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Nama : I Kadek Angga Aditya Putra

NIM : 1915344019
No. Absen : 08

Kelas : 2 A Teknik Otomasi

Describing Location of Electrical Workshop

On the phone

Angga : Hi anggi, where are you ?

Anggi : I am already in the Electrical Workshop, where are you? practice will start soon!

Angga : I just finished eating, I'm now in the canteen.

Anggi : Come quickly, don't be late for practice!

Angga : I forgot where is the location of the Electrical Workshop, because so far we have studied online,
So where is the location of the ElectrIcal Workshop?

Anggi : The building is located on the west side of the electro parking lot.

Angga : which electro student parking lot?

Anggi : The electro student parking lot which is next to the AE building.

Angga : Ouh that building, so I went from the canteen straight to the door next to the administration
room of the AE building and continued straight until I found a T-junction then right and turned left at the
end of the road.

Anggi : Yes that's right, hurry up, goodbye!

Angga : Wait ! , which practice room in the Electrical Workshop?

Anggi : The practice room has a gray door, so from the entrance you stay straight until you find a gray

Angga : Sorry, last question, are there still empty tables and chairs?

Anggi : There was an empty table and chair in the far north corner of the practice room, table number

Angga : Thank you for the information, you are indeed my best friend !

Anggi : You're welcome, remember not to be late!

Angga : Okay, see you there !

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