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Share TWO points from the video and relate it with Lesson 9 topic.

Based on the video, one of the point is this kids are special and there must be a way to handle.

When kids with learning disabilities and other disabilities such as deaf, blind, autism and more. There
has to be a way to educate this kids when it comes to parents. As a parents, have to support the kids
and always help them out in every situation.

Based on parents role in topic 9, Look for resources for children who have special needs. Ask the
teacher and/ or social worker for help. To make sure this kids get more helps, parents should
communicate more with teacher and work together to help this special kids and give them positive
support either in school or home. Most important is understanding the child’s need, listening and
communicating with them.

Based on the video, one of the point is this kids are unique in their own way and they are able to live
normal student life style.

one of the student who has hearing problem is active and able to play basketball with others, another
students has a ability to express herself through music and another student able to draw. This kids have
potential and normal abilities too.

Based on parents role in topic 9, Spend time with children, listen to what concerns/ interest them. As a
parents, should know what is their kids abilities and capable so that they know what to do with this kids,
if they are good in drawing, send them to drawing class, if they are good in playing instrument, send
them to instrument class to build interest and know those knowledge.

As a parents, must know their responsible and rights to deal with their kids, a good communication
should be carried on everytime.

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