Soal Ulngan Harian Bahasa Inggris Kelas Viii Semester Genap: Answer These Questions No.1-4

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GENAP 3. Who explain about the camp activities?
a) Teacher b) Anton c) Ridwan d) Dimas
Choose the best answer!
Answer these questions No.1-4 4. How long did the tour will probably held?
a) one hour c) two hours
Ridwan, Tom and Dimas arrive at the camp early Saturday
b) three hours d) four hours
morning. They unpacked and met their teacher. The teacher
explained about the camp activities. They could swim in the
5. A : do you mind……. the window?
lake everyday between 1 p.m and 3 p.m. they could learn how
B : no problem.
to sail between 2 p.m and 4 p.m on Monday and Wednesday
a) Clean b) To clean c) Cleaning d)
and from 9 a.m to 11.30 a.m on Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday.
They could also ride bicycle from 9 a.m to 5 p.m everyday. A
guide tour to the top of the mountain was available every
Tuesday, and Thursday at 9 a.m. the tour would probably take 6. A : Do you mind lending me a book?
four hours. B : ……………
A : Thank you.
1. What type of this text above? What is the suitable response above?
a) Report text c) Narrative text a) No problem. Here you are. C) sorry. I’m busy
b) Recount text d) Descriptive text b) get me one d) No. Thanks

2. What is the purpose of this text? 7. Budi :Hello!

a) To retell about the activities of camping Mr. Anton : Hello can I speak to Mr. Joni, please?
b) To retell about anton, ridwan and dimas Budi : sorry, ……….. He has just go out.Can I take a
c) To retell about the teacher message?
d) To retell about the swimming Mr. Anton : No, thank. I’ll call him later.
a) this is Anton speaking c) I’m Budi a) He wanted to give some this mother
b) this is joni speaking d) I’m joni b) He liked sweet things
c) He was angry
8. Ani : Hello, good evening. May I speak to Rani, Please? d) He was greedy
Rani : ……….. What’s up, Ani?
a) Rani’s speaking c) Ani’s speaking 14. In the end, kwai-san took……pieceof candy.
b) Rani’s mother’s speaking d) Ani’s mother’s speaking a) One b) two c) three d) four

9. x : ………….does the clothes cost? 15. From the passage, we now that…..
Y : It’s $ 25.00. a) Kwai-san lived in Beijing
a) how many b) how much c) how old d) how b) Kwai-san’s mother went to Beijing
far c) The neck of the jar was big
d) Kwai-san’s uncle received a letter
10. x : ………. Is your grandma’s village from this place?
Y : it’ about 500 metres
16. Arrange the jumble words into a good sentences
a) how long b) how far c) how much d) how old
Morning – the - washed – He – Saturday – car - last
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Answer the question No.11-15
a) 3,5,7,2,1,6,4 c) 4,3,7,5,1,2,6
Once there was a greedy boy named kwai-san. He lived in a
b) 4,3,2,6,7,5,,1 d) 7,5,1,4,2,6,3
village in china. One day, his mother sent him to his uncle’s
house in Beijing with a letter. When kwai-san reached there, he
17. Arrange the jumble words into a good sentences
delivered the letter.
Me – uncle – visited –my – holiday – last
Before kwai-san left, his uncle said,”the jar in the hall
1 2 3 4 5 6
containsDragon-beard candy. You may put your hand into it
a) 4,2,1,3,6,5 c) 4,2,3,1,6,5
once and take some.”
b) 3,6,5,1,4,2 d) 6,5,3,1,2,4
Kwai-san looked at the jar. It had a small neck. He put his
hand into the jar and grabbed five piece of candy. Arrrhhhh! He
Question for no 18-20
couldn’t get his hand out. He turned his fist this way and that
Complete this text with suitable words!
way, but he still couldn’t get his hand out. Finally, he let go of
On Sunday we (..18…) to the zoo. First, we went to the
four pieces. Then, he could pull of his hand out of the jar.
monkey cage. The monkeys (…19…) eating bananas. They threw
From this letter, kwai-san learned not to be greedy.
the bananas skins on the floor. On little monkey (..20….) at us. It
11. Kwai-san went to Beijing with……
hid behind his mother. I didn’t see the monkey’s father until
a) With his mother b) by himself c) his uncle d) a
suddenly it appeared slowly from behind a tree.
18. a) go b) went c) gone d) is going

12. The piece of candy were….

19. a) is b) was c) were d) are
a) In a bottle b) on a table c) in a jar d) in a tin
20. a) threw b) looked c) see d) hit
13. Kwai-san took many piece of candy because….

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