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2019 | VOLUME 8

t d i e v e l d
G e l d u i m a k e r
’ s M o n e y
Natur e

Meatmaster Skaaptelersgenootskap van Suid-Afrika

Meatmaster Sheep Breeders’ Society of South Africa
Redaksioneel/Editorial 4
Ons Raadslede / Our Council Members 8
Verwikkelinge in die kantoor van die Meatmaster Skaaptelersgenootskap
Developments in the office of the Meatmaster Sheep Breeders’ Society
Kan ek met Meatmasters boer sonder om hulle vir haarwurm te doseer?
Can I farm with Meatmasters without vaccinating them for wireworm?
Verwantskap tussen gewig en sekere liggaamsmates by Meatmaster ramme -
voorlopige resultate
Relationship between body weight and certain body measurements of Meatmaster
rams - preliminary results
Meatmaster, ‘n unieke ras
Meatmsters, a unique breed
Meatmaster Presteer Goed
Meatmaster Performs
Inspuitbare formule is deurbraak vir veeboere
Injectable formula a breakthrough for livestock farmers
Mmankwedi Meatmasters (Botswana) 50-52
MEATMASTER Namibia/Namibië 54
Ons Meatmaster Storie
Our Meatmaster Story
Hoekom Meatmaster?
Why Meatmaster?
Omega Meatmasters 2de Prouksie Veiling
Omega Meatmasters 2nd Auction
Meatmaster Presteer, al is dit droogte!!
Meatmaster Performs, even in the drought!!
Die/The Meatmaster 68-70

The views expressed by the authors of the articles featured in this publication do not necessarily reflect
the views of the Meatmaster Society.
Die menings van die skrywers soos in die publikasie vervat, weerspieël nie noodwendig die mening van
die Meatmaster Genootskap nie.


Nelis Uys: 083 287 7300

Paardekraal Meatmasters BV & 1 Ascendis Animal Health 47
Mana Meatmasters 5,7,9 Vleissentraal 49
Sterkfontein Meatmasters 6 Mmankgwedi Meatmasters 51
B3 Genetics 11 Wouman Meatmasters 52
Kern Meatmasters 15 Big Fred Meatmasters 53
Ben-Tson Meatmasters 17 Swartmodder Meatmasters 55
CDO Auctioneering Services 19 Rumax 57
Olive Branch Meatmasters 19 Bethal Meatmasters 59
Molatek 23 Meatmaster Consortium Namibië 61
Bobumga Meatmasters 25 Marius Louwrens Meatmasters 61
Lapfontein Meatmasters 27 ACT Logistics 62
Mohimba Meatmasters 31 Omega Meatmasters 63
Madiru Meatmasters 33 Saamstaan Boerdery 65
Ochre & Bar Circle Meatmasters 34 ORV Meatmasters 66
Meatmaster Consortium 35 Veekos 67
Didymus Meatmasters 36-37 Kaap Agri Namibia 70
Wilgerboom Meatmasters 40 Hanekom Boerdery 71
Leliekrans Meatmasters 41 Red Ribbon Meatmasters 72
Collett Farming 42-43 Signalberg Meatmasters BA
Kamdeboo Meatmasters 44-45 Collett Farming A


Posbus/PO Box 1060, Bloemfontein, 9300
Tel: 051 410 0900 | Tel: 051 410 0968 | Faks/Fax: 051 448 4220
E-pos/E-mail: |

Paul Harvey: “In times like these, it helps to recall that
there have always been times like these”
Watter geweldige uitdagende tye is dit nie vir ons as boere nie.
Ons staan op die vooraand van nog 'n verkiesing, wat teen
die tyd dat hierdie boek gepubliseer is, alreeds plaasgevind
het. Regering en 'n regerende party wat lyk asof dit ineenstort, Paul Harvey: “In times like these, it helps to recall that
droogtes wat in sommige dele voortduur, terwyl ander dele van there have always been times like these”
die land oorstroom, veediefstal wat so toegeneem het en 'n
What tremendous challenging times it is for us as farmers. We
floreerende onderneming geword het wat miljoene werd is vir are standing at the edge of another election, which by the time
individue. Net om 'n paar te noem ... met al die gebeure kan jy this book is published has happened already. Government,
baie maklik voel asof jou land of selfs jou eie mense jou verwerp. and a ruling party that looks like its imploding; droughts that
Maar ek wil jou aanmoedig met die aanhaling van Paul Harvey are persistent in some parts, where other parts of the country
hierbo. Daar was nog altyd tye soos hierdie, dit was net op 'n are flooding, stock theft that has increased and has become a
ander manier, tydperk of vorm. Is dit nie wat Salomo in Prediker flourishing business worth millions to individuals. Only to name
1: 9 sê nie - a few… with all such ongoing it can very easily feel unwanted by
“ Wat was, sal weer wees: Wat gebeur het, sal weer gebeur. Daar your country or even your own people”. But I want to encourage
you with the quote that is at the top from Paul Harvey. There has
is niks nuuts in hierdie wêreld nie.”
always been times like these, it was just in another way, shape or
Salomo se wysheid strek oor godsdiens grense heen en aan form. Is this not what Soloman speaks of in the Bible when he
die einde van die boek Prediker eindig hy as volg in vers 12:13. says in Ecclesiastes 1:9
"Die slotsom van alles wat jy gehoor het, is dit: “Een ding bly “What has been will be again, what has been done will be done
staan, en dit is dat almal God moet vrees en sy voorskrifte moet again; there is nothing new under the sun.”
gehoorsaam.” Soloman’s reputation spans across religious borders, and
Wat ek hieruit haal, is dat daar altyd moeilike tye gaan wees. coming to the end of the book of Ecclesiastes he ends with this
Wanneer dit goed met ons gaan, juig ons en wanneer die moeilike in verse 12:13 “That’s the whole story. Here now is my final
tye kom, moet ons standvastig wees, maar ten spyte van alles, conclusion: FEAR GOD and OBEY HIS COMMANDS, for this is
goed en sleg, moet ons God vrees en daarna streef om sy bevele everyone’s duty”.
te gehoorsaam. As 'n Christen weet ek dat die verhaal in die What I draw from this is that the tough times are going to be.
Nuwe Testament voortleef, waar dit sê: " Ons gee nooit moed op When it goes good with us we rejoice and when the tribulations
nie, ook nie wanneer ons rondgestamp en mishandel word nie. come we have to stand steadfast, but within all of this, good and
Nee, dan byt ons eers vas, want God is die hele tyd by ons. Hy bad, we have to FEAR GOD and strive to OBEY HIS COMMANDS.
maak ons elke dag van binne af nuut. Ons bietjie swaarkry hier As a Christian I know that the story goes on in the New Testament
en nou weeg nie op teen al die goeie dinge wat op ons wag in where it says, “that is why we never give up, though our bodies
God se nuwe wêreld nie "(2 Korintiërs 4: 16-17). are dying, our spirit is being renewed every day. For our present
troubles are small and won’t last very long, but is preparing
Die Joernaal was soos altyd uitdagend, maar hierdie jaar het die for us an eternal weight of glory beyond all comparison” (2
aanhoudende droogtes in groot dele van die subkontinent, 'n Corinthians 4:16-17).
groot rol gespeel. Almal probeer om koste te besnoei en te spaar The journal was challenging as most years, but this year because
waar hulle kan, maar dit is met GROOT OPGEWONDENHEID dat of the ongoing droughts throughout large parts of the sub-
ons u hierdie uitgawe vir 2019 kan aanbied. U sal merk dat ons continent has played a large role. Everyone is trying to cut cost
ook die Namibiese Meatmaster Genootskap ingesluit het. Dit is 'n and save where they can, but it is with GREAT EXCITEMENT
projek wat ek al jare lank probeer uitvoer het en dit het uiteindelik that we can offer you this journal for 2019. You will see that we
gebeur. Ek is persoonlik baie opgewonde hieroor. Ek hoop dat included the Namibian Meatmaster Breeders Society in here as
die twee genootskappe in die toekoms baie nou sal saamwerk, well. This is a project that I have been trying for many years and
maar steeds sal funksioneer as twee afsonderlike entiteite. it has finally happened. So personally I am very excited. I’m
hoping that in the future the two societies can work very close
Dit is die laaste Joernaal waarmee Sonja Wasserman gehelp het, together, but still function as individuals.
en dit is met hartseer dat ek in dié opsig van haar moet afskeid
neem. Gelukkig is sy ten minste in haar kantoor net oorkant ons This is the last journal that Sonja Wasserman is helping with and
it is with sadness that I say farewell to her in this regard, her
nuwe kantoor by Sekretariaat. Sonja - DANKIE UIT MY HELE
office is just opposite our new office at Studbook. Sonja –THANK
HART VIR ALLES !!! Dit was aangenaam om so lank saam met
jou te kon werk, al jou hulp, veral na-ure, was nie onopgemerk pleasure to work with you for so long, all your help especially
nie. Jy het te veel vir al die lede van die genootskap gedoen. Jy after hours did not go by unnoticed. You have done too much
het regtig “ABOVE AND BEYOND THE CALL OF DUTY” gegaan! for all the members of the society. You really did go ABOVE AND
Aan die telers, lede en nie-lede, eindig ek met hierdie een versoek. BEYOND THE CALL OF DUTY!!!!
Kom ons bid vir hierdie land en sy leiers, Kom ons bid vir 'n beter To all breeders, members and non-members, I leave you with
land, ongeag die regerende party of u politieke oortuigings. this one request. LET US TRULY PRAY FOR THIS COUNTRY
Staan op en wees die verskil wat u graag in die wêreld wil sien. and its LEADERS, Let us Pray for a better country, irrespective
of ruling party or political beliefs, standing up and being the
Vriendelike groete difference that you would like to see in the world.
Mario du Preez Kind Regards
Mario du Preez

WILLEM VD BERG: 083 254 31444
051 - 412 6493


5 September 2019 - Upington | 5 Maart 2020 - Upington



Posbus 122
Posbus 271 NAVORSING/RESEARCH Publikasies / Nasionale Veiling
WESSELSBRON, 9680 051-654 0538
President / Bemarking / Skoue PROF PIETER FOURIE
081 489 0198
Nasionale Veiling
057-899 2418
083 627 4133 Posbus 9, OLIFANTSHOEK, 8450 084 381 7893


Posbus 17317 Posbus 122 POSBUS 42
Inspeksies / Inspekteurs Navorsing 8900
083 383 2737 061 436 5202 Sosiale geleenthede 082 463 5936 083 297 2897

Totsiens aan Sonja Wasserman Goodbye to Sonja Wasserman
Die Meatmaster Skaaptelersgenootskap se The Meatmaster Sheep Breeders’ Society was
werk was aanvanklik deur ‘n maatskappy van initially run by a company in Brandfort, but the
Brandfort behartig, maar die Genootskap het die Society approached the Secretariat in 2009 to
Sekretariaat gedurende 2009 om die lewering van deliver an administrative service. The Society,
‘n administratiewe diens genader. Die Genootskap with about ten members, was taken over by the
is met ongeveer 10 lede deur die Sekretariaat Secretariat, and Sonja Wasserman was appointed
oorgeneem en Sonja Wasserman is as Sekretaresse as secretary.
At that time, Sonja was one of the most experienced
Sonja was op daardie stadium een van die mees secretaries at the Secretariat and, despite a very
ervare Sekretaresses by die Sekretariaat en het ten full programme, has done pioneering work to help
spyte van ‘n baie drukprogram, regtig pionierswerk build the Meatmaster Society up to the organisation
gedoen om die Meatmaster Genootskap te help it is today. Her tireless efforts to serve the Society
bou tot die organisasie wat dit vandag is. Haar and its breeders will always be appreciated. Over
onvermoeide ywer om die Genootskap en sy telers the years, good friendships with the breeders have
tot diens te wees sal altyd waardeer word. Daar is been developed, where Sonja’s particular sense of
oor die jare heen mooi vriendskappe met die telers humour and vivacity will always be remembered
gesluit en daarom sal daar altyd met genoeë aan with affection.
Sonja se besondere humorsin en lewenslus gedink
word. Sonja was placed in the unenviable position where
she had to bear responsibility for four societies.
Sonja was in die onbenydenswaardige posisie Eventually, the burden has simply become too
geplaas waar sy die verantwoordelikheid van vier heavy and so it was decided to transfer the
genootskappe moes dra. Die las het uiteindelik Meatmaster Society, one of the strongly growing
net te groot geword en daarom is daar besluit societies, to someone who had sufficient capacity
om die Meatmaster Genootskap, een van die for it.
Genootskappe wat baie sterk groei getoon het, aan
iemand oor te dra wat oor voldoende kapasiteit The Society would like to thank Sonja
daarvoor beskik. wholeheartedly for her hard work over a period of
about ten years, and wishes her all that is good for
Die Genootskap wil Sonja graag van harte bedank the future. Our best wishes go with her!
vir haar harde werk oor ‘n periode van ongeveer
Welcome to Lizanne Vermeulen
10 jaar, en wens haar alles wat mooi is vir toe
toekoms toe. Ons beste wense vergesel haar!
After careful consideration, the Meatmaster Sheep
Breeders’ Association was allotted to Lizanne
Verwelkoming van Lizanne Vermeulen Vermeulen. Lizanne has been in the service of
the Secretariat for some years and is currently
Die Meatmaster Skaaptelersgenootskap is na responsible for the administration of the Dormer
deeglike oorweging aan Lizanne Vermeulen Sheep Breeders’ Society and the Suffolk Sheep
toegeken. Lizanne is reeds ‘n klompie jare Breeders’ Society. Lizanne is thus experienced in
in die diens van die Sekretariaat en is tans the administration of sheep breeders’ societies.
verantwoordelik vir die administrasie van die
Dormer Skaaptelersgenootskap, asook die One of the pleasant characteristics of Lizanne is
Suffolk Skaaptelersgenootskap. Lizanne is that she is very possessive of the societies that
dus goed onderleg met die administrasie van are assigned to her and she always champions
Skaaptelersgenootskappe. her societies. She takes full ownership of “her”

Een van die mooi eienskappe van Lizanne is dat sy societies and builds good relationships with the
baie besitlik is op die Genootskappe wat aan haar members of the council and the breeders.
toegedeel is, en tree altyd vir haar genootskappe in
die bresse. Sy neem volle eienaarskap van “haar” Although the Meatmaster Association uses, to a
Genootskappe en bou goeie verhoudings op met large extent, the internal expertise of members
die raadslede en die telers. of the Council to finalise its journal, the other
associations are dependent on Lizanne to compile
Alhoewel die Meatmastergenootskap tot ‘n groot their journals. Great appreciation exists for the
mate van die interne kundigheid van raadslede way Lizanne supports the breeders with their work,
gebruik maak om hul Joernaal te finaliseer, is die as well as for the compilation of the journals and
ander genootskappe op Lizanne aangewese om hul other work done for the societies.
Joernale saam te stel. Daar is groot waardering vir
die manier waarop Lizanne die telers met hul werk We trust that Lizanne will soon be at home at the
ondersteun, asook vir die samestelling van die Meatmaster family and have a special place in
Joernale en ander werk wat vir die Genootskappe the affections of the breeders. The Society gladly
gedoen word. welcomes her in their midst and looks forward to
working with her.
Ons vertrou dat Lizanne spoedig by die Meatmaster-
famillie sal inskakel en gou in die harte van die Lizanne’s contact details are as follows:
telers sal inkruip. Die Genootskap verwelkom haar
graag in hul midde en sien daarna uit om saam Telephone number: 051-4100 968
met haar te werk. Email:

Lizanne se kontakbesonderhede is as volg:

Telefoon: 051- 4100 968


In 2014 het ons vanaf die Noordkaap na In 2014, we moved from the Northern
Ventersdorp in die Noordwesprovinsie Cape to Ventersdorp in the North-West
verhuis. Natuurlik is dit heeltemal ander Province. Of course it posed quite
omstandighede en het ons aanvaar dat dit different conditions and we assumed that
‘n tyd sou neem voordat ons skape aan it would take some time for our sheep
die nuwe omstandighede gewoond sou to adapt to the new circumstances. The
wees. Die kudde wat toe uit ‘n baie droë flock, coming from the very dry Northern
Noordkaap gekom het, het van die eerste Cape, grazed to their hearts’ content
dag af lekker dik gewei en sommer goed from their arrival and seemed to be
vertoon. Wat sou dan die probleem wees? thriving. So, what would be the problem?
Waarom sou so baie skape uit ander dele Why would so many sheep from other
van die land nie op die grasveld aanpas parts of the country not adapt to the
nie? Haarwurm. grassveld? Wireworm.

Ja, haarwurm was die een probleem wat sommer Yes, wireworm was the one problem that
dadelik kop uitgesteek het. Aanvanklik het ons immediately reared its ugly head. Initially, we just
net aanvaar dat ons ‘n beter doseerprogram assumed that we should follow a better vaccination
sou moes volg. Dit het egter nie ons probleem programme. However, this did not completely
volkome opgelos nie. Dit het gehelp, ja, maar dit solve our problem. Yes, it helped a lot. But it was
was duidelik dat ons ‘n skaap sou moes teel wat clear that we would have to breed a sheep that was
geneties sterker is teen inwendige parasiete. Ons genetically stronger against internal parasites. We
het nog altyd die diere wat sakke onder die keel always got rid of animals that developed a swelling
gemaak het, uit ons kudde uitgegooi. Ons het nog under the throat. We always culled ewes that were
altyd ooie wat te maer was, geslag. Maar nou het too lean. But now we have fat ewes that just died.
ons vet ooie gehad wat sommer net vrek. Met ‘n In a roundabout way we discovered the FAMACHA
lang draai het ons by die FAMACHA (FAffa MAlan (FAffa MAlan CHArt) system.
CHArt) -stelsel uitgekom.
How does the FAMACHA system work? This is a
Hoe werk die FAMACHA-stelsel? Dit is ‘n vaccination system where only those animals that
doseerstelsel waar slegs die diere wat dit nodig need it are vaccinated. The five points on which
het, gedoseer word. Die vyf punte waarop ‘n skaap a sheep is judged are a discharge at the nose,
geoordeel word, is ‘n snotneus, ‘n kwakkeel, die swelling under the throat, the colour of the eye
kleur van die oogvliese, die skaap se kondisie membrane, the sheep’s condition and diarrhoea.
en of die skaap se pens gedurig werk of nie. Die The FAMACHA system does not involve checking
FAMACHA-stelsel is nié net die kyk van oogvliese the eye membranes only!
What should the eye membrane look like? If it is
Hoe moet die oogvliese dan lyk? Oogvliese wat dark red, it is usually indicative of a sheep that
donkerrooi is, is gewoonlik ‘n aanduiding van does not have too much problems with parasites.
‘n skaap wat nie te erg met parasiete sukkel nie. Eye membranes that are light in colour are an
Oogvliese wat lig van kleur is, is ‘n aanduiding van indication of anaemia. Anaemia can be caused
bloedarmoede. Bloedarmoede kan deur meer as by various factors, but wireworm is one of the
net een faktor veroorsaak word, maar haarwurm main causes. Fat sheep can also be infected by
is een van die grootste oorsake. Vet skape kry ook wireworm and may die from wireworm, but sheep
haarwurm en vrek ook van haarwurm, maar skape kept in poorer conditions are infected (and killed)
wat in swakker toestande loop, kry dit net baie by it much easier.
makliker en vrek baie makliker daarvan.

Ons het dus met ‘n stelsel begin waar ons jong So, we started with a system where our young
ramme op die veld toets. Elke maand word al rams are being tested on the field. Each month,
die jong ramme geweeg en al die ramme word all the young rams are weighed and judged
volgens die FAMACHA-stelsel geoordeel. Indien ‘n according to the FAMACHA system. If a ram needs
ram gedoseer moet word, word hy met ‘n klein rooi to be vaccinated, he is marked with a small red
plaatjie in die oor gemerk. Skielik was stoetboerdery tag in the ear. Suddenly, stud farming became
iets heel anders. Ek het besef hoe baie plek daar quite a different matter. I realised how much
vir verbetering is. Van die ramme wat nooit my space there was for improvement. Some of the
gunstelinge was nie, het geen parasietprobleme rams that had never been my favourites had no
gehad nie, en van my gunstelingramme het so parasite problems, and some of my favourite rams
gesukkel dat ek hulle moes slag. Ramme wat struggled so much that they had to be slaughtered.
gedoseer word, word egter nie net voor die voet Rams that are vaccinated are not just slaughtered
geslag nie. Ons probeer ‘n oordeelkundige besluit indiscriminately. We try to make a sound decision
maak deur al die data tot ons beskikking te gebruik. by using all the data available to us. A ram
‘n Ram wat ‘n tweede maal gedoseer word, gaan vaccinated for the second time immediately goes
sommer dadelik slagtrop toe. Uit die eerste 60 jong to the slaughter flock. Out of the first 60 young
ramme is daar 20 wat die toets voltooi het. Vir ons rams, 20 completed the test. For our farm, it was
boerdery was dit die begin van ‘n nuwe era. the beginning of a new era.

Met ons ooilammers werk ons min of meer We work more or less the same with our ewe
dieselfde, behalwe dat hulle nie elke maand lambs, except that they are not weighed every
geweeg word en so intensief hanteer word nie. month and not handled so intensively. If a young
Indien ‘n ooitjie gedoseer word, kry sy ‘n plaatjie in ewe is vaccinated, she is tagged in the ear. She
die oor. Ons sal wel met so ‘n ooitjie teel indien sy can be bred if she is special, but average ewes that
‘n besonderse ooi is, maar die gemiddelde ooitjies have been vaccinated are culled. With the adult
wat gedoseer word, word vinnig uitgeskot. Met ewes, one has to be very careful not to stop dosing
die volwasse ooie moet ’n mens baie versigtig them. After all, this is one’s factory and one still
wees om sommer net op te hou om te doseer. Dit needs to make a living from the farm. However, we
ís immers jou fabriek, en ons moet almal steeds are now at the point where only about 10% of our
‘n inkomste uit ons boerdery bly maak. Ons is adult ewes are vaccinated for wireworm during
egter nou op die punt waar slegs ongeveer 10% the year and they are also tagged. In our part of
van ons volwasse ooie deur die jaar vir haarwurm the country, wireworm is a huge problem from
gedoseer word, en hulle word ook met ‘n plaatjie February to May.
gemerk. In ons deel van die land sukkel ons erg
met haarwurm vanaf Februarie tot Mei. We have come to the realisation that we cannot
connect parasite resistance to a specific type of
Ons het tot die besef gekom dat ons glad nie sheep. This is something you should test. We
parasietweerstand aan ‘n sekere tipe skaap kan also cannot say that a particular type of ram here
koppel nie. Dit is iets wat jy moet toets. Ons kan ook shows more growth in our test than another type
glad nie sê dat ‘n sekere tipe ram by ons meer groei of ram, but only that the ram with the best parasite
in ons toets toon as ‘n ander tipe ram nie, maar resistance grows better in our conditions than a
slegs dat die ram met die beste parasietweerstand ram with a weaker parasite resistance grows. We
beter in ons omstandighede groei as wat ’n ram select for a fatter type of sheep with good parasite
met ’n swakker parasietweerstand sal groei. Ons resistance. I believe that such a sheep will adapt
selekteer vir ‘n vetter tipe skaap met ‘n goeie well in most areas of our country.
parasietweerstand. Ek glo dat so ‘n skaap goed sal
aanpas oor ‘n baie groot deel van ons land. The initial question was whether I could farm
with Meatmasters without vaccinating them for
Die vraag is of ek met Meatmasters kan boer wireworm. I believe the day will come when I will
sonder om hulle vir haarwurm te doseer. Ek glo farm with sheep in this part of the country with little
dat daar ‘n dag sal kom wat ek in ons deel van die or no wireworm problems. However, one needs to
land met my skape sal boer met min of selfs geen be very careful not to farm irresponsibly. Do your
haarwurmprobleme nie. ’n Mens moet net baie research before you start farming and look after
versigtig wees om nie onverantwoordelik te boer the animals and the land in your care.
nie. Doen jou navorsing voor jy begin boer, en pas
die diere en die grond wat in jou hande geplaas is, Nico Grobler

Nico Grobler

Verwantskap tussen gewig
en sekere liggaamsmates
by Meatmaster ramme-
voorlopige resultate
Prof Pieter Fourie & Stephan Becker
Department of Agriculture, Central
Relationship between body University of Technology, Free State,
weight and certain body Private Bag X20539, Bloemfontein, 9300,
South Africa
measurements of Meatmaster Prof Pieter Fourie & Stephan Becker
Department Landbou, Sentrale Universiteit
rams- preliminary results van Tegnologie, Vrystaat, Privaatsak Bag
X20539, Bloemfontein, 9300

Inleiding Introduction

Die dele waar daar met Meatmasters geboer word The areas where Meatmasters are farmed with
ontvang oor die algemeen min reën en diere are mostly receiving low rainfall and animals are
word aan strawwe toestande blootgestel. Ten exposed to harsh conditions. Despite this, the
spyte hiervan het die ras geweldige vooruitgang breed has excelled over the past few years and is
oor die afgelope klompie jare gemaak en is tans currently the fastest growing sheep breed in South
die vinnigste groeiende skaapras in Suid-Afrika. Africa. Phenotypic modification as an evolutionary
Fenotipiese modifikasie as ‘n evolusionôre adaptation to harsh climate can be seen in
aanpassing vir harde klimaatstoestande kan gesien sheep breeds that is adapted to semi-arid and
word in rasse wat aangepas is vir semi-ariede arid environments. These breeds typically have
omgewings. Hierdie rasse is morfologies aangepas morphological adaptations like long legs for the
en beskik oor lang bene om oor lang afstande te purpose of long migrations after better vegetation.
kan migreer na beter weiding. Hulle liggaamsvorm Their body shape and size has also adapted as to
is aangepas om vogverlies te beperk en om meer deal with water loss and heat tolerance, they tend
hittebestand te wees, neig hulle ook om kleiner te to be smaller in size than European breeds (Naqvi.,
wees as Europese rasse (Naqvi., 2013). 2013). Adapted sheep breeds tend to show fat
localization, specifically to the tail, this helps with
heat conductance to the outside and also surfs
Aangepaste rasse neig ook om meer vet lokalisasie
as an energy reserve in periods of times of feed
te hê, spesifiek in die stert area wat help met hitte
scarcity (Atti et al., 2004).
verspreiding en ook as ‘n energiebron ten tyde van
voedselskaarstse (Atti et al., 2004). In hul stryd om
oorlewing in ariede en semi-ariede omgewings In the battle for survival in arid and semi-arid
moet diere water bewaar. Sekere skaaprasse toon enviroments animals need to conserve water. Some
verstommende fisiologiese aanpassings in ‘n sheep breeds show some amazing physiology
poging om water onder harde droë toestande te adaptations in the attempt to conserve water in
bewaar. Hulle beskik oor die vermoeë om fetale these harsh environments. They have the ability
vog en hul volume urine te verminder, soveel to reduce fecal moisture and urine volume. The
so dat die urine van aangepaste diere baie meer Henlé loops, situated in the medulla of the kidney,
gekonsentreerd is (McNab, 2002). are mainly responsible for the retention of water
from urine. The adapted sheep breeds tend to
produce more concentrated urine (McNab, 2002).
Dieselfde fenotipiese aanpassings kan gesien word
in die Hassawi beeste van Saudi-Arabia. Hulle is
kleiner met ‘n volwasse koeigewig van slegs 150kg The same phenotypical adaptations can be seen
to 200kg, terwyl die bulle 210-270kg weeg. Hulle in the Hassawi cattle from Saudi-Arabia. They are
lae liggaamsgewig help in tye van kosskaarste small in size, mature body weight of bulls is 210kg
aangesien kleiner diere minder kos benodig. Hulle to 270kg, and the cows only weigh 150kg to 200kg.
het lang bene met ‘n fyner beenstruktuur wat The adaptation of small size helps them in times
beweging oor lang afstande op soek na weiding of food scarcity, a smaller animal needs less food.
vergemaklik. These cattle have long legs with fine and light
bones, this helps with them being able to move

Die kleur van die vel is ligrooi met ‘n donker over long distances in search of food. The colour of
gepigmenteerde vel en blink hare wat beskerm the coat is light red with dark pigmented skin and
teen die ultraviolet strale van die son. Die ooglede, glossy hair, which protects against solar radiation.
neusspieël en uitwendige geslagsorgane is ook The eyelids, muzzle and external genetailia is
gepigmenteerd. Die ore van die diere is groter pigmented. The ears of the cattle are large even
in vergelyking met die van Indiese rasse, wat ‘n in comparison with Indian breeds, leading to the
aanduiding kan wees dat groter ore ‘n aanpassing conclusion larger ears is an adaptation for extreme
vir warmer klimaatstoestande is. Die nek van warm climate. The necks of the Hassawi breed is
die Hassawi ras is kort in beide die manlike en short in both male and female, but thick in the male
vroulike diere, maar dik by die manlike- en dun animals and thin in females. They have a reduced
by die vroulike diere. Hulle het ‘n groot en goed dewlap with a large and well defined hump
gedefinieerde skof (Mohammed, 1997). (Mohammed, 1997).

Bosman (2011) verwys na die “metaboliese of Bosman (2006) refers to the “metabolic or Euro”
Euro” en die “respiratoriese of Indicus” tipe. versus the “respiratory or Indicus” type. The latter
Laasgenoemde tipe is dieper in die voorkwart, die are deeper in the front quarter, have longer legs,
bene is langer, kruis hang meer en is relatief platter droopier rump and are slightly flatter over the ribs,
deur die ribbes is. Die ribbes lê ook skuinser na with the ribs angling slightly backwards. Indicus
agter. Indicus tipes het 15% meer vel as Euro tipes types also have 15% more skin than the Euro
wat liggaamshitte regulering meer effektief maak. types which assist with temperature regulation.
Hierteenoor is die Euro tipes meer bespierd, breër Conversely, the Euro types are more muscled,
oor die rug met ‘n ronder bouvorm. Hulle velle broader over the back with a rounder conformation,
is ook dunner tewyl die bedekking meer wollerig thinner skin and a woollier coat, adapted to keep
is om hitte meer effektief binne te hou. Figuur 1 in heat in the colder climate of Europe. Figure 1
hieronder verduidelik die verskille in bouvorm. lower down explains these differences. If the
Wanneer daar egter na die bouvorm en visuele conformation and traits of the Meatmaster is
eienskappe van die Meatmaster gekyk word is dit considered it is evident that the breed displays
duidelik dat die ras oor heelwat eienskappe van die several of the traits of the respiratory type. The
respiratoriese tipe beskik. Die uitdaging is egter challenge however, is to find a find balance between
om ‘n balans te vind tussen bouvorm en optimale conformation and optimal production considering
produksie gegewe die uiteenlopende toestande the diverse conditions where it is farmed with.
waaronder met die ras geboer word.
Body size and shape can be described using body
Liggaamsgrootte en vorm kan beskryf word deur measurements and visual assessment. How these
van liggaamsmates en visuele beoordeling gebruik measurements of size and shape relate to the
te maak. functioning of the individual animal is of paramount
importance to livestock production. Therefore,
Hoe hierdie metings van grootte en vorm constant checks on the relationships between body
assosieer met die funksionering van die dier is dimensions and production performance are vital.
van kardinale belang in diereproduksie. Baie rasse
is al verongeluk deurdat skouvorms nagejaag is, The objective of this study was to determine
daarom is voortdurende gesprekke en aksies nodig the relationship between the body weight of
om die verwantskap tussen liggaams dimensies en Meatmaster rams managed under extensive
produksie te verifieer. conditions and certain body measurements, as
it may provide scientific support to certain breed
Die doel van die studie was om verwantskap standards eg. mature weight. However, these
tussen gewig en sekere liggaamsmates van results were obtained from phase one of the study
Meatmasterramme wat onder ekstensiewe where only one herd was involved. A much more
toestande grootgemaak is te bepaal aangesien comprehensive report will be published next year.
dit wetenskaplike ondersteuning aan sekere
rasstandaarde bv. gewig kan verskaf. Dis belangrik
om te noem dat die data uit fase 1 van die studie
bekom is, en slegs uit een kudde se data bestaan.
‘n Baie meer omvattende verslag sal volgende jaar
gepubliseer word.

Breeding for hardiness against heartwater and wireworm
M a l e l a n e , M p u m a l a n g a | Rachel Fouche: 076 698 3990 |
Figuur 1: Verskille tussen die metabolise en Figure 1: Differences between the metabolic and
respiratoriese tipe (Bosman, 2011). respiratory type (Bosman, 2011).

Materiaal en metodes Materials and methods

Een honderd Meatmaster ramme ongeveer One hundred Meatmaster rams approximately 17
17maande oud is in die studie gebruik. Alle months old were used in the trial. All the animals
ramme is onder ekstensiewe veld toestande in die were raised under extensive veld conditions in the
Ooskaap grootgemaak en vir een maand op die Eastern Cape State and then slightly conditioned
veld afgerond. for one month.

Die volgende is gemeet: The following parameters were

recorded at the end of the trial:
i. Gewig (kg),
ii. Kop lengte (cm); i. Body weight (kg);
ii. Head length (cm);
iii. Nek lengte (cm);
iii. Neck length (cm);
iv. Teenwoordigheid van horings waar 0= geen
iv. Presence of horns where 0= no horns, 1= small
horings, 1= klein horings en 2= sterk horings
horns; 2 strong horns
v. Stert lengte (cm); v. Tail length (cm);
vi. Skouer hoogte (cm), gemeet van die grond tot vi. Shoulder height (cm), measured vertically
by die boonste punt van die skouer, from the thoracic vertebrae to the ground;
vii. Skouer breedte (cm), gemeet van bo af as die vii. Shoulder width (cm), determined with the aid
breedste punt; of a calliper, as the horizontal distance between
the processes on the left shoulder and that on
Hartomtrek (cm), gemeet net agter die the right shoulder blade;
voorbene om die bors van die dier;
viii. Heart girth (cm), measure just behind the front
legs around the chest of the animal;

ix. Lyflengte (cm) gemeet van die voorste ronding ix. Body length (cm) as measured from the
van die bladbeen tot by die sitbeen; sternum (manubrium) to the pin bine;
x. Agterkwart breedte gemeet as die afstand x. Hind quarter width was measured as the
tussen die linker en regter draaibeen; distance between the left and right thurl;
xi. Scrotal circumference was measured at the
xi. Skrotumomtrek is gemeet as die breedste punt
widest point of the scrotum (cm);
van die skrotum (cm);
xii. Coat type was categorized as 1 very slick hair, 2
xii. Bedekking was gekategoriseer as 1= baie slick, 3 ideal mixture of hair and fine wool and
glad, 2= glad met oorwegend haar, 3= ideale 4 more woolly coat;
mengsel van haar en sagte wol en 4 meer
xiii. Masculinity (secondary masculinity traits)
were pointed on a five-point scale where
xiii. Manlikheid (sekondêre manlikheideienskappe) 5 represents exceptional masculinity and
is gepunt op ‘n vyfpunt-skaal waar 5= uitstaande 1 represents very poor masculinity and
manlikheid en 1= baie swak manlikheid en character;
karakter; xiv. Scrotal circumference (cm);
xv. Tail length (cm);

Resultate en bespreking Results and Discussion

Gewig is ‘n veranderlike wat dikwels bepaal word Body weight (BW) is a frequently recorded variable
om groei te evalueer (Otte et al., 1992). Alhoewel in animal research. It is the measurement mostly
dit ‘n belangrike aanduider van groei is kan dit used to evaluate growth (Otte et al., 1992). Although
nie die dier se samestelling bepaal nie. Ander it is an important indicator of growth, it fails to
metings wat algemeen by skape en beeste gebruik indicate the composition of the animals. Other
word is hartomtrek (HO), skouerhoogte (SH) en measurements most commonly used in sheep and
lyflengte (LL). Van al die metings word HO egter cattle include heart girth (HG), shoulder height (SH)
algemeen as die mees betroubaarste aanduiding and body length (BL). However, heart girth (HG)
van groei beskou (Benyi, 1997). Swanepoel is generally accepted as the single most reliable
(1984) het skouerhoogte as ‘n goeie indikasie variable (Benyi, 1997) for growth. Swanepoel (1984)
van groei by beeste beskou. Skrotumomtrek as also regards shoulder height as a good indication
indikator van testesgrootte is hoog gekorrileerd of growth in cattle. Scrotal circumference, as an
met spermproduksie en semen kwaliteit by indicator of testes size, is highly correlated with
bulle (Hoogenboezem, 1995). In Tabel 1 word die sperm production and semen quality in growing
gemiddelde waardes soos gemeet aangedui. bulls (Hoogenboezem, 1995). In Table 1 the mean
values for the different parameters are indicated.

Tabel 1. Gemiddelde waardes soos gemeet tydens

die studie. Table 1. Average values of the different body

Veranderlike Gemiddeld Parameter Average

Lyflengte (cm) 80.8 Body length (cm) 80.8

Gewig (kg) 81.4 Body weight (kg) 81.4

Skouer hoogte (cm) 70.1 Shoulder height (cm) 70.1

Skouer breedte (cm) 23.8 Shoulder width (cm) 23.8

Hartomtrek(cm) 104.9 Heart girth (cm) 104.9
Borsdiepte (cm) 38.1 Chest depth 38.1
Agterkwart breedte (cm) 25.4 Hindquarter width (cm) 25.4
Kop lengte (cm) 23.4 Head length (cm) 23.4
Nek lengte (cm) 24.7 Neck length (cm) 24.7
Stert lengte (cm) 37.3 Tail length (cm) 37.3

Skrotumomtrek (cm) 36.1 Scrotal circumference (cm) 36.1

n = 101 n = 101

Die gemiddelde gewig van die ramme was 81.4kg The mean weight of the rams was 81.4kg which
wat ‘n aanduiding is dat die ramme nie oorvet is an indication that the rams were not over
was nie. Die hoogste korrelasie van 0.76 (76%) is conditioned. The highest correlation of 0.76 (76%)
gevind tussen HO en gewig GW. Die korrelasie was found between heart girth (HG) and body
is selfs hoër as die korrelasie tussen LL en GW weight (BW). This correlation is even higher than
(66%). Campbell (1983) het korrelasies van 0.72 the correlation between body length (BL) and
tussen HO en GW en ‘n korrelasie van 0.74 tussen body weight (66%). Campbell (1983) reported
LL en GW by Dorperramme gerapporteer. Die laer correlations of 0.72 between HG and BW and a
korrelasie van 52% tussen GW en borsdiepte kan correlation of 0.74 between BL and BW in Dorper
verklaar word deur sekere ramme wat diep in die rams. The lower correlation of 52% between BW
voorkwart is, maar min breedte het en dus oor and chest depth can be explained by the fact
minder kapasiteit beskik. Hartomtrek neem linieêr that some rams are deep in the front quarter but,
toe soos ramme ouer word Heinrichs & Hargrove shows poor width and therefore has less capacity.
(1994) en Mulaudzi (2000). According to Heinrichs & Hargrove (1994) and
Mulaudzi (2000) heart girth increases linearly with
age in cattle. This is in agreement with the results
Skouerhoogte, wat gesien word as ‘n goeie
found in this study.
indikator van raamgrootte (Vargas et al., 1998) is
medium gekorrileerd met GW (0.5). Grootte kan Shoulder height, which is regarded as a good
belangrike biologiese voordele hê ten opsigte van indicator of frame size (Vargas et al., 1998) is
aanpassing by klimaat, veldtipe en bemarking medium correlated with BW (0.5). Body size may
(Dickerson, 1978). Groter diere groei gewoonlik have very important biological advantages for
vinniger, maar is gewoonlik later ryp as kleinraam adaptation to climate, feed resources, seasonal
diere terwyl grootraam diere ook meer voer grazing and marketing (Dickerson, 1978). Larger
sal vreet as kleiner diere (Schoeman & De Wet, animals normally grow faster, but will take longer
1993). Die meeste rasse streef egter na medium to reach the same stage of maturity than smaller
raam diere. Die Meatmaster telers moet ook animals, and will consume more food than smaller
daarteen waak om diere te groot te teel aangesien animals (Schoeman & De Wet, 1993). Most breeds
funksionele doeltrefffendheid in die meeste gevalle strive for a medium frame animal. The Meatmaster
ingeboet sal word. breeders must also be careful not to breed animals
which are too big as functional efficiency will be
Skrotumomtrek word as ‘n belangrike komponent sacrificed in most cases.
beskou wanneer ramme se vrugbaarheid
Scrotal circumference (SC) is also an important
ondersoek word. Verskeie navorsers het aangedui
component in examining animals for breeding
dat skrotumomtrek geneties en fenotipies
soundness. Various researchers have indicated
gekorreleerd is met belangrike groei-eienskappe
that SC is genetically and phenotypically
en ander liggaamsmates (Kriese et al., 1991;
correlated with important growth traits and other
Keeton et al., 1996). Hierdie bevindings is egter
body measurements used in most selection
in teenstelling met wat Maiwashe (2000) bevind
programmes (Kriese et al., 1991; Keeton et al.,
het aangesien ‘n korrelasie van feitlik nul tussen
1996). This is, however, in contrast with Maiwashe
skrotumomtrek en naspeense GDT by Bonsmaras
(2000) who reported correlations close to zero
gerapporteer is. Swanepoel & Heyns (1986) het
between scrotal circumference and post-weaning
bevind dat voorspeense groei ‘n groter invloed op
ADG in Bonsmara cattle. In an investigation into
testesomtrek as naspeense groei by Simmentaler
the relationship between growth parameters
bulle het. Die meerderheid ramme het geen
and scrotal circumference in Simmentaler bulls,
horings nie en daar was ook nie ‘n betekenisvolle
Swanepoel & Heyns (1986) found that pre-weaning
verskil tussen die testesomtrek van ramme met
growth has a more significant influence on
en die sonder horings nie. Bedekking het nie ‘n
testicular development than post-weaning growth.
betekenisvolle verwantskap met enige eienskap
The majority of rams did not have any horns and
getoon nie. Kop lengte was 41% gekorrileerd met
there was also no difference between the testicular
beide gewig en lyflengte.
circumference of rams with horns and those
Body length is low-medium correlated with HG
(0.43) and medium correlated with shoulder height
Dit is reeds duidelik dat die liggaamsmates en (52%). Maiwashe (2000) and Vermeulen (2001)
dimensies van die Meatmaster in die meeste reported high positive correlations of 0.76 and
gevalle baie van die van ander Suid-Afrikaanse 0.61 respectively between BL and SH. The same
vleisrasse verskil. Die hoë positiewe korrelasie tendency, although less dramatic, was observed in
tussen hartomtrek en gewig beklemtoon die this study. Head length was 41% correlated with
belangrikheid van seleksie vir ramme met meer both weight and body length. Coat type showed no
robuuste en dieper voorkwarte. Fourie et al. (2003) significant correlation with any parameter.
het korrelasies van (0.43-0.59) tussen hartomtrek

en naspeense groei by Dorperramme gerapporteer. Conclusions
Skrotumomtrek en gewig hou nie verband met
mekaar nie. At this early stage it is evident that the body
dimensions of the Meatmaster is in some cases
much different from those of other South African
Visuele beoordeling gemik op die bevordering van
mutton breeds. The high positive correlation
funksionele doeltreffendheid wat gedoen word between heart girth and body weight emphasize
in gesonde balans met prestasiedata, stambome the importance of selecting rams with a deeper
en teelwaardes het besonderse goeie resultate and more robust front quarter. Fourie et al. (2003)
in ander veebedrywe opgelewer, en behoort heel reported a correlation of (0.43-0.59) between heart
waarskynlik ook te werk in die Meatmaster bedryf. girth and post wean growth in young Dorper rams.
The low to medium correlation between scrotal
circumference and body weight indicates that
Bronnelys growth potential and reproductive ability are not
strongly compliant in young rams.
Atti N., Bocquiet F., Khaldi G., 2004. Performance of the
Visual appraisal directed at functional efficiency
fat-tailed Barbarine sheep in its environment:
in a balanced combination with performance
Adaptive capacity to alternation of underfeeding and
test results, breeding values and pedigrees has
refeeding periods. A review. Animal Research 53: 165-
been a winning combination in the beef cattle
industry, and should most probably also be in the
Benyi, K., 1997. Estimation of live weight from chest Meatmaster industry.
girth in pure and crossbred West African goats.
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Dickerson, G.E., 1978. Animal size and efficiency: Basic fat-tailed Barbarine sheep in its environment:
concepts. Anim. Prod. 27, 367-379. Adaptive capacity to alternation of underfeeding and
refeeding periods. A review. Animal Research 5 3 :
Fourie, P.J., Neser F.W.C., Olivier, J.J & van der 165-176.
Westhuizen C. 2002. Relationship between production
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performance and body measurements of Dorper rams.
girth in pure and crossbred West African goats.
S. Afr. J. Anim. Sci. Vol 32 (4), 256-262.
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Heinrichs, A.J. & Hargrove. G.L., 1994. Standards of
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weight and height for Ayrshire, Brown Swiss and Milking
Praatjie gelewer by die Frankfort boeredag.
Shorthorn heifers. Journal of Dairy Science 81, 1479-
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K.J., 1996. Estimation of variance components and
prediction of breeding values for scrotal circumference Heinrichs, A.J. & Hargrove. G.L., 1994. Standards of
and weaning weight in Limousin cattle. J. Anim. Sci. 74: weight and height for Ayrshire, Brown Swiss and Milking
31-36. Shorthorn heifers. Journal of Dairy Science 81, 1479-
Kriese, L.A.; Bertrand, J.K. & Benyshek, L.L., 1991. Age
adjustment factors, heritabilities and genetic correlations Hoogenboezem, J.M., 1995. Zootechnological aspects of
for SC and related growth traits in Hereford and Brangus bull fertility evaluation. M.Sc. thesis, University of the
bulls. J. Anim. Sci 69, 478-489. Orange Free Sate, South Africa.

McNab B.K., 2002. The physiological ecology of Keeton, L.L.; Green, R.D.; Golden, B.L. & Anderson,
K.J., 1996. Estimation of variance components and
vertebrates. Comstock Publishing Associates, Cornell
prediction of breeding values for scrotal circumference
University Press, Ithaca, New York, USA.
and weaning weight in Limousin cattle. J. Anim. Sci. 74:
Mohammed. J., Abegaz. S., Lakew. M. & Tarekegn. G.M.; 31-36.
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adjustment factors, heritabilities and genetic correlations
North Eastern Amhara, Ethiopia.; Journal of for SC and related growth traits in Hereford and Brangus
biology, Agriculture and healthcare, ISSN 2224-3208. bulls. J. Anim. Sci 69, 478-489.
Maiwashe, A.N., 2000. The value of recording body McNab B.K., 2002. The physiological ecology of
measurements in beef cattle. M.Sc. Thesis, University of vertebrates. Comstock Publishing Associates, Cornell
the Orange Free Sate, South Africa. University Press, Ithaca, New York, USA.
Mulaudzi, J., 2000. An integrated system of growth trait Mohammed. J., Abegaz. S., Lakew. M. & Tarekegn. G.M.;
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management conditions. M. Tech. Thesis, Technikon Free Local sheep and their crossbred sheep population in
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biology, Agriculture and healthcare, ISSN 2224-3208.

Otte, M.J.; Woods, A.J. & Abuabara, Y., 1992. Live Maiwashe, A.N., 2000. The value of recording body
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2541. Swanepoel, F.J.C. & Heyns, H., 1986. Relationship
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en prestasie van Bos Indicus en Bos Taurus bulle. M.Sc.
Agric. Dissertation, University of the Orange Free Sate, Vargas, C.A.; Elzo, M.A.; Chase, C.C.; Chenoweth, P.J. &
South Africa. Olson, T.A., 1998. Estimation of genetic p a r a m e t e r s
for scrotal circumference at puberty in heifers and hip
height in Brahman cattle. J. Anim. Sci. 76, 2536-2541.
Venter, F.J., 1987. Die verwantskap tussen liggaamsmates
en prestasie van Bos Indicus en Bos Taurus bulle. M.Sc.
Agric. Dissertation, University of the Orange Free Sate,
South Africa.

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Posbus 404 | Murraysburg | 6995

Johan Botha | 0793282922 | | Helen Botha | 0724133330 |
Meatmasters, ‘n unieke skaap ras
Meatmasters, a unique sheep breed Clynton Collett

Is jy nog op koers, en teel en selekteer jy Are you still on track and breeding and
jou Meatmasters volgens die spesifieke selecting your Meatmasters according to the
eienskappe van die rasstandaarde, of is jy specific traits in the breed standards, or have
verblind deur die gewildheid van die ras en you been captured by the breed’s popularity
selekteer jy nou net vir ʼn mooi skaap om jou and are now just selecting for a pretty picture
verkope te verbeter? to improve your sales?

Do not ever forget that our traits for selection are

Onthou dat ons eienskappe vir seleksie uitsluitlik
based solely on factors to save us money or to
gebaseer is op faktore om ons geld te bespaar of
improve our income to make us the only logical
ons inkomste te verbeter ten einde ons die enigste
breed of choice for the most profitable meat sheep
logiese ras van keuse vir die winsgewendste
vleisskaapproduksie te maak.

Ek sien telers wat die seleksie vir sekere kleure I see breeders propagating the selection for
propageer, terwyl ons rasstandaarde duidelik particular colours, when our breed standards
stipuleer dat kleur geen rol behoort te speel nie clearly stipulate that colour has no part to play as
aangesien dit nie ons winsgewendheid beïnvloed it does not affect our profitability. Breeders who
nie. Telers wat sekere kleure verkies, kan natuurlik prefer particular colours can obviously go for the
hul voorkeur kleur kies, op voorwaarde dat dit een colour of their choice, on condition that it is one
van die beste ramme is om te gebruik. Kleur mag of the best rams to use, but colour should never
egter nooit verhoed dat jy die beste ram beskikbaar prevent you from using the very best ram available.
gebruik nie; sodra jy dit doen, teel jy nie meer die If you do that, you are no longer breeding the best
beste Meatmasters nie en help jy nie die ras om die Meatmasters and helping our breed to be the most
mees winsgewend te wees nie. economical breed with which to farm.

’n Nog groter fout wat ons telers sien maak, weens A more concerning problem we see breeders
die feit dat ons jare lank verkeerdelik geleer het making because for many years we were wrongly
dat dit die beste is, is die seleksie vir Meatmasters taught that this was best, is the selection for
wat meer bespiering het van die korter, dikker tipe Meatmasters that seem to have more muscling of
spier wat meer na die ronder vorm Euro-rassoorte the shorter, thicker muscle type, leaning towards
neig. Dit is uiters gevaarlik, aangesien dit nie tot the rounder-shaped Euro breed types. This is
meer vleisproduksie lei nie, maar wel beslis lei tot extremely dangerous, as it does not lead to more
laer vrugbaarheid, probleme met lam en ‘n minder meat production but definitely leads to lower
funksioneel doeltreffende skaap. fertility, lambing problems and a less functional
and efficient sheep.
Ons moet onthou dat die Afri-rasse (regs)
bygedra het tot baie meer van die eienskappe (18 We must remember, the Afri breeds (on the right)
eienskappe) wat ons in die Meatmaster benodig contributed many more (18) of the traits we needed
het as die rasse aan die linkerkant (5 eienskappe) in the Meatmaster than the Euro breeds on the left
om ons die winsgewendste ras te maak. Ons moet (5 traits) to make us the most profitable breed. We
dus seker maak dat ons fenotipe meer na die Afro- thus have to make sure that our phenotype leans
tipes neig as na die Euro-tipes, want as ons ooit more towards the Afro types than towards the

fenotipies (hoe die skaap lyk) na die Euro-tipe Euro types, because if we ever shift the Euro way
verander, soos ander rasse, verander ons nie net phenotypically (what the sheep looks like), like other
hoe ons ras lyk nie, maar in die proses verloor breeds have done, we are not only changing what
ons ook al die gene wat nodig is vir die 18 Afri- our breed looks like, but in the process also losing
eienskappe wat ons so dringend nodig het in die all the genes necessary for the 18 Afri traits we so
Meatmaster, veral om hul voortplantingskoers te desperately need in the Meatmaster, especially
handhaaf en produksiekoste so laag as moontlik te to keep up our reproduction and keep production
hou. Ek is oortuig hoe meer wetenskapliks uitvind costs as low as possible. I am convinced the more
omtrent epi genetika in die toekoms hoe meer sal scientists learn about epi genetics in future the
hulle besef watter voordele die inhemse rasse vir more they will appreciate the traits indigenous
skaap en beesboere inhou en hoe belangrik van breeds have to offer sheep and cattle breeders and
hulle gene in ons rasse is. how important it is to have enough of their genes
in our breeds.

Meatmaster-telers moet verstaan dat ons, heeltemal Meatmaster breeders must understand that we
anders dink en rideneer as teelers van ander rasse. reason, totally different to breeders of other
Ons sien nie die potensiaal vir vleisproduksie breeds, we do not look for the potential for meat
in die grootte van ons ram se agterkwart of die production in the size of our ram’s hindquarter or
breedte oor sy lende nie, maar ons meet n ram the width over his loin, but we measure a ram’s
se produksie volgens die vermoë van sy dogters production in the ability of his daughters to
om genoeg lammers te produseer wat oorleef produce enough lambs that survive and grow well.
en goed groei. Soos in die figuur hierbo gesien, As seen in the figure above, huge differences exist
bestaan daar groot verskille tussen die dogters van between the different rams’ daughters and therein
verskillende ramme en dit is hierin waar die verskil lies the difference in the amount of meat produced
in vleisproduksie lê en dis wat die winsgewendheid and that determines the difference in profitability
tussen verskillende ramme bepaal; dit het niks met between the different rams. It has nothing to do
die breedte van die agterkwart of die lende te doen with the width of the hindquarter or the loin of the
nie. ram.

Geen ras kan daarteen stry dat die ooi met die No breed can argue against the fact that the ewe
beste totale kilogram lammers geproduseer per with the best total kilograms of lamb produced per
jaar, in dieselfde omgewing gemeet, die beste year measured in the same environment is the best
vleisprodusent is nie. Dit word gemeet deur ‘n meat producer. This is measured by evaluating a
ooi se netto produksie- en voortplantingstempo ewe’s net production and reproduction tempo,
te evalueer, soos in die figuur hierbo. Aan die as in the figure above. On the left, you have the
linkerkant is die aantal lammers wat geproduseer number of lambs produced, measured by fertility
is, gemeet aan vrugbaarheid en meerlinge wat and multiple lambs produced. However, on the
geproduseer is, maar regs sien ons dat ons right, we see that we also need quality lambs that
ook kwaliteitlammers nodig het, wat oorleef en survive and grow well, measured by mothering
goed groei, gemeet aan moedereienskappe, traits, milk production and direct growth. The two
melkproduksie en direkte groei. Die twee kante sides together give us total kilograms of lamb
saam gee ons totale kilogram lammers gespeen en weaned, and no one can argue against that. So, if
niemand kan daarteen stry nie. As jy dus op die you want to be a true Meatmaster breeder for the
lang duur ‘n ware Meatmaster-teler wil wees en nie long term and are not just part of the Society to
net deel van die Genootskap is om die ras te melk milk the breed during its time of popularity, only to
tydens sy periode van gewildheid, net om later get out later to tackle the next best thing, this must
uit te klim om die volgende nuutjie aan te pak nie, be your objective in selecting your sheep, whether
moet dít jou doelwit wees in die seleksie van jou phenotypically or with performance figures. It is
skape, hetsy fenotipies of volgens prestasiesyfers. very important to note that the growth traits on the
Dit is baie belangrik om daarop te let dat die groei- right are very easy to achieve, even with phenotype
eienskappe aan die regterkant baie maklik is om selection only, as the trait for growth is easy to
te behaal, selfs met slegs fenotipiese seleksie, observe and measure and has high heritability. All
aangesien die eienskap vir groei maklik is om waar the other traits you can only select for accurately by
te neem en te meet en ’n hoë oorerflikheid het. Vir al means of data collection for performance breeding
die ander eienskappe kan jy slegs akkuraat selekteer values, as the result can only be measured in the
deur data-insameling vir prestasieteelwaardes. Die second generation, once a ram’s daughters have
rede daarvoor is omdat die resultaat eers in die lambed.
tweede generasie gemeet word, sodra ‘n ram se
dogters begin lam. The breeders who diligently select their
Meatmasters on the basis described above will,
Telers wat hul Meatmasters ywerig op die in the long run, be the only ones supplying rams
bogenoemde basis selekteer, sal oor die lang to the commercial industry. This is because the
termyn die enigste verskaffers van ramme aan Meatmaster was established as a breed for the
die kommersiële bedryf wees. Dit is omdat die sole purpose of giving commercial sheep farmers
Meatmaster as ras gestig is met die uitsluitlike a truly profitable breed with which to farm under
doel om aan kommersiële skaapboere ‘n werklik all circumstances.
winsgewende ras te verskaf waarmee hulle onder
alle omstandighede kan boer. On the other hand, if we try to select for certain
colours and just a pretty picture, we would have
Aan die ander kant, as ons probeer om vir sekere lost our focus and end up as another breed going
kleure en ‘n mooi skaap te selekteer, het ons ons nowhere and of no value to commercial farmers.
fokus verloor en sal Meatmasters maar net nog ’n

J ohn n y Mo rri so n
083 3 8 3 2 7 3 7

J ohn Wi l l i am Morri so n
079 8 7 5 4 8 0 3


m oh imba3@gmail. com
ras word wat op pad is na nêrens en van geen nut Breeders must remember that their decisions
is vir die kommersiële boer nie. and actions control the Meatmaster’s future. As
breeders, be careful not to lose focus concerning
Telers moet onthou dat hul besluite en aksies die our breeding objective and breed a type of sheep
Meatmaster se toekoms bepaal. Telers moet veral that pleases only the eye of the ignorant and the
versigtig wees om nie fokus te verloor van wat ill-informed.
ons teeldoelwit is en bloot ‘n tipe skaap wat mooi
vertoon vir onkundige en swak ingeligte mense Beware of: Jealousy between breeders and the
teel nie. havoc it causes. The unhealthy love of money that
forces you to breed what is popular and not what
Wees versigtig vir: afguns en wedywering tussen is right, for short-term gain instead of long-term
teelers en die verwoesting wat dit veroorsaak. Vir ’n success, these are things that can sink our breed
ongesonde liefde vir geld wat jou forseer om skape and, indeed, have sunk many before us.
te teel wat populêr maar nie reg is nie, ter wille van
korttermynwins in plaas van langtermynsukses. At present, Meatmasters are blessed with a core of
Hierdie is alles dinge wat ons ras kan kelder, net breeders who truly understand what Meatmaster
soos dit al baie voor ons gekelder het. breeding is about. They work tirelessly for the
breed, without pay, and do not allow unhealthy
Meatmasters is tans geseënd met ‘n competition to turn into jealousy and cause
kernversameling van telers wat werklik verstaan division. The Meatmaster breed is flourishing
wat die teeling van Meatmasters behels. Hulle because of the endeavours of these breeders.
werk onvermoeid en sonder betaling vir die ras en Make sure you are one of them.
laat nie toe dat ongesonde mededinging in afguns
verander en so doende verdeeldheid veroorsaak We welcome all new breeders to our Society and
nie. Die Meatmaster-ras floreer as gevolg van pray that they will follow those who are doing
hierdie telers se werk. Maak seker dat jy een van things right. New and old breeders should attend
hulle is of word. our courses, even three or four times, as we can
never learn enough. New material is always being
Ons verwelkom alle nuwe telers in ons Genootskap added to the courses as we learn more about our
en vertrou dat hulle daardie persone wat reg te breed. You will thus always be learning something
werk gaan, sal navolg. Nuwe en ou telers moet ons new.
kursusse bywoon, selfs drie of vier keer, aangesien
niemand van ons ooit genoeg kan leer nie. Daar Always remember, you, as a member, are now
word voortdurend nuwe materiaal by die kursusse helping to control the breed so, get involved. Help
gevoeg soos ons meer oor ons ras leer. Daar is dus build progress and unity so that we are not just
altyd iets nuuts om te leer. another breed and society but a family working for
the good of all. Then watch how God will bless us
Onthou altyd dat jy as lid, nou ook help om die as we all do things right.
ras te beheer so, raak dus betrokke. Help met die
ontwikkeling van ons ras en die bevordering van
eenheid sodat ons nie net nog ’n ras en genootskap
is nie, maar ‘n familie word wat tot voordeel van
almal saamwerk. Kyk dan hoe God ons sal seën
omdat ons dinge reg doen.

Boemie en Jacolet Eendjie
Saaiman JW 13 0001

083 383 1000 | Kroonstad

Kaokoland Inspired

Jack Hammer
JW 16 0483

BC 18 0001

Paul Pienaar
082 924 6078
Pretoria, Hekpoort, Kroonstad

TEL: 027 341 2549
SEL: 083 256 2747


Gunsmoke (Smokey) Nageslag

Inspuitbare formule is deurbraak vir veeboere
Injectable formula a breakthrough for livestock farmers

’n Tekort aan spoorelemente kan ’n A shortage of trace elements can

nadelige invloed hê op onder meer adversely affect the fertility and
vrugbaarheid en die immuniteit van immunity of livestock without the farmer
vee sonder dat die boer dit besef. Dít realising it. This may lead to severe losses
kan betekenisvolle produksieverliese in production.
Production losses can be prevented by strategically
Voorkom produksieverliese deur die strategiese adding the correct combination of trace minerals
toevoeging van die regte kombinasie van and vitamins before critical stages in the production
spoorminerale en vitamiene voor kritieke stadiums cycle. Injectable trace minerals and vitamins are
in die produksiesiklus. Inspuitbare spoorminerale a direct way of supplementing when deficiencies
en vitamiene is ’n direkte manier van toediening occur due to the interactions during absorption
waar tekorte is. Dit is omdat die interaksies tydens bypassing the gastrointestinal tract, or when the
opname die maagdermkanaal omseil, of as die levels of these elements in the feed are too low.
vlakke van dié elemente in die voer te laag is.
Spoorminerale en vitamienes word benodig in Trace minerals and vitamins are needed in
kombinasie omdat die werking van baie van die combination because the functioning of many of
funksionele ensieme wat gevorm word, oorvleuel the functional enzymes that are formed, overlaps
of opgebou word deur meer as een element. As or is built up by more than one element.
die spoorminerale in hul elementêre vorm met
’n inspuiting toegedien is, is een beperking die When the trace minerals are administered with
vry minerale wat nog reaktief in die ongebonde an injection in their elementary form, the free
vorm is. Dit bly so tot dit in die lewer omskakel minerals that are still reactive in the unbound form
in die funksionele vorm, wat dan ensieme met is a limitation. It remains this way until the minerals
’n spesifieke funksie in die liggaam is. Reaksies are converted in the liver into the functional
deur vry minerale kan verder verminder word form as enzymes with a specific function in the
in- dien daar gelyktydig genoeg antioksidante body. Reactions by free minerals can be reduced
soos vitamien E en vitamien A geredelik in die further if enough antioxidants, such as vitamin E
bloedsirkulasie beskikbaar is om dié reaksies and vitamin A, are readily available in the blood
tydens die aanvanklike bloedfase te voorkom. Die circulation to prevent these reactions during the
spoormineraal wat die moeilikste is om aan te initial blood phase.
vul, is selenium. Daar is ’n klein verskil tussen die
vlakke waarteen ’n tekort aangevul kan word en die The trace mineral that is the most difficult
vlakke waarteen dit sitotoksies vir die liggaam kan to supplement is selenium. There is little
wees. difference between the levels at which a deficit
is supplemented and the levels at which it can be
NUWE FORMULASIE cytotoxic to the body.

Inligting is verkry uit ’n internasionale NEW FORMULATION

navorsingstudie1 wat bewys seleniummetionien
(die organiese vorm van selenium) is baie minder Information has been obtained from an international
toksies teen hoë vlakke as die anorganiese research study,1 proving that selenium methionine
natriumseleniet. Dus is besluit om voort te gaan (the organic form of selenium) is much less toxic
en seleniummetionien in ’n inspuitbare vorm op at high levels than the inorganic sodium selenite.
die proef te stel. Volgens dieselfde studie moet The decision was then made to test selenium
vitamien E ook gebruik word om vergiftiging te methionine in an injectable form.
probeer voorkom. Die werking van vitamien E
as antioksidant is daarop gemik om die vorming According to the same study, vitamin E should also
van vrye radikale en weefselskade te voorkom. be used to try to prevent poisoning.The functioning
Die groot uitdaging was om ’n formule daar of vitamin E as an antioxidant is aimed at preventing
te stel waardeur wateroplosbare minerale met the forming of free radicals and tissue damage. A
vetoplosbare vitamiene in ’n stabiele inspuitbare significant challenge was to create a formula that

vorm gekombineer word. Die resultaat is ’n stabiele combines water-soluble minerals with fat-soluble
mikroemulsie wat geformuleer is met die gebruik vitamins in a stable, injectable form. The result is
van die nuutste tegnologie. a stable micro-emulsion formulated by using the
latest technology.
Die formule is verder in Suid-Afrikaanse
toestande beproef deur dit by vleisbeeste, The formula was further tested on beef cattle, dairy
melkbeeste en skape te toets. Die probleem met cattle and sheep in South African conditions. The
die gebruik van die inspuitbare spoorelemente problem with using injectable trace elements is
is om langtermynopberging daarvan in die achieving long-term storage in the storage organs,
opbergingsorgane, soos die lewer, te bewerkstellig. such as the liver.

Die navorsing is gedoen deur dr. Thys Snyman The research was conducted by Dr. Thys Snyman,
en statistiese verwerking is gedoen deur prof. and the statistical processing was done by Prof.
Peter Thompson. Dr. Alf Lategan (Cape Cross Peter Thompson. Dr. Alf Lategan (Cape Cross
Veterinary Hospital) was ook behulpsaam met Veterinary Hospital) helped with the dairy cattle
die melkbeesproef. Die resultate het onteenseglik testing.The results have undoubtedly found that the
bevind dat die organiese vorm van selenium organic form of selenium (selenium methionine) in
(seleniummetionien) in die nuwe inspuitbare the new injectable formula significantly increases
formulasie betekenisvolle verhoging gee in the long-term liver levels in sheep and beef cattle.
die langtermyn lewervlakke in skape, asook
vleisbeeste. The absorption of other trace minerals, such as
copper, zinc and manganese (included in the same
Die opname van ander spoorminerale, soos koper, formula at lower levels than current injectable
sink en mangaan (wat in dieselfde formule ingesluit formulas), achieved equivalent blood and liver
is teen laer vlakke as die huidige inspuitbare levels at half the concentration. This is because of
middels) het gelykwaardige bloed- en lewervlakke the new micro-emulsion formula that has improved
behaal teen die helfte van die konsentrasie. Dit is the efficiency of the absorption or distribution
danksy die nuwe mikro-emulsie-formule wat die thereof.
doeltreffendheid van die opname of verspreiding
daarvan verbeter het. The research on dairy cattle has proven that the
blood levels achieved with the inclusion of vitamin
Die navorsing by melkbeeste het bewys die E remain high for the first 120 hours after the
bloedvlakke wat met die insluiting van vitamien injection has been administered. This provides
E behaal word, bly hoog vir die eerste 120 uur additional prevention of reactions that may be
nadat die inspuiting toegedien is. Dit is vir ekstra caused by the minerals in their free form.
voorkoming van reaksies wat deur minerale in hul
vrye vorm veroorsaak kan word. CONCLUSION

GEVOLGTREKKING The conclusion from the research trials conducted

on beef cattle, dairy cattle and sheep is that the
Die gevolgtrekking uit die navorsingsproewe wat new micro-emulsion formula, which contains trace
gedoen is by vleisbeeste, melkbeeste en skape minerals and fat-soluble vitamins, is an effective
is dat die nuwe mikro-emulsie-formule, wat formula for injectable supplementation of trace
spoorminerale en vetoplosbare vitamiene bevat, element deficiencies.
’n doeltreffende formule is vir die inspuitbare
aanvulling van spoorelementtekorte. In this new injectable form, selenium methionine
can be used very effectively for the long-term
In hierdie nuwe inspuitbare vorm kan supplementation of selenium. -FW, 26 August 2016.
seleniummetionien baie doeltreffend aangewend
word vir die aanvulling van selenium op lang Dr. Danie Odendaal
termyn. -LBW, 26 Augustus 2016. Livestock health consultant

Dr. Danie Odendaal SOURCES: 1 Reference: Tiwary, A.K., Stegelmeier, B.L., Panter,
K.E., James, L.F., Hall, J.O.“Comparative toxicosis of sodium
Veegesondheidskonsultant. selenite and selenomethionine in lambs.” Journal of Veterinary
Diagnostic Investigation, 18:61-70 (2006).
BRONNE: 1 Verwysing: Tiwary, A.K., Stegelmeier, B.L, Panter,
K.E., James, L.F., Hall, J.O.“Comparative toxicosis ofsodium
selenite and selenomethionine in lambs.” Journal ofveterinary
diagnostic investigation, 18:61-70 (2006).

Mmankgwedi Meatmasters (Botswana)
Gulam Husain Moorad

Die manier waarop ek sover gekom How I got into breeding Meatmasters
het om met Meatmasters te teel, is ‘n is an interesting story… Over the last
interessante storie. Oor die afgelope 25 25 years, I have bread various types of
jaar het ek met verskillende soorte skape sheep. Although my returns were good, I
geteel. Alhoewel my opbrengste goed wanted to look for a breed that would be
was, wou ek ‘n ras hê wat feitlik perfek practically perfect for the environment
sou wees vir die omgewing en klimaat and climate of my area. After visiting the
van my omgewing. Nadat ek Nampo- Nampo show in 2015, I decided to give
skou in 2015 besoek het, het ek besluit Meatmaster sheep a try. It was the best
om Meatmasterskape te probeer. Dit was decision I could have made!
die beste besluit wat ek ooit kon gemaak
I started with one ram and four ewes bought off Collett
het! Farming and the following year I purchased fifteen ewes,
some with lambs, from The Best of Africa Sale at the
Ek het begin met een ram en vier ooie wat ek by Collett- Parys auction. On my commercial flock, I removed all
boerdery gekoop het en die volgende jaar het ek vyftien the other rams and introduced Meatmasters; the results
ooie, sommige met lammers, op die Best of Africa- have been amazing. The ewes had no problem with
veiling by die Parys-veiling gekoop. Ek het al die ander lambing and the rams were very comfortable walking
ramme in my kommersiële kudde met Meatmasters with the flock, unlike the previous rams which had to be
vervang en die resultate was wonderlik. Die ooie het kept in the kraal during the day and introduced into the
geen probleem gehad met lam nie en die ramme was ewes at night as they could not cope with the heat.
baie gemaklik daarmee om by die trop te bly, anders as
die vorige ramme wat gedurende die dag in die kraal What was remarkable about the rams used in the
gehou moes word en net snags na die ooie toe kon gaan commercial flock was the fact that no supplementary
omdat hulle die hitte nie kon hanteer nie. feeding was needed during the mating season when
they were running with the ewes. They maintained
’n Merkwaardige kenmerk van die ramme wat in die acceptable body condition. The other factor was the
kommersiële kudde gebruik is, was die feit dat hulle geen ratio of ram to ewe was more ewes to a ram than I had
aanvullende voeding gedurende die paarseisoen nodig experienced before. The ewes themselves showed great
gehad het toe hulle by die ooie in die kudde was nie. mothering ability, as none of the ones that lambed on
Hulle het ’n aanvaarbare liggaamskondisie gehandhaaf. the veld lost their lambs to predators such as jackals.
Die ander faktor was die verhouding van ram tot ooi, wat
meer ooie per ram was as wat ek vantevore ervaar het. As for the lambs, the growth factor has been phenomenal.
Die ooie het goeie moedereienskappe getoon, aangesien I remember selling some pregnant ewes to a farmer up
nie een van dié wat in die veld gelam het hul lammers in the Kalahari and three months later he called to say
aan roofdiere soos jakkalse afgestaan het nie. one of the ewes had twins, and he had weaned them at
just 110 days old with a combined weight of 78kg. He was
Wat die lammers betref, is die groeifaktor fenomenaal. more than happy with the results. He even proceeded to
Ek onthou dat ek ’n paar dragtige ooie aan ‘n boer in sell all his other rams and use Meatmaster rams on his
die Kalahari verkoop het, en drie maande later het hy commercial ewes.
gebel om te sê dat een van die ooie ’n tweeling gehad
het en hy hulle op net 110 dae oud gespeen het met ‘n Farming in the western part of Kweneng, a major district
gesamentlike gewig van 78 kg. Hy was meer as tevrede in Botswana, has its fair share of challenges. With little
met die resultate. Hy het selfs al sy ander ramme rainfall averaging a total of 240mm yearly and shared
verkoop en Meatmaster-ramme op sy kommersiële ooie grazing lands the Meatmaster has shown its exceptional
begin gebruik. endurance and ability to withstand hardy conditions.

Boerdery in die westelike deel van Kweneng, ‘n hoofdistrik In a country where communal grazing is predominant,
in Botswana, het met heelwat uitdagings te kampe. many would worry about their sheep mingling with
Met ‘n lae jaarlikse reënvalgemiddeld van ongeveer neighbouring sheep and getting misplaced in the
240 mm en gedeelde weiding, het die Meatmaster sy process, but with the Meatmaster’s keen sense of flock
uitsonderlike uithouvermoë en die vermoë om moeilike instinct this is nothing to concern one’s self with.
toestande te weerstaan, getoon.
Currently, Mmankgwedi Meatmasters is being invited to
In ‘n land waar gemeenskaplike weiding die norm is, attend a lot of farmers’ day events around the country
sal sommige boere bekommerd wees dat hul skape met and we have done a lot of educational work, speaking

ander skaaptroppe sal meng en in die proses sal wegraak, on local radio, for example. This helps market the breed
maar die Meatmaster se besonderse tropinstink maak tremendously as it reaches farmers in remote areas of
dat dit ’n aspek is waaroor jy jou nie hoef te bekommer the country as well as those living in the city.
As Botswana are known for rearing cattle, many are
Tans word Mmankgwedi Meatmasters uitgenooi om hesitant to keep both sheep and cattle on their farms
heelwat boeredaggeleenthede regoor die land by te woon for fear of both species competing for the same food
en ons het al baie opvoedingswerk gedoen, byvoorbeeld source (grass). This proves not to be a problem for the
deur uitsendings oor die plaaslike radiostasie. Dit help Meatmaster as it also enjoys browsing. These are some
baie om die ras te bemark, aangesien dit boere in afgeleë of the insights and learnings I continue to try to share
gebiede van die land sowel as dié wat in die stad woon, with our farming community as the breed becomes
bereik. more popular.

Aangesien die Botswana bekend is vir boer met beeste, A current advantage for Botswana farmers is that the
is baie van hulle huiwerig om beide skape en beeste op Government, through the Ministry of Agriculture, actively
hul plase aan te hou uit vrees daarvoor dat albei spesies encourages the growth of small stock farming. In fact, it
om dieselfde voedselbron (gras) sal kompeteer. Dit blyk is in the process of building small stock abattoirs around
egter nie ‘n probleem vir die Meatmaster te wees nie, the country, which will ultimately result in profitability
aangesien die ras ook bossies en blare vreet. Dit is ‘n paar for farmers.
van die insigte wat ek met ons boerderygemeenskap
probeer deel soos die ras meer gewild word. From my experience thus far, I advise people who
are interested in going into sheep farming to look no
‘n Huidige voordeel vir Botswana-boere is dat further than Meatmaster sheep. The passionate farmer
die regering, deur middel van die Ministerie van will definitely not regret their decision when seeing the
Landbou, die ontwikkeling van kleinveeboerdery aktief financial rewards.
aanmoedig. Trouens, die regering is besig om kleinvee-
abattoirs regoor die land te bou, wat uiteindelik vir boere I firmly believe that Meatmaster is the breed of the future.
winsgewend sal wees.

Uit my ervaring tot dusver kan ek mense wat daarin

belangstel om met skape te begin boer, aanraai om nie
verder as Meatmasterskape te soek nie. Die passievolle
boer sal beslis nie spyt wees oor sy besluit as hy die
finansiële beloning daarvan sien nie.

Ek glo vas dat Meatmaster die ras van die toekoms is.




fred Basix
Derick Biggs: Kobus Odendaal:
082 338 0613 082 970 2064 Michael Leslie
082 770 0306 MEATMASTER 2019 53
Namibia | Namibië

Bartie en

Ons boer van 1991 op die plaas We have been farming on the farm
Wartburg 60km suid van Maltahöhe Wartburg, 60 km south of Maltahöhe at
op die Swartrante. Die weiding is the Swartrante, since 1991. The grazing
dwergstruiksavanna en ek stok teen 6ha is dwarf shrub savanna and I stock at 6
per ooi en 40ha per koei. ha per ewe and 40 ha per cow.

By die kleinvee maak ek gebruik van twee For the small stock, I use two mating seasons: the
paarseisoene nl. hoofpaarseisoen middel Augustus main mating season mid August to end November
tot end November en aanvullende paarseisoen and an additional mating season in February/
Februarie/Maart. Dit is vir my baie belangrik dat ten March. It is very important to me that at least
minste twee derdes ooie in die reëntyd lam omdat two thirds of the ewes lamb in the rainy season
dit die winsgewenste is en ook die beste vir die because it is the most profitable and the best for
veld. Ooie lam net eenkeer per jaar sodat sy goed the veld. The ewes lamb only once a year in order
kan herstel. to recover well.

Ek het al meer gesukkel om ooie te laat ram vat I have been struggling more and more to get ewes
in die hoofpaarseisoen tot op die punt wat al die in lamb in the main mating season, to the point
ooie eers in Februarie/Maart ram vat. Dit was ‘n where all the ewes only got pregnant in February/
groot frustrasie en moes ek ‘n oplossing kry want March. It was a huge frustration and I had to find
dit was nie volhoubaar om so aan te gaan nie. Die a solution because it was not sustainable to carry
oplossing is ook nie in die winkel nie, ons maak on like that. Neither was the solution in a store; our
eenvoudig te min geld om daai pad te loop. profits are simply too small to follow that path.

Na baie wroeg, wakker lê en navorsing besluit After a lot of worrying, lying awake at night and
ek en my wederhelfte om die Meatmaster pad te research, my spouse and I decided to try the
probeer. In 2014/15 maak ons die bokboerdery tot Meatmaster way. In 2014/15, we ended our goat
niet en hou so 700 dorperooie oor. farming and kept about 700 Dorper ewes.

13 April 2016 gaan ons na Jannie de Villiers se 13 April 2016, we attended Jannie de Villiers’
veiling op Signalberg, ek het sommer byvoorbaat auction at Signalberg. In anticipation, I took along
my sleepwa saamgevat. Toe ons die vorige dag my trailer. When we arrived at Jannie’s the day
by Jannie kom loop sy skaap vol lammers in daai before the auction, his flock was full of lambs, even
geweldige droogte en by my het nog nie een lam in that severe drought, while my own flock had no
geval ten spyte van beter weidingtoestande as by lambs despite my better grazing conditions than
Jannie nie. Ek was ook baie beindruk met Jannie Jannie’s. I was also very impressed with Jannie’s
se bestuursprogram en het die gemoedsrus gehad management programme and had the peace of
dat dit geharde aangepaste diere is. mind that these were hardy, adapted animals.

Ons koop 75 meatmasters op die veiling wat We bought 75 Meatmasters at the auction, including
8 ramme insluit. Ek hou soveel as moontlik eight rams. I kept as many of the ram lambs as
ramlammers uit die ooie wat dragtig was van possible from the ewes that were pregnant with
Jannie se ramme en Augustus 2017 het ek genoeg Jannie’s rams, and in August 2017, I had enough
ramme vir my dorper ooie. rams for my Dorper ewes.

Begin Augustus 2017 sit ek die Meatmaster ramme At the beginning of August 2017, I mated the
by 691 dorperooie waarvan meeste lammerooie Meatmaster rams with 691 Dorper ewes, most of
was, 580 ooie het ram gevat. Teen einde Februarie which were ewe lambs. A total of 580 ewes became
2018 het ek al 527 lammers gewerk. pregnant and by the end of February 2018, 527
lambs had already been born.
In Februarie kry ons goeie reën en einde Mei 2018
begin ek die lammers bemark. As gevolg van goeie That February, we had good rains and by the end

weiding kon ek die lammers swaarder maak en het of May 2018, I started marketing the lambs. Due to
42kg gemiddeld bemark op Mariental veilings teen good grazing, the lambs were heavier and marketed
N$1248 per kop/N$29.58 per kg nadat kommisie af at 42 kg on average at Mariental auctions at N$1
is. 248 per head or N$29.58 per kg after commission.

Dit sal ‘n groot verligting wees as ek weer in It would be a great relief if I could get back in a
‘n program kan kom waar meeste ooie in my programme where most ewes will become
hoofpaarseisoen nl. middel Augustus tot end pregnant in my main mating season – mid August
November kan ram vat, danksy die meatmasters to end November. Thanks to the Meatmasters, this
lyk dit baie belowend. looks very promising.

Ten slotte, kom ons maak seker dat “verkeerde” Finally, let’s make sure that poor-quality animals
diere uit die mark bly. stay out of the market.

Hoekom verander na Meatmasters? Dit Why change to Meatmasters? This is a
is die vraag wat baie Meatmaster boere question that many Meatmaster farmers
al moes antwoord. Om my storie te have had to answer. In order to tell my
vertel moet ek eers agtergrond gee van story, I have to give the background to
omstandighede. the circumstances first.
Ek het in 1994 grond gekoop saam met my Pa in In 1994, I bought some land in Namibia’s South-
Namibië se Suid Oos Kalahari, Gochas omgewing. East Kalahari, Gochas area, with my dad. With
Met groot finansieële verpligtinge moes ek alles huge financial obligations, I had to get everything
uit my boerdery uithaal. Op hierdie stadium het out of my farm. At this stage, I still farmed with
ek nog met ‘n ander ras geboer. Ek het vinnig another breed. I quickly realised that my numbers
agtergekom dat my getalle en inkomste nie klop and income did not tally. The problem was that
nie. Die probleem was, met vol belading het my with a full load, my lambs raised did not add up to
lammers wat groot gemaak is nie die verlangde the desired numbers. All possible problems were
syfers opgelewer nie. Alle moontlike probleme is identified and the biggest concerned ewes that
geidentifiseer en die grootste was, ooie wat nooit never lambed, i.e. “passengers”, as well as poor
gelam het nie m.a.w. passasiers, swak moeders mothers who discarded their lambs, low fertility
wat lammers weggegooi, lae vrugbaarheid en and poor conception rates for ewes. After the
swak besetting by ooie. Na ramme getoets is en rams were tested and the passengers culled, only
passasiers uit geslag is het nog net roofdiere ‘n rol predators still played a role. However, too many
gespeel. Nog steeds was daar van dragtig tot met lambs still just “disappeared” from pregnancy to
speen te veel lammers wat net “verdwyn”. weaning.

Toevallig het ‘n paar ou ooie van my in 2008 toe Coincidentally, some of my old ewes became
dragtig geraak van Damara-ramme. Almal het pregnant by Damara rams in 2008. All of them
gelam en groot was my verbasing om te sien lambed and I was surprised to see how well these
hoe goed hierdie F1-lammers groei. Hierdie F1 lambs grew. This was the turning point. Within
was die draaipunt. Binne ‘n jaar het ek ‘n klomp a year I had a lot of F1 lambs and ewes coming
F1 lammers en ooie gehad wat uit wit dorper en from white Dorpers and Damaras. For many years
damaras gekom het. Ons moes vir nog baie jare we had to continue this way as the Namibian
so aangaan omdat die Namibiese grens vir invoere border was closed for imports. With the re-opening
gesluit was. Met die grense wat weer oopgemaak of the borders, I started to import Meatmasters
het, het ek in 2014 begin om Meatmasters van SA from South Africa in 2014. My animals came from
af in te voer. My diere het van Osvley en Elandsnek Osvley and Elandsnek, and I also started buying
gekom en ek het ook later van ander telers begin from other breeders.
My final decision to farm with Meatmasters was
My finale besluit om met Meatmasters te boer het made when the first lambs from these South
gekom toe die eerste lammers van hierdie SA diere African animals were born. Soon I realised I would
begin aankom het. Gou het ek besef ek sal moet have to get hold of more Meatmaster ewes. The
meer uithaal en suiwer Meatmasters ooie in die process of breeding up to the correct Meatmasters
hande kry. Die proses van opteel na die korrekte took just too long with the F generations. So the
Meatmasters was net te lank met die F-generasies best possible animals were bought; sometimes,
So is die beste moontlike diere gekoop, soms ook however, just the best that was still affordable. The
maar net die beste wat bekostigbaar was. Die importance of a good ewe base is a non-negotiable
belangrikheid van ‘n goeie ooibasis is nie vir my point for me, as all breeders know. With importing
onderhandelbaar nie soos alle telers weet. Met animals, everyone will tell you that it is a lengthy,
die invoer van diere sal almal vir julle kan sê dat expensive and frustrating process. Apart from the
dit ‘n lang uitgerekte, duur en frustrerende proses frustrations surrounding imports, the Meatmaster
is. Afgesien van die frustrasies rondom invoere ewes cost me twice as much as the breeding ewes
het Meatmaster ooie my 2 keer meer gekos as die I had to sell to make room for my Meatmasters.
aanteel ooie wat ek moes verkoop om plek te maak Today I want to thank everyone who helped with
vir my Meatmasters. Moet ook vandag sê vir almal those imports. It took a lot of time and work and,
wat gehelp het met die invoere, baie dankie. Dit several times, many hours at the border.

het baie tyd en werk gevat en ‘n paar keer lang ure Today, almost five years after the first Meatmasters
op die grens gekos. had been imported, we have brought in almost
800 ewes and 55 rams. Among these animals
Vandag amper 5 jaar na die eerste Meatmasters was Smokey, the ram we bought from Osvley
ingekom het, het ons met al die gesukkel al amper Meatmasters (Henk Kearney) in February 2018. At
800 ooie en 55 ramme ingebring. Onder die diere first he was at RAMSEM for a long time, where we
was Smokey wat ons in Februarie 2018 by Osvley draw straws. His first lambs started arriving at the
Meatmasters/Henk Kearney gekoop het. Hy was end of November/December 2018. He will definitely
eers vir ‘n lang tyd by RAMSEM waar ons stooitjies make an impression in our flock and be an asset to
laat trek en berg het. Sy eerste lammers het einde flocks in Namibia.
Nov/Des 2018 begin aankom. Hy gaan beslis sy
stempel afdruk in ons kudde en sal beslis ook ‘n The Meatmasters have already proven themselves
aanwins wees vir kuddes in Namibië. in many areas of Namibia. Carcass quality and
weight compare very well to other breeds. Their
Die Meatmasters het homself op baie gebiede herd instinct make these sheep much easier to
in Namibië al reeds bewys. Karkas kwaliteit en work with and handle. Due to its non-selective
gewig vergelyk baie dieselfde as ander rasse. Die grazing habits, the Meatmaster utilises veld more
tropsgebondenheid maak dat die skaap net baie efficiently. The most important feature of our breed
makliker is om te werk en hanteer. Die minder is its better lambing percentage in especially
selektiewe eetgewoontes maak dat die Meatmaster poorer conditions and then, of course, its excellent
veld meer optimaal benut. Die belangrikste mothering abilities. Meatmasters raise their lambs!
eienskap van ons ras is sy beter lampersentasie
in veral swakker omstandighede en dan natuurlik The future of Meatmasters in Namibia looks
die uitstekende moedereienskappe. Meatmasters very sound and we strive to stick to our motto –
maak hulle lammers groot!!! “Nature’s Money Maker”. The process of selection
and judging here and in South Africa still continues
Die toekoms van Meatmasters in Namibië lyk baie on a basis of innovation but not at the expense of
goed en ons streef om by ons leuse te hou wat the basic principles of our breeds. These principles
sê, Geld uit die Veld. Die proses van seleksie en can be summarised as functional and structurally
keuring hier en in SA bly geskied steeds op ‘n basis correct animals that can produce and make money
van vernuwing maar nie ten koste van ons ras se under veld conditions. The basic objectives of the
basiese beginsels nie. Hierdie beginsels kan ons breed should always remain the norm for breeding.
opsom as funksioneel en struktureel korrekte diere In Namibia, Meatmaster numbers increase every
wat onder veld omstandighede kan produseer en year, and we can see this in not only the interest in
geld maak. Die basies doelstellings waarom die ewes but also the prices fetched.
ras ontwikkel is moet altyd vir ons die norm bly vir
teling. In Namibië groei getalle elke jaar en ons What excites me about the breed in Namibia is that
kan dit sien veral in die belangstelling in ooie en at every South African auction where Namibians
die pryse bevestig dit ook. buy, the cream of these auctions goes to our
country. Namibian breeders have improved our
Wat my opgewonde maak oor die ras in Namibie quality over the past five years with these good-
is dit dat op elke SA veiling waar Namibiërs koop, quality purchases, which can also be observed
die room van die veilings na ons land toe gaan. at auctions. Not all multi-coloured sheep are
Namibiese telers het die laaste vyf jaar met hierdie Meatmasters and not all Meatmasters are multi-
goeie kwaliteit aankope ons kwaliteit geweldig coloured, so do your homework before you buy
verbeter wat op veilings ook waargeneem kan sheep.
word. Nie alle bont skaap is Meatmasters nie en nie
alle Meatmasters is bont nie, so doen jou huiswerk In conclusion, my question at the beginning, and
voordat jy diere inkoop. the answer to it: the cornerstone of all breeding
is reproduction, which is brought together by
Ter afsluiting, my vraag aan die begin, en maternal instincts, fertility, herd instinct, mobility
die antwoord. Die hoeksteen van alle teling and hardiness. All of these are the traits of our
is tog reproduksie wat bymekaar gebring Meatmasters.
word deur moeder eienskappe, vrugbaarheid,
tropgebondenheid, loopvermoê en gehardheid. It is my passion, as a farmer and a breeder, to farm
Dit is alles ons Meatmasters se eienskappe. with this breed and provide functionally effective
animals to my fellow farmers. Glory to our Creator
Vir my as boer & teler is dit ‘n passie om met die and we give thanks that we are still able to farm in
ras te boer en funksioneel doeltreffende diere aan Africa.
my mede boere te kan lewer. Eer aan ons Skepper
en dankie dat ons nog kan boer in Afrika. Enjoy your farming, Bonus Nell – Omega Meatmasters

Lekker boer, Bonus Nell – Omega Meatmasters


Landline: 063-250199 | Cell: 081 731 3767 | E-mail:MEATMASTER
2019 61
Omega Meatmasters 2de Produksie Veiling
Omega Meatmasters 2nd Auction

Op die 2de Produksieveiling van Omega Meatmasters

& Meatmaster Consortium Namibia is, Stoffel van
Omega Meatmasters verkoop vir ‘n rekordprys vir ‘n
Namibies geteelde ram. Die ram se Pa is Picasso wat
‘n ram was van Henk Kearney/Osvley Meatmasters en
is gekoop deur Oom Chris Coetzee van Mariental vir
N$60 000.00.

At the second production sale of Omega Meatmasters

and Meatmaster Consortium Namibia, Stoffel of
Omega Meatmasters was sold for a record price for a
Namibian bred ram. The ram’s father is Picasso, which
was a ram of Henk Kearney of Osvley Meatmasters,
bought for N$60 000.00 by Chris Coetzee of Mariental.

Stoffel van Omega Meatmasters

Stoffel from Omega Meatmasters

presteer, al is dit droogte!!
performs, even in the drought!!
Fiela Steyn

Graag wil ek met u ‘n stikkie van my hart I would like to share with you a piece of
deel as ‘n Meatmaster boer in die verre my heart as a Meatmaster farmer in the
Suide van ons land, Namibië. Ek boer far south of our country, Namibia. I have
sedert 2005 hier op my plaas 35 km suid been farming here on my farm, 35 km
van Karasburg. Ek het 2008 oorgeskakel south of Karasburg, since 2005. In 2008, I
na die Meatmaster ras oor ons reënval switched to the Meatmaster breed as our
wat baie wisselvallig geword het. Ek het rainfall had become very unpredictable.
in 2010 my laaste normale reën gehad, In 2010, I had my last normal rain, and
en van toe af elke jaar minder tot niks. from then on, every year less to nothing.
Van die jare wat ek wel reën gehad het For the years that I did have some rain,
was dit rondom 40 mm in 4 of 5 klein it was only about 40 mm in four or five
buitjies. Ons is nou in 2019 en ek het light showers. It is 2019 now, and I have
1 mm reën ontvang sover met ‘n hart received 1 mm of rain so far, with a heart
vol bekommernisse, ook my boerdery heavily laden with worries about the
toekoms met agt jaar droogte agter die future of my farm, eight years of drought
blad, ‘n Koöperasie rekening wat elke behind me, an account at the co-op that
maand oorloop van voer en brandstof. is filled to the max with feed and fuel
Daar het sedertdien baie goeie mense oor every month. Many good people – too
my pad gekom, te veel om op te noem many to mention – have crossed our path,
wat ons met weiveld en voer bygestaan helping us out with grazing and feed.
het. Ja ek staan verstom as ek sien hoe Yes, I am amazed by the Lord’s provision
voorsien die Here elke dag. Ons het every day. Two and a half years ago, we
twee en n half jaar terug met 80 persent moved to emergency grazing with 80%
diere uit getrek na noodweiding vir die of our animals for the umpteenth time
soveelste keer en ry ongeveer 4000 km and drove about 4 000 km each month
elke maand om by my diere uit te kom. to reach the animals. We moved them
Ons het so ver getrek tot Leonardville so far as Leonardville, where another
waar nog ‘n Samaritaan my met veld Samaritan helped me with grazing veld.
gehelp het.

Ek was maar baie dae met my kop onder my blad Many days I felt utterly dejected when I drove to
as ek weer veld toe ry om te gaan voer gooi vir the veld to go feed the multi-coloured sheep, the
die bont skaap, die bietjie wat ek kan bekostig, little I could afford, but each time I observed their
maar elke keer as ek die moedigheid van my diere courage, I realised they were an example to me
gesien het, het ek besef hul is ‘n voorbeeld vir to keep my chin up and not give up. I have been
my om aan te hou en nie moed op te gee nie. Ek amazed by these sheep, coming to the water,
staan verstom en kyk hoe die bont skaap afkom seeing the empty feed troughs and returning to the
water toe in die voer bakke kyk wat leeg is en weer veld in a camp that in all fairness could not have
veld toe loop in ‘n kamp wat al maande nie meer been called a camp for months, only to make sure
bestaansreg het nie, net om te gaan kyk of hul nie they had not missed a leaf or blade of grass the
gister ‘n blaar of ‘n grasspriet gemis het nie, terwyl day before, while the sun is setting and the west
die son sak en die weste wind weereens die wolke wind has blown away the clouds again. The vitality
weggewaai het. Die lewenslus van die ras selfs in of the breed, even in difficult conditions, has made
moeilike toestande het my op nuut laat besef ek me realise anew that this is a breed that is very
het hier met ‘n ras te doen wat baie anders is as al different from all of the other breeds with which I
die ander rasse waarmee ek voorheen geboer het. used to farm.

Ek het in die huidige omstandighede 57 van my In the current circumstances, 57 of my registered

Geregistreerde ooie September 2017 ram gegee ewes were mated in September 2017 for a 35-
op ‘n 35 dae parings periode en groot was my day period and huge was my surprise when they
verbasing toe hul begin uier maak. Hierdie groepie became pregnant. This group of ewes had 60 lambs
ooie lam in die voorjaar 60 lammers. Dieselfde in the spring. The same group of ewes, now 51, was
groep ooie nou 51 het ek weer op ‘n 35 dae parings again mated for a 35-day period in May 2018. They
periode ram gegee in Mei 2018. My ooie begin lam ewes started lambing in the autumn – 76 lambs, 25
toe die najaar, 76 lammers waarvan 25 meerlinge of which were multiples. I can only imagine how
was. Ek kan net dink hoe moet hul produseer as ek they would produce if I have a normal rainy year in
weer ‘n normale reën jaar het in 2019, ja net dalk 2019 … yes, maybe ... Please HEAVENLY FATHER,
….. asb LIEWE VADER stuur vir ons genoeg reën give us enough rain this year. Amen.
hierdie jaar. Amen.


Ons teel sedert 2008 met Meatmasters

E-pos: | Tel: +264-63-269002 | Sel: +264-63-811245890

Plaas is geleë 35 km suid van Karasburg, Namibië op die D208.
The Jannie de Villiers

1. Tropgebondenheid 1. Herd instinct

Die tropgebondenheid van die Meatmaster The herd instinct of the Meatmaster breed
ras speel ‘n ongelooflike groot rol by die plays an incredibly important role in saving
koste besparing in ‘n skaapboerdery. Met 1 costs in farming with sheep. You can easily
plaaswerker kan jy maklik ‘n hele trop skape gather a whole flock of sheep in a camp of 1 000
bymekaar maak in ‘n kamp van 1000 hektaar hectares with only one farm worker because
omdat hulle in ‘n sekere area wei. Dit maak they graze in a specific area. This allows you to
dat jy gereeld en maklik kontrole kan hou oor check your flock regularly and easily because
jou skape want dit is maklik om hulle vinng it is easy to gather and count them quickly.
bymekaar te maak en te tel. Groot troppe skape Large flocks of 400 and more sheep can easily
van 400 en meer kan maklik deur 1 persoon be herded by one person.
aangejaag word.
I have experienced that if you have some
Ek het al ondervind dat as jy ‘n paar ramme op rams on your bakkie, a single ram will follow
jou bakkie het dat ‘n enkele ram al agter die the vehicle, and I have, at times, driven a
voertuig aanhardloop en so het ek gery vir ‘n few kilometres this way to get a ram to its
paar kilometer om die ram by sy bestemming destination. I once hauled a trailer with ten
te kry. Ek het ook een maal gery met ‘n sleepwa rams. I did not want to drive into the veld as I
met 10 ramme op. Ek wou nie in die veld in ry was afraid the trailer could get a flat tyre. I then
nie want ek was bang dat ek ‘n pap wiel op dropped off a ram 400 meters from the ewes
my sleepwa kan kry. Ek laai toe die ram 400 to herd him, but my worker and I could not get
meter van die ooie af om hom aan te jaag, him away from the trailer. He kept circling the
maar ek en my werker kry hom nie weg van trailer to stay with the other rams. In the end, I
die sleepwa nie. Hy hardloop al in die rondte had to haul the trailer with the ram following it
om die sleepwa om by die ander ramme te bly. to the ewes, where he joined the flock.
Ten einde raad ry ek met die sleepwa met die
ram agterna tot by die ooie en toe hardloop hy The herd instinct has the advantage that one
in die trop in. can keep two flocks of Meatmasters in adjacent
camps without their jumping the fence. I have
Die tropinstink maak dat ‘n mens 2 troppe even kept rams alongside of my flock of ewes
Meatmasters in aangrensende kampe kan laat without their jumping the fence. The drought
loop sonder dat hulle deurkruip. Ek het selfs caused those to be the only two camps that
al ramme langs my ooitrop laat loop sonder still had grazing and I was forced to keep the
dat hulle deur gekruip het. Die droogte het animals in adjacent camps.
veroorsaak dat dit al kampe was wat nog
weiding gehad het en ek geforseer was om die The fact that Meatmasters move around in a
diere langs mekaar te laat loop. flock also makes it more difficult for predators
to catch them. If a farm has many predators
Die feit dat die skape in ‘n trop loop maak or problems with sheep theft, the farmer can
dit vir ongediertes moeiliker om die skape te use a shepherding system. A shepherd lets the
vang. Indien daar geweldig baie ongediertes sheep out in the morning and gathers them in
op ‘n plaas is of probleme met skaapstelery the evening. The Meatmaster is the ideal sheep
voorkom, kan die boer gebruik maak van ‘n to farm with in this way.
oppasstelsel. ‘n Skaapwagter jaag die skape in
die oggend uit en bring hulle weer in die aand
terug. Die Meatmaster is die ideale skaap om
ook op hierdie manier te boer.

2. Grootte en aanpasbaarheid van 2. Size and adaptability of Meatmasters
It is striking to me that the size of my sheep
Dit is vir my opvallend dat my skape se grootte varies from year to year. If one experience a
wissel van jaar tot jaar. As jy ‘n baie erge very severe drought, it is as if the size of the
droogte ervaar is dit of die hele lammeroes entire lamb crop is smaller. The size of the
net kleiner is. Die grootte van diere op die animals on the veld adjusts to a good year,
veld pas aan by ‘n goeie jaar waar jy verstom where one is amazed at how beautiful and
staan hoe mooi en groot die diere is teenoor large the animals are compared to a drought
‘n droogtejaar wanneer jy dink dat die skape year, when one might think the sheep are
darem klein is. Ten spyte van hierdie maerder small. Despite these sheep being leaner and
en kleiner skaap vat hulle nog steeds baie goed smaller, they still become pregnant easily.
ram. Dit wys hoe die Meatmaster kan aanpas This shows how the Meatmaster can adapt to
by omstandighede en nogsteeds presteer. conditions and still perform well.

3. Vrugbaarheid. 3. Fertility

In September het my ooie met lammers In September, my ewes walked with their lambs.
geloop. In die najaar is dit normaalweg maar In the autumn, it is usually dry in Namibia. I
droog in Namibië. Ek was verstom toe die was amazed when most of these ewes lambed
meeste van hierdie ooie weer in die Februarie/ again in the February/March lambing season.
Maart lamseisoen gelam het. Dit sal jy nie You will not easily get this with other breeds
maklik onder moeilike omstandighede by under difficult circumstances. A few years
ander rasse kry nie. In April ‘n paar jaar terug ago, one April, over a 35-day period, 78 ewes
het ‘n ram oor ‘n 35 dae periode 78 ooie laat out of 101 ewes walking with lambs lambed
lam van 101 ooie wat met lammers geloop. after being mated with one ram. The multiples
Met die tweelinge het ek meer as 100 lammers included, these 78 ewes gave me more than
aangekry van hierdie 78 ooie. 100 lambs.

4. Moedereienskappe 4. Mothering traits

Die ras se moedereienskappe is net ongelooflik. The maternal instinct of the breed is simply
As jy die ooie en lammers moet uithaal vir incredible. It is easy to gather the ewes and
rekordhouding is dit maklik. Die ooie is so erg lambs for record keeping. The ewes are so
oor hulle lammers dat jy sonder moeite elke fond of their lambs that it is easy to pair each
ooi by sy lam of tweeling kry. ewe with her lamb or twins.

5. Geharde taai skaap. 5. Hardy, tough sheep

Meatmaster ooie vrek nie sommer nie maar Meatmaster ewes do not die easily, but
dit gebeur wel. ‘n Lam waarvan die ma gevrek sometimes it does happen. Under difficult
het kan onder moeilike omstandighede nog circumstances, a lamb whose mother has died
steeds groot word op die veld. Goeie toesig can still grow up on the veld. However, good

is egter belangrik. Ek wil aanbeveel dat boere supervision is important. I would recommend
hulle diere inent teen siektes wat in hulle area that farmers vaccinate their sheep against
voorkom. Dit sal ook wys wees om vroegtydig diseases that occur in their area. It is also
teen bloednier te ent. wise to vaccinate against pulpy kidney
6. Bestuurswenk.
6. Management hint
Baie boere in Namibië glo daaraan om
ramlammers nie te kastreer nie, omdat hulle Many farmers in Namibia do not believe in
dan vinniger groei. My ondervinding egter is castrating ram lambs because they then grow
dat dit onder goeie veldtoestande werk maar faster. My experience is that it works under
onder swak toestande (gewoonlik najaar) groei good veld conditions; however, under poor
jou gekastreerde ramlam beter en gradeer die conditions (usually autumn), castrated ram
lam goed terwyl jou ramlam wat nie gekastreer lambs grow better and grade well, while non-
is nie die heeltyd besig is met die ooie en ‘n castrated ram lambs are constantly busy with
nul gradeer. the ewes and grade zero.

It is an incredible privilege to farm with

Meatmasters. When I think about the breed, I
cannot help but smile because the breed is so
close to my heart, and good for my pocket as
well. This is the case with many Meatmaster

It all begins with a visit to a place where people still count

WHO AND WHAT ARE WE? • DIY items like, tools, ladders, screws and SPECIFIC ACTIVITIES IN THE GROUP
Kaap Agri Namibia is an agricultural services group that Agrimark - a chain of retail stores that offer direct
distributes goods and services mainly to the agricultural • Camping equipment and related accessories for the agricultural production inputs and related products.
sector, but also the general public. outdoor enthusiast;
Expressmark - Fuel and convenience offering to the
These goods and services include: • Food, cleaning agents and clothing, which includes general public.
protective clothing;
• Direct agricultural production inputs such as fertiliser, Financing - A wide range of financing products is
• Irrigation equipment;
seeds and pesticides; available to fulfill the diverse agricultural financing
• Financing of these products and services; needs of our clients.
• Animal feeds, animal health and pet-related
products; • Delivery services. Available Facilities
• Fuels, oils, lubrication and tyres; OWNERSHIP • Cash/deposit accounts;
• Industrial and domestic gas; Kaap Agri Namibia is a private company of which 50% • 30-day accounts;
• Gardening and agricultural irrigation products; shareholding is Namibian-owned by the Pupkewitz • Seasonal accounts ( 60 days to 12 months) .
Group of Companies.
• Related products, such as pruning shears, tools and
• Fencing materials, such as wire and poles; Kaap Agri Namibia provides these goods and services
• Building materials, such as cement, timer, paint, through a network of 16 trading points across 14 cities
corrugated iron and plastic; and towns throughout Namibia. Particularly in the
larger towns and cities, Agrimark concentrates on the
• Horticultural supplies, like tools, fertiliser and
destination customer who desires a wide range of items
under one roof.
Contact your nearest branch for more information regarding our products and services:
Agrimark: Aranos (063) 272 375 • Gobabis (062) 565 335 • Gochas (063) 250 007 • Grootfontein (063) 248 500 • Hardap (063) 240 897 • Keetmanshoop (063) 227 450
Mariental (063) 241 309 • Omaruru (064) 571 418 • Otjiwarongo (067) 300 300 • Rehoboth (062) 521 550 • Stampriet (063) 260 046 • Windhoek (061) 401 490
Expressmark: Grunau (063) 262 059 • Ondangwa (067) 240 483 • Rehoboth (062) 521 550 • Stampriet (063) 260 046

Windhoek Head Office:

Plot 211, c/o Monte Christo Ave & Industria Str,
Lafrenz Ext 1, Windhoek
Follow us on
0004 (Judge Seun)
Hanekom Boerdery
Johnny & Deanne Hanekom | Meatmasters


Tel: 081 129 1816 / 081 379 0549

Frommels (Judge Seun) Krokodil Magnum (Shotgun Seun)

Rock & Roll Sherrif (Regter Seun) Starbucks (Pronk Sen)

Tiger’s Eye Tom Triplet

Windgat (Pronk Seun) Yster Ton


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