I Kadek Angga Aditya Putra - 1915344019 - Description Text

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Nama : I Kadek Angga Aditya Putra

NIM : 1915344019

No.Absen : 08

Kelas : 2 A Teknik Otomasi

Jurusan : Teknik elektro

The Renon Field

A Place : The Renon Field

Name of Things : Sport field and Monument Bajra Sandhi

Colour : Green Grass

Shape : the shape adjusts to its function

Function : for sports and recreation

Size : Large Field (3.000 km²)

Specific Part : soccer field, basketball court, jogging track,monument tower.

Activities related to the part : Playing soccer, playing basketball, running, and picnic

Positions : Located in Renon, 0.6 km from Holy Spirit Cathedral Denpasar.

The Field of Puputan Margarana or also known as Puputan Renon Field was built to celebrate
the heroes of services in fighting the independence of Indonesia after the defeat experienced
by the colonial. Many people know the field by the name of Airy Renon, which has become a
suitable place for relaxation, picnic and sports. This field is located in Renon, 0.6 km from Holy
Spirit Cathedral Denpasar. The Renon Field has many sports fields such as basketball courts,
volleyball courts, soccer fields, etc. Which each field has a different size and shape. Renon Field
also has three thousand square kilometers of green grass that can be used as a picnic spot .
Other than that you could see a tower monument in the middle of the field where visitors can
enjoy seeing various corners of the field. There are a lot of activities people can watch from this
tower. Because most spot of this area is shielded from the sun by the overgrown trees, you
tend to see people doing sports like jogging, basketball, football, baseball and so on.

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