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Web Listing of WHO Prequalified Vaccines


Default List Summary Display

Browse Prequalified Vaccines

Advanced Search of Prequalified Vaccines

Vaccine Detail Page

Feedback on vaccine detail pages

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that section of this document.
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The default view of the web listing of all prequalified vaccines is a table view in alphabetical
order by vaccine type.

The columns shown in this table are:

Prequalification Date
Vaccine Type
Commercial Name
Pharmaceutical Form
Number of Doses
Responsible NRA

The user can re-sort the table by clicking on any of the column headings.

At the top right of the table is an indication of the number of currently prequalified vaccines
and the number of presentations (some vaccines have more than one presentation, (eg 1 dose,
5 dose and 10 dose presentations)
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At the top left of the table is a date showing the last update of the list of prequalified vaccines.

This date is generated automatically and reflects the last edit of the database used as the
source for the displayed information.
The text in the commercial name column is a hyperlink to the detailed page for the vaccine.

Under the banner at the top left are choices on how the user wishes to view or search the data.

Browse prequalified vaccines

When this is clicked, the following appears:

It shows entries on the left for each prequalified vaccine, listed by type.

When the user clicks on a vaccine in the column, further details about the vaccine is
displayed to the right

The text under presentation is a hyperlink to the detailed page for the vaccine.
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Advanced search
When the user selects advance search the following page appears:
This page allows the user to select one or more parameters and then view a filtered list of
vaccines matching those parameters.

Prequalification date selection.

When the user clicks the box, a pop-up calendar appears.
Entering both a “from” and “to” date will filter for vaccines prequalified within that range.
Selecting only a “from date” will select vaccines PQed on or after that date.
Selecting only a “to date” will select vaccines PQed on or before that date.
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Vaccine type, Manufacturer, Responsible NRA selection

If the user clicks on select next to “vaccine type”, a pop-up list of PQed vaccines is displayed.

One or more vaccines can be selected, as indicated on screen.

In the same way, the user can select manufacturer or responsible NRA from lists which
appear when “select” is pressed.

If the user wants to remove a selected vaccine type/manufacturer/responsible NRA, click on

the name to highlight it and then click on “Remove”.

The user can search by commercial name by typing all or part of the name is that field.

Further details of the vaccine can also be used to filter the displayed

The following parameters can be chosen from drop down lists which display when the mouse
is clicked in the field:

Pharmaceutical form
Route of Administration
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Shelf Life
Storage temperature
Vaccine Vial Monitor Type

The user can add a filter parameter “Number of Doses” by typing in that field

A further field allows free text input and will filter based on matching parameters in any of
the following fields of the database (secondary packaging; tertiary packaging; cold chain
volume; preservative concentration). Partial text matches are possible (eg an input of 14
would match to a record with 14.7).

After search parameters are entered, click on “Filter” and a table of results shows vaccines
which match the search criteria.

The number of vaccines (and presentations) which match the criteria is displayed.

The text in the commercial name column is a hyperlink to the detailed page for the vaccine.

A printable version of this list can be generated by clicking “Print Preview”.

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Detailed page for the vaccine

An example of a vaccine detail display page is shown below:

(webpage display continues on next page of this

help document)
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Attachments (product insert, further container images, public summary assessment report, etc)
can be viewed by clicking on the icon under the column heading “View”.
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At the top of each page are two hyperlinks. One takes the user directly to the attachments list
at the bottom of the page.


The second allows the user to provide feedback to the PQT/Vaccines Assessment Group.
This can be used in case further information is required concerning a vaccine. If the user
finds any errors in the displayed information PQT/VXA would appreciate receiving your
feedback so that these can be corrected.

The user enters their name and email address and details of the feedback.
The user also needs to type the series of letters and numbers displayed into the field below
them. This is for spam prevention. If the user has difficulty reading one set of these, by
clicking the icon to their right, a new set of numbers and letters appear.

The user can export the vaccine detail page in Word or pdf format for printing.

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