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Union Minister Thura U Aung Ko inspects Tourism management students visit

maintenance work of Fort Danubyu MoHT’s headquarters in Nay Pyi Taw

Vol. VI, No. 299, 2 nd Waning of Tabodwe 1381 ME Monday, 10 February 2020

Yangon Electricity Supply Corp opens Mon

National Day
33/11 kV-5 MVA substation in Twantay commemorates
73rd Anniversary
in Mawlamyine

T HE 73rd anniversary of Mon

National Day, which falls on
the first day after the full moon
on Tabodwe 1382 ME, was com-
memorated at Than Lwin Gar-
den, Mawlamyine in Mon State,
The guests attending the
ceremony were Union Minister
for Ethnic Affairs Nai Thet Lwin,
Mon State Chief Minister Dr Aye
Zan, State Hluttaw Speaker Daw
Tin Ei, Commander of the South
East Command Maj-Gen Myo
Moe Aung, state ministers, Hlut-
taw representatives, Chairman
Min Banyar San of the Central
Committee for Organizing Mon
National Day, department offi-
cials, and Mon and other ethnic
Firstly, the ceremony was
inaugurated by Kamawut Da-
taw Monastery Nayaka Sayad-
Union Minister U Win Khaing and Yangon Region Chief Minister U Phyo Min Thein visit the 33/11 kV-5 MVA substation in Twantay Township aw Baddanta Panita Maha Tre,
yesterday.   PHOTO: MNA Union Minister Nai Thet Lwin,
Chief Minister Dr Aye Zan, State

Y ANGON Electricity Sup-

ply Corporation opened its
33/11 kV-5 MVA substation in
He emphasized the impor-
tance of public collaboration
while the ministry is working for
of the total villages in 2018-2019
fiscal year, increasing from 475
villages of 46 per cent in 2018.
whole region by December 2020.
Yangon Region Chief Min-
ister U Phyo Min Thein also de-
Hluttaw Speaker Daw Tin Ei,
State Minister of Natural Re-
sources and Environmental Con-
Twantay Township, the south more distribution of electricity For the entire area of the livered a speech and Twantay servation Dr Min Kyi Win, and
district of Yangon Region, yes- for socioeconomic development Yangon Region, 64 per cent of Township Pyithu Hluttaw MP Chairman Min Banyar San cut-
terday morning. of people. the villages have access to elec- U Myint Lwin and Khettiya New ting ribbons. This was followed
Union Minister for Electric- Out of 1,031 villages in the tricity in 2018-2019 fiscal year, Village’ Administrator U Wunna by hoisting the Mon National
ity and Energy U Win Khaing south district of the Yangon and is expected to increase to Soe expressed thanks for the Flag and attendees saluted the
attended the opening ceremony, Region, electricity from the na- 87 per cent in 2019-2020 FY. The substation. — MNA Union Flag and Mon National
and made a speech on power tional grid has reached to 598 Ministry has also targeted 100 Flag and Mon martyrs.
distribution in the region. villages amounting 58 per cent percent power supply to the (Translated by Aung Khin) SEE PAGE-2

Union Minister Thura U Aung Ko inspects

maintenance work of Fort Danubyu
UNION Minister Thura U Aung the First Anglo-Burmese War. the measures to construct the
Ko of the Ministry of Religious First, the Union Minister was necessary landscapes around it.
Affairs and Culture inspected the briefed by Director-General U Next, the Union Minister and
maintenance work of ancient Fort Kyaw Oo Lwin of the Department party watched the General Maha
Danubyu in Ayeyawady Region, of Archeology and National Muse- Bandoola Memorial Statute at
where late General Maha Ban- um on the history of ancient Fort the place within the compound
doola resisted the British during Danubyu, which was primarily of the State Pali University Uphill
constructed by the Mon kings Monastery in Danubyu and gave
and renovated by General Maha instructions to make efforts to
Union Minister Thura
U Aung Ko inspects the Bandoola to defend the British attract foreign visitors as well as
maintenance work of ancient attacks; on the measures to to uplift morale of the next gen-
Fort Danubyu where General maintain the fort by keeping its erations. He also paid homage
Maha Bandoola resisted the ancient style and avoiding the to the Kyaikalunpun Pagoda and
British during the First Anglo-
losses of its brick parts across met members of the Pagoda’s
Burmese War.  
PHOTO: MNA the Ayeyawady River, with 2019- board of trustees. —MNA
2020 financial year funds; and on (Translated by Aungthu Ya)

Yangon Nursing University holds graduation dinner

tended the dinner, and delivered the following year, expecting an
a congratulatory speech urging increase to 4,500 in the upcoming
the nursing graduates to contin- academic year.
ue further learning for advanced The 9-month courses are
levels. being conducted to generate 300
A total of 306 newly gradu- assistant nurses at the hospitals
ated nurses from Yangon and in Yangon and Mandalay, and at
Mandalay will be employed soon the 1,000-bedded hospital in Nay
at relevant hospitals for public Pyi Taw.
healthcare services. At the 26th graduation cer-
In 2017, Myanmar introduced emony of University of Nursing
a new nursing science curriculum (Yangon), master degree certifi-
which was designed with assis- cates were conferred to 42 nurs-
tance of experts from the World es, emergency nursing diploma
Health Organization. to 4, bridge course to 199, bridge
Union Minister Dr Myint Htwe delivers the speech at the Graduation Dinner of Yangon Nursing University.   More midwives training course (on campus) to 210, nurs-
PHOTO: MNA schools were opened in the ing science bachelor (regular) 123
country, and recruitment rates and speciality nursing diploma to
THE University of Nursing in its 26th graduation ceremony on Union Minister for Health were increased to 3,700 in each 74.—MNA
Yangon hosted a dinner to mark its campus on 8 February evening. and Sports Dr Myint Htwe at- academic year of 2018-2019 and (Translated by Aung Khin)

Mon National Day commemorates 73rd Anniversary in Mawlamyine

FROM PAGE-1 in Mon National Day af- round of discussions on Maw Daw Damayone of Eindi Village and Pawk- Union Minister for Ethnic
fairs over the course of Mon youth affairs, confer- Bago in Bago Region, in yugon Village Kawkareik Affairs were sent to all of
Next, Sayadaw Badd- many years. ring awards for literature five townships of Yebyu City of Hpa-An Township these commemorations.
anta Katumalar delivered After the ceremony, competition for Mon Na- Township in Taninthayi in Kayin State. — MNA
the opening ceremony. the Union Minister and tional Day and certificates Region, in Pathein of Ay- Messages from the (Translated by Zaw
After this, Union Min- officials observed the Mon of honor on donors. eyawady Region, and in State Counsellor and the Htet Oo)
ister Nai Thet Lwin read traditional exhibition on Mon National Day
the Message of Greetings display. is based on the time the
from State Counsellor Daw In the evening session Hanthawaddy Kingdom
Aung San Suu Kyi on the of 73rd Mon National Day was founded by the two
occasion of 73rd Mon Na- commemorations, Com- Mon brothers, Samala and
tional Day, and the State mittee Chairman Min Ban- Wimala, on the 1st Waning
Chief Minister delivered yar San first gave a speech of Tabodwe, 1116 ME. It
a speech. and the New Mon State is celebrated where large
Next, Committee Party Chairman delivered Mon populations live, such
Chairman Min Banyar San an address. as Kayin State and Yangon,
delivered a speech and an Next, the Central Mandalay, Taninthayi and
official read the messages Committee for Organiz- Ayeyawady regions.
of greetings sent for the ing 73rd Mon National Day The 73rd Mon National
occasion. expressed words of grat- Day was also celebrated at
Next, the Commit- itude. People’s Park in Yangon
tee Chairman conferred This was followed by Region, Sasanna 2500 Da-
certificates of honor upon a reading session on Mon mayone in Chanmyathazi
Sayadaw Baddanta Pani- literature, an explanation Township of Mandalay Re-
ta Maha Tre and Nai Pan on the terrestrial poster gion, Kin Pun Chone Vil- Union Minister Nai Thet Lwin and officials pose for a group photo at the 73rd Anniversary of
Aung for their assistance for Mon National Day, a lage of Toungoo and Shwe Mon National Day in Mawlamyaing yesterday.   PHOTO: MNA
10 FEBRUARY 2020

This work concerns every one.

There may be differences of opinion among us. However, if we have to sacrifice
our lives and fight steadfastly without surrender against an aggression
committed by another country, this type of effort concerns every one.

[ Extract from the speech given by General Aung San at the dinner hosted by Sawbwas in Panglong
on 11 February 1947 ]

MoHS receives donations of masks, personal protective suits

THE Ministry of Health and their humanitarian group is
Sports received donations of face coordinating with the MoHS to
masks and protective suits from screen and control the transmis-
global Red Cross societies on 8 sion of coronavirus at the border
February to prevent infections crossings, and will also distribute
of 2019-nCoV acute respiratory educative posters and pamphlets
disease. published by the ministry and
Union Minister Dr Myint WHO.
Htwe attended the donation cere- The MRC has formed rapid
mony held at his office in Yangon. response teams with 300 well-
The International Red trained members to take action
Cross and Red Crescent Move- against acute infectious diseases.
ment partner groups, such as The Union Minister ex-
Myanmar Red Cross Society, pressed thanks for the donations
Norwegian Red Cross, German as the items would be very useful
Red Cross, Danish Red Cross, for prevention of virus transmis-
Turkish Red Crescent and Swed- sion.
ish Red Cross, donated 250 pairs The Ministry of Health and
of personal protective suits and Sports has urged the UN agen-
5,000 face masks worth about cies, INGOs and NGOs to coop-
US$16,500. erate in the control measures of
At the donation ceremo- 2019-nCoV.—MNA
ny, MRC Chairman Dr Maung Union Minister Dr Myint Htwe receives the donation of face masks and personal protective suits from global
Maung Myint and officials said (Translated by Aung Khin) Red Cross societies on 8 February.  PHOTO: MNA

Tourism management students visit MoHT’s headquarters

UNION Minister for Hotels take the experience and prac-
and Tourism U Ohn Maung tical training they will receive
received 80 first-year students over the entire four-year course
and 5 teachers from Mandalar to become successful in every
Degree College yesterday. sector and duty entrusted to
The students are studying them in developing the nation’s
Bachelor of Tourism and Hos- travel industry.
pitality Management (BTHM) Next, Mandalar Degree
at the college, which is under College Rector Dr Sein Sein
the administration of the De- Aung explained the BTHM
partment of Higher Education, course processes and obser-
Ministry of Education. vational field trips, and Digital
During the meeting, the Marketing Deputy Director U
Union Minister said it has been Kyaw Kyaw Lwin explained the
8 years since the Ministry of ministry’s use of digital tech-
Education opened B.A. Tourism nology to promote tourism.
courses at National Manage- U Khin Maung Win, Man-
ment Degree College in Yangon aging Director of Nepal-based
Union Minister U Ohn Maung and officials pose for a group photo with students fromMandalar Degree College
and Mandalar Degree College The Last Resort, then ex- yesterday.  PHOTO: MNA
in Mandalay beginning from the plained how bungee jumping is
2012-2013 academic year. used to attract more travelers. Minister and officials an- students, and a student repre- gratitude. —MNA
He urged the students to Afterwards, the Union swered questions from the sentative expressed words of (Translated by Zaw Htet Oo)

Call Thin Thin May, 09251022355,09974424848 Circulation order is easier way. 09-974424114

w w w.g lob al n ewl i g hto f myan mar.c o m Alaungdaw Kathapa pagoda packed
Aye Min Soe
with pilgrims for Tabodwe Festival
Kyaw Myaing PILGRIMS thronged the
Alaungdaw Kathapa cave
Aungthu Ya shrine at the Alaungdaw
Zaw Htet Oo Kathapa National Park in Kani
Aung Khin
Township of Sagaing Region for
Ye Htut Tin, the Tabodwe Festival. Hundreds of pilgrims could
be seen at the pagoda on 7 Feb-
Tun Tun Naing (Editor),
ruary, the day before the full moon day of Tabodwe, and on
Nwe Nwe Tun (Sub-editor), the night of the full moon on 8
TRANSLATORS Alaungdaw Kathapa, an
Hay Mar Tin Win, enlightened monk, passed
Ei Myat Mon away on the Tabodwe full
Kyaw Zin Lin
Kyaw Zin Tun
moon day. On 7 February,
local visitors flocked to the
REPORTER cave where the remains of
Nyein Nyein Ei,
Alaungdaw Kathapa have been
PHOTOGRAPHER “The pilgrims visited the
Kyaw Zeya Win @ Phoe Khwar cave. Earlier, only 50-100 pil-
Kyaw Zeya
grims were seen per day. This Pilgrims arrive at the Alaungdaw Kathapa cave shrine at the Alaungdaw Kathapa National Park in Kani
COMPUTER TEAM time, every guest house was Township for Tabodwe Festival.  PHOTO: THAN HTAY AUNG (KANI)
Thein Ngwe, Zaw Zaw Aung, filled with visitors.
Hnin Pwint, Kay Khaing Win,
The number of pilgrims Every year, the Tabodwe the natural forest, ecosystem, and many species of birds.
Sanda Hnin, Thein Htwe,
Nyi Lin Thu on the full moon day was es- full moon day is the high sea- and archaeological remains. It However, it is more well-known
timated at over 7,000-8,000,” son of pilgrimage to Alaungdaw is home to elephants, tigers, as a religious site. —Than Htay
EDITORIAL SECTION said U Aung Ko Lin, chair of Kathapa. leopards, gaurs, barking deer, Aung (Kani)
(+95) (01)8604529,
Fax — (+95) (01) 8604305
the Alaungdaw Pagoda board The park is an ASEAN her- jungle goats, mountain goats,
of trustees. itage site and aims to preserve bears, wild boars, jungle cats, (Translated by Ei Myat Mon)
San Lwin, (+95) (01) 8604532,
Hotline - 09 974424114
Myanmar-Japan Association awards scholarships for 2020 academic year
( +95) (01) 8604530, THE Myanmar-Japan Association (MJA) has called for outstanding (4) University of Education (Sagaing) - 10 students
Hotline - 09 974424848
second-year students from 8 Myanmar universities who are facing (5) University of Economics (Yangon) - 10 students financial hardships in their pursuit of education to apply for the (6) Technological University (Yangon) - 7 students
MJA University Scholarship Programme-2020. (7) National University of Arts and - 5 students
Printed and published at the Global New
The MJA Selection Committee has reviewed the preliminarily Culture (Yangon)
Light of Myanmar Printing Factory at
No.150, Nga Htat Kyee Pagoda Road, Bahan reviewed batch of applications and has selected the following 82 (8) University of Nursing (Yangon) - 5 students
Township, Yangon, by the Global New Light students eligible for the university scholarship stipend of K500,000 The scholarship conferring ceremony was held at Sein Lan Soe
of Myanmar Daily under Printing Permit No. each for 2020 academic year: Pyay Garden on Inya Road, Yangon, in the afternoon of yesterday.
00510 and Publishing Permit No. 00629.
(1) Yangon University of Foreign - 15 students It was attended by the MJA Chairman and executive members, Languages (Japanese Language) professors and department heads of relevant universities, students (2) Mandalay University of Foreign - 15 students chosen for the scholarship and their parents, and former scholar-
Languages (Japanese Language) ship recipients from 2014-2018.
(3) University of Education (Yangon) - 15 students During the ceremony, MJA Chairman U Saw Hla Min explained
the reasons for providing the scholarship and its programme. He
then conferred the allotted amount from the first-year stipend of
K17,100,000 to each of the 57 students of 6 universities in Yangon
The first-year stipend of K7,500,000 for the 25 students of Man-
dalay University of Foreign Languages and University of Education
(Sagaing) was conferred on the students by the MJA Chairman
and members during a ceremony at Link 78 Hotel, Mandalay, on
8 February 2020. The second round of stipends of K200,000 will
be conferred on the successful completion of the first semester
Write for us During the conferring ceremony in Yangon, the 52 recipients
We appreciate your feedback and of the 2014-2018 scholarships were also present and MJA officials
contributions. If you have any comments awarded the five best students of ‘Personal and Professional De-
or would like to submit editorials,
analyses or reports please email velopment’ for MJA Students Reunion Tour – 2019. At the same ceremony, MJA officials awarded four junior
with your name and title.
Due to limitation of space we are only ambassadors for the BRIDGE Summer Camp – 2020, Japan, to
able to publish “Letter to the Editor” be held in Fukuoka.
that do not exceed 500 words. Should
you submit a text longer than 500 words MJA Chairman U Saw Hla Min personally handed over copies
please be aware that your letter will be of his book, ‘My Diplomatic Journey’, to libraries of eight univer-
edited. Chairman of the Myanmar-Japan Association, U Saw Hla Min, hands over
his book entitled “My Diplomatic Journey” to an official.  PHOTO: MNA sities.—MNA (Translated by Zaw Htet Oo)
10 FEBRUARY 2020

Flower festival to be held at Nay Pyi Taw Water Fountain Garden

A flower festival will be held at try fee for each adult would be
the Water Fountain Garden in K1,500, and their children up to
Zabuthiri Township of Nay Pyi 5 years of age could be brought
Taw Council Area from 14 Feb- together free of charge.
ruary to 31 March. The festival will also have a
The first event of its kind space for food stalls.
in the capital city of Myanmar Ma Honey Soe, the resident
will be celebrated together with in Nay Pyi Taw, said: “We are
entertainment programmes of now visiting the Water Fountain
famous singers, while young Garden to see preparations for
vocalists from Myanmar Idol the Flower Festival in advance,
will sing on the weekends till and also being excited to en-
31 March. joy the performance of famous
Daw Nu Nu Win, the manag- singers.”
er from Sun Myat Construction The festival is aimed at
Group Co., Ltd which is prepar- entertaining civil service per-
ing for floral decorations at the sonnel in Nay Pyi Taw and to
event, said, “We have collected attract both domestic and for-
over 200,00 plants in more than eign visitors.
30 flowering plant species for the The Nay Pyi Taw Water
first flower festival in Nay Pyi Fountain Garden was opened
Taw. Playgrounds for children on 4 January 2008 as an amuse-
and photography locations for ment park and an environmental
couple photo shoot will also be conservation site.— Hein Min
set up at the festival.” Soe
During the festival, the en- (Translated by Aung Khin) People relax at the Nay Pyi Taw Water Fountain Garden.   PHOTO: HEIN MIN SOE

External trade crosses $13 bln Annual inflation rate

as of Jan-end remains above 8% in Dec
MYANMAR external trade be- government’s term, said an official relies more on the agricultural and THE annual rate of inflation There was a remarkable
tween 1 October and 31 January from the ministry. manufacturing sectors. Export in Myanmar, based on the increase in CPI in the food,
in the 2019-2020 financial year Both maritime and border earnings from the CMP (cutting, Consumer Price Index, stood household goods and mainte-
reached US$13.1 billion, an in- trade showed an increase in the making, and packaging) garment at 8.81 per cent in December, nance, transportation, other
crease of $1.78 billion compared current fiscal compared with the businesses are rising, while reli- according to a report released commodities, clothing, health,
to the corresponding period of the year-ago period, with exports es- ance on natural resources, such by the Central Statistical Or- education services, recrea-
2018-2019 fiscal, according to the timated at over $6.1 billion, and as natural gas and jade, is less- ganization, under the Minis- tion, culture, non-food, and to-
Ministry of Commerce. imports valued at $6.98 billion. ening. The government is try- try of Planning, Finance and bacco and beverages groups.
During the same period in the Myanmar exports agricul- ing to reduce the trade deficit by Industry. The price of telecommunica-
previous FY, trade stood at $11.3 tural products, animal products, screening luxury import items and The figure has remained tions stayed flat.
billion, according to data released minerals, forest products, and boosting exports. Higher exports above 8 per cent since June, In December, Magway
by the ministry. finished industrial goods, while have helped trim the trade deficit 2019, while core inflation, Region recorded the high-
Myanmar foreign trade has it imports capital goods, raw in- in the current fiscal, according to which strips out volatile est inflation rate of 12.23 per
shown a 10 per-cent increase, year dustrial materials, and consumer the Commerce Ministry.—GNLM food and energy prices, has cent, followed by Sagaing
over year, under the incumbent goods. The country’s export sector (Translated by Ei Myat Mon) touched 9.96 per cent. Region (11.98 per cent), and
Last year, the inflation Ayeyawady Region (11.03 per
rate stood at 6.94 per cent in cent). The rate fluctuated
Number of 24-hour ABC convenience January, 7.07 per cent in Feb-
ruary, 7.28 per cent in March,
with a maximum rate of 15.38
per cent recorded in Manda-
stores to reach 300 in two years 7.51 per cent in April, 7.82 per
cent in May, 8.08 per cent in
lay Region and a minimum
of 3.16 per cent reported in
THE ABC Group plans to in- years across the country. The op- The food products are sold in line June, 8.35 per cent in July, Rakhine State.
crease the number of 24-hour erator will cooperate with SMEs. with the rules. 8.53 per cent in August, 8.61 Earlier, the inflation rate
convenience stores it operates Some products from SMEs are of SMEs wishing to place their per cent in September, 8.6 per was calculated based on a
across the country to 300 in two good quality, but the enterprises products in the stores are re- cent in October, 8.59 per cent 2006 survey. The base year
years. Small and medium enter- do not know how to penetrate quired to have an SME license in November, and 8.81 per was later changed to 2012.
prises will play a pivotal role in the market. We will help SMEs and FDA certification. After cent in December. The Central Statistical Organ-
the expansion of ABC conveni- develop,” said Mr Syed from ABC obtaining an FDA certificate, The inflation rate began ization conducted a House-
ence stores, said officials. Convenience. the enterprises can tie up with to climb gradually after Janu- hold Income and Expendi-
“At present, SMEs are still Currently, ABC conveni- ABC stores to sell products. The ary. It reached a peak in Sep- ture Survey in 82 townships
struggling to grow in Myanmar. ence stores are located in Yan- products can be sold under their tember, dipped slightly in No- in November 2012. To reduce
ABC convenience stores will al- gon, Mandalay, Nay Pyi Taw, and logo or the ABC logo, according vember, and then jumped to inflation, the concerned au-
low SMEs to sell their products other big towns. The food suppli- to ABC Convenience. —Myint its highest level in December. thorities have been making
using special offers. Our retail ers for ABC stores are based in Maung In the month of De- efforts on the basis of policies
business is expecting to expand Mawlamyine, Myingyan, Heho, (Translated by Ei Myat cember, the Myanmar Kyat on finance, trade, and foreign
the number of outlets to 300 in two Kyaukpadaung, and other cities. Mon) strengthened against the US currency control, in keeping
dollar. The price of import- with the second five-year
ed oil dropped, but domestic National Development plan.

Call Thin Thin May, 09251022355,09974424848

fuel oil price remained on the — Htet Myat
higher side as locals headed
out for vacations. (Translated by Ei Myat Mon)

families tour Myeik
LED by Union Minister U crab farming of Phae Phyo Tun
Kyaw Tin of the Ministry of Company.
International Cooperation, In the afternoon, the diplo-
officials from the foreign em- mats visited Laykyun Si Mi Pa-
bassies in Myanmar and their goda, natural bird nest house
families flew to Myeik from and Myeik Shopping Centre in
Dawei yesterday. Myeik Town.
The diplomats and fami- In the evening, Union Min-
lies toured the Myeik River by ister U Kyaw Tin and his wife
in a launch, and studied the hosted a dinner for the diplo-
surroundings of Pa Htaw Pa mats and families at the Myeik
Htet Island. They also visited Cooperation Public Co., Ltd.
the Atu Lan Thi Shwe Thar — Khaing Htoo (Myeik IPRD)
Lyaung Pagoda on Pa Htet Union Minister U Kyaw Tin, diplomats and their family members pose for a group photo at the Atu Lan Thi
Island, and studied soft shell (Translated by Kyaw Zin Tun) Shwe Thar Lyaung Pagoda on Pa Htet Island.  PHOTO: MNA

Myaung Zee ethnic tribe

in Wa Self-Administered
Division holds New Year
MYAUNG Zee (or) Hmont ethnic of the festival.
community celebrated their New The festival was also held
Year festival at Sanpya village with traditional spinning top
in Hopan town of Wa Self-Ad- fighting contest and traditional
ministered Division yesterday dance of cultural dance troupe.
morning. Myaung Zee (or) Hmont
Dr Kyaw Tun, the Rector people are living mainly in
of Lashio University, made a northern, southern and east-
speech to mark the festival, ern Shan State, as well as in Wa
and the Myaung Zee (or) Hmont Special Region -2. The festival
Ethnic People Development and was the second time of its kind.
Cultural Group’s Chairman U — Sai Zaw Kham (IPRD)
Soe Min explained the history Myaung Zee or Hmont ethnic tribe celebrate their New Year festival at Sanpya village in Hopan, Wa
of their people and celebration (Translated by Aung Khin) Self-Administered Division yesterday.   PHOTO: MNA

Illegal drugs seized in Laukkai,

Hsenwi, Mabein Tsps
A combined force containing Road when police apprehended the Muse-Mandalay Road near
police officers from the Drug him. Oriental Tollgate, Hsenwi Town-
Enforcement Division arrested Similarly, officers arrest- ship of Shan State.
a Chinese citizen named Lau ed three people named Shauk Then on the evening of the
Yi Xu in Laukkai Township on Kyein Shone (a) Tartee, Kyauk same day, police arrested two
8 February after discovering Pi Shwin and Lauk Hua in the people identified as Lapar and
24,000 psychotropic tablets on same afternoon after discover- Zaw Yaw for illegal drug pos-
his person. He was walking ing 22,000 psychotropic tablets session on the Mabein-Momeik
along the Laukkai-Yanlonkyaing in the car they were driving on Highway in Mabein Township.
They were transporting 104,000
psychotropic tablets worth an
estimated K208 million in their
vehicle when they were appre-
Myanmar Police Force re-
ports they have opened cases
against all suspects under the
Narcotic Drugs and Psychotrop-
ic Substances Law. —MNA
(Translated by Zaw Htet Oo)
10 FEBRUARY 2020

As nations bicker, a greener future evolves in finance

LONDON— Away from by the European Bank a slew of US cities unwilling
the toxic atmosphere at of Reconstruction and to wait on President Don-
climate summit talks, in Development (EBRD) in ald Trump’s climate-scep-
boardrooms, banks and London. tic administration as they
trading houses, a transfor- “They care only about vie to adapt their creak-
mation in green finance is price,” he added, predict- ing infrastructures to a
under way. ing the transition to a low-carbon future.
Its backers hope it low-carbon future would Tipping point
could profitably help save generate $90 trillion invest- The investment com-
the planet. ment by 2050 in areas in- munity more broadly is
Regardless of the cluding low-energy cooling, running ahead of climate
politics of climate change, urban farming and greener politics, which have been
there is real money to be transport. stymied by the refusal of
made today in the explod- Kidney’s independ- the United States and other
ing market for bonds and ent organisation certifies major economies to chart
other instruments invested “green bonds” issued by a way forward on the 2015
in environmentally sustain- governments, municipali- Paris accord.
able projects. ties and companies whose BlackRock, the world’s
Analysts believe that green finance could help save the planet and make money for
But in the final analy- proceeds are devoted to biggest asset management
investors.   PHOTO: AFP
sis, uniform regulation de- sustainable development. fund, shook the industry
rived from collective politi- knowledge. driven by anxiety about “Most of them are Re- Notable issuers last last month by announcing
cal action will be vital both Hard-nosed US inves- global warming, Climate publicans for god’s sake,” month included the Metro- it would transition out of
for the markets and for the tors in fields such as solar Bonds Initiative chief ex- he said at a conference on politan Transportation Au- coal-based investments.—
planet itself, observers ac- panels are not necessarily ecutive Sean Kidney said. climate finance organised thority in New York, one of AFP

Scientists race to develop Food-share apps seeking to help environment

vaccine for new coronavirus
LONDON — Jack Convery pops into a
BRISBANE— Scientists emerging diseases, and London branch of Italian eatery Coco di
from the United States to Australian scientists hope Mama to grab a cut-price lunch ordered
Australia are using new theirs could be ready in six on his smartphone’s food-sharing app
technology in an ambitious, months. Karma.
multi-million-dollar drive to “It is a high-pressure The 27-year-old Amazon employee­
develop a vaccine in record situation and there is a with an eye for a bargain and for helping
time to tackle China’s coro- lot of weight on us,” said the environment ­uses a mobile phone
navirus outbreak. senior researcher Keith app that sells surplus food from hundreds
The new virus has Chappell, part of the group of UK restaurants at discounted prices.
spread rapidly since emerg- from Australia’s University “Anything I can do to help the en-
ing late last year in China, of Queensland. vironment and look after the budget as
killing more than 800 people But the scientist add- well is beneficial, so yeah, it’s a win-win,”
in the mainland and infect- ed he took “some solace” Convery tells AFP after collecting his bag
ing over 37,000. Cases have knowing several teams from the counter near Old Street Tube
Users of apps like Karma can pick up left over food from restaurants at
been reported in two dozen around the world were en- station. “It ends up working out much cut-rate prices, an arrangement that benefits consumers, businesses and
other countries. gaged in the same mission. cheaper than to go to (British supermar- the enviroment as food waste is an important source of greenhouse gas
Coming up with any “The hope is that one ket) Tesco and buy a meal for one,” he emissions.   PHOTO: AFP
vaccine typically takes of these will be successful adds, noting that he can usually source
years, and involves a and can contain this out- switching on to the environmen-
his daily dinner for about £3.50 ($4.54, 4.10 happily give unsold food to home-
lengthy process of testing break,” he said. euros) via the app. tal danger of carbon dioxide and less charities on a daily basis.
on animals, clinical trials But even a timeframe Decomposing food waste is a key methane emissions. Swedish start-up Karma
on humans and regulatory of six months looks agonis- source of greenhouse gases -- and a stag- Britain’s cafes and restau- was founded in Stockholm in 2016
approvals. ingly slow with the virus, rants are also embracing apps
gering one third of all food is thrown away, and its app now helps serve 1.0
But several teams of believed to have emerged according to industry estimates. that generate some revenue million users in Britain, France
experts are racing to de- from a market selling wild Environmental danger from rescued food that would and home market Sweden. In
velop one quicker, backed animals, killing close to 100 Amid growing public outcry over otherwise be destined for landfill. the UK alone, it offers 2,000 out-
by an international coali- people every day in main- the climate emergency, consumers are However some restaurants lets.­—AFP
tion that aims to combat land China.—­AFP

Four rare mountain gorillas ‘killed by lightning’ in Uganda

KAMPALA — Four en- who died on February 3 in said in a statement Satur- Rwanda.
dangered mountain goril- Mgahinga National Park day, although laboratory “This was extreme-
las, including three adult in southwest Uganda. confirmation will take two ly sad,” GVTC executive
females, have been killed “Based on the to three weeks. secretary Andrew Seguya
by an apparent lightning gross lesions from the The four were mem- told the BBC.
strike in a Ugandan na- post-mortem... the ten- bers of a group of 17 “The potential of the
tional park, a conserva- tative cause of death for known as the Hirwa fami- three females for their
tion group has said. all four individuals is like- ly which had crossed into contribution to the popu-
A post-mortem ex- ly to be electrocution by the Mgahinga National lation was immense.”
Scientists around the world are racing to develop a vaccine amination has been lightning,” the Greater Park in August last year The other 13 mem-
for the new coronavirus that emerged in China late last performed on the four, Virunga Transboundary from Volcanoes Nation- bers of the group had
year.   HOTO: AFP including a male infant, Collaboration (GVTC) al Park in neighbouring been found.—AFP
10 FEBRUARY 2020

Cooperation, stem.

"The country will prosper if
there is unity" "Unity is strength"
2020, 73rd Anniversary Union Day
National Objectives
consensus key for
"United we stand, divided we fall,"
so go the sayings. They all stand

for 'Unity'. Just as unity nourishes

IDP resettlement
strength, lack of unity is enervat- 1. All ethnic nationals to preserve and protect for non-dis-
ing and may well lead to ultimate integration of the Union, non-disintegration of National
destruction. Unity and Perpetuation of Sovereignty.

"...Breed within self since 2. To work on the peace process till success is achieved
By Maung Hlaing young the union spirit, democra- based on Union spirit.
cy federal citizen spirit that was in 3. To strive with the collective strength of all ethnic nation-
accordance with a democracy po- als for rule of law, a fair justice system and the security
litical system and federal system. and safety of all citizens.

RMED conflicts uprooted scores of people from their Recognize the diviersities within 4. To prevent/protect all people from the danger of narcotic
homes in Myanmar and forced them to take shelter in the union-born ethnic nationals. drugs as a national duty and thereby uplift their standard
camps for the displaced in Kachin, Shan, Kayin, and Our youths are urged to display of living.
Rakhine states. mutual respect, sympathy and pro- 5. Emergence of a Constitution which will be in alignment
Even after the armed conflicts ceased, the issue of internally vide assistance to establish the with a genuine Democratic Federal Union.
displaced persons (IDPs) remained unresolved for years. nation's unity of strength.
At present, to close IDP camps and resettle the internally Regarding the nation's unity
displaced with dignity, a National Strategy, written in keeping of strength, President U Win Myint
with current requirements and international standards, has been said so at the Youths All-Round
adopted. Development Festival (Magway)
The government will keep open some IDP camps where they held on 14 December, 2019. We
are still needed, such as Kachin and Shan states. It will close some should not forget it.
camps which are no longer needed or deemed necessary. The 12th February, 1947 on Myanmar Daily Weather Report
The policy of the government would ensure the displaced which the Panglong Agreement (Issued at 4:00 pm Sunday 9th February, 2020)
people rebuild their lives with safety and dignity, without depending was signed as a vivid manifes-
on others. tation of the unity and solidarity BAY INFERENCE: Weather is a few cloud to partly cloudy
To achieve this, the among the national races has been over the Andaman Sea and Bay of Bengal.
For the Ministry of Social Welfare, PHOTO: PHOE KHWAR designated as "Union Day". The
Relief and Resettlement is Union Day celebrations have been FORECAST VALID UNTIL MORNING OF THE 10th
development of implementing a strategy af- held every year with full political February, 2020: Rain or thundershowers will be in scattered

the people, ethnic ter listening to the voice of
the displaced people. For the
HEN we were
very very small,
parties. The lesson that we have
learned is "United we stand, divid-
However, due to the
representatives of national breth-
ren met the representatives of the
in Upper Sagaing Region and Kachin State and isolated in
Taninthayi Region, (Northern and Eastern) Shan and Chin
armed groups are resettlement of IDPs, their before we had even ed we fall". three aggressive wars launched Governor's Executive Council at In the Republic of the Union of Myanmar States. Degree of certainty of (80%). Weather will be partly

obliged to ensure place of origin, any site near learned to read, we Now, we are going to cele- by the imperialists, the colonial- Panglong and reached agreement where national races are residing, the culture, cloudy in Lower Sagaing, Yangon and Ayeyarwady Regions,
their place of origin, or a site loved to listen to the tales grandpa brate the 73rd. Anniversary Un- ists practised the 'divide-and-rule' which paved the way for national Southern Shan, Kayin and Mon States and generally fair in
traditions and customs, languages and social
long-lasting proposed by them is being or teachers told us. As far as 'Unity' ion Day. Actually, Union Day is policy. The policy caused misun- unity.
systems may appear to be different but in es-
the remaining Regions and States.
given priority. is concerned, they told us a story the symbol of unity which is the derstanding among national breth- At the Panglong Conference,
peace. In fact, The Union govern- about an old man and a bundle strength of all the nationalities. ren, shattering the national unity. Bogyoke Aung San assured the sence they are all based on the common blood STATE OF THE SEA: Sea will be slight to moderate in
the resettlement ment has guaranteed that it
would implement projects to
of sticks.
"Once upon a time, there
Every year in February, whenever
the Union Day draws near, one
They ruled the highlands and the
mainland separately to sow dis-
gathering that they could pursue
their own culture and customs and
of Union kinship … Myanmar waters. Wave height will be about (4-6) feet off and
along Myanmar Coasts.
of IDPs can be provide IDPs sheltering at was an old man who was trou- cannot but help calling to mind the cord among the notianal brethren. enjoy freedom of belief so that their

considered as part camps with a place to resettle

and job opportunities.
bled because his sons were always
quarrelling. He was afraid that
past events leading to the signing
of the Panglong Agreement.
In the time of need, our national
brethren who had great patriotic
individual identities might not be
lost. This was a remarkable speech
mutual prosperity in friendship
and amity."
essence for 73 years.
More than seven decades
of isolated rain or thundershowers in Upper Sagaing Region,
of the efforts for There are many children the family would be quite bro- A look into history reveals spirit joined hands each other to by which Bogyoke managed to win You can compare the view have elapsed since the signing of Kachin, Shan and Chin States.
living in IDP camps. For the ken up when he died. So one day, that the people of this republic fight back the colonialists. the hearts of the national races of Bogyoke Aung San with his the Panglong Agreement and yet
building a Federal progress of the country, the he called his sons together and have lived in harmony and uni- However, their struggles, due and erase the suspicions of the daughter's, "All ethnic national the Spririt of Panglong still colours FORECAST FOR NAYPYITAW AND NEIGHBOURING
Democratic Union future of our next generation showed them a bundle of sticks,
and asked them to break it. They
ty, sharing joys and sorrows, in
weal or woe, despite subjugation
to the lack of systematic leader- past. brothers and sisters are all sons the thoughts and feelings of the
coming generations.
AREA FOR 10th February, 2020: Generally fair weather.
is very important. For the ship, were nipped in the bud. In Bogyoke was a man who did and daughters of the Union. We
desired by all successful implementation of tried in turn but they failed. Then and hardship under foreign rule such a time, a group of patriotic as he said. Naturally, he won the can get only with Union Spirit. Here, may I use some quota- FORECAST FOR YANGON AND NEIGHBOURING AREA

ethnic people. its strategy, details about the

government’s plans need to
the old man untied the bundle and
told them to break each stick. The
and in time of war. Myanmar's
feudal history saw her indigenous
and educated youths led by Bogy-
oke Aung San emerged to fight and
confidence and respect of all the
national races in the country. Al-
We should strive to live in unity
although there may be differences
ble six-lined stanza that appeared
in the Global New Light of Myan-
FOR 10th February, 2020: Partly cloudy.

be provided at IDP camps in sons broke the sticks easily. In this peoples caught in the iron grip of drive the imperilists out of Myan- though he did not live long to see in race, language and religion. It mar--- FORECAST FOR MANDALAY AND NEIGHBOURING
Kayin, Kachin, Rakhine and way, he taught them that UNITY feudal forces, too strong for them mar Soil with the help of fascists. the country gain its freedom, the is of utmost importance for all of Maintain unity of all ethnic AREA FOR 10th February, 2020: Generally fair weather.
Shan states till inmates gain confidence to return to their place IS STRENGTH." to repel or reform. Besides, under However, the trouble was not over. posterity had achieved national us who live in this Union and love brothers
of origin or a place of their choice in future. The story is very short and the imperialist yoke, our history After giving us a pseudo in- unity and finally gained independ- her lands and water to cherish the Remember Union Day!
At the meetings held so far between IDPs and the authorities, very simple. However, it shows also recorded that all the national dependence, the fascists showed ence. task of building a strong, peaceful, Living on the same land and
the IDPs have expressed their worries about jobs, dwellings, and the essence of unity that has to be races of Myanmar had far lagged their true type of barbaric acts. At Regarding Bogyoke Aung united and developed Union." State drinking the same water,
health services. Hence, the government is obliged to address their conveyed to generation by genera- behind. the end of their tether, all the na- San's clear-cut vision on the Un- Counsellor Daw Aung San Suu Kyi We are all Union nationals of
worries by systematically implementing its strategy in cooperation tion. The story, indeed, is and will In the history of Myanmar, tional brethren fought them back. ion-born ethnic nationals, we can said so at the opening ceremony of the same blood.
with the people, donors, and civil society organizations. be true for a country like Myanmar successive Myanamr kings had When the fascists were driven out, see an excerpt from his address the Ethnics Culture Festival-2020 A hundred fruits from the
At the same time, the cooperation of IDPs is sine qua non for which is home to over one hundred made efforts for perpetuation of the imperialists came into Myan- delivered at the Fourth Meeting of held on 1 February this year. You same stem,
making the implementation a success. national races. the Union, sovereignty and nation- mar once again. They tried to give the State Leaders held in August, will see the farsightedness of the Our Union built in brother-
Since the government took office, it has been focusing on Besides, when we were in the al solidarity and gave guidance on the independence only to the main- 1945. He said, "Nationalism should father and the daughter. hood.
ethnic affairs and ending armed conflicts. Peace and development primary standards, teachers usu- the national development. There land, neglecting the highlands. not be 'racialism' or 'chauvinism'; it In the Republic of the Union Our parents taught that 'Unity
are intertwined. ally told about the great French were a lot of examples that indicat- Because of the signing of must not be a narrow-minded ra- of Myanmar where national races is strength.' We again has taught
For the development of the people, ethnic armed groups are general, Napoleon, who used to ed unity among people and would the historic Aung San-Attlee cial doctrine based on the concept are residing, the culture, tradi- our children the essence of this
obliged to ensure long-lasting peace. In fact, the resettlement of say, "Divide and Conquer". He bring peace and stability. In Myan- Agreenent on 27 January, 1947, that only one's own race should tions and customs, languages and saying. And our children surely
IDPs can be considered as part of the efforts for building a Federal won victories by attacking one of mar, we saw victories during the the objective "to gain the early uni- rule the world. Loving one's own social systems may appear to be will do so. Our motto must be "One
Democratic Union desired by all ethnic people. his enemies when alone before reign of King Anawrahta and again fication of the Frontier Areas and race should not mean hatred and different but in essence they are heart, one way".
Hence, participation by the people with the Union Spirit is a the others could come up to help. during the reign of Bayintnaung, Burma (Myanmar) Proper" was disdain for other races; it should all based on the common blood of Ref:1.The Guardian, 12-2-1974
must for all of us. He would weaken a whole nation King Alaungpaya and Hsinbyush- implemented. Soon after this on be a nationalism that makes coun- Union kinship and Union Spirit like 2.The Global New Light of Myan-
by dividing it up into quarrelling in when Myanmar people were 12 February of the same year, the tries across the world work for a hundred fruits from a common mar, 15-12-2019
10 ASIA 10 FEBRUARY 2020

Thai city holds vigil for 30 victims of ‘unprecedented’ mass shooting

NAKHON RATCHASIMA (Thai- lem” over the sale of a house for
land)— Holding candles and the soldier’s rampage, which
writing condolences as monks began on Saturday afternoon
chanted prayers, hundreds near an army barracks and was
of Thais held an evening vigil for several hours relayed by the
Sunday for the 30 victims of an gunman via Facebook posts.
“unprecedented” mass shooting The attacker, identified as
carried out by a soldier. Sergeant-Major Jakrapanth
Sharpshooters killed the Thomma, used a stolen M60
gunman on Sunday morning af- machine gun and rifles from one
ter a 17-hour ordeal, including a of Thailand’s largest barracks
night of firefights and terrifying as well as a military humvee to
dashes for mall exits by shop- carry out the attack.
pers trapped in the Terminal Prayut said the gunman
21 mall in Nakhon Ratchasima, overpowered security at the
also known as Korat. barracks’ arsenal and that
The provincial governor “carelessness” was not a factor.
told reporters that the death toll “We don’t leave the arsenal
stood at 30 with dozens injured. depot alone -- we had people
The dead include civilians guarding it.”
Sharp-shooters brought an end to the 17-hour-ordeal when they killed the gunman.   PHOTO: AFP
-- one of them a 13-year-old boy Volleys of gunfire rang out
-- and security forces going after “It is unprecedented in in critical condition -- were be- on the ground, including “Re- as the siege ran into dawn,
the rogue soldier, who was upset Thailand, and I want this to be ing treated. member Forever” and “I wish hours after Thai security ser-
over a debt dispute, according the last time this crisis hap- Those who attended the you a good afterlife”. vices stormed the ground floor
to Thailand’s prime minister pens,” he said earlier outside a somber vigil scrawled messages Prayut, a former army and freed scores of terrified
Prayut Chan-O-Cha. hospital where victims -- some on white sheets of paper laid out chief, blamed a “personal prob- shoppers.—AFP

Surrendered Pakistani Taliban China virus deaths

spokesman escapes custody: official rise past 800,
geting of education activist and
Nobel Peace Prize winner Mala- overtaking SARS toll
la Yousafzai.
Ehsan surrendered to au- BEIJING — The death toll from can still “shoot up”.
thorities in 2017 and later gave the novel coronavirus surged Almost 37,200 people in Chi-
high-profile interviews on Paki- past 800 in mainland China on na have now been infected by the
stani television, angering many Sunday, overtaking global fatal- virus, believed to have emerged
in the country who believed he ities in the 2002-03 SARS epi- late last year in Hubei’s capi-
was being pampered by author- demic, even as the World Health tal Wuhan, where residents are
ities after years of helping lead Organization said the outbreak struggling to get daily supplies.
the bloody insurgency. Pakistani appeared to be stabilising. The epidemic has prompted
security officials argued, howev- With 89 more people dying the government to lock down
er, that he had supplied valuable -- most in Hubei, the province at whole cities as anger mounts
intelligence in the fight against the centre of the outbreak -- the over its handling of the crisis --
militants. Pakistan has been toll is now higher than the 774 especially after a whistleblowing
battling a homegrown Islamist killed worldwide by Severe Acute doctor fell victim to the virus.
insurgency for over a decade, Respiratory Syndrome (SARS), With much of the country
with thousands of civilians and according to official figures. still not back at work after an
Tehreek-e-Taliban Pakistan (TTP) spokesman Ehsanullah Ehsan
security personnel dying in ex- The latest data came after extended Lunar New Year hol-
(left) and with fellow TTP member Adnan Rasheed in Shabtoi, South
Waziristan, in 2013.   PHOTO: AFP tremist attacks, especially after the WHO said the last four days iday, cities including financial
the TTP began their campaign had seen “some stabilising” in hub Shanghai ordered residents
ISLAMABAD —A leading mem- AFP Ehsan was “one of our ma- of violence in 2007. Hubei, but warned the figures to wear masks in public.—AFP
ber of the Pakistan Taliban has jor assets in identifying and later Overall levels of extrem-
escaped custody more than two tracking down militants”. ist-linked violence have dropped
years after surrendering to au- The source was unable to dramatically last year, with 2019
thorities, a senior security official confirm claims that Ehsan was seeing the fewest deaths since
said Sunday. in Turkey, or provide details of 2007 when TTP was formed.
The confirmation comes how he escaped. Analysts have credited the
days after Ehsanullah Ehsan Ehsan was infamous for fall to military offensives against
-- the former spokesman for issuing chilling claims follow- the Taliban in the tribal areas of
the Tehreek-e-Taliban Pakistan ing TTP attacks and has been North Waziristan and Khyber
(TTP) -- released an audio mes- linked to some of the country’s where they were headquartered,
sage claiming he had escaped most bloody attacks -- including as well as operations in the coun-
detention and was now in Turkey. the bombing at a park in Lahore try’s largest city of Karachi.—
A senior security source told during Easter 2016, and the tar- AFP

Adve r tis e Circulation order is in easier way.
The new coronavirus has claimed more lives than the SARS outbreak in
w ith us . Hot L i ne : 099 744248 48, 01 8 6 04 5 3 0 2002-03, according to official figures.   PHOTO: AFP
10 FEBRUARY 2020

Japan launches, puts in orbit new intelligence-gathering satellite NEWS

TOKYO — Japan launched
Sunday a rocket carrying a gov- UK cat and dog food
ernment intelligence-gathering market to hit 3.8 bln USD
satellite which was successful- in 2020: report
ly placed into orbit after the
previous takeoff attempt was LONDON — Britons are predict-
scrubbed due to a glitch during ed to spend 2.9 billion pounds
the countdown. (about 3.8 billion U.S. dollars) on
The H2A rocket, operated cat and dog food this year, with
by Mitsubishi Heavy Industries the market value rising by 16
Ltd. and the Japan Aerospace percent over the past five years,
Exploration Agency, lifted off a market research firm has said.
from the Tanegashima Space Premiumization and overall
Center in the southwestern pre- inflation have been the driving
fecture of Kagoshima at 10:34 force behind value growth, said
a.m. london-based Mintel in a report
It is the 35th time in a row released Friday.
that an H2A rocket has been About 60 percent of Britons own
launched successfully. some kind of pet, according to
The launch, previously set the report. Meanwhile, data from
for Jan. 28, was pushed back due Mintel also revealed that some
to a leak in piping used to supply 27 percent of dog owners cooked
the rocket with nitrogen gas. from scratch or served leftovers
The H2A rocket, operated by Mitsubishi Heavy Industries Ltd. and the Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency, lifts off
The optical satellite will to their pets in 2019, up from
from the Tanegashima Space Center in the southwestern prefecture of Kagoshima.   PHOTO: KYODO
take over from one of seven re- 22 percent in 2018. The scratch
connaissance satellites believed cooking and serving leftovers
to be monitoring developments Japan operates two types of of the ground using a device images in the dark as well as among cat owners represented
at North Korean missile sites, reconnaissance satellite -- op- similar to a digital camera, and in poor weather conditions.— 21 percent in 2019, higher than
among other tasks. tical satellites that take photos radar satellites that can capture Kyodo News in 2018 with 13 percent.—Xinhua

German transportation company to build Luanda Surface Metro

LUANDA — German transporta- tance of 149 km, and the cost
1,000-plus global
tion company Siemens Mobility of the project is estimated at 3 exhibitors to join 117th
will build the “Luanda Surface billion U.S. dollars, with 30 per- Toy Fair in New York
Metro” in Angola under a Pub- cent of the cost to be assumed
lic-Private Partnership this year, by Angola. NEW YORK — More than 1,000
according to a memorandum of The German government exhibitors from worldwide will
understanding (MoU) signed on has also made available a loan join the 117th annual Toy Fair
Friday. valued at 1.06 billion euros (about at the Jacob K. Javits Center in
Michael Peter, chief exec- 1.16 billion dollars) to finance Manhattan from Feb. 22 to 25,
utive officer of the company, the construction of the Cacu- showcasing some 150,000 toys,
signed the MoU with Angola’s lo Cabaca hydroelectric dam games and youth entertainment
Transport Minister Ricardo de in the northern Cuanza Norte products. The annual event
Abreu during the Angola-Ger- Province. will see retailers, wholesalers,
many Economic Forum held in A total of four MoUs on co- importers, distributors, sales
the capital city of Luanda. operation were signed between representatives, and trade guests
FILE PHOTO: Siemens Mobility will build the “Luanda Surface Metro” in
The minister said the Sur- the two countries during the fo- get together, seeking to find the
Angola under a Public-Private Partnership this year.   PHOTO: AFP
face Metro line will cover a dis- rum.—XINHUA latest and greatest in the toy,
game and youth entertainment
world, and to exchange ideas
Hong Kong border towns on the latest trends in global

welcome virus controls, Being producer of the event, The

Toy Association will present its

despite trade hit latest global market research on

Japan as one of the highlights of
HONG KONG — Traders in border with mainland China. this year’s Fair, aiming to provide
Hong Kong’s border towns are They have become huge in-depth analyses to help com-
lamenting plunging business draws for “parallel traders” who panies expand their business in
during the coronavirus outbreak buy up tax-free goods for re-sale the Japanese market, according
but some residents say they are in China, a booming trade but to the website of the Fair.
enjoying the absence of crowds one that worsens over-crowding “Due to declining birthrates,
of Chinese mainlanders. and spiralling commercial rents. children represent just under 13
The influx of migrants, tour- However, the coronavirus percent of Japan’s population
ists and traders has long been a outbreak has closed all but two Pharmacies and food stores are popular with parallel traders from
of about 126 million - far less
controversial topic as the finan- of the city’s land borders with China.   PHOTO: AFP than leading markets such as
cial hub increasingly chafes un- the mainland. the United States and China,”
der Beijing’s authoritarian rule And on Saturday officials from the mainland undergo 14 this week, a minibus driver said said Anne McConnell, The Toy
and the ever-rising cost of living. rolled out plans attempting to en- days of compulsory quarantine. he had waited for three hours Association’s senior director of
The polarisation is especial- sure -- with spot checks and daily Parked next to one of the without picking up a single pas- market research & data strategy.
ly stark in towns along the city’s phone calls -- that all arrivals shuttered checkpoints earlier senger.—AFP Xinhua

Cameroon elections overshadowed Greek asylum to refugees

by violence, boycott ‘not indefinite’ and
reversible: minister
YAOUNDE — Cameroon vot- ATHENS — Greece will only lum-seekers are currently
ed Sunday in polls overshad- grant refugee protection for crammed into camps on five is-
owed by a partial opposition three years as it struggles to in- lands, where the official capacity
boycott and separatist violence tegrate foreigners, the conserv- is for 6,200 people and in condi-
that has displaced hundreds of ative government’s migration tions repeatedly condemned by
thousands of people. minister Notis Mitarachi said aid agencies.
Elections for the central Af- in remarks published Sunday. Overpopulation in migrant
rican country’s legislature and Greece last year was the camps on Lesbos and other is-
local councils are taking place first EU port of entry for mi- lands near Turkey has led to an
for the first time in seven years, grants and has struggled to outpouring of anger in recent
after two postponements. manage the influx, with many days among island residents and
They are unlikely to ruffle kept in overcrowded camps on asylum-seekers.
the enduring rule of President the Aegean Greek islands near Since the migration crisis
Paul Biya, one of the world’s the Turkish coast. erupted in 2015, mainly fuelled
oldest and longest-serving lead- “The asylum we grant has by the war in Syria, Greece has
Longevity: President Paul Biya has been in power since 1982.   PHOTO: AFP
ers, who has held a tight grip a duration of three years, it is granted asylum to around 40,000
on power for 37 of his 86 years. not indefinite,” Mitarachi told people, Mitarachi said.
As voting began large num- rity forces, deployed to keep party, the Social Democratic To Vima weekly. Another 87,000 asylum appli-
bers of police and soldiers were the peace. Front (SDF), which currently “If conditions change in a cations are pending, he added.
seen deployed on the streets of The main opposition party, has 18 seats, will take part in country (of origin), asylum may Repatriation of asy-
Buea, the capital of the South- the Movement for the Rebirth of Sunday’s vote, going back on a not be renewed,” Mitarachi add- lum-seekers whose applications
west Region, one of two prov- Cameroon (MRC) is refusing to threat to snub it. ed. are rejected are to be discussed
inces gripped by bloody sepa- field a single candidate. In the capital Yaounde, it “It is difficult to integrate in an overhaul of EU migration
ratist violence. The boycott will all but appeared that enthusiasm for different populations,” he said. policy next month, the minister
But polling stations in the guarantee a crushing victory the vote was subdued, with no More than 36,000 asy- said.—AFP
city were quiet with no violence for the ruling Cameroon Peo- crowds outside polling stations
reported about four hours after ple’s Democratic Movement in the district of Briqueterie.
they opened at 8am (0700 GMT). (RDPC in its French initials), “People went to mass first,
Most of the morning’s which in the outgoing legisla- there’ll be more coming in the
voting appeared to have been ture had 148 out of 180 seats. afternoon,” said one election
done by members of the secu- The other large opposition official.—AFP

Iran unveils ballistic missile,

‘new generation’ engines
TEHRAN— Iran’s Revolution- als but with a “movable nozzle” Guard Corps commander Ma-
ary Guards unveiled Sunday a for the delivery of satellites into jor General Hossein Salami un-
Asylum won’t be ‘indefinite’, Greece warns.   HOTO: AFP
short-range ballistic missile that space. veiled the missile and engines
they said can be powered by a The Raad was “a new gen- alongside IRGC aerospace chief
“new generation” of engines de-
signed to put satellites into orbit.
eration missile that has half the
weight of a Fateh-110 missile but
Brigadier General Amirali Ha-
Germany stresses
The Guards’ Sepahnews
website said the Raad-500 mis-
with 200 kilometres more range,”
it added.
“The complicated achieve-
ments on the bleeding edge of
importance of confidence-
sile was equipped with new Zo-
heir engines made of composite
The Fateh-110 is a ballistic
ground-to-ground missile first
global technology that were
unveiled today are our key to
building measures in Libya
materials lighter than on earlier unveiled in 2002. Its latest gen- entering space,” Salami said.
steel models. eration has a range of 300 kilo- Salami noted the movable TRIPOLI — German Ambas- ambassador.
It also unveiled Salman en- metres (186 miles). nozzle on the new engine allowed sador to Libya Oliver Owcza The United Nations Sup-
gines made of the same materi- Islamic Revolutionary “manoeuvrability beyond the at- on Saturday stressed the im- port Mission in Libya (UN-
mosphere” and amounted to a portance of confidence-build- SMIL) on Saturday said that
“leap in modern missile tech- ing measures in Libya, which the country’s rival parties said
nology”. is witnessing deadly armed they are trying to maintain the
The new technologies that conflict between the east- truce in and around the capital
made the missiles “cheaper, ern-based army and the United Tripoli at the conclusion of the
lighter, faster and more precise” Nations-backed government. first round of talks of the Libyan
could be applied to all of Iran’s “Respect to all participants 5+5 Joint Military Commission
missile classes, he added. of this first round of intra-Liby- (JMC) in Geneva.
Tensions between Iran and an ceasefire talks. Encouraging “UNSMIL takes note of the
its arch foe the United States signal that a date for contin- existing consensus around the
have soared since May 2018 uation has been set,” Owcza importance of maintaining the
when US President Donald tweeted. truce that had been announced
Trump withdrew from a nuclear “Any confidence-building on 12 January this year, of the
deal that offered Tehran sanc- measures are to the benefit of necessity to respect it and re-
Iran says its aerospace activities are peaceful but Washington claims that tions relief in return for curbs all Libyans. Likewise progress frain from violating it,” UN-
Tehran’s ballistic missile programme is a “destabilising behaviour” in the to prevent it acquiring nuclear on the political and economic SMIL said in a statement.—
region.   PHOTO: AFP/
weapons.—AFP tracks (is) necessary,” said the Xinhua
10 FEBRUARY 2020

Port chaos leaves Liberian India’s railway project with Japan

faces $4.5 bil. budget shortfall
fuel pumps dry
MONROVIA — Liberians rovia has also prevented quent fuel shortages, but TOKYO — Japan plans
have faced long queues large fuel tankers from the current one has last- to discuss how to proceed
at petrol pumps for near- docking, according to port ed an unusually long time. with a high-speed railway
ly two weeks as sloppy and government officials. Queues forming before project in India employing
bookkeeping and poor Liberia’s Commerce dawn at petrol stations are Japan’s shinkansen tech-
port infrastructure have Minister Wilson Tarpeh now commonplace, and nology after its estimate
triggered economically told AFP the shortage scarcity has forced taxis found a budget shortfall of
damaging fuel shortages. has caused an “economic and buses to hike fares. some 500 billion yen ($4.56
Incorrect fuel-reserve downtrend”, without giv- “I have been here billion), a source close to
figures in the impover- ing precise figures. since 5:00 am but until now the matter said Saturday.
ished West African country Consumers are I am yet to receive gaso- The cost for the pro-
partly led to the shortage, spending less on house- line,” said Victor Gray, 45, ject connecting around
which has dragged on hold items as fuel prices at a Monrovia petrol sta- 500 kilometers between
since late January, an in- rise, he said, and business- tion at 8:00 am this week. Mumbai and Ahmedabad
dustry official said. es are operating under ca- “I think the kids will rose from the previous
But an undredged pacity. miss class today,” he add- budget of 980 billion ru-
port in the capital Mon- Liberia suffers fre- ed, exhausted after he pees ($14.68 billion) after File photo of an N700S shinkansen bullet train taken in
and his children slept in India called for building October 2018.   PHOTO: KYODO
the car. a reinforced elevated Minister Shinzo Abe and loans of up to about 1.46
The shortage is an- bridge and using shield his Indian counterpart trillion yen for the railway
other blow to President machines for excavations, Narendra Modi plan to construction led by Indian
George Weah, who is un- the source said. discuss the matter at a companies.
der increasing pressure to The shortage is the summit. Japan International
improve living conditions latest setback for the icon- The two leaders Consultants for Transpor-
in the country of some 4.8 ic project in Japan-India agreed in December 2015 tations Co., a subsidiary of
million people. partnership after the on the introduction of the East Japan Railway Co.,
He inherited an econ- commercial operation was bullet train technology to has taken part in the pro-
omy already devastated pushed back by five years India, which would be the ject to help provide trains,
by back-to-back civil wars from originally scheduled country’s first high-speed while the parent company
from 1989 to 2003, and by 2023 following a site acqui- railway project. looks to offer maintenance
Cars and tuk-tuk taxis often need to wait for hours at fuel the 2014-2016 West Africa sition delay. Under the agreement, and driver training servic-
stations as Liberia experience petrol a shortage.   PHOTO: AFP Ebola outbreak.—AFP Japanese Prime Japan pledged to provide es.—Kyodo News

Master Plan of Agricultural Garden in Hpa-an.

circulation order is
Kayin State Medicinal Plant Resource Center (KSMPRC) based in Hpa-an, Kayin State is
in easier way. seeking expression of interest from private sector to develop a master plan of Agricultural Garden.
KSMPRC was established to support the effort in forest and medicinal plant resources
management as well as utilizing it in sustainable manner in Kayin State. KSMPRC has now
Ho t L i n e : plan to develop the agricultural garden to share the knowledge of local agricultural resources Embassy of India, Yangon
09974424848 and product information in participatory manner. Tender Notice
The interested companies may send a letter of expression as well as a record of professional Renovation of Chancery Building
work related to the development of master plan of agricultural garden. The letter should be titled
Sealed tenders are invited for renovation of
Adver tis e “Expression of Interest: Agricultural Garden in Hpa-an”, and please send it to the following
address by 25th Feb 2020. Chancery Building of Embassy of India at
w ith us/
Mail Address: 545-547, Merchant Street, Yangon. Details of
Yangon Office: No. 2-10, Union Business Center (UBC), Nat Mauk Road, Bo Cho Quarter, tender is available in the Embassy’s website
Ho t L i n e : Bahan T/ship.
018604 53 0 Tender - Tender (Embassy’s) and CPP portal. The
Call Thin Thin May, 09251022355,09974424848 last date for bid submission is 10 March, 2020.


Consignees of cargo carried on M.V XETHA BHUM Consignees of cargo carried on M.V SINAR BINTAN Consignees of cargo carried on M.V PACAO VOY.
VOY. NO. (1132W) are hereby notified that the vessel will VOY. NO. (664 N/S) are hereby notified that the vessel NO. (080N/S) are hereby notified that the vessel will be
be arriving on 10-2-2020 and cargo will be discharged will be arriving on 10-2-2020 and cargo will be discharged arriving on 10-2-2020 and cargo will be discharged into
into the premises of MITT/MIP where it will lie at the into the premises of MITT/MIP where it will lie at the the premises of HPT where it will lie at the consignee’s risk
consignee’s risk and expenses and subject to the byelaws consignee’s risk and expenses and subject to the byelaws and expenses and subject to the byelaws and conditions of
and conditions of the Port of Yangon. and conditions of the Port of Yangon. the Port of Yangon.
Damaged cargo will be surveyed daily from 8 am Damaged cargo will be surveyed daily from 8 am
Damaged cargo will be surveyed daily from 8 am
to 11:20 am and 12 noon to 4 pm to Claim’s Day now to 11:20 am and 12 noon to 4 pm to Claim’s Day now
to 11:20 am and 12 noon to 4 pm to Claim’s Day now
declared as the third day after final discharge of cargo declared as the third day after final discharge of cargo
declared as the third day after final discharge of cargo
from the Vessel. from the Vessel.
No claims against this vessel will be admitted after from the Vessel. No claims against this vessel will be admitted after
the Claims Day. No claims against this vessel will be admitted after the Claims Day.
Phone No: 2301185 Phone No: 2301185 Phone No: 2301185

I Hot air balloon flight

N our country Myanmar,
hot air balloon flight began
in Bagan. Almost everyone
is still contemplating that

at sunrise in Hpa-an,
hot air balloon flight in Bagan
is perfect. Of course, there are
different beauties across the
country. The flight of hot air

Kayin State
balloon in Bagan is not perfect
enough. Being able to fly hot air
balloon everywhere in the coun-
try ensures more perfection. I
had ever thought of flying hot
air balloon in Bagan only. I was
doubtful about whether the im-
pressive beauties of overlooking
view and sunrise in Inle Lake
outdid Bagan as I was flying the
hot air balloon over the water
surface of the lake. These days
the flight of hot air balloon is an on 15 December in 2019, be- not to fly the hot air balloon when Zwegabin mountain, a famous
available in Hpa-an on ethnic coming the focus of attention on they suppose the weather is not monument of Kayin State as if
Kayin land where it isn’t too far social media. Firstly, local people good and it is windy. It is not easy my tear rolled down. The scenery
from Yangon. Diverse geograph- were unaware of the flight of the to forecast the day which we want in Kayin State is not the same as
ical features in the ethnic area hot air balloon and later it was to fly. It is not meant for Hpa-an that in Shan State. I feel like my
can be also enjoyed and these known to all local people. On that alone and the remaining parts of beautiful country and the native
feelings are irreplaceable. day I saw an opportunity for the the country are the same matter. place of the ethnics. The creation The balloon being inflated
flight of the hot air balloon in the The foreign pilots taught of the God seems unbelievable. before flight across the sky
of Hpa-an.   PHOTO: THIHA
Nearest hot air balloon flight sky of Hpa-an for the first time. those who were going to fly the Similarly, the beauty of Thanlwin
from Yangon While flying the hot air balloon, hot air balloon how to follow the is just like reigning queen. While
Hot air balloon flight service I felt the breathtaking beauty of rules before and after the flight. we were in the hot air balloon, we
is available in Bagan, Inle, Man- Kayin State. During that time, photographing, were able to see the proportional
dalay, Ngapali, Pindaya, Loikaw Oriental Blooming group using phone and being talkative beauty of Thanlwin bridge and
and Hpa-an. I am accustomed to members came to the hotel were prohibited and all are al- Hpa-an town, fields and planta-
oriental ballooning. Among these where I put up and picked me up lowed doing nothing. All the pas- tions outside Hpa-an, natural
places, Hpa-an is the nearest to there. Upon arrival to the sports sengers have to listen to what the caves and pagodas.
Yangon. The motor road is in ground of Kayin State at about foreign pilots instruct. Nothing When the pilots flew low, the
a good condition and it is four 5.30 am, we had a friendly con- is more important than life. And views of ripe paddy fields and al-
hours’ drive from Yangon. The versation with each other. Coffee, then the hot air balloon was ready ready-harvested ones seemed
travellers are not very familiar tea and snacks were served us to fly and waited for the passen- more beautiful. The waves of
with the nature beauties of Kay- and we were all to fly the hot air gers to carry. All the passengers farmers’ families harvesting in
in State. Anyhow Hpa-an can be balloon. The pilot of the hot air ran to the hot air balloon and the fields and sincere greetings
regarded as hot air balloon flight balloon cordially greeted those got into the basket of the hot air both in Kayin and Myanmar lan-
region and it is the nearest place who were going to fly individually. balloon. The hot air balloon rose guages were breathtaking and
to Yangon. The pilot started talking about the slowly and slowly reaching in the heart-stopping, and it strength- about one hour, we had to take
trip of hot air balloon. There may sky within five minutes. At that ened loving Hpa-an more. position to go down in an open
Hot air balloon flying in the be a few changes in schedule ac- time the hot air balloon brought The places of the rise and fall empty field. The villagers are very
sky of Hpa-an cording to early and late sunrise. outstanding natural beauty to of the hot air balloon are different. simple. All the villagers young
Oriental blooming attracted It also depends on wind direction the passengers. I had to feel the It depends on the wind direction. and old came up to the hot air
local people in and around Hpa- and weather. The pilots decide beauty of the sun rising behind After flying the hot air balloon for balloon and they were worried
10 FEBRUARY 2020

tion is held with Upcoming October and the opening of the restaurant
champagne and Enquiries have been re- is not so long yet. It is a favour-
a variety of fruit. ceived since I broadcast Hpa- ite of foreign travellers and the
Balloon Flight Cer- an hot air balloon flight. They prices are very reasonable. The
tificate is issued by wanted to know where to buy price still remained K65,000 in
own name. Hats and the ticket for the hot air balloon December in 2019 and it will rise
bottle of water are giv- flight and how much it costs. The to K70,000 in 2020. The visitors
en as presents. Insur- price of the hot air balloon flight will like visiting Kayin villages
ance is also included. is K250,000 per person. The ser- with better views,
vice of the hot air balloon flight compared
The facts of paying atten- will begin in October of 2020. But w i t h
tion if there are six passengers for Hpa-
Pasoe (nether garment hot air balloon flight, the service
of Myanmar males), htamein like charter will be offered. The
visitors to Hpa-an and nearby
people can book the flight of the
hot air balloon after collecting
six persons.

A burner directing a flame into the ballon envelope.  PHOTO: THIHA LULIN

worried about us. How lovely (woman’s skirt), skirt and mini For nature lovers an town’s. This is very suitable lo-
Kayin ethnics are in Hpa-an! skirt are not okay to get into bas- The flight of the hot air bal- cation for those wishing to do hik-
All the passengers including ket of the hot air balloon. Pants loon is so unique for all visitors. ing and trekking. I visited nearby
foreign pilots got off Oriental Bal- and short pants are more suit- While I was in Hpa-an, I put up places by bicycle. It is not far from
looning and drank champagne able. The pilots do not allow the at My Hpa-an Residence by Am- Kyaukkalat and Yaygu as well.
on a happy occasion as a gesture passengers listening to songs ata Hotel, which it located in the The road is straight and it is also
of a success of flight. The lid of and speaking over the phone quiet locality at the foot of Zweg- okay to climb Zwegabin moun-
champagne made in the form of loudly, supposing that it might abin mountain. It is not far from tain. It is an undeniable fact that it
hot air balloon was given as gift cause disturbances to others in the town. It looks modern and will be cherished more by feeling
and then the certificate of suc- the same flight. lovely with several bungalows. the beauty of Kayin land together
cessful flight was also presented. Small Action Cams are The visitors can feel the nature with Thanlwin river and Zwega-
We were taken back to the hotel. okay to take photograph. It is of mountain and forest among bin mountain. The visitors will
It was an unforgettable journey required to notice not to fall rubber trees. The moon above immediately realize what I would
for me. when taking selfie with the use the mountain and sounds of the like to say in course of flying the
of the stick. Not everyone is animals at the night time are a hot air balloon. Looking forward
Remembrances allowed jumping in the hot air paradise for nature lovers. The to seeing the days the hot air bal-
Oriental Ballooning group of- balloon. Those who are afraid of employees are generous and loon flying in the sky of Hpa-an
about all the passengers aboard fers transport service. Breakfast height and those who are star- friendly to the visitors and the land under the arrangement of
the hot air balloon. They asked is served before the start of hot tling should take care. I am also restaurant is very excellent. The Oriental Ballooning. Wishing all
why you went down with this hot air balloon flight. There is also afraid of height, but the flight of menus of breakfast, lunch and the people could travel with best
air balloon. Their question words a photographing program while hot air balloon is not as exciting dinner are inclusive of Kayin of health and happiness free from
made us smile and thank them flying the hot air balloon. Upon as that of a plane. I need not to cuisines. The visitors can try for all obstacles. (Translated by
as they came up to us and were arrival back to ground, a celebra- be worried about that. traditional cuisines as they like Htut Htut (Twantay)

Myanmar National League: Shan United beat Yadanarbon 3-1

SHAN United, defending cham- vid Htan scored the equalizer
pions of the Myanmar Nation- for the team off a penalty kick.
al League, beat Yadanarbon At the end of the first half,
F.C. by 3-1 in the Week-5 match the teams were tied 1-1.
of the MNL yesterday at the Shan United once again
Mandalar Thiri Stadium in dominated Yadanarbon in the
Mandalay. second half.
The goals for Shan United At 52 minutes, Nanda
were scored by David Htan, Kyaw scored the second goal
Nanda Kyaw, and Daniel, while for Shan United. Three min-
Aung Thu scored the lone goal ute later, Shan United foreign
for Yadanarbon. player Daniel scored the third
Yadanarbon played tough goal for the team, disappoint-
at the beginning, with striker ing Yadanarbon United fans.
Aung Thu scoring the first goal There were no more goals
for the team 3 minutes into in the remaining minutes as
the game. Yadanarbon strikers failed to
After Yadanarbon’s goal, convert scoring opportunities.
Shan United switched to attack At the final whistle, Shan
mode. United were leading over Ya-
Shan United’s David Htan (red) torches the ball during the Myanmar National League match against At 37 minutes, Shan Unit- danarbon F.C. by two goals.—
Yadanarbon F.C. yesterday at the Mandalar Thiri Stadium in Mandalay.   PHOTO: MNL ed got a penalty shoot, and Da- Lynn Thit (Tgi)

Hantharwady United
still leading Myanmar
National League
AT the conclusion of Week- of the Myanmar National
5 of the Myanmar National League, Shan United, are
League, Hantharwady United currently standing fifth with
is still leading the scoring table 9 points from three wins and
with full points from five wins. two losses.
Meanwhile, Yangon United Sagaing United is sixth
is trailing Hantharwady United with 7 points from two wins,
with 13 points from four wins one draw, and two losses.
and one draw, and Ayeyawady Mandalay-based Yadanar-
United is in the third place with bon F.C. is in the seventh place
the same points as Yangon with 5 points from one win, two
United but with scored goal draws, and two losses, while
difference. Southern Myanmar F.C. is at
Rakhine United is in the the bottom of the table with no
fourth place with 10 points points from five losses.
from three wins, one draw, and There are 12 teams com-
one loss. peting in the tourney. —Lynn
Defending champions Thit (Tgi) Hantharwady United players celebrate their victory in an earlier match against Sagaing United.   PHOTO: HUFC

Judo champion Riner loses after nine years undefeated

ONE of sport’s longest winning Riner’s last defeat was Games I’ll be annoyed. Better He did not take part in the to 1986.
runs came to an end on Sun- back in September 2010 when this happens now than then,” 1980 Olympics in Moscow be- Boxing has also thrown up
day when two-time Olympic he was controversially beaten a light-hearted Riner said af- cause of a Japanese boycott at least two remarkable win-
and serial judo world cham- by another Japanese Daiki Ka- terwards. over the Soviet invasion of ning streaks.
pion Teddy Riner was beaten mikaw in the openweight final “But I’ll tell you another Afghanistan. Heavyweight champion
for the first time in over nine at the world championships thing too. It’s a relief in a way. Ten-time world champi- Rocky Marciano never lost a
years. in Tokyo. Counting wins as I closed in on on Riner’s record still ranks fight in his professional ca-
After 154 successive wins, The defeat comes five (Yasuhiro) Yamashita’s record alongside some of the greats reer, winning 49 in a row be-
the 30-year-old Frenchman, months before the Tokyo (203 wins) was really heavy.” of the sporting world. tween 1947 and 1955 while the
who competes in the 100-kilo- Olympics when Riner will hope Yamashita, whose run be- American hurdler Ed Mo- Mexican Julio Cesar Chavez,
gramme heavyweight catego- to emulate the lightweight ju- gan in 1977, won four world ses won 122 consecutive races a world champion at three dif-
ry, was beaten by ippon by the doka Tadahiro Nomura in win- titles and gold at the Los An- over a 10-year period from 1977 ferent weights, won 87 con-
Japanese Kokoro Kageura in ning gold at three successive geles Games in 1984 before to 1987, and Pakistani squash secutive fights before drawing
the third round of the Paris Olympics. retiring in 1985 with his record legend Jahangir Khan won 555 with Pernell Whitaker in 1993.
Grand Slam. “If this happens at the intact. successive matches from 1981 — AFP

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