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Ase 1-08 Minimum DeSI6n LOADS Fee Bue DINGS AND omEe@ 8TRUCTURES Chapter 3 DEAD LOADS, SOIL LOADS, AND HYDROSTATIC PRESSURE 3.1. DEAD LOADS 3.11 Definition. Dead loads consist of the weight ofall ma- leva of construction incorporated into the building including, ‘nut not Fmited to, walls, Noors oof, ceiling, stairways, built in patton, finishes, cladding, and other similarly incorporated architectural and structural items, and fixed service equipment Incuding the weight of cranes, 3.1.2 Weights of Materials and Constructions. In determining ead loads for purposes of design, the actual weighs of materi als and constructions shall be used provided that inthe absence Of definite information, values approved by the authority having jurisdiction shall be use. 3.1.3 Weight of Fixed Service Equipment. In determining dead loads for purposes of design, the weight of fixed service equ ment, such as plumbing stacks and risers, electrical feeders, ‘and heating, ventilating, and air conditioning systems shall be included. 3.2. SOIL LOADS AND HYDROSTATIC PRESSURE 3.2.1 Lateral Pressures. In the design of structures below grade, provision shall be made for the lateral pressure of adjacent soil. If soil loads are not given ina soil investigation report approved by the authority having jurisdiction, then the soil loads specified in “able 3-1 shall be used a the minimum design lateral loads. Due allowance shall be made for possible surcharge fom fixed or mov ingloads. When aportionor the whole ofthe adjacent silis below 4 fce-water surface, computations shal be based upon the weight ‘ofthe soil diminished by buoyancy. pls fll hydrostatic pressure. ‘The lateral pressure shall be increased if soils with expansion potential are present atthe site as determined by a geotechnical investigation, 3.22 Uplift on Floors and Foundations. Inthe design of base- ‘ment floors and similar approximately horizontal elements below grade, the upward pressure of water, where applicable, shall be {aken as the full hydrostatic pressure applied over the entire area, ‘The hydrostatic load shall be measured from the underside of the construction. Any other upward loads shall be included in the design. Where expansive soils are present under foundations or slabs- ‘on-ground, the foundations, slabs, and other components shall, be designed to tolerate the movement or resist the upward loads, caused by the expansive soils, or the expansive sol shall be re- ‘moved or stabilized around and beneath the structure. ‘TABLE 3-1 DESIGN LATERAL SOIL LOAD eT TESST MRT aie a ‘Well graded, lean gravely raveland mines aw 35,507 Poorly graded clean gravels: pravel-sand mines oP. 355507 ‘Sit eravels, poorly graded gravel-sand mixes an 3515307 Clave) gravel, poorly graded grave nd-lay mixes Ge. B00" ‘Well graded clean sands gravely-sand mines SW 3515507 Poorly eaded clean sands sandrael mixes F 351530" Sly sands, poorly graded snc mines SM 80.07 Sands clay mix wit plastic Hes Ad 3503357 ‘Clave sands, poorly graced sanclay mince 3C BS339F Tnorgani sis and layey se ME 3513357 ‘Mixture of inogani silt and ay ML-CL 3513357 Tnorganic clays of low to medi paneny cL 100.057 ‘Organi sits and sills ow plasticity OL. e Tnorganic clayey silts, elastic silts MH * Tnorganis clays of high plas cH : (Organic clays and silty clays oF 7 1 “Design eral sot od are even for mois condons forthe specified sll a thei optimum denies Actual eld conditions shal govern. Subrarged or saturated So pressures sal ince the Weigh he buon soi os the hyde Tod Issitble ts back materia “For relatively niga was as when braces by lors, the design lateral soi load shal be increased for sand and Igpe sls to 60 ps (043 HN) pet fot (eter) of dep. Basement walls extending tet ae has 1244 mp below prade abd supporing ight Moor systems arent considered a elng relatively gh wale. “or eavely iid ls 8 when traced y forse seign lat! led shal te increased fr stand ely ‘ype sie 100 pat (15.71 kN) pet foot (eter) of depth, Basement walls extending tot more than B (Glas) below grade and supporting ight Moor systems are not considered as beng relatively iid wall Minimum Design Loads for Buildings and Other Structures 7 Chapter C3. DEAD LOADS, SOIL LOADS, AND HYDROSTATIC PRESSURE €3.1.2 WEIGHTS OF MATERIALS AND CONSTRUCTIONS ‘To establish uniform practice among designers, it is desirable to present alist of materials generally used in building construction, together with thee proper weights, Many building codes prescribe the minimum weights for only a few building materials, and in ‘other instances no guide whatsoever is furnished on this subject. Tn some cases the codes are so drawn up as to leave the question ‘of what weights to use to the discretion of the building official, ‘without providing any authoritative guide. This practice, s well as the use of incomplete lists, has been subjected to much criticism. ‘The solution chosen has been to present, in this commentary, an ‘extended Fist that will be useful to designer and official alike: However, special cases will unavoidably arise, and authority is therefore granted in the standard forthe building official to deal with them, For ease of computation, most values are given in terms of pounds per square foot (Ib?) (kNim?) of given thickness (see Table C3-1), Pounds-per-cubic-foot (Ih/Rt) (kN/m?) values, con- sistent with the pounds-per-square foot (kilonewtons per square meter) values are also presented in some cases (see Table C3-2) ‘Some constructions for which a single figure is given actually have a considerable range in weight. The average figure given is suitable for general use, but when there is reason to suspect, ‘8 considerable deviation from this, the actual weight should be determined, Engineers, architects, and building owners are advised to con- sider factors that result in differences between actual and calcu- lated loads. Engineers and architects cannot be responsible for circum- stances beyond their control. Experience has shown, however, that conditions are encountered which, if not considered in de- sign, may reduce the future utility of a building or reduce its ‘margin of safety. Among them are 1, Dead Loads. There have been numerous instances in which the actual weights of members and construction materials have exceeded the values used in design. Care is advised in the use of tabular values, Also allowances should be made for such factors as the influence of formwork and support deftections on the actual thickness of @ concrete slab of preseribed nominal thickness. 2, Future Installations. Allowance should be made for the weight of future wearing or protective surfaces where there Minimum Design Loads for Buildings end Other Structures is a good possibility that such may be applied. Special con- sideration should be given to the likely types and position of partitions, as insufficient provision for partitioning may reduce the future utility of the building, Auention is directed also to the possibility of temporary changes in the use of a building, as in the case of clearing a ‘dormitory for a dance or other recreational purpose. €3.2 SOIL LOADS AND HYDROSTATIC PRESSURE C321 Lateral Pressures, Table 3-2 includes high earth pres: sures, 85 pot (13.36 KN/m) oF more, to show that cenain soils ae poor backfill material In addition, when walls ae unyielding the earth pressure is increased from active pressure toward earth, pressure atest, resulting in 60 pf (9.43 KN/n) for granolar soils and 100 pot (15.71 kNim?) for sit and ela type soils (Ref. C3-1] Examples of light floar systems supported on shallow basement walls mentioned in Table 3-2 are oor systems with wood joists and flooring, and cold-formed steel joists without aeastin-place oneret lor attached, Expansive soils exist in many regions ofthe United States and ‘may cause serious damage to basement walls unless special design ‘considerations are provided. Expansive soils should not be used as backfill because they can exert very high pressures against walls, Special soil testing is required to determine the magnitude of these pressures. I is preferable to excavate expansive soil and backfill with non-expansive freely draining sands or gravels. The excavated back slope adjacent tothe wall should be nosteeper than, 45° from the horizontal to minimize the transmission of swelling pressure from the expansive soil through the new backfill. Other special details are recommended, such as a cap of non-pervious soil on top of the backfill and provision of foundation drains. Refer to current reference books on geotechnical engineering for ‘guidance. C322 Uplifton Floorsand Foundations. [fexpansivesoilsare present under floors or footings, large pressures can be exerted and ‘must be resisted by special design. Alternatively, the expansive soil can be removed and replaced with non-expansive material. ‘A geotechnical engineer should make recommendations in these situations REFERENCE Ref. C3-1TersaghiK, and Peck, RB. (1967), So Mechanics in Engineering Practice. 2nd ed. Wiley, New York 261 zee sou a0s¥ compas oe om canes Desting fin wood Douglas fin 5 Seo es Bons Besing 3m, wod Bouts 8) & Sspaem tone pe in hides) eros 2 ons ia dawns Gypetn singin 2 Parone or emer Irion ots prick hike) Spee wel hel Foot de ur pended a chnel em os fa ti ‘Sospened meal ath and ment plaster Fierboad bs Sten ntl ah an yp ar Po a ‘Mold ring pension Sen Folyrene foun 2 COVERINGS ROE AND WALL, rt am skin 33 ‘esonesnon songs Pywoad ger hike) oa ‘hale Bitnlaon, in os eh te Sie metal sen, wie gs : Seite 5 Site a wo Booka Sn ‘Wieipooog membrane: adel Titra, pled 55 im Purine Scone 13 Spunsh ce tad i compo Soccer oy "Roce rey nag 1 Yoo shang per inch hows) 3 Fury han rel ss Wood shiner 3 reply fad ga é MiBoR Lt copra : ger one ind 3 ela sbeoe cemen ng ‘ Laks sont erinch : Desk cal 0 pas a Sittin 5 BS 3 Se Feet eich be “Weighs of masonry inde mortar tt wo raster Far pls, SI frech ae laser Values shen een trge. a somecsere v omeable ange of wig or th ne (continued) seinionsig 42410 ue sBuIpling 10} spe0"| UBIseq wna 82 TABLE C31 continued MINIMUM DESIGN DEAD LOADS Component Component ona = FLOORS AND FLOOR FINISHES ‘Windows las, fae, and sash @ ‘Asphalt block (in) 120. arae 0 Clay ek yes Cefn nish (it) on siome-conezee fit 2 in » Ceram or quary ile (3m) on Lin. nota bed 6 Sin 9 (Ceram or quarry tle (in) on Fin. moar Bed B ihn us CConeete i ish (per inc tices) 2B Hin 153 Hardwod forig. 97 4 Holl eaezete masonry eit wythes: {noieum oraphat te 4n i ‘Wothe thickres (iinet). 6 ® 0 2 ‘Marble and mortar on one-concet B Density of une (108 pet) Slate (per mm thickness) 5 ‘No grout a 2” 4s Sola fat ie on in mtr hase B Akio. OR a 33 Sebooring, Sin 3 dina. rome oo 3 Tenrazan (11/2) direty on stb % Rinoe Spacing 2» 2 2 ct ‘Teezao (Lin) on sione-conerete fil 2 hiinoe ae ri ier & ‘enrran (lin) Dan some oncete u isin. oe oS 6 8 ‘Won block (hin) om mas, no Hl 0 Fl prot S58 98 ns ‘Worse (in) a 1/2. mata base 16 Desuiy of unit (125 pf) FLOORS, WOOD:JOIST (NO PLASTER) "No grout 6 mw w~ 4 50 DOUBLE WOOD FLOOR ABinvoc. BR Se 6 i in, ain inoe rout es ie 65 Join sices spacing spacing sping Since Spacing Oe 6 Kin) om’) be) ty rin oe ®t 3 15 26 6 3 3 ign os & 8 OR 87 2a 5 6 5 Full prot 3 Ma 1 gem 1 6 5 Deas of unit (135 pe) 2 5 i 6 ‘No grout am Mo st FRAME PARTITIONS. since w& 2 oF 66 Movable sel partons 4 ince grout mee ty 8 ‘Wood or tel sain gypsum boat each side 8 Rinos Spocing Bs 3 @ n Word stds 2% 4, unpaser 4 dinoe a SF is ‘ons side, 2 4, pase one side 2 Isinoe il % 90 ‘ora studs, 2 4, patered to sides 2» Full rot @ Bs in FRAME WALLS ‘ali comerete masonry ni wythes nl. conerete rik Exterior stud wale: ‘Wate thicknes Gi) 4 ‘ 8 0 2 BNF Tein, Sin, gym, insulated, in. siding mn ‘Density of anit 103 pe 2 tw 7 105 2 600 loins SPin gypsum, insulted, 3760 sing B Density of uni (123 pe) Bo 12 m4 [Eten st wale wth bick veneer a Density of nit 135 pet) Che te 3 *Wieighs of masonry Include mortar but not plaster: Fo plats (continued) ‘ud ST for each fave plotred Values given represent average, In rome eases there a considerable range of weight for dhe sme ‘TABLE C3-1 continued MINIMUM DESIGN DEAD LOADS* Component ‘as ‘component toa ue) ene) EILINS, ‘Decking. 1 mm wood (Dovgle fin 02a ‘Acoust Fiber Board 095 ‘Decking 76 mm wood (Douglas 6c) 038 spam oar (pe mm hickoess) cane berbourd. 3m oe ‘chanical dct atlowance O19 (Gypeom sheathing 13 010 010 Plaster on te or concrete 024 Inmelatoa, oo bar (per nm hckness) Plater on wood ath O33 Celular hss oars Swapended sel chanel system 010 Fibrous ase 00a, ‘Stspended mea lath and cement plaster on Fiero 0.0008 Stsjended meal lath an gypsum plaster ous Pete bonis ‘Wood fring stspension em on Peer foam 0008 COVERINGS, ROOF. AND WALL, Ursin ox with skin 0.009 ‘seston cemcnt shingles ons Plywood (per mm hicknes) ‘ooo ‘phasing O10 igi insaaon, 13m ‘oe etre le on Sih meta irume, 10 mm wie glass O38 Cla he (or moa ad 0.48 AN) Sate mm O34 ‘Book te: $1 mm Sate: 6 mn oa Wacsrotiag membranes: ‘Bitumines, gravel-covered 02% Bituminss smooth surace 6: Spanish gai paid Cotaponton Single sheet 383, “hcp ead rooting ‘Wood senting (perm thickness) ots? Fowrly fe and gravel ‘Wood shrses, or Fie-ply flan gavel FLOOR FILL ‘Copper o in Cnderemerte perm oor Cottgated sbesior-cement rooting gine snc perm bors Decks mel 20 gage Send pe mm bors Deck. met 18 a5 Stone ener, per mm oo “Weights of masonry incl mortar bt not piste. For plaster, add If? for each face plastered, Vales given present averages. In some eases tee sa considerable ange of weight for the sare (continued) soua0sv _seumanaig Ja\o pue SBuIpINE 40} spe07 UBjsoc LANAIUIY soz ‘TABLE C21 continued ‘MininiUM DESIGN DEAD LOADS component i ‘component ow, itm our) )RS AND FLOOR FINISHES ‘Windows lass, fame and ash 038 [asp los (St mm), 3 mm moese Lat Cuy back wytes: Cement ish (25 mm) on stone-conerete fll isa {2mm 1s ‘Ceramic or quarry tle (19 mm on 13 mm moar bed on 203 am a8 ‘Ceramic of guar te (19m) on 25 mum moray bed 10 3s om 331 ‘Concrete finsh (per hikes) 902 30 am 142 Hardwood foring,22 mun 019 Hollow conerete masonry unit wythes: tinoleurn a ep tile 03 ‘ye thickness (n mun) 182 203 ast 20s Marble and mrt on ston-concret fil 158 Dens of unit (16.49 Nn) Sate (per mm thickness) os ‘No grout ese ra oot 238 Sola fat eo 25 mata base 110 12mm tae ig. 238 im Sebooring, 19 mm ou o16mam rout 15a 205 334 Sa ‘Teranzo (38mm) decay on slab O91 isan Facing tie ee 2a 36 ‘Terrazzo (25 mm) on stone-conerete fil 1s to mn im 238 der Sas “enrazao (25mm) 31 nm stone concrete 133 406 tam or Yee 38 io ‘Wor block (76 mim) on mas, 048 Fall rout Bye ey 510 ‘Word block (76 mam) on 13 mm mora base on Deny of unit (19.64 kN") FLOORS, WOOD-JOIST (NO PLASTER) No grout is tae aun 29 DOUBLE WOOD FLOOR, 128mm 138 259 207 osm 406mm 610mm rout Vos 28 ni Joissizes ‘Syacing —spcing, spacing Spacing reed 2 326 “mm: Gini) Nim?) NAn) 187 302 339 sis 029 ‘on a3t 2 380 4p 31 08 030 029 nt Full grout Ba ts 589 Six 284 038 029 02 Density of unit (21.21 KN) Si sas 038 O34 02 ‘No gout 139 8 299 302 [FRAME PARTITIONS. 1219 mm 138 292 345 Movable tel prions 019 Tolemm grout im su 368 ‘Wood rset Study, 13 nm gypsum board each side 038 813m Spacing ve 325 383 ‘Wasa tds 51% 102, uaplastered 619 tO mm 195 330 42 ‘Wood studs $1 » 102 plastered oe side 053 ‘408 mm 225 493 409 ‘Wood side $1 102 plastered two sides 096, Pol row 506 3 6 FRAME WALLS Sold concrete masoary unit Exterior stud walls ‘Wyte theknes Gn mim) 102 152 2s sas ST mm 102 mn @ 406 mm, 16:9 gypsum inslted, 10 mm siding O53 Density ofunit(1649 Nim’) 1832.38 402 438 Si mm « 152 mm @ 406 nin 16 aym gypsum, alate, 10mm siding O57 Density ofunit(I9.64KNime) RZ 282 a9 579 [Exterior stud wale with ick veneer 2.30 Densiy ofunit(2L21kNim?) 1963.02 Su7 627 “Weighs of masonry include mortar but wo plaster, For plaster, dd 0.24 KNIn? or each Face pls ed, Values give represent averages. In some eates hee is a considerable range of weight forthe same ‘TABLE C32 Minimum Densities for Design Loads from Materials = oy I = om =m i= 73 Ti SEE poe — 2 ‘cet «4 Tit z Sie 8 eels a : ee Sa : ea ct eo 3 ieee cae oe é ieee e Z vs Sa = 8 ean = e Ee a am rm, g Buen a) # sence eerie é oo ‘ ane 3 ea s se 2 cae a = 3 ore iB Seen a a = a ts eer 2 at ig a 3 Ben mee g ote j a is ome —— te tone i — 2 esr ‘ eT on 3 a ry 12 Tiestne 8 egy amen if ae 8 EEE oe ats a Re gael Re Be — * eae ite a e 4 a . oa g ihe 2 SB ay g ister eee. : te a 3 fae 3 = 2 Sea me & Seni a ieee, 8 sore Se 8 on seats ee Ea 3 ee . ths 3 = g EES asa 3 es 3 Ee com i St es 3 i 3 e ea cuse ; te @ in 3 — s fore me 3 a % ee : athe é ‘Tubaleied values apply said masonry and othe slid prion of bllow masonry, 286 ASCE 7.05 ‘TABLE C3-2 Minimum Densities for Design Loads from Materials ere 4 wat ory coum tw Alumina 0 Time ‘Bitumnows produc deed ose 50 ‘aspah na Hoda: compacted a Genie 2 Masonry. shar tone Paratn a8 Grane 239 Petroleum rade ae Tiestone, enstaine Be Pesotum, fend 3 imesone, oli 22 Petrleun, fenane 2 Mabie a Pelco, gasoline a SSdatone 2 Pich 108 Mason: ick iw ie] Hrd Gow abortion) 204 Brass 526 ‘Medium {edu abortion ist Bronze - sr Sof high absorption) 183 Cststonemasoary (cement, stone, sand) Masonry. conrete® {ment portnd,fmse ia Tighelght units 165 rare 236 ham weight ois Be Sraeoa, i onal weight units a2 ‘Ser it Masonry prow x ‘Gers dyin balk mm ‘Mason. ube sone oa, ‘Gr 20 “antht,piled 2 Cimestone rystlne Bi Burnes ped ua Limestone; ote ha lente, i 1a Marte 243 et dy piled 4s Sandstone 23 ‘comers pin Moras, ment rime EN “Cine, 10 Parlebard sal Expandedieg seregue 153 Piywoos Sa Haale bunedstay sper) iar Riprap tno submereed Sip 207 Pimestone 130 Stote(incuding gael) he Sandstone ia true and pete 2gpregsts nontoad-bearing 39-79 Sand omer ig agreats oad Seat iene ‘Clean and dey wat Concrete remiorced ner. 167 Sindee 14 stag Slag 27 ‘Bonk tio Ste (ntingerel) Be Bank rerings in conper Machine it (Cork, compressed 2 Sind 82 ‘Ein (no Submerged) sia no Cyd) 99 Ste, colddrave m3 Say comp 103 Stone, quad, piled ‘Sayan grave, ry 159 Bacal grant ncn 1st Sit moi foo 133 imesine: aia 1 ‘it most: packed 5a Sandstone rd Sit owing Ho Shale las Sana 159 Gresosone,hoblende 168 3 ‘Term Cota chest 163 ois es 69 eid filed 3 126 Ta mi no Ware River mud iat Fresh 97 Sand orga! oa So wot Sand or gravel and clay 102 ‘Wood, Seasoned ins 381 ah ci white $4 Grave dy 163 ress, southern rpm, ose ito i Douglas, oust region 33 Gypsum, wallboard 13 Hem fe a ke 90 ‘Oak commercial reds and whites 14 tron Pine, souter yellow 38 as 707 Redwood. aa Wrovght Wa Sprce, re, white, nd tks a3 mis een Benlock 50 Zine, rolled sheet 703 Tale values apply fo slid mason and the sd porn of fallow masonry Minimum Design Loads for Buildings and Other Structures 207

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