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What caused poverty in Tudor

Some reason why people are poor in the modern world:
 Inflation
 Lots of Dept
 Lack of Education
 Unemployment

The Tudor Poor

During the Tudor period, the biggest problem they faced was the
increase of poverty. There are many reasons why there was an increase
and some of the reasons are written down below:

 Rulers:
Henry VII had a law that nobles were not allowed to have private
armies, so the ex-soldiers were looking and begging for job,
especially when there was no war on. In 1530, Henry VIII closed
down all monasteries, monasteries provided shelter, food and
work for the local people.

 Population:
In 1500’s the population almost doubled, more people were
looking for jobs and needed food. Many of the poor people were
wandering in town for food and jobs.
 Changings in farming:
Many farmers changed from crop farming to sheep farming,
which needed fewer farmers. They also put up fences and hedges
around their fields so poorer people could not let their animals
gaze on the fields.

 Weather:
Very wet summer days ruined crops. Bad harvest means smaller
food and higher prices. Poorer families could not afford to buy the
food and eat

What was the biggest problem during Tudor period?
The biggest problem was the increase of poverty

What was the law passed by Henry VII?

The law banned nobles from having private armies

How did this affect the ex-soldiers?

It made the ex-soldiers look for work/beg for work

What happened in 1530?

In 1530, Henry VIII closed down all monasteries
Define the following terms:
 Monasteries -
A building that provides work and help for local people

 Fences -
A barrier made of wood or wire enclosing an area

 Hedges -
A fence formed by closely growing bushes or shrubs

 Harvest -
The process or period of gatherings in crops

Give reason why the number of beggaries were increasing?

The reason are rulers, population, changings in farming and weather

What do you think is the most important cause?

I think that all the reasons are very important cause

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