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Doc No: COVID-19

Initial Issue Date 17/05/2020

Revision Date: 17/05/2020
Revision No. R00
Action Plan on CORONAVIRUS (COVID-19) Next Review Date: 17/06/2020

COVID-19 (Coronavirus) Action Plan

This interim guidance is based on what is currently known about the coronavirus disease (COVID-19) as provided
by Ministry of Health and Family Welfare (Government of India). The GOI will update their guidance as
additional information becomes available.

Project Action Plan:

1. Jobsite Protocol:
o Contractors to display signage regarding Wellness Tips/ Awareness Posters on all jobsites,
offices, restrooms, camps etc.
o Contractors Engineer/ supervisors are to ensure to ask that any of workers:
 Have you, or anyone in your family, been in contact with a person that has tested
positive for COVID-19?
 Have you, or anyone in your family, been in contact with a person that is in the
process of being tested for COVID-19?
 Are you having trouble breathing, have a dry cough, or have flu like symptoms?
o Per govt. recommendations, if any answer is “yes”, the worker is to be removed from the
jobsite immediately and will not be allowed to return to the jobsite without a doctor’s letter
verifying “OK to return to work” status.
o Govt. recommends that employees who appear to have acute respiratory illness symptoms
(i.e. cough, shortness of breath) upon arrival to work or become sick during the day be
separated from other employees and be sent home immediately. Supervisor is to send any
worker home if there are any observed symptoms of sickness.
o No large group meetings: limit all meetings to 04 people or less. The Toolbox etc. are to be
held with only foremen and with personal distance between individuals.
o All meetings – Toolbox, training etc. to emphasize personal hygiene and the govt.
recommendations to prevent illness.
o No visitors are permitted to enter MMRCL project workplaces, including jobsites, unless
fundamental to the execution of the work.
o Use of handwash and hand sanitizers are to be made mandatory and shall be available at each
2. Office Protocol:
o Meetings are to be rescheduled with the use of conference calls, facetime, video
conference, etc. in lieu of in person meetings.
o All non-essential visits by vendors, subcontractors, clients, etc. to the office are
suspended/ reduced.
o Limit all person to person contact and maintain social distancing of at least 2 m.
o Contractors to display signage regarding Wellness Tips/ Awareness Posters on all
jobsites, offices, restrooms, camps etc.
o Perform routine environmental/workplace cleaning:
 Routinely clean all frequently touched surfaces in the workplace, such as
workstations, countertops, and doorknobs. Use the cleaning agents that
are usually used in these areas and follow the directions on the label.

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Doc No: COVID-19
Initial Issue Date 17/05/2020
Revision Date: 17/05/2020
Revision No. R00
Action Plan on CORONAVIRUS (COVID-19) Next Review Date: 17/06/2020

3. Travel Protocol:
o Check your temperature everyday and if you have fever then stay at home
o Check the roster with your manager before planning to come to office/site
o Download the Aarogya setu govt. application in your phone and Bluetooth and Location
should be ON
o Face mask is mandatory for all the staff even inside the office/site also. Keep a spare handy
with you.
o Mandatory display of Photo Id card as it helps to identify the employees and outsiders
o No Photo ID Card = No Entry (Inform Admin Team in advance if you have lost or still don’t
have id card)
o Everyone needs to wear mask inside the office/site
o Sanitize your hands before entering the office/site
o Biometric machines will not be operational
o No handshake please
o Visitors are not allowed in office/site
4. Using Washrooms:
o Don’t chat inside the washroom and maintain proper distancing
o If washroom is full then please wait outside for your turn
o Wash your hands often
o Avoid using mobile phone inside the washroom
o Do check to ensure the toilet has been flushed properly and is clean for the next person to
o Dispose tissue paper / toilet roll in the dustbins
o Don’t go out of washroom without washing your hands with soap
5. General Protocol:
Contractor shall actively encourage sick employees to stay home:
o Maintain social distancing and keep away approx. 02 m from everyone
o If employees or subcontractor employees are exhibiting any of the following symptoms or
behavior associated with these symptoms, they will be asked to leave the jobsite and/or
office and call (or go to) the doctor:
 Fever
 Cough
 Shortness of breath
o Employees who have symptoms of acute respiratory illness are required to stay home and not
come to work until they are free of fever (100.4° F [37.8° C] or greater, signs of a fever, and
any other symptoms for at least 48 hours, without the use of fever-reducing or other
symptom-altering medicines (e.g. paracetamol). Employees should immediately notify their
supervisor and stay home if they are sick.
o Contractor shall communicate the following to its employees and contractors:
 Serious respiratory illnesses like influenza, respiratory syncytial virus (RSV),
whooping cough, and severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) and COVID-19 are
spread by:

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Doc No: COVID-19
Initial Issue Date 17/05/2020
Revision Date: 17/05/2020
Revision No. R00
Action Plan on CORONAVIRUS (COVID-19) Next Review Date: 17/06/2020

 Coughing or sneezing
 Unclean hands: Touching your face after touching contaminated objects
and touching objects after contaminating your hands
 To help stop the spread of germs:
 Cover your mouth and nose with a tissue when you cough or sneeze.
 Put your used tissue in a waste basket.
 If you don’t have a tissue, cough or sneeze into your upper sleeve, not your
 Remember to wash your hands after coughing or sneezing
 Avoid unnecessary contact with others
 Use disposal paper tissue and no-touch disposal trash receptacles.
 Clean hands often with an alcohol-based hand sanitizer that contains at least 60-
95% alcohol or wash hands with soap and water for at least 20 seconds. Soap and
water should be used preferentially if hands are visibly dirty.

6. Guideline on Coronavirus Scenarios:

Sl. Case Sub-Case What Project What Project What Admin

No. Manager should should do to
Manager should ask ask other persons the Office/Site
the Employee to do to do

1 Employee Employee to Persons with Deep

confirmed stay in workstations within Cleaning and
to have contacted quarantine 6m of the Sanitization of
CORONAVIRUS. facility hospitals concerned the whole
(Appendix A – List Employee to office/site.
attached) observe 14-day
and follow any quarantine.
2 Employee having Feeling unwell Employee to Persons with Deep
close contacts stay in workstations within Cleaning and
with a person of quarantine 6m of the Sanitization of
a confirmed case. facility hospitals concerned the whole office.
(Appendix A – List Employee to
attached) observe 14-day
and follow any quarantine.
Not Employee to Persons with close Deep
feeling unwell stay in contact with the cleaning and
quarantine employee to Sanitization over
facility hospitals observe 14-day an area of 6m
(Appendix A – List quarantine. radius from the
attached) and follow workstation of
any advice. the concerned

Page 3 of 7
Doc No: COVID-19
Initial Issue Date 17/05/2020
Revision Date: 17/05/2020
Revision No. R00
Action Plan on CORONAVIRUS (COVID-19) Next Review Date: 17/06/2020

3 Employee being a Employee to Persons with close Deep

suspected case seek medical contact with the cleaning and
attention and Employee to Sanitization over
observe observe 14-day an area of 6m
quarantine for quarantine, or until radius from the
14-day or until symptomatic workstation of
medical test Employee is the concerned
gives negative issued with a Employee.
result. Thereafter to medical clearance
observe medical to state his/she is
surveillance for 14 not infected.
days from the day of
receipt of the result.
4 Employee having Feeling unwell Persons in close Deep cleaning
visited a location contact with the and Sanitization
of a confirmed Employee put of the work
case but have no under observation – stations of
contact with the measure body the Employee
person temperature twice a and of
day and wear mask persons with
close contact
Not Employee put under Persons in close Deep
feeling unwell observation – contact with the cleaning and
measure body Employee put under Sanitization of
temperature observation – the
twice a day and wear measure body workstations of
mask; temperature twice a the Employee
day and wear and of persons
mask. with close
5 Employee having Feeling unwell Employee to Persons in close Deep
seek medical contact with the cleaning and
close contact attention and Employee put Sanitization of
with a suspected put to under observation – the work
case, i.e. quarantine until measure body station of the
with a person outcome of the temperature twice a Employee,
having suspected case day and wear and of those
symptoms of a mask. persons in
CORONAVIRUS close contact
with the
Not Employee put to Persons in close Deep
feeling unwell quarantine until contact with the cleaning and
outcome of the Employee put Sanitization of
suspected case under observation – the work
measure body station of the

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Doc No: COVID-19
Initial Issue Date 17/05/2020
Revision Date: 17/05/2020
Revision No. R00
Action Plan on CORONAVIRUS (COVID-19) Next Review Date: 17/06/2020

temperature twice a Employee.

day and wear mask.
6 Employee having Feeling unwell Employee to Persons in close Deep
visited a location seek medical contact with the cleaning and
of a suspected attention and Employee put Sanitization of
case stay home until under observation – the work
recovery. measure body station of the
temperature twice a Employee.
day and wear
Not Employee put Observe general
feeling unwell under hygiene
observation –
measure body
twice a day and wear
7 Employee not of Employee to Observe general
the stay home until fever hygiene
above cases, has gone. Seek
having medical attention if
fever or feeling necessary
unwell but without
symptoms of

7. Check list - National Directives on COVID19:

Sr. Applicable for Project Site Requirement to ensure Compliance Remarks

No. Yes/No
1 Availability and Wearing of face Sufficient quantities of PPE
cover are compulsory in all public inventory shall be ensured
places, workplaces. based on manpower.
2 Spitting in public places shall be Displaying signages in
punishable with fine. suitable places.
3 Provision of hand wash & A checklist of applicable
sanitizer preferably with touch places shall be maintained
free incl. camp etc.
mechanism will be made at all

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Doc No: COVID-19
Initial Issue Date 17/05/2020
Revision Date: 17/05/2020
Revision No. R00
Action Plan on CORONAVIRUS (COVID-19) Next Review Date: 17/06/2020

entry and exit points and

common areas. Sufficient quantities
of all the items should be
4 Workplaces shall have a gap of one Split the workers group
hour between shifts and suitably to meet the
will stagger lunch breaks of staff, to requirement.
ensure social distancing. Display lunch timings.
5 Persons above 65 years of age and Identify those are falling in
persons with co-morbidities this category; self-
and parents of children below the declaration shall be
age of 5 may be encouraged obtained from all staff in a
to work from home. prescribed format.
6 All areas in the premises including Daily roster should be
the following shall be prepared. Agency shall be
disinfected completely using user finalized, and
friendly disinfectant mediums. documents should be
a. Entrance Gate of building, shared.
office etc.
b. Cafeteria and canteens
c. Meeting room, conference
halls/open areas available/
verandah/ entrance gate of site,
bunkers, porta cabins,
building etc.
d. Equipment, staircase
e. Washroom, toilet, sink, water
points etc.
f. Walls/ all other surfaces
7 Workers coming from outside, Detailed transport plan shall
special transportation facility will be made and submitted.
be arranged without any
dependency on the public transport
system. These vehicles should be
allowed to work on with 30-
40% passenger capacity.
8 All vehicles and machinery entering Details of the facility should
the premise should be be provided.
disinfected by spray mandatorily.
9 Mandatory thermal scanning of Submit the evidences in
everyone entering and exiting photographs.
the workplace to be done.

10 Medical insurance for the workers to Documents should be

be done mandatory. submitted prior to restart
the project.
11 Large gatherings or meeting of 10 Office seating layout should

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Doc No: COVID-19
Initial Issue Date 17/05/2020
Revision Date: 17/05/2020
Revision No. R00
Action Plan on CORONAVIRUS (COVID-19) Next Review Date: 17/06/2020

or more people to be be prepared and displayed.

discouraged. Seating at least 6ft Display suitable signages in
away from others on the job required
sites and in gatherings, meeting and places. Toolbox meetings
the training sessions. should be in small groups.

13 There should be strict ban of gutka, Display signages, ensure

tobacco etc. and spitting hands free frisking at
should be strictly prohibited. security gate by security.

14 There should be total ban on non- Avoid unwanted visitor’s

essential visitors at sites. entry.
15 Frequent cleaning of common A checklist should be made
surfaces and mandatory hand for all common area’s
washing shall be mandated. sanitization
16 Intensive communication and Display big size signages and
training on good hygiene practices training in toolbox talks.
shall be taken up.
17 Hospitals/clinics in the nearby Display signage with details
areas, which are authorized to of hospitals.
treat COVID-19 patients, should be
identified and list should be
available at workplace all the times.
18 In addition to the National Directive, Local guidelines if any;
any local authority guidelines shall
also implemented.

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