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Principles of Marketing

Table of Contents

Table of Contents...........................................................................................................................2
PART 1............................................................................................................................................3

What is your brand and how you came up with it?..................................................................3

Discuss how your company gathered market insights before launching this brand, how you
identified the need.....................................................................................................................4
Product/service and its segmentation and targeting strategy..................................................5
Type of your product: convenient, shopping, specialty, etc..................................................5
Define the product attributes in detail. What customer need does it address? How does
your solution compare with the competitive offerings in the market? Make a perceptual
Describe market segmentation with respect to your brand. Describe the core target
market and their profile in terms of demographics and psychographics.............................5
Describe the characteristics affecting consumer behavior towards your brand and define
the type of buying decision process and behavior with respect to your brand....................6
Identify the life cycle stage of your brand and the corresponding brand strategy...............6
PART 2............................................................................................................................................7
What will be your brand’s marketing strategy?........................................................................7
Identify the factors considered in setting the price of your brand and the associated pricing
Describe the nature of your marketing/distribution channel. What factors were considered
while designing the marketing channel for your brand? Identify the challenges the company
will face in managing the channel members. How can they be handled?................................8
Provide a detailed understanding of how a message will be designed and communicated:
who will be the various people involved? How will conflicts in ideas and interest managed
between the brand team and the agency?................................................................................9
How will the Marketing budget be split across various heads of the promotion mix? Also
explain how sales promotion campaigns will be developed and when they are implemented.
How will the concepts of Integrated Marketing Communication work for the brand? Give
detailed description of any one campaign that you can use multiple media to promote the
brand. Who will be the various partners involved in implementing the IMC together with
the brand team?.......................................................................................................................10
Where will your outlets be and why?......................................................................................10
SWOT analysis..........................................................................................................................10
What is your brand and how you came up with it?
“Ghar ka Khana,” is a one of its kind service launching for the first time ever. It is a mobile
application app which essentially targets older age groups, working women, & bachelors from
educated backgrounds and provides them with the service to customize their meals and get
cash on delivery for them. While a lot of competitors exist in the market who provide food to
people in their homes, Ghar ka Khana makes this service uniquely authentic as the customer is
involved personally in making all decisions about their meal & the customers can customize
their meals according to their preferences. The name ‘Ghar ka Khana,’ is a play on the emotions
of people as most people away from family may miss the food made in their homes and this
may attract them to use the service available. While the app exists on social media and hence is
more marketed on digital platforms, the company is also using traditional marketing platforms in
order to increase their reach. There is no fee charged for installation of this app.

Ghar ka Khana believes in providing the customer a customized service which fulfills every
eating need of the customers and provides them with the satisfaction that every step of their
meal is their own decision perfectly tailored to their interests. The app faces competition from
companies such that of Foodpanda where Foodpanda has partnered up with most restaurants in
the city and provides discounts and quick solutions to hunger. There is also competition faced
from catering services & home-based women entrepreneurs who provide homemade
customized meals in offices and for homes. What sets Ghar ka Khana apart and gives them a
unique selling point is that the app offers an extensive range of choices for meals hence it is
more customized than any service already available. Moreover, the app can reach much more
audience than any home-based business or any catering service.

The food industry is an increased competitive industry where every kind of substitute is readily
available in the market. Due to the increased competition, it is vital for Ghar ka Khana to
constantly update itself in order to be attractive to its customers. Ghar ka Khana aims to be both
innovative which sets it apart from its competitors and aims to provide the maximum value for
the price charged to being customer satisfaction to the highest.

It is to be noted that not only Ghar ka Khana comes in the food industry, it also comes in the
desktop and mobile applications industry. Hence, in this essence, company’s main competitors
are Foodpanda, EidMubarak, SavYour which are all leading brands in the market for food
delivery. Since none of them offer any feature for customized homemade meals, Ghar ka Khana
still carries the USP and hence has a competitive advantage amongst them. There is an increased
potential in the mobile application industry as most of the target market spends most of their
time on their mobile phones which gives the opportunity to the brand to advertise and attract
more & more customers through the social media.
Ghar ka Khana has developed a user friendly interface which will make it very easy for people
from all ages & backgrounds to use their app. The app’s interface is kept simple and black &
white to emotionally appeal to their customers and bring in nostalgia of home cooked meals.
While there exists competition from both side of the industries such that from home-made
meals & food delivery apps, Ghar ka Khana provides the customers with the best of both worlds
which sets them apart from any other company in the market.

Ghar ka Khana is one of a kind service in Pakistan which will help customers satisfy a need which
was not available ever before. Ghar ka Khana will provide a single platform to do a variety of
things for people such as; grocery shopping, cooking food, freeing up space, free delivery & a
single transaction which will free customers from a variety of chores. Ghar ka Khana will serve as
the most trusted brand in the industry for its food making & delivery services.

Discuss how your company gathered market insights before launching this
brand, how you identified the need
Food delivery is a trend that is increasingly popular in Pakistan. With more and more men &
women, especially women deciding to work rather than stay at home, the demand to have food
delivered at home is increasing as no one has the time left to cook at home. Moreover, as this
generation is progressing, men & women travel to different cities to complete their education,
leaving their old parents at home. Bachelors living in hostels or living alone do not have skills or
the time to cook their favorite home cooked meals, and older people left alone also do not have
the energy to cook a meal. Hence, while there may be various different needs, this need was
identified and hence Ghar Ka Khana was established to cater to these particular needs the most
and these particular people hence became the target market.

While the trend for food delivery is increasing from the leading fast food chains, it is also an
increasingly popular trend that people are becoming more health conscious. While food delivery
has always been the most convenient option, the items available to order through Foodpanda
and other such apps are mostly which induce fat into people. This is why there was an increasing
need for a food delivery option which could provide healthier options to people.

Moreover, to talk about from the side of homemade foods made by various women
entrepreneurs and also catering services. While they satisfied the need for home cooked food, it
lacked the flexibility of ordering when in need and the order reaching in a few hours. Food
needed to be ordered days in advance and could not be ordered during emergencies and
according to the mood of the particular days. Ghar ka Khana identified this need and
incorporated the home cooked meals factor into food delivery which makes it the single
platform which is available for all kinds of customers fulfilling their all kinds of food needs.

When looked into the target markets, it was realized that most women are responsible for
cooking up food in the house while men are in charge of groceries. It was also found that
families are very particular about their groceries and hence shop what they assume is the best
product from the best possible market. In terms of cooking, the right amount & kind of spices
are also important. Grocery shopping hence became a chore which takes a lot of time & effort.
Moreover, there is not enough stocking space at home to hoard groceries anyway to stock
groceries in advance for future reference. This also became an identified need and there is no
available option in Pakistan currently which caters to this need. Ghar ka Khana also caters to this
need and provides groceries to customers and gives them a stocking space.

Ghar ka Khana identified special needs of the market & accumulated them in a way that it
became a single platform for all needs that a customer may possess. Its ability to identify
different needs of the market and bringing them all together gives it the competitive advantage
over all other competitors in the industry.

Product/service and its segmentation and targeting strategy

Type of your product: convenient, shopping, specialty, etc.

Ans. Ghar ka Khana is a service as it is an app that allows customers to do their groceries and
cook the meal for them, the food is also later delivered to their homes.

The type of service offered can be categorized in both convenient & shopping. Customers buy
the same groceries and have the same brand preferences when buying products and
conveniently refer back to those groceries which makes it a convenient service. However,
customers may shop and look at preferences for different meals on different days when
deciding which meal to get cooked.

Define the product attributes in detail. What customer need does it address? How
does your solution compare with the competitive offerings in the market? Make a
perceptual map
Ans. Ghar ka Khana addresses the customers who are too busy with their lives in order to cook
food at home, for example; working women, students, senior citizens, full time employed
people. The competitive offerings in the marker consists of services like Foodpanda which only
offers food delivery from fast food restaurants, and services like home catering services who
offer homemade food but do not provide deliveries on urgent order. Ghar ka Khana is a solution
to both of these issues and allows customers to have the best of both worlds. In terms of
customer perceptions, Ghar ka Khana will provide both homemade food and delivery which is
currently not offered by any other competitor in the market.

Describe market segmentation with respect to your brand. Describe the core target
market and their profile in terms of demographics and psychographics.
Ans. The market will be segmented with a core target market & then another market. The bulls
eye target market will be men & women from ages 25-50 who are all fulltime employed and do
not stay at home. These individuals will be from a high income socio economic background, are
educated with at least a bachelors’ degree. They will all own high end phones and are likely to
be tech savvy.
However, Ghar ka Khana will target more customers from other different backgrounds as well.
They will target older people with age 50 above. While they will be educated & from high
income backgrounds, they may not be tech savvy which is why the company has a user friendly
interface. Moreover, the service also targets students from aged 16-25, they will be tech savvy
but may lack the income.

Describe the characteristics affecting consumer behavior towards your brand and
define the type of buying decision process and behavior with respect to your brand.
Characteristics affecting consumer behavior ranges from cultural, social, personal to
psychological. Since Ghar ka Khana is a service which does a lot of jobs for the customer, it has
created a value to charge a premium. Some people may believe that Ghar ka Khana may not be
a good substitute for cooking at home.

However, there are a lot of characteristics which will affect consumer behavior positively
towards our brand. Since the Pakistani culture is evolving and more women are working in the
market, there is essentially no one left in the house to take care of the groceries or to cook
meals. While the culture of women becoming housewives is dying, there is still an ever-growing
culture of Pakistani home-cooked food. This allows consumers to turn towards our brand and
prefer it since the service fulfills both of their demands & conveniences. As also mentioned
before, there is a social change towards being healthier and eating healthy food. This has
increased the demand for home cooked meals rather than other fast food options which has
allowed consumers to be more accepting and encouraging towards Ghar ka Khana.

On a personal level, age, occupation, economic situation, lifestyle and personality are the most
prominent factors that would influence customers’ behavior. While we target employed people
of ages 25-45 from a high income background, most customers feel that the product is directly
for them as it fulfills all the need for chores. Since the brand provides every little detail &
customization, the customers feel a personal connection with the service which increases
customer image for the company and develops customer loyalty. When more customers feel
personally attached to the brand, they recommend it to others. Here is a psychological factor
that comes into play, Ghar ka Khana is named as a nostalgic reminder to the target consumers
and when they hear the name, they reminisce about the time their mothers may have cooked
them their favorite meals. This allows the brand to have an advantage and this is how they gain
more customers by appealing to the customers’ emotions.

When Ghar ka Khana is advertised to customers, they realize that it is the single most
convenient factor that allows them to skip all their chores and conveniently order everything
with a few clicks. Moreover, they trust the brand with their meals as they believe that the
product will be similar to their home cooked meal expectations.

Identify the life cycle stage of your brand and the corresponding brand strategy.
Ans. At the very start, the brand may not be very popular as it may take time for customers to
understand the service offered. This is why at its initial stages, the company did not establish full
offices and worked with housewives willing to cook & with leasing commercial kitchens. As the
business leads toward growth and has regular customers, a kitchen will be established that will
be owned by the company and chefs will be recruited and trained with the best training
programs. As the brand is then lead towards maturity, the company will continue to open newer
kitchens & recruiting chefs, and will also have other expansion plans.


What will be your brand’s marketing strategy?

Ans. The goal of an integrated marketing strategy is to serve more value to the customers than
the competitors do to build customer value and maintain customer relationships. This is done
through different marketing strategies and mix which is described in detail in the diagram
below. However, primarily, it depends the most upon the following factors which sets the brand
apart from its competitors and allows them to create customer value & segmentation;
segmentation, targeting, differentiation & positioning. Segmentation: The market will be
segmented into age groups, occupations, education, socioeconomic backgrounds &
technological development. Targeting: The bulls eye target market will be men & women from
ages 25-50 who are all fulltime employed and do not stay at home. These individuals will be
from a high income socio economic background, are educated with at least a bachelors’ degree.
They will all own high end phones and are likely to be tech savvy. However, Ghar ka Khana will
target more customers from other different backgrounds as well. They will target older people
with age 50 above. While they will be educated & from high income backgrounds, they may not
be tech savvy which is why the company has a user friendly interface. Moreover, the service also
targets students from aged 16-25, they will be tech savvy but may lack the income. Positioning:
The brand will be positioned in the minds of the customers in a way that emotionally appeals to
them, the name already does as it has been aforementioned. The brand will be positioned as the
highest value giving ‘homemade’ food which will remind the customers of their homes &
families. Differentiation: the product is differentiated as there is no other service in the country
which offers customized meal planning, doing groceries & delivery.
Identify the factors considered in setting the price of your brand and the
associated pricing strategy
Ans. Since Ghar ka Khana is a specialized service which offers a variety of chores to be done for
the customers, the pricing strategy will be that it will charge a premium on the meal offered.
Since high price will be charged for high quality, “superb value” will be achieved represented on
the Price Quality Matrix, the premium charged will be understood by the customers and the
premium will signify the superior quality of product. The prices will vary for different meals,
however, they will vary between 500-800 for one person’s meal. Ghar ka Khana will earn a
substantial profit on every service offered. Besides the normal grocery plan which will have
other pricing strategy, there will be a separate pricing plan for people who prefer to buy the
meal cooked & prepared without purchasing any groceries from the company.

Describe the nature of your marketing/distribution channel. What factors were

considered while designing the marketing channel for your brand? Identify the
challenges the company will face in managing the channel members. How can
they be handled?
The product will be available in Play Store for Android users and in App Store for iOS because
they are the major markets which cater almost all application users. The marketing channel will
be extensive as there will be a lot of different customers at different places where the
organization will have to receive and distribute products to. At its establishment, the orders will
be delivered through cars rented by the organization. However, when in expansion, the
organization may partner up with food delivery business such as Uber Eats or Careem NOW to
deliver their products for them. Alternatively, the company may as well grow a delivery network
with pickup trucks which deliver the orders throughout the city.

Provide a detailed understanding of how a message will be designed and

communicated: who will be the various people involved? How will conflicts in
ideas and interest managed between the brand team and the agency?
Ans. The main owners of the brand itself, along with marketing team, will be the people
involved in designing and communicating the message. Every company needs a brand message
which will help towards positioning of the brand in the mind of the customers. Our strategy
while designing the message would be to position brand in consumers’ mind as one that
reminds them of their memories which will help them associate the brand with their childhood
and home. By use of emotional messaging strategies and the unique business idea, the
customers will be attracted towards the business and will be more likely to interested in buying
the products.

At present at the company’s establishment, the brand does not plan to hire an agency for its
marketing plan. However, for conflict resolution, the company will be adamant in working
together and effective communications to bring conflicts down to next to none in any point in

How will the Marketing budget be split across various heads of the promotion
mix? Also explain how sales promotion campaigns will be developed and when
they are implemented.
Ans. In marketing, the promotional mix describes a blend of promotional variables chosen by
marketers to help a firm reach its goals. It has been identified as a subset of the marketing mix.
While each of the afore-mentioned tools is important, their effectiveness varies from product to
product. For a product such as Ghar ka Khana, a more personalized approach will have to be
utilized in its promotions. The best methods for Ghar ka Khana’s promotions would be to
maintain Public Relations & Personal Selling. The company will hold public sessions in societies,
offices and other public forums with esteemed chefs in order to hold an interactive session with
direct target market of the company. Moreover, food bloggers or brand ambassadors will be
hired in order to promote the brand on social media and in offices and universities for direct
interaction with the target market. The budget will be divided more towards public relations &
personal selling, however, direct marketing through advertisements on the TV, internet and
social media ads will also be implemented.

At the very start, sales promotions will be offered where different discounted packages will be
offered which can be availed throughout the year by customers. These offers may be offered at
different times during the year at different events to make sure to keep giving incentives to the
How will the concepts of Integrated Marketing Communication work for the
brand? Give detailed description of any one campaign that you can use multiple
media to promote the brand. Who will be the various partners involved in
implementing the IMC together with the brand team?
Integrated Marketing is an approach to creating a unified and seamless experience for
consumers to interact with the brand/enterprise; it attempts to meld all aspects of marketing
communication such as advertising, sales promotion, public relations, direct marketing, and
social media, through their respective mix of tactics, methods, channels, media, and activities,
so that all work together as a unified force. It is a process designed to ensure that all messaging
and communications strategies are consistent across all channels and are centered on the

Ghar ka Khana will launch a campaign where in their advertisement, in their posters, in their
taglines and through deliveries, one message would be sent out: ‘Ghar ka Khana, bilkul ammi
ke hath ke jesa.’ (Homemade food, made just like that of a mother’s.) This will appeal to the
customers in an emotional way as they will be intrigued to order the service and experience an
eating luxury like that of their own mothers. When this message will be played through every
channel, it will be positioned into the minds of the customers that the food service is authentic,
reliable & one that they must order from. The brand team may involve representatives from
offices, food bloggers and other such individuals to take part in promoting their brand and
implementing this IMC.

Where will your outlets be and why?

There will be no retail outlets as the nature of the service is that all processes are done through
the application. However, there must be one head office where all administrative operations
take place and where our representatives guide any customers who may have any queries and
complaints. This outlet will be in the middle of the city where the office hub is present so that it
is accessible by all customers and is surrounded by the office hubbub.

SWOT analysis
Strengths Weaknesses

- An all in one solution - Higher prices as charging a premium

- One of its kind, no competitor which - Established competitors already
offers all the same services present in the market
- User Friendly Developed User - Weak economic position of the
Interface country, not a time of rising demands

Opportunities Threats

- Expand and go through economies of - Competitors will quickly follow

scale which will allow for lower prices through
- More segmentation groups

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