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Remember that we are looking at the 3 important questions that every Christian should know:
'Who is JESUS to you?'- The different offices of Christ and their implications in our lives.
'What has JESUS done for you?'- The finished work of Christ for us at the cross, in His
death and resurrection. Today we are looking at the last one namely: 'What does JESUS
require of you?'

Most of the Christian world is a bit familiar with the different offices of JESUS to us and
what He accomplished for us at the cross. Such revelations are in our songs, hymns and
sermons we receive from our pulpits. But I believe little is known and spoken of concerning
His requirements of us. If He is LORD to us, then He must have commandments which we
must obey in order to please Him. Therefore I believe that this is a very important question
that every believer should ask themselves daily; what does My LORD Jesus require of me?
Am I fulfilling His requirements? Are there any consequences for neglecting His commands?
What of the blessings that follow the obedient?

One of the most terrifying scriptures for me is this: 2 Corinthians 5:10; For we must all
appear before the judgment seat of Christ; that every one may receive the things done
in his body, according to that he hath done, whether it be good or bad. I must stand at the
bar of Christ to give an account of my life! What will I answer if I never cared to know His
requirements in the first place, let alone fulfilling them? Therefore dear reader, pay close
attention to this lesson and read it a number of times until you are sure that you know what
your Master requires of you. Amen.

We shall consider the following thoughts on the LORD's requirements of us. Please always
bear in mind that my lessons are not complete and conclusive in any way, but I just give you
a few things that The Holy Spirit has taught me over the years. You do then your own in
depth study in The Word concerning the subject.



1 Timothy 2:3-4; For this is good and acceptable in the sight of God our Saviour; Who will
have all men to be saved, and to come unto the knowledge of the truth.

The major work of Christ is the salvation of humanity; He came to seek and save that which
was lost. His heart beats for the masses of humans that drop down into hell every day. Every
man is born in sin, for all have sinned and have come short of the glory of God. But Jesus
came as the solution to the sin problem. He paid the ultimate sacrifice at the cross; He took
on our sins and the punishment of it in His own Spirit and Body.

He died in our place, descended down into hell and paid the ultimate price for the whole of
the sin of the world. He rose again from the grave as the proof that the sin problem had been
dwelt with once and for all. Now with His blood any sinner can be washed and forgiven of all
their sins. But this is not automatic to everyone, there is always a God part and a man part in
all God's dealings in our lives. His part was the cross, the death, the going down in hell for us,
and the raising again from the dead. And our part is to REPENT AND BELIEVE, and then
we are saved.

So the first requirement of Christ to you is REPENTANCE. The first Words of Christ in His
preaching was: Matthew 4:17; From that time Jesus began to preach, and to say, Repent: for
the kingdom of heaven is at hand. Repent was His first message and it is still His message
today, He calls all people of all backgrounds to repent, to acknowledge their sin, to be
grieved at their sin and impending judgment, to take seriously their sorry state, get broken in
their hearts and surrender unto God. To change their hearts and minds, forsake their sins, life,
dreams, independence from God, and cry unto Him in prayer with those Words of a broken
sinner: "Have mercy on me O LORD, a sinner."

It is beyond mere tears or 'sinner's prayer', it involves a whole hearted surrender, and
determination to forsake your all, your sin, your dreams and plans, then surrender completely
to God's will. Before a sinner can reach this point in which they are convicted of their sin and
helplessness in saving themselves, then surrender to the only solution that God gave us in His
Son, he cannot be saved. The Holy Spirit is always convicting sinners of their sin pointing
them to the cross of Christ for their salvation. Sinner, have you repented of your sins and
amended your ways and accepted Christ as your Saviour? Repentance is the first step towards

The second step is BELIEVING. No matter how convicted you are, how many tears you
shed, all these cannot save you. Our good works, says God, are mere filthy rags (Isaiah 64:
6). These cannot then save us. Ephesians 2:8 says that: We are saved by GRACE
THROUGH FAITH. Grace is God's part in providing the salvation, but faith is our part in
receiving and accepting this salvation. In order to be saved, you must BELIEVE!

Believe what?

1. That God's WORD is true concerning your state as a miserable sinner and your
impending danger of falling into hell and your utter helplessness in saving yourself.
2. That Jesus Christ is The Son of God, was born of a Virgin in the flesh, suffered on the
cross for your sin as your sacrifice and died, was buried and on the 3rd day rose again
from the dead for your justification. That now through His blood you receive the
forgiveness of all your sins.

Do you believe this of Jesus and what He did for you?

John 3:16; For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that
whosoever believeth in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life.

Mark 16:15-16; And he said unto them, Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel
to every creature. He that believeth and is baptized shall be saved; but he that believeth
not shall be damned.

Now if you believe in Jesus then you must confess it with your mouth. You see faith is of the
heart but must be expressed through Words and actions. Romans 10:10; For with the heart
man believeth unto righteousness; and with the mouth confession is made unto

Have you repented of your sin? Have you believed on Jesus and His saving grace? Have you
confessed Him as your LORD? Have you taken a public display of your faith and
identification with Christ in water baptism? Then you are saved, born again, saved from Hell
and eternal damnation. If you haven't, then you are on your way to hell! O Sinner, believe on
Christ and thou shalt be saved from your sins. Amen.

What does Jesus require of you? To Repent and believe and be saved.


Few Christians know of the concept of discipleship and being a disciple of Christ. You see
when you come to Christ, you are coming to a MASTER or a TEACHER. He requires you
then to be His Student. A Disciple is a student who has mastered His master's teachings,
totally aligning their lives in all aspects according to their master's teachings. The disciple is
exactly like their teacher in character, conduct and all manner of life. We are called
Christians or 'like Christ ones' so we must then depict the Master's life in our thoughts,
Words, actions and conduct. We must be the Jesus living in the flesh! The world may never
see a literal Jesus but you represent Him on earth, and your life ought to display the character
and power of Christ to the world. Are you a Disciple of Christ in this sense? Or you are just a
convert who has no proof in your life of the character of Christ?

Jesus said: Luke 6:40; The disciple is not above his master: but every one that is perfect shall
be as his master. As His disciple I am not greater than Him, but I must be perfected to His
likeness. Are your Words and actions the same as Jesus your Master? Do you think Christ
would treat your wife/husband or house help the way you do yours? Jesus requires you to be
His Disciple.

In being a true Disciple we shall consider the following:

a) Living according THE WORD

John 8:31; Then said Jesus to those Jews which believed on him, If ye continue in my Word,
then are ye my disciples indeed.
Again a Disciple of Christ is the one that is ordering their lives after the teachings of Christ.
Christ requires us to continue in His WORD and order our entire lives after it, then we
qualify ourselves as His True Disciples. Do you honour and reverence the WRITTEN WORD

1. We must read The Bible daily

2. We must meditate in it, spending quality time in studying it, paying attention to
details, applying it to our daily living.
3. We must confess it or speak it aloud daily.
4. We must then practice it, obey it, and do it.

This is what it means to continue in His WORD. We may quote it all we want or memorise it,
but until The WORD is in our actions we are not Disciples indeed. The WORD does not
belong to our heads only, it must be in our hearts and actions.

We are not to be forgetful hearers but DOERS of The WORD. The Bible is Jesus speaking to
me, I am what it says I am, I have what it says I have, I can do what it says I can do, I am a
believer and a doer of The WORD. The WORD OF GOD is my life.

Joshua 1:8; This book of the law shall not depart out of thy mouth; but thou shalt
meditate therein day and night, that thou mayest observe to do according to all that is
written therein: for then thou shalt make thy way prosperous, and then thou shalt have
good success.

The Bible must be my daily nourishment; I should never spend a day without reading it.
Amen. Is your life ordered according to the WORD OF GOD? What does Jesus require of
you? He requires you to live according to His WORD.

b) Living by FAITH

Hebrews 11:6; But without faith it is impossible to please Him: for he that cometh to
God must believe that He is, and that He is a rewarder of them that diligently seek Him.

Faith pleases God. As a Disciple of Christ, He requires you to only live by faith. Most
Christians are still living by the 5 senses (seeing, hearing, tasting, smelling, and feeling). But
there is another higher sense that they are not fully aware of, this is what we call Faith, and
this is greater than all the 5 put together. You cannot relate with God with the 5 senses, God
is a Spirit, therefore He can only be accessed by Faith. Look at how we are supposed to live:
2 Corinthians 5:7; For we walk by faith, not by sight.

Are you living by faith? If not then you are not a true disciple of Christ and you are not
pleasing to God. For it is impossible to please God without faith. Romans 1:17 says that:
The just shall live by faith. We, who are washed by the blood of Christ, are the just ones -
justified by Christ. We are commanded to live by faith. Faith is very important to God,
because it is taking Him at His Word. Faith is counting God faithful that He will make His
Word good. Fear, unbelief, and doubt, is a direct slap in the face of God, insulting Him as
though we say that He is fake, unreliable, undependable, and a liar! Are you a believer?
Christ requires you to live by faith alone.
Where I can I get faith? This shows us how: Romans 10:17; So then faith cometh by
hearing, and hearing by the Word of God. That means you get faith by reading and
meditating in The WORD OF GOD. The amount of the Word you put in your heart, will
determine the amount of faith you have and this determines ultimately the blessings of God
you will experience in your life. 10% Word = 10% Faith = 10% Blessings of God in your
life. How big is your faith? Tears do not move God, how bad your situation is does not move
God. He is only moved by your faith. Without faith on my part, God cannot do anything in
my life! There is this spiritual law in God's Kingdom that few people know about, namely: it
is always done unto you according to your faith. Matthew 9:29; Then touched he their eyes,
saying, According to your faith be it unto you.

What does Jesus require of you? He requires you to live by faith.

c) Bearing fruit

John 15:8; Herein is My Father glorified, that ye bear much fruit; so shall ye be My

As the Disciple of Christ, He requires you to bear fruit in your life. You qualify yourself as a
disciple of Christ by bearing fruit in your life.

What is this fruit? The ultimate calling of God for our lives is to grow up until we are
conformed to the image of God's Son, in character and conduct. We cannot truly fellowship
with God, until we are like Him in nature. For how can two walk together unless they be in
agreement (Amos 3:3)? Is your lifestyle in unison with that of Christ?

Galatians 5:22-23; But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, longsuffering,
gentleness, goodness, faith, Meekness, temperance: against such there is no law.

This is the fruit of the human spirit that has been born again. This is what we are in the spirit.
But God wants us to be like this also in our thoughts, Words and actions in our daily conduct,
then we are disciples of Christ indeed. Basically, the fruit of the Spirit is the nature and
character of God and we are called to display this in our lives. The first fruit of the Spirit is
LOVE. Our God is love (1 John 4:8), this is His nature. When we major in growing in love,
we have majored in God.

Ephesians 5:1-2; Be ye therefore followers of God, as dear children; And walk in love, as
Christ also hath loved us, and hath given himself for us an offering and a sacrifice to God for
a sweet-smelling savour.

We are to imitate God by walking in love. Now this is not the natural human love which is in
feelings only and in selfishness treating people in accordance to how they treat you. But this
God kind of love is as Christ loved us. A self-sacrificial love, treating all people including
your enemies with kindness, tenderness, forgiveness, generosity, putting others before you,
respecting and honouring them. Are you walking in Love? Christ requires you to walk in
love. 1 Corinthians 13 describes the characteristics of this God kind of love. I pray you read
it every day and practice it; this is the only way we will grow in God. The rest of the fruit or
nature and character of God that we are commanded to bear in our lives can be summarised
in the following traits: HOLINESS, PURITY, RIGHTEOUSNESS, TRUTH,
MERCY, KINDNESS, GRACE, ETC. All these are supposed to be in our lifestyle as
believers. Our thoughts, Words and actions toward others must be filled with all of the above
virtues. Are you bearing this fruit? What does Jesus require of you? He requires you to bear
fruit in your life.


A witness is someone who gives a testimony of what he has seen and heard first hand. Christ
requires us to be His witnesses to the world of what we have seen, heard and experienced of
His saving grace. Look at this:

1 John 1:1-3; That which was from the beginning, which we have heard, which we have seen
with our eyes, which we have looked upon, and our hands have handled, of the Word of life;
(For the life was manifested, and we have seen it, and bear witness, and shew unto you that
eternal life, which was with the Father, and was manifested unto us;) That which we have
seen and heard declare us unto you, that ye also may have fellowship with us: and truly our
fellowship is with the Father, and with his Son Jesus Christ.

The early Apostles of Christ were not professional preachers like we have today; they just
simply went everywhere sharing the story of Jesus of what He had done in their lives. Have
you seen, heard or experienced anything of Christ that is worth telling to your family and
friends? You should ever be seeking a greater experience with Christ so you can witness Him
to the world.

Most Christians leave off the preaching of the gospel to only full time preachers. But Christ's
great commission was not given to preachers only, it was given to all believers including you
ordinary child of God. You are Christ's ambassador in the place He has placed you in life.
You must preach or witness of Christ to your schoolmates, workmates, family and friends,
customers at your business, strangers in a taxi or bus, on streets, basically everywhere you
find yourself, you ought to share the gospel of Christ to the dying world.

Have you ever shared your faith to anyone? Have you ever witnessed and led a soul to
Christ? How many people have gone to hell out of your negligence and complacency? The
apostle Paul cried out: "Woe unto me if I preach not the gospel"(1 Corinthians 9:16). Do
you share the same concern with this man of God? How will you answer for your
disobedience in this area on that terrible day of judgment? At least share gospel materials to
your loved ones if you fear to speak to them. At least invite them to church or fellowship, but
by any means you must reach out to the lost, always throw in a Word for your Master's case.
This is Jesus' commandment and requirement of you.

Acts 1:8; But ye shall receive power, after that the Holy Ghost is come upon you: and ye
shall be witnesses unto me both in Jerusalem, and in all Judaea, and in Samaria, and unto the
uttermost part of the earth.

Most of you reading this are born again, even filled with the HOLY SPIRIT, for you speak in
tongues and operate in the gifts of the Spirit. But do you know why you were given THE
HOLY SPIRIT? It was for you to become a WITNESS OF CHRIST. Notice please: Not
necessarily to do witnessing but primarily for you to become a witness. That is, it is being
first and foremost and not doing. Your very life, character and conduct is to be transformed to
be a living epistle of Christ that others can look at and see Christ in you. Does this describe
you? You cannot excuse yourself that you are shy, timid or cannot speak for Christ, notice
that you received the power or ability of God when The HOLY GHOST came upon you, so
that you can be an effective witness of Christ. To share the gospel message of Christ to the
perishing world.

I have seen hypocrites who give a lot of money for evangelistic missions, when they have
never shared the gospel with their security guard and house help at their home! Are you a
witness of Christ? Do you know that you will answer for this on the last day? What does
Jesus require of you? He requires of you to be His witness to the world. We are the extension
of Christ on earth. We are the body of Christ - His only legs, hands, mouths on earth. He has
to speak through me, touch people with my hands, go to people's homes with my feet. O how
beautiful are the feet of those that bring the good news of Christ to sinners (Romans 10:15).
We are to do what He did and perpetuate His compassionate work to the dying humanity.
Look at this promise from the lips of Jesus to all of His believers including you ordinary one:
John 14:12; Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that believeth on me, the works that I do shall
he do also; and greater works than these shall he do; because I go unto my Father.

Now that I believe on Christ, all that He did, I must do and greater works than He did. I help
people, telling them of the good news of salvation, warn them of the impending judgment, I
heal the sick, raise the dead, make the poor rich, cast out devils, I help the poor and the
needy. This is THE LORD's requirement and commandment to me. He went about doing
good, healing all, I too go about from village to village, town to town, city to city, nation to
nation, continent to continent, doing good, preaching the gospel, performing miracles, healing
all and saving souls of men. Are you His witness in this manner?


Romans 12:1-2; I beseech you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God, that ye
present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable unto God, which is your
reasonable service. And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the
renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and
perfect, will of God.

I believe that after getting born again, finding God's will for ONE'S life should be the greatest
quest in life. What will profit us to get the whole world only to reach the last day and be cast
out as disobedient ones for not having walked in the perfect will of God? Notice that there is
the good, the permissible but also THE PERFECT WILL OF GOD. Jesus requires us to seek,
find and fulfill only the perfect will of God for our lives, that which He planned for us before
the foundation of the world. Most Christians do not care for or seek after this. We even have
few teachings on how to find and fulfill God's perfect will. I cry every time I hear preachers
encouraging young people to pursue their dreams, think big, work at it, then they will succeed
in life! This is to me a humanistic Godless self-made concept. What is success for a
Christian? Big money, influence, fame, power? No this is for the world, the Christian success
is in doing only what God commands you to do without caring about the outside glory.

Look at the attitude of the Psalmist: Psalm 84:10; For a day in thy courts is better than a
thousand. I had rather be a doorkeeper in the house of my God, than to dwell in the
tents of wickedness. He would rather be an 'Askari' (vernacular for a gate keeper) in God's
work than to be a Prime Minister without God! Can you relate to this? As a Christian your
first step after you get saved should be; emptying yourself of all of your ambitions, desires,
dreams, and plans. And earnestly seek God to reveal to you His plan, dream and purpose for
your life and then just do that. This is my rule in life: to only do that in my personal life and
ministry which my God commands and permits me to do, nothing less, nothing more
(Hebrews 6:3). If He does not permit anything then I will have nothing to do with it,
however noble and commendable it may seem.

Do you know the will of God for your life? Are you sure that you're in the perfect will of God
for your life? What are you going to do about it? Forsake the world, sin, pleasures, your own
pursuits and ambitions. Seek to find the will of God for your life. This is the only thing that
will avail in eternity. Look at the attitude of LORD JESUS: John 4:34; Jesus saith unto them,
My meat is to do the will of him that sent me, and to finish his work. Is this your philosophy
too? I love how this man of God prayed for his sheep: Colossians 4:12; Epaphras, who is
one of you, a servant of Christ, saluteth you, always labouring fervently for you in
prayers, that ye may stand perfect and complete in all the will of God. Is this your prayer
too? Do you pray like this for your loved ones? What is your man of God praying for you?
What is your major prayer request in life? O that it was only to know God and His perfect
will for your life!

I will summarise the will of God for us in the following ways:

a) Knowing God

We all know that Jesus came to give us eternal life. Some think this is living forever, but
sinners and devils will live forever too in hell of course. Jesus defined eternal life for us in:
John 17:3; And this is life eternal, that they might know thee the only true God, and Jesus
Christ, whom thou hast sent. According to Jesus eternal life is to know God and Himself,
basically to get acquainted with The Godhead. Do you know God? Most of us have an
intellectual and academic knowledge of God. We know facts about God in a biographical
way. It is one thing to know about someone by reading their life story in a book, but it is
altogether different to have a living personal intimate relationship with them. Therefore
knowing God is coming into an intimate love affair with The God of the universe.

Do you know God in this manner? Do you share life with Him? Have you ever shared His
burdens and concerns? He yearns to fellowship with you. Do you give Him the right of way
in your life? We grow into intimacy with God by deliberately spending both quantity and
quality time with Him in His WORD, in PRAYER and WORSHIP. There we enter the throne
of grace not to ask for our needs, but to spend time with Him, time flies away in such sweet
romance with Him. Sitting at His feet, musing on His person and glory, being still to allow
Him speak to us in the most casual friendly intimate way. Do you know what is the most
pressing need of God? Do you know that He loves to spend time with you? See your Master
picturing Himself on the door of our hearts knocking, seeking intimacy with you (Revelation
3:20). Will you not open for Him? God desires that you may know Him more. The Christian
life is a love affair with the GREAT YAHWEH. We are to be always pursuing intimacy with
God. Do you love God? Do you care enough to kick that bed cover off you at 3am and go on
your knees to converse with Him in prayer? Do you sing hymns of Love to Him? Are you
forsaking all to pursue God for His sake alone and not His benefits and gifts? Jesus requires
you to know His FATHER and Himself more. This is the first will of God for your life.
b) Church life

The Church is The Body of Christ, the gathering of all believers in Christ of all
denominations and nations. There is the corporate Body of Christ. Once you get born again,
The Holy Spirit baptised you into this universal Church. But there is also a small local body
of believers, this we call a local church or assembly of believers that every believer should
belong to. In this local body we are to meet regularly for accountability, to praise and worship
God together, learn God's WORD and principles, then be empowered to go out as Christ's
Ambassadors in our individual lives. Jesus requires you to find a small local group to identify
with, for you and your family to regularly submit to the spiritual leadership of that local
assembly. Jesus the Overall Head of the church, has Himself placed in your local church His
anointed men and women, that extend His work in your life, these pray for you, teach you
God's WORD, counsel and help you in all your obligations and challenges in life. Never be
of those who just stay at home claiming to be pastored on the radio or TV! No, be part of a
local church. Read this admonition: Hebrews 10:25; Not forsaking the assembling of
ourselves together, as the manner of some is; but exhorting one another: and so much
the more, as ye see the day approaching.

Now your obligation to this local body: Attend regularly the church activities, pay your tithes
and offering, if you have some spare time volunteer or give a hand in the responsibilities of
the church as guided by the leadership. Support your pastors in all things, financially support
the church activities like missions, building projects etc. This is what Christ requires of you.
If you are ever honoured with a responsibility by your spiritual leaders, be faithful in it as
though doing it to The LORD Himself and not man. If you are a minister or a pastor, what an
honour to be a shepherd or a Teacher of God's people. Then give it your all, not for money's
sake but for the salvation of souls and the confirmation and perfection of those that are
already saved. Teach the people The WORD and grow them into mature Christians always
pointing them to CHRIST alone and never to yourself. Acts 20:28; Take heed therefore unto
yourselves, and to all the flock, over which the Holy Ghost hath made you overseers, to feed
the church of God, which he hath purchased with his own blood.

This is what Jesus requires of you, this is His will for your life.

c) Family life.

Family is small yet the most fundamental institution on earth. It is the building blocks of both
the church and the nation. Without good families there will be no sensible civilised nations.
Christ requires you as a Christian to build a strong solid Christian home and family. Look at
what God spoke of Abraham: Genesis 18:19; For I know him, that he will command his
children and his household after him, and they shall keep the way of the LORD, to do
justice and judgment; that the LORD may bring upon Abraham that which He hath
spoken of him. Can Christ be confident of you like this that you will raise a good solid
Christian family for His glory? This is God's will for you that you build a stable Christian
home run on biblical principles.

If you are not married, you should handle your life in purity, waiting on God to settle you in
holy matrimony. So prepare yourself for marriage, serve God with that extra time and
resources as a single person. If you are married, then Christ requires you to work on your
marriage and make it a success for His glory. Love your spouse as Christ loved you in dying
for you. Selfishness, anger, bitterness, resentment, fights, unforgiveness, strife, physical and
verbal abuse, neglect, etc should never be known in your home. Let love reign in your
marriages. Esteem your spouse better than yourself, choosing to always have it the hard way
that your friend may have it easy, giving preference to your spouse over your own interests.
This is God's will for your life.

Parents should be diligent to raise their children in the way of The LORD. There should be a
love and faith environment in your home for your children to grow up healthy physically
emotionally, psychologically and spiritually. There should never be child neglect in your
home, family devotion times, Bible study, prayers should be a priority in your home.
Discipline your children according to the scriptures and be there for your family, never
consume yourself in the ministry or career at the expense of your home life.

Children, those still under the care of your parents, submit and honour your parents, this
Christ requires of you. Respect them and be subject to their authority, you will live a healthy
long life. Aged children already married, never forget your aged parents in their vulnerable
stage of life whether saved or not. This is a commandment of our LORD to adorn His gospel
with good commendable works of love.

Dedicate your family unto God, if your partner is not saved let not that bother you, just live
out the Christian life of love to them and patiently believe God in prayer for their salvation.
The Good LORD is faithful He will save them one of these days. Pray like Joshua, that as for
me and my household we shall serve God. This is God's will for your life.

d) Your specific calling and assignment

Colossians 4:17; And say to Archippus, Take heed to the ministry which thou hast
received in the LORD, that thou fulfill it.

You can delete Archippus and put your own name in that verse! You must know that now
that you are saved, your whole life belongs to Christ. You can longer do what you want. You
must seek God to give you an assignment and get at it with your all strength. Whatever The
Good LORD enables you to do, it is a ministry. Then you must take heed of it to fulfill it to
completion and perfection. God has given you different gifts and abilities which are to aid
you in fulfilling His Will.

Do you know God's calling for your life? Some are called to the ministry of preaching the
gospel or work with the church, some in careers, others in politics and governance or
business. Anything you get your hands on, do it as to the LORD and not to man or your boss.
What does Jesus require of you? He requires you to find out and fulfill God's perfect will for
your life. I know some people that God called to the ministry in the church but they couldn't
give up their careers or business, they seem successful now, but what will become of them on
the judgment day? Yet still I know others who are presumptuously trespassing into the Holy
ministerial offices, yet they ought to be in careers, these are in a grave danger too. Always
seek God earnestly to find your place. It is only safe in the perfect will of God.

Some can work both in the career world and in the church. But there is always a major in
God's assignments. He cannot give you a call to do everything. There is always a major
calling that should take 90% of your energy and resources, and then you can give a hand in
minor assignments. Are you fulfilling God's perfect will for your life? Or you are doing your
own thing? This is God's will for your life, that you fulfill your God given ministry and

e) Your Nation

Christ is interested in our nation's affairs. So He requires you to be involved in your nation’s
political, social and economic details. Do we pray for our national leaders? Do we participate
in our democratic elections? Do we pay our taxes faithfully? If employed in the government,
do we represent Christ and serve our nations diligently? Do we use our individual blessings
to bless our nations in setting up big structures like private schools, hospitals and the like?
The church is the light, salt and preservation of our nations. If we withdraw into our own
affairs and do not get involved in the issues of our nations, then our countries will rot and
degrade in morals and secularism or be taken over by other religious extremists.

We cannot afford to sit and enjoy our fellowships when our country men are going to hell.
We must arise and lift up the banner of Christ in our nations. We must let our light shine, that
our country men may see our good works and glorify our Heavenly FATHER.

Yes we must pray but if this is all done without getting involved in the practical affairs of our
nations, then we are at a great loss. This is God's will for us that we may take charge of our
nations for the glory of Christ. I see THE LORD JESUS, rising up a great number of
Christians in politics, economics, business and entrepreneurship. These are taking charge of
our nations. Amen. Are you part of this army? Or do you desire to be part of it?

Micah 6:8; He hath shewed thee, O man, what is good; and what doth the LORD require of
thee, but to do justly, and to love mercy, and to walk humbly with thy God?


We have laboured to share with you in these lessons the theme of the 3 important questions
every Christian should know. This is our last lesson. Please go back to each of the lessons
and study it again. Share with someone these truths. Look at this promise in:

Daniel 11:32; ".... but the people that do know their God shall be strong, and do

Do you know your God? Are you among these blessed ones who will do exploits? These
lessons can aid you to start on this journey.

I pray for you that you may know Christ the Son of God. That you may know what He has
done for you, and that you may be perfected in His will for your life. Amen.

He must increase but I must decrease. John 3:30

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