manual labor for fieldwork and the for access to sunlight) next to
main functions of each species within each other at the same time.
the system (fertilization, biomass pro-
• Leave enough room between
duction, fruit, shading, etc.)
rows of plants (trees and others)
to allow for management.
Spacing: The general rule is to re-
spect the same spacing recommend- • Measure the width of beds, is-
ed for each crop (especially for fruit lands or groupings to keep them
trees), when planted in orchards or within arm’s length of the people
monocrops. who will manage them.


• Trees and shrubs planted for their • In the long term, the best fertilizer
biomass potential can be plant- to restore soil is the local vegeta-
ed alongside other trees that will tion chopped and spread on the
spend more time in the system ground, particularly the wood de-
(lumber, fruit trees), as long as composed by fungi, bacteria and
they can be regularly pruned or insects, which provides nutrients
coppiced. needed to maintain yields.
• Always consider which plants, or
groups of plants, will fertilize the
TIPS FOR FERTILIZATION system at different moments in its
future development.
• In PPAs, organic fertilizer and
agroecological techniques should
be used to control pests and dis-
• Fertilization should be guided by
soil fertility, the plants’ needs and
on how much is available on the
farm or nearby.
• Calculate whether the investment
in fertilizer will be compensated
by a higher yield of that species. As
a rule of thumb, if a species needs
a large volume of fertilizer to pro-
duce well, it may not be the right
species for that location at that
time. In many situations, choosing
a less demanding species may be
the safer choice. More demand-
ing species may be incorporated
into the system over time, as the
soil’s fertility improves.
• Plan fertilization to benefit differ-
ent species at different times. For
example: vegetables, followed by
other herbaceous plants, shrubs
and trees.


One technique used in both flooded and dry areas is “organic fertil-
ization,” as practiced by Luizão. The fertilization is done by piling dry
material around the foot of a tree. “The circle is to keep it moist. This
is green manure, with jack beans and a layer of grass. When we lay
it on the ground they grow faster.” This fertilization is for trees, even
when they are seedlings.

Farmers can pick up saw dust for fertilizer during their trips to town
spread it as is, with no need to ferment it: “Just throw it around
the tree and it’ll rot by itself. It heats up the trunk and the rawer it
comes the more the plant grows and thickens. The more it heats up,
the more the termites and ants run away; they can’t take it inside.
The buriti (Mauritia flexuosa) and the cupuaçu (Theobroma grandi-
florum) both grow fast with this fertilizer. Orange trees don’t like it
much, though.”

The grass that grows around the tree and green manure is slashed pe-
riodically and worked back into the compost. “When I cut the grass, I
throw it all back on top. The best time is the rainy season, to consume
it all. When it rains, it rots, and the plant grows. During the drought, it
stops.” No one mows during the drought, when the mulch cover slow-
ly decomposes and thins. “Then the rain comes, and I slash before it
gets difficult, but only around the plant.
In between I let it grow. The closer
you leave the grass, the better it
takes the drought. The nearby
grass is good, but the sawdust
is better.”

Luiz Pereira Cirqueira – Dom

Pedro Settlement, São Félix do
Araguaia – Mato Grosso.
Source: Farmers who plant trees in the Cerrado140


4.2 SELECTING THE SPECIES • Fits well with other species in the
AFS guild in terms of the space it
out its own life cycle.
Some species are particularly strate-
gic for agroforest restoration projects Several multifunctional species are
due to features that enable the arriv- listed among those recommended for
al of other species by enhancing soil restoration in the Cerrado and Caatin-
conditions and water availability. ga, in Table 8, Section 5.4

For AFS to effectively balance differ- Above all, the species chosen must be
ent social and environmental func- compatible with local conditions and
tions, it is vital to include species with the interests and desires of the
from the outset that comply with the farmers. For example, in areas where
following criteria. Any species that there is flooding, it is important to
meets several of these criteria is con- choose species tolerant to waterlog-
sidered a key species. ging. If the system focuses on both
restoration and making money, the
Priority should thus be given to spe- species must have a commercial val-
cies that: ue. On degraded soil, the choice must
be for species able to fertilize the soil
• The farmer wants to cultivate, i.e., efficiently, and so on.
has experience with and likes;
Species able to store water can be vi-
• Grow and produce well in that area,
tal for situations with extreme water
considering climate, soil, lighting,
shortage, including most of the Caat-
water and available inputs;
inga and Cerrado regions, where the
• Are highly efficient at improving the
yearly dry season is well-defined and
soil and the environment through
prolonged. Succulent plants that swell
various functions over time (short,
to absorb water in their structures,
medium and long term);
such as cacti (pear cactus, mandacaru
• The farmer can manage given the and xique-xique) are sources of water
locally available work force and for animals, plants and even people.
skills; They keep the landscape green when
• Have a potential for marketing, all the rest has turned grey.
especially when this is an objec-
tive; and


Pear cactus (or forage palm) in the Caatinga. Mandacaru: stays green during the drought in the Caatinga.
Source: site - Source:

Other plants have root structures (Spondias purpurea var. lutea) have

that are veritable water tanks. The such underground storage struc-
mamuí (or jaracatiá - Jacaratia spi- tures, called xylopods, that help
nosa (Aubli) A. DC), the umbu (Spon- them make it through prolonged
dias tuberosa) and the cajá-mirim droughts.

Root of an umbu tree. Source: site - Xylopods, veritable water tanks. Source:


In the Cerrado biome, palm trees (Attalea oleifera), coquinho azedo (Bu-
store water in their trunks and leaves tia capitata), coquinho babão or jeri-
and thus remain green during the dry vá (Syagrus romanzoffiana), babaçu
season. Some examples of the many (Orbignya speciosa), guariroba or
native palm trees in the Cerrado are gueroba (Syagrus oleracea), brejaúba
the buriti (Mauritia flexuosa), ma- (Astrocaryum aculeatissimum), and
caúba (Acrocomia aculeata), indaiá juçara (Euterpe edulis).

Area with several juçara (Euterpe edulis) palm trees, which help increase
Photo: Henrique Marques resilience during droughts in the Cerrado. Geranium Farm, Brasília, DF.

Photo: Andrew Miccolis

Banana trunks cut in half and arranged to cover the soil. Sítio Semente, Brasília, DF.

Banana plants are also very efficient (Guazuma ulmifolia) and Mexican
at storing and providing water for sunflower (Tithonia diversifolia) trees
the system. When cut in half and ar- and some grassy species. In the Caat-
ranged on the ground, their pseudo inga, we have the Gliricidia (Gliricidia
stem (trunk) holds in the moisture sepium), mesquite (Prosopis juliflora
while also providing important nutri- (SW) DC), sabiá (Mimosa caesalpini-
ents such as potassium, and improv- aefolia Benth.), sisal and pear cactus
ing soil life. (forage palm). These species may be
constantly cut to spread their material
Other desirable features are high on the ground, protecting against ero-
production of biomass and good re- sion and improving soil fertility. Some
sponse to pruning. Species that pro- key species with these features are ex-
duce particularly good volumes of otic to the Caatinga and the Cerrado
biomass for the system favor nutrient biomes but well adapted to these soil
cycling, protection and soil life. Exam- and climate conditions and can thus
ples of such species in the Cerrado in- be extremely beneficial to enhance
clude the eucalyptus, inga, mutamba local biological resources.


The mesquite is an active colonizer that can cover an area quickly and
uniformly. Over time, this cover thins out by itself when weaker, small-
er plants die out. Moacir explains how the mesquite grows fast. Just a
year after removing all the individuals with a machete and chainsaw, the
secondary growth covered the entire area with brush that was, on the
average, four meters high. With their intense regrowth capacity, cutting
them down is not enough and they sprout back from the roots. In this
area, the intention is to facilitate the natural return of native plants and
to plant more.

The braúna (Melanoxylon brauna) is a species that manages to live and

compete with the mesquite, as opposed to the majority of species in the
region. Some individual braúna trees remain in the area. Mesquite de-
mands annual treatment to keep it from invading nearby areas. It likes
moist environments and is prone to taking over creek and river banks.

In another area, thinning was used to create a silvopastoral system, using

the Embrapa Caprinos model, with grass and mesquite. Mesquite plants
were spaced 20 meters apart. Once all the material from the initial thin-
ning is on the ground, it will decompose and improve soil conditions.

The system then goes through an annual thinning, removing the larg-
est and oldest trees and selling the mesquite wood, which earns a good
price in markets. The younger plants can also be removed during mainte-
nance. Once all the material is withdrawn, new species can appear, and
it is time to plant grass. When the grass has grown considerably, some
animals may be released in the area for controlled grazing.

In this system, the mesquite pods are a good source of feed for the ani-
mals. The pods are collected on the ground, after they fall or are knocked
down onto a tarp. Mesquite pods are sold on the local market for about
ten reais a bag (2015 price), and a plant with a 10-meter crown can pro-
duce a bag and a half per season. The production takes place during the
drought. By spacing the plants 20 meters apart (50 plants per hectare),
after the second year it is possible to produce a yearly average of 50 bags
of pods per hectare.

Moacir dos Santos – Training Center at the Regional Appropriate Small

Farming Institute (IRPAA), Juazeiro, Bahia

Photo: Daniel Vieira

Mesquite - Prosopis juliflora

On the other hand, the tremendous periodic, well-timed pruning, to keep

competitive advantage of some of them under control.
these species means they can spread
through a landscape and dominate In degraded environments, when pe-
ecosystems, inhibiting the establish- riodic management is possible, these
ment of native species in a process efficient biomass producers are high-
known as biological invasion. Some ly recommended despite their in-
examples include the Mexican sun- vasive potential, as long as they are
flower (Tithonia diversifolia) and leu- suitably managed or grown in areas
cena (Leucaena leucocephala or diver- where these species are already wide-
sifolia) in the Cerrado, the mesquite spread. Close to conservation units
(Prosopis juliflora) in the Caatinga, and or to remnants of native vegetation
some grassy species such as Panicum that have not been invaded by these
maximum, Brachiaria decumbens and species, and in areas where intensive
Andropogon gayanus. We therefore management is not feasible, their use
recommend using these invasive spe- is not recommended for restoration
cies only in managed systems, with with agroforests. In these cases, we


recommend the identification of na- If there are animals in the system,

tive species that are also efficient bio- the plant species must be compat-
mass producers. Even when invasive ible with the livestock, i.e, produce
species are well-managed, there is forage and co-exist well with forage
always a risk of losing control, leading plants and native species. In ad-
to the suppression of native plants in dition to grass, animals eat other
nearby areas with natural vegetation plants, even shrubs and trees. Sabiá
or on neighboring production areas (Mimosa caesalpiniaefolia), for ex-
where such species’ presence may ample, is an excellent species for
not be desirable. We must therefore raising goats. Trees whose shade is
be very careful when using them. not very dense and that can fix ni-
trogen are excellent for providing
The choice of species must also con- shade in pastures in silvopastoral
sider their usefulness when inter- systems. Trees bearing fruit that an-
spersed with others, for example the imals eat, such as souari nut (Caryo-
season when they drop their leaves car brasiliense), jackfruit, mangos,
(letting in light for shorter plants be- baru nut and yellow mombin (cajá
low them), shading (intensity and mirim), are also well suited for asso-
type), potential for regrowth, etc. ciation with pastures.

Figure 8: Silvopastoral system – cattle in the shade are

more comfortable and feed on a variety of sources


as well as oils, like the castor oil plant,

To avoid negative impacts the pequi (Caryocar brasiliense) and
PRACTICAL on the soil and vegetation others. Demand for this energy can
TIPS come from both farmers and the
in systems with animals,
plants should be pruned market.
or coppiced and fed to ani-
mals separately, rather than Species should ideally have multiple
giving them access to the uses, as food, feed, for beekeeping,
plants themselves. This also biomass production, etc. Pigeon peas
facilitates collection of their (Cajanus cajan) are a good example,
manure, which should be since they can be eaten either green
returned to the production or ripe and are a significant protein
area to recycle the nutri- source for people and livestock. Their
ents. In addition to return- biomass, rich in nutrients, can be
ing the nutrients, manure used as green manure, to cover and
makes them readily avail- loosen the soil, they tolerate the dry
able and fosters the soil’s season well, and are well established
microbial activity. in people’s culture in the Caatinga.
The sabiá is another multipurpose
crop well-known in the region and
When selecting species, also look for very useful for animal feed, firewood,
short-cycle crops that can be sown fence posts and green manure.
during the rainy season “window.”
This expands your productive period
and increases the overall yield and
financial payback. In the Cerrado re- Green manures are crops
gion, for example, sesame, beans, that help produce high-qual-
peanuts and sorghum can be sown ity biomass to be cut and
from the middle to the end of the spread out to cover the soil.
rainy season, after the maize, squash Examples include jack beans,
and others, and then harvested early pigeon peas, crotolaria (rat-
in the dry season. tlepods), velvet beans (Mu-
cuna pruriens), Stylo (Sty-
Some crops with greater energy po- losanthes guianensis), millet,
tential can provide firewood, like the sorghum, castor beans and
sabiá, carvoeiro (Tachigali paniculata Mexican sunflower (Tithonia
Aubl.), mutamba (Guazuma ulmifo- diversifolia).
lia), or murici (Byrsonima crassifolia),


Licuri palms and umbu trees are left in the middle of the fields because they
are adapted to the climate, provide fruit and favor other species. “People
used to drill through the trunk to see whether the core had a kind of heart
of palm inside. Those that did were cut down and split down the middle to
remove the core. Then they would grind it and make flour to eat. People were
hungry then, with nothing to eat.” Licuri oil is also used to make soap. The
umbu tree has a very dense crown and both people and animals eat its fruit.

Alberto Cardoso de Souza – Salgado Community, Casserengue, Paraíba

It is also important that the species choose different species than men
be suitable to family farmers’ so- do, such as medicinal plants, certain
cio-cultural context, for example foods and others that may be useful
with multipurpose functions that for handicrafts. All these possibilities
fit into their culture.150, 151, 152 Prefer should be considered.
species already known and used in
the region, for which technical as-
See some key species for
sistance is not essential. Consider
recovering degraded areas in
species whose benefits are already
the Cerrado and Caatinga in
clearly recognized by local residents.
Section 5.4.
For example, women will often

Umbu tree


4.3 ECONOMIC PLANNING in protected areas is to come up with

the right selection, composition and
Once the main species to plant in management of species over time
the AFS have been chosen, it is time to maintain necessary ecological
to begin economic planning. This re- functions and balance them with
quires knowledge on how to manage production and the social objectives
the various products of local biodiver- planned for the area, including eco-
sity, to pay back the cost of ecological nomic profit.
restoration and generate an econom-
ic surplus, both for family farmers and Family farmers who decide to devel-
for larger farms with Legal Reserves op agroforestry systems for mostly
and productive areas, wherever pro- economic motives should prioritize
duction is to be allied with environ- areas that are not PPAs or LRs. Even
mental conservation. so, ecological restoration can also be
allied with production in such preser-
Systems that comply with environ- vation areas (PPAs and LRs), in com-
mental criteria can also include many pliance with the Forest Code.
species that generate benefits for the
family, such as food security and sov- 4.3.1 STEP-BY-STEP FINANCIAL PLANNING FOR
ereignty, medicine, fibers, energy and AGROFORESTRY PROJECTS
building materials (see Section 2.4 on
Benefits). This involves marketable The financial planning process for
species with other significant func- agroforestry projects is gradual and
tions for farmers in different succes- depends on learning agroforestry
sional groups. techniques. For efficient planning to
underpin farmers’ decision-making,
Ecological restoration of protected we suggest these basic steps:
areas on farms can be done with
more passive and generally less ex- • The socioenvironmental diagnosis
pensive methods, such as environ- describes the farm’s context: fam-
mental preservation and protection ily makeup, origins, availability of
actions that enable natural regener- skilled farm labor, edaphoclimatic
ation, or with more active systems conditions, local infrastructure and
that may be more expensive, such logistics, soil fertility and physi-
as reforestation, forest restoration cal characteristics, annual rainfall
or agroforests that are planted and data, rainy/dry seasons, months
intensively managed. The greatest with extreme temperatures, al-
challenge when planning agroforests titude, occurrence of winds that


might harm crops, landscape relief, • Calculate the demand for labor, its
quality and intensity of sunlight seasonality and the family’s own
throughout the year, distance from labor pool. Set up a calendar for
the farm to markets and road con- the season when each species will
ditions throughout the year. produce and its respective man-
agement needs.
• The socioenvironmental and eco-
nomic diagnosis provides inputs • Make a list of activities and asso-
to building the agroforest arrange- ciated revenues and costs as fun-
ment table (as explained below) to damental data for your financial
compose the successional groups analysis. For revenue (income),
(production cycle and stories), survey the sale prices for AFS prod-
with species to produce biomass ucts and estimate yields in each
and species for market objectives, period (Tables 2 and 3, below). To
agricultural crops and others. Se- calculate costs (expenses), list all
lect high-yielding species (vegeta- the activities required in the AFS:
bles, ornamentals, medicinal, fruit preparation of the area, planting,
and wood) and list their respective replanting, cleaning, management
uses and potential markets. and maintenance of the species, as
well as harvesting and marketing
• Map out a blueprint of the area to (Table 4).
be planted, with spacing and rows.
Space species with the same pro- • Obtaining technical coefficients
duction cycle and story as if they (CTs): after detailing field activi-
were a single species. Species from ties for each species in the AFS,
different successional groups can note the estimated time required
be placed closer to each other. to perform and frequency of ac-
Spacing of economic species can tivities, thus defining the techni-
generally follow recommendations cal coefficient based on values for
for monocrops but should also labor and inputs. For labor, the
bear in mind percentage of cover estimated time is represented as
depending on the story it occupies. a daily wage, i.e., how many per-
Fertilizer species, including trees, sons have worked in a given area (1
should be planted more densely, to hectare, for example) to carry out a
allow for their pruning, coppicing, given activity (clearing or planting,
thinning and incorporation as or- for example) in one day (Table 5).
ganic matter. If the farmer uses machinery, the

Sítio Semente – Brasília Photo: Andrew Miccolis

technical coefficient is expressed in costs (R$/kg) and market pric-

machine-hours, and for inputs the es (R$/kg) in the desired market
TC units vary for each product (kg/ channels.
ha, t/ha, l/ha, m³/ha, for example).
• Define the amount of financing
• To record and analyze financial required to invest in production,
flows with this data, the useful facilities, machinery and equip-
“AmazonSAF” spreadsheet can ment. Assess the investment’s
be accessed at a link shown be- turnaround time, i.e., the time it
low. This tool allows one to mod- will take for the project’s cash flow
el the agroforestry arrangement to become positive.
and switch spacing and cash crops
in order to achieve the best cash • Define financial, technical and
flow, while maintaining the sys- business strategies required for
tem’s ecological functions. the project, especially to get past
the break-even point, in hectares,
• Analyze the project’s competitive- volume of production and month-
ness by comparing the production ly sales.




Photo: Abílio Vinícius
The first step to turn a pasture
into an agroforest is to keep out
the cattle. Once they have been
removed, use slash-and-burn,
setting the fire during a dry spell
(veranico) in the rainy season.
The planting experience begins
with crops like maize, cassava,
watermelons and other plants
with biannual cycles. Then come
plants with intermediate cycles
like pineapples, bananas and
the native Cerrado cajuzinho (Anacardium humile). As the system
evolves, longer-term fruit trees come in, like cupuaçu (Theobroma
grandiflorum), cocoa and stinkingtoe (Hymenaea courbaril), as well
as timber trees.

Valdo uses slash-and-burn before moving into a system with trees,

locally known as the Casadão (coupling) system. “The advantage of
Casadão is to get something different or have a cash crop. I have cas-
sava, so I have a bag of flour, which now goes for R$ 300.00. The ad-
vantage of the trees is the fruit, the timber and, for me, there is also
the learning. I can watch each one develop.”

Valdo also explains that “Spacing at the beginning was wider, but now
I use zero-by-zero spacing, depending on the purpose of each crop.
We try to use agroecology principles like green manure and the de-
composing stubble from other crops, compost and other options. Our
management avoids using fire during the drought, and we do pruning,
slashing, mulch the seedlings or weed only when necessary.”

Valdo da Silva, farmer, poet and activist. Porto Alegre do Norte, Mato
Grosso. Source: “Agricultores que cultivam árvores no Cerrado”140



The agroforest composition chosen main productive species, with their
(based on the participatory diagnosis different cycles and forest layers, as
above) can be organized in a chart of illustrated in Chart 2.


Production Less
Shading 1-3 3-10 10-20 20-50 More than
cycle and than 6
% years years years years 50 years
Strata months
Pepper tree
Mutamba (fruit
(Schinus tere-
and firewood) Pepper tree
binthifolius) for
Tamanqueiro (Schinus tere-
Nettletree fence posts,
(Alchornea glan- binthifolius),
(Trema mi- Eucalyptus
dulosa) Stinkingtoe
crantha), (timber)
Carvoeiro (Hymenaea
Papaya Tobacco weed Chinaberry (Me-
Maize or (Sclerolobium courbaril),
Emerging 15% or Castor (Solanum lia azedarach)
sorgum paniculatum) for Pink Trumpet
beans mauritianum) Mandiocão
firewood (Handroanthus
or Eucalyptus (Schefflera moro-
Cajá-mirim impetiginosus)
(fenceposts) totoni)
(Spondias pur- or Pau Rei
purea var. lutea) (Basiloxylon
for fruit and live brasiliensis)
paniculatum) for
fence posts

Cassava, Ice-cream- Avocado

Jack pigeon bean (Inga Pepper tree Indaiá Copaíba
High 35% beans or pea or edulis) or (fruit) (Attalea dubia) (Copaifera
cow peas Cavendish “prata” Stinkingtoe or mango langsdorffii)
bnana banana (fruit)

Eggplant Achiote or Sapodilla

Medium 45% + tree Surinam Citrus Citrus (Manilkara
seedlings cherry zapota)

Taro or
Squash arrowleaf Jabuticaba Jabuticaba
ginger +
Low 80% + tree elephant Coffee or hiconia (Plinia cauliflora) (Plinia cauliflo-
tree seed-
seedlings ear, coffee or or coffee ra) or coffee

Source: Drafted by the authors using the cycle and story “successional
group” classification approach developed by Ernst Götsch.


Economic planning of agroforest thus avoids waste and optimizes

arrangements should contain at revenue by identifying the costliest
least one species with market val- activities and when they take place,
ue in each successional group to as well as critical moments for labor
allow for production to be spread demand, for example. With a clear
out over time. Each species or crop outlook, activities or species that do
should also occupy a different sto- not fit a farmer’s desires can be cor-
ry, or layer, in the forest, making rected or even replaced. The farmer
up the forest structure, which also can verify whether actual income
means planning how each layer will will meet expectations in this plan,
be managed, harvested and shaded i.e., whether the main species in the
at different times. In other words, system will generate enough reve-
optimizing the use of space and re- nue to cover costs, and when exactly
sources over time, with different this will happen.
stories and successional groups oc-
cupied, is the key to a system’s eco- Based on the agroforest arrangement
nomic feasibility. (Table 2, above), yields, market pric-
es for each product and spending on
4.3.3 FINANCIAL ANALYSIS inputs and services to establish and
manage the AFS, it is possible to cal-
Financial analysis begins even be- culate financial indicators. We recom-
fore we look at the numbers. We mend using the spreadsheets from
must be certain that the AFS has the AmazonSAF program10, developed
been suitably designed, in compli- by Embrapa researchers Marcelo Ar-
ance with social, biophysical and co-Verde and George Amaro, which
ecophysiological requirements. A analyze cash flows and other financial
good design will minimize undesir- indicators.
able outcomes.

A farmer and extensionist can orga-

nize the field information for their The full cash flow is the
financial analysis with a tool to plan difference between all in-
expenses and income for each phase come and expenses, with
of the different species’ develop- updated values accumu-
ment, beginning with the prepara- lated during the project’s
tion of the area, then planting, main- desired lifetime.
tenance and finally the harvest and
marketing of products. The farmer


This tool enables a forecast of costs The data comes from three sources:
to establish the AFS, when it will be (a) direct measurement of tasks to
paid back, and the investments need- establish and maintain the AFS; (b)
ed to ensure its ongoing success. The data gathered from extensionists and
financial indicator analysis also allows farmers; and (c) bibliographical data.
extensionists and farmers to monitor It is very practical, and also an enrich-
profitability, labor remuneration and ing experience, to apply this tool in a
thus the feasibility of their project. workshop environment that enables
exchanges of knowledge among farm-
ers and extensionists on their activ-
For further information on ities and production systems, costs,
AFS financial analyses and markets and other factors important
the AmazonSAF tool, see: to them.
https://www.infoteca. Profitability analysis uses income cash
bitstream/doc/1014392/1/ flows (revenue or benefits from each
Doc.274ArcoVerde.pdf crop in the AFS) and expenses (costs
for each crop in the AFS).
Also see updated
spreadsheets at:
https://www.embrapa. Figure 9: Good financial analysis demands reliable
br/codigo-florestal/ information on production, costs and revenue.
Stimulating farmers to record this data in a notebook
greatly reduces the margin of error for their financial


The following tables show examples of sales prices, yields and costs of planting
different products from an AFS:



Maize grain kg R$ 1.00

Brown beans beans kg R$ 10.00

Pigeon peas peas kg R$ 6.00

Cassava roots kg R$ 0.70

Banana bananas kg R$ 3.50

Achiote seeds kg R$ 4.00

Turmeric powder kg R$ 3.50

Coffee beans bag R$ 432.00

Cajá mirim pulp kg R$ 10.00

Source: By the authors, using the AmazonSAF tool


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10


Maize grain Kg/ha 750.00

Brown beans Kg/ha 1,000.00 200.00 300.00 100.00

Pigeon peas Kg/ha 300.00 150.00

Cassava root Kg/ha 4,000.00

Bananas Kg/ha 500.00 1,000.00 750.00

Achiote seeds Kg/ha 150.00 300.00 500.00 500.00

Turmeric powder Kg/ha 50.00 50.00 50.00 50.00

Yellow mombin pulp Kg/ha 8.00 10.00 12.00 12.00 12.00 12.00 12.00

Source: By the authors, using the AmazonSAF tool



ACTIVITIES 822.50 105.00 455.00 455.00 455.00

Seedling management worker/day 70.00 2.50

Signposting worker/day 70.00 0.25

Seedling hole digging worker/day 70.00 6.00

Planting worker/day 70.00 3.00

Harvest worker/day 70.00 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50

Cover fertilization worker/day 70.00 5.00

Pruning worker/day 70.00 5.00 5.00

INPUTS 835.00 0.00 0.00 300.00 0.00

Cattle manure l 0.06 10,000.00 5,000.00

Rock dust t 600.00 0.10

Yoorin fertilizer unit 45.00 3.00

Lime unit 20.00 2.00

Source: By the authors, using the AmazonSAF tool

With the system’s annual cash flow Present Value (NPV), (b) Benefit/Cost
in hand, we begin the production Ratio (B/C), (c) Internal Rate of Return
systems’ financial analysis, using the (IRR) and (d) Return on Investment
following technical indicators: (a) Net (ROI).143, 83

Sítio Semente – Brasília Photo: Andrew Miccolis



Net Present Value (NPV) is the project’s net worth, adjusted to its initial
moment, minus the project’s initial investment. When the NPV is greater
than zero, the project is considered economically feasible. Since NPV in-
cludes the effect of time in its calculation, discounting its financial value,
it is sensitive to interest rates.
The Equivalent Annual Value Annuity (EAA) is the constant, periodic in-
stallment needed to earn an amount equal to the NPV. The higher the
calculated EAA, the greater the project’s feasibility.
The Benefit-Cost Ratio (B/C) shows how much benefits surpass or fall
short of total costs. The criteria for a project to be found feasible, accord-
ing to Börner (2009), is that the benefits be greater than or equal to the
value of the costs.
The Internal Rate of Return (IRR) is the percentage rate of return on cap-
ital invested in a project. If the IRR is greater than the discount rate re-
quired for the investment, the project is considered feasible.
The time for Return on Investment (ROI), or payback period (PP), is the
time it takes to pay back the capital invested in the project, i.e., the time
between the initial investment and the moment when accumulated net
profits are equal to the amount invested.
Source: Adapted from Arco-Verde and Amaro 2015.143

In financial analyses, it is important feasible when its NPV and EAA are
to observe and compare the overall positive, the B/C ratio is greater than
outcomes of these indicators, to have one and the IRR is higher than the
a good grasp on a project’s financial market rate. The payback period (PP)
situation. One common mistake in fi- may vary from one project to anoth-
nancial analyses is to underestimate er, but one hopes it will be as short as
costs and overestimate revenue. We possible.
identify those mistakes through the
cash flow and when we compare the What can be done to reduce the pay-
outcomes of the indicators. back period? Some project design and
management features for agroforest-
As a rule of thumb, a project is deemed ry systems can be helpful:

Sítio Semente – Brasília Photo: Andrew Miccolis

• Intensify the use of annual crops especially during the first three
in agroforestry models. Improve years, always paying close atten-
management techniques for each tion to soil conditions to ensure
species, optimize the use of fertiliz- their nutritional needs.
ers and labor and select the variet- • Do a detailed analysis of the spe-
ies most suitable to each location. cies in the AFS, to establish it
• For perennials, select high-value within three years. This helps dis-
marketable species that can be tribute implementation and labor
stored for long periods and will costs better, with more intense
not be damaged during transpor- use of annual crops.
tation. An AFS can be designed for • Design and make permanent
the components’ density to be lanes throughout the agroforestry
favorably proportional between systems, to facilitate annual crop
species with higher and lower production throughout the entire
economic value, within the lim- AFS cycle.
its of edaphoclimatic, biophysical
and other criteria for the selec- In addition to the financial feasibility
tion of those species. indicators, another important indicator
• Plant annual crops more fre- is the break-even point for the agrofor-
quently. Normally, annual crops estry project, which helps define proj-
are feasible into the third year ect development strategies until it gets
of an AFS, when canopies from past the point when the costs have
tree species will shade them out. been paid and the farmer starts to re-
Annual crops can be optimized, ceive the first monetary profits.


4.3.4 INTEGRATED ANALYSIS OF FINANCIAL better economic planning to achieve

INDICATORS the farmers’ objectives in their sys-
tems. Table 5 presents the outcomes
Very few scientific studies provide an of a few studies that analyzed NPV,
integrated analysis of all these major B/C, IRR and PP indicators for four
financial indicators, which is vital for different AFS.



Net Present Value (NPV) R$ 3,134.00 7,006.00 29,453.00 90,400.00

Benefit/Cost Ratio (B/C) 1.46 1.89 1.6 2.4

Internal Rate of Return (IRR) % 14.83 23.00 28.66 75.00

Payback Period (PP) years 11 8 7 3

Arco-Verde Anna Kharine

Arco-Verde Arco-Verde
REFERENCES (2015). (2016).
(2008)9 (2008)9
Unpublished Unpublished

Obs: All indicators were assessed for a 1-hectare area.

AFS 1: Located in Roraima, with Brazil-nut, peach palm, cupuaçu, bananas, inga, rice, cassava. Area prepared with soil harrowing
and correction of soil fertility and acidity.
AFS 2: Located in Roraima, with Brazil-nut, peach palm, cupuaçu, bananas, inga, rice, cassava. Area prepared with no-till planting.
AFS 3: Located in Rondônia, with Brazil-nut, peach palm, cupuaçu, rice, cassava.
AFS 4: Located in Pará, with andiroba, paricá, cupuaçu, açaí palm, black pepper.

Table 6 displays a great variability of scale of demand for labor over time,
values for each of the financial indi- the degree of mechanization, lower
cators. The NPV for these AFS varies crop yields due to weather, pests and
from a little over R$3,000 for AFS 1 to blight, product storage and transpor-
some R$90,000 for AFS 4. To shed light tation and marketing processes. One
on such differences, we must consider must also consider the amount of
the soil-preparation and species-man- time and project area to be correlated
agement activities, the intensity and with the value of the project.


The NPV is the net amount earned In Machadinho d´Oeste, Rondônia, a

over the entire period of the project, study published in 2003 followed three
while the EAA gives the average net agroforest arrangements over a peri-
value for each year of the project. od of 15 years.40 The first one, T1, had
The EAA gives a better understanding Brazil nuts, bananas, black pepper and
of the project but we cannot assume cupuaçu. The second, T2, had laurel,
that it will be positive from the first bananas, black pepper and cupuaçu,
to the last year. For detailed infor- and the third, T3, had peach palm, ba-
mation, we must analyze the present nanas, black pepper and cupuaçu. With
value of both the yearly and accumu- a 10% annual interest rate, that study
lated cash flow. calculated NPVs of R$35,883.65/ha,
R$5,334.85/ha and R$6,584.64/ha in
Other studies have found values com- systems T1, T2 and T3, respectively. Of
parable to these in Table 6. In 2000, the three, T3 had the NPV closest to
three agroforestry models were an- that of AFS 2 in Table 5, and model T1
alyzed in the Mixed and Dense Eco- was closest to AFS 3. The B/C ratios for
nomic Restoration Project (RECA), in the T2 and T3 arrangements were 1.44
Nova California, Rondônia.100 With a and 1.51, respectively, similar to those
9% interest rate for a 20-year period, observed in AFS 1 (1.46) and AFS 3
the NPV was found to be R$11,761.89 (1.6), but lower than AFS 2 (1.89), while
per hectare, with a B/C ratio of 1.92 T1 was the highest of all (4.08). The au-
for a one-hectare agroforestry mod- thors explained that the lower profit
el containing 238 cupuaçu trees, 60 rates in systems T2 and T3, compared
peach palm trees and 60 Brazil nut to T1, were due to lower yields in the
trees, which was 60% more than the first years as a result of combinations of
outcome for AFS 2 (in Table 5). The species, their density and spacing.
other two AFS studied, with the same
species described above, produced Yet another study assessed agroforest-
NPVs of approximately R$3,600 per ry systems located in the municipality
hectare, comparable to AFS 1 in Table of Tomé Açu, in the state of Pará, with
5. In these latter two AFS in the RECA an 8% interest rate for 15 years.144
study100, the B/C ratios were 1.56 and These AFS, with black pepper, passion
1.52. The best B/C and NPL values fruit, cacao, cupuaçu, mahogany and
were in agroforests with a larger share Brazil nut, had NPVs of R$15,373.11/
of cupuaçu trees compared to other ha and a B/C ratio of 1.87. These val-
components.* ues were simulated for an agroforest-
ry model selected for farmers living
The exchange rate during these sudies was in the same municipality. That same
roughly 3.5 Reais to one Dollar.


experience had an IRR of 87% for in the AFS 2 (PP=8). The PPs in agro-
the same 15-year period, nearly four forestry models studied in Benevides,
times greater than AFS 2, but close Pará, varied depending on the makeup
to the value found for AFS 4, located of the agroforest.145 In the model with
in the same region of Pará. The Inter- cacao and peach palm, the PP was six
nal Rate of Return is the project rate, years, and in the AFS with cacao and
compared to a market rate, used in açaí palm it was nine years.
all phases of the project. The goal is
to achieve IRR values higher than the This all means that to fully understand
market rate (savings accounts, invest- the outcome of a financial analysis,
ment funds or others). one must look at all the financial indi-
cators together and grasp the whole,
In the municipality of Benevides, Pará, to assess financial feasibility and study
with an 8% interest rate, the IRR var- possible changes that might optimize
ied from one agroforestry model to revenue and reduce expenses, while
another.145 In the cacao and peach also trying to meet the farmer’s own
palm model, the IRR was 28.3% and in objectives and constraints (for exam-
the AFS with cacao and açaí palms, it ple, the available labor pool), which
was 19.5%. may also change over time.

One indicator, the investment Pay- In addition to the financial indicators,

back Period (PP), raises many doubts it is thus also important to observe the
for farmers and extensionists. It refers distribution of revenue and expenses
to the time it takes for the project to over time, to avoid periods with no in-
pay for itself, i.e., when it will become come and/or when there may be ma-
profitable. That moment occurs when jor variations in the farmer’s income
the sum of revenue accumulated is and expenses.
greater than the sum of accumulated
expenses. The PP for AFS 2, in Table 6, We can conclude, based on those
was 8 years, meaning that for 7 years studies, that AFS can be economically
the project establishment and man- feasible. That feasibility, however, may
agement costs were greater than the vary tremendously depending on the
income. From the eighth to the twen- makeup of the species, arrangements
tieth years in the study, all the annual chosen by a farmer and management
expenses were paid for by the proj- practices over time.
ect’s own income. In the AFS 4 (PP=3),
the farmer recovers his entire invest- Does this mean that the most prof-
ment five years earlier than a farmer itable system based on this financial


analysis is necessarily the best choice 4.4 IMPLEMENTATION

for the farmer?
At this point, organize all the materi-
At the end of the day, a feasibility as- al you need, such as seeds, seedlings,
sessment must look beyond financial cuttings and tools, and identify who
factors to social issues. It is key to gain will participate in the planting (mem-
an in depth understanding of what is bers of the family, hired labor or as a
most important for the farmer, since collective effort). The participation of
the financial indicators may not look the extensionist guiding the farmer on
that favorable at first sight, but what practical aspects of implementation is
is produced by the system and how of the utmost importance to ensure
this is done may still be suited to the attention to practical details. Imple-
farmer’s own desires and priorities. mentation should take place step by
Planting short-term crops like maize, step, as follows:
rice and beans, for example, may not
look very attractive in financial terms 4.4.1 PREPARATION: MATERIAL, TOOLS AND
nowadays, but they can be extremely LABOR
beneficial for a family’s food securi-
ty and autonomy, especially in situa- GATHER, ACQUIRE AND PREPARE PLANTING
tions where poor local transportation MATERIAL: SEEDS, SEEDLINGS, CUTTINGS,
conditions are an obstacle to mar- RIZOMES
keting or for a family that does not
always have enough cash available Biodiverse and complex AFS need a
to buy food or feed in town. Annual large volume and great genetic di-
crops also often play a major role in versity of propagation material for
local culture and may complement planting. This requires significant in-
the production of feed for domestic vestment (which normally would be
animals, which are often essential for spent on buying material from shops)
a family’s diet, as well as represent- in collecting seeds and cuttings and
ing a “savings account” or backup for in producing seedlings. Once the
times of hardship or emergencies. main species to be planted have been
chosen, the location of parent plants
Once we have planned the agrofor- must be identified while bearing in
est’s arrangement to meet the farm- mind the quality of the fruit, their ad-
er’s objectives, the available labor aptation to local conditions or other
pool, expected financial return and desired traits. To ensure the success
other benefits desired from the AFS, it of planting where fewer individu-
is time to implement it. als will remain after several years of

Photo: Andrew Miccolis

management and natural selection, SEED STORAGE

the seeds collected must come from
different parent trees in different The best way to use a seed is to place
conditions in order to enhance their back in the ground where it can pro-
genetic variability and thereby the duce more seeds and be multiplied
outlook for plants more adapted or time and again. If it is necessary, how-
with more desirable functional traits. ever, to store seeds until the planting
Whenever possible, local parent stock season, it is important to ensure they
already adapted to the farm’s climate are kept in a dry, cool, dark place. Plas-
and soil conditions should be pre- tic PET bottles are excellent recipients
ferred. The choice of parent stock also to hold the seeds. Ideally, the bottle
depends on desirable traits such as should be filled to the top to reduce
yield, heartiness, resistance to pests oxygen available inside the bottle.
and disease, fruit quality, and so on.149 Another suggestion is to fill the space

between the seeds with ash, black SUITABLE TOOLS
pepper or leaf powder from plants
that repel insects, such as eucalyptus, Good tools that are well sharpened
Gliricidia or basil. Seeds with dorman- and correctly chosen for each task are
cy, normally with hard shells, such as essential to work with quality, speed
the pacara earpod tree, achiote, white and ease. It is also essential to make
leadtree, stinkingtoe and carvoeiro, correct use of the tools for agrofor-
can be stored for extended periods. estry. A dull or poorly used machete,
On the other hand, seeds that soon for example, can take much longer to
lose their germination potential, such prune a tree, make the whole opera-
as Surinam cherry trees, mangaba, tion useless or even damage the tree
ingá and ipê, cannot be stored for in the process, inhibiting new sprouts
long and must be planted shortly after and promoting the entry of disease
they are picked, either directly in the and insect pests.
ground or in sacks or tubes, and kept
in seedling nurseries.149 Commonly used tools for implemen-
tation are machetes, hoes, shovels,
BREAKING SEED DORMANCY (SCARIFICATION spades, picks, levers, trowels, rakes,
AND HEAT SHOCK) pitch forks, sickles and wheelbarrows.
The machinery most widely adopt-
To speed up the germination of seeds ed to prepare areas for AFS includes
with dormancy, such as stinkingtoe, brush cutters, bed shapers, gardening
pacara earpod tree, West Indian elm, tractors, tractors with ploughs, trac-
sabiá, white leadtree, carvoeiro, and tors with rotating hoes and tractors
others, the seed’s impermeable shell with harrow ploughs. Pruning saws or
must be punctured or broken for wa- shears and chainsaws can also be use-
ter to get inside. There are physical, ful when planting an AFS when trees
mechanical and chemical ways to do and shrubs in or near the area must
this. One is to make a small cut in the be pruned or coppiced. A shredder
seed husk with pruning shears or pli- is useful to turn woody material into
ers, or else file it down manually or on mulch. In addition to the equipment,
a grinding stone. Another possibility is it is also fundamental to use personal
to immerse the seeds in boiling water protection equipment (PPE), including
for a few seconds (until they crack) gloves, boots, safety glasses, hat and
and then move them into cold water. leg protectors where there may be
The heat shock cracks the shell, facili- snakes. In situations where tall trees
tating the entry of water for the seed must be cut, it is also important to use
to sprout.149 ropes and ladders.

WORK AND TECHNICAL STRATEGIC PLANNING: more important to make this kind
WHO DOES WHAT, ORDER OF OPERATIONS, of operational organization clear
LOGISTICS FOR IMPLEMENTATION when you plan to establish areas
in collective groups or courses, so
• WHO DOES WHAT: To decide who the people are mobilized for the
will do what, we must always con- rights tasks at the right time.
sider the person’s desires, skills
and physical condition. Some tasks • WHAT AND HOW (IMPLEMENTA-
demand physical strength, and TION LOGISTICS): Ensure that all
others more attention to detail. the inputs, tools, machinery and
By planning and assigning all the equipment are ready to use, close
operations in advance, people can to the area. The tools must be shar-
identify the activity where they pened, with sturdy handles. Make
feel they can be most useful. sure that seedlings to be planted
are well protected, in the shade
• WHEN (SEQUENCE OF OPERA- and moist when the area is to be
TIONS): Certain approaches to established. Seeds must be packa-
a task bring better results than ged to avoid moisture and not be
others, and with less work. Orga- exposed to heat before going into
nizing the tasks in the right order the ground. Cuttings and rhizomes
makes a big difference, to avoid must also be in a shaded, humid
redoing the same task and the place before being planted.
waste of time and resources, be-
sides making the process more 4.4.2 METHODS TO ESTABLISH AFS
enjoyable. For example, when
enriching a secondary growth The following techniques can be used
area with material from pruned to establish different combinations of
or coppiced trees, first plant the trees, grains, roots, vegetables and
species that will emerge from be- green-manure crops, depending on
low that material (such as tree se- what is affordable and in different bio-
eds, banana rhizomes or cassava physical contexts.
cuttings to be buried), to avoid
having to lift away the organic AGROFOREST GARDEN: VEGETABLE BEDS WITH
ground cover. When planting tree TREES
seedlings, as well as pineapples,
sisal and cuttings, do the coppi- Vegetable gardens can be a good place
cing first so they will not be dama- to grow trees, especially in degraded
ged by falling branches. It is all the areas, where the large volume of inputs


Sítio Semente, Brasília Photo: Andrew Miccolis

needed to grow vegetables (labor, fertil- nutrients through the biomass used
izer, water) creates very favorable con- to cover the beds and paths, thus en-
ditions for trees to grow as well. With abling the introduction of other desir-
this technique, locally-suitable native able trees into the system. This strate-
tree seedlings or seeds are planted in- gy is ideal for occupying pastures and
side the garden beds along with the other degraded areas with trees that
vegetables, preferably at the same time, would normally find it difficult to grow
although the trees may also be planted there, as long as inputs are available.
after the first cycle of vegetables. It is also recommended where there
is little labor and/or space available to
Most of the time, vegetables are grown plant vegetables and trees separately.
for a year or two until the native and The garden thus allows trees to grow
fruit trees grow enough to overshade which, once cut, return the nutrients
the beds. At this point, other herba- needed to grow vegetables again in
ceous crops tolerant to this amount the future. When planting vegeta-
of shade can be introduced, such as bles with seeds, always make sure
parsley, mint, arrowleaf elephant ear, that the mulch allows the seedlings to
turmeric, ginger or others. If you plan break through instead of stifling their
to return and reuse the same space growth. Whenever there is too much
for vegetables or grains in the future, biomass on the ground, move it away
the trees can be thinned, pruned or from the furrow or keep the layer of
coppiced at different heights, bring- coverage thin enough to let the new
ing more light into the systems and plantlets through.



These are made up of banana trees ria, first cut the grass at ground level
and seedlings or seeds of native and and set it aside. Then, with a sharp
exotic trees (of different species in spade, remove only the rhizome (the
the right proportion to the specific thicker, white part between the roots
context), as well as vegetables, cas- and the leaves) and separate them to
sava (in situations with limited ac- plant later.
cess to inputs), legumes and vines.
This technique involves the following 2. PREPARING THE HOLE: Once the
operations: area is clear, scrape away the vegeta-
tion on the surface (in a larger area
1. PREPARING THE AREA: In the space than will be used to dig the hole), and
to be opened for the island, remove dig out the topsoil layer with a hole
all the soil cover (living and dead). The digger or spade, separating it into a
removal must follow some criteria. separate pile on the uphill side of the
For example, if the area has brachia- hole. Since this topsoil is more fertile
and richer in organic mate-
Photo: Andrew Miccolis
rial, it is then used to fill the
hole back up along with fer-
tilizers, including manure,
rock dust, lime, etc. should
be mixed into the piles be-
fore filling the holes. The
pile with the bottom layer
of poorer soil should be
spread on the downhill part
of the hole to help channel
surface runoff and dew to
the seedling. The size of the
hole depends on the size of
the seedling’s clod of ear-
th. When placing the earth
around the clod, it is impor-
tant to press with your fin-
ger tips to remove any air
pockets that might block
the growth of the roots.


3. PLANTING TREE SEEDLINGS: We above the soil surface, such as citrus

recommend cutting the bottom of trees, while others go a little below,
the planting bag with a sharp mache- like palm trees. Finally, cover the
te to keep the tips of the roots, whi- soil with organic material to form a
ch might be entangled, from stran- concave basin or nest around the se-
gling over time. Measure the depth edling, for water to accumulate clo-
of the hole to align the root collar ser to the plant. Cover the area with
(the transition between the tree-s- branches in contact with the soil and
tem and the root-stem) with the sur- leaves on top of that layer. Be careful
rounding soil surface. Some species not to pile organic material up the
may be planted with the collar a little stem of the seedling.


4. PLANTING BANANA TREES: The keep them from regrowing and help
holes should be about 60-80 cm in nourish the banana seedling. When
diameter, dvepending on the size of planting the banana seedlings in the
the rhizome (sucker) and the quality same area as seed crops, the seedlin-
of the soil. Weaker soils should have gs must go in first to keep the digging
bigger and better fertilized holes. Af- from disturbing the seeds. Do not for-
ter planting the rhizomes, cover the get to mark the seedling and the hole
soil with organic matter (using bra- with a stake, to make them easier to
chiaria hey, if it was previously remo- find. The dug-up soil is also a good
ved from this area), shaped like a nest opportunity to plant seeds for other
(see illustration). The grass rhizomes tree, vegetable and/or green manure
set aside earlier can then be used in plants. Finally, cover the soil in a con-
the bottom of the banana holes, to cave shape.


Bananas can be planted from tissue culture in tubes or bags, like tree
seedlings but placed a little below the soil surface level, or else using
suckers cut from the banana tree’s rhizome, or corm. In the latter case,
one can use the suckers or bits from the corm, but always clean the corm
carefully, cutting away all the old roots and looking out for holes opened
by beetle-larvae borers. Then, when planting suckers, cut off the head
and plant the rhizome, with the side cut from the mother plant turned
upwards. If the mother plant has a large corm with several eyes, it can
be chopped into pieces, with at least one eye in each piece. The pieces
should be turned downwards when planted.

Photo: Fabiana Peneireiro.


Banana plants in an agroforest in

the Altiplano Village, Brasília.



TREES: If they are to be used to
grow trees, the cuttings should be
planted at a slant, so that when
the cassava is harvested it will not
yank the tree out of the ground.
The cutting, about 20 cm long and
with at least 3 or 4 buds, should
be planted with the bottom tip
downwards, at a 45º angle. Cut a
few slits with a machete to stimu-
late root growth (see illustration),
and make sure the buds are poin-
ting upwards.

The trees seeds should be sown

just in front of and below the cut-
ting tips


6. PLANTING MAIZE WITH TREES: tree seeds are laid on the surface
Where labor or material for tree see- and covered with a little fertilized
dlings is in short supply, trees can be soil. In addition to protecting the
planted with seeds in the same hole tree plantlets, the corn and vegeta-
as corn. First weed the area, dig the bles make it easier to find and ma-
seed hole, fertilize with manure or nage the trees afterwards. Include
compost and then plant two maize pigeon pea seeds in the mixture so
seeds at a depth of 5 cm along with that, after the maize and vegetable
a more rustic vegetable (gherkins, harvest, the pigeon peas will conti-
okra, squash or cucumbers). The nue to protect the small trees.

Photo: Andrew Miccolis


7. PREPARING BEDS, PATCHES OR re, bean or sweet potato seeds, de-

ISLANDS: This operation uses the pending on the plan. A bed is a long
same logic as in the cases described strip to be planted. Patches are round
above. Clear the terrain, separating and smaller than the beds. A tree see-
the organic matter, plant the tree se- dling or a few seedlings are generally
edlings (if this is the plan) and soften planted in the middle of a patch, or
the bed or patch soil mixing in the else a banana sucker, with or without
fertilizer. Cover the bed with organic a tree seedling, and around them we
matter, plant seedlings and vegeta- plant cassava, tree or herbaceous se-
bles (if this is the plan) and plant se- eds (vegetables, maize, beans or pi-
eds in small grooves (for green vege- geon peas, depending on the plan).
tables) or with the machete tip (for Islands can be even smaller than the
tree, maize and other seeds). If there patches, with a tree or a banana plant
is little organic material available, fill in the middle and herbaceous plants
the bed with vegetable, green manu- around it.

Photo: Andrew Miccolis


Tree seeds can be planted in the
ground using a mixture (with sev-
eral kinds of seeds, with or without
soil and/or manure to gain volume)
spread over prepared soil or with
the help of the tip of a machete or
any other planting implement.

The species to be sown should be

suitable to the local context (see Photo: Andrew Miccolis
Section 4.2). Large seeds, such as
mangoes, avocados, baru or tin-
gui, are sown separately from the
mixture. Tree seeds can be planted
densely, to be thinned later keep-
ing the healthiest plants, with the
diversity and spacing desired for
the system. Seeds with dormancy
must be “woken up” before plant-
ing (as described above). Seed
depth depends on the seed size.
Larger seeds can be sown deep-
er. Maize, for example, should be
sown 5 cm deep, to keep the stem
from tipping over.


“We don’t use seedlings much; it’s more just seeds. We toss the
seeds by hand, and only the most sensitive seeds are planted next
to the pineapple, where we know they’ll be protected when peo-
ple walk around and might stomp on them. So wherever there is a
pineapple growing, you know there’s a seed to avoid stepping on
or weeding away.” After harvesting the maize, squash and cassava
plants, “the work gets lighter after two years, but you still have to
weed and mulch the seedlings.”

Valdo da Silva, farmer. Porto Alegre do Norte, Mato Grosso State.

Source: Agricultores que cultivam árvores no Cerrado.140

As a rule of thumb, the seeding beans, for example. Others, how-

depth is twice the size of the seed. ever, are inhibited by a think layer
Some seeds will germinate with a of mulch, like vegetables and other
layer of organic matter on top, like small seeds.

For more information on direct seeding, see Guia de Restauração

do Cerrado, Volume 1. Semeadura direta de sementes.101

Photo: Andrew Miccolis


TO PLANT CUTTINGS: This is a useful,

inexpensive and efficient technique to
establish an AFS, since cuttings sprout
quickly to establish individual shru-
bs or trees in the area. Long cuttings
work better in areas with grass, since cutting will not split when shoved into
they sprout higher than the grass and the ground.
are not stifled. Another advantage
is that birds can perch on them, and When the cutting is to be stuck into
deposit seeds from other trees to po- the ground, sharpen the tip like a
pulate the area. Moreover, they are pencil, to make it easier to penetrate
abundant and easy to replicate. With without harming its bark, also en-
well-prepared cuttings, it takes little hancing its chances of taking root.
work to cover large areas. To prepare a Make sure the cutting is inserted in
good cutting, use a sharp machete and the right direction, like it was in its
make a diagonal cut from the bottom mother plant (bottom down, buds
upwards, to avoid splitting the plant up). Plant diagonally, with at least
from which it is being taken. Before about 1/3 of its length underground,
planting, make a downward cut in the tightly placed (not loose in the soil),
tip from which the roots are to grow to help it successfully “take”. Some ex-
(normally the thicker end, which was amples of species that take well by cut-
attached to the original plant), so the ting are yellow mombin, mulberries,


seriguela, umbu, cajá-manga, hibiscus, especially for Mexican sunflowers).

Gliricidia, Mexican sunflower, Argen- Important species in the natural re-
tine cedar, sabiá and other species. generation should be identified to
ensure they are not cut inadvertently
The cutting technique can be used during clearing.
alongside trees planted with seed-
lings and/or seeds. Selective weeding means pulling out
or cutting herbaceous or grassy plants
4.5 MANAGEMENT: HOW TO DO IT? that grow near seedlings, in a selec-
tive manner to leave other plants in
4.5.1 MANAGEMENT TECHNIQUES the area. The plants can be pulled by
hand or cut with a machete or shears.
The main techniques used in AFS are: This is delicate work and demands
(i) clearing, (ii) selective weeding, (iii) close observation of and knowledge
thinning and (iv) pruning/coppicing/ about the plants, many of them spon-
pollarding. taneous. Removing or cutting back ag-
ing herbaceous plants can accelerate
Clearing involves cutting green ma- succession and enhance the develop-
nure plants like grasses and Mexican ment of trees.
sunflowers. It can be done manually
or with machinery. With machinery, It is important to decide whether it is
this generally involves a trimmer or necessary to manage creeping plants
a chainsaw, and manually people use that hold back the development
machetes, scythes, saws, pruning scis- of desired crops and native trees.
sors or even axes (these latter three “Weeds” are often treated like villains


in conventional restoration, but grass When you want to establish new

in an agroforest may help supply large crops in areas covered with grass, it
volumes of biomass during the initial should be uprooted, shaken, turned
stages of succession, as long as it is upside down and piled on the pruned
well managed. material, to avoid rooting again and

regrowing in the crop area. Where Thinning is generally performed when

grass is a strategic provider of bio- the canopies of trees in the same sto-
mass, it should be cleared periodi- ry start to overlap, causing competi-
cally and laid out in planted areas as tion for sunlight.
soil cover.
All plantations need periodical care
Thinning is done in areas that have to maintain the yields and health of
been planted densely. The plants are the overall system (plants, soil, ani-
selected to leave only the strongest mals and water). In agroforests, prun-
and healthiest individuals, and the ing plays an important role for yields
weaker ones are cut at ground level. and for ecological functions key to

Photo: Henrique Marques

conservation. First of all, more sun-

light means more plant growth in the
different layers. The pruned material
also provides nutrients and enhances
soil structure, improving its fertility
and quality, along with the system’s
capacity to adapt to extreme climate
events like droughts and torrential
rain. It is also important for the en-
richment of secondary growth for-
ests, through the introduction of oth-
er species not yet present in the area,
using seeds or seedlings, as plantlets
are allowed to flourish on the for-
est floor. Periodic pruning in the AFS
thus intensifies and enhances nat-
urally-occurring renewal processes
caused by the wind, lightning, floods
and the intervention of other species
(ants, termites, beetles, etc.). We can
accelerate some of these processes
while respecting each plant’s cycle
and layer and observing the moment which stay longer in the AFS. By ob-
in ecological succession of the system serving their interactions, we differ-
as a whole. entiate plants that overshade others,
species that do not have the right size
4.5.2 PRUNING MANAGEMENT CONSIDERATIONS or structure and plants that compete
for sunlight and nutrients. It is import-
Different plants have different func- ant to observe and take note of which
tions based on their structure and factors are holding back a system’s
other features, at different stages of performance (inadequate fertilization,
an agroforest’s development. In the soil correction, water stress, excessive
early stages of restoration in degrad- pruning or the wrong shading, insuffi-
ed areas, hearty colonizing plants are cient organic soil cover, etc.). A good
important to recover the soil’s fertility analysis of those factors, based on
and structure. Fast-growing pioneer frequent observations throughout the
plants are important for initial shad- year, will enable better management
ing and the survival of future species, of pruning operations.


Certain species, like cupuaçu, cocoa and coffee enjoy a certain
amount of shade. In one experience, planting pigeon peas with
trumpet trees (ipe, androanthus sp.), after two years the pigeon
peas died and the trumpet trees didn’t have enough time to grow
and shade the cupuaçu. “Here we plant in the shade, like little hous-
es. So it won’t die at that time, with three palm leaves over it like a
cabin, for plants that need shade not to be killed by direct sunlight.
The shade tree is this one, the trumpet tree. The pigeon peas were
shading the cupuaçu, but the pigeon peas died and that’s why we’re
planting achiote, whose function is also to provide organic fertilizer
and seeds to sell to the Seed Network.” In this system, pigeon peas
are essential, providing shade, fertilizing and loosening the soil. Its
life cycle is two to three years, after which it is replanted or replaced
with another, like achiote, that survives longer.

Luiz Pereira Cirqueira – Dom Pedro Settlement, São Félix do Ara-

guaia, Mato Grosso State. Source: Agricultores que cultivam árvores
no Cerrado.140

In dynamic and productive systems, factors and the system’s objectives.

pruning may be done frequently, but Once the system has well developed
there is no pat rule for all situations, trees and shrubs, pruning can focus on
since pruning must be managed to their upper segments. The tools can
be timely, in line with environmental be chainsaws or pruning saws, or even
Photo: Andrew Miccolis shears or a sharp machete (for
people skilled in its use). The
pruned material should be cut
up or shredded. Placing the
woody branches on the ground
with the leaves and twigs on
top accelerates their decom-
position and provides good soil
cover, and also makes better
use of the organic material’s
nutrients and moisture.


“When I moved here, there were cashew trees, and I started includ-
ing other fruit trees and managing the existing trees. There was al-
ready a good diversity of native plants and I have tried to manage
them for different purposes. In addition to feeding the animals, they
provide timber.”

The trees that regenerate naturally in the area are managed by

pruning, but they are also selected, and some are removed. Quince
trees proliferate a lot, and they’re always being cut down, mostly
for firewood. Others, like the rabuja (Machaerium acutifolium) and
mororó (Bauhinia cheilantha), are good for timber and produce a
lot of organic material or fodder, so they are kept.

Antônio José Morais – Fazenda Flor de Jasmin, Juá dos Vieiras

Community, Viçosa do Ceará, Ceará.

Each species in an agroforest has dis- 4.5.3 TIPS ON MANAGEMENT PRACTICES FOR
tinct characteristics and functions, PRUNING
which farmers should understand in
advance in order to intervene at the • Pruning during the moon’s wax-
right time, in the right way. Pruning ing and full phases is not rec-
must respect the seasons and be done ommended because the moon
in ways that do not threaten each spe- affects plants, and their sap
cies’ functions. (their “blood”) is more present in
their stems, branches and leaves
during those phases. Pruning at
Don’t be afraid to experi- those times weakens the plant,
ment. See what happens and whereas pruning during waning
learn with experience, since moon increases new root growth,
you don’t always get the best before the regrowth of the aerial
way to prune a plant right the part of the plant.
first time.


• Consider the plant as a whole, they are more tolerant to pruning.

both in terms of its architecture If the objective is to promote re-
(form) and the purpose of pruning growth, early in the rainy season
(production, renovation, forma- is the best time.
tion, cleaning, topping, etc.)
• Some plants that bear fruit from
• Be aware of when each species the middle to the end of the rainy
flowers and bears fruit every year. season, like mangos, biribá and
These are generally not favorable yellow mombin, for example, can
times for pruning. also be pruned after bearing their
fruit, since they will enter a dor-
• The preferred season for pruning mant period until the beginning
is late in the dry season or during of the next rainy season. This kind
the first rains, when the plants’ of pruning is also suitable to favor
sap is generally less active, and the planting of annual crops or

Figure 10 – The moon’s influence on sap dynamics in plants


Figure 11 – Organizing pruned material on the ground

other plants that demand sunlight and always use safety equipment.
and nutrients a few months lat-
er, during the next rainy season, • Use appropriate tools and equip-
when the finer organic matter will ment (shears, saws, billhooks, ma-
have decomposed. chetes, chainsaws, gloves, ropes
and others), for your own safety
• Do the pruning step by step, first and to avoid harming the plant.
removing lighter branches, and
moving from the extremities to • Verify whether all the woody ma-
the center of the plant. terial that was pruned is well or-
ganized and laid directly on the
• Intense pruning in taller trees ground, to favor its decomposi-
(pollarding) demands great- tion and the micro-biota in the
er knowledge and caution. Use soil, as well as making it easier to
ropes to secure heavy branches, walk in the area afterwards.


4.5.4 WAYS TO PRUNE next begin to demand nutrients and

sunlight. Suitable management of
There are different types of pruning. organic matter (with crowning and
One is formative pruning, highly rec- windrowing, for example) is import-
ommended for fruit trees, on which ant to concentrate nutrients and to
we want broad canopies with horizon- keep the ground moist for more de-
tal branches, to favor fruit bearing and manding species that are important
facilitate the harvest. For trees mostly to farmers and to the entire system.
intended to produce lumber, pruning
removes lateral branches to lengthen FORMATIVE AND STRATIFYING PRU-
the straight trunk. Pruning can also NING – Lateral and lower branches
stratify a tree to adjust the position are pruned to structure the crown
of canopies of different species in re- into the most suitable form for the
lation to each other, as well as prun- system, to guide the trunk’s growth
ing for fertilizer and biomass, when and give form to the canopy. They
we want the tree to regrow vigorous- can also help synchronize the system,
ly with many leafy branches, at the when the intention is to plant crops
same time when the species coming under the pruned trees.

Photo: Andrew Miccolis


Figure 12: Formative and stratifying pruning

CLEANING – This is a simple kind of pruning, to remove dried and dying parts of
the tree, yellow leaves and diseased branches, in order to rejuvenate the indivi-
dual and eliminate entry points for disease.

Figure 13 – Orientation for a cleansing pruning. 117


PRUNING FOR PRODUCTION OR duce a large volume of biomass, with

FRUIT-BEARING – This type of pru- several types of pruning (pollarding to
ning is generally done on fruit trees, to lower the crown, cleaning, stratifica-
increase yields, usually after the fruit tion, etc.) with the purpose of incre-
is ripe or at post-harvest. The purpo- asing the amount of organic matter
se is to remove secondary branches in the soil, let more direct sunlight
that “drain” sap from the main trunk in, promote the rapid recycling of nu-
in order to reduce the number of frui- trients and enhance soil fertility. Of-
t-bearing branches and channel the ten it is done to open room for other
sap’s energy to those that will produ- light- and nutrient-demanding species
ce more and better fruit. It also helps to flourish, including cassava, maize,
free up branches that rub against, squash and other annual and short-
pressure or overlap each other. -cycle species, or else to allow future
species like timber and fruit trees to
PRUNING FOR RENEWAL AND REGE- emerge from the understory and oc-
NERATION – This involves more inten- cupy higher layers in lieu of the initial
se work on the whole system, to pro- pioneer species. This kind of pruning

Figure 14 – Pruning for renewal and regeneration


can synchronize the system and acce- sizes and shapes that allow it to be
lerate its overall development. in direct contact with the ground, be-
fore being covered with leaves and
When pruning for renewal or regen- twigs. When planting around estab-
eration is required to enrich the sys- lished trees, pruning must help syn-
tem, the first step is to plant the new chronize their development with that
species before pruning then organize of the new plants, in addition to pro-
the pruned material to cover the soil viding organic matter for soil cover.
in the planted area. When organizing Plants growing under pruned trees
this material, it is important to cut are more vigorous than those under
the wood (trunks and branches) in unpruned adults.

Tall trees help nurse medium-sized trees by depositing a lot of mate-
rial on the ground. The pacara earpod tree is a good example of this
relationship. The pajeú (Triplaris weigeltiana (Rchb.) Kuntze) produc-
es a lot of residue. I also grow black olives and I like assa peixe a lot.
I like the pacara earpod because it decomposes fast – you shred it,
cover the soil, it disappears, and the trunk very soon sprouts again.
Gliricídia is another one we use to cover the soil.

The maize, beans and fava fields are always managed to be kept
clear to cultivate every year. We protect the soil with species that are
cut and shred. “I take the maize, but I leave the cobs and return the
straw.” Coconut husks from the coconut plantation down the hill are
also brought in to cover the ground. Gliricídia is planted all over, with
no specific spacing, and is constantly pruned for soil cover, especially
on the weaker soil. Gliricídia biomass is the main source of fertilizer
for the field. We keep the sabiá well pruned, but it doesn’t produce
much residue. It is mostly used as wood for posts and chips. We plant
the gliricídia, but the sabiá often emerges spontaneously.

Ernaldo Expedito de Sá, farmer – Tianguá, Ibiapaba Mountain Range

Protected Area, Ceará.



To choose the best species and right time for management, the following ques-
tions provide helpful guidelines at different stages in the development of agro-
forestry sys�ems:

• Are some species competing for the same space, or else stifling and
inhibiting the development of others?
• Is there enough formation and maintenance of dry, green matter to
cover the soil, or at least to mulch around the seedlings?
• Are there undesirable species in the area and are they being duly con-
trolled, with selective weeding, pruning or thinning?
• Do species need formative pruning to produce biomass or to strength-
en their own structure and produce wood?
• Do species need pruning to enhance fruit production?
• Is there any impact from external factors, for example on the edges of
the agroforestry system? Is any intervention needed to control such
• Are any animals, insects or diseases harming the plants? Where, and
what are the possible causes?
• Is there enough plant diversity and volume to achieve the system’s
original objectives (for example, restoration or production)?
• Considering local conditions, are the planted species healthy and are
they developing within their life expectancy?

In situations where the PPA is recov- • Focused on enriching secondary

ering native vegetation (secondary growth (areas with vegetation be-
growth) to avoid distorting the native ing recovered) to increase biodi-
plant cover or sacrificing the area’s versity and cultivate short-term
ecological function, in compliance food crops at the same time, and
with current legislation, it is important
to distinguish between two types of • Focused on maintaining the entire
management: system’s productivity and

• ecological functions, along with succession and helps maintain a sys-
medium- to long-term social in- tem’s ecological functions. Manage-
terests. In this situation, we do ment of these areas must ultimately
not recommend interventions prioritize gains in biological diversity
that involve clear cutting or slash- and the maintenance of environmen-
and-burn. tal functions, such as: production of
biomass for soil cover and erosion
Periodic pruning should certainly be control, nutrient cycling, production
allowed, as long as the trees’ cano- of fruit for the fauna to consume,
pies are recovered once they sprout ecological corridors and infiltration of
back, and the vegetation’s natural rainwater, among others.
successional dynamic and structure
are maintained. In practical terms, In situations with limited presence of
this means keeping individuals and native plant species and little regen-
species occupying different stories eration, where ecological resilience
over time. It also makes sense to sup- is low and the soil is degraded, some
press some senescent or declining in- key species can be decisive to recover
dividuals (in their final stages of life, soils and create the conditions need-
with an aging crown and a hollow ed to favor the introduction of other
or insect-infested trunk) or whose species in the future, including native
population has become too dense. species. Those species are described
This kind of intervention promotes in Section 5.4

Photo: Andrew Miccolis


Scaling up adoption is one of the flexible enough to adjust to similar sit-

greatest barriers to the success of AFS. uations with different features, if they
It depends on developing technologi- are to be adopted on a larger scale.
cal options adaptable to specific con-
texts with solutions that fit farmers’ 5.1 AFS IN THE CERRADO AND THE CAATINGA:
objectives and their resource limita- LEARNING FROM ACTUAL EXPERIENCES
tions, as well as local environmental
conditions. The options must also be While there are few studies on ecolog-
Photo: Andrew Miccolis
ical restoration with AFS in the Caatin-
ga and the Cerrado regions, some do
provide options and arrangements for
AFS in different contexts within these
biomes. In Ceará’s semi-arid region,
some studies recommend the use of
silvopastoral systems to maintain soil
quality and food production. In these
systems, animals play a key role as
they interact with trees, shrubs and
herbaceous plants, mostly in pas-
tures, and which provide forage for
trough feeding.97, 58 Agrosilvopasto-
ral systems are also recommended
in these contexts for the interaction
they promote among animal, agricul-
tural and forest components in their
composition. Such combinations may
be temporary, in rotation or in guilds.

In some of these systems, forage is

produced and supplied for the ani-
mals kept separately (on pastures or
confined). In others, the animals are


Photo: Andrew Miccolis

set loose to forage in areas where

crops have been introduced, followed
by timber and/or fruit trees. The Crop
Livestock Forest Integration (ILPF)
approach, promoted by Embrapa,
generally involves a tree species such
as eucalyptus (Eucalyptus spp.), teak
(Tectona grandis), African mahoga-
ny (Khaya senegalensis) or others,
planted in widely spaced rows (usual-
ly around 25m) with grain, grass and
cattle in the middle.58

Agroforestry homegardens are fre-

quently found on small farms. Highly
productive, these systems produce
a wide diversity of fruit, honey, veg-
etable and medicinal species, often
together with small animals (chick- those with xylopods to store plant
ens, pigs).24, 37, 2 The basic objective of nutrients during dry seasons.7 Those
these systems, located near homes, systems are also used in the Cerrado,
is to contribute to a family’s food se- such as the AFS focused on gueroba
curity and sovereignty, to their health (Syagrus oleraceae), mahogany (Swi-
and wellbeing. Women often play key etenia macrophylla) and neem (Aza-
roles in maintaining and managing dirachta indica).11
agroforestry homegardens.46
Successional (or regenerative) bio-
Agrosilvocultural systems consist diverse agroforests are a more ad-
of intercropping tree and agricul- vanced approach in terms of structure
tural crops. In the Caatinga, some and function as compared to other
studies found a predominance of AFS mentioned here. They demand
drought-resistant crops, especially more intense management with


selective weeding and pruning, as the to specificities in each context. Some

successional process progresses. The options may be more suitable for
successional agroforest concept was PPAs and others for LRs, but all of
developed by the farmer-researcher them can also be adopted in produc-
Ernst Götsch and has provided prom- tion areas outside these protected
ising experiences 44, 48, 79, 86 in Brazil’s areas in order to reconcile produc-
Cerrado, Caatinga, Atlantic Forest and tion with environmental objectives.
Amazon regions, among others. While certain options are recom-
mended for a given biome, they can
Different contexts, therefore, require be adopted in others as well, as long
different intervention strategies, de- as the species and management prac-
pending on access to inputs and the tices ate suitable to that biome. We
stage of succession observed in each present some of the most common
area. contexts and possibilities for inter-
vention without, of course, exhaust-
5.2 AFS OPTIONS FOR DIFFERENT CONTEXTS ing all possible solutions. Flexibility
is thus fundamental, along with a
In this section we have organized critical eye and creativity when com-
some of these AFS strategies as tech- bining these options with the tech-
nological options whose general niques and management approaches
structures are associated with spe- presented above, as well as others
cific techniques (detailed above in which may have been successful in
Sections 4.5 and 4.6), to be adapted local practice.



This option is based on the AFS established by Juã Pereira, at the
Sítio Semente in the Núcleo Rural Lago Oeste in Brasília. He and Ca-
rolina Guyot systematized this experience, inspired by the teaching
and guidance of Ernst Götsch.

Context: Degraded soil, little regener- (regenerative capacity) and stage of

ation, predominance of exotic grasses natural succession, i.e. degraded soils,
like gamba grass and brachiaria; well- conditions are favorable for the imple-
drained soil, LR or production areas, mentation of complex systems, with a
Cerrado biome, ample labor supply, high volume of outside inputs.
easy market access. In this context,
whatever the ecological resilience Main objective: Commercial production.

Photo: Fabiana Peneireiro

Successional beds with annual crops and vegetables intercropped with

rows of fertilizer and native species. Location: Sítio Semente, Brasília, DF


Secondary objectives: Food security along with vegetables, and the oth-
and restoration of plant cover. er three containing exclusively inter-
crops of vegetables and annual crops.
Overview: In these conditions it is The plots are repeated sequentially
possible to produce vegetables, grain, throughout the area, allowing for dif-
roots and fruit in the first years, to ferent species to be planted in each.
rapidly pay back investments in es- Short-cycle species create conditions
tablishing the future trees (which will for future native and fruit trees,
last the longest in the AFS), as well as which are either transplanted or
to accelerate the restoration process, planted by seed during the first three
while generating income in the short years. After three or four years, veg-
and medium term. etables dependent on sunlight are
withdrawn, while the emerging trees
System design components: This AFS and shrubs remain. In the beds with
features a repetitive pattern of 5x40 only vegetables and annual crops,
meter strips, each with four beds, smaller trees or shrubs such as coffee
one with a row of trees and fruit are introduced.

Photo: Andrew Miccolis

Sítio Semente, Brasília/DF.


Bananas, coffee, citrus and eucalyptus depend on the time of year, local mar-
trees planted in rows along with na- kets and – above all – the farmer’s in-
tive with native and other fruit trees terest. There is always a root crop un-
are the basis of the system. Seeds of derlying the guild (e.g. cassava, taro or
fruit and timber trees are planted sweet potato), accompanied by three
near the eucalyptus trees (e.g. stink- or four vegetable crops (e.g. rocket/
ingtoe, copaíba, Argentine cedar, xixá, Eruca sativa, lettuce, kale, maize,
cashew, mahogany, mango, jackfruit, broccoli, cauliflower, tomatoes, etc.).
chinaberry/Melia azedarach). Banan- Cassava and corn are spaced 1 m
as are planted in these rows every 3 apart, and lettuce and kale planted
m, and eucalyptus and cofee every 1.5 every 0.5 m. Rocket on the edge of
m, and various other fruit species ev- the bed is spaced at 0.25 m, and in the
ery 3-6 m. middle of the bed at 0.5 m.

Between the rows of native and fruit Three months after a plot is set up
trees the three beds are used to inter- the vegetables (rocket, kale, lettuce)
crop annual crops, whose choice will are harvested. The maize is harvested

Photo: Andrew Miccolis

Sítio Semente, Brasília/DF.


after four months and the cassava af- mostly from biomass produced by
ter ten months. Then the planting cy- pruning the eucalyptus and bananas.
cle is repeated. This allows for three Soil analysis is important to gauge the
to six intercrops to be harvested from dose of fertilizers.
the three rows in the middle of the
strip, depending on the size of the Management: This system’s manage-
root crop (e.g., taro is harvested six ment rests on the concentration of
months after planting), before the na- biomass, particularly from pruning
tive and fruit trees begin to shade the the trees and bananas, whose mate-
middle beds. rial is cut up or shredded and spread
over the soil on both the beds and the
Criteria for species selection: paths in between them.
high-yielding species and varieties,
with high economic value and other At the beginning, when the system is
conservation-related advantages, and still not producing enough biomass
species with a high potential for bio- for this coverage, the farmer must
mass production. bring in material from outside the
system. One may use the grass ini-
Key species: Eucalyptus, chinaberry, tially mowed from the same area to
bananas, coffee, citrus, native and cover the ground, if there is no out-
other fruit trees (e.g. native or exot- side source. Once the eucalyptus and
ic, such as lychee, Brazilian grapetree, bananas can be pruned, there is less
Surinam cherry, etc.) need for off-farm material to cover the
soil. Pruning the trees and fruit trees
Implementation: The soil can be pre- at least twice a year is essential for
pared with a tiller to raise the beds and the system’s success. If the eucalyptus
mix in the fertilizer, or manually. Given cannot be pruned that often, the sys-
the low soil fertility on this farm, the tem can be adapted by increasing the
first fertilization was done with 500 spacing between the eucalyptus and
grams/m² of rock dust, 10 liters/m² commercial fruit trees and relying on
of composted chicken manure, 500 other biomass sources for soil cover.
grams/m² of ash and 300 grams/m² of Decisions on pruning depend mostly
bone meal (over the bed). When re- on what the family needs at the time.
planting the same bed, the same fer- If it needs more sunlight for the gar-
tilizers were repeated, except for the den, it is time to prune. When the
rock powder. Over time, though, the farmer decides to re-build the whole
volume will tend to be reduced since system, all the plant cover in the area
the system will start feeding itself, must be cut down, or at least 80% of


it, to ensure enough sunlight for the wood that will optimize and feed back
garden to flourish again. At this point, into the system).
the soil is in much better shape than
at the beginning since the species Beginning in the system’s third year,
have been enriching it over time. once the transplanted or native and
exotic species planted by seed have
Weeding, in this system, must be selec- established themselves in the area,
tive and done manually every three or native plant species spread by dispers-
four months, depending on the state ers, like copaiba, cecropia (Cecropia
of the system, which must be slashed pachystachya), pimenta de macaco
around the edges and firebreaks (Xylopia aromatica), landim (Calophyl-
cleared to protect against forest fires. lum brasiliense Cambess.) and sever-
al others will sprout throughout the
This system is managed using equip- area. If this dynamic is allowed to con-
ment such as backpack brush cutters tinue, in the future many other species
(to clear the edges and open fire- will be present as well. To that end,
breaks), chainsaws (for pruning and the management approach must facil-
cutting wood) and shredders (to shred itate the establishment of native trees

LAYOUT FOR OPTION 1: Successional agroforest First

for the Cerrado with intensive management planting











2 to 3 years

7 to 10 years


brought in by dispersers. In practice, continue to be pruned for a few years

this may involve some selective thin- to maintain the production of the rows
ning of regenerating native species. of fruit trees. Slower-growing native
trees are left alone until one crown
Long-term management/system con- touches the next, when they can either
figuration: Open canopy and biomass be allowed to close the canopy or be
accumulation during the first five years managed for the production of com-
of intensive management. Depending mercial species in the middle and lower
on the situation, fertilizer trees may strata. In a production area or LR, once


2 to 3 years

7 to 10 years


the trees have grown (in about five to

ten years), the system can be renewed
with some drastic pruning and relaun-
ching a production cycle with annual
crops, until the canopy closes in again.

This system is highly recommended

both for LRs and for production-orien-
ted areas.



One example of this option is an AFS established by Marcelino Bar-
berato, at the Sítio Geranium in Taguatinga, Brasília. His experience
was inspired by the teaching and guidance of Ernst Götsch.

Context: Medium to highly fertile soil; System design components: The rows
low regeneration; predominance of of trees are spaced 5 m from each
exotic grasses like brachiaria, guinea other, with 1.5 m between plants in
grass and Napier grass (elephant grass); the row (planted both by seedlings
good to medium drainage; riparian PPA; and seeds), later selected according
Cerrado biome; low to medium availa- to their development and farmer
bility of labor; easy market access. choices. Ornamental, medicinal and
food species are planted between the
Main objective: Market production. rows of trees and can be arranged in
single-species rows to facilitate ma-
Secondary objectives: food security nagement and plant growth. If torch
and restoration. flowers (Etlingera elatior) are planted
between the rows of trees, their rhi-
Overview: Restoration of the riparian zomes should be planted in double
PPA, with flower, food and medicinal rows with 2 m between them and 1.5
plant production. No agrochemicals m between plants in the row. If the
(pesticides or chemical fertilizers) or choice is heliconia (Heliconia rostra-
heavy machinery should be used in ta), their rhizomes can be planted in
these areas. A row of fruit, wood and triple rows at 1.5 x 1.5 m, with the
biomass trees (as well as bananas), same spacing for jaborandi (Pilocar-
followed by rows of ornamental plan- pus). Food and medicinal crops can
ts, food crops and medicinal herbs. be planted in between the rows of
Many of these species also play an trees, including taro, turmeric, gin-
important role in occupying the lower ger and cardamom, with around 60-
stories, maintaining a microclimate 80 cm between plants. These species
and replacing the grass as a major can also be planted in the 1.5-meter
contribution to preventing forest fires. spaces between the trees in the row,
They can also be a complementary in- with two rhizomes of taro, turme-
come source for the family farmer. ric or ginger planted between every


two trees. Maize can also be planted Key species for crops and other eco-
during the initial phase, covering the nomic purposes: Ornamentals: heli-
total area with a spacing of 1 m x 0.5 conia, torch ginger; food, cooking
m (three seeds per hole, 5 cm deep). and medicinal crops: maize, cassa-
All these understory crops, except for va, hearty greens (in the first years),
taro and turmeric, should be intro- ginger, turmeric, taro, arrowroot,
duced in the second year, when the cardamom, arrowleaf elephant ear
trees and bananas start providing and jaborandi.
some shade. First-year crops include
maize, cassava, squash and hearty Key species of trees: The row of trees
greens (bur cucumber/ Cucumis an- should include multi-purpose spe-
guria, mustard, okra, parsley). cies, particularly for environmental
services. For the main objective of
Species selection criteria: Species se- producing biomass from pruning, the
lected for the ground level should be recommendation is ice-cream bean
adapted to shaded conditions after and other riparian ingás, achiote, ca-
the first years and should require less pororoca, sangra d´água, pau pom-
intensive and frequent management. bo, tapiá and pimenta de macaco. To

Photo: Marcelino Barberato

Agroforest with ornamental and food species.

location: Sítio Geranium, Samambaia-DF.


build up the forest and enrich native ted with seedlings, depending on the
biodiversity, use pinha do brejo, lan- availability of material and labor, and
dim, pink trumpet, stinkingtoe, go- with seeds, interspersed with bana-
meira, mirindiba, copaíba, puçá, ba- nas. The seeds are planted in the same
cupari da mata and jenipapo. For fruit hole as the maize and hearty greens,
production recommended species or else with cassava as explained in
are banana, mango, jackfruit, avo- section 4.4.2. Fertilize with manure
cado, yellow mombin, buriti, juçara, or compost in the holes where trees,
jabuticaba and lychee. bananas, rhizomes, maize and greens
will be planted. The grass biomass is
Implementation: In areas with preva- placed near the planted rows, spread
lence of grass in large clumps, first cut over all the soil. Between the rows of
and separate out the biomass, dig out trees, the ornamental, food or medici-
the clumps with roots. The roots can nal species are planted with rhizomes
be buried beneath the banana holes. at the recommended spacing.
Otherwise, shake off the dirt and lay
them out to dry in the sun. If the grass Management: Selective weeding and
is not very tall, it can simply be wee- periodic pruning. After harvesting the
ded out. The rows of trees are plan- maize, the maize stalks should be cut

Biodiverse agroforest
for restoring Permanent
Preservation Area









2 to 3 years

7 to 10 years

20 years



Photo: Marcelino Barberato

and spread to cover the soil. Clumps Long-term management/system con-

from the tropical flowers and bana- figuration: Forest with a closed ca-
nas are periodically pruned when the nopy after about seven to ten years,
flowers and fruit are picked, and their even using selective pruning. Mana-
biomass cut up and spread on the soil. gement should enhance the estab-
Half to two thirds of the medicinal lishment of natural regeneration, with
and food crops are harvested and the room for native tree saplings to allow
rest of the rhizomes are left in the soil the progress of ecological succession.
to resprout. Biomass-producing trees
are periodically pruned to cover the Observations: Exotic species can and
soil with organic matter, organized to must be selectively pruned and thin-
allow people to walk easily through ned in the first years, in order to se-
the area (branches in contact with lect individuals good at producing
the soil, covered by leaves). Trees fruit and others for biomass, which
with other functions should be ma- will leave the system in the medium
naged with thinning, formative and to long term. Exotic species should
stratification pruning operations (see not occupy over 50% of the area to
section 4.5.4), as needed to achieve comply with Brazilian legislation for
their objectives. permanent preservation areas.




Context: Medium soil fertility; high se should be no more than 6 m wide

regeneration; predominance of shru- (to facilitate mechanization), and the
bs and small plants with some trees; native vegetation strips should be
good drainage; LR; Cerrado; variable wider (at least 15 m). Farmers with
(medium or low) availability of labor; an easily available labor pool can in-
variable access to inputs (high, me- tercrop different combinations in the
dium or low); market access. crop strip including fertilizer and fruit
trees such as bananas and palm trees.
Main objective: Production for In this case, with the introduction of
market, consumption. perennials in the crop strips (including
native species), they can be widened
Secondary objectives: Enrichment of to as much as 18 m, with the native-
areas with native vegetation in natural -vegetation strips at least that wide,
regeneration. or wider. The width of the crop strips
should never be more than that of the
Overview: In highly resilient areas, native strips, i.e. never more than 50%
i.e. with a high number of regenera- of the total area to comply with Bra-
ting plant species, agricultural crops zilian norms for legal reserves. In the
can be introduced in strips intersper- natural regeneration strips, fertility
sed with native vegetation. The choice islands with seedlings of native trees
of crops should prioritize species that can be planted to enrich the soil (see
the farmer wants to plant in that con- Section 4.4.2).
text. Food species may include sweet
potatoes, cassava, banana, taro and Criteria for species selection: Econo-
maize. These crop strips can also be mically valuable, high-yielding, easy-
used to grow fruit and wood-produ- -to-manage species.
cing trees. The strips with native vege-
tation can be enriched with native or Key crop species (in contexts with
exotic fruit species. low access to inputs): cassava, sweet
potatoes, pineapples, cowpeas or bla-
System design components: Whe- ck-eyed peas. Where more inputs are
re only short-cycle crops are to be available, species that demand more
planted in the cultivated strips, the- fertility can be planted, such as maize,


2 to 3 years

7 to 10 years


pinto beans, squash or sesame, bana- ra, baru, souari nut, stinkingtoe, co-
nas and taro. paíba, aroeira, xixá, amburana, pink
trumpet, yellow trumpet, indaiá,
Key tree species (in contexts with low gueroba, macaúba, West Indian elm,
access to inputs): murici, mangabei- nettle tree, Surinam cherry, Brazilian


grapetree, araçá, ingá mirim, yellow crotolaria, etc.) sown by hand or with
mombin, tree cotton, angico, copaíba, the seeder, before planting the agri-
carvoeiro. cultural crops. When using manual
labor, the first step is a selective wee-
Implementation: Preparation of the ding, followed by selectively cutting
area can be mechanized or done down plants in the crop strip. Leave
manually. First coppice the trees any species with economic potential,
and shrubs in the strip to be culti- which should be coppiced or pollar-
vated, organizing the biomass along ded. The crops can be spaced as far-
the side. When using machinery, cut mers usually do. Trees and bananas
the trees and then incorporate the should be planted in islands or rows.
fertilizer, e.g. rock dust, lime or ma- Larger trees should be planted in the
nure for demanding species, or with strips with crops whose management
no fertilizer for less demanding spe- will be less intensive. It is also very
cies. The strips can be prepared with important to include fertilizer species
green manure species (jack beans, on the edges of the strips with native

LAYOUT OF OPTION 3: Agroforestry intercropped

in strips with enrichment of the Cerrado




vegetation, which will be pruned to during initial phases of succession,

fertilize the crops. The regeneration as well as fuel for forest fires and the
strips should be enriched by plan- prevalence of less desirable species in
ting native tree seedlings or seeds in the understory. The edges of the na-
small islands in openings in the midst tive rows adjacent to the crop rows
of the plant cover or in areas with must be pruned to keep the trees
grass or other herbaceous species, nearest to the crops shorter than tho-
which should be weeded out in ad- se behind them, leaving a diagonal cut
vance. As needed, some trees loca- in the native vegetation. The pruned
ted in the native strip may be pruned material is carried to the crop strip or
to make way for these islands. laid around the seedlings in the row of
native vegetation.
Management: Intensive management
of the cultivated strips and selective Long-term management/system con-
weeding and pruning in the natural figuration: Once the trees have grown,
regeneration strips to promote suc- in seven to ten years, the canopy may
cession. The resulting organic matter have closed, especially if it has not
should be piled around the native been renovated with pruning. If tim-
plants considered most valuable by ber species have been planted, take
the farmer, or else carried over to the care not to damage other plants when
cultivated strips. This management they are harvested. Biomass from the
approach will also help reduce the tree tops must be well-shredded and
presence of grass and shrubs present spread out evenly to cover the soil.




Context: Medium fertility soil; high re- rative species. As a productive strate-
generation; predominance of shrubs gy, shade-tolerant agricultural crops
and saplings, with some adult trees; (as in Option 2) are recommended.
good drainage; PPA or LR; Cerrado Beekeeping is also a very interesting
biome; variable labor pool (high, me- alternative in this context.
dium or low); market is accessible.
System design components: Rege-
Main objective: Restoration neration area enriched with small is-
lands with bananas, tree seedlings or
Secondary objectives: Food security seeds and agricultural crops.
and production for marketing
Criteria for species selection: Na-
Overview: In this context, natural re- tive and exotic species for multiple
generation can be managed with the uses, along with less demanding
objective of enriching the secondary crops, especially shade-tolerant un-
growth (capoeira) to increase plant derstory species. If there is no ani-
diversity and introduce multi-purpose mal manure available on the farm or
plants farmers find useful, especially nearby, food crops can include rus-
by seeds and cuttings, but also with tic species and varieties adapted to
seedlings, when labor is available. Al- low-fertility soil.
though the main objective is restora-
tion, this option is highly compatible Key tree species: mandiocão, sangra
with food production (potentially for d´água, achiote, juçara, pau pombo,
sale) using species such as bananas, gomeira, pimenta de macaco, ice-
medicinal trees and shrubs and fruits -cream bean and other ingás, yellow
prized by both animals and people. In mombin, bacupari da mata (Chei-
this case, instead of planting in strips, loclinium cognatum), puçá (Mouriri
the approach is to enrich small islands sp.), mirindiba (Buchenavia tomen-
with native and exotic tree species tosa), mulberry (Morus nigra), bu-
(for fruit and timber), interspersed in riti (Mauritia flexuosa), stinkingtoe
small openings in the midst of regene- (Hymenaea courbaril), pink trumpet


(Tabebuia impetiginosa), copaíba Implementation: Identify strategic

(Copaifera langsdorfii), mango (Man- points (small clearings) to enrich. Pla-
gifera indica), avocado (Persea ame- ce stakes to mark existing saplings,
ricana), jackfruit (Artocarpus hetero- clear any grass or old shrubs and thin/
phyllus) and coffee (Coffea spp.). prune short-cycle shrubs and trees
that are close to the end of their life
Key agricultural species: banana, cycles. Prepare seed holes (soften, fer-
taro, heliconia, Zingiberaceae spe- tilize, cover with organic matter) and
cies (ginger, turmeric, cardamom). plant the trees and crops, with seeds,
When soil fertility is limited, or fer- cuttings, rhizomes (bananas and other
tilizer is not available, the recom- food and cash crops). For banana plan-
mendation is cowpeas or black-eyed ts (see Section 4.4.2), plant the rhi-
peas, bur cucumbers, sorghum or zome before covering it with organic
cassava. In fertile soils or with abun- matter. Leave a stake to show where
dant fertilizer available, options in- it was planted. Deciding whether to
clude maize, beans, squash or pas- plant in islands depends on the size
sion fruit (Passiflora edulis). of the clearing or opening amid the

Agroforestry to enrich and
manage naturally regene-
rated secondary growth






aerial view: 3 to 4 months

aerial view: 2 to 3 years



secondary regeneration. When plan- Long-term management/system

ting in islands in small areas opened configuration: Forest with a closed
in between regenerating plants, the canopy after about five years, even
planting circles should be about 60 using selective pruning.
cm to 1 m in diameter and contain a
tree seedling, cutting or seeds (or else Observation: Exotic species should
a banana rhizome) in the center, sur- never cover more than 50% of the to-
rounded with cassava (whose cutting tal managed area to comply with the
should be positioned with the root Brazilian norms governing Permanent
end pointing out of the circle, when Preservation Areas and Legal Reser-
planting trees) (see Section 4.4.2) and/ ves. Plants that grow from cuttings
or annual species (maize or beans) or can be particularly strategic in this
green manure (jack beans, pigeon context.
peas or crotalaria). The islands are a
little more complex and can cover a
larger area (approximately 2 m diame-
ter). If a banana plant is planted in the
middle of an island, the root-end of
the cassava cuttings should point into
the circle (spaced about 80 cm from
the center) in order to develop in the
soft soil removed to dig the banana
hole. Since cassava is very helpful for
tree growth, tree seeds can be planted
in front of each cassava cutting. In this
situation, recall that more trees and
annual species are to be planted, as
explained in Section 4.4.2).

Management: Selective weeding and

periodic pruning to enhance suc-
cession. Flowering species of herbs,
shrubs and trees should be managed
to promote honey production. Ove-
rall, the main form of management is
to do selective weeding and to pru-
ne the natural regeneration and the
small islands.



This option is based on the AFS established by Fabiana Peneireiro at
the Ecovila Aldeia do Altiplano, in Altiplano Leste, Brasília. Her expe-
rience was inspired by the teaching and guidance of Ernst Götsch.

Context: Low fertility soil; low rege- Main objective: Restoration

neration; predominance of grass and
shrubs in initial stages of succession Secondary objectives: Food security
like cogon grass, capim gordura grass and market
(Melinis minutiflora), brachiaria and
white cambará (Vernonanthura dis- Overview: Recovery of a degraded
color); well-drained soil; riparian area with a biodiverse AFS planted
forest PPA and LR; Cerrado biome; in strips or islands (Section 4.4.2)
variable labor pool (high, medium or with species that produce large vo-
low); market is accessible. lumes of biomass and grow well in

Photo: Fabiana Peneireiro

Agroforest with “fertilizer” species in strips.

Location: Aldeia do Altiplano, Brasília


Photo: Fabiana Peneireiro

low-fertility Cerrado soils. The sys- native and fruit trees. As an option,
tem requires low-intensity mana- the trees can be planted in islands.
gement and can produce enough to
make restoration feasible. The prio- Criteria for key species selection:
rity is for perennial species such as Crop and tree species should be well
bananas and other fruit trees, with adapted to low-fertility soil (not de-
annual crops planted only during the manding) and the fertilizer species
initial stage of this AFS. should be efficient in producing bio-
mass. If fertilizer is used when set-
System design components: Planted ting the system up, more demanding
3-5 m wide strips with species that crops can be planted.
produce large volumes of biomass,
such as grass and Mexican sun- Key species of agricultural crops:
flowers, and which grow well in low- maize, taro, cassava, papaya, bananas
-fertility Cerrado soils. Between the
strips 1 m wide beds produce shor- Key species of trees: mandiocão,
t-cycle agricultural crops, as well as achiote, juçara (introduce after the


3rd or 4th year), pimenta de maca- then weed to remove all the rhizo-
co, ice-cream bean and ingá feijão, mes, which can be buried under the
West Indian Elm, nettletree, yellow banana seed holes, or else shaken
mombin, puçá, mirindiba, stinking- out to remove the dirt and left to
toe, pink trumpet, copaíba, mango, dry in the sun. If the grass is not
avocado, jackfruit, Surinam cherry, very tall, skip the mowing and just
jabuticaba, guava, araçá, jenipapo. weed. The strips of fertilizer plants
In LRs, include angico and carvoeiro. should be from 3 to 5 m wide, inters-
persed with 1 m wide beds or rows
Key fertilizing species: leguminous of short-cycle agricultural crops
plants (crotolaria, pigeon peas, vel- adapted to this kind of soil (more
vet beans, Stylosanthes, jack beans), rustic species), together with nati-
elephant grass, guinea grass, gamba ve and fruit trees. When setting up
grass, Mexican sunflower, Gliricidia. the system, first stake out the spa-
ces for strips and beds. Prepare the
Implementation: In areas mostly soil, apply fertilizer, plant the see-
covered with grass in large clumps, dlings and cover the soil with local
mow and separate the biomass, organic matter. Bananas and other

Photo: Fabiana Peneireiro


Photo: Fabiana Peneireiro

fruit trees are planted in the center along the edge of the beds, using 20
of the bed, with normal spacing re- cm cuttings (diagonally and totally
commended for each species. For underground), with 0.5 m between
example, if bananas and citrus trees each cutting. In the fertilizer-plant
take the lead, they are to be planted strips, plant the elephant, guinea or
alternating with each other, with 3 gamba grass with 0.5 m between the
m spacing between them. Plant two clumps. Other fertilizer plants can
cassava cuttings with the root tips also be planted, such as hand-sown
pointing to the sides of the bed, legumes. Pigeon pea seeds and Gli-
and plant the tree seeds together ricidia cuttings can be planted in a
with the papaya, cotton and castor row in the middle of the strip of fer-
bean seeds, in front of the cassava tilizer species, so as to avoid being
cutting (see Section 4.4.2). Crops cut by mistake, and then pruned for
such as maize, okra and greens (if biomass to spread on the beds.
the bed is fertilized) should be sown
in the central row of the bed using Where the labor pool is limited,
normally recommended spacing. the same species are recommen-
The Mexican sunflowers are planted ded, but planted in islands spread


around the area, instead of in beds mixture of tree seeds, cassava and
and strips. In this situation, the pru- legumes (see Section 4.4.2). The
ned biomass and any fertilizer avai- biomass piled around these islands
lable on the farm or nearby (like enhances fertility and inhibits the
animal manure, ashes, leaves in the growth of unwanted plants, also
yard, sawdust, etc.) should be con- known as “weeds.” This also favors
centrated in the islands of trees in the development of cultivated spe-
guilds with crops. The trees should cies and the future trees that will
be planted densely with seedlings, emerge from the mixture of seeds.
cuttings and seeds to allow for la-
ter selecting the most resistant and Management: Once established, the
well-developed individuals, along fertilizer species should be cut back
with the crops and fruit species like systematically, generally three or
bananas. This system of planting in four times a year for Mexican sun-
islands can be done by preparing a flowers and grasses, and the organic
well fertilized hole to plant the ba- matter should cover the bed (or is-
nana rhizome (sucker), circled by a lands) with the agricultural crops and


Agroforestry to restore
degraded areas with
fertilizer species









cultivated trees. This management is naged after the bunch is harvested

generally done at the beginning of or when the old trunks need to be
the rainy season, in the middle of cut down. The trees can be pruned
the rainy season and again at the be- when there is a need for thinning,
ginning of the dry season, and may formation or synchronization (Sec-
even be repeated once again during tion 4.5.2).
the rainy season, depending on plant
growth. The beds with crops and Long-term management/system con-
trees can be managed with selective figuration: After about five to seven
weeding and pruning. When there is years of management, the initial fer-
little labor available, simple machi- tilizer plants (grasses, legumes, etc.)
nery like a backpack brush cutter can will be in the shade and the source of
be used to cut the strip of fertilizer biomass will be trees with an aptitude
species. The cut material should be for this function. The strips of fertilizer
piled in the beds near the plants in species can then be enriched with un-
the central row. Bananas are ma- derstory species.

3 months

2 to 3 years

7 to 10 years





This option is based on the AFS established by Andrew Miccolis, at

Sálvia Institute, in the Núcleo Rural Córrego do Urubu, Brasília.

Context: Hillside PPA or LR; low-ferti- Overview: On hillsides, swales and

lity soil, with prevalence of rocks and small terraces are important to con-
gravel; low to medium regeneration; trol erosion, accumulate nutrients
predominance of grass and shrubs; and enhance water infiltration into
Cerrado biome; low availability of la- the soil. Native and fruit trees are
bor; low to medium market access. planted with seedlings in small is-
lands, and seeded throughout the
Main objective: Restoration. entire area together with maize, an-
nual crops and hearty legumes, be-
Secondary objectives: Production of tween rows of sisal, mulberries and
food, medicinal and ornamental species. Mexican sunflowers.


Photo: Andrew Miccolis

Hillsides in the Cerrado (or restricted-use areas) with
agroforest terraces. Sálvia Institute, Brasília

System design components: Swales, is room between the rocks to facilitate

contour terraces or beds to control the preparation of terraces and increa-
erosion and establish the trees. se the infiltration of water and the ac-
cumulation of organic matter and soil.
Criteria for species selection: Resis- On terrains that are not very steep,
tant annual crops and fruit and native the terraces can be built with farm
trees, especially hearty species that machinery. When building the swales
grow easily from cuttings or seeds. and terraces, ditches and mounds are
formed. It is vital to cover the swales/
Key species: pigeon peas, carvoeiro, terraces with organic matter, both the
tingui, baru, stinkingtoe, trumpet trees, ditches and the mounds. Then selecti-
copaíba, angico, mangaba, mulberries, ve weeding can be done.
yellow mombin, sisal (Agave spp.).
Trees, shrubs, legumes and fast-
Implementation: Where there is a li- -growing grasses are planted directly
mited labor pool or the hillside is very with seeds or cuttings in the lower
steep, prepare small semi-circle basins part of the mounds or inside the lower
(0.5 m to 1.5 m diameter) or small con- part of the ditches or seed holes for
tour terraces (2 to 3 m between rows). species that need moister soil. Large
The terraces should be located in stra- terraces are also effective for concen-
tegic points in the terrain, for example trating water and nutrients, in addi-
where there is more accumulation and tion to controlling erosion, but they
the soil is a little deeper, where there require more labor. Another option is


Containment basins Terraces LAYOUT OF OPTION 6:

Agroforestry to restore
hillsides in the Cerrado








to plant legumes and sisal (Angustifo- mound. Then insert the tree seeds in
lia or agave) to use the organic matter front of the cutting tips (Section 4.4.2).
from pruning as soil cover. Rustic greens can also be planted in
the small terraces, once fertilized,
The cut material and prunings from along with tree seeds and seedlings.
the native trees can also be piled on The sisal is planted at 50 cm intervals
the small terraces after planting tree in the lower part of the mounds or
seeds and covering them with fertilizer above the ditches and should be pru-
available on the farm or nearby, such ned. Plant the Mexican sunflower and
as manure, ashes or compost. Along mulberry cuttings below the mounds
with the tree seeds, in small holes with as well. To help establish the trees, it
manure, plant maize and some hear- is best to plant both the tree and mai-
ty greens like bur cucumbers, scarlet ze seeds in small holes fertilized with
eggplants, grape tomatoes, heirloom manure or compost (Section 4.4.2)
cucumbers and squash. When they covering the entire area, but particu-
are available, lime and rock dust also larly in strategic places where organic
help reduce acidity and attract nu- matter and soil have accumulated. Le-
trients in the soil. In the soft earth gume species such as crotalaria, velvet
mounds, plant cassava at 80 cm inter- beans, stylosanthes and pigeon peas
vals, with the roots pointing into the are sown by hand (or with a manual


sower). The final step is to prune the is important to prune the plants befo-
trees found in the area. The pruned re pods ripen. In the third year, begin
material is duly organized for the woo- pruning the sisal and mulberry bushes.
dy branches to reinforce the terraces The resulting mulch is then laid arou-
and help contain other parts of the nd the most valuable trees.
terrain. The leaves are shredded and
piled around the seed holes and whe- Long-term management/system con-
rever the soil is exposed. figuration: AFS whose structure and
function are similar to those of a hill-
Management: Selective weeding and side forest, but with greater density
pruning of the legumes and Mexican of fruit-bearing species. Trees whose
sunflower during the first three years. presence becomes too dense are thin-
Accumulate biomass in the terraces ned out, and the other trees are selec-
and around the newly planted trees. To tively pruned to maintain production
avoid dispersion of the velvet beans, it of the fruit-bearing species.

2 to 3 years




This option is based on the AFS developed by Gilberto dos Santos,
in the Pau Ferro Community, Curaçá, Bahia.

Context: Low to medium fertility soil; swales to control erosion and estab-
low to medium regeneration; predo- lish trees. Enrichment with manure
minance of shrubs, cactus and small rich in Caatinga forage species seeds,
trees; good drainage; LR; Caatinga together with seeds for fruit and lum-
biome; low availability of labor; me- ber trees, both native and exotic.
dium market access.
Criteria for species selection: Resis-
Main objective: Co-existing with the tant annual crops and fruit trees, es-
semi-arid region, production of food pecially those that reproduce easily
and other products. with cuttings and seeds.

Secondary objectives: Restoration Key crop species: pigeon peas, sesa-

me, bur cucumber, black-eyed peas.
Overview: In the Caatinga, the major
difference between this system and Key tree species: umbu, seriguela,
Option 6 is the presence of livestock, yellow mombin, cashew, juazeiro, fa-
including the use of goat and sheep vela (Cnidoscolus quercifolius), mu-
droppings to plant native tree species lungu (Erythrina mulungu), soursop,
and forage shrubs. In addition, the tamarind (Tamarindus indica), sweet-
species selected must be adapted to sop (Annona squamosa).
a longer dry season given the drier
conditions of the Caatinga. Even in Implementation: Trees, shrubs, legu-
terrains with small basins or terraces mes and fast-growing grasses can be
must be used to establish trees and planted directly with seeds or cuttings
achieve some production, to make be- at the bottom of the mounds left from
tter use of the few available resources digging out the swales, or else in the
(water, labor, manure). terraces, mini-terraces or holes used
to plant seedlings. The dug-out part of
System design components: Small these structures must be covered with
basins or small contour terraces or animal manure and organic matter to


increase infiltration, avoid erosion, plant pigeon peas and some more rus-
enhance fertility and promote regene- tic vegetables such as bur cucumber,
ration through seeds introduced with scarlet eggplant, grape tomato, caipira
the manure. Sisal (angustifolia or aga- cucumber and menina squash in these
ve) should be spaced at 50 cm intervals seed holes the first year.
below the mound left from digging ho-
les to plant the seedlings known to be The basin can be from 1 to 2 m in dia-
more valuable and demanding in ter- meter with in a semi-circle shape to
ms of moisture and nutrients. They can store water. Inside the basin, the plants
also be planted in contour lines throu- can go in as recommended in islands.
ghout the terrain. Organic matter from For example, plant an adapted tree see-
the mowed material and pruned from dling (of a key species), and also a tree
the native trees can also be concentra- cutting, together with three cuttings of
ted in these small terraces, after plan- pear cactus or mandacaru distributed
ting the tree seeds and covering them around the area, as well as at least five
with fertilizer available on the farm or or six pigeon pea seeds, spaced at 0.5
nearby, such as manure, ashes or com- m. Annual species, such as black-eyed
post. Together with the tree seeds, peas, sesame or bur cucumbers, can be

Photo: Daniel Vieira Contour basins to control erosion

and establish trees.


planted in the same spacing the farmer

is used to. Lastly, the trees in the area In the Caatinga, PPAs are com-
are pruned and the material is duly monly used for production, as
organized so the woody branches can the best place for agricultural
reinforce the terraces and help contain crops to grow. It is fundamen-
other parts of the terrain. The leaves tal to reconcile production with
are shredded and piled on the seed ho- conservation in these cases, so-
les and wherever the soil is exposed. mething agroforestry systems
can do. The next three options
Management: Selective weeding. Ac- refer to the Caatinga biome.
cumulate biomass on the terraces and
around the trees that are introduced. In the approach called “co-
Prune the sisal beginning in the third -existing with the semiarid,”
year. The material pruned from the pi- recommended for the Caatin-
geon peas and sisal is spread over the ga, agroforestry systems shou-
soil around the most valuable trees. ld be associated with water
harvesting, storage and re-u-
Long-term management/system con- se systems, including social
figuration: AFS whose structure and technologies such as cisterns,
function are similar to those of the mini-dams, Amazon wells and
native Caatinga, but with a greater others, which provide water
density of fruit-bearing and other use- for human consumption, lives-
ful species. tock and irrigation.

Pear cactus as a source of water for tree seedlings

Photo: Cinara Del’Arco Sanches



Goat droppings are very useful for restoring the Caatinga. In

addition to the organic matter, they contain all sorts of seeds,
from herbs to trees. “The manure does the seeding for us!
Umari, imbu, juazeiro, all coming up! The manure from each
season has a different combination of seeds, depending on
which species is flowering. To recover degraded areas with
bare soil it is important to work with plants that will cover the
ground and hold the soil in place to avoid runoff. This manure
is rich in plant seeds that germinate well.”

José Moacir dos Santos – IRPAA – Juazeiro, Bahia

Agroforestry to
restore hillsides
in the Caatinga











Fencing in the “clearing” (“limpo”) was the first step to begin reco-
vering the area. We’re not sure, but it seems that various factors
contribute to the emergence of the “clearings,” like the concen-
tration of goat herds in these shaded areas, long-lasting droughts
and weak soil.

Gilberto digs holes in the middle of semicircle micro-basins. The

water can flow into the holes but cannot run off. The curves are
about 20 cm high and 1 m in diameter. They cover the entire ter-
rain, like a stairway of basins. In the holes, he plants umbu trees
every 10m to make his investment in manual labor bear fruit in
food and sales.

Gilberto fenced off the area and spread shovels of manure in thin
layers. Grass and other plants grow out of the manure. The plants
dry out with no water but leave straw that holds in water and the
soil, until new plants sprout out of the straw when it gets wet. The
fence keeps the goats from coming in to eat the grass. Not only in
the basins but all around the terrain plants and trees are growing,
brought in with the manure. They germinate and grow because
the goats are kept away from the basins that conserve water and
because of the manure that both conserves water and provides
nutrients. The manure is spread frequently, in areas where the soil
is still “clear.”

Gilberto dos Santos – Pau Ferro Community, Curaçá, Bahia



This option is based on an experience at the EFASE – the Sertão
Family Farming School, in Monte Santo, Bahia.

Context: Medium fertility soil; low to Secondary objectives: Restoration

medium regeneration; predominan-
ce of shrubs, cactus and small trees; Overview: regenerating Caatinga ve-
good drainage; LR or PPA; Caatin- getation, pruned and managed for
ga biome; low availability of labor; goat and sheep pastures, while main-
market accessible. taining biodiversity and other envi-
ronmental services.
Main objective: Co-existing with the
semi-arid region (production of food Given the essential role of livestock
and income generation, prioritizing in this context, especially goats and
livestock). sheep, forage-producing agroforestry

Photo: Daniel Vieira

Forage agroforest


systems play a key role in maintaining

the livelihoods of family farmers in
the Caatinga. They feed the animals
through the second half of the dry
season, and during the peak of the HAY AND SILAGE
rainy season. The presence of trees PRODUCTION TO FEED
creates a microclimate more favorab- ANIMALS DURING THE
le for the animals’ well-being and, as DROUGHT
a result, for their productivity during
Hay is produced using sorghum
critical periods. This agrosilvopasto-
and Brazilian ironwood, which is
ral system has been widely adopted
native. Other native species can
in the Caatinga, since it allows other
also include catingueira, yellow
crops to be planted while feeding the
cotton tree, cassava leaves and
animals7, 108 with the material pruned
bitter cassava. These are gathe-
from the Caatinga forage trees.8
red and stored until summer,
and then mixed with sorghum.
System design components: Establish
They cut the buffelgrass, store
trees from cuttings, seeds and see-
everything and make hay to feed
dlings, with alternating rows of pear
the livestock during the drought.
cactus, sisal and food and forage crops
in islands. Approximately a dozen na-
The hay is stored on a bench and
tive forage species are planted toge-
closed with sisal above the grou-
ther with some exotic forage species,
nd, to avoid mold from contact
such as Gliricidia and white leadtree.
with the ground moisture.

Key crop species: maize, sesame,

To build a silo, four or five peo-
pigeon peas, bur cucumber, black-
ple from a family dig a hole in
-eyed peas.
the ground and stomp it until it
is compact. They cover it with
Key trees and other species: Glirici-
canvas and remove the air.
dia, white leadtree, pear cactus, sisal,
umbu, yellow mombin, cashew, em-
Caldeirão do Almeida Regional
burana, Brazilian ironwood, juazeiro,
Association – Uauá, Bahia
catingueira, sabiá.


Antônio has 7 hectares for his livestock. Today those 7 hectares are
covered with native Caatinga vegetation and the animals are free to
roam. There is a shed where he feeds them fresh or dried grass and
maize. He intends to close in the entire area with 12-volt, 3-wire elec-
tric fences, divided into five paddocks. Each paddock will be grazed for
2.5 months. Free-range grazing in the Caatinga ensures the livestock is
fed for most of the year.

Antônio intends to leave a natural area where the goats will come in
for only 2.5 months per year. In the other paddocks, he will prune the
catingueira, the mororó (Bauhinia cheilantha), and the cantanduva
(Ptyricarpa moniliformis) for them to grow out again at a height where
the goats can eat them. Other tree species from which the goats only
eat the leaves need no pruning. This is the principle of the Caatinga
silvopastoral system. He also intends to leave some tree species which
will be cut down for lumber in the future.

Antônio José de Morais – Jasmin Flower Farm, Juá dos Vieiras Commu-
nity, Viçosa do Ceará, Ceará.

Photo: Daniel Vieira Photo: Daniel Vieira


Implementation: The enrichment sisal, with 0.5 m spacing between

is done by planting islands in small them, along with agricultural crops at
clearings that naturally occur in the the spacing preferred by the farmer.
middle of regenerating vegetation,
using mostly forage species. Identify In order to increase biodiversity, more
strategic points (small clearings) for multi-purpose species such as fruit
enrichment. Mark existing seedlings and timber trees can be added to this
of saplings that are the trees of the mixture of seeds. Pear cactus helps
future with stakes and cut any grass protect the soil and maintain moistu-
or aging herbaceous plants. Prepare re, as a “protection” for tree seedlings
holes for seeds (loosen, fertilize, cover that will grow next to it, in addition
with organic matter) and plant trees to supplying water and nutrients for
(including white leadtree, Gliricidia the livestock. The livestock’s manure
and mesquite, together with seeds of is brought in and used as fertilizer in
native species such as sabiá, for exam- these systems, which also increases
ple). The Gliricidia can also be planted the volume and diversity of tree and
with cuttings, as can yellow mombins, shrub seeds that will become soil co-
seriguela and umbu, when available. ver and expand the diversity of their
Other species can also be planted, ecological and social functions. Finally,
such as mandacaru, pear cactus and thin and prune the shrubs and trees in

Forage production in
agroforestry systems
for the caatinga














I raise goats under cashew trees for weeding. There are mororó and
sabiá plants that grow back as soon as a goat eats them; there are
white juremas and black juremas, as well as the catingueira. They
don’t like to eat the catingueira green, but only dried out, so I cut it
down and make hay for them. I have two paddocks, and they spend
half the year in each one. In the area with no cashew trees, they can
graze until May, as long as the pasture grows back fast enough for
them to eat it dry after the cashew harvest. Then they move into the
cashew grove to start weeding the area and save us the work. That’s
when the catingueira is tall, so we cut it down and make hay for them.
I started with five does and a buck, and now I have ten. And they’re
all pregnant. Since I built a protein bank nearby, I want to increase the
herd to twenty, I want to stock up on food. I already have a stock of
food, and last year they didn’t even eat all the catingueira hay.

The fodder bank has maize intercropped with gliricídia, white lea-
dtree and other plants. In the area I cleared, which had sabiá and
jurema, it’s all pasture land. Now I’m picking the maize and there are
a lot of clumps to remove, so I use two-year-old Gliricidia to make
hay, because it’s only good for pruning after two years.

The goats eat the cashew apples and leave the nuts on the ground,
so you just gather the nuts. And since the area is clean because you
let the goats loose there for a long time, it’s easy to gather the nuts.
In the area where they don’t graze, I pick the cashew, take out the
nut and let the fruit dry. When they’re dry enough, I shred them
and mix with the ground corn for extra feed, and they eat a lot. This
silvopastoral system works on two hectares, divided in the middle.

Ernaldo Expedito de Sá – Tianguá, in the Ibiapaba EPA, Ceará


the area and use the cut material to Management: Prune the trees to
cover the ground. To harmonize the gather soil cover and produce fod-
livestock with the plant restoration der (hay) for the livestock. Introduce
and agroforest production objectives, useful species (fruit, honey plants,
during the system’s early years, they timber) from cuttings and seeds, in-
should be kept out of the newly estab- cluding seeds that come in the ma-
lished areas, to allow for regeneration nure. The trees are managed with
from seeds, roots and new buds on regular pruning to gather leaves and
the branches. twigs to feed the animals. The pear
cactus are pruned and fed to the ani-
Criteria for selecting species: Engineer mals in the trough.
species that accumulate water, with
food and forage species adapted to the- Long-term management/system con-
se climate and soil conditions. Rustic figuration: Prune the trees and cac-
goats and plant species that are highly tus species to produce forage and
efficient in producing biomass, and to- biomass, and to let enough sunlight
lerant to drought. Food crops and fruit through for the grass and shrub spe-
trees adapted to the semiarid climate. cies to flourish in the understory.

Photo: Daniel Vieira



The corn is intercropped with grass to feed the livestock along
with new fruit trees. The land is being recovered with material
pruned from the trees that were already there and are growing
out again, and organic matter that the farmer finds easily off
the farm, mainly sugarcane and carnauba palm bagasse, as
well as goat and sheep manure. Antônio cuts the grass every
three months when it rains, to cover the ground and make hay
for the livestock to eat during the drought. Early-bearing dwarf
cashew trees were planted, as well as sweetsops. In the futu-
re, the plan is to let the forest grow along the creek.

“I planted sweetsop and cashew, and I left some trees that

were already there. Some of them are shaped and pruned
to produce organic matter and develop their trunks. Pruning
works fine and smaller plants do very well. I got a Swedish bil-
lhook with a long handle that reaches way up there, and has
a sharp saw.”

The trees are pruned to let more sunlight in for the grass,
the maize and the new seedlings. The grass is cut every year
when they plant the maize so it will grow faster and flourish.
The grass can be pulled out with the roots and laid out on the
ground, allowing it to take root again. This is an interesting
approach since the grass takes longer to grow back, while the
maize is growing. The grass helps a lot in the restoration pro-
cess, but now it’s about time to leave the maize and the stylo-
santhes, because the grass is very aggressive.

Antônio José Sousa de Morais – Flor de Jasmim farm, Juá dos

Vieiras community, Viçosa do Ceará, Ceará



This option is based on the experience of Henrique Sousa, with gui-
dance by Ernst Götsch, in Cafarnaum, Bahia

Context: Low fertility soil (becoming ment of trees and storage of water in
desertified); low regeneration; good the vegetation).
drainage; LR; Caatinga biome; me-
dium to high availability of labor; ac- System design components: Engi-
cess to the market. neer species planted very densely in
rows and regularly pruned or used
Main objective: Restore degraded for forage. The agroforestry systems
area, reverse process of desertifi- are planted in rows of pear cactus
cation. (Opuntia ficus-indica) 1 m apart (de-
pending on the size of the area and
Secondary objectives: Ensure farm the availability of cuttings), with 1 m
family’s livelihood and generate in- between plants, which can also be in-
come, prioritizing livestock and living terspersed, in each row, with sisal. Be-
with the semiarid region. tween the rows, fruit and forage trees
are sown, together with legumes and
Overview: These systems aim to grain crops.
restore areas in advanced stages of
degradation, including areas in the Criteria for species selection: Engi-
process of desertification. The soil is neer species that accumulate water
recovered, and agroforests are estab- and forage, plus honey and food crops
lished initially with “engineer” species adapted to the climate and soil con-
that are hearty and drought-resistant, ditions, highly efficient at producing
with a significant capacity to store biomass and drought tolerant; agricul-
water, and which can also be used tural crops and fruit trees adapted to
for forage. The engineer species are semiarid edaphoclimatic conditions.
planted very densely in rows, and are
regularly pruned or used for forage, Key species of food crops: maize
depending on the farmer’s objectives (when manure is available) or sor-
(livestock, annual crops or fruit pro- ghum, pigeon peas, sesame, bur
duction, or soil restoration, establish- cucumbers, black-eyed peas.


Photo: Cinara Del’Arco Sanches

Photo: Cinara Del’Arco Sanches

Initial stage of the high-density intercrop of forage species, food crops and native trees. Cafarnaum
Municipality, Bahia


Key trees and other species: Gliri-

cidia, white leadtree, pear cactus,
umbu, yellow mombin, cashew, em-
burana, Brazilian ironwood, juazeiro,
catingueira, sabiá, drumstick tree,
maniçoba, baraúna, licuri palm, Bra- CROPS WITH SISAL
zilian peppertree, mesquite, castor AND PRICKLY PEAR
Implementation: The pear cactus cut-
tings are planted in a row between Ernst, with much experience in
the sisal plants, 0.5 m apart, with 1 the sdsemiarid, recommends
m between rows. Between the rows, planting sisal very densely (20
place a mixture of seeds in a furrow, cm apart). After a year, cut ¾
with forage trees, including Gliricidia, (every other row). This can
white leadtree, mulungu and sabiá. be done with a trimmer. Sisal,
Together with the forage seeds, also after seven years, accumula-
mix in mamauí and cashew, along tes 10 cm of biomass over the
with cuttings of umbu, yellow mom- ground. This species takes wa-
bin, juazeiro69 and other species adap- ter from the air (dew) during
ted to these conditions. To enhance the dry season. As soon as the
biodiversity, more multi-purpose spe- sisal is cut, plant both maize
cies, including fruit and timber, can and beans, and even with little
be added to this mixture of seeds. If water the harvest will be good.
animal manure is available, it is brou- The maize can also be planted
ght in to fertilize this system, increa- together with sorghum. If the
sing the number and diversity of trees environment is unfavorable for
and shrubs that will cover the soil and the maize, the sorghum will still
expand the diversity of the system’s produce. Interspersed with the
ecological and social functions. Along sisal, after a year, plant pear
with the tree seeds, also plant maize cactus. There are other species
or sorghum, pigeon peas every 1 m in the sisal (Agavaceae) family
(3 seeds). Azuki beans or black-eyed that can also be used if that
peas can also be added, as well as species is not available.
squash and bur cucumbers, with the
spacing normally used by the farmer. Ernst Götsch – Piraí do Norte,
Another possibility is to plant trees Bahia
with cuttings and seeds together with


Photo: Cinara Del’Arco Sanches

Photo: Cinara Del’Arco Sanches

Agroforest established in a high-density intercrop with forage species, food crops and native
trees. Umburanas, Bahia

6 months

2 to 3 years

7 to 10 years



the pear cactus and the sisal, to make

better use of the moisture and crea-
te a favorable microclimate for the PEAR CACTUS:
emergence of trees. WATER IN A PAD
Management: Systematic pruning of The prickly pear cactus is
the engineer plants to cut and spread pruned, and the part cut away
the material for covering the soil arou- is placed near the plants to
nd trees and annual crops. Prune the become fertilizer.
forage species to feed the livestock. Caldeirão do Almeida District
The livestock is kept outside the area Regional Association
and fed in troughs either with fresh fo-
rage or with silage or hay during the
first years, and then inside the area, in
rotation. The trees are managed with Long-term management/system con-
regular pruning to gather the leaves figuration: Prune the trees and pro-
and twigs to feed the livestock. After duce forage and biomass, letting in
some time, thin out the trees that enough sunlight for the ground-level
were planted very densely. species to grow.

Restoring degraded
areas with agroforestry
in the Caatinga












Context: Spring PPA; Cerrado biome; vors the emergence of grass, whose
flooded soil; typically, not very ae- regrowth ability is greater after a fire
rated; in some cases very acid and and which, like animals as well, tend
unproductive, while others display to eliminate the small shrub and tree
medium fertility and may even allow saplings of typical local species that
some production are essential for the spring’s future.
In some cultures, where springs have
Since spring areas are extremely de- an immense spiritual value, the rela-
licate, any intervention must be ca- tionship with local species and care
refully studied and assessed. In many for the area transcend any utilitarian
cases, spring areas still have regene- attitude regarding the water.
rant plants and can thus be restored
simply by protecting them from ou- Main objective: Conserve and increa-
tside threats like livestock and fire. se the quantity and quality of water;
Larger animals, especially cattle, can ecological restoration.
harm spring areas as they trample on
and compact the soil, thus reducing Secondary objectives: Produce food,
infiltration and replenishment, as well medicinal and ornamental species.
as polluting the water with their feces.
Like bovine cattle, goats and sheep Overview: Protect against drivers of
can also impair the natural restoration degradation (livestock and fire), ma-
of springs, since they eat small tree nage natural regeneration and enrich
and shrub saplings that regrow natu- spring areas, including species of inte-
rally, whether from seed banks, roots rest to humans.
in the soil or animal dispersers such as
birds, monkeys or others. System design components: Main-
tenance of natural regeneration spe-
The first thing to do in most cases is cies and enrichment with seedlings
to fence off the spring area to avoid and seeds of species that grow well
the entry of livestock, in itself a very in the area’s conditions, planting in
important step to enable natural re- islands, (see Section 4.4.2) or furrows
generation processes. Fire is another arranged in concentric circles or con-
major threat to springs, since it fa- tours lines.


Criteria for species selection: Species pinha do brejo (Talauma ovata), lan-
adapted to waterlogged environmen- dim (Calophyllum brasiliense), buriti
ts, species of value to farmers. (Mauritia flexuosa), juçara (Euterpe
edulis), sangra d´água, quaresmeira
Key agricultural species: Taro, ar- (Tibouchina stenocarpa), pau pom-
rowleaf elephant ear, ginger, Indian bo (Tapirira guianensis) and jenipapo
head ginger (Costus spicatus). (Genipa americana).

Key tree species: ingá (Inga sp.), ca- Implementation: Fence off the area
pororoca (Rapanea gardneriana), to protect it from livestock. Identify

LAYOUT OF OPTION 10: Protecting and restoring springs with agroforestry




species of native shrubs and trees pre- Management: Do selective weeding

sent in the area and protect the plants and cut the grass frequently, espe-
from being cut or trampled when pre- cially the more flammable exotic
paring the area. Whenever possible, grasses, to avoid the spread of fire.
introduce more individuals of these Prune existing trees enough to allow
same species. If exotic grasses are the introduced species to take hold
dominant, they must be managed to and ensure that natural regeneran-
allow seedlings to take hold and fire ts present will be able to come back
must be avoided, by cutting and or- successfully. The organic material cut
ganizing piling the dry grass around and gathered from the pruning shou-
the tree seedlings and food crops. In ld be organized in windrows or arou-
situations with low density and diver- nd the seedlings to avoid the spread
sity of regenerants, introduce native of any fire that might come into the
species, whether by seedlings, seeds, area. Firebreaks must also be made
cuttings or rhizomes. Around springs to keep fire away and make it easier
with a production potential, vegetab- to fight. If possible, create a living fi-
le, medicinal and ornamental species rebreak with species that will not let
may be planted, as long as they are a fire through.
adapted to waterlogged conditions.
When labor is available, prepare fer- Long-term management/system con-
tility islands by planting seedlings and figuration: Vegetation with structures
banana trees, as well as cuttings and and functions similar to the native fo-
seeds sown together with food crops. rest around springs. Selective pruning
If labor is scarce, it is best to plant the of the trees to advance succession
trees by seed, along with rhizomes or and enable ongoing production of
cuttings of species of interest. some food crops.



Context: Cerrado or Caatinga biomes; Overview: biodiverse, multi-stratified
well-drained soils; variable (medium agroforests, with intensive manage-
to high) fertility; located near the ment and use of domestic waste.
home; PPA, LR or other areas.
System design components: Qui-
Main objective: production of food te diversified vegetation, with food,
and multi-purpose species. medicinal and ornamental species
arranged irregularly (no defined pa-
Secondary objectives: restoration, ttern), with the presence of small
improvement of the microclimate. animals, such as poultry and pork.

Photo: Andrew Miccolis


Possibility of using food waste, ashes Key tree species: Fruit trees in gene-
from firewood stove, animal manu- ral and native species, including ferti-
re, waste water (sinks, shower) and lizer trees.
rainwater (cistern).
Implementation: Planted near the
Criteria for species selection: Diver- farm house, with a dynamic approa-
se, multi-purpose species for use as ch for constant enriching the area.
food (grains, fruit, condiments), me- The location is chosen to meet the
dicine, ornamentals and small-ani- needs of the species. Multi-purpose
mal feed. The species must be adap- trees are introduced as seedlings,
ted to local conditions. seeds or cuttings, in islands, or beds.
Planting the trees together with ve-
Key food crops: Cilantro, kale, ma- getables makes efficient use of labor
roon cucumber, pigeon peas, black- and other resources, while facilita-
-eyed peas, sweet potatoes, cassa- ting the overall establishment. Fer-
va, passion fruit, papaya, banana, tilize the plants with manure, ashes,
arrowleaf elephant ear, taro, purple compost and leaves. Different com-
yam, leaf cactus. positions are possible, in mosaics


Agroforestry homegardens












that makeup guilds in small clusters

with ornamental, medicinal, fruit
and fertilizer plants, small animals
and a vegetable garden. Although
covering the soil with organic mat-
ter may not be a cultural habit, it is
fundamental to maintain soil fertility
and moisture for a homegarden. PRODUCTIVE
Management: Management is done
basically with a machete for selec- The management is done with
tive weeding and pruning. It can be a machete, for selective wee-
irrigated with rainwater stored in a ding and pruning. The spe-
cistern, especially for species more cies found in Chico Antônio’s
demanding in water such as vegeta- homegarden were: acerola,
bles. The animals are fed with produ- amburana, pepper trees, ba-
ce from the homegarden (green and nanas, sweet potatoes, yellow
fruit waste and grains such as pigeon mombins, cashew, canafistu-
peas for chickens). Trunks, branches la, elephant grass, catimbira,
and rocks are used to make path ed- catingueira, Argentine cedar,
ges and help accumulate organic ma- crotalaria, eucalyptus, fava
tter. Management can also produce beans, beans, jackbeans, se-
firewood, which is an important raw same, Gliricidia, guava, sou-
material used by most farm families. rsop, pigeon peas, Brazilian
ironwood, oranges, white
Long-term management/system con- leadtree, cassava, papaya,
figuration: Selective weeding and castor beans, mango, maize,
pruning. The system is a diversified fo- drumstick tree, pau branco,
rest, with clearings kept through pru- brazilwood, pau jaú, sisal, sor-
ning, thinning and enrichment with ghum and tamarind.
seedlings and seeds. Once the trees
have grown old, they can be managed Sr. Chico Antônio –Recanto
do Beija-flor farm, Viçosa do
indefinitely with the aim of reintrodu-
Ceará, Ceará
cing species that require sunlight and
fertile soil.



Strategies to implement these AFS area, implement and manage the

options may vary in each situation, systems. It is important the steps be
depending on the availability of la- taken in the right order, to optimize
bor and inputs, the stage of succes- the work, cut costs and enhance the
sion and the density of regenerating likelihood of success. The following
vegetation. All situations, however, steps may be taken in different types
require certain steps to prepare the of vegetation.


Access to labor and inputs: medium Access to labor and inputs: low. Stage
or high. Stage of succession: initial of succession: initial.
to middle.
• Selective weeding (underbrush,
• Measure and delimit; including grasses, especially exotic
• Do selective weeding; grass, and annual weeds), pruning
of shrubs;
• Identify and mark existing saplings;
• Prepare and plant islands with
• Prune vegetation for thinning, re-
maize, vegetables, legumes, cassa-
newal and enrichment (extent and
va, trees (described above);
height of pruning depends on the
system to be established); • Prepare simple holes to plant see-
dlings that the farmer wants to in-
• Prepare and plant beds or islands;
troduce (when there are enough
• Prune secondary growth for
seedlings and labor and, if possible,
thinning, renewal and enrichment,
a little fertilizer) of hearty species
depending on the area´s stage of
• Prune to clean and thin out vegeta-
succession, then shred and pile the
tion (trees), organizing the pruned
pruned and outside material in the
material throughout the area;
beds or islands.
• Plant and manage the edges and
connections with other landscape




Access to labor and inputs: low. Stage Access to labor and inputs: low to
of succession: initial. high. Stage of succession: initial.

• Measure and delimit the area, • Measure and delimit the area;
using cuttings that root easily • Selective weeding (grass, annual
around the edges and inside (if this weeds), selective pruning and
is part of the design); thinning (shrubs), identification,
• Mow the entire area and weed out labeling and piling of organic mat-
alternating strips removing the rhi- ter from all pruned trees;
zomes or, if enough labor is availa- • Planting: the technique varies de-
ble, weed out the entire area; pending on access to labor and
• Prepare the beds or islands in the inputs, as well as the farmer’s
weeded areas; own objectives;
• Organize/pile straw in the beds; • Manage the grass;
• Plant and manage the edges and • Plant and manage the edges and
connections with other landscape connections with other landscape
components. components.

Photo: Andrew Miccolis



Option/ Ecological resilience Preserva- Soil fertility and drai- Need for Market Labor Farmer’s
Biome Type of System
Context / Natural succession tion Area nage inputs access availability objectives

low regeneration, predominan-

Successional agroforestry for the Cerrado
1 ce of exotic grasses like gamba Cerrado Legal Reserve degraded; well drained high High high cash crops, food, restoration
with intensive management
and brachiaria

low regeneration,
medium to high fertility; Biodiverse agroforestry for PPA
2 predominance of exotic grass Cerrado Riparian PPA medium High low to medium cash crops, food, restoration
fair to medium drainage restoration
like brachiaria and Guinea

high regeneration,
medium fertility; good Agroforestry intercropped in rows with
3 predominance of shrubs and Cerrado Legal Reserve variable medium variable cash crops, food, restoration
drainage enrichment of the Cerrado
tree seedlings

high regeneration, Agroforestry for enrichment and

medium fertility; good restoration, food security and
4 predominance of shrubs and Cerrado PPA and LR low High variable management of naturally regenerated
drainage some marketing
tree seedlings secondary growth

low regeneration, predominan-

ce of grass and shrubs in initial
restoration and provide Agroforestry to restore degraded areas
5 stages of succession like cogon, Cerrado PPA and LR low fertility, well drained medium High variable
livelihoods with fertilizer species
molasses grass, brachiaria and
white cambará

low to medium regeneration,

low fertility, good restoration and provide Agroforestry to restore hillsides in the
6 predominance of grass and Cerrado Hillside PPA medium or low low to medium high
drainage livelihoods Cerrado

low to medium regeneration,

low to medium fertility, restoration and livelihoods, co- Agroforestry to restore hillsides or legal
7 predominance of shrubs, cacti Caatinga Legal Reserve medium or low medium low
good drainage existing with the semiarid reserves in the Caatinga
and small trees

low to medium regeneration restoration, livelihoods, income,

Legal Reserve Forage production in agroforestry
8 with some shrubs, cacti and Caatinga good drainage low medium low livestock, co-existing with the
or PPA systems for the Caatinga
small trees semiarid

Legal Reserve low fertility (process of restoration, halt desertification,

low regeneration, degraded
9 Caatinga or degraded desertification), well medium High medium livelihood and income, livestock, Restoring degraded areas in the Caatinga
area drained co-existing with the semiarid

low, medium or high waterlogged, poorly Increase quantity and quality of Protecting and restoring springs with
10 Cerrado Spring PPA low variable variable
regeneration aerated water; livelihood agroforestry

Variable but generally

Cerrado or PPA, LR or well drained; many produce food, medicine, fuel,
11 low to high high variable high Agroforestry homegardens
Caatinga other areas nutrients from the shade, leisure


5.4 KEY SPECIES TO RECOVER DEGRADED • They improve the soil’s fertility,
AREAS structure and microbial life;

Key species to recover degraded • They can store water in inhospitab-

areas are those that enable both so- le conditions or take in water from
cial and environmental functions in deep underground and make it
AFS, opening the door for abundan- available to smaller plants through
ce and well-being. They are species their roots;
that grow and flourish in adverse and
degraded environments, favoring the • They create fresh, moister micro-
entry of others, particularly those climates during the dry season,
with attributes listed above as crite- enhancing the development of
ria for the selection of species (Sec- other species that need more favo-
tion 4.2.1), as well as species with rable conditions to grow.
similar features identified by farmers
and extension agents in their specific In this section, we present some such
agroforest contexts. Here are some species identified as strategic in the
of the features that distinguish these Cerrado and Caatinga, the context in
species from others: which they are recommended, special
characteristics, centers of origin, uses
• Generally, they are more efficient at and functions. We also provide gui-
using resources (water, sunlight and dance on how to manage them to ful-
nutrients) and producing biomass, fill their desired roles, without hinde-
especially in adverse conditions; ring the development of other plants.


MESQUITE Prosopis juliflora

Characteristics: Leguminous tree that annual temperature: above 20ºC;

produces sweet pods, bearing fruit af- Soils: rocky, sandy or saline.
ter the second or third year.
Uses and functions: Multi-purpose
Origin: Dryer regions of Mexico, Cen- tree: timber (poles, planks, ties, fence
tral America and northern South Ame- posts, firewood, charcoal) and forage
rica (Peru, Ecuador, Colombia and Ve- (leaves, branches, pods and seeds);
nezuela). protect soil against erosion; shade;
conservation and improvement of pas-
Favorable environmental conditions: tures; for honey pasturing; production
Average annual rainfall: 150-1,200 of tannin and gum. Its fruit is an im-
mm (produces more pods when rain- portant source of carbohydrates and
fall is from 300-500 mm) and tolera- proteins, especially in dry regions. The
tes up to nine months of drought; Al- sweet pulp of its fruit and the seeds
titude: sea level to 1,500 m; Average contain 34-39% protein and 7-8% oil.

Photo: Daniel Vieira Mesquite


As forage, the pods have a 13% gross by mechanical or chemical scarifica-

protein content and their digestibility tion, or else by the most recommen-
is above 74%. Its leaves, which are less ded method, namely submerging the
palatable, have 18% protein, digestibi- seeds in hot water for 3-5 minutes.
lity 59% and tannin 1.9%. It improves Animals easily propagate the seeds,
soil fertility by increasing the content since the dormancy is broken by their
of organic matter, nitrogen and phos- warm, acid digestive tracts. As an
phorus, while helping lower the pH of exotic species, mesquite has a major
very alkaline soil. It has a symbiotic invasive potential, because it grows
association capacity with Rhizobium quickly and can spread many seeds,
bacteria, which fix nitrogen in the soil. often occupying the space normally
taken by slower, native plants. Its
For all those reasons, mesquite has invasive potential, however, can be
been recommended for intercropping contained by thinning and pruning
with other plants, especially in the the trees, cutting (weeding) the see-
Caatinga’s silvopastoral systems. Ac- dlings and manually collecting matu-
cording to researchers at the federal re seed pods, isolating invaded areas
agricultural research corporation, Em- to avoid direct grazing and processing
brapa, mesquite is a species that can the pods to feed the animals in trou-
reestablish fertility and yields in degra- ghs. This means that, where the area
ded, saline soils, and studies – mainly can be managed, this species is an
in India – have shown its capacity to important ally and can even fight de-
recover unproductive alkaline soils. sertification, since it grows well in ex-
tremely degraded areas. Water stress
Propagation and observations: Can is also a natural barrier to its uncon-
be reproduced by seed or cuttings. trolled proliferation over large areas
The seeds’ dormancy can be broken of the semiarid. Sources: 36, 96


WHITE LEADTREE Leucaena leucocephala

Photo: Andrew Miccolis

Characteristics: A fast-growing legumi-
nous tree of the Mimosaceae family,
also known as leucaena, it can reach
20 m in height with a 30 cm diameter
at breast-height. It produces a large
volume of seeds, which spread widely
to cover areas thoroughly. It responds
well to pruning and regrows vigorously.

Origin: Central America

Favorable environmental conditions:

Average annual rainfall: 650-3,000 mm;
grows best in limey soil and does not
tolerate acid or soggy soils; tolerates
long drought periods; Average annual
temperature: 10-40º C; Soils: well drai-
ned, deep, average to high fertility with
pH between 5.5-7.5. Efficient symbio-
sis with nitrogen-fixing bacteria.

Uses and functions: Improves soils

with its high-quality leaves, making it
White leadtree
an excellent green manure. Its sym-
biosis with nitrogen-fixing bacteria
provides up to 400 kg of nitrogen per high-yielding, fast to regrow (even
hectare every year. Its association during the dry season) and provi-
with Mycorrhizae fungi releases phos- des quality fodder. The leaves con-
phorus both for the white leadtree tain an average of 20% gross protein
and for other crops. Periodic pruning and, mixed with the new-grown fruit,
speeds up nutrient cycling. The plant the fodder can reach up to 35% pro-
is also recommended for animal feed, tein. In protein banks, it is one of the
because it is very palatable, nutritious, most promising fodder plants for the


semiarid region. It can be used for gra- ne, which, when consumed in large
zing and harvested to produce green amounts by livestock (i.e., more than
fodder, hay and silage, in addition to 50% of the volume of the fodder), can
producing seeds. It is also good pou- cause hair loss, excessive salivation
ltry feed and can make yolks redder and weight loss. The problem is easily
with the beta-carotene from its lea- solved by withdrawing white leadtree
ves. Researchers at Embrapa recom- from their diets. As fodder for rumi-
mend cutting it every 42 days, during nants, this legume should be introdu-
the rainy season, “to produce green ced slowly, up to a maximum of 20%
manure, silage and hay, or as livestock to 30% of their diet.
fodder. During the dry season, wait 84
days before cutting. In Sobral, Ceará, The seeds have a very hard shell. To
farmers recorded the production from help it germinate, soak the seeds for
1,539 kg to 5,387 kg of dry matter three minutes, stirring well, in boiled
per hectare per year. With irrigation, (not boiling) water. Then let the seeds
white leadtree can be cut every four dry in a ventilated area. These seeds
to five weeks all year long, adding to can be stored, or else planted the next
the stock of high-quality fodder.” Whi- day. Another approach is to soak the
te leadtree also provides firewood, seeds overnight at room temperature.
charcoal and pulp, as well as shade These seeds should then be planted
for pastures (in silvopastoral systems) immediately. The season for planting
and other crops, wind-breaks, hedges is early in the rainy season. Like mes-
and honey-bee forage. quite, this tree’s invasive potential can
be contained by periodic thinning and
Propagation and observations: Con- pruning, especially when it is about to
tains a substance called mimosi- seed. Sources: 32, 33, 111


PIGEON PEA Cajanus cajan

Characteristics: leguminous shrub extension services in the State of Pa-

from the Fabaceae family. Can reach raná), based on experience in the Ivai-
4m high and its life cycle can last from porã region, “in farmers’ conditions,
1-5 years. Woody stem and a taproot egg and meat production for free-ran-
that can penetrate to 2 m deep, hel- ge chickens was multiplied by 5 when
ping to loosen compacted soil. It be- pure maize feed was replaced by 67%
gins to flower and produce pods after maize and 33% pigeon peas.” Yields of
4-5 months, with edible seeds whose peas, depending on the variety and
color may be white, yellow, brown or
black, depending on the variety, and Photo: Fabiana Peneireiro

may even be spotted with brown or

purple. While it self-pollinates na-
turally, pigeon peas have 20% cross
pollination and are intensely visited
by bees.

Origin: India, Pakistan and Indonesia.

Favorable environmental conditions:

Average annual rainfall: 400-2,500
mm; tolerates droughts and dry spe-
lls; Temperature range: 18-38º C;
Soils: drained and deep, medium fer-
tility; symbiosis with nitrogen-fixing
bacteria; does not tolerate soggy or
saline soil.

Uses and functions: Edible for humans

(eaten raw when green or cooked
when ripe). High, good-quality protein
content, from 18-32%. Its seeds are
recommended as a food supplement
for free-range chickens. According to
IAPAR and Emater (ag research and
Pigeon pea


crop system, varies from 500-1,500 It also attracts bees. Its branches and
kg/ha. Pigeon pea also provides fod- twigs can be used to make baskets. Its
der for livestock, including ruminan- woody stem is good for firewood and
ts, and can be cut for green manure. even for pulp to make quality paper.
Pigeon pea fodder contains 14-22% Its leaves have medicinal uses among
gross protein, depending on the pro- traditional peoples. It can also be used
portion of leaves, pods and stems in to prop up other crops, like tomatoes.
the material used. The crop produces
about 35 tons/ha of green matter, i.e., Propagation and observations: We
some 10 tons/ha of dried matter on recommend planting pigeon peas
the soil, and it can fix from 41-280 kg together with maize. When the mai-
of nitrogen per hectare, in symbiosis ze is harvested, the pigeon peas re-
with Rhizobium bacteria. Pigeon pea main. Well adapted to scarce water
is an excellent companion for young conditions, pigeon peas are often the
trees, as a natural nursery and source only food found in the semiarid re-
of nutrients that stimulate the grow- gion during extreme droughts. When
th of trees, when pruned frequently. pruned after the pods are harvested,
Despite its short life cycle, it is a useful the pigeon pea grows back and can
windbreak, especially around gardens. produce again. Sources: 36, 87, 61


PEAR CACTUS Opuntia fícus-indica

Characteristics: As a xerophyte in the dry grass, along with protein supple-

Cactaceae family, this species stores ments, to increase the animals’ con-
water in its structure and can perform sumption of dry material and protein
photosynthesis even when its stomata and to avoid diarrhea when it is served
are closed (CAM type metabolism). The alone or with no limits.
plant is often mentioned as a solution
for areas with little rainfall that are hard Besides nutrients, it also provides
to irrigate. It stores water in its leaves water for the livestock. The water
(also known as cladodes or pads). Its content can vary from 10-15% of
flowers may be yellow, orange or red its dry matter, with 3.5-5% protein,
and both humans and livestock enjoy
its red fruit (Indian figs). Photo: Fabiana Peneireiro

Origin: Mexico

Favorable environmental conditions:

Soils: Pear cactus is not demanding,
has a symbiotic relationship with Azos-
pirillum nitrogen-fixing bacteria, is very
suitable to the highland caatinga, the
Agreste region and mountains where
rain is scarce. In Brazil’s sertão, seridó
and coastal regions, its yields are lower.

Uses and functions: It can be used for

food, since its fruit is edible, and its lea-
ves (or pads) can be stewed. The fruit
also has medicinal uses to prevent asth-
ma, coughing, intestinal worms, prosta-
te problems and rheumatic pain. It is
widely used to feed livestock, either as
forage or as fodder in the trough mixed
with other food like hay, silage or stubb-
le from sorghum, maize, beans or even
Pear cactus


depending on the variety. Its water-­

storage­capacity means it can be used
for irrigation, by cutting the pads to
cover the soil. We also recommend
shredding pads to line the holes whe-
re seedlings, seeds or cuttings will be
planted, to keep the area moist for PEAR CACTUS TIPS
the other plant to develop.
The best season to plant pear
Propagation and observations: Plant cactus is in “high summer,
early in the rainy season in well-drai- when the weather picks up,” or
ned soil, and late in the rainy season “from August on,” and into the
in poorly drained soil to keep the pads first showers. This is when the
from rotting. Bury a third of a pad to plant has the lowest water con-
plant it. The more you cut the pads, the tent. “If you cut it when it’s full
more it produces. It is an excellent com- of water, it won’t take, but from
panion for other plants and cuttings. August on, when it’s pretty dry,
For neighboring plants, its roots release you just cut it and it’ll take.” Pri-
exudates, moistening the soil around ckly pear management helps it
the roots. The plant is also a natural grow and increases yields.
host for the cochineal (Dactylopius coc- Mosso – EFASE monitor, Monte
cus), an insect that causes no harm to Santo, Bahia
the plant and, if well managed, produ-
ces a red dye (carmine) that can be sold
on the market. Sources: 104, 16

Find recipes for pear cactus in Portuguese at:


MANDACARU CACTUS Cereus jamacaru

Characteristics: Large arboreal cactus, be cut into pieces, but their thorns
with a thick ramified trunk and a woo- cut or burned off as well, before being
dy base. Its main trunk may grow to fed to the livestock. The presence of
50 cm in diameter at breast height. It mandacaru in the semiarid region’s
is green year-round, even during pro-
longed droughts, can grow up to 16 Photo: Daniel Vieira

m high when located in a thick forest,

producing white flowers that open at
night. Its strong violet fruit has a sweet
white pulp with tiny black seeds.

Origin: Native to the Brazilian Caatinga.

Favorable environmental conditions:

Temperature: from 7-45º C, or even
higher; average annual rainfall: from
500 mm (or less) to 2,600 mm; Soils:
sandy, rocky, well-drained and limey,
with pH from 5.0 to 7.2.

Uses and functions: Ornamental plant

with fruit edible for humans and se-
veral typical bird species, such as the
gralha-cancã and the periquito-da-
-caatinga. The fruit is eaten raw, after
removing the shell. The stem can be
used to make candy or to extract its
starch. It can be used for animal fod-
der, especially during prolonged drou-
ghts, because it accumulates much
water in its branches, which can both
feed the cattle and quench their thirst.
When there are thorns on the bran-
ches (cladodes), these must not only
Mandacaru cactus


plant cover means water storage for with the base on the ground. As soon
the system, which is helpful for all the as the roots take, they can be planted
surrounding plants. in the final place where they will bear
fruit after the third year. Seeds should
Propagation and observations: Man- be sown as soon as they are gathe-
dacaru reproduces with pieces of the red, in a substrate with 50% sand and
cladodes, which should be cut be- 50% dried, shredded leaves, and will
tween the internodes to help them germinate within 25-45 days. Plants
take root. The cuttings should be plan- grown from seeds begin to bear fruit
ted in semi-shaded beds, vertically, after 6-7 years. Sources: 4


SISAL Agave sisalana

Characteristics: Also known as agave, Favorable environmental conditions:

this perennial species is extremely Sisal can tolerate prolonged drough-
well adapted to northeastern Brazil’s ts and high temperatures. The most
semiarid climate. Its sword-shaped appropriate soil types to cultivate it
leaves are arranged around an axis. At are sandy, permeable, deep and with
the end of its 5-10 year life cycle, the good average fertility.
plant grows an inflorescence or flower
stalk, with flowers, fruit and seeds, or Uses and functions: Production of na-
only bulbs (reproductive structure), tural fibers from its leaves which are
and then it dies. processed into rope, twine, carpets,
materials for automobile, furniture
Origin: Mexico and appliance industries, as well as

Photo: Henrique Marques



civil construction. The chemical in- species, while also enriching the soil’s
dustry extracts fats, wax, glycoside, biology and structure.
alcohol, acids and fertilizers. The was-
te (or bagasse) from the production Propagation and observations: Sisal
of sisal fibers contains plant juice or can be reproduced from bulbils (see-
sap, particles and pieces of the leaves dlings from the tassel) or buds (from
and various sized fibers, which can be the rhizome at the base of the mother
used for animal feed and as fertilizer. plant), which are vegetative propaga-
It is also useful for ecological resto- tion structures. While the bulbils need
ration in semiarid regions because, to be planted in nurseries if they are
growing in high temperatures with small, the buds do not, and can be
little rainfall, it accumulates water in planted directly in the field. The best
its leaves (80% of the content of the season for planting is when the plants
leaves is water) which, when pruned, produce the bulbils or buds, normally
can be used to cover the soil and pro- shortly before or early in the rainy
vide nutrients and moisture for other season. Sources: 3, 43


SABIÁ Mimosa caesalpiniaefolia Benth

Characteristics: A perennial legume re: 20-28º C; Soils: fertile and deep,

of the Mimosaceae (Fabaceae) fa- with pH from 5.5-8.5, but it also
mily, which grows as high as 7-8 m. It grows in less fertile soil. It’s symbio-
grows rapidly in the semiarid region tic relationship with Rhizobium ni-
(about 1 m/year) and regrows quickly trogen-fixing bacteria, according to
when pruned. Embrapa researchers, makes it very
important for forest regeneration
Origin: Northeastern Brazil, specifi- and, above all, for reforestation.
cally the States of Rio Grande do Nor-
te, Piauí and Ceará. Uses and functions: This multi-pur-
pose species provides wood for pos-
Favorable environmental condi- ts and fences, as well as hedges (at
tions: Average annual rainfall: 600- the end of the third or fourth year);
1,000 mm, but it also grows in dryer energy (firewood and charcoal); as
areas as well as moister areas of the tutoring plants, especially for gra-
Cerrado; Average annual temperatu- pe plantations in the northeast or

Photo: Fabiana Peneireiro Sabiá


passionfruit elsewhere; industrial areas. The species is also used to en-

uses such as pulp and plywood; fo- rich and enhance the soil, to shade
dder for large and small ruminants crops and to control erosion.
(leaves and pods, both green and
dried) especially in the dry season. Propagation and observations: Very ca-
Its leaves contain about 17% protein. pable of natural regeneration, it grows
The flowers attract bees and the shell easily from seeds. It is considered an
has medicinal uses. It is also useful as invasive species in favorable conditions
a wind-break or hedge and is an effi- for its growth and reproduction. It can
cient physical barrier because of the reproduce from either seeds or cuttin-
thorns on its young branches. The gs. To break the seeds’ dormancy, they
variety with thorns is recommended can be soaked in recently boiled water
for posts to manage animal feeding for one minute. Sources: 98


A sabiá fencepost can now be managed like we do it in our re-
sold for R$3.50* to R$ 5.00. Legal gion, it’s ready in 5-6 years, ins-
wood is sold for R$4.00, when tead of 7-8 years. You get 22,000
licensed. One young farmer is stakes per hectare.
growing nothing but sabiá on 15
The sabiá spreads fast after you
hectares. He plans to sell only
clear an area. In a shaded system
the wood of the mature trees.
it nearly disappears.
The sabiá grows a lot after an
area is slashed. His father had What most discourages people
cut everything down, so only from growing sabiá is all the
the sabiá grew back. He plans to work it takes to get a license.
use correct spacing (1.5 x 1.0m), And the market price is the same
with at most three cuttings in as if you take it out of the forest.
each clump. When you clear cut
an area, you’ll cut it down again Ernaldo Expedito de Sá – Tian-
in 6-8 years. Out in the brush, it guá, farmer and resident in the
takes ten years, but if the sabiá is Ibiapaba Mountains EPA, in Ceará.

1 dollar = roughly 3.5 Reais.



Characteristics: An arboreal legume fined seasons, but tolerant to water

of the Fabaceae family, gliricidia can stress; Soils: pH from 4.5-5.0, does not
grow to 15 m high, with a diameter of grow well in very alkaline or very acid
up to 30 cm. The tree begins to bear its soil, preferring deep, well-drained
pink flowers in the first five years, or and fertile soils; Temperature: 15-30º
even earlier if planted from cuttings. C. Interacts symbiotically with Rhizo-
bium nitrogen-fixing bacteria.
Origin: Central America, now widely
disseminated through the tropics. Uses and functions: This multi-purpo-
se plant can be used in windbreaks,
Favorable environmental conditions: hedges and shade for silvopastoral and
Altitude: from sea level to 1,600 m, in agrosilvopastoral systems, for fodder
sub-humid and dry regions; Average and to produce wood. It has a great
annual rainfall: 600-3,500 mm, in de- potential for recovering soil fertility,

Photo: Fabiana Peneireiro. Gliricidia (or Quickstick or kakawate)


as green manure, since it fixes nitro- vils during storage. As a mouse-killer,

gen, has a deep root system, tolerates the Gliricidia’s leaves or root skin can
pruning well, regrows vigorously with be mixed with cooked maize. The plant
a large volume of biomass (can recom- also attracts bees.
pose its crown about four months af-
ter pruning). Produces a large amount Propagation and observations: It
(~7.7t/ha/yr) of dry matter and its can reproduce either by seeds or cut-
leaves have a high (24%) gross protein tings. The seeds have no dormancy
content. It can be stored as a protein and can be sown immediately after
bank for animal feed by cutting the harvest. When planted with seeds
green branches and leaving the buds stored over a year, it is important to
to regrow. This material (leaves and soak them in cold water for 24 hours,
small branches) can be fed daily in the or else in hot water (90º C) for two or
trough or else turned into hay or sila- three minutes.
ge to store for the livestock during the
dry season. Shaded pastures promote For cuttings to take well, they should
animal welfare, forage plants are more be planted as soon as they are cut, in a
nutritious, and the soil also improves. diagonal to vertical position, with the
It is a strategic species as a hedge or a buds turned upwards. Cuttings take
living fence post. Its leaves have a che- root easily, with diameters of about 4
mical that kills both insects and roden- cm and 2 m long, buried about 30 cm
ts. As an insecticide, its leaves can be deep. The cuttings should be planted
placed in chicken roosts to avoid fleas, in their definitive location, or else in a
and in seed containers to avoid wee- nursery. Sources: 94, 6, 29


UMBU Spondias tuberosa

Characteristics: Xerophytic plant in crown, shaped like an umbrella, lo-

the Anacardiaceae family. Umbu, in ses its leaves in the dry season. It can
the Tupi-Guarani indigenous langua- live more than 100 years and attracts
ge (“y-mb-u”), means “tree that gi- many bees with its white perfumed
ves drinking water,” and Euclides da flowers. The umbu tree’s fruit can be
Cunha called it the “sacred tree of picked in the rainy season. Its ecolo-
the backlands.” Its root system, with gical requirements are like those of
tuberous structures called xylopo- caroá, sisal, pear cactus and aveloz,
diums, can store large amounts of and it grows in a natural association
water. The tree is small, at the most with other native plants like the fa-
6 m high, its trunk is short and the cheiro cactus, the mulungu tree, the

Photo: Daniel Vieira Umbu


macambira bromeliad, the canudo diarrhea). The roots quench the thirst
shrub, malva and several cacti. of locals during severe droughts. The
bark is used to make a medicine and
Origin: Native to the semiarid region the trunk provides light, soft wood.
in northeastern Brazil. The fresh green leaves go into salads
or stews and can also be forage for ca-
Favorable environmental conditions: ttle, goats and sheep. They are also a
food source for wild deer, turtles and
Soils: deep, well drained, sandy; does other animals.
not tolerate soggy soil; temperature:
from 12-38º C; Average annual rainfall: Propagation and observations: umbu
400-800 mm, but it can live in places can be planted by seed after removing
where it rains up to 1,600 mm/yr. the pulp. To germinate faster, make a
bevel cut on the seed’s far tip opposite
Uses and functions: Improves the the fruit stem. Seedlings can also be
environment for other species and grown with cuttings from the crown,
provides a variety of products, many which can be drawn from May throu-
of which come from its fruit, roots, gh August, with 3.5 cm diameters, and
fresh green leaves and even the bark. about 40 cm long. The cuttings are
The fruit can be made into juice, ice planted in the definitive location for
cream, candy, jam, wine and vinegar. the new tree, at a slant with about
The roasted and ground seed is used 2/3 of the length buried. They can also
to make a drink. The roots can be pro- reproduce in nurseries with a sandy
cessed into flour and provide a medi- substratum to grow roots before being
cinal water (used against worms and planted in the field. Source: 63


Photo: Fabiana Peneireiro Yellow mombin

YELLOW MOMBIN Spondias mombin

Characteristics: A fast-growing tree in Origin: Tropical Americas.

the Anarcadiaceae family, up to 25 m
tall. It tolerates dry seasons well with Favorable environmental condi-
an adaptive xylopodium structure tions: Tolerates most soils and can
(root tubers that store water) that is tolerate 2-3 months of waterlogged
less extensive than the umbu’s. It is soil per year. Average annual rainfall:
also well adapted to poorly drained 1,500 mm.
terrains. It bears fruit in the third or
fourth year when planted from cut- Uses and functions: The fruit has a
tings. The yellow mombin fruit is light pleasant taste. They are picked after
orange, with a thin shell and distinct, falling to the ground. A single tree can
tasty pulp. The tree responds well to produce up to 1,000 kilos of fruit. The
pruning, is easy to manage, regrows juicy pulp can be used to produce jam,
well and produces much biomass, juice, ice cream, preserves, liqueur
even in unfavorable conditions. and desserts. Its leaves and roots are


also edible. It attracts honeybees. Me- Propagation and observations: The

dicines are produced from its leaves, yellow mombin can be reproduced
bark and roots. Its leaves can be fod- from seeds or from woody cuttings.
der for pigs and cattle while the wood Cuttings should be about a meter long
can be used for firewood and has fa- with a 4-8 cm diameter, can be plan-
vorable traits to produce paper. Cut- ted in the field and must be irrigated
tings can become living fenceposts, until fully taking root. Sources: 63, 26, 65
since they root well.


MEXICAN SUNFLOWER Tithonia diversifolia

Characteristics: As a shrub or herba- Origin: Central America.

ceous plant, it can grow to 1.5-4.0 me-
ters tall. It has strong branches and, Favorable environmental conditions:
during its reproductive phase, displays Since it adapts well to a broad range of
inflorescences in the form of yellow environmental situations and tolerates
capitula. It is considered a rustic spe- acid, unfertile soil, it found favorable
cies and tolerates pruning down to the conditions for optimal development in
ground, with intense and vigorous re- the Cerrado’s soils and climate.
growth, even after it has been burned.
It is recommended as a key species in Uses and functions: This species is
the Cerrado and rainier areas of the used on farms as beekeeping flora
Caatinga. In other parts of the Caatinga and green manure to improve soil
the Mexican sunflower does not devel- due to its great potential for bio-
op well because of the long dry season. mass production, fast growth and
low input demand as a crop. Studies
Photo: Andrew Miccolis
have found that the Mexican sun-
flower “restores soil fertility, increa-
sing yields of subsequent crops, due
to the high level of nutrients in the
phytomass (the plants biomass),” es-
pecially phosphorus, potassium and
nitrogen and that its dry matter has
high protein content, mainly before
flowering. This means that the use
of its biomass from periodic pruning
makes a substantial contribution to
soil fertility. Its large root system and
symbiosis with soil microorganisms
give Mexican sunflowers an excep-
tional capacity to provide nutrients
normally lacking in the Cerrado’s acid
soil, especially phosphorus and nitro-
gen. In addition to this fertilization, it
also helps improve the soil’s physical

Mexican sunflower

and biological makeup. Mexican sun- by cutting all the branches close to
flowers also help control erosion, at- the ground, to allow neighboring
tract bees and complement the feed tree seedlings to emerge with vigor.
for livestock. Its medicinal uses in-
clude controlling hepatitis and some Propagation and observations: When
infections, malaria, inflammations, reproduced with 20-30 cm green cut-
diarrhea, amoebas and others. The tings (from mature branches), it takes
flowers and seeds are an important root well. Like some other highly
food source for wild birds during the adapted and efficient key species, or
dry season. During its adult stage, engineer species, the Mexican sun-
and with no management, it replaces flower is an exotic and potentially very
grasses like brachiaria, and provides invasive species. It produces a large
a favorable nursery environment for number of seeds which are spread by
the germination and recruitment of the wind. When suitably managed,
many native and exotic tree species, however, with periodic pruning be-
generally those spread by the fau- fore it flowers, this species can be an
na that the plant attracts. In its full, excellent ally for farmer’s efforts to re-
adult strength, it should be managed cover degraded soil. Sources: 29, 112


INGA Inga spp.

Characteristics: An arboreal legume soft pulp much like by the wild fauna.
in the Mimosaceae family. There are The ice-cream bean has a 10-12-year
approximately 300 woody species in life cycle, while other ingas, like the
the Inga genus, with variable sizes Inga marginata bean, live even longer.
and life-cycles. The name inga comes Ingas have a symbiotic relation with
from the indigenous Tupi language nitrogen-fixing bacteria, produce lar-
and means “having enclosed seeds.” ge amounts of biomass and generally
It commonly occurs along rivers and in accept intense yearly pruning, which
wetlands, for example the ice-cream makes them highly recommended for
bean (Inga edulis), which prefers moist intercropping in agroforestry systems.
and even waterlogged soil in riparian
forests. Other species adapt to dry fo- Origin: Tropical South America, with
rests. The fruit is a pod, and the seeds natural occurrence from Mexico to
inside are covered with a sweet, white, Uruguay

Photo: Fabiana Peneireiro Inga


Favorable environmental conditions: for coffee and cacao) and to provide

Varies from one species to another. biomass when pruned, while also hel-
Some grow well in acid, low-fertility, ping cycle nutrients, adding calcium
dry soil, like the Inga laurina, while and nitrogen into the system, the latter
others prefer more fertile, moist soil, through symbiotic fixation. It tolerates
like the ice-cream bean, which can pruning and regrows well. Its leaves
tolerate waterlogged soil for 2-3 mon- can be fed to the cattle. It is resistant
ths. All these species, however, also to root pathogens such as Meloidogy-
tolerate up to 6 months of drought. ne nematodes. Its lumber is used for
The optimal annual rainfall is 1,200 firewood and for packaging, boxes and
mm. Ingas have an association with lightweight internal civil construction,
the nitrogen-fixing, endophytic Rhizo- because of its low resistance and du-
bium bacteria, and/or with symbiont rability. The inga tree attracts bees and
endomycorrhiza, a fungus that helps can flower 4-5 times a year, another
make nutrients available. feature that makes it strategic.

Uses and functions: The fruit, who- Observations: Its recalcitrant seeds do
se seeds are covered in a sweet, soft not germinate after they dry out. So-
white pulp, are consumed by humans metimes the seeds have already ger-
and are also very popular among the minated before the fruit is picked. This
wild fauna. It is also used in traditional means the seeds must be planted soon
medicine to treat bronchitis and heal after they are picked, either directly in
wounds. In agroforestry systems, it is the ground where they are to grow, or
recommended for shade (especially in seedling bags. Sources: 92, 5, 113, 29


WEST INDIAN ELM Guazuma ulmifolia

Characteristics: An evergreen tree in fauna, especially monkeys and agou-

the Sterculiaceae family, common in tis, as well as cattle. The tree’s wood
dense Cerrado and gallery forests. This can be used to make pulp and paper.
fast-growing species can reach a height It is also a good fuel, as firewood or
of 30 m, with a dense crown, and a life charcoal, and can be used to make fur-
cycle of over 15 years. Its flowers are niture. The leaves can be fed to cattle.
pollinated by bees and other small in- This species only drops part of its lea-
sects. After three or four years, it begins ves in the dry season, making it impor-
bearing encapsulated, green to black tant for the integration with animals in
fruit that are dry, hard and 1.5-3.5 cm the agroforest. Embrapa researchers
long, with approximately 50 small seeds
covered with a sweet, mucilaginous
pulp. The seeds are spread by birds, fish
and other animals, including cattle.

Origin: Tropical Americas, common in

Brazil’s Atlantic Forest, Amazon, Panta-
nal, Cerrado and even in the Caatinga.

Favorable environmental conditions:

It is common in open, secondary-
-growth areas, in clearings, along
creeks and rivers and altered environ-
ments. It grows well in areas with ave-
rage annual rainfall of 600-1,500 mm
and where the average annual tempe-
rature is 24º C. It is not demanding in
terms of soils and adapts both to dry
and to humid environments, with a
preference for sandy soil.

Uses and functions: A multi-purpose

plant whose fruit produces a sweet,
viscous substance much liked by the
West Indian elm Photo: Fabiana Peneireiro.


report that one of this specie’s major also have medicinal uses. The cooked
potential uses is in agrosilvopastoral bark produces a mucilaginous extract
intercrops, with trees in pastures. The used to make rapadura (brick sugar)
cattle like the West Indian elm’s leaves and to clear the sugarcane syrup while
and new fruit, especially during the dry it is boiling. Today there is West Indian
season. Its forage contains 17-28% raw elm ice cream on sale in some Brazi-
protein. It is also recommended for lian cities. Its melliferous flowers pro-
windbreaks when spaced about 3-5 m vide abundant nectar, attracting bees
apart. It is highly recommended for the that in turn produce a tasty, pleasant
recovery of degraded areas, for which and high-quality honey.
it requires frequent pruning, as a fast-
-growing species, resprouts vigorously Propagation and observations: It res-
and attracts fauna. Its crown, dense in ponds well to pruning and regrows
leaves, when pruned produces a large vigorously. To plant it directly, the
volume of high-quality biomass, which seeds’ dormancy should be broken
is excellent as forage and to recover by soaking them in boiled water (with
the fertility of degraded soil. The fruit the heat turned off) for 15 seconds.
is also eaten by humans, either fresh, Then drain the hot water and place
dried, raw or cooked. Some indige- the seeds in cold water. This thermal
nous peoples use it to make a kind of shock will “wake up” the dormant
mush and a drink. The fruit and leaves seeds. Source: 25


BANANA Musa spp.

Characteristics: The banana tree be- else dehydrated. Fibers from the pseu-
longs to the Musaceae family and is dostem and leaves can be used in se-
considered a giant herbaceous plant. veral kinds of handicraft as rugs, hats,
Its underground rhizome stem pro- bags, etc., and the banana “heart”
duces fasciculate roots and suckers, (from the blossom) is also edible. The
which make a clump of banana trees. water and nutrients (mainly potas-
Each banana tree has a succulent sium) stored throughout the plant’s
pseudostem, made of overlapping
leaf sheaths. The leaves, in addition to Photo: Fabiana Peneireiro
the sheaths, have a long petiole and
a long, wide leaf blade. The bunch of
bananas is an infructescence made
up of hands, which grow from flowers
that emerge from banana “hearts”
on stalks at the top of the plant. The
plant’s height can vary from 1.8-8.0 m.

Origin: Asia

Favorable environmental conditions:

The banana tree is a tropical plant
that grows best in warm regions. The
optimal temperature range is 15-35º
C. It does not tolerate frost. Average
annual rainfall: over 1,300 mm, well
distributed throughout the year, al-
though it tolerates some dry spells.
Soils: preferably fertile, deep and well

Uses and functions: The banana tree

is most valued for its fruit, which can
be eaten raw, baked, fried, processed
before fully ripe as chips or flour or


tissues help feed other species when from the larger plant and cleaned,
recycled. The pseudostem, when cut breaking the roots to cut the sucker’s
lengthwise and laid at the foot of connection with the rhizome, near
other plants, provides water and nu- the mother plant. Banana seedlings
trients for several months, stimulating can also be produced in laboratories,
soil life and avoiding the emergence with tissue cultures of the apical me-
of unwanted weeds or grass. Its large ristem, in tubes.
flowers give the banana tree a high
rate of evapotranspiration, helping Observations: In agroforestry sys-
create a moister microclimate. Its sha- tems, or to recover degraded areas,
de is essential for the development banana trees can and must be inten-
of seeds and seedlings of other nati- sely managed to produce biomass and
ve and exotic trees, which grow well cover the soil, cutting down most or
during their initial stages under the even all the trunk-like pseudostems.
crown of the banana tree. Some banana varieties, like “prata”
and “nanicão,” adapt well to the sha-
Propagation: The banana’s vegetative de and can continue to produce for
reproduction uses rhizome seedlings many years in agroforestry systems
that tiller from the corm. The smaller managed to let sunlight into the forest
bits or suckers should be removed floor. Source: 146


Achiote Photo: Fabiana Peneireiro

ACHIOTE Bixa orellana

Characteristics: This evergreen tree in does not tolerate frost. Average an-
the Bixaceae family can grow as high nual rainfall: from 1,200-3,000 mm.
as 3-4 m. It has simple leaves, beauti- Soils: Medium fertility, deep, moist
ful pink flowers, and its dry fruit, which and fresh. It tolerates soggy soil and
grows in bunches, opens up to reveal grows well with some shade.
dozens of red seeds. The native name
in Brazil, urucum, comes from the Tupi Uses and functions: Its seeds pro-
language and means the color red. It duce a pigment called bixin, which is
begins to bear fruit after three years used in cooking and the food industry
and generally grows near rivers, from as a powdered dye. It is also used in
the Amazon region to Bahia, in Brazil. cosmetics and pharmaceuticals. The
plant can be pruned to produce bio-
Origin: Topical Americas mass and regrows well even when
pruned to the ground.
Favorable environmental condi-
tions: Grows well at temperatures Propagation and observations: To ac-
from 20-26º C, in regions where tem- celerate germination, it is best to soak
peratures can vary from 15-38º C. It the seeds in water for 24 hours.


EUCALYPTUS Eucalyptus spp.

Characteristics: The eucalyptus ge- their potential uses. The most wide-
nus, in the Myrtaceae family, has ly used among them are fast-growing
more than 700 species. Some of the species. The leaves are simple, gener-
most common species planted in Bra- ally lanceolate, and the flowers have
zil are E. camaldulensis, E. citriodora, a large number of exuberant stamens,
E. grandis, E. saligna, E. dunnii and E. which attract many insects. The fruit is
urophylla. There is hybridism among woody, slightly conical, with valves that
the species. Each species or hybrid has open to release its extremely small
different edaphoclimatic needs, sizes, seeds. The most common species in
shapes and composition, which affect Brazil reach heights from 20-60 m.

Origin: Australia and other islands in


Favorable environmental conditions:

Occurs naturally at altitudes from 30-
600 m, with average annual rainfall
from 250-625 mm, and temperatures
ranging from 11-35º C. It also grows
well in areas with more rainfall like the
Cerrado and other Brazilian biomes.
Each eucalyptus species responds di-
fferently to rainfall, frost, dry spells
and soil fertility. Soils: Deep and well
drained. Does not tolerate shallow
soil. Climate: The species are adapted
to long dry seasons, varying from 4-8
months, or even more.

Uses and functions: Eucalyptus has

multiple uses and performs many
functions, particularly lumber for ci-
vil construction, logs for sawmills to
Eucalyptus Photo: Henrique Marques
make plywood, posts and stakes, ener-


gy generated from charcoal, firewood ning. Finally, it can also be used for
and biofuel, as well as pulp to produce shade and as an ornamental plant.
paper. Its flowers attract honey bees
and its leaves have medicinal uses Each of the various eucalyptus species
and produce an essential oil. Eucalyp- has specific features that make it use-
tus trees can also provide biomass for ful, based on a desired function and
soil recovery in degraded areas, when environmental conditions, which we
managed with frequent, intensive pru- have summarized here:

Photo: Henrique Marques Eucalyptus



• PULP: E. alba, E. dunnii, E. globu- • CRATES: E. dunnii, E. grandis, E. pi-

lus, E. grandis, E. saligna, E. uro- lularis and E. resinifera.
phylla and E. grandis x E. urophylla
• CONSTRUCTION: E. alba, E. botryoi-
des, E. camaldulensis, E. citriodora,
• FIREWOOD AND CHARCOAL: E. bras- E. cloeziana, E. deglupta, E. macu-
siana, E. camaldulensis, E. citriodora, lata, E. microcorys, E. paniculata, E.
E. cloeziana, E. crebra, E. deglupta, pilularis, E. resinifera, E. robusta, E.
E. exserta, E. globulus, E. grandis, E. tereticornis and E. tesselaris.
maculata, E. paniculata, E. pellita, E.
• TIES: E. botryoides, E. camaldulensis,
pilularis, E. saligna, E. tereticornis, E.
E. citriodora, E. cloeziana, E. crebra, E.
tesselaris and E. urophylla.
deglupta, E. exserta, E. maculata, E.
• SAWMILLS: E. camaldulensis, E. ci- maidenii, E. microcorys, E. paniculata,
triodora, E. cloeziana, E. dunnii, E. E. pilularis, E. propinqua, E. punctata,
globulus, E. grandis, E. maculata, E. robusta and E. tereticornis.
E. maidenii, E. microcorys, E. pani-
• POSTS: E. camaldulensis, E. citriodo-
culata, E. pilularis, E. propinqua, E.
ra, E. cloeziana, E. maculata, E. mai-
punctata, E. resinifera, E. robusta,
denii, E. microcorys, E. paniculata, E.
E. saligna, E. tereticornis and E.
pilularis, E. punctata, E. propinqua,
E. tereticornis and E. resinifera.
• FURNITURE: E. camaldulensis, E.
• FENCE POSTS: E. citriodora, E. ma-
citriodora, E. deglupta, E. dunnii, E.
culata and E. paniculata.
exserta, E. grandis, E. maculata, E.
microcorys, E. paniculata, E. pilula- • ESSENTIAL OIL: E. camaldulensis,
ris, E. resinifera, E. saligna and E. E. citriodora, E. exserta, E. globu-
tereticornis. lus, E. smithii, E. salicifolia.and E.
• LAMINATES: E. botryoides, E.
dunnii, E. grandis, E. maculata, E. • TANNINs: E. camaldulensis, E. ci-
microcorys, E. pilularis, E. robusta, triodora, E. maculata, E. paniculata
E. saligna and E. tereticornis. and E. smithii.



• HUMID AND HOT: E. camaldu- • CLAYEY: E. citriodora, E. cloezia-
lensis, E. deglupta, E. robusta, E. na, E. dunnii, E. grandis, E. ma-
tereticornis and E. urophylla. culata, E. paniculata E. pellita, E.
pilularis, E. pyrocarpa, E. salig-
• HUMID AND COLD: E. botryoi-
na, and E. urophylla.
des, E. deanei, E. dunnii, E. glo-
bulus, E. grandis, E. maidenii, E. • MEDIUM TEXTURE: E. citriodo-
paniculata, E. pilularis, E. pro- ra, E. cloeziana, E. crebra, E. ex-
pinqua, E. resinifera, E. robusta, serta, E. grandis, E. maculata, E.
E. saligna and E. viminalis. paniculata, E. pellita, E. pilularis,
E. pyrocarpa, E. saligna, E. tere-
• SUBHUMID HUMID: E. citriodo-
ticornis and E. urophylla.
ra, E. grandis, E. saligna, E. tere-
ticornis and E. urophylla. • SANDY: E. brassiana, E. camal-
dulensis, E. deanei, E. dunnii, E.
• SUBHUMID DRY: E. camaldulen-
grandis, E. robusta E. saligna, E.
sis, E. citriodora, E. cloeziana, E.
tereticornis and E. urophylla.
maculata, E. pellita, E. pilularis,
E. pyrocarpa, E. tereticornis and • HYDROMORPHIC: E. robusta.
E. urophylla.
• DYSTROPHIC: E. alba, E. camal-
• SEMIARID: E. brassiana, E. camal- dulensis, E. grandis, E. maculata,
dulensis, E. crebra, E. exserta, E. E. paniculata, E. pyrocarpa and
tereticornis and E. tessalaris. E. propinqua.

Propagation and observations: Eu- keeping the environment healthy.

calyptus trees are generally plan- When planted as a dense mono-
ted from cuttings (clones) or seeds. crop, however, it can be harmful to
When used in a consortium, well- the environment. After being cut to
-spaced and frequently managed the ground, the tree will regrow and
with pruning, eucalyptus can be can still be cut back again. Sources:
an excellent ally for farmers, while 50, 147, 148, 149



As members of the Poaceae family, do and Caatinga regions. In addition,

grass species are C4-type plants (with some species are adapted to soils
a four-carbon molecule that is the with different degrees of fertility and
first product of carbon fixation in the- can solubilize and provide difficult-to-
se plants) capable of making better -process nutrients. Its biomass, rich
use of solar energy in photosynthe- in carbon, helps increase the organic
sis, even in very high temperatures, content of soils, protecting it from
as opposed to C3 plants (all trees and torrential rain and direct sunlight,
most herbaceous species), whose me- while dynamizing life in the soil. Here
tabolism shuts down at high tempera- we describe three key grass species,
tures with intense sunlight, conditions recommended for conservation with
frequently encountered in the Cerra- production in the Cerrado region.


GUINEA GRASS Panicum maximum or Megathyrsus maximus

Characteristics: A caespitose grass Average temperature: 15-35º C; Soils:

species that grows in bunches. Highly average to high fertility.
productive and shade tolerant. Its acid
root system favors the solubilization Uses and functions: Excellent fora-
of phosphorus and other nutrients, ge for cattle, goats and sheep, with
which are absorbed and made availa- good nutritional quality and much
ble by the grass. This variety produces biomass. The plant’s biomass has an
130% more biomass than Colonião average of 11-15% protein. Since it
grass and 28% more than cv Tanzania. makes phosphorus available both in
the soil, when mowed, and in rumi-
Origin: Africa nants when eaten, it is an important
source of nutrients for the entire
Favorable environmental conditions: system. The high carbon content in
Average annual rainfall: 800-1,000 its biomass helps the organic matter
mm, but adapts well to more rainfall; decompose more slowly, thus protec-
ting the soil for a longer period. That
Photo: Fabiana Peneireiro
protection keeps the soil moist and
full of life, providing favorable condi-
tions for the growth of roots of plant
species associated with the accumu-
lated straw. As feed, it can be either
forage in the field or fed as fodder in a
trough. The powerful roots of Guinea
grass also help contain erosion.

Propagation and observations: Can

be multiplied with seeds. Use only
when it can be managed intensively,
either manually or mechanically, to
perform its function of providing bio-
mass and improving the soil, without
blocking the emergence of native
trees and shrubs, especially in PPAs.
Sources: 124, 120, 118
Guinea grass


GAMBA GRASS Andropogon gayanus

Characteristics: A caespitose grass Uses and functions: Good forage for

species, well adapted to the Brazi- cattle, goats and sheep in the Cerra-
lian Cerrado. Like other grasses, it do, with medium nutritional quality
can solubilize and offer nutrients for and much biomass. Since it makes
poor soils, especially phosphorus. phosphorus available both in the soil,
Its carbon-rich organic matter, which when mowed, and in ruminants when
decomposes much more slowly than eaten, it is an important source of nu-
legumes, also lasts longer, protecting trients for the entire system. The high
the soil. carbon content in its biomass helps
the organic matter decompose more
Origin: Africa slowly, thus protecting the soil for a
longer period. That protection keeps
Favorable environmental conditions: the soil moist and full of life, providing
Grows well in full sunlight, in acid soils favorable conditions for the growth of
with lower fertility than required by roots of plant species associated with
Guinea and elephant grass; Average the accumulated straw. As feed, it is
annual rainfall: 1,000-2,000 mm. best consumed as forage in the field.
Gamba grass
Propagation and ob-
servations: Can be
multiplied with seeds.
Use only when it can
be managed intensi-
vely, either manually
or mechanically, to
perform its function
of providing biomass
and improving the soil,
without blocking the
emergence of native
trees and shrubs, espe-
cially in PPAs. Sources:
124, 120, 109



ELEPHANT GRASS Pennisetum purpureum cv. Napier

Characteristics: This Napier grass is protection keeps the soil moist and
a perennial caespitose species, with full of life, providing favorable condi-
broad leaves and a thick stalk. tions for the growth of roots of plant
species associated with the accumu-
Origin: Africa lated straw. As feed, it can be either
forage in the field or else planted as
Favorable environmental conditions: a fodder crop and fed to the animals
Grows profusely in tropical conditions; shredded in a trough. Elephant grass
Average annual rainfall: 800-4,000 is also tall enough to be grown as a
mm; Temperature range: 18-30º C.
It requires medium to highly fertile, Photo: Fabiana Peneireiro
well-drained soil, and does not tole-
rate acid soil with much aluminum. In
sandy soil that is less fertile, however,
it still produces large amounts of bio-
mass. It is very productive and grows
well in full sunlight. Its acidic rhizos-
phere enhances the solubilization of
phosphorus and other nutrients, whi-
ch are absorbed and made available
by the grass.

Uses and functions: Elephant grass,

like Guinea grass, is an excellent forage
for cattle, goats and sheep, with good
nutritional quality and much biomass.
Since it makes phosphorus available
both in the soil, when mowed, and in
ruminants when eaten, it is an impor-
tant source of nutrients for the entire
system. The high carbon content in
its biomass helps the organic matter
decompose more slowly, thus protec-
ting the soil for a longer period. That
Elephant grass


windbreak and its powerful roots will improving the soil, without blocking
help contain erosion, for example on the emergence of native trees and
degradable hillsides and river banks. shrubs, especially in PPAs. Since ele-
Shredded, it is also an excellent cover phant grass rarely propagates throu-
for vegetable beds in agroforests. gh seeds, there is no risk it will beco-
me an invasive species. Sources: 124,
Propagation and observations: Ele- 120, 77

phant grass does vegetative repro-

duction, by planting stem cuttings To conclude, we present below a list
of the stolons, like sugar cane, along of multi-purpose species suggested
furrows, or else buried in slanted for the Cerrado and Caatinga regions
pieces. It is recommended that it be of Brazil, chosen for the features
cut close to the ground to allow the described in Section 4.2: Selecting
basal buds to sprout. Use only when the Species. This list is by no means
it can be managed intensively, either exhaustive, but rather a starting point
manually or mechanically, to perform to plan AFS, since there are many
its function of providing biomass and other important species.

Photo: Andrew Miccolis


Good Income/
Common Fertility Story/ Attracts fauna Timber Medicinal Occurs predominantly
Scientific name Life cycle biomass Food Forage marketing
name requirement layer* and pollinators potential potential (biome)
producer potential
Achiote Bixa orellana medium perennial medium yes yes yes no no yes yes Cerrado

Agave Agave spp. low perennial low yes no yes yes no no yes Cerrado/Caatinga

Angico Anadenanthera colubrina low-medium perennial Emergent yes no yes yes yes yes yes Cerrado/Caatinga

Angico de bezerro Piptadenia obliqua low perennial High yes no yes yes yes yes yes Caatinga

Araruta Maranta arundinacea high perennial Low No yes no yes no yes yes Cerrado

Argentine cedar Cedrela fissilis medium perennial High no no yes yes yes yes yes Cerrado

Aroeira Myracrodruon urundeuva high perennial High no no yes no yes yes yes Cerrado/Caatinga

Avocado Persea americana high perennial High yes yes yes no no yes yes Cerrado
Bacaba Oenocarpus bacaba high perennial High Yes yes yes yes no yes yes Cerrado

Bacupari da mata Cheiloclinium cognatum high perennial High no yes yes no yes no no Cerrado

Banana Musa paradisiaca high perennial medium yes yes yes yes no no yes Cerrado

Barú Dipteryx alata medium perennial High no yes yes no yes no yes Cerrado

Biribá Rollinia mucosa medium perennial high yes yes yes yes yes yes yes Cerrado

Brachiaria grass Brachiaria brizantha low perennial High yes no no yes no no no Cerrado

Braúna Melanoxylon brauna low perennial High no no yes no yes yes no Cerrado/Caatinga
Braúna do sertão
Schinopsis brasiliensis medium perennial High no no yes no yes yes yes Caatinga
or pau preto
Bur cucumber [maxixe] Cucumis anguria medium annual creeping no yes no no no yes Cerrado/Caatinga

Canafístula Senna spectabilis medium perennial High yes no yes no yes no no Cerrado/Caatinga

Capororoca Myrsine (ex-Rapanea) guianensis low perennial high no no yes no no no no Cerrado

Carnaúba Copernicia prunifera high perennial Emergent no yes yes yes no yes yes Caatinga
Tachigali vulgaris
Carvoeiro low perennial High yes no yes no yes no yes Cerrado
(ex-Sclerolobium paniculatum)
Cashew Anacardium occidentale medium perennial emergent no yes yes no no yes yes Cerrado/Caatinga

Castos beans Ricinus communis medium perennial emergent yes no yes no no yes yes Cerrado/Caatinga

Catingueira Caesalpinia pyramidalis low perennial medium yes no yes yes yes yes yes Caatinga

Cherry tomato Solanum lycopersicum  medium annual medium no yes yes no no no yes Cerrado/Caatinga

Chinaberry Melia azedarach low perennial Emergent yes no yes yes yes yes yes Cerrado

Climbing bean Phaseolus vulgaris medium annual low no yes yes yes no Yes yes Cerrado/Caatinga

Coffee Coffea spp high perennial Low no yes yes no no yes yes Cerrado

Copaíba Copaifera langsdorfii medium perennial High no no yes no yes yes yes Cerrado/Caatinga

Crotalaria Crotalaria sp. medium annual Emergent yes no yes no no yes yes Cerrado/Caatinga

Cucumber Cucumis sativus medium annual low no yes yes no no yes yes Cerrado/Caatinga
Story/layer refers the necessity of light in the adult phase of the plant

Good Income/
Common Fertility Story/ Attracts fauna Timber Medicinal Occurs predominantly
Scientific name Life cycle biomass Food Forage marketing
name requirement layer* and pollinators potential potential (biome)
producer potential
Elephant ear Xanthosoma sagittifolium medium/high perennial low yes yes no yes no no yes Cerrado

Embaúba Cecropia spp low-medium perennial emergent no no yes no no yes no Cerrado

Embiruçu Pseudobombax tomentosum medium perennial high no no Yes no no yes no Cerrado/Caatinga

Emburana-de-cheiro Amburana cearensis medium perennial high yes no yes no yes yes yes Cerrado/Caatinga

Erythrina Erythrina velutina low-medium perennial high yes no yes yes yes yes yes Caatinga

Espinheiro Acacia glomerosa medium perennial medium yes no yes no yes Yes no Cerrado/Caatinga

Eucalyptus Eucaliptus sp. medium perennial Emergent yes no yes no yes Yes Yes Cerrado

Faveira Parkia platycephala medium perennial High yes no yes yes no No no Caatinga

Faveleira Cnidoscolus phyllacanthus low perennial Medium yes yes yes yes no Yes yes Caatinga

Feijão bravo (wild bean) Canavalia brasiliensis low biannual High no no yes yes no No no Cerrado/Caatinga

Gamba grass Andropogon gayanus low perennial High yes no no yes no no no Cerrado

Ginger Zingiber officinale medium perennial low no yes no no no Yes yes Cerrado/Caatinga

Gliricidia Gliricidia sepium high perennial high yes no yes yes no Yes no Cerrado/Caatinga
Gomeira Vochysia pyramidalis medium Perennial yes No Yes No Yes No No Cerrado
Gonçalo alves Astronium fraxinifolium low perennial high no no yes no yes Yes yes Cerrado

Guava Psidium guajava L. medium perennial high no yes yes no yes Yes yes Cerrado

Gueroba palm Syagrus oleracea low perennial high no yes yes no no no yes Cerrado

Guinea grass Panicum maximum medium perennial medium yes no no yes no Cerrado

ice cream bean (inga) Inga edulis medium perennial high yes yes yes yes no yes no Cerrado

Indaiá Attalea apoda medium perennial high no yes yes no no yes no Cerrado

Ingá mirim Inga nobilis low perennial high yes yes yes yes yes yes no Cerrado/Caatinga

Jaborandi Piper hispidum high biannual low yes Yes Yes No no yes yes Cerrado

Jackfruit Artocarpus altilis medium perennial high yes yes yes no yes no yes Cerrado/Caatinga

Jenipap Genipa americana medium perennial high no yes yes no yes yes yes Cerrado/Caatinga

Juazeiro Zizyphus joazeiro low perennial high yes yes yes yes no yes yes Caatinga

Jucá Caesalpinia férrea low perennial medium yes no yes yes yes yes yes Caatinga

Juçara mirim Euterpe edulis high perennial high no yes yes no no no yes Cerrado

Jurema branca Piptadenia stipulacea medium perennial high no no yes no yes yes no Caatinga

Jurema preta Mimosa tenuiflora medium perennial high no no yes no yes yes no Caatinga

Landim Calophyllum brasiliense medium perennial high no no yes no yes Yes yes Cerrado

Licuri palm Syagrus coronata medium perennial emergent no yes yes no no yes yes Cerrado/Caatinga

Lixeira Curatella americana low perennial medium no yes yes no no yes no Cerrado

Lobeira Solanum eryanthum medium perennial medium no yes yes no no yes no Cerrado

Good Income/
Common Fertility Story/ Attracts fauna Timber Medicinal Occurs predominantly
Scientific name Life cycle biomass Food Forage marketing
name requirement layer* and pollinators potential potential (biome)
producer potential
Lychee Litchi chinensis high perennial medium yes yes yes no no no yes Cerrado

Macaúba palm Acrocomia aculeata medium perennial high no yes yes yes yes yes yes Cerrado

Mahogany Swietenia macrophylla high perennial high no no yes yes yes Cerrado

Mamoninha or melzinho Mabea fistulifera low perennial medium yes no yes yes no no no Cerrado

Mamoninha-do-mato Esenbeckia febrifuga medium perennial medium no yes Cerrado

Mamuí or Jaracatiá Jaracatia corumbensis high perennial high no yes yes no no yes yes Cerrado/Caatinga

Mandacaru cactus Cereus jamacaru medium perennial high yes yes yes yes no no Caatinga

Mandiocão Schefflera morototoni medium perennial emergent yes no yes yes yes Cerrado

Mangaba Hancornia speciosa low perennial high no yes yes no no yes yes Cerrado/Caatinga

Mango Mangifera indica medium perennial high yes yes yes no no no yes Cerrado/Caatinga

Maniçoba Manihot glaziovii medium perennial high yes no yes yes no no no Caatinga
Maracujá do Cerrado
Passiflora cincinnata medium biannual high no yes yes no No yes yes Cerrado
(Cerrado passionfruit)
Marmelada Alibertia macrophylla low perennial medium no yes yes no Yes yes yes Cerrado

Marmeleiro Croton sonderianus low perennial medium yes yes yes yes yes yes yes Caatinga

Mauritia or Buriti palm Mauritia flexuosa medium-high perennial High no yes yes yes no yes yes Cerrado

Mesquite Prosopis juliflora low perennial high yes yes yes yes no yes yes Caatinga

Mirindiba Buchenavia tomentosa low perennial high no yes yes yes yes yes yes Cerrado

Moringa Moringa oleífera high perennial high yes yes yes yes no no Cerrado/Caatinga

Mulberry Morus nigra L. medium perennial medium yes yes yes yes no yes yes Cerrado

Murici Byrsonima sp. low perennial medium no yes yes no no yes no

Napier or elephant grass Pennisetum purpureum medium perennial High yes no no yes no no no Cerrado

Oiticica Licania rigida medium perennial medium yes yes no no Caatinga

Pajeú Triplaris gardneriana medium perennial medium yes no yes no yes no yes Caatinga

Papaya Carica papaya high biannual emergent no yes yes no no yes yes Cerrado

Pau-pombo Tapirira obtusa high perennial high yes no yes no no no no Cerrado

Peach palm Bactris gasipaes medium perennial emergent no yes yes no no no yes Cerrado

Pear cactus Opuntia fícus-indica medium perennial medium yes yes yes yes no yes no Caatinga

Pequi Caryocar brasiliense medium perennial high no yes yes no yes yes yes Cerrado

Periquiteira Trema micrantha low perennial high yes no yes yes yes yes Cerrado

Pidgeon peas Cajanus cajan medium biannual medium yes yes yes yes no Yes yes Cerrado/Caatinga

Pigbean Canavalia ensiformis low annual low yes no yes yes no No yes Cerrado/Caatinga

Pimenta de macaco Xylopia aromatica medium perennial high yes yes yes no no yes no Cerrado

Pineapple Ananas spp. low-medium annual low no yes yes no no yes yes Cerrado/Caatinga

Good Income/
Common Fertility Story/ Attracts fauna Timber Medicinal Occurs predominantly
Scientific name Life cycle biomass Food Forage marketing
name requirement layer* and pollinators potential potential (biome)
producer potential
Pinha do brejo Magnolia ovata medium perennial high yes no yes Cerrado

Puçá Mouriri sp. low perennial medium no yes yes Cerrado

Quaresmeira Tibouchina candolleana medium perennial high yes no yes no no yes no Cerrado

Sabiá Mimosa caesalpiniaefolia low perennial high yes no yes yes yes yes Caatinga/Cerrado

Sangra-d’água Croton urucurana medium perennial high no no yes No yes yes No Cerrado

Sapoti Manilkara zapota medium perennial medium no yes yes no yes yes Caatinga

Scarlet eggplant Solanum gilo medium annual high no Yes yes no no yes yes Cerrado/Caatinga

Sisal Agave sisalana low perennial low yes no yes no no yes Caatinga

Sorghum Sorghum sp. medium annual high yes no yes yes no no no Cerrado/Caatinga

Soursop Annona muricata high perennial high no yes yes no no yes yes Cerrado/caatinga

Squash Curcubita pepo medium semestral low yes yes yes no no no yes Cerrado/Caatinga

Stinkingtoe Hymenaea courbaril low perennial emergent no yes yes no yes yes yes Cerrado/Caatinga

Stylozanthes Stylosantes sp. low perennial low yes no yes yes no No yes Cerrado
Suriname cherry
Malpighia glabra L. medium perennial High no yes yes no no no yes Cerrado/Caatinga
Sweet potato Ipomoea batatas medium-high annual low no yes no no no no yes Cerrado/Caatinga

Tamboril Enterolobium spp. medium perennial high no no yes yes yes yes yes Cerrado

Taro [inhame] Colocasia esculenta high annual low No yes no no no yes yes Cerrado/caatinga

Tingui Magonia pubescens low perennial high no no yes no yes yes yes Cerrado
Tithonia or Mexican
Tithonia diversifolia medium perennial high yes no yes yes No yes no Cerrado
Trumpet tree [purple
Handroanthus impetiginosus medium perennial emergent no no yes no yes yes yes Cerrado/Caatinga
Trumpet tree [yellow
Handroanthus serratifolius medium perennial high no no yes no yes yes yes Cerrado
low to
Turco Parkinsonia aculeata medium perennial yes no yes yes yes yes yes Caatinga
Turmeric Curcuma longa medium annual low no yes no no no yes yes Cerrado

Umbu Spondias tuberosa medium perennial medium no yes yes no no yes yes Caatinga

Velvet bean Mucuna sp. medium annual high yes no yes yes no Cerrado/Caatinga

West Indian elm Guazuma ulmifolia medium perennial high yes no yes yes yes yes Cerrado

White leadtree Leucaena leucocephala medium perennial high yes no yes yes no yes no Cerrado/Caatinga

Xique-xique Pilosocereus gounellei medium perennial low yes no yes yes no yes no Caatinga

Xixá Sterculia striata medium perennial emergent no yes yes no yes Cerrado

Yellow mombin Spondias mombin medium perennial medium no yes yes yes no no yes Cerrado/Caatinga

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under the new Brazilian Forest Law
(Permanent Preservation Areas and
Legal Reserves). For some of the most
common contexts, such as degraded
pastures and areas with naturally
Ecological restoration in the context of production areas, or mosaic regenerating native vegetation, among
landscapes, must include farmers and landholders, from planning to others, we present 11 agroforestry
options to be adapted to each farm’s
establishment and management. Agroforestry systems can harness specific characteristics. Besides the
restoration by re-establishing ecological processes, structures and biophysical context, these options
also take into account farmers’ varying
ecosystem functions to a desired level, while also enabling economic
levels of access to resources deemed
returns, maintenance of livelihoods, local knowledge and culture. key to the success of agroforests,
such as labor, inputs, knowledge, and
As an integral part of nature, people can actually drive restoration
markets. We also recommend species,
processes. Based on this outlook, we propose principles, systems and designs, establishment techniques and
practices for enabling restoration through agroforestry. management practices for each option,
and lay out the basic foundations
of a social-environmental appraisal
methodology at the farm/household
level, with the aim of tailoring solutions
to that specific context. While this
guidebook is geared mainly towards
family farmers, the options, techniques
and practices, as well as the principles
and criteria for systems design and
species selection, can be adopted by
any farmer or landholder who wishes to
produce and conserve natural resources
in an integrated fashion.

Ecological restoration in the context of production areas, or mosaic
landscapes, must include farmers and landholders, from planning to
establishment and management. Agroforestry systems can harness
restoration by re-establishing ecological processes, structures and
ecosystem functions to a desired level, while also enabling economic
returns, maintenance of livelihoods, local knowledge and culture.
As an integral part of nature, people can actually drive restoration
processes. Based on this outlook, we propose principles, systems
and practices for enabling restoration through agroforestry.

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