State Counsellor Opens Education Development Implementation Conference 2020 in Nay Pyi Taw

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State Counsellor opens new ‘model Vice President U Henry Van Thio attends
building’ of primary school in Pyinmana ‘2020 Seed Fair’

Vol. VI, No. 287, 5 th Waxing of Tabodwe 1381 ME Wednesday, 29 January 2020

State Counsellor opens Education Development

Implementation Conference 2020 in Nay Pyi Taw
T HE Education Develop-
ment Implementation Con-
ference 2020 (Basic Education
the Hluttaw Affairs Committee
chairpersons, Deputy Minis-
ter for Education U Win Maw
ed guests.
In her address to the Con-
ference, the State Counsellor
Sector) was held at Myanmar Tun, states/regions ministers, Daw Aung San Suu Kyi said:
International Convention Cen- the National Education Poli- “A conference is an occasion
tre -II (MICC-II) in Nay Pyi Taw cy Commission, the national in which solutions are sought
at 10:00 am yesterday morning, Curriculum Committee, the for through the exchange of
and the State Counsellor Daw National Education Standards views, based on individual ex-
Aung San Suu Kyi attended the and Quality Assurance Eval- periences, with reference to
ceremony and delivered the uation Committee, Chairman the individual knowledge and
opening speech. and officials of the Rectors skills in respective disciplines.
Present on the occasion Committee, Directors-Gener- As regards top views, people’s
were the Stockholm World al, Rectors, Deputy Directors views differ because their spe-
Peace Award holder Sayadaw General, states and region ed- cializations, and experiences
Dr Bhaddanta Sobhita and ucation officers, headmasters/ differ, resulting in the different
revered Sayadaws, the Union mistresses of schools, paper interpretations and opinions.
Ministers U Min Thu, Lt-Gen presenters, representatives Hence, we must accept the fun-
Yè Aung, U Soe Win, Dr Pe of development partner or- damental concept that every
Myint, Dr Myo Thein Gyi, Dr ganizations, students associ- individual carries a different
Myint Htwe and Dr Win Myat ations, representatives of the view or concept.
Aye, the Chairman of the Nay private schools, and officials
Pyit Taw Council Dr Myo Aung, concerned, students and invit- SEE PAGE-3

State Counsellor Daw Aung San Suu Kyi delivers the opening speech at the Education Development Implementation Conference 2020 (Basic Education Sector) in Nay Pyi Taw.  PHOTO: MNA



MPs support ODA loan Union Minister Union Minister
from Poland, debate U Thant Sin U Kyaw Tin
JPAC’s 16/2019 report in Maung receives US receives UNSG’s
Pyidaungsu Hluttaw Ambassador Special Envoy

Pyidaungsu Hluttaw

MPs support ODA loan from Poland, debate JPAC’s 16/2019 report in Pyidaungsu Hluttaw

MP U Maung Maung Ohn.  MP U Aye Naing.   PHOTO: MNA MP Dr Saw Naing.  PHOTO: MNA MP U Win Min.   PHOTO: MNA MP Major Zay Phyo. 

T HE second day meeting

of Pyidaungsu Hluttaw’s
15th regular session continued
discussions yesterday about
the Euro 50 million ODA loans
from the Government of Po-
land and debated the first sec-
tion of Joint Public Accounts
Committee Report(16/2019).
The ODA loan is intended
for implementing rubbish re-
cycling project in Yangon mu-
nicipal area, proposed by the
Yangon Region Government. MP U Than Soe (a) Than Soe.  MP U Maung Maung Oo.  MP U Aye Bo.   PHOTO: MNA MP Daw Khin San Hlaing. 
from Ayeyawady Region con-
stituency 4 supported the loan project is essential for Yangon ency 12, U Myo Win from Mon in collaboration of the central revenues.
plan, saying the project will city, and advised the update of State constituency 8, U Bo Gyi organizations and the respec- MP Daw Khin San Hlaing
use industrial biotechnology three-year construction pro- from Chauk constituency and tive State/Region governments from Pale constituency urged
in recycling rubbish in the ject should be reported annu- Dr Win Myint from Bago Re- for effective and efficient use respective ministries and gov-
absence of oxygen, and it is ally to the Pyidaungsu Hluttaw. gion constituency 11. for required projects. ernment agencies to overcome
appropriate for Myanmar. The MPs who supported MP U Win Win suggested weaknesses in managing the
MP U Aye Naing from Da- the loan plan were U Ye My- Joint Public Accounts Com- reducing 18 per cent interest budgets with responsibility
gon Myothit (South) constitu- int from Yangon Region con- mittee Report(16/2019) rates of the Cooperative De- and accountability.
ency called for urgent imple- stituency 7, U Win Min from The MPs also discussed partment to the farmers al- The report was also dis-
mentation of the project due to Hlainethaya constituency, U the of Joint Public Accounts though the department took cussed by the other 12 Hluttaw
bad smells from rubbish piles Than Soe (a) Than Soe (Eco) Committee Report(16/2019) US$400 million loan from the representatives.
and the risk of fire. He also from Yangon Region constit- on its findings for the period China Exim Bank at an inter- Pyidaungsu Hluttaw will
suggested for buying garbage uency 4, U Maung Maung Oo April-September 2018. est rate of 4.5 per cent for rural hold its third day meeting of
trucks for the city. from Insein constituency, U Pyithu Hluttaw’s Tatmad- development and poverty alle- 15th regular session on 29 Jan-
MP Dr Saw Naing from Aye Bo from Yangon Region aw Representative MP Major viation programmes. uary.—Aung Ye Thwin and Aye
South Okkalapa constituency constituency 11, U Kyaw Naing Zay Phyo discussed that the He also discussed timely Aye Thant
agreed the loan plan as the from Yangon Region constitu- budgets should be drawn up collection of taxes for state (Translated by Aung Khin)

Education Development
Implementation Conference
2020 held in Nay Pyi Taw
THE Education Development human resources for the country.
Implementation Conference He also said the government
(Basic Education Sector) 2020 is implementing the reform plans
was held at the Myanmar Inter- for development of the country’s
national Convention Centre II education in line with laws, rules,
(MICC-II) yesterday afternoon. plans and strategies as it was in
During the second session of very weakened state for many
conference, Union Minister for years.
Education said the conference Director-General U Ko Lay
was aimed to find solutions in Win from the Department of
reforming basic education sector Basic Education explained the Union Minister Dr Myo Thein Gyi addresses the second session of Education Development Implementation
with short term and long term development in the Education Conference 2020 in Nay Pyi Taw yesterday.  PHOTO: MNA
plans in accordance with the Na- Development Implementation Then, senior officials from The reports were then dis- conference will continue on 29
tional Education Strategic Plan Conference (Basic Education the department presented their cussed by small groups, and January.—MNA
to be able to generate capable Sector) 2018 Report. reports on basic education sector. discussions were recorded. The (Translated by Aung Khin)
29 JANUARY 2020

To build a developed country, it depends on the knowledge and skills of

the citizens, as well as on the development of the sector of education.
State Counsellor
FROM PAGE-1 the world. To build a developed
country, it depends on the knowl-
But today these different edge and skills of the citizens, as
views will be pooled, discussions well as on the development of
will be held over the drawbacks the sector of education. There-
and challenges in the sector of fore, we must strongly build the
education, and the reforms to system of quality education. For
be made, and the best solutions this purpose, we must review
will be sought for in the sector the present education system,
of the education of our country. teaching methods, educational
As regards to the reforms, management and administra-
two conditions may be taken tion and teachers’ qualities.
into consideration. First, re- To launch such reforms, it
views may be made on the con- isn’t easy for the government
ditions in the past. Secondly, the alone to perform the tasks suc-
reforms are to be introduced for cessfully. I said, it isn’t easy,
the betterment of the future. but it is completely out of the
Obviously, whatever system question to do so. It is of great
you have, it isn’t easy to launch importance for the people, and
the reforms. If reforms are on those involved in the sector of
the way, those who are going education to cooperate and col-
to be involved in the process, laborate. Today, it is heartening
and engaged in the tasks of the to observe that the development
implementation must change partner organizations have been
their mind-set first. I have used collaborating with the Ministry
the loan word “mind-set” be- of Education, investing their ef-
cause it’s hard to find its My- forts and services in the sector State Counsellor Daw Aung San Suu Kyi visits the exhibition at the Education Development Implementation
anmar equivalent. Of course, of education. For this, I’d like Conference 2020 (Basic Education Sector) in Nay Pyi Taw yesterday.  PHOTO: MNA
I never encourage the habit of to express my heartfelt thanks
code switching, sandwiching to you. I hope you will keep on drawn the conclusion that this difference between the team reading so as to develop their
the English expressions while giving aid to us. type of assessment really shows work and the group work might students’ ways of thinking.
talking in Myanmar. I’d like all Now, by implementing the the educational standard. How- be considered, too. From my In fact, a teacher is a lifetime
of you involved in the sector of new education system of KG+12 ever, later, we have discovered point of view, team work is a learner. Naturally, a teacher
education to keep this in mind. in the sector of the Basic Edu- that even in the countries given group that is more definitely may engage himself or herself
If you’re going to speak in My- cation, we hope we will be able credit for having the best edu- identified. You set up a team throughout his or her whole life-
anmar, I’d like you to use the or a group and assign particu- time in learning and developing
Myanmar equivalents, if possi- lar tasks to the members. On the academic quality, the peda-
ble. If not possible, then use the
loan words. You must be brave In order to make reforms, the other hand, a group work
is a sort of operation in which
gogy, English, and ICT Skills.
Teachers today should surf
enough for this sort of change,
and you must have tolerance to
we must be able exercise all come together and work to-
gether. Here, there might be no
the websites and study the ed-
ucation systems of other coun-
any outcomes, criticisms and
challenges from this kind of
our wisdom and our rational specific tasks assigned. But you
are there, working together. And
tries and increase their knowl-
edge so as to keep abreast with
change. Education teaches you
in what areas to introduce the
thinking so that we can project activities are the activ-
ities that involve the members
the times. For this purpose, the
language skills will come into
reforms and what not to do so. make the right decisions. to set out to a task or a mission. play. Therefore, I’d urge you all
In order to make reforms, After a project, the members to keep on studying the interna-
we must be able exercise our may break up. So it’s just for tional language or languages.
wisdom and our rational think- only one mission. Today, the Ministry of Ed-
ing so that we can make the to equip our children with the cation, their education system And in the Case Study ucation is engaged in drawing
right decisions. Therefore, it is 21st century skills as the good is not in line with the needs and Method, you make a close study “the Indicator Framework
very important that our educa- citizens of our country, and it is demands of the period. That’s of a case, and exercise your ra- for continuous development
tion system should be direct- quite heartening. This reform of why we need to make contin- tional thinking for how to make of teachers’ quality based on
ed towards training the edu- the new system will be complet- uous reviews on the ongoing an approach towards a case and equality”. It is hoped that teach-
cation and foresightedness of ed by 2022-2023 academic year. conditions. how to tackle with it. Therefore, ers will have great opportunities
the young minds. Here, I’d like In the present, indicators Teachers are supposed to it is important to accomplish the for lifelong learning while their
to draw your attention to the and numerical are usually re- guide the students to learn not tasks at every stage. pedagogical qualities will be en-
difference between education ferred to as the yardsticks of only the subject matters pre- In building the human re- hanced continuously.
and foresightedness. As you all the education system. But if you scribed in the curriculum but source development, we must Another point I’d like to go
know, education can be learned relay look at how a student has also relate what they learn to consider what kind of human into details is equality. Equality
while, from my point of view, achieved, the recommended what is there beyond the class- resource must be developed. is important for all human soci-
foresightedness is the qualifi- criteria should be how much room. So teachers are required In this kind of mission, teach- eties. So teachers, students, and
cation that makes a base of ed- a student can exercise his or to train them about how to col- er is everything. What kind of all those involved in education
ucation or learning and predict her rational thinking, how he lect data, evaluate the data, qualifications should a teach- services in the academic field
what issues could take place in or she can get the issues solved find solutions and enter discus- er possess? For this purpose, must have access to equality
the future and how to solve the through the exercise of his or sions, etc. So modern teaching what measures should be tak- while there must be equality for
issues. her prudence. This type of as- methodology should be put into en? These are the questions taking into consideration and
According to the schol- sessment should be taken into practice through Team Work, to consider before we start the fulfilling the needs and weak-
ars, it is noted that education consideration. It’s been a long Group Work, Project Activities, implementation. nesses of each individual.
is the best thing to construct time ago that the scholars have Case Study Method, etc. The A teacher should do wide SEE PAGE-5

State Counsellor Daw Aung San Suu Kyi opens new

‘model building’ of primary school in Pyinmana
S TATE Counsellor Daw
Aung San Suu Kyi inaugu-
rated a new ‘model building’
of Basic Education Primary
School (Bawgawadi) of Pyin-
mana in Dekkhina District,
Nay Pyi Taw, yesterday morn-
Opening ceremony of the
school building was also at-
tended by Union Minister for
the Office of Union Govern-
ment U Min Thu, Union Minis-
ter for Electricity and Energy
U Win Khaing, Union Minister
for Education Dr Myo Thein
Gyi, Chairman of Nay Pyi Taw
Council Dr Myo Aung, Depu-
ty Minister U Maung Maung
Win and Dr Kyaw Lin, Pyithu
Hluttaw MP U Than Soe Aung,
officials from the Ministry of
Education, teachers, students
and town elders.
State Counsellor Daw
Aung San Suu Kyi, Union
Ministers U Min Thu, U Win
Khaing and Dr Myo Thein
Gyi, Chairman of Nay Pyi Taw
Council Dr Myo Aung, Pyithu
Hluttaw MP U Than Soe Aung State Counsellor Daw Aung San Suu Kyi and dignitaries cut ribbon to open the new ‘model building’ of Basic Education Primary School (Bawgawadi)
and Headmistress Daw Tin Tin in Nay Pyi Taw yesterday.  PHOTO: MNA
Mar cut the ceremonial ribbon
to launch the new building of Myo Win Aung, and Headmis- students and teachers. is a two-storey reinforced ce- in States/Regions and one in
school. tress Daw Tin Tin Mar. She also looked around the ment concrete structure with Nay Pyi Taw — across the
After having a group pho- State Counsellor planted a classes where children were three classrooms, built on 7.85 country in 2018-2019 financial
to taken, the State Counsellor Gangaw tree to mark the open- painting, reciting poems and acres of land. year. Each of these two-storey
received a commemorative gift ing ceremony of new school reading books in the library The government has con- school buildings has an area of
presented by Officer of Nay Pyi building in front of it and posed of the school. structed a total of 15 quality 168ftx184ft.—MNA
Taw Education Department U for documentary photos with The new ‘model building’ primary school buildings—14 (Translated by Aung Khin)

State Counsellor Daw Aung San Suu Kyi plants a Gangaw tree at the
opening ceremony of the new ‘model building’ of Basic Education State Counsellor Daw Aung San Suu Kyi is welcomed by students at the opening ceremony of the new ‘model
Primary School (Bawgawadi) in Nay Pyi Taw yesterday.  PHOTO: MNA building’ of Basic Education Primary School (Bawgawadi) in Nay Pyi Taw yesterday.  PHOTO: MNA
29 JANUARY 2020

Every child must have access to education: State Counsellor

FROM PAGE-3 between the quality of the state ature that might be fit to their education, which are (1) to pro- building of the country’s future.
As long as there exist dis- schools and that of the private age level. Opportunities must duce good citizens (2) to promote Then followed the group
criminations, there will always be schools. be created for the students to the good habits of collaboration photo session of the State Coun-
issues, and as a result, there will Because our government participate themselves. (3) to train our children to value sellor, the Union Ministers, the
be no room for peace. (You know, takes time and has to struggle We need to teach our stu- the responsibility and accounta- Nay Pyi Taw Council Chair-
in your homes, your schools, your for making progress, we have not dents how to protect themselves bility (4) to enable the children to man, authorities concerned,
offices, your surroundings, in this as yet had a chance to spend the when a natural disaster breaks exercise their innovative ideas, the National Education Policy
world), you need to reduce the required educational budgets as out. I’ve been informed that in which are to produce the new Commission, the National Cur-
situations where discriminations much as it should be. But we are order to enhance their morality, generations for the future of our riculum Committee, the Na-
occur. If you have no equality, allotting the educational budg- books under the Integrity Pro- country. In launching and im- tional Education Standard and
there will occur the issue of “be- ets as much as we can. You all motion Education Programme plementing the educational re- Quality Assurance Assessment
ing neglected”. So please note know that the educational budg- are now being distributed in forms, parents and students and Committee, the Chairman of
this: the factors for the outbreak ets have been on the increase basic education schools so that teachers and all those involved in the Rectors Committee and the
of the conflicts include the factor from year to year. Yet there is our students will be equipped education should make concert- authorities concerned, the Di-
of being neglected. still a need to spend the budget with the ability of perceiving the ed efforts. If we can construct rectors General, rectors, paper
It is natural that all conflicts according to the regional and Truth and dissolving the issues, the quality education system, not presenters, representatives of
exist in the society. The ties of re- international indicators. and are expected to collaborate only we ourselves but also others the development partner organ-
lations can also be more strongly In the basic schools, sti- and participate in the Peace Ed- need to be engaged in continuous izations. Then the State Coun-
established through negotiating pends are offered to students ucation successfully. learning for self-development. sellor, the Union Ministers, the
and finding a solution to these while free education system is Here, I would like to draw Indeed, education is a thing to Nay Pyi Taw Council Chairman
conflicts, and as a result, better, being implemented. So parents your attention to the issues. Of pass from generation to gener- and the authorities concerned
and more peaceful conditions can reduce the expenses on the course, I always stress that an ation. So what we have learned, inspected the Chemistry Booth
can be restored. education of their children, thus issue is not an issue. The issue what we have experienced, what and the Home Economic Booth
In learning and the learning enjoying the benefits of the free is how to solve it right. If you do we would like to suggest will be under Yangon Region Education
process, all inclusiveness and education system. not apply the right way of solving exchanged. I’d urge you all to Officer’s Office, the ICT Booth
equality are important factors. In developing the human a problem, we can’t solve any make the best contributions to and 360 ED for Education Booth
We should consider the fact that resources, we need to train our problems effectively in the long leave a milestone in the para- under the Department of Basic
every child must have access to students, our youths to be fit and run. As the education standard digm shift called the education Education and the New Curric-
education, and that the factors strong so as to produce outstand- goes high, the country will be reforms in the Basic Education ulum Teaching Aid Booth un-
of being neglected, gaps and ing humans. developed, as in the saying, “A Sector. der the Nay Pyi Taw Education
inequalities must be taken into It is necessary to teach art lotus looks more graceful as the In conclusion, I would stress Officer’s Office, the Innovative
account. I am glad that the Minis- and music and other aesthetic water level rises”. So our per- that you may not enter discus- Educational Research Booth
try of Education is making every subjects so that love of peace will sonnel serving in the education sions with the attitude that you presented by the Yangon Edu-
effort to successfully implement be inculcated in the mind of our sector must enjoy high standard. are always right. In the case of cation under the Department
the goal of being all-inclusive, students. Youths today are ob- So to make a success in the discussions and negotiations, of Higher Education, the Booth
providing access to equality and served to be addicts to computer education sector, the physical you may be wrong and they may of the Myanmar Examination
quality education and the Sus- games or online games, which is and mental needs and weak- also be right. With this attitude, Board Department, the Booth for
tainable Development Goal. no good for them. So teachers nesses of our teachers must be we can make advance. So in your the Guidance for building a Safe,
While we must build our and parents should come togeth- considered. In order to improve discussions, please open your Happy Kids Model School, the
state schools more and more er, discuss and give guidance. the quality education, reviews mind, listen to their views. If Booth of the Seven Prioritized
strongly, we must not fail to give We need to launch cam- should be made on the task pro- views differ, why? Which views Task programmes and the Booth
support to the development of paigns in universities and high grammes for each individual could serve for the betterment of the Dangers of Smoking and
the private schools. But I wish schools, and hold educational student’s access to the oppor- of our country? When you think Tobacco under the Ministry of
our parents may not adopt the talks on the prevention of narcot- tunity of learning, each individ- about the issues, please take into Health and Sports, the Booth of
attitude that only the private ic drugs. The school libraries and ual teacher’s qualifications, and consideration, not for one or two Science and Recycle Art under
schools can provide the best the reading rooms should open then quality educational services or three years to come, but for the Mandalay Region Education
education. Measures must be the doors to our kids. There, we must be provided. Moreover, we the younger generations of our Officer’s Office.—MNA
taken to narrow down the gap must provide books and liter- have the main objectives of basic country. We all must strive for the (Translated by Dr Zaw Tun)

Vice President
U Henry Van Thio
receives South Korean
VICE President U Henry Van of the two nations, tourism sec-
Thio received Ambassador of tor development and cultural
the Republic of Korea Mr Lee cooperation, and sending My-
Sang-hwa at the diplomatic hall anmar delegation of high-rank-
of the Presidential Palace in Nay ing officials to the World Summit
Pyi Taw yesterday. on Peace, Security and Human
During the meeting, they Development in South Korea.
discussed matters related to pro- Also present at the meeting
moting bilateral cooperation be- were Permanent Secretary of
tween Myanmar and South Ko- Ministry of Foreign Affairs U Soe
rea, promotion of bilateral trade Han and officials. —MNA
and investment, strengthening Vice President U Henry Van Thio meets with Ambassador of the Republic of Korea Mr Lee Sang-hwa at the
friendship between the peoples (Translated by Kyaw Zin Tun) Presidential Palace in Nay Pyi Taw yesterday.  PHOTO: MNA

Vice President U Henry Van Thio attends ‘2020 Seed Fair’

Thio, the head of the Leading
Committee for the Protection of
Farmers Rights and Promotion
of Interest, delivered an opening
remark on the ‘2020 Seed Fair’
which was held at the State Ag-
ricultural Institute in Pyinmana
Township of Nay Pyi Taw Council
Area yesterday morning.
The event was also attended
by Union Minister for Agricul-
ture, Livestock and Irrigation
Dr Aung Thu, chairpersons of
Hluttaw Affairs Committee,
Deputy Ministers, Hluttaw rep-
resentatives, Members of Nay
Pyi Taw Council, heads of de-
partments, representatives of
seed producing associations and
companies, farmers from States
and Regions, seed buyers and
In his speech, the Vice Pres-
ident emphasized the impor-
tance of quality seeds suitable
for respective areas in produc-
ing sufficient, nutritious and safe
Vice President U Henry Van Thio visits the ‘2020 Seed Fair’ at the State Agricultural Institute in Nay Pyi Taw yesterday. 
foods which can help promote PHOTO: MNA
incomes of farmers.
He added that the govern- ments into these businesses or foreign companies have been The Vice President added ture, Livestock and Irrigation Dr
ment is implementing develop- those who are managing these allowed for 100 per cent invest- that if Myanmar could produce Aung Thu explained the objec-
ment of living standards for the businesses. Farmers include in ments with the approval of Min- more quality seeds for both tives of 2020 Seed Fair, develop-
farmers who contribute 70 per the categories of firms producing istry of Agriculture, Livestock domestic and foreign markets, ment of seed production sector
cent of the country’s population seeds and saplings of plant and and Irrigation, in promoting seed instead of importing from other and operating a sustainable seed
and enforcing the Law of Pro- animals. sector. countries, the farmers and all production mechanism through
tection of the Farmer Rights and “The government is over- Vice President U Henry Van stakeholders in seed producing strategic plans.
Enhancement of Their Benefits seeing quality and prices of Thio also advised relevant de- process will obtain benefits. The Vice President and par-
Amendment Law which was en- saplings, seeds, animal breeds partments, experts and private He also highlighted that ty looked around the displays of
acted in December 2018. and fish species, fertilizers, pes- sectors to cooperate in develop- seed producing organizations cultivation plots and the booths
Myanmar also adopted the ticides, foods and medicines in ment of seed sector to meet the and private firms need to fol- of seeds, fruits, agricultural ma-
Rural Development Law on 27 accordance with the law and objectives for promoting benefits low the existing law and rules chinery, mobile application for
December 2019 to promote the legal actions in the damages of of farmers. to sustain their business and farmers, demonstration plots
lives of rural people in a wide agricultural produce and capital He continued saying that production norms. and lab for examining seeds.
range of sectors. losses,” he added. Myanmar has a favourable geo- In conclusion, the Vice Pres- The ‘2020 Seed Fair’ dis-
The Vice President said that The Vice President also ex- graphical situation to become a ident called for organizing more played 49 booths for sees and
the term ‘farmers’ covers the plained production of seeds, stor- major seed producing country if seed fairs at the levels of States, the plots for 25 crops and 106
persons in the livelihoods of ag- age and packings with modern the existing policies are adjust- Regions and districts to promote species.—MNA
riculture and livestock, as well equipment for foreign markets. ed with amendments, relaxation the interests of farmers.
as those who are putting invest- In addition to local firms, and supports. Union Minister for Agricul- (Translated by Aung Khin)

Union Minister U Kyaw Tin receives United Nations Secretary-General’s Special Envoy on Myanmar
UNION MINISTER for International Cox’s Bazar to meet with the displaced
Cooperation U Kyaw Tin received United persons.
Nations Secretary-General’s Special En- The Union Minister also informed
voy on Myanmar Ms. Christine Schraner her of his view on the recent decision
Burgener at 1:00 pm, on 28 January 2020 by the International Court of Justice
at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Nay (ICJ) on ‘provisional measures’ in the
Pyi Taw. case brought by The Gambia against
During the meeting, they exchanged Myanmar as well as steps taken by the
views on measures taken by the govern- government to address the accounta-
ment for repatriation of displaced per- bility issue through domestic judicial
son for implementation of the National system as recommended by the final
Strategy on Resettlement of Internally report of the Independent Commission
Displaced Persons (IDPs) and Closure of Enquiry (ICOE).
of IDP Camps, recent developments Also present at the meeting were U
in creating conducive environment for Kyaw Thu Nyein, Deputy Director-Gen-
the returnees in cooperation with the eral of the International Organizations
United Nations and ASEAN, speeding and Economic Department of the Min-
up the citizenship application process, istry of Foreign Affairs and officials from Union Minister U Kyaw Tin meets with United Nations Secretary-General’s Special Envoy on
and recent visit of Myanmar officials to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.—MNA Myanmar Ms Christine Schraner Burgener in Nay Pyi Taw on 28 January 2020.  PHOTO: MNA
29 JANUARY 2020
29 JANUARY 2020

Coronavirus - Be INTERVIEW
2020, 73rd Anniversary Union Day

alert, not afraid Access to finance remains the largest challenge in the sector. National Objectives

Without this, it is difficult to improve irrigation facilities, 1. All ethnic nationals to preserve and protect for non-dis-
integration of the Union, non-disintegration of National

ITH the death toll in the coronavirus outbreak Unity and Perpetuation of Sovereignty.
crossing 100, health authorities in Myanmar have
beefed up surveillance at international airports
and border checkpoints, especially those along the
quality and yields, and storage capabilities. U Ye Min Aung, 2. To work on the peace process till success is achieved
based on Union spirit.
3. To strive with the collective strength of all ethnic nation-
border with China. Secretary-General, Myanmar Rice Federation als for rule of law, a fair justice system and the security
At present, more than 4,500 cases have been reported from the Oxford Business Group and safety of all citizens.
mainland, where there has been an outbreak of respiratory illness 4. To prevent/protect all people from the danger of narcotic
caused by a new coronavirus, which can spread from person to In what ways can Myanmar mostly of paddy fields, which of exports alone is not neces- reduce methane emissions by that safety regulations are in drugs as a national duty and thereby uplift their standard
person. diversify production? are not immediately suitable for sary, although these exports removing the need to flood rice place and illicit trade is kept to a of living.
As the pneumonia-causing virus has triggered a health scare U YE MIN AUNG: Diversifica- vegetable cultivation without do help ensure sectoral price paddies. Rice cultivation needs minimum. In addition, farmers 5. Emergence of a Constitution which will be in alignment
in China, it would be sensible to be concerned. But, we must take tion is great in theory, but it is treatment. stability and absorb market to be intensified in Myanmar, must follow health and safety with a genuine Democratic Federal Union.
care not to overreact to the developing situation. difficult to achieve. It requires In agriculture supply-side shocks. The number of coun- though not at the expense of procedures.
With Myanmar on high alert and surveillance mode, people state support and economic policies tend to fail, so if we tries Myanmar exports to has the environment. The System of Access to finance remains
seem to be reaching a point where public indifference has tipped strength. If we examine region- insist on diversification before grown considerably in recent Rice Intensification developed the largest challenge in the sec-
into worry, and even, fear. al trends, it took Thailand and we are able to bring it to scale years, almost tripling from 20 by Cornell University provides tor. Without this, it is difficult
Sales of face masks have Vietnam decades of commercial we will not succeed. Diversi- countries in 2012 to nearly 60 a great method for maintaining to improve irrigation facilities,
soared, with shortage report- rice farming to gather the fi- fication within a commodity by 2019. There has also been this balance, with an emphasis quality and yields, and storage
While we ed from some border towns. nancing and technical ability to chain is what we can consider. significant improvements in the on controlling inputs and plant capabilities. Our neighbours de-
While we should remain quality of production, with cer- management, and it has already veloped their agricultural sec- Myanmar Daily Weather Report
should remain on the alert for coronavirus, tification having played a role seen success in Myanmar. Nat- tors with the help of consistent, (Issued at 7:00 pm Tuesday 28th January, 2020)

on the alert for

there is no reason to be afraid.
Each suspected case is not Improvements are slowly in this. We have international
laboratories and inspection U Ye Min Aung
urally, pesticides are still nec-
essary in the sector, but there
innovative and well-capitalised
financial solutions. The Myan- BAY INFERENCE: Weather is partly cloudy to cloudy over
testing positive for the virus. companies coming to Myanmar needs to be more education mar Agriculture Development the South Bay and West Central Bay and a few cloud over the
coronavirus, On 26 January, a Chinese
traveler was quarantined at
taking place, but the to verify our output, and this is
raising standards right across
es. For instance, drip irrigation
is starting to be implemented
concerning their application,
and businesses have a respon-
Bank has a huge role to play in
the sector, and we encourage
Andaman Sea and elsewhere over the Bay of Bengal.

there is no rea-
sector needs investment
the Nyaungshwe Hospital the supply chain. and can greatly increase effi- sibility to support this. It is in the government to prioritise FORECAST VALID UNTIL NOON OF THE 29th January,
and treated for diarrhea and ciency, improve soil quality and the public interest to ensure its expansion. The bank already 2020: Light rain are likely to be isolated in Upper Sagaing Re-
son to be afraid. fever. Her condition improved How would you assess the has over 220 branches nation- gion and Kachin State. Degree of certainty is (60%). Weather

Each suspected
the next day. She showed no
signs of pneumonia. But, as as it is undercapitalised technology and storage fa-
cilities in the sector’s supply
wide, but it must focus on di-
versifying its product portfolio
will be partly cloudy in Taninthayi Region, Northern Shan,
Chin and Mon States and generally fair in the remaining
she was visiting from China chain? Rice cultivation needs and increasing its outreach pro- Regions and States.
case is not test- and hospitalized during the
and lacking expertise. YE MIN AUNG: Adequate stor- grammes. There is also a role

to be intensified in
surveillance period for coro- age facilities are vital for Myan- for microfinance institutions STATE OF THE SEA: Sea will be slight to moderate in My-
ing positive for navirus, she was quarantined.
In this scenario, we must
mar. Without effective drying
equipment the effects of climate
to play, but there is not yet at a
sufficient capacity level to gen-
anmar waters. Wave height will be about (5-7) feet in Deltaic,
off and along Rakhine Coast and about (4-6) feet in Gulf of
the virus. rely on information provid-
ed on official websites and
diversify at scale. On top of that,
our market has unique issues
With rice, for instance, we do
not currently manufacture rice
change are acutely felt, with
crops being ruined. Improve- Myanmar, though not erate real change. Though we
are latecomers to mechanised
Mottama, off and along Mon-Taninthayi Coast.

organizations. Information to overcome. Before diversifi- oil, biscuits, cosmetics or noo- ments are slowly taking place, agriculture, we can now use OUTLOOK FOR SUBSEQUENT TWO DAYS: Likelihood
from social media needs to
be considered in light of data provided on official websites, such as
cation can truly take place, we
need to study our ecology to en-
dles. Globally, rice consumption
has slowed but the market for
but the sector needs invest-
ment as it is undercapitalised at the expense of the this technology to accelerate
our growth trajectory. Our next
of slight decrease of night temperatures in Sagaing Region,
Kachin and Chin States.
those of international health organizations and health organizations able us to use it effectively. Fol- rice-based products, such as and lacking expertise. On the step as a nation should be to
from China.
Though the World Health Organization (WHO) has not yet
lowing Cyclone Nargis in 2008
we have seen an increase in
glucose, is growing. Meanwhile,
the country consumes 80% of
farming side, moves towards
more effective and sustainable
environment. prioritise expanding banking
facilities for farmers.
AREA FOR 29th January, 2020: Fair weather.
declared the Novel Coronavirus-2019 a public health emergency of pests and disease. Additionally, the rice it produces, meaning practices are under way but
international concern (PHEIC), it has declared it to be ‘high’ risk. Myanmar’s farmland consists that diversification for the sake they are only in the early stag- FORECAST FOR YANGON AND NEIGHBOURING AREA
The World Health Organization is recommending some basic FOR 29th January, 2020: Generally fair weather.
measures to limit the spread of the coronavirus. (The last two are
specifically focused on people in and around Ground Zero for the FORECAST FOR MANDALAY AND NEIGHBOURING
virus - Wuhan, China.) AREA FOR 29th January, 2020: Fair weather.
People must:
Frequently wash their hands with an alcohol-based hand rub, Readiness is the key to detect, combat spread of the new coronavirus
or warm water and soap.
Cover their mouth and nose with a flexed elbow or tissue when World Health Organization
sneezing or coughing.

Avoid close contact with anyone who has a fever or cough. HE World Health Organ- Region. tries in the Region to roll out ters of Health since the onset dinate global work on surveil- risk was assessed to be ‘high’.
Seek early medical help if they have a fever, cough, and difficulty ization South-East Asia As in the case of any new these guidelines, prioritizing of the outbreak. Last week Dr lance, epidemiology, modelling, WHO is keeping a close
breathing, and share their travel history with healthcare providers. has urged countries in virus, much remains to be un- reviewing and building capac- Khetrapal Singh also took stock diagnostics, clinical care and watch on the evolving situation
Avoid direct, unprotected contact with live animals and surfaces the Region to remain vigilant and derstood, the Regional Director ities for laboratory diagnostic, of the preparedness and sup- treatment, and other ways to and remains committed to work
in contact with animals when visiting live markets in affected areas. strengthen readiness to rapidly said, adding that globally WHO including referral of specimens port being extended by WHO to identify, manage the disease and with member countries to scale
Avoid eating raw or undercooked animal products and exer- detect any case of importation of has prepared interim guidance and diagnosis; trainings in case countries. limit onward transmission. up readiness and implement
cise care when handling raw meat, milk, or animal organs to avoid the new coronavirus and prevent on case detection, testing, clin- management, specimen collec- Two countries in the WHO Though the new corona- IHR core capacities to respond
cross-contamination with uncooked foods. its spread. ical management of cases, in- tion and transportation, and in- South-East Asia Region – Thai- virus being called novel coro- to any importation, Dr Khetrapal
As the virus’ footprint spreads, advisories on limiting travel will “It is time to focus all efforts fection prevention and control fection prevention and control; land and Nepal - have report- navirus-2019 was not declared Singh said, emphasizing that
likely be issued. As anyone who flies regularly knows, airplanes are on readiness guided by what- during health care, home care logistics support and communi- ed confirmed cases of the new a public health emergency of “We should continue to be vig-
a hotbed of germs. ever is known about the new for people suspected to have the cating risks and promoting de- coronavirus. international concern (PHEIC) ilant and ready to contain and
But, for now, we just need to keep the basics in mind. coronavirus,” said Dr Poonam virus, and guidance on reducing sired behavior in the community. Globally, WHO continues to by the Emergency Committee of prevent any further spread.”
Khetrapal Singh, Regional Di- transmission. The Regional Director has work with networks of research- the International Health Regu-
rector, WHO South-East Asia WHO is working with coun- been in contact with the Minis- ers and other experts to coor- lation which met last week, its

w w w.g lob al n ewl i g hto f myan mar.c o m YCDC distributes second round of land
Aye Min Soe
compensation to farmers
SENIOR EDITORIAL CONSULTANT THE Yangon City Development ue to live there as squatters, we
Kyaw Myaing Committee (YCDC) on 27 Jan- will take legal action according to
uary distributed the second existing laws,” he added.
Zaw Htet Oo round of land compensation, Then, the Chief Minister, Re-
Aung Khin amounting to K15,381.22 mil- gional Hluttaw chairman U Tin
lion, to local farmers whose Maung Tun, Agriculture, Live-
Ye Htut Tin, lands have been confiscated stock, Forest and Energy Minis-
by the government. ter U Han Tun, Yangon Mayor U
LOCAL NEWS EDITORS The compensation was Maung Maung Soe, and officials
Tun Tun Naing (Editor),
disbursed during a ceremony of the Regional Committee for
Nwe Nwe Tun (Sub-editor), at the YCDC meeting hall. Scrutinizing of Confiscated Farm- At the ceremony, Yangon lands and other lands committee
Region Chief Minister U Phyo distributed compensation to farm-
Hay Mar Tin Win, Min Thein said that land com- ers. Afterwards, a local farmer
Ei Myat Mon pensation will be disbursed in gave words of thanks on behalf
Kyaw Zin Lin totality in 2020. “Farm lands of all farmers.
Kyaw Zin Tun
and other lands, which have On the same day, the YCDC
REPORTER been confiscated, will be scruti- on Monday gave K15,381.22 mil-
Nyein Nyein Ei, nized before the compensation lion in compensation to 139 local
is awarded. Land Committees farmers for 1545.322 acres of land
PHOTOGRAPHER at different levels are following in Dagon Myothit Seikkan, Dagon
Kyaw Zeya Win @ Phoe Khwar the procedures set by the cen- Myothit (South, North, and East),
Kyaw Zeya tral committee for processing Hlinethaya, Shwepyithar, Min-
compensations so that people glardone, Dala, Kyimyindaing,
Thein Ngwe, Zaw Zaw Aung, cooperate with the committee Yangon Region Chief Minister U Phyo Min Thein presents compensation and Taikkyi townships. On 28 Sep-
Hnin Pwint, Kay Khaing Win, by presenting correct informa- to farmers in Yangon on 27 January.  PHOTO: HSAN KYAW OO (IPRD) tember, 2019, the YCDC gave K7
Sanda Hnin, Thein Htwe,
tion about farmland,” he said. billion in compensation to 50 local
Nyi Lin Thu
The committee would be tion, he added. giving land compensation and farmers for 696.31 acres of farm-
EDITORIAL SECTION able to provide compensation “Moreover, we want to make that the land will become the gov- land. —Hsan Kyaw Oo (IPRD)
(+95) (01)8604529, only if it gets correct informa- it clear that the authorities are ernment’s again. If people contin- (Translated by Hay Mar)
Fax — (+95) (01) 8604305


San Lwin, (+95) (01) 8604532,
Hotline - 09 974424114
Trade body advises farmers to delay watermelon harvest
ADVERTISING & MARKETING THE Sagaing Region Watermelon and Musk-
( +95) (01) 8604530, melon Exporters and Producers Association
Hotline - 09 974424848 has issued an announcement to local farmers
asking them to wait for developments on the
China coronavirus outbreak before picking wa-
Printed and published at the Global New termelons and muskmelons, said U Soe Lwin,
Light of Myanmar Printing Factory at
chairman of the Sagaing Region WMEPA.
No.150, Nga Htat Kyee Pagoda Road, Bahan
Township, Yangon, by the Global New Light On account of the coronavirus outbreak,
of Myanmar Daily under Printing Permit No. residents of Wuhan City, China are being pre-
00510 and Publishing Permit No. 00629. vented from travelling around the country and
this could affect the fruit market in the border area, he said. “Although fruit can be exported in this
situation, it may prove difficult because China
has imposed restrictions on travelling in the
country. We are monitoring the situation. If
Muskmelon farm in ChaungU.  PHOTO: WIN OO (ZAYYARTINE)
China manages to control the virus and trad-
ers are allowed to travel around the country
freely, we will let local farmers know so they “With travelling in China becom- or Chinese authorities, who are closely
can start work as soon as possible. In this ing inconvenient, watermelons and monitoring the current situation,” he
situation, we do not want local farmers to pick muskmelons may rot. So, local farmers added. —Win Oo (Zayyartine)
fruits because they may suffer from disease should pick them only after receiving
and the farmers may lose profits,” he added. correct information through brokers (Translated by Hay Mar)

Write for us Wild elephant found dead in Ngwesaung Township

We appreciate your feedback and
contributions. If you have any comments A WILD elephant was found was reported by local residents, was 33 years old and measured and is inspecting the routes
or would like to submit editorials,
analyses or reports please email dead on 27 January in a forest a combined team comprising 7 feet in height. Last month, the around the village. located 3 miles from the north- officials from the Pathein Forest elephant had been struck by an The Forest Department is
with your name and title.
Due to limitation of space we are only ern part of Shaukpin Village in Department, police, administra- arrow. Officials believe the ele- also conducting an educational
able to publish “Letter to the Editor” Thazin village-tract of Ngwe- tive team, and the local veteri- phant died of its injuries. campaign for local residents on
that do not exceed 500 words. Should
you submit a text longer than 500 words saung Township, Ayeyawady nary doctor rushed to the scene The combined team has wildlife conservation. —Maung
please be aware that your letter will be Region. and inspected the carcass. launched a search for those re- Maung Myint (IPRD)
After the elephant death The dead male elephant sponsible for killing the elephant (Translated by Hay Mar)
29 JANUARY 2020

Domestic investments touch K 748 MIC okays power

projects of two Hong
bln in current fiscal Kong firms in Yangon,
BETWEEN 1 October and
24 January in the 2019-2020 Magway
financial year, domestic in-
vestments made by Myan- By Nyein Nyein Township, Yangon Regi-
mar citizens reached K748 on. It will invest $297.39
billion including US$134.46 TWO enterprises from million in power gene-
million, including expan- Hong Kong have been ration, supply, and sale.
sion of capital by existing permitted to execute At present, Hong
enterprises, according to electricity generation, Kong has made large in-
a press released issued by supply, and sale projects vestments in electricity
the Myanmar Investment in Yangon and Magway generation, real estate
Commission (MIC). regions, said U Thant Sin development, and manu-
The commission en- Lwin, Director-General facturing sectors.
dorsed 39 local enterpris- of the Directorate of In- In the first four
es, with estimated capital vestment and Company months of the current
of over K647.68 billion in- Administration (DICA). fiscal, investments of
cluding $113.5 million, in the Hong Kong-listed more than $1 billion
past four months. Those en- VPower KC1 and CN- flowed into the country
terprises will invest in vari- Photo shows an aerial view of downtown Yangon.  PHOTO: PHOE KHWAR TIC Vpower YG2 com- from Hong Kong, boos-
ous sectors. panies will be engaged ting it to the top of the
Domestic investments were endorsed including ment Committees to grant on the environment and the in the generation of foreign investment li-
flowed into real estate, permitted by the MIC and permissions to local and local community need to electricity, supply, and ne-up, according to data
manufacturing, hotels and the investment committees foreign proposals, where be approved by the DICA sale. VPower KC1 will provided by the DICA.
tourism, construction, in- of Yangon, Mandalay, and the initial investment does proposal assessment team. invest US$18.155 milli- Between 1 October
dustrial estate, energy, min- Taninthayi regions. They not exceed K6 billion, or $5 With the introduction on to generate 20.54 MW and 24 January in the
ing, livestock and fisheries, will be executing projects million. of a fast-track way to set of electricity from LNG. current fiscal, 100 busi-
agriculture, and other ser- in the manufacturing, ho- While, some projects up business in Myanmar, The company will supply nesses were permitted
vices sectors, according to tels and tourism, real estate no longer need MIC ap- investors can apply to the power and sell it on an and endorsed by the
figures provided by the Di- development, and other proval, businesses that MIC or state and regional IPP (BOO) basis at the Myanmar Investment
rectorate of Investment and services sectors, creating are strategic to the gov- investment committees Kyunchaung power plant Commission, and foreign
Company Administration. over 950 jobs. ernment require a permit for getting investment pro- in Magway Region. direct investments ex-
At a recent meeting To simplify the verifica- from the commission. In ad- posals endorsed, depend- Meanwhile, CNTIC ceeded $2 billion, inclu-
of the MIC, eight domestic tion process of investment dition, businesses that have ing on the business type. VPower YG2 will build ding expansion of capital
enterprises, with estimat- projects, the Myanmar large capital investments, — GNLM a 350-MW LNG power by existing enterprises.
ed capitals of K31.45 billion Investment Law allows exceeding $5 million, and (Translated by Ei Myat plant on No. 14 plot at (Translated by Ei Myat
including $6.06 million, region and state Invest- that may have an impact Mon) Thilawa Port in Thanlyin Mon)

Yangon Region Investment

Forum 2020 to be held in Feb
By Nyein Nyein “This will be the third It will be organized by the
edition of the forum, and it MIC and Sagaing Region
THE Yangon Region In- will focus on the manufac- government.
vestment Forum 2020 will turing sector,” said U Thant The Bago Region
take place in February, said Sin Lwin. government, MIC, and Ja-
U Thant Sin Lwin, Direc- The objectives behind pan International Coopera-
tor-General of the Direc- investment forums are to tion Agency (JICA) will also
torate of Investment and show potential investment organize the Bago Region
Company Administration opportunities, promote Investment Fair 2020 in
(DICA). foreign investments, and May.
In a bid to promote build connections between As per data from the
domestic and foreign in- local and international DICA, 100 foreign enterpri-
vestments in the region, counterparts, said officials. ses brought in investments
the Yangon Region Invest- Similar forums and of more than $2 billion into
ment Forum 2020 is being investment fairs will be the country between 1 Oc-
jointly organized by the My- held in Sagaing and Bago tober and 24 January in the
anmar Investment Com- regions later this year. The 2019-2020 financial year, in-
mission (MIC), Yangon Sagaing Region Invest- cluding expansion of capi-
Region Investment Com- ment Forum 2020 will be tal by existing enterprises.
mittee (YRIC), and Yangon inaugurated in March in
Region government. Monywa, Sagaing Region. (Translated by EMM)

Call Thin Thin May,


Republic of the Union of Myanmar

Office of the President
Press Release 4/2020
3rd Waxing of Tabodwe, 1381 ME
(27 January 2020)

Additional statistical bulletin on drug seizures, acting on information

1. In order to prevent and eradicate the dangers of narcotic drugs and psychotropic drugs, the Office of the President has formed the Drug Activity Special Complaint
Department on 26 June 2018 to systematically accept and respond to reports on drug abuses and other related cases from the general public.
2. With orders from the Office of the President, the Drug Activity Special Complaint Department relayed information on reports on drug-related offenses up to 25 January
2020 to the Ministry of Home Affairs to take action, as displayed below:

Sr Nature of report Details on seizure and legal action taken 5 Information received of Police have opened 19 cases and arrested 26 men and
some people distributing three women together with heroin, stimulant tablets
1 Information received of On 22 January 2020, police searched the house of Kyaw and selling illegal drugs and opium block in the previous weeks.
Kyaw San Lin who lives San Lin (a) Kyaw San Kway, 44, son of U Ba Thwin, in wards of Taunggyi Acting on a tip-off, police searched the house of Myint
in Pyinbin Village, Kyun- who lives in Pyinbin Village, Kyunhla Township, and Township, Shan State, Hlaing (a) Ah Thae Lay, 36, son of U Maw Tan, who
hla Township, Sagaing arrested him together with ‘WY’ stimulant tablets lives in Shwetaung Ward, Taunggyi Township, on 21
Region, distributing and and heroin. January and found him and other nine people — his
selling illegal drugs. A case has been opened against him with MaMaSa brothers Than Naing, (a) Ahpulay, 41, and Min Min Tun
(Kyunhla)MaYa(pa)1/2020 under Section 19(a) and (a) Tin Shein, 30; Tun Thar (a) Kyan Kyaung, 20, son
20(a) of the Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Sub- of U Maung Kyaw, and his brother Thant Zin Phyo (a)
stances Law. Ahngelay, 19; Yan Aung Naing (a) Yan Naing, 31, son
of U Aung Myint, who lives in the same ward; Pyae
2 Information received On 21 January 2020, police searched the house of Chit Phyo Kyaw (a) Poe La Pyae, 25, son of U Kyaw Htay,
of Chit Ko who lives in Ko (a) Chit Myo Ko, 35, son of U Mya Thaung, who lives who lives in Sein Pan Ward; Zaw Lin Aung, 29, son of
Kyeesu Ward, Dawbon in Kyeesu Ward, Dawbon Township, and arrested him U Toe Maung, who lives in Sein Pan Ward, Wei Lwin
Township, Yangon Re- together with ‘WY’ stimulant tablets. Phoe (a) Ko Tu, 29, son of U Min Lwin, who lives in
gion, distributing and A case has been opened against him with MaMaSa Kanthar Ward and Sai Thein Han, 31, son of U Sai Tun
selling illegal drugs. (Dawbon)MaYa(pa)6/2020 under Section 19 (a) of the Myint, who lives in Kanouk Ward. Police seized ‘WY’
Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances Law. stimulant tablets from them.
A case has been opened against them with MaMaSa
3 Information received of On 23 January 2020, police searched the house of Daw (Taunggyi)MaYa(pa)5/2020 under Section 19(a) and 21
Daw Khin Lay Myint who Khin Lay Myint (a) Pwa Gyi, 48, daughter of U Thein of the Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances
lives in Ywama Anauk Naing, who lives in Ywama Anauk Ward, Insein Town- Law.
Ward, Insein Township, ship, and arrested her and Zaw Oo, 34, son of U Thein
Yangon Region, distrib- Zaw, who lives in Pauktaw Ward, Insein Township, 3. Out of the information sent to the Drug Activity Special Complaint Department,
uting and selling illegal together with ‘WY’ stimulant tablets. so far a total of 957 cases have been opened files as of 25 January 2020. A total of
drugs. A case has been opened against them with MaMaSa 1,480 people, including 1,236 men and 244 women had been arrested with 7494.9814g
(Insein)MaYa(pa)12/2020 under Section 16(c) and 21 of of heroin, 1,347.42 g of ICE, 40,339.02166 g of opium, 661.27 g of low-quality opium,
the Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances Law. 53230.76 g of speciosa powder, 12097.32 g of speciosa, 2.5 liters of liquid speciosa,
462,707 stimulant tablets, 10310.42 g of marijuana, 0.1 liters of opium tincture, 520.28
4 Information received of On 19 January 2020, police searched a shop house g of opium blocks, 60 g of poppy seeds, 55.45 g of crushed stimulant tablet powder,
Kyaw Hlaing and Aye of Kyaw Hlaing, 52, son of U Hla Hsaung, who lives 0.001 g of crushed ecstasy powder, 19 firearms, different kinds of 257 cartridges and
Lwin who live in Taung in Taung Ward, Hopon Township and arrested him one grenade. Efforts for fighting the drug trafficking has been stepped up and the
Ward, Hopon Township, together with ‘WY’ stimulant tablets. department will report on further exposed cases.
Shan State (south), dis- A case has been opened against him with MaMaSa 4. To seize further drugs and to arrest drugs dealers, people are urged to inform
tributing and selling ille- (Hopon)MaYa(pa)7/2020 under Section 16(c) of the the Ministry of Home Affairs, region and state governments and to inform huge cases
gal drugs. Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances Law. of drug trafficking and other suspicious cases directly to the Drug Activity Special
Similarly, police searched the house of Aye Lwin, 41, Complaint Department of the Office of the President via following contact numbers:
son of U Hla Maung, who lives in the same ward, and
arrested him together with ‘WY’ stimulant tablets. Contacts:
A case has been opened against him with MaMaSa Landline No. — 067-590200
(Hopon)MaYa(pa)8/2020 under Section 16(c) of the Fax Phone No. — 067-590233
Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances Law. Email Address —

Deputy Information
Minister receives officials
from BBC Media Action
DEPUTY MINISTER for Infor- cooperative matters.—MNA
mation U Aung Hla Tun received (Translated by Kyaw Zin Tun)
the officials from BBC Media
Action at the ministry in Nay Pyi Deputy Minister U Aung Hla Tun
Taw yesterday. meets with BBC Media Action
During the meeting, delegation at the Ministry of
Information in Nay Pyi Taw
they cordially discussed the
yesterday.  PHOTO: MNA
works of BBC Media Action and
29 JANUARY 2020

Union Minister for

Transport and
Communications receives
US Ambassador
UNION Minister for Trans- During the meeting, technical exchange about
port and Communications they cordially discussed the policies and making
U Thant Sin Maung re- matters related to infra- laws relating to cyber se-
ceived US Ambassador to structure development of curity, and bilateral coop-
Myanmar Mr Scot Marciel Myanmar port industry eration. — MNA
at his office in Nay Pyi Taw and assisting in the works (Translated by Kyaw Union Minister U Thant Sin Maung meets with US Ambassador Mr Scot Marciel in Nay Pyi
yesterday. of railway transport sector, Zin Tun) Taw yesterday.  PHOTO: MNA

Australian National Day celebrated in Nay Pyi Taw

Call Thin Thin May, 09251022355,09974424848
A reception to mark the Na- Myo Thein Gyi extended tion to mark the Australian sion U Myint Naing and U
tional Day of Australia was greetings, followed by a National Day. Myint Aung, Nay Pyi Taw
Changing Trade Name for Registered Pesticides
held at the M Gallery Hotel commemorative group Also present at the Command Commander
in Nay Pyi Taw yesterday. photo session involving the event were Union Min- Maj-Gen Myint Maw, Dep- Changing Trade Name of pesticide produced by ACI
First, the reception Union Minister and wife, isters U Thaung Tun, U uty Ministers U Tin Myint Formulation Limited & Distributed by Bloom Trading &
was opened by playing the and the Australian Ambas- Kyaw Tin, U Win Khaing, U and U Aung Hla Tun, senior Manufacturing Group Limited as the following table. Any
Objection regarding to this transfer can notify at Myanmar
national anthems of Myan- sador and attendees. Thein Swe, U Han Zaw and Tatmadaw officers, Perma-
mar and Australia. Afterwards, the Union Dr Win Myat Aye and their nent Secretaries, Direc-
The First Registration Registration
At the event, Austral- Minister and wife, and the wives, Chief of Armed Forc- tors-General, diplomats, No Amendment
Submission Types No.
ian Ambassador Ms An- Australian Ambassador es Training Lt-Gen Maung invited guests and officials. Pin Sein Hexa
1 Hexa 5EC Provisional P2012-1501
drea Faulkner and Union and attendees together Maung Aye, members of — MNA (Translated by 5 EC
Minister for Education Dr enjoyed the dinner recep- Union Election Commis- Kyaw Zin Tun) Bloom Trading & Manufacturing Group Limited.


Consignees of cargo carried on M.V BOX
ENDEAVOUR VOY. NO. (005S/006N) are hereby
notified that the vessel will be arriving on 29-1-2020 and
cargo will be discharged into the premises of MITT/TMT
where it will lie at the consignee’s risk and expenses and
subject to the byelaws and conditions of the Port of Yangon.
Damaged cargo will be surveyed daily from 8 am
to 11:20 am and 12 noon to 4 pm to Claim’s Day now
declared as the third day after final discharge of cargo
from the Vessel.
No claims against this vessel will be admitted after
the Claims Day.
Union Minister Dr Myo Thein Gyi and wife, and Australian Ambassador Ms Andrea Faulkner pose for a group photo together LTD
with, attendees at the dinner reception to mark the Australian National Day in Nay Pyi Taw yesterday.  PHOTO: MNA Phone No: 2301185


Consignees of cargo carried on M.V SINAR SOLO Consignees of cargo carried on M.V JIA FENG Consignees of cargo carried on M.V B TRADER
VOY. NO. (882N/S) are hereby notified that the vessel will VOY. NO. (01) are hereby notified that the vessel will be VOY. NO. (002S) are hereby notified that the vessel will
be arriving on 29-1-2020 and cargo will be discharged into arriving on 29-1-2020 and cargo will be discharged into the be arriving on 29-1-2020 and cargo will be discharged
the premises of AWPT where it will lie at the consignee’s premises of MITT-4 where it will lie at the consignee’s risk into the premises of MITT/TMT where it will lie at the
risk and expenses and subject to the byelaws and conditions and expenses and subject to the byelaws and conditions of consignee’s risk and expenses and subject to the byelaws
of the Port of Yangon. the Port of Yangon. and conditions of the Port of Yangon.
Damaged cargo will be surveyed daily from 8 am
Damaged cargo will be surveyed daily from 8 am Damaged cargo will be surveyed daily from 8 am
to 11:20 am and 12 noon to 4 pm to Claim’s Day now
to 11:20 am and 12 noon to 4 pm to Claim’s Day now to 11:20 am and 12 noon to 4 pm to Claim’s Day now
declared as the third day after final discharge of cargo
declared as the third day after final discharge of cargo declared as the third day after final discharge of cargo
from the Vessel.
from the Vessel. from the Vessel. No claims against this vessel will be admitted after
No claims against this vessel will be admitted after No claims against this vessel will be admitted after the Claims Day.
the Claims Day. the Claims Day. SHIPPING AGENCY DEPARTMENT
Phone No: 2301185 Phone No: 2301928 Phone No: 2301185

The Myanmar Investment Commission (MIC) meeting (2 / 2020) was convened at the meeting room of the MIC on 24th January, 2020 in Yangon. U Thaung Tun, Chairman of the MIC
and (7) members attended the meeting.  PHOTO:DICA

Foreign investors pour nearly US$ 2

billion into Myanmar in current FY
By Kyaw Htike Soe

OREIGN direct in- Commission (MIC) scrutinized
vestment inflows into and approved 85 local and for-
Myanmar amounted eign investment projects worth
to nearly US$ 2 billion over US$ 1,940 million during the
during the first four months of period from 1 October 2019 to
this fiscal year, an increase of 24 January this year, according
more than US$ 200 million when to the figures released by the
compared to the same period DICA. The MIC also gave the
last year, said U Thant Sin Lwin, green light to Myanmar citi-
Director-General of the Directo- zen-invested projects valued at
rate of Investment and Company more than K731,672 million and
Administration (DICA) under the US$ 128.4 million in the same U Thaung Tun, Union Minister for Investment and Foreign Economic Relations and Chairman of the
Ministry of Investment and For- period, creating up to 1,587 job Myanmar Investment Commission (MIC) received Mrs Kay Kuok Oon Kwong, Chairman from Shangri-
eign Economic Relations. opportunities for Myanmar cit- La Yangon Limited on 29th November, 2019 in Yangon and cordially discussed the matters relating to the
The Myanmar Investment izens. “The foreign investment investment.  PHOTO: DICA

projects approved by the MIC

from 1 October 2019 to 16 Janu-
ary this year under the Special
Economic Zone Law saw over
US$ 1,940 million, he said. The
sharp increase of foreign direct
investment into Myanmar attrib-
utes to the government’s steps to
ease regulations in bid to attract
more foreign investment into the
Southeast Asian country, the di-
rector-general added.
The MIC permitted 86 for-
eign investment projects valued
at more than US$ 1245 million
during the same period in the previously introduced scheme.
U Thant Zin Lwin, Director General of the Directorate of Investment and Company Administration received
Mr Ketut Kusuma, Senior Financial Sector Specialist of International Finance Corporation and his team fiscal year 2018-2019.“Company This is the reason why enor-
on 23rd January, 2020 in Yangon. During the meeting, they cordially discussed matters relating to future registration system in Myanmar mous foreign investment has
cooperation.  PHOTO: DICA has improved as compared to been flowedinto Myanmar,” he
29 JANUARY 2020

explained. Asked if he thought short-term, mid-term and long-

the approved foreign investment term Myanmar Investment Pro-
projects would benefit Myan- motion Plan (MIPP). Projected
mar, he said all MIC permitted to attract a total of over US$ 38
projects would contribute to billion over the next 12 years, the
economic development of the MIPP is a symbol of the govern-
country and help the government ment’s commitment to an open,
create many job prospects for fair and clear investment policy.
Myanmar citizens. Hong Kong In addition Myanmar is ex-
pumped around US$ 825 million pected to become a middle-in-
into Myanmar in the past three come country by 2036. The gov-
months of this financial year, call- ernment believes that the foreign
ing the Southeast Asian country direct investment is a key drive
a key growth market. for lifting people out of pover-
Hong Kong topped the list ty and economic growth of the
of foreign investors in Myanmar country. The government is also
during the period from October committed to encouraging FDI
last to early January this year, inflows into the country that can- U Thurein Nyein, the president of MMRA explains about holding the Retail Summit & Expo 2020.   PHOTO:
and was followed by Singapore contribute to the creation of job YE HTUT TIN (NLM)
which poured US$ 167 million opportunities for Myanmar peo-
into four projects in the country.
Between 1988 and 2019, 215 firms
ple, help their income increase
and uplift their socioeconomic
Myanmar’s first Retail Summit & Expo 2020
from Hong Kong injected more
than US$ 9 billion into Myanmar,
status. The MIC has been try-
ing utmost to create an inves-
to be held in Yangon on 7 & 8 February
according to the figures from the

tor-friendly environment and
DICA. The majority of the for- already making investment pol- YANMAR’S first Only about 10 per cent of Entrance fee for the confer-
eign investment from Singapore, icies more efficient and effective Retail Summit Myanmar retailers had transit- ence on the days when it is held
China, Thailand, Hong Kong, for foreign investors. Meanwhile, and Expo 2020 to- ed to modern retail businesses will be 50,000 Kyats while con-
and United Kingdom came to the DICA has been cooperating gether with a con- while 90 per cent remains as tra- ference early bird fee of 30,000
manufacturing, communications, with NGOs, INGOs, and foreign ference titled “Unleashing the ditional retailers. The aim of the Kyats will be available up to 3
transport, tourism, agriculture, agencies so as to lure foreign di- Retail Potential” organized by retail summit and expo was for February at Information Coun-
electricity generation, real es- rect investments into the country Myanmar Retailers Association successful retailers to pass on ters at Citymart Supermarkets
tate and industrial sectors.The by organizing seminars, invest- (MMRA) will be held at Fortune information that small retailers and Ocean Super Centers all
Southeast Asian country aims to ment and business forums. Plaza in Yangon on 7 and 8 Feb- ought to know as well as changes over the country.
attract US$ 5.8 billion of FDI in Around 1,800 foreign enter- ruary 2020. A pre-Press Confer- required and advancement in In the public portion of the
the current financial year. prises from 50 countries around ence about this two-day event technologies in order to create Expo where entrance is free for
Union Minister for Invest- the world were permitted to was held at Union of Myanmar a better retailing environment the public, 150 booths opened by
ment and Foreign Economic invest in 12 sectors.Myanmar Federation of Chambers of Com- in Myanmar. Ten foreign experts renown suppliers to retailers
Relations U Thaung Tun said received US$ 9.4 billion of foreign merce and Industry (UMFCCI) including top management from will be exhibiting and selling at
that FDI inflows into Myanmar direct investment in 2015-2016 on 21 January 2020. world famous 7 Eleven conven- bargain prices consumer, bever-
are expected to increase consid- FY, US$ 6.6 billion of FDI in 2016- “For the benefit of retail- ience store, Thailand’s famous ages, toys, fashion, household,
erably in the current fiscal year 2017, US$ 6.11 billion of FDI in ers in the Retail Industry, their shopping malls Paragon and beauty, IT, medical and health-
once proposals for offshore oil ex- 2017-2018 FY, US$ 4.5 billion in suppliers and partners, a con- Emporium, Indonesia’s Mata- care products.
ploration and mineral extraction 2018-2019, and is estimated to at- ference titled ‘Unleashing the hari Department Store, Philip- “Retail Summit & Expo
are scrutinized and approved by tract US$ 5.8 billion in the current Retail Potential’ will be included. pine’s Wilcon Home Depot, ten 2020 will be an event where
the MIC. He continued that the fiscal year. The largest sector of Retail experts, successful play- locals such as Daw Win Win retailers could promote their
government has taken a number foreign direct investmentcame ers in the retail industry, leaders Tint of Citymart Holding and businesses at a single place.
of significant measures to ensure to oil and gas sector, accounting of foreign retail businesses will economic advisor Dr Aung Tun Booths at the event will also
that it will be much easier for for 27 per cent of the total FDI, discuss in the conference allow- Thet will be holding talks. It is a display the products which
foreign investors to do business followed by the electricity gener- ing all to learn their different conference for those who were could support the retail busi-
in Myanmar. Myanmar aimed ation sector with 26.15 per cent views and concepts. This event in or planning to enter the retail ness. Therefore, the Expo will
to attract US$ 221 billion of FDI and the manufacturing sector was also held as a preparation sector as well as for interested surely benefit both retailers
within 20 years from 2016-2017 with 14.07 per cent. to host an International Retail person in the economy said the and suppliers, said U Naing Lin,
FY to 2035-2036 FY under the Expo in Myanmar” said MMRA MMRA general secretary Daw the vice president of MMRA.”
Chairman U ThureinNyein. Tin Su Hlaing. — Ye Htut Tin (NLM)

Dr Marlar Myo Nyunt, Deputy Director General of the Directorate of

Investment and Company Administration received the representatives
led by Mr Xu, Weiliang, Director of Best Garment (Myanmar) Co, Ltd
on 16th January, 2020 in Yangon. During the meeting, they discussed Daw Tin Suu Hlaing, the general secretary of MMRA, talking to the medias at the press interview.  
matters relating to investment.  PHOTO: DICA PHOTO: YE HTUT TIN (NLM)
16 SPORT 29 JANUARY 2020

Myanmar ties Thailand released for
Week-2 of MPT
1-1 at second match of Myanmar

Int’l Women’s friendly National League

II 2020
IN preparations for the 2020 AFC Women’s Olympics Qual- THE fixture for the
ifiers, the Myanmar national women’s team played a draw second round of the
against the Thailand women’s team during an International Week-2 of MPT My-
Women’s Friendly match at Mandalar Thiri Stadium in Man- anmar National
dalay yesterday. League II 2020
That is their second friendly match and ended with a score of 1-1. was released
The goal for Myanmar was scored by Nu Nu at 17th minute, while the yesterday, accord-
goal for Thailand was scored by Saowalak at 52nd minute. ing to the league’s Facebook.
Captain Khin Malar Tun was substituted with Thin Thin Yu at There are four matches
the last minutes of first half after she got an injury. in the week which is sched-
In their first friendly match on 25 January, Myanmar was defeated uled to be held on 29 and 30
by Thailand 1-2. January. On 29 January, Maw-
The Myanmar women’s team returns to Yangon from Mandalay rawadi will compete against
in the morning of 29 January and will leave Yangon for South Korea Kachin United at the Padon-
at night. mar Stadium, while Yaw Myay
In South Korea, Myanmar will play against South Korea on 3 Febru- play against Chinland FC at
ary and take on Viet Nam on 6 February at the Jeju World Cup Stadium the Salin Stadium.
in Seogwipo. On 30 January, Junior
Myanmar has been placed in Group A together with South Korea and Lions will take on University
Viet Nam in the qualifiers for the 2020 AFC Women’s Olympics, while Group FC at the Padonmar Stadium,
B includes Thailand, host Australia, China and Taiwan. and Myawady FC will compete
The winners and first runners-up from the two groups will advance against Silver Stars at the Sa-
to the play-offs, which have been scheduled for 6 March (first leg) and 11 Players of Myanmar and Thailand vie for the lin Stadium. All the matches
ball at the Mandalar Thiri Stadium in Mandalay
March (second leg). The two play-off round winners will qualify for the will be played at 3:30pm of the
yesterday.  PHOTO: MFF
2020 Summer Olympics. — Kyaw Khin scheduled dates.—Kyaw Khin

AFC Cup 2020: Yangon German FA chief sets semi-final

United to play against target for Euro 2020
Indera SC today BERLIN (Germany)—The in their three Euro 2020 group ing the national team, currently
president of the German FA matches on home soil at Mu- 15th in the FIFA world rankings,
has ramped up the pressure nich’s Allianz Arena.Loew, who is not among the favourites to
on coach Joachim Loew by turns 60 on Monday, signed a win Euro 2020.“The opponents in
saying he expects the nation- lucrative contract extension until the group stages are a big deal,
al team to reach at least the the 2022 World Cup ahead of the but what I have seen in the last
semi-finals of Euro 2020. finals in Russia and knows his few (Germany) games gives me
“We must, and ‘Jogi’ new-look team must deliver at hope,” said Keller, whose prede-
(Loew) won’t like hearing the Euros.He has repeatedly at- cessor Reinhard Grindel gave
this, reach the semi-finals. tempted to lower expectations in Loew the 2018 contract exten-
Perhaps even the final,” Fritz football-mad Germany by insist- sion.—AFP
Keller, president of the Ger-
The pre-match press conference ahead of the match between Yangon man Football Association
United FC and Brunei football club Indera SC is in progress at the hall of (DFB) said Tuesday.Keller
the the Thuwunna Stadium in Yangon yesterday.  PHOTO: MFF was speaking in Leipzig at
YANGON United will take on for the club in AFC Cup, and they celebrations to mark the
Brunei football club Indera SC learnt a lot from the match. Most 120th anniversary of the
in second leg of qualifying play-off of the club’s players are youths founding of the DFB.This
of AFC Cup 2020 at the Thuwunna and the team is aimed to be a summer’s European Cham-
Stadium in Yangon today (29 Jan- better team in the future. “We pionship, which runs from
uary), according to a pre-match were prepared our best for the June 12 to July 12, is a big test
press conference ahead of the match against Yangon United to- for Loew after Germany’s
match yesterday at the hall of morrow,” he added. U Tin Maung failure at the 2018 World Cup.
the Stadium. Tun, head coach of Yangon Unit- The 2014 world champi-
In their first leg, Yangon ed, it can’t say that the match ons crashed out in the group
United beat Indera SC6-1 in Bru- against Indera SC will surely stage in Russia, marking the
nei on 22 January. The second leg win as everything can happen in first time since Loew took
match between the two teams will football and we must respect the charge in 2006 that Germany
be broadcast live on My Sports other team. “There will be a slight failed to reach the knockout
Facebook Page. change of players for tomorrow’s stages of a major tourna-
Ameer Lani, head coach of match as we have played several ment.Germany face holders
Indera SC,that the match on 22 match in this week,” he added. Portugal, world champions Joachim Loew (C) has been put under pressure to reach the semi-finals
January was the first ever match —Kyaw Khin France and a play-off winner at Euro 2020.  PHOTO: AFP

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