Constitutional Law II 2020 Departmental Exam Instructions

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San Beda University - Mendiola

College of Law
San Beda College - Alabang
School of Law

Constitutional Law II Departmental Examination

Instructions and Directions

1. The final examination in Constitutional Law II (for Mendiola and Alabang) is

departmentalized. Each professor teaching Constitutional Law II contributed questions which were
consolidated and to be given to all students of the participating classes.

2. The departmental examination in Constitutional Law II shall be conducted through Quia

application. The examination can be accessed through the internet, and answer can be made by using
personal computers or smartphones. It is however preferable to use personal computers for convenience
and ease. The departmental examination for Constitutional Law II is set on June 26, 2020 – 6:30 pm. to
8:45 pm.

3. Links to the examination shall be given through class beadles for distribution to all members
of the class not later than one (1) hour before the start of the examination.

4. Students taking the examination shall give their full name (first name and surname) every
time they enter the examination link. Unauthorized access and multiple entries through dummy accounts
are prohibited and shall be investigated accordingly. This will constitute an administrative offense which can
be the subject of disciplinary sanction.

5. Students are only allowed one access to the examination. In the event that a student
accidentally exited the examination or was locked-out due to technical reasons, substitute link shall be given
upon request through viber message to 09088806439. Answers given in the first attempt shall be
disregarded, and the answers in the latest access shall be considered as the final answer. The time will NOT
be reset for subsequent access to the examination and the time will continue to run once the examination

6. Read each question carefully and follow the instructions. Type the answer in the box
appearing on the screen and click the “submit” button appearing at the bottom part of the screen. Answers
will be automatically submitted once the time limit expires.

7. The examination consists of three (3) parts – Traditional Type/Essay (80%), Multiple Choice
Questions (10%), and True or False (10%).

8. For the Traditional Type/Essay Questions, answer clearly, coherently and concisely. Do not
repeat the question and support the answer with legal basis. A mere "Yes" or "No" answer without any
corresponding discussion will not be given any credit. Each item weighs twelve (10) points.

9. The Traditional/Essay Questions can only be opened within the designated time, and each
can only be answered within twelve (12) minutes. Essay 1 can only be opened and answered within 6:30-
6:42pm.; Essay 2 within 6:42-6:54pm.; Essay 3 within 6:54-7:06pm.; Essay 4 within 7:06-7:18pm.; Essay
5 from 7:18-7:30pm; Essay 6 from 7:30-7:42pm; Essay 7 from 7:42-7:54; and Essay 8 within 7:54-
8:06pm. Answers will be automatically submitted once the time limit expires. Separate links shall be given
for each essay/traditional type question. Students cannot go back to previous questions once the answer is

10. For the Multiple Choice Question, the time limit is twenty (20) minutes which may be spread
into two (2) minutes per item. Students however may spend more or less time for each item, but the time
limit for all the questions is twenty (20) minutes. Each item weighs one (1) point.

11. For the True or False type questions, students must give a short explanation or legal basis to
support their answer. The explanation or legal basis should not exceed three (3) sentences. Time limit for
True or False part is fifteen (15) minutes and the remaining four (4) minutes shall be used in addressing
technical concerns.

12. Questions for Multiple Choice and True or False are randomized and students cannot skip any
question. The next questions cannot be opened unless the answer to the question flashed on the screen is
submitted. Students cannot go back to previous questions even if the time limit is not yet over.

13. Students with conflicting examination schedules shall be allowed to take the final
examination immediately after the examination in the other subjects. Beadles are required to submit the list
of students with conflicting schedules before the examination schedule for Constitutional Law II.

Good luck and God Bless. That in all things, God may be glorified.

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