04-W-4 English

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ENGLISH Practice Book

DIRECTIONS: This passage is followed by a group of questions to USE THIS SPACE FOR
be answered based on what is stated or implied in the passage. SCRATCH WORK
Choose the best answer: the one that most accurately and completely
answers the question. Hints, insights, and answers immediately
follow the questions.
IEA (International Energy Agency) in 2009 proposed a plan with an
aggressive timetable of actions that would be required to limit the long-
term concentration of greenhouse gases in Earth’s atmosphere. The plan
outlines a timeline to 2030 with actions that include the introduction of
energy efficient technologies, low-carbon energy technologies, enhanced
generation integration through renewable energy resources, increase in
nuclear energy as a base load provider and incorporation of energy plants
fitted with carbon capture and storage capabilities.
In road transportation, the plan advocates a shift from the current balance
of greater than 99 percent combustion-powered vehicles to at least 60
percent hybrid and electric vehicles. IEA proposed a range of policy
scenarios in the 2012 World Energy Outlook, which if followed could
result in very different outcomes in global climate. In researching
projections and likely outcomes, it is clear that the grand challenges
presenting in energy and climate are global in nature and require
concerted action and coordination across state, country and continental
borders. Commendable inroads have been achieved through work of the
United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC),
the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, the Environmental
Protection Agency and related organizations.
By the end of 2011, 191 countries had become signatories to the Kyoto
Protocol, and in so doing committed to reaching designated national
targets for reduction in greenhouse gas emissions. A study on global
climate change, commissioned by the National Research Council in the
United States and conducted by a wide ranging team of experts, resulted
in a comprehensive report titled “America’s Climate Choices in 2011”.
The world currently emits upwards to thirty billion tons of CO2 per year
from the combustion of fossil fuels. Twenty percent of these emissions
are created by the United States. In America’s Climate Choices it is
acknowledged that limiting climate change will necessitate global
participation and contribution, noting that greenhouse gases do not
observe national boundaries: A molecule of CO2 emitted in India or
China has the same effect on the climate system as a molecule emitted in
the United States.

Your STEP Towards A Brighter Future! 1

ENGLISH Practice Book

There is wide agreement that limiting the magnitude of climate change

will require substantial action on behalf of all major GHG-emitting
nations, including both the industrialized nations and the rapidly
developing countries whose relative share of global emissions is rapidly
increasing. The report proffers that development of strong credible
policies by the US for reducing emissions will ultimately help advance
similar response by individual nations and help facilitate greater
international cooperative engagement.
Western industrialized countries carry a much greater responsibility for
emissions; however, many developing countries through rapid expansion
and growth are now significant greenhouse gas polluters. In recent years,
China has surpassed the US as the world’s largest emitter of greenhouse
gases. China, US, the European Union, Brazil, Indonesia, Russia, and
India account collectively for approximately 60 percent of emissions.
This group of countries also accounts for approximately 55 percent of
world population.
1. Suggest a suitable title for the passage:
A. Who is responsible for ozone layer rupture
B. Greenhouse gas emission
C. Pollution and climate change
D. Transportation and greenhouse gas emission
2. The word “integration” in line 5 of paragraph 1 means which of
the following?
A. Cooperation
B. Annoyance
C. Incorporation
D. Defamation
3. Hybrid and electric vehicles have been recommended in the
beginning of paragraph 2 because they:
A. Are less costly
B. Fuel efficient
C. Lower temperature combustion level
D. Higher temperature combustion level
4. What does the writer most probably want to imply when he uses
words “if followed” while talking about policy scenarios in
paragraph 2?
A. He is not convinced about his own point of view
B. He is not sure whether the scenarios are fully practicable or not
C. He is not fully sure whether the scenarios will be acted upon or not
D. He considers the scenarios to be flawed

Your STEP Towards A Brighter Future! 2

ENGLISH Practice Book

5. In paragraph 2, which of the following is the writer’s suggestion

regarding dealing with global climate and energy challenges?
A. There should be efforts at global level
B. Every nation should take individual steps
C. Individuals should take personal steps
D. The united Nations should unite all countries
6. The writer’s attitude toward Kyoto Protocol in the beginning of
paragraph 3 can be characterized as which of the following?
A. Condescension
B. Wavering
C. Appealing
D. Approving
7. The word “proffers” in bold in line 4 of paragraph 4 is closest in
meaning to:
A. Transmit
B. Submit
C. Reject
D. Confer
8. In the end of paragraph 5, the writer relates greenhouse gas
“emissions” to which of the following?
A. Poverty
B. Literacy
C. Economic growth
D. Population
9. Which of the following presents the structural evolution of the
passage from paragraph 1 to last?
A. Short term effects to long term effects
B. Global results to localized harms
C. Fixing global responsibility to efforts of scientists
D. Efforts of an international agency to fixing global responsibility
10. It can be inferred from the passage that:
A. Greenhouse gas emission is a great health hazard
B. The battle against greenhouse gas emissions is far from over
C. Western industrialized countries are more responsible for emissions
than developing countries
D. Greenhouse gas emission is a great health hazard

Your STEP Towards A Brighter Future! 3

ENGLISH Practice Book

ANSWER KEY (Worksheet-4) 6. Correct Answer: D

1 B Explanation:
2 C The writer feels positive about Kyoto
3 C Protocol as he tells us that by the end of
4 C 2011, 191 countries had become signatories
5 A to the Kyoto Protocol, and in so doing
6 D committed to reaching designated national
7 B targets for reduction in greenhouse gas
8 D emissions.
9 D 7. Correct Answer: B
10 B Explanation:
1. Correct Answer: B Submit and proffer are synonyms.
Explanation: 8. Correct Answer: D
Nowhere in the passage, the writer seems to Explanation:
be of the view that human beings are winning
The following excerpt leads us to the answer.
this war.
“China, US, the European Union, Brazil,
2. Correct Answer: C
Indonesia, Russia, and India account
Explanation: collectively for approximately 60 percent of
emissions. This group of countries also
Integration and incorporation both are
synonyms meaning inclusion. accounts for approximately 55 percent of
world population.”
3. Correct Answer: C
9. Correct Answer: D
“In road transportation, the plan advocates a
The writer starts with mentioning the steps
shift from the current balance of greater than
taken by IEA (International Energy Agency)
99 percent combustion-powered vehicles to at
in 2009 in the first paragraph and ends the
least 60 percent hybrid and electric vehicles.”
passage by trying to fix the emission
4. Correct Answer: C responsibility in the last paragraph.
Explanation: 10. Correct Answer: B
The expression “if followed” shows the writer’s Explanation:
slightly minimalistic belief in the execution Only option B fully encompasses the whole
of the scenarios. theme of the passage.
5. Correct Answer: A
The writer considers the energy and climate
challenges to be of global level requiring
“concerted action and coordination across
state, country and continental borders”.

Your STEP Towards A Brighter Future! 4

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