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From: మ౦జూషా <>

To: "" <>

Sent: Wednesday, April 4, 2018, 2:43:57 PM GMT+5:30

Subject: mail

Bava the respect n the trust I have given and  had on you , you lost. Whatever words you used to say,
now I came to know it's all drama n a mind game to have a trustworthy person to improve your income
n to take care of your investments. You planned n selected me for your I am  from poor
family no one to support me we can make  her to stay in Nagari as you  already have confidence on your
brother that he won't go against your words. What's drama you played  hats off to your screenplay.

Why you played with my life, crushed all my dreams. If am from poor family means, I should not have
any dreams or I should not think like leading a desired life or what. For your's n your family happiness
you spoiled my n my kids life. Is it is fair think once. But for sure remember one thing God is always
there n you have to pay for whatever you did with me n my kids life. Remember these words. One day
you have to that day is also not very far

When you invested in cell shop for him and he didn't showed you correct accounts then again why you
encouraged n Invested on land. If you are thinking sake of him you might of stopped that day itself. But
no, you know that on lands you will be having proof ie.,docs so your money won't go anywhere you will
be in safe mode that's the reason you encouraged.

When he showed the credits at the time of Jeevan marriage( this I came to know from Amma recently)
why you didn't ask him to stop. Simply going back n asking to share the land.even that you didn't did
properly. Why you didn't ypu did that by in your presence what the need to go to  Dubai an ask why you
didn't  did that immediately. If you  might done then situation will be different Have you thought that
how can a person with zero income can pay interest n handle things.

Leave all the above things when you came to me and asked my problem I told you clearly regarding that
credit persons are calling me  what action you did. I bet you if this was the situation at others end and
my husband was there he might have not thought anything and at least have given assurance to that
persons that I am there he will repay just give time like that. What you did think once.

Do you remember the words which you told me in our Nagari home that Chinni is genuine he won't spoil
single pie he is working hard. While buying this lands credits will be there but no issues. If we
four(you,Akka,me n Chinni) all work on onsite for a year everything will be fine.

This is a mind game which you played to complete your works or till you get better alternative for him
you had trust on him. Now once you got alternative or you want to end this you are trying to projecting
the same person that he misused all your money Infront of others. He lost his 11 yrs of career,he never
thought of us also only trusted you, you gave him good gift in return.

I remember one point of time when he decided to stop real estate business, you complained about this
to Swamy, ananthanna everyone.

Don't you remember the words you told me in the land which he sold to puttur people, at that time he
was working in Bangalore you simply told that he is doing good in this business, n getting good name
better we allow him to continue in the same field. May be today you might have forgotten but truth will
be truth.

I want to ask you a question when we were in Chennai, he used to go to NH office to get contribution
amount to your tiruttani land. This process continues for almost many days I think from  Nagari itself
have you ever thought how much physical strain he might have went through how much amount he had
given as bribe for different people how many times he had travelled whenever they asked to come
finally I remember the cheque has give on your in-law name what about the stress he took. You just
used to asked the status n amount.Have you ever thought the stress he went through. Has he ever told
anything about this or include any bribe amount on your accounts.

Till date I was feeling that he didn't gave  you  accounts recently I came to know that he has sent
everything in mail you have all details but still asking the same, do you mean him as a robot that who
can answer you whenever you ask he is also a human. If you find any mistake in accounts you might
have asked that day itself. But you didn't ,it means everything was right but today? As people will trust
whatever you say you r blaming him I am having many more things to ask but analyse and think about
that tiruttani land example I told you it's enough for you to what is my Husband what you did with him.

I know how you spoke about jeevan, how you used to shout on him, may be now he will be good for you
but how can he ask my husband in my home, that "because of my husband you guys lost respect in
Nagari". He asked the same infront of amma, She was quite this shows family values,family ethics that
you often speak about. Even she didn't defend him in turn asking questions to my husband. How can
Jeevan call people and tell them that don't give any credits to my brother, if so we are not responsible
for that amount like that how can he. Is this is the bonding in the family, is this is fair. Remember one
thing if my husband was not in Nagari for past 11 years people might have forget about you all guys.
First ask him to understand that then he can speak. I know how he spoke to me many times, with
disrespect i felt bad and i used to tell myself its a combined family its all part of the family relationships.
But I think till now whole heartedly I only thought that it is a combined family everyone else were using
this word to handle situations in their favour. Whatever it is by using this sensitive word every one
played with my life.

The "ultimate sufferers are me and my kids"

I am having a doubt a person with standard 50k income per month is having 15lakhs credit means no
one is asking or pointing that, but a person with zero income has to pay intrest for nearly 50 lakhs(when
you came to know at the time of jeevan marriage) is showing 1.5Crs credit is wrong n you all are
pointing him blaming him.
Its a minimum that a peron has to pay 1 lakh if the intrest rate is 2 everymonth, how he might have
managed how he has taken all this stress and all. No one no one thought about this in turn trying to find
the points how to blame what lead these mistakes like that insted of thinking how to overcome this,
how a family to be united in situations like this. No until unless everything went according their
expectations chinni was best now he is the most worst person in the world according to you people and
telling the same to others.Did you find any land sold by him without your knowledge, You are having
accounts on the amount how much you sent for lands pls cross check whether the has misused any
amount or didnt bought any land if that is the case, I will never ever talk or defend my husband.

When you came to office and checked accounts i was really happy alteast now we can overcome our
mistakes n improve better, now I feel that you just want to check whether did he used your amount, or
showing office credits as family credits like that to get that clarification only you came isn't it. OK Fine I
want to ask you one thing did he opened this office without telling you or secretly he did this. Then why
you got such doubts.

All these are your business issues coming to family relationship, I really swear that i felt very happy
when you shifted to tirupati that i will get good guidance for my kids. My kids will get their pedananna
guidance in their studies like that. It was dam wrong thiking when i saw you made an issue when we
took Nithyasree for shopping. Dont we have right on that child, you know i have a bonding with her i
love her a lot than my kids. she is the first baby i took in my hands after marriage. That day itself you
proved that we are not having any rights just i was in an illusion. when you asked the same question
regarding buying the clothes to kids for sankranthi, i was not intrested with the thing i saw for nithya
birthday. May be you will be having expectations and dreams on your kid, i am not pointing on that but
once a while if anything happens that too by our family members handling situation is different not the
way you behaved. Really that day itself i decided no my kids will be alone. So I started restricting myself
to meet kids as i was not  having guts to face situation like this again if any small mistake happens from
my end.

Can you lead a life which I lead in Nagari with same comforts for 2 years. As now amma health is also
not well, instead of taking her to your place can you stay in Nagari wtih your family n take care of her, as
I used to listen when Nanna health was not good you used to tell its better to be with them when they
are in need like that. Now will you do the same.

I want to ask you one thing when last time he sent me to my moms home whatyou told we are playing a
game,is that is the way to think. Dont you understand the situation. If you are in the same situation at
that time also will you tell like that only. Don't say that i wont lead my life without planning, i wont make
situations worse like that. How can you decide  that he should leave the job and stay in Nagari, when we
were newly married. Even i have my own dreams about my life but you never considered only thing you
need is your safe zone.
You know No one will repeatedly say that coz i spent amount for my Dad's hospital expenceses i am like
this otherwise my situation will be in different way, you always used to  tell. But when situation is others
you will say what ever you want to do, do it wholeheartedly take the outcome whether good or bad and
don't feel bad of your decision coz of this that like that so Now i am asking all these by following you
only. Why i have to face all this when i am not only person in the family, Why me and my kids should
suffer right from day one of all tough situations why why why we alone. Now if i follow your words i
have to ask why me n my kids should strugle while all remaining kids and people are having comfort life
style. why whyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy

I want to give clarification for the questions asked by you bava

Bava you asked me that I am not giving respect to my parents

I don't know when you saw and from whom you heard ,go and ask my parents what I am to them and
what is the respect I m giving to them.

You told me that you have chosen me as I am from poor family, I can face problems and struggles.

I want to ask one thing, think a person from Lower class family will have dreams to lead life to fulfil that
dreams ,me and my family struggled a lot for our studies. By God's grace we got job and settled   and
suddenly after marriage you want me to lead the same life in what way it's correct.

Have you ever faced a problem to pay fee to your kids if so you might have understood my situation, I
always dreamt that I never allow my kids to suffer as me and my brother suffered for studies

 Bava I want to ask you a question why you asked him to leave his job , you never thought what will be
my position, even for my pregnancy checkups we have to depend you know I heard many things think
"with one person salary dependents are increasing,how can he alone manage he is having his own life"
so think of my situation at the time of pregnancy listening these words. You know for his real estate
business he was always spending time outside. Is there is anything Wrong if I wish him to be my side
while celebrations .If so sorry for that bava. Now everyone asking about credits ,you all unitedly took
decision to stay back him in home then what about our life expenses

When I was unable to pay fee for my kids I asked Amma she simply told if I was not going to tour then I
might have, but I need for tour expenses, think about my situation at that time

Here I am not pointing any one this is a small example I am telling. See the priority for kids education
then how can I react  positive. Like this I faced and struggled many things  till date I didn't shared many
even to my husband  as I know he won't support me in turn he will shout on me only. Like this these 10
years I faced and I never let yours or my parents confidence on me let go down. But when I heard this
from you I felt bad And Why should you show sympathy on me. If really you are sympathetic towards
me have you ever thought why should I only lead my life in Nagari, why he only have to leave job like
that I can ask many things and I can defend but not interested only I feel that whatever
happening,happening according to God's wish

Bava do you remember at initial days of Shanti marriage shanti's mother-in-law's sister told Shanti to get
as many things as possible  from her mother's place before her brother's marriage, for that we reacted a
lot ,where as I received same phrase from Amma after my marriage. I thought it's natural elders
behaviour only when you all reacted to shanti's issue I thought it's bad to ask like that so who will
defend me in this

So bava kindly whatever happened is happened, now also I am just telling to give clarification reg my
attitude. So please whatever you R seeing listening about me is not 100℅ true I have gone through and
going through many things  silently please I want to be like that only.

I only remember that when I got married he told me that "whatever respect you give to your father
same should be given to my brother as he is in my father's place". I am following that whole heartedly,
that's the reason I never defend my self or argued with you while talking, only pointed some of his
mistakes to you. even now I feel that I don't want you to have a negative picture about me in your mind
so I have given some clarifications and please promise me that you never discuss these things with
anyone. As I told earlier everything is going  by god's wish let's see how long he will take it. If anything I
told wrong sorry bava. Hope you can understand as a father.

Once again sorry for answering you. My only wish is to bring up my kids in a good way . Thanks for your

These clarifications i want to send you last year when you asked me questions, but i Felt not,as it will
bring disturbance in relationships. Now everyone took advantage of my silence so my silence broken.
Whatever happened,happening no one stood with me no one defend me n my kids with all these
disturbances we suffered a lot. So today I have taken a decision that we can't live together( Whether you
think its a drama or true its up to you) and i won't leave my kids whith your family also until my courage
is with me we 3 will survive if it also leaves me then no problem we will leave this world happily. This is
also for your information as you feel as a responsible elder of the family.

Finally i want to tell you one thing till date whatever he did or earned or share he is going to get i don’t
need a single feet of land, this i have given him clarification on day he started doing this business Only
the land which he bought with the dollars which he gave me in early days only i thought will be given to
kids .Now i don’t even want that as you helped us now and then by giving money to him. on behalf of
that i left that also.

Actually till June he requested to stay together after that i have my own ethical ways to bring up my
kids . I will fight till i can fight if i can’t i won’t come to you for any rescue don’t bother about that also.
This i am clarifying coz you spoke many While he merged with Uday group. That time also you blasted
on me and my parents. If I might have blasted in the same way result will be nothing you might have lost
your respect. I always respected you as a responsible elder person of the family . but now also I respect
you  but only as a person elder to me. Coz i don’t want to be related to anyway to your family. I am fed
up with your family values, ethics and bonding


Thanks & Regards,

A.R Manjusha.

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