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Lesson 2: Lesson 1: yourself

Introducing Basic greetings

Di kio siâ mi miann? I ti leh bo?

What is your name? Is he/she in?
Di sinn siâ mi? Tsiânn tān tsi po
What is your last name? Please wait a moment
Guā to lai lo Tsiânn tsē.
I’m home Please sit.
Dī to loh lâi?
Where have you been?

Dialogue 1
Anna : Pa, guā to lai lo.
Father : Dī to loh lâi?
Anna : Oh têng lâi. I si guā ê tâng oh, Mimi.
学校来. 他是我的同学.
Father : Dī ho.
Mimi : Dīn ho. A-peh, Hô ām mî
您好. 阿伯,晚上好.
Father : Hô ām mî. Di sinn sinn?
晚上好. 你姓什么?
Mimi : Guā sinn Tsai.
Father : Mama tsî diāo lo. Lâi chiah o!
妈妈煮完了. 来吃吧.
Anna : Mimi, dī kiāo gūn chiah. Mama tsī e tsài iâ hô chiah.
你跟我们吃. 妈妈煮得菜很好吃

tâng oh - classmates kiāo - with

a-peh - uncle iâ - very
tsī - cook hô chiah delicious
diao - finish

Dialogue 2
Mimi : Hô tsâ kī, a-peh. Anna tī le bo?
早上好,阿伯. Anna 在吗?
Father : Tī le. I ti pān tīng. Tsiânn tān tsi po, guā kì kiò i. Tsiânn tsē.
在. 她在上楼. 请等一下. 我去叫她. 请坐.
Mimi : Tō sià din. Guā an chiâ tān.
Father : Mimi, le tsâng hiak. Tsâng diāo i e loh lai.
Mimi, 在洗澡. 洗完他会下来.
Mimi : Hô sè.
Father : Dī chiá beh?
Mimi : Guā chiá lo. Din ni?
Father : Gūn a si chiá diāo lo.

pan ting - upstairs loh lai - come down

an chia - here diao - finished/done
tsang hiak - taking a bath

Dialogue 3 (Telephone courtesy)

Michael : Hello.
Uncle : Hello. Michael . Guā si a-chiak. Papa ti le bo?
Hello. Michael. 我是阿叔. 爸爸在没?
Michael : A-chiak. Hô ām mî. Tsiânn tān tsi po.
阿叔. 晚上好. 请等一下
Uncle : Tō sià.
Michael : A-chiak. I tsi tsun bô uînn. U siâ minn tiong iào bo?
阿叔. 他现在很忙. 有什么重要吗?
Uncle : Bo sia mi tiong iao. Ka ting nga kio i ka to gua.
没什么重要. 待会儿叫他打给我.
Michael : Bo bun tue.

tsi tsun - now ka ting nga - later

bo uinn - busy ka - call
tiong iào - important

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