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This manual hes been ox Supplying. t0.Paggio Di tary Vehicles carried out on the book cover This publication handles the following matters = General instructions tor vehicle maintenance General for ti Ilustrations and instructions fo ‘overhauling and reassembly Assembly play of the main machine members Este manual ene el objeto de fociliter a los Di Einbuiores. Piaggio las, inetruciones.necesarins bejs manutntonyvoarcon deta wehcls Normas generales de mantenciie del vehicula, Busca y eliminacion de averias © lregularidodes de Tuneicnamiento iustraciones y narmas pera el desmontje, rev Juegos de montaje de ls érganos principales. fin the future modiictions tothe vehicles, thet Involve the tse’ of new toole will be introduced br anyway that interest the present publication, Smendmonte to thls manual will be caried out Sucosivas variaciones que pudleran introducrse fn los vehiculoe. que comporten el uso de nuevas ierramient 0 bion que ineresen el presente mar hal roran_comunieadas: mediante fesiculos de posta al da. Goneral index Specific. date Vehicles with engine separate Tubrieston General instructions for maintenance ‘tnd lubreation finding real equlpment Vespa P 125 x Pis0% Electronic ignition system Electrical equipment with electronic ‘ignition Vespa. P200 E Electrical equipment with front and urn slonals Vespa P 125%" Piso, Paver Electrical equipment with font and roar tra signals and battery isma Tools for dismantling, overhauling and reassembly t Engine in its component pacts Steering end chassis component parts Overhauling Assembly plays Flee! megneto timing Crankshaft overhacling Carburetor linen Modification tothe carburetors Reassembly Replacement of 9 Spring gear Front suspension ‘overhang Replacement of rubber bullers for Secuity lock roplacament Cable harness, replacement Painting : Notes ‘concerning’ reassembly Locking torque table Engine, Engine timing ‘Steering and chaséis component pants Final operations to vehicle belore use +29 0 2 18 2 Indice general Corsctoristcas Vehicslos con lubrificacion separaia Normae gener de manutencion yet vase Busca de averias y su eliminacion Insalacion slactrica Vespa P 125% Pasox Instalacion encendido electénico Instalacon electra con encendido ‘lectronice Vespa P2008 Instalacion eléctrica con indcadores do ‘droccion dolanteros traseros Vesps Piasx Pis0X- P200e Instalacin eléctries con indicadores de ‘droccion delanteros, traeros y beri, Dosmontaje: Herramientss pora desmontaje, revision Motor an sus partes Direceldn y partes del basidor Revisiones: Juoges de. mont Pruebas y calaje volante magnético Revision tiguensl Puesta a punto carburador Puosta al dia carborador Remontae: Sustitucion palanea int. sector cambio Enranaje” last Revision grupo suspensién delantars Sustitucion silent - Blocks soporte motor Sustiveton ‘anthro, Susttueton grupo cables elétricos Notas relativas al mont Tabla pares de. loca) Motor Caio. motor Direceidn ¥ partes del Bastidor Puesta a punto del vehieulo antes dl ‘empleo Pig. 2. +29 2 18 2 28 Specifications FRAME: intogrl chassis. pressed sheet, stream ‘ned monacone type srcture STEERING COLUMN [BND SUSPENSIONS: the stecring column is pivoted fn the frant wheel swinging hb. Front. and rear Stsponsions with variable flexibility helleal springs find’ hydrautie dampers Vespa P125X Consumption (sccording to CUNA Standards): 2a 00 Kn. (114 (U.S. gal 194 ml/imp, gal). Max fuel capacity: 8 1 (21 U.S. gal or. imp. al) inclusive 21 I of reserve (055 U.S gal oF 85 imp. gal). Max speed: (according to CUNA Standards) move than 20 km/h (38 mph) Range: mare than 370 Km (230 mi). Carrying capacity: 2 persons and 10 Kg (22 lb) of luggage Wheel base: 1235 mm. a" 7) Handlebars width: 625 mm, (27°), otal length: 1260 mv, (60! 2). Max heigth: 1110. mm. (@2°7) Min, ground clearance: 225 7m Turning radius 1650 mm. (64°). Total dey wight: 108 9. (229), Wheels: intereringesble Wheel rime: 210 Tyres: 35010 Tyre pressure: Front "wheel: 12 stm (178 ps) fear wheel: 1.75.atm. (25.75 1) with one up 255 am, (907 p81} with two op Engine: Single cylinder two stroke, rotary dst bution and with three transfer ports Borer S25 mm. (2058), Stroke: 57 mm. (2°28) Displacement” 125.4 c2. 7.52 eu. in Compression ratio: 182 Spark advance: 21° 1 before TOG. Sparking plugs Marelli CW ON AT; Bouch W 225 T+ REG 75" Champion 188; AC 42 f2 Lodge 2 HN. ("90 BASTIDOR: carroceria monocasco estampads en ‘chapa de acera de linea abietay eareeds, BI REGCION ¥ SUSPENSIONES: tubo le direcelon lotado sabre el brazo con bule osclante porta fede delantere. Suspensioneselanteray tase: ‘a provstas de mucies helcoidales de feted \arlable y smortiguadores.hdralices Vespa P125X Consumo (oarmas CUNA): \ 2.1 litos & Ios 100 tm Capactdad total deposi: (reserva 2.1 liteos incl seks 8 Ines Velocidad maxima: (normas CUNA): més de 90 ‘Autonoma: més de 370 km, {Carga til: ploto.pasajero y 10 kp. de equipales. Distancia entre ejes: 1235 mm. Anchura max. del'manila: 695 nn, Lnghted makina: 1760 mm ‘itora mains 1810. ‘ture minima del estibo: 225 mn, Radio minima: 1550. Peso total en vacies 108 kg, Ruedas: itercambabes, Fede’ deanters, 12 Rueda tasera: 173 atm” ‘con solo pilot: 2.5 atm. on dos pasajers. Motor: monocilindrico de dos tiempos, dstibuidor fotativo'y tres lumbreras de paso. Diametre! 523 mn Carrera 7 tm Gllindrads: 1231 co, Felacion de compresion: 1:62. ‘Avance encendidar 21" ates del PMS, ‘Marea de bujas: Marelli CW EN AT 0 bien Bosch W'225 Tr KLG F 7S: Champion U6; AG 4 F? Lodge 2 HN. The vehicles run with gasoline oil mixture |. Total 2-1 Motor Ol: Chevron 2-7 Motor Ol Brat 27 Motor Ol Carburante: mezela gasolina acsite al 2% (accite mineral SAE 10) Esso 2-T Motor Oil 40: Shell Super 2.7 Motor Dit, Total 2-7 Motor Ol; Chevron 2-T Motor Ol: Brat 2:7 Atotor Oi, ai scoot } oe Carburetor: Del'Ono SI 20/2000. ‘Transmission ratio engine to diving wheel Bott ‘gear ta ‘hd gear 4731 2nd gear 110.28 Top goer 15.5 Vespa P 150X Consumption {according to CUNA standards): > 231/100 Km. (102 ml US. gal: 196 ml/imp. gal). ‘Max fuel capacity: | (21 U.S. gl or 176 1. gal) inclusive 21 (of reserve (035 U.S. gal or 6 temp oa!) Max speeds (according to CUNA then 100 Km/h (62 mph. Range: more than 245 Km (280 mi.) Carrying capacity: 2 persons and 10 Ko, (22 1b) of luggage. Wheel base: 1235 mm. (8"7) Handlebars width: 695. mm, (27°23). Total Tength: 1780 mm. (09°20) Max helgth: 110 mm. (23°79 Min. ground clearance: 228 mm. (886) Turning radius: 1650 rom. (04796) tandarés}: more Total dry weight: 104 Ie. (229 Ib) Wheels interchangeable Front wheel: 12 atm. (17.6.8) Rear wheel: 175 atm. (2576 psi) with one 25 atm. (3817 psi) with two Up. Engine: Single cylinder ewo stroke, rotary ds bation and with three transfer ports, Bore: 578 mm. (2"27) Stroke: 57 mm. (2°24) Displacement. 149.56 co, 919 cu. In Compression ratio: 1:82. ‘Spark advances 21°=1" before TDC Sparking plug: Marelli CW EN AT: Bosch W 225 TAC 43 Lodge 2HN. Carburetor: DellOrto SI 20/2000. Carburador: Dell Orto S! 20/20 0. Relaciones de tranemisién motor-rusde fave t/iaar Sa vel 2a vel 1/1028 48 vel re 836 Vespa P 150 X {Consumo (normas CUNA): “9 23 Iitos @ los 100 im Capacidad total depésito (rsorva “> 21 itros in clusve)s 8 hitos. vel inh utonomia: mis de 245 ki, (Carga til plot, pasajro y 10 kg. de equpsies. dad mixima: (normas GUNA): més de 100 1760: Altura mnie 110 mm Altura minima del estibo: 225 mm, Radio: minim: 1680 mm Peso total en vaco: 10! ko Ruedas: intercambiab Lantas: de 2.10 [Newmaticos: 3.50 10 Presion do los neumsticos: Rueda delantera: 12 str Rueda trasera: 1.75 tm. con s6lo pilot; 28 atm. con dos pasajeros. Motor: manociindico de dos tiompos, distibuidor Fotative y tes lumbreras de pase, Didmetra: 578 mm, Carrera: 57-mm lindrada: 189,56 ce. Felacion de compresion: 1:82. Avance encendide: 21° 1" antes del PMS. ‘Marea de bujas: Marelli CW 8 N AT o bien Bosch W'b2s Tir AC 43 F; Lodge 2 HN, Carburador: Dell'Oro $1 20/20. Langit maxim Vespa P 125% entiieation dats: the identification dats are com posed by a prefix (VN Ton chasis, VNL Mon gina) and by serial number ve Datos, para la identiiescién: Iss matviculas de Idontigacion eonsiaten enon prfijo (VAX T s0- bre el chosla, VNLSM sobre el motor) ¥ en in P1asx Vespa P 150 Identieation data: the identification data are omposed by a prefix (Vix IT on chars, VLX FM ‘on engine) end by a serial number. Vespa P 150% Datos para la identificacién: las matr rife de idon: titeacian eonsiaten en un peotjo (VL AT sobre el Chasis, VLX IM sobre el matory 9 phim. wp IaH scoot } wy ‘Transmission ratio engine to diving wheel: Bor gear tae Sed gear 1731 Bod gear 11028 Top gear 1536, Vespa P200E Consumption: (accord. to CUNA. standards): 31/100 Km (08.76 mi US. gal 7803 mim. ga.) Mae fol capacity! 6112.1 U.S gal or 176 Im. Gal) inclusive 21 I of reserve (055 U. S. gal or B48 amp. gal) Max speed: (according to CUNA standerds) than HO Kin/h (68 mph) Range: more than 260 Ken (1618 mi) Carrying eapacty: 2 persons end 10° kg. (22 1b) of lungage. Wheel base: 1255 mm. (487) Handlebars. width: 685 mm, (27"'3) Total Tongth 1780 mm. (09 29) Max beigth: 1110 mm (3"7). Min. ground clearance: 225\mm_ (886) ‘Turing radius: 1650. mm. (03" 96) Total dry weight) 108 9) (238 1). Wheels interchangesble Wheel rims: 210 Fear wheel: 75 atm. (2576 ps] with one up. 25 atm. (367 psi} with two up Engine: Single cylinder two stroke, rotary dist: bution and with three transfer ports Bore: 60.5 mm (2" 618) Stroke: 57 mm. (2°28), Displacement: 137 97 ce. Compression ration 1:08. Spark sdvancer 29°+1" before TOC Sparking plug: Marelli CW ON AT” Bosch W 225 12: Champion Nx AC.49 XU: Lodge 2 HUN, Carburetor: Dell Orto Si 24/20 Transmission ratio engine t0 crving wheel Bott goer 11342) ‘rd gear n'a Top gear 12.000 eu, in 1632 Relaciones de transmistin motor -ruede: tavel 1/1447 3a vel 23 vel. 1/1028 aay ed 7536 Vespa P200E Consumo (normas CUNA): 3 litres fos 100 km Capacidad total deposit: (reserva W241 rosin chisel U8 hire, Velocidad maxima: (normes CUNA): més de 110 més de 260 km. Carga ttle pllto, pasajro y 10 kg. de equip Distancia entre ejes: 1235 mm ‘Anchura mix, del manillar: 695 rm, {ongtud matimas 1760. mm ‘Altura maxima: 1110. com ra minima del estibo: 228 mm fen vecio: 103 ko intercambiabes, Rede Uantas: de 210) resign de los neumsticos: Rueda delantere: 12 atm Rueda trasera: 1,75 stm. con solo piloto: 25 atm, on doe pesoleros Motor: monccilindrco de dos tiempos, ditribui dor rotativo y tres lumbreras de paso. ‘iameto: 68.5 mm. Carrera: S? mm Gilindrada: 19797 cc Flacion de compresion: 1.08, mneendida: 23° 1" antes del PMS. Morea de bujaes Marei CW GN AT'9 bien Bosch W225 12: Champion Nd: AC 43 XL: Lodge 2 HIN. Carburador= Dell Oto Si 24/24 © Fielacones de tranemision, motor -rueds: fave 1/1342 Bavel. 1/532 23 vel. 1/813, ae vel. 1/87 Vespa P200E Identification data: the Idontfication date are composed by prefix (VSX 1 on chassis, VSE Mon engine) and by 8 serial number espe P200€ le ntificacién: las matriculas de Iden fan on un pret (VSKtT sobre SEM sobre ef motor) yen un numero, . jp-com | scool 6 Vehicles with « LS » device Tho Vespa endowed by request with separate lubrication of the engine, ‘sre equipped (eee his 3} "with two, ‘separated tank" one. for” petal {gasoline} tank capacity 8 1'(211 US, gals 17 Imp. gals) included reserve of about 24 1. (038 U5 “Gals: 046 imp "gais) ane the other one for fli 1611 (042 U5. gale: 039 im. gals) included gerve of ebaut 04S 1 (012 U. S gal. 0.099 inp ‘ale Don't fill up the tank tor petrol (gasoline) with petrol -cil mixture but with pore petal (gash aoemal {ype used Tor ears The oll tank should be tiled op with ESSO 2.7 MoroR Olt 40, The petrol i conveyed to the carburettor by means cof the normal gravity system. tho oi i conveyed In the Suction pipe by means of 4 = [8 davice composed of a piston pump with variable stroke controlled ‘by" the. crankshaft through gear ‘The’ oll tank is provided with transparent cup rormally full ‘of, for checking "ar bubbles Sopearing_ when oil lowers to reserve (028 1) Bose US" gel 0077 tmp. gal Description The automatic -LS- device for ol (petral) has been designed ond realized by Piaggio in order to aseure the perfect lubrication af twa. stoke engine ot all Spel ant any ne cond Everybody knows that Piaggio engines with rotary Aistnbution are fod with 2". mixture sith direct fdvantages ‘on power.” on” period. intercurrent Between two subsequent decerbonizings and on ‘poration ‘economy Such oll per cent has been fixed in order to assure the lubrication and. the runding without inconveniemts'on the most hard use conations {0 the high +... snd to the, maximum Toad But the’ tes have proved that using the vehicle to the fower p.m. ond with the limtated tote ‘pening 2 Tower oll quantity Is sulicent snd more Convenient. can be asserted that st any use ‘Vehiculos con dispositive « LS » Los Vespa, provistas a paticion de Iubricacion Seporada’ del motor, tienen (ver fj. 3) dos de postoy eran ‘era tal cosa 8 {eapacidad 18 Te inclusa la reserva c> O48 it) EVZurtido del deposito gasolina no debe efectuare® ‘con mezcla gasolina atte sino con gaealina pu ‘del tipo normal para autovehiclog ET depasito del aceite debe ser surtilo con aceite ESSO 2:1 MOTOR OIL 40, {i gatoling lege al carburador con ol slateme omal = por gravedad, el aceite es enviado. en eh conducto de aspirscion mediante un dispositive S18" constteido por une bombs de piston, de Carrera variable. mandada por el eigdefal mediante ‘ina tranemision de engranajes Er deposito del aceite esta equipado con un indica or. de material transparent, (generaimente leno 4d aceite) sur porme abservsr la formacion Ge ‘bua de sire cuando nivel del deposito "valor de reserva {028 It} Deseripein £1 deposit automstico + 1S » he sido estudiado ¥ sealtogo por Maggs pars lutricacion dees motores de do tempos oy edos tom repimenes yen toa condor de ene oot que ls matores Pappa de dtebucon re tata sonalimentads’ con essa aS Coy rect venaon sobre Inputs street prods Ss hay ete" doa Gesncrstacions sucesas') Sate ls economia de eercico Dieha poreonaje de scete ho sio detndo para Seeger is ican yl unconaena a8 enveientes_en fos condones ae ermplen mes pesado es decir (08 aise rogimenes is bioreearge Por aa" prosbas ‘har demoratade fue empleando el veicuo'e or roimenes Ine, ‘ores on abertire deg redveda aon suf lemtes'y"mas convenientedcantidades inferiores descend pusgese ante alvar que 3 ads cor dtctn' de. Spice coresponde ind canidad 200 cada de lucent, scot Condition cortespands_an_optimum of brant The device carried out by Plaggio satistes comple tely such necessity since it works a am automatic mixer “dosimeter” conseauentaly itis. the Scessory the, most suitable for the two stoke ‘engine In consideration of the variable condtns ‘fuse to which the vehicle can be subjected By dosing Suaby the oll quantity In relation Yo the Fim the s\Sedovien reduces viterory the smears ofthe sparkplug eylinder piston unt and silencer nd it allows an appreciable employment economy ‘moreover It offers ta" tho. customer sis0. the Important advantages of using fr a certainty oll oF the type and quality preserbed and of voiding ‘mintue refueling with unsuitable ot percentage. Rig known on this subject thatthe. tomatic petrol pumps sometimes can result inexact wen sliver the misture about oil percentage Forthermore the checking and examination easiness fof the sigle parte ore not negligible advantages of the Ploggio device i Uited outside the engine land itis easy to. approach while for constuction IR'dogs not necessitate any special timing with the For dsmentling and reassembling the component parts, the Workshop standard tools are sufi. Epecifie tools are not essential How the device works The device fig 3. 16 fed by the oil contained in & proper tank Ge iVospe eavipped with «LS - device there are in fact hited vp, with separated pipe unions. wo aiforent tanks" for fuel and Yor lubeeant ‘The refvlling of the first shouldbe carried out with pure petrol. not with mixture: the second tank with Mineral ll SAE 40 (rum ond 2 on favre), In order to carey out the level contol. the oil tank Is provided with sight glass tevel ofc n.3) with ansparont ube! normaly full_of il, the sight ‘lass bogins To empty when the level Towers 10 the Fegerve value (035 1 £1 diapositive reslizado por Piaggio satatace com pletamente aicha necesidad porque fanctona como Imezelador-dosieador automatica: por fo tent ean sttuye el accesoro mss. apropido para el motor fe os lempos. en consideracion de las varoblos Condiciones de empleo a las que ol veNeulo puede Someterse Dosiicando oportunamente le cantiad de aceite fn rolacion # los regimenes de Tuncionamiento, el Spositvo. «U8 = reduce slterormente Tos. ens Stamientos de ls buss, del grupo ellindeo- piston y'de! slenciador permitiendo una apreciable 20. ome de ejercico, ofrece adams al usuario Tas" importantes ventas” de poder “usar segura. monte ceite se tipo y de la calidad prescrptos Y'de evitar surtidos con mezcla con porcentje de {cette no spropiedo, es note en propoato que los Gistrbuidores. automaticos. pueden. 2 veces. re: Sultar imprecisoe ‘en Ia eragacion do Ta. mezcla para lo que se reiere al porcentaje de aceite. Por Nin 'letaiidad ‘da ‘contrat y de examen de cada pleza constituyen Ins ventajae 90 despreciables dol Uispositvo Piaggio: montado al exterior del motor fede facil manejo, no necesita sigin ealje par ular con los drganos del motor Para el desmontje y remontaje de i plezas son Sutesentes las normales herramientas dt taller sin recesided de herramionta especicas Funcionamiento EI dispositive (lg. 3) @s limentado por el aceite contenido en un depésito En lag Vespa provistar de = LS » ge halon instal fos con Bocas separates. dos diatintos depesites para. carburontey para el lubrificante. El surtido del primero debe ofectuarse con gus0- Tina pura, no con mezcla: el segundo depésito debe ser repstad com aceite mineral SAAD (0. 1'y m2 en to tigueal Pare parmitr et contol dal nivel el depdsita de fceite va provisto do indieador (9. 2) con tubo Transporente: aormalmente lleno de acelta ein scot ‘The petrol (gasoline) is conveyed tothe carburetor by beans of the normal gravity system, the oll fe Sucked by a piston =p « whose run is guided by the radial positon of aiding block. onthe inclined plane of the piston el! controled by the trotle {ransniston by means of » proper lever To each position of the thvotle twist rip corresponds therelore a specie position of the ‘Shading blocks and concerning width of the piston Fun therefore: the quantity of the sucked ol changes ‘ceoding "tothe trote. opening and engine revelations Important: Won dismantling, overhauling _oF reassembling the «LS devieo the piping. ca Femain without oi In” order to permit to «LS device a progressive and sure fling of the above ining, sfter sid operations tis visable tol fp the foe! tank (nin gure) with 31 of mbsture (of gesoline petra and mineral Oil SAE 40" the ‘mistura shovld be at 2% Alter this relueling, the following ones should be caried out with (petrol) garaline only. The" pump ‘unil"= composed. by '8 piston. with concerning sliding housing. is. put nto rotation Fy"s"gear vansmission lorankshaft - missr shalt ratio: 1785). the piston == hos op the rod, 8 proper smoothing” that for the’ elect of the Imentioned rotation alternately reise the opening fal loting 0 the’ nat pipe (No. 9) and at Gl supsly pipe No. 6) the fatter. provided with valve and ball set spring In such 9 way the pump Tealizes alternatively the suction period’ (Rn fig) land delivery period to. the Venton 18. In gure) Wwinere theo tsa ie mixed with tho” gasoline (petrat) sucked ‘by engine dicador empieza a vaciarse cuando et nivel bala i'valor de ta caching mal por oravedad el aceite es sepirado por Un pt ton" cuya carrera es regulads port posicion Fadia den patin sobre el olano inchnado et Br Stam mismo mandado por la Wansmision ga me: diane una oportuna palanca ‘Re cada"poscion el puto. gas corresponde une Bosicion specifica. el pati. relatva sm {ud de Ta carrera del piston a cantdad de ace Aspirado” varia ademés “que. con las rovoluciones el motor, tambian con fo abertura de ges Important: En caso de desmontsie. revsisn 0 monte del dispositive = tS. ls conductor del Aispositvo pueden quedar ain_scete ara permit ai dispositive = LS = un progresivo Seguro vellano de los mismos, so aconeeya dee Postar el depasito gasoline (n-t'en lng} con 3 Sproximadament de mezcle al 2% de beat mi: eral SAE 40) ‘Agotando esis provisiin, las siguientes deberén ‘ogieamente ser electuades con ‘dla goeolna. El'grupo bomta ° formado esencialinene. porn piston con relative alajamiento de deslizamiant, fs puesto en rotecion por una transmision de en ‘ranajes.(relacion clguenal ela el mercisdor: 4745)" piston = p= lleva ademas sobre le varia un allanamienta que’ por efecto de da rotacion 80 Brodicha'roalizaaternativemente Ia ‘abertura lerre de los conductos de Tlegoda aceite (n 8) y fe ‘envio aceite in 5} este ultima provisto de valvula con bole musi slibrado, En esta Terma la bomb reaizaalternativamente Tae Tases de aspiracion del aceite (A en lag) de slimentacn al difusor dal carburador (B en 1s Tigura) donde el aceite misma se mezcla con Ia ‘9tsoine aspirads por el moter. scot p a 0 General instructions for maintenance and lubrication ‘wih gasoline (petrol) 8nd ow dry with ait Fiywheel_ magneto “ - (Vespa, P2002 excepted) ‘Spark plug Chock electrode gap | Clean. decoke, adjust ‘900 (08 mm) Silencor - Decoke exhaust pipe 6) Sewing and speedometer - . wel oe Gear selector. brake ress Tevers, spesdometer dave’ pinion hossing “ Bowen contr cables | Adjust Fywhoel felt (125% - Piso) More important nuts and | Check tightness = Boi the vehicle Tocking torque table on page 710 {ha Pale han actuate lick starter lever’ tf time and it ages the spark pg) Ser with gasaine (patrol) nd low dey with ait Clean contact breaker Doin and adjust max, pep 03705. mm Grease (9) Grease (®), ‘with gasoline (petrol) nd blow dry with air et Replace contact breser points {it necessary) Briclean and adjust Replace spark plug Decoke exhaust pipe 6) Grease (®) Chock tightness (see Tosking toraue table ‘on page 71) espa Hg 4) Sear unpainted metalic pers with amiruatpresne = 8) Raise the ah Group ie Be tet Every 4.000 Km, Every 8.000 Km, ene? Lubricants Engine Chock carburettor | Remove carbon from 2 Remove. deposit rom Tastering (Soe locking | "piston. eyindr hood ‘gine pare which torque table on page | eylinder ports” Clean an be os m Shtover & eyindor ear box change it Check and top up oit | Change oil (4A) | Change it (A-A) | 14 Ey 2 Moy Tevel{2- Alto tevelof | tat Sea Stee filer foi ae Air fter DSismantte and clean | Oismantie and clean | Dismantie and clean | Bin #:1 Abior Brit Meter 4, fe, Bean Normas generales de manutencién y engrase rope Despuce de Tos primeros. 1000 Kin. ‘Gade 4.000 Kim. (Cada 8.000 Kem. En enso de revielon ‘briieantes cambio Filta aire Volante magnético (excep "o Vespa P 200.) Silenciador Sector cambio. palancas movin. ‘euentakm onsmisiones floxbles Fieltro volante (° 125% Piso x) Tuercas y torilos princi sles del wehiculo, 5) Geamomr fay wedse” nat apeero Seta misma’ 10-18 em’ dence i a Control su). carburador iver pares de blocaje pa. 71) Sustitucion eceite (4.8) Alustar Control blocaja (ver to la de Tos pares de Bye Una aol jnaeanioutate Ie'Sonor tess no paca 1) Operacens eye cont tor ela catia 6 tnt mn. hata rrr ar deer 18) Opeacon electron dambre tendado® ben sopngo ‘con nrecomprimss pa Desinerustacign piston, ulaa, lumbreras Ninos limplere ext ‘lindo Veriieacion y rostble imiento. nivel scat (aA) hasta. rozar agujero de carga Desiontsie_y_limpleze ‘on gasolina” secar con aire: comprimido. Limpleza, desiner ion, ajuste distancia tlectrodos 0.9 tm. Lumpleza tubo de escape ti Lubetcar. (®) Sustituion aceite (AA) ‘geslina” sacar con ie comprimido Lumpleza platinos del Tutor y ajuste aber ture "0360.5 mm Lubriear (®) tubritear (9) Lubriicae (®) "2 go Sains Sete, Limpieza y dosincruste ‘ion de Tas partos del ‘motor aun Gtiiabios Sustituién aceite (4A) Desmontaje.y_timpieza ‘on gasoline” secar con fara’ comprimido Sustitueién raptor (en ato de necesided) 0 Bian limpteza y ajuste latinos Sustiteidn bua LUmpieza tubo de escape betiear (®) brticar (®) Control blocaje (vero blaen la pag. 71) (a fovea Mee Per Not Ot to fale! tour 0 usin 1) Lin vei 2) aso et eabrane contain ptt anol si Fault finding — Localizacién y el wacién de eventuales ENGINE ‘MoToR Lack of power. ack of Compression Leakage. Poco rendimento. Poca compreston Escape de gas. Loosening of serews and nuts of the diferent m- chine members ~ Tornllos y tueress de los distntos organos fois, Hard starting. Difeultad de. arranque. = Carburettor jets and fuel cock clogged or dey. = Engine Hooding, = Suridores del earburador y cuerpo de fa Have ob: stuldos © sucios = Motor shogado, Tighton nuts and bolts of the engine interested parts (fia. Carburetor. cylinder hese silencer coupling st the. tongues fared out on the table of page 71 Biocar weress y tomilos de los Grganos interesados del motor {ig 4) carburador. cults union silenelador. bservando los vo loras de Tos pares de biocae Indicados en ls tabla de le pag. 1 Remove, wash In petrol snd blow dry Close the fuel tap, open completely thro fver the engine fevers! times unt i starts IF the engine does not start attompt «push starting «or remove no "sparking plug. clean or replace it; before reassembling the sparking plug. kick over the engine In order to elect fuel excess, twist grip and ick Dosmontar y lava con gasoline pure y secar con un soplado de| aire vomprimigo, Cerrar el grifo del depésito,girar completamente el puto mando ‘88 apretar el pedal hasta el arranque. Sel motor no arrancs mnt sl vehicle @ bien desmontar Ie bua, lprara o sust {uila, antes de volver s rontria hagase’ iar ei motor para fxpulsar el exceso de carburante te an sete fp.cqm COpeadones»velunr fl ‘Tendency of the engine to stop when the throttle is] ail open TTendencia del motor a pararse a la maxima ape oes. lt dity, weak mixture = Surtidor sucio, carburacidn pobre Exhaust noise grows weak. Fuido del escape Mojo, = fxce8s of carbon on cylinder ports Silencer clogged = Exceso de incrustacones sobre las lumbreras del eilindre = Siloneindor obstruido Irregular engine exhaust: croclings when the vehicle {running p hill or picking up, Escape del motor irregular, explosiones durante Is fseeleracion 0 subiendo cuestas. = Air titer diy, Detective spark pv ~ Clean the jet in net gatoline (petrol) and blow dey with alr Jot. Chock the sparkplug Clean the carburetor {it dirty) in net gasoline (petrol) and blow] ony, IW damaged. replace packings. Lavar el surtidar en gasoline pura y secar eon sire compeimido. CContaiar les condiciones de fa bua {var ef carburador (s1 suo] ean gegolina pura y secar con un| Soplado de. ire comprimido, Sigs juntas estan averiadas sustitiras, Decoke (see fg 5). Decoke. Clean using 9 hooked wire or by blowing, through] Compressed ar rom the inlet end alter having previously heated the’ unt externally. Desincrustar (ver fig. 8) Desincrusta. Operscién a efectuar con alambre acodado o bien | Soplondo con tive comprimida por la brida de. fiacion al Tindra: previa ealentamieatodel tubo: de escape al exterior. Clean or replace, Decoke, adjust the electrodes gap or replace (see fig. 6), by Using aways. spark plog types recommended on poges 3°, ~ Uinpiar 0 susttuir sem nea ie “ nes» loci el crn peranes rela Boje defectuo carburettor Carburador ~ Flooded for impurities in the fuel ‘Ahogado por impuridades en el carburanta, High consumption ‘Consumo elevedo Air fter clogged or dirty Starter contol set In closed position or lacked Filro de lee tapado © sueio ~ Mando alte fo en posiion de cerrado o blocado. Braking systorn Frenos ~ Poor braking, muchos Inconvenient a ear Son rovecaos pr et so de ome ult no soropiala © empleo de mane Desinerustar.corregir Is dlatancia de los eletrodos 0 susttui (Wer fig. 6). empleando siempre los tipos de bust sconeejados fen las pag. 35, = Dismantio and clean in net gasoline; blow dry with air Jet Desmontar y Iavar en gasolina pura: secar con un soplado de aie. comprimide, = Clean in net gasoline (petrol) and bow dry with ai jt = Free off starter device lever and lubricate, Limplar on gasolina pura y secar con un soplado de sire com primi. ~ Desbloquear la pal Brakes adjusting is carried out by means of adjusting screws| Indicated by arrows in figs, 9 and 8 Keep in mind that when the brake lever or pedal are in their Treating position the wheel should rotate freely NB the braking ection shoud begin mrneatly on opersting the respective control, = i with ‘the common adjustings on the transmissions it is not possible to eliminate the eventual Inconvenenta, check the jows| End the drums Incase of excessive woars or scratches replace, =I brake awa are oil imbued, for example for oll seal leaks, before replacing them, try to make them efficient by washing Ggascling petal, then let air ry i ReeBSotetnec wi ‘use y locale dl nconveionte peadaces svar Note Frenade insuficiente 1 tse de fos trenas eects regan lo mands me Glanto los reglajes ndlcados con lecha en las figo.'7 y 8. Pa onsegur que fos frenes funcionen bien es necesario que. a ‘eda ite libremente cuando la palanca'o pedal de mando| Se encuentran en postion de repos. NN. B. Las zapatas deben empezar a frenar apenas se accion ef mando respectivo, ~ Si con los reelajes normales sobre las tranemisiones no es 90: sible eliminar los inconvenientes eventusles, controlar zapats| y tambores Si se notan desgastes excesivos 0 rayedos ofa ~ Sites zapatas hublesen absorbide sclte o través de los retones, 9s de sustiturlas se puede Intntar remterlas on efclenc Favandolas on gasolina y seesndola al are = Gables rusted in their stecths. | Lubricate or f necessary substitute. = Dafectuoso deslizamienta cables en las fundss. |~ Engrasar 0 sustituir. Suspensions and steering contls. ‘Mandos direecion y suspensiones, Chock upper ring ut tightening: if after this adjustment. the Steering rotation fa still rrogula. cheek ball races and replace them i pited = Hf front suspension is noisy. check what follows and replace possible damoned parts {1"From ‘damper efficiency 2) Whee! hub nut locking 5) Ball besrng and dc roller bearings conditions (sae on this [Cute set, ‘subject on page 61 front suspension overhauling). |Aiuate embrague Th I Fee con intermitentes y batera, A) Todos los dispositive slimentados por la insto lacionelectrica no fnctonan, El Inconveniente debe loealtearse en uno 0 més de los siguientes dspost Regulador: Cortocicuita de las plezas que conn nen a reguladarInterrupcion ‘debida olde fhras defectuosas. Torminalas de Tos cables de Sconeetados. Contec de masa infcas. 5) Funcionamionto defectuoso inermitentes: sls frecuencia de alumbrade del testo sobre el man lar se altars cuando los intermitentes estan conec: tades, hay una imerrupcian dl fonctonamonto do tna do Tob dos Iamparas de los intermitentes ©) Falta del funcionamiento de la pares de intormi: tontes conectados: verlicar toes Tas conexiones ‘que hacen parte. do. los intermitentes; especial mente aquella de [a bate porta contactos, indicada conein on necesaro.qutar el cube: accion actuando sabre tes 4 tornilos de sujecton 2euperiores (aceesibies mediante el desmont ‘el letrero = PIAGGIO). y'2 inferiores "desde ft interior dela male. $1 tales contactos son swore deben atribuiree a defoctes Ge lon siguientes dispostvos, CConmutedorintormitentes Defecto de funclonamiento © iregularidades. Defective earthing ofthe tun signal lamps Front turn signal lamps: chock that earth eable is forpcty inserted ios conection on the bulb Rear turn signal lamps: check the contact between bulb socket"and owl check also it the earthing onnaction (realized with the contact between hook £m ig. 22 for locking tool box and the spectic Fivet' H' located on the appendix ofthe tol box {or fastening the hook) 1s elicit Notice - After having disconnected the cables on the voltage regulator for overhauling. ete, when reassembling pay attention that the connections Sobre el cuerpo del port amparas. Intormitentes traseros: controlar el contacto entre portalampora y cole: veriicar ademas ‘que la Eonexion de masa {realizada mediante el contecta tnire pancho” = G+ fig 22 dec Femache especificg «H.. situsda. sobre para el anclaje del gancho sea ecient. Advertencia - En caso de que sea necesario de- Sconcctr ls cables del regulator de tension ara Stoctuar unos contoles ‘dela instlacion, ao: Tmontaje tenor culdado de efectuar corectamente fas" conexiones, 2200 jp-com Tools for dismantling, overhauling and assembling operations revision y montaje Herramientas para desmontaj Ta ay Ta ma iat maa ema iat eae bee eames er £ common st yee tte corse 43-00 Base montae babies on et stator Bit wrisenmeneta Ealing ttawe para eaequillo superior eointe directa 6 1. o0%e208 5 Fr Too! ramkshaft assy. (2nd opr.) Uil montaje cided (2a op) ‘o be: EB on ceonig | - w % Fl = —— F060 i SGOOLRMMB] COIN Teel for sy of lower wack on 0013460 se | | rootae 41 || Reering Cation Searing : Teg fora ny (at on) near EE tion is torr il mont. cigaeal (13 0p. ctor eines nto “intron rasaion yp pains ee salle eee Stans Ee ee mre ve | BaP Bey ot eat a ns sorena ears e | | ee sp eo 8 inferior direccion Celentador (220 V-50 Hz 0 bien 260 V- 50 Hz) Ag oo ™ Fa Eman bare be on ‘Long nose pliers for circlip ‘Util desmontaje tubo int. travesafio: Punch for D. C. bearing $ scoot ares a | | gem | | prezowe foc carn ia ane cn Ree ee os saga eo, ey ea ea == vexitina ies verti vena are 21200 a EA 0, . bong ron | | roma % Fim ae cote Se aes Toate aay, vt a tu. at i le ta ac mon “« % {Ser damaning of per wack on ogor « Iower ee eon Fsting Kno exacting maint Fr pve ee sone ita pdb af Satie Sl it i sausr wea Ser aver |PSeze SAREE | Extractor cojinetes reen ® Fine mani pve wack of Eaonale as | | ate Saat eee Sater i oj ss50/¢ Ur Sera asin dt Distanciador p, util T.19559/C cojinete superior direccin Al ae —sedoleito.cof oe as | | rowzon | | rowers 98 Tea ranting oda, of eth a we wee Yaesu cata Ut desma y mente ebraue Pera areas Ui as tesran Sabet y een eine ennannenrs iad enna ie "ator mean F - vT 1. 0022480 a i 1. 0022192 sa | | Punch for expeting bearings Bally for riveting gear change Poineroextracion cojmetes o Util pare remachodo pasedor 0 cambio - 10072567 os Jig for assy. engine bearer tube UU montae tubo intr susp. motor 1, o0zess2 se . 42.43 | | dig for expetting rubber butfors and ‘ 42:83 | | bearer tate on crankcase” swinging vaca | | er | | Git para desmontaje anilio de gome ¥ two int suspenatin motor 1073465 78 Gradusted disc for engine timing * Disco areduedo para ealaje motor 1022553 cS San sr Scootefiele.gom 1. o022ser 72 |_| rear damper atch. sleave 10023569 2 Base plete for crankcase halt Unt! para desmontaje anil de gome Punch for oll seals 2 Base do apoyo semicarer Y ‘tubo fjcion amoriguadortresero Puntén para retenes aay = = a veneara ee entaea ne senior Rep Be, ee cena) a . - ea = ‘7.002753 ti Toole ey windshield beading epee for cages in fg eesicmeneela eae co | | APS fr ening, ming Fagne tse oto Pano 6 spyo motor i : . 5 sd - i . Fit dex fr engoe tng ee Indice fio calaje motor 0023638 42-73 « RSE Aas —pe* ong nose pliers for citclips 02 ek, meets ate somsier ‘s be Wedge ‘T..0030627 * Cute Wrench for clutch nut tne tate orague ss Neal & : so | | x oneras8 re | | raostree oozes Jig for erankshaft dlamanting Uti pera’ desmontarelguesal dig for assy. oll soal ‘Ut montsje retén Tool for securing clutch Gancho suj.embraque 7008 Too. pe 7008 te oars a Essie won co mo | cm o oats at | | hice wear pe amoanaa ‘Too! for expelling crankshaft Hise a . Tegeneas, — 1 so T. ooaas6a at on mainshalt ne ey Pao Peay he iat 4 5 await soot re 4 Complete disassembly of vehicles (On this chapter thore are illustrated the main operations of dsassombly which require special fooling "and. ‘oxpendients.” Operations easily executed Using standard secewdrvers, wrenches pllers etc. ara’ oat demonstrated. Howover we attract operator attention on necessity to correctly carry” out. the gisessembly and feassembly operations of the diferent unit. {void possi. deformations (lor inst bearing races, ‘concerning housing ec.) NB. When specific notes are not indieated the ‘Operations earred out on this chapter are valid for all the ‘models of the above mentioned vehicles Dismantling oF the engine in its component parts After having carried out the oll draining in a net tray through the ol drain hole. fit the engine unit fn the’ engine ase plate T0625095 (lig. 23) Fig. 25 - Cylinder head cylin Disconnect H. T. cable from sperk plug, take off cooling hood — by. acting "on three fasteners, femove silencer, carburettar nd dismantle eylinder fend and cylinder after having removed the 4 nuts from cylinder head, Fig. 24 - Gudgeon pin and clutch unit: by means of {he special plies T. 0017108 remove from its housing the crclip « A + retaining the gudgean pin 8nd with the punch 0017820 expel the gudgeon pin Unscrew the 3 bolts and remove the cites cover Secure the eltch unt =f» by means of sec, wrench ‘0081729 (for anchor the hook use one ‘af the bolts, screwing tino. the threated holo neer ile ort. With a. serewdrver “unhook the pressure plate retaining spring, take off the pressure pate Swaight the sec. washer, apni the wrench 10030627 snd extract the ring mit that allows to Fomove the clutch vnit = 8» Desmontaje completo de los vehiculos En esto capitulo se iustran las operaciones prin Cipales de dosmontaje que “novesitay ules © ‘operaciones do facil ejeeueion, que. pueden ser Fapidemente sjecutades con destoriladores. la oe, alleates normales ete. Usmamos Ia atencién del operedor sobre Ia ne tesidad de ejecutr correctamente las operaciones 40-dosmontojo y remontaje de los varios. grupos. Bara ovitar posibles daformaciones (por ejemplo Pistas de fos cojnetes,alojamientosrelatvos ote) 1N.8. Cuando 00 s¢ indican snotaciones espect ficas fas operaciones lustradas, en sl premente Capitulo valen para todos los modelos de vehicos sobre mencionades, esmontale motor en sus pl Despucs de efectuar el vaciado del aceite en una abeta limpla 8 través del ‘apujero de vaciodo Sceitmontar sl grupe motor sabre sl soporte T 0026008 ‘thy. 23) Fig. 23 - Cute - cinco, Desconectar el cable de A. T. de la bua, quitar Iareata de refrigeracion ~ setuando sobre fas tres Ijactones - gutter el sileneiodor, el earburedor y esmontar cilata yclindso despues de quitar iss ‘tuoreas’ do fijsclon sobre Ia eulat. Fig, 24 - Bul del piston y grupo embrague: con fos sicates especiles T- 00:78 sscar de Su pro. pio Slojamiento los amtloselssticas = A» de reten: Ein bulon con el puntero 0017820 cutar e bulon Deastornilr fos tres tornlos y quart tae. em brague. blocar el grupo embrague = Bone eencho. 0031729 {para sujetar. el "gancho. em Bloar'uno de los tes tornilon. montindola. en el Soulero orca de Ta lumbrera’ de admisin) Con Is" punta de. un. destoritador desengonchar el ‘muelle de etencion patio, exter opto, en Gorezar Ta arandelaTrono,splicar I lave T. 0030827 Yy"qultar ef oil roseado de blocoje. que permite Ue'desmontar ef grupo embrague +B Fig, 25.» Clutch plates: Fited tho clutch unit in the foo! T-o020822 tighten the wing nut » C- by Eompressing the plates until the extraction of the sirclip » = ‘The. tool is tized in the some manner for reassembling the plates. Fig. 26 - Flywheel rotor: Anchor the flywheel by fneana of see, wrench T 0031760 and ungerew the huts E. Place. now the. extractor T. 0048868; by holding it withthe wrench and act on the central orew =F » until the rotor 's removed Backplate (P 125 X

haita Ta extraccion doa pista Inferior =U» Fig. 40.41 - Tambor del freno y disco porta zapa- tas delanterasurtor,actusnd® con un deston Isdor, ef guardapoive = Ds, desatornilar con lave ide 19 mmm. [a tuorca de collar “Ey extracr of {ambor dei froma = T=. Soltar ies trensiisionss {irene cuentakiomotros) 'y el amartiguador. de spués do quitar Tos “dos “ornitos do. sujecién, ego con fs alleates 0023638 esmostar anil elastico =F y sacar el dsco porta zapotas NB. La tverce de collar «E+ no. debe sor montada, ver istrucclones en las "pigs. 70'y 82 Fi. 42 Casquillo de agujas, retin de aceite, aillo. ‘listic, cofnete de bolas del tambor frend: Ap ‘ar el extractor T.0021487 aquipado eon Tas pieras dy 15'y actuar sobre fa tuorea central = L= hasta la extrageiin del cnequila de aguas Y-relativo ‘etén de seats, Outar con lon llestes 7. 0022405 enilo pstico == situado ene! lado opuesto al que ge roprosonta en la fig. luego introduc un pesno. 320mm. y con. golpos de mara. expulsar Si cojnete de bolas = H= Fig, 43 ‘anchor pat the ol (with parts oT tha D.C. roller bearing te extrected Repeat the operation on the opposite sida to the ‘one shown in fig. to extract the second ‘oll seal thd B.C. roller Bearing. Fig, £2 - Retenes de aceite y casquillos de aguas al disco portazopatas: Ouilar con un gosto flor el reten de aceite « M=. apicar el extractor Troo8146r provato dels piezss 10 y- 19) y fctuer sobre” la tuerea ventral = L = haste la ex Travelon dl casauil. de. aguas. Para la extraccion del segundo retén y casquilo de agues. repetir la peracidn, aetuando desde &! {do opueato al que se indica en a fg, Fa lat scoot Assembly play Juegos de montaje Piston and cylinder supplied by the factory as Los pistones y las cilindros suministrados por Ia ore pred with eters of the aiphttet Case como plerae de recambi estan maradae Inthe case where 2 eylinger or a piston on letras del allabeto. En caso de. susttocion fusettuted it should be countersigned” withthe d jez, montar otras plezae” marco amo letor as the mating component Inthe ease of a reborod cylinder the dimonsion (ig. 44) should exceed ‘the’ dimension =C= fn the piston 10 be fitted (marked on the pision eit) by the vale Indested for each venice, debe superar la. dimen: I piston ave debe montarse (rarcada sobve el ‘stan misma) ‘el velor indieado para cada. ve- ful, Juego al montae = Oylinder Cylinder normal 002s Clindre nocmel E=665 o.0s Piston normal Pistén normal 2 ios Oylinder Ist o/s =o Cilindro ter aumento Esa7 Yom age Piston tat 0/8 eR eg ek = eeeses Piston ter aumento (ouszan nay SDEIEE | oylinder 2nd 0/8 Gilindre 20 aumento E669 Foe Piston 2nd 0/8 Pe ele tg C=52790 C=S7805 C=65695 + OD Grinder ar of, ary aire ole Clint 2a ea Eos Sta spe ney ash ins Piston 3rd o/s Pistén er aumento 52990 C=58185 C=65805 + opr Upper and lower normal fon fing Seqmento normal sup. @ 525 STB in 655 Piston rng Ist 0/6. Scorn’ aunenio 529 582 Pato toga of say sen ert Segmento Ser aumento ‘Small end - Wrist pin - Roller eage (Fg. 46) The con = rods and roller cages arb subdivided in 4 categories and the category number is marked on fvery con rod and cage (On Vosps P 200€ assemble: Ist category con rod with th category cage 2nd Eategory con rod with Jrd category cage ‘rd category con” red with 2nd estegory cage 4h eategory con rod with Ist estogory age NB. the engine is noisy use cages of the next Inferior category, (On Vespa P 125% and P 150° assemble the con tod with roller cage of the same. category. the engine is noisy use cages of the next superior eategony Pie de (Fig. 48) Las biolas y las jalas de codilos se subdivden fen categories (mareades por grabados al ole de Te bila misma y sobre.clbestidor de la jou) lola - Buldn del plstén - Jaula de rods En los Vespa 200 acoplar Bela Biola Biola Bila NN. B. - En caso de motor ruidoso us joules de ca fegoria inmediatamonte inferior. 150 scoplarbiela con fen caso de motor ruidoso de 1 at, fle 2a cat fle 3 eat te 42 cat con Jaula de 4a fon laula do 3a fon faula do 23 fon faula de ta Fea N.B, The max. sual clearance admissible ater use Of the con rod longitudinal run of crank. pin} Is ot 0 mm, A For the wrist pin. that it coupled with 9 0/sebeance fn assembly, the max, clearance ad toe is 0.02 mm NB. - El juego axial mix. de Gi juego asmitde despues del veo ee Ys DOZ\Rm 49 Para el ulin que se acopla con juego 0 i ee ‘Spacer washers - Anillos de contencién (Fig. 47) ee SETI, ae ty SATIS. as tay ears ma, ay te Brill da coniencion 0 2s + Oo } 0:15-0140 050 Sate te tte wth sis nt edna ngs sti fa 9, ct dl Sige, cna en care oo septa. ota. A scoot them J Overhauls Fig, 48 Flywheel stator overhaul (traditional type) for Vespa P'25X- PISO X. For the substitution of 2 coil utilize the tool 15168/6 05 follows: 1. Mount the new coll which is supplied with the oie shoe turned. to. diameter) without Tocking fhe securing sorews. 2 Mount the stator on the part «b= of the tool 3. Mount the details» on +b + ensuring that they are perfectly mated. A. Set the coll go that the pole shoe perfect contact with tho intemal dia. of os and tighten the securing screws {To dismantie and assemble the component parts of th stator use the componant = bof the tool {3768/6 as a support. taking caret: a).- Secure the coils according to the procedure Indieated ‘on tho paragraphs. 1, 2,3 and b) = Serape, which butts 9 €} = Alter having completed the assembly of the Sroup and set the. gap between the. points (see pgs, 18-77). Tighten the screw securing the Eeeonte pin 4) = The lubricating felt should be set eo a8 to Migitysontact the cam in the area of its minor radius NB. {ype thwheols. (Vaspe P 2006 and Vespa P125% P'isox with turn signal lamps) Is carried out it alco to. straight tthe col to be remove the cal ew one, fold th lamination and connect the cables “eta Flywheel magneto esting and timing on vehicles PUBSK and B1S0X wrth or vitnok torn signal famps) Sit rma hte! our op. sbstiton tor magnotization of fywhoe! or eof substitution Sing the fywhool test bonch, tho contact Braker Fig. 4B - Revisiin estator volonte magnético (del {ipo tradicional) para Vespa P 125 X= F150. Para sustituir uno bobina usar el uel 13769/G amo te indica 9 coninuscin 4.» Montar la bobina nueva (que. se suministra on las ‘expansiones polars ‘ya tomeadas) sin {preter fos torilos’ de Hiacisn, 2" Montar ef estator on la pieza «b= dol stil 43. Adaptar perfectamente fa pieza» a= en Ia ple fabs 4. Meter Ia bobina de manera que las expansiono polares ‘estén exactamento slineadas con el di ‘mento interior de a pleas «2 bloar Ios for. nll define, Pars desmontar'y_montar las piezas del estator Uutlizar como soporte Ta pieza sbe del util 13788/C. Durante’ el montaeprestar atencion alo siguiente: 8} Fijor las bobinas como se ha indiesdo en los arcafos 1,2, 97 4 By" Rascar la superficie del nécleo magnético de las bobinas. bajo la eval se fa el terminal de masa 2) - El blocaje dal torillo de Sjacion de la excén Iwica se electia despues del montaje ¥ del sjuste Ge fa distancia entre los platines (ver pigs. 76 y ™ 4) = El felvo lubricante debe roxar con tigera prosién 12 oxcéntrice on la zona de radio: menor NB. - Le sustiucion de lag bobinas en los volan te del tipe = de estrlla» (Veopa P200 Ey Vespe PSX = P180X en los versiones con intermiten un ull expecticn ide ones y sacaria. Mostar la nueva bobina, doblar In'Tamina y reconectar los cables Prusbas y calaje volante magnético para vehiculos Pras y P150X (con y sin intatrtentes). En as revisiones generale del volante. (por ejem- plo sustitucon o magnetizacion rotor y susttucton Eobinas) st se dispone del banco de’ prueba, ios Contactos’ dal ruptor‘debon empezar" a abvirse points should start to open (on flywheels of {raditional type, mounted on vehicles without turn Signal lamps, see fig. 4), when the ‘center line of the pole shoo opposite to the kayway of the fam passes the canter ling of feeding coll for HOT. coll by 10° 21 On + star type fhwheels (mounted on vehicles swith turn signal lamps, soe fig. SO) the contact breaker ‘points. should start to open when the axis «Ko the key is displaced counterclockwise 214-2196 rogards the volerence mark = ¥= on stator NN. B. - Make sure that on shove mentioned Conditions the contact breaker points g8p. on both traditional and = star» type iywheels, fs 03°05 iim. Theefre the misinun efency should bese = Vespa. R125 X-- PASO. (Fly iwadivonel type) 3-5 48 at 1500 rpm. - 9-7 4S at 4000 ram, = Vespa P125X - P1S0X (Flywheel magneto of «star» type) S15 pSat S00rpm.- <2 Sat 1000r 9m, 25418 .t 2000 rpm. = 34 1 Sat 4000 rpm. 5 35 § at 6000 rpm. Terminal voltage of the double filament bulb (ehicles without battery. With stablized flywheels e-units which have. ‘completed. 10. hours of Operation on the vehicle = with good magnetic Properties and efficient lighting circu. the term! fal voltage at the main beam flament of the dovble Filament bulb ‘should be ae follows! magneto of {para los volantes de tipo tradicional montados en los vehiculos sin intermitentes. ver fig. 4), cua do, 8 lines media de Ia expansn paar opucsta Pata os volantes de tipo « a estrella» (montados fen'los vehiculos con intermitontes ver fig 50) la fhertura de los contactos del ruptor tiene que ‘empezar quando el eje de fa chaveta = X= del rotor ‘eatita desfasado, on sontdo contrario alas agujas fel reloj de 214" 1" respecto ala impronta = = de referencia calaje sobre el estate. NB. - Corclorarse que en las condiciones in cadas mas ariba tanto para volantes « tradiclona fos cuanto para los de tipo «9 estrella. la aber ture de Tos cantactos del ruptor este enire 0.3 ‘05 mm. Por lo tanto la utldades minimas tienen ‘qe resultar las siguientes: — Vespa P125X - P150X (Volante magnético de tipo tradicional). 35 18 a 1500 rpm. — 57 y S 2 4000 rpm. — Vespa P 125X - P150X (Volante magaético de tipo +8 stella). <154Sa_ 500rpm, = 25448 a 2000 rpm < 358 a 6000 rpm. ‘Tension en los bornes de la limparabilue(vohicu: log sin bateria) con volantes magnétcos estab zados. es decie que hayan fincionado por To. me: ‘hos durante 10 Hores en buenas, condiciones de ‘magnetizacion y con instalacion de alumbrado. en ‘buena eficionea, In tension en las bornas dl ‘mento (luz de carretera) do tue debe ‘Ser come se Indica‘ continuscion <2 WS 1000 rpm =< 34 4S a 4000 rpm. Notice - On Vespa P200E it not necessary 10 Garry out the timing checking that just for the fbsonce of Aadvertone Se have presente que p Vespa P125X - F150 Without turn signal lamps (6V.25/25 W double ‘lament bub): = 46 - 54V at 2500 rpm. <6: BBV at 4000 rpm = By! 75V at 5000 rpm. Vespa P200E Without turn signal lamps (625/25 W double ‘lament bul) = AV at 2000 rpm. = 6-65V at 4000 rpm, = 75V at 6000 rpm. P125X - P1S0X - P200E (with turn lamps) (12V-25/25W double filament bulb): On vehicles P125X - P1S0X - P200E with turn ‘signal lamps, (nominal voltage of electric system: 121). the measure on LT ccut istoad of on terminals of double lament bul has to be carried fut 2s follows: ‘The regulator has t0 be disconnected (contact A of, contact B on. soe fg. St for Vespa P 125% 150%. fig, 51/1 for Vespa P 200). The active voltage on the ends of 2 21200 W not Induct resistance must be 38 follows 10 +2) volt at 1800 rom 4 volt at 4000 em £85 ate at 5000 cpm Vespa P125X - P 150% - P200 with turn signal and 3. Vespa P 125X - P150x Sin intermitentes (lampera biluz 6V-25/25 W: = 48-54 2 2500 «pm. = 61-68¥ a 4000 rpm. = 67°75 a 000 rpm: Vespa P200E Sin Intermitentes.(Limpara biluz 6V-25/25 W). 4V a 2000 rpm, 5-65V 1 4000 rpm, TSV-a 6000 rpm Vespa P 125 - P180X - P200E (con intermiten- tes) (Limpara biluz de 12V-25/25 0) Para los vohiculos P 125X - P150X - P200€ con Imermitentes. (inetalacion eléerica con tension rominel de 12V) las medidas de Ta tension en el Circuit de 8. T. en vee que a los terminales de la fombilla bilur deben tomarse como se Indica 2 Con el regulador no conectado (contacto = A « ablorto y= 8 = corrado fig 51 para la Vespa P 125 X= Ps0X y fig. 51/1 para la Vespa P200E) la tension eficar on los terminales de de 2310 300W tiene que ser =o 10 voltios 2 1500 rpm, +1 15 £1) voltos 4000-9 16 + $5 votos «5000 rom. Vespa P 125% - 150% - P200E con instalacion lacrice provista de bateria,intermitentes Y regu lador del tipo mixto en e. ©. yc & Checking of electrical performances for a aads. Gonnect'a thermocouple voltmeter, (ullscale 2 effective volt value) between terminal = A= of re Sulator and the earth (ground) check that the Values of voltage with connected and disconnected Toads are respectively Loads “on. ‘engine running. at 1S00- 6000 p.m 95-145V (otfectve value). Loads off, engine running. at 6000 rpm (effective valve). tev youn. _RESOLATORE Veriicaciones dol funcionamiento eléctrico para cargos on ©. 2 Interponer ln voltimetro de ermocupla con escale de 01a 20V" ef. entre el punto A del reglador y la’ masa y verticar que ls valores. de in tension on cargas Insertadas.y esconectadas resulten Con cargas insertadas 'y revolucones ‘de. motor ccomprendidas entre 1800 y S000" 93 + 145 Con cargas desconectadss y revoluciones del mo- tor max 6000: 16V ef gone AT COM = BORN OF A. Checking battery recharge Before to cary out ths eperation, make sure that the "battery (12V-6-8 AK] is. tully charged [electrolyte density 127°128 g/cm )! then i: Sconnoct the RED cable from positive (+) terminal Of battery and connect dc. amperometer (central ero point. full sale» SA) heck that ‘with connected lights the battery lecvic balance happens st 1500 rpm, ‘With disconnected ights the current at 1800 rp mm. mist be more than 0.9 Control recarga bateria Antes de electuar "este control cerciorarse (que le batoria {12V 6-8) este completamente argode (densidad del elecrrlito 121 +128") fm), 1v090. desconectar del polo positvo. (+) fe fa bateria el cable ROMO de’ alimentacion @ in poner “un amperimetro en ce. C00. 2070 Central y “SA valores limites: y controlar con fas luced insortadas que ef equilbvio de la baorla se venfique a rpm. = 1800. Gon las uses deaconectades la coriante erogada 8°1500 rpm. debe eer superior 905A CENTRALIA ELETTRONICR ACGOLATORE <11.0. 30" Fe 1 N. B. - Do not connect or disconnect ‘with runing engine NB. No conectar y/o desconectar Ia ct motor en movimionts Fie sit the battery bateria con extn eeromca = CMON CONTROL BOX = 55 Crankshaft: Overhaul Operations for erankshatt overhaul {or tooling use ‘A crankshaft overhaul is necessary ifthe clearance ‘betwean con “rod raller bearing -orank pin excoeds the values given on the tables of page #8 1} Test preventvely the shaft, and ensure that they are not 30 damaged to make. the overhaul operation ‘useless 2)°""immerge the parts Ina descaling solution (type HOS HOUSEMAN THOMPSON LTD) at 90° {085°C for 20 mina; then wash in running water 5) = Immerse the pieces Into ll of the type =DE WATERING FLUID No. 1» 4} Countersign the crankshaft 20 a8 to ensure that the same. mating re remounted. 5} Separate the shaft, halves fam the crank pin using the press 5478/A (ig. 2-88 op. and 2) {8}." Mount the oversized crank pin and con rod ‘group tothe shalt half clutch side: after this Speration mount shaft, all, fywheel. side. (see fig. 84-55 "op. 3 and 4). For Vospa P00 the crankshaft. reassembly ‘Operation Is analogously carrie out, but the crank ln should. be. assembled "on the shaft hal, Fiywheel side. 1)'="Carry out the final inspection and, where necessary, true up according to the instructions ‘ven on page 75. The "inal ‘ingpection must be caried out with accuracy being the crankshaft used #8 8 valve With spect to the crank Cigiiefial: Revision COperaciones para la revisién del cies 2aclon herramientas y wt es necesaria silos juegos Fedillos mutequila supe Fan los preseritos en ta tabla de la pag. 48 4". Examinar preventivamente los clguenales, para veriicar st puede efectuarse. la revision, 2}'- Sumergit las piezas en una solueion desincru Stonte (ipo HOS HOUSEMAN & THOMPSON LTD) 4 80"-95°C durante 20; después lavar culdadose ‘mente en agua 5)" Sumorgt las plezas en aceite tipo « DEWATE- ING FLUID N. 1» 4) Marcar los cigiales par tar los mismos semiciguendies, 5) = Con la prensa 5478/A soparar los dos semi lguefales de le munequil (op. 1 y 2 fig, $253) 8) = Monter sobre el semiciguefal lado embrague grupo biela-mutequlla aumentad; Ieego, mon tar'el semiciguenal lado volante: magnético [ver op. 3y 4 dela fig. 54-55) Para la Vespa P200 € la operacién de remontale ‘iefal se efectis en modo anélogo, solo que la Tmunequila debe montarse sobre et semiciguenal Tado volante, 7) Ejecutar el control final y de ser necesario of cenderezado eventual segin a forma indicada en {a pag. 75. Dicho conirol debe ser efectuado con mucho cul: ddado dads la funcién de valvula con respecto al poder luego mon jas Carburettor overhaul Dismantle the carburettor in its component parts, tarellly wash them in gasoline (petrol] and blow fry also the canallzation of the body. Attontvely ‘chock the conditions of all the pars The throttle slide should fr chamber; in cabe of excessive replace iWon mixture chamber you note, wear traces, that ‘dont permit a normal seal ora free siding of the valve (els0 if It is new) replace the carburetor It's advisable when reassembling t0 replace the ackings. ly Tor wear, pe galore ss aya00 swe Bese rom 2m 24 Main jet 96/100" - 102/100 118/100 Seal set mie oa 8)” i608 Seria ace i, yt004) 55/1004 Ac ger iar sno sop Throttle valve fyeasramet)—eaasar waa vio! ier Mocogan Emulsor (sigla) BES BES. Pulvrzedor 2za0/io0 900/100 Sao 60/100 60/100 ‘Surtidor del starter Revisién carburador Desmontar el carburador en sus plezas, lavarlas on evidedo, secar con alre comprimido también todas las canalizaciones” del cuerpo. Controlar Sstontamente las condiciones de todes les plezas, Ua'valvula gas: debe. dosiizar libremente en lo amare mezela, en caso de juego excesivo por esgaste, sustuir Sten la’ camara mezcia hay trazae tales que no permiten una normal hermeticiad © un libre des- Fieamiento. de fa vlvula (tombién si neva) sus tuir ef carburador. AA'cada remontaje sustiule NB, The il song shoul be are ot with te enn ©) Mole ith sutomsic isa 2) Wt fora 170 / an apr sre ini 1) Vespa P125% with ad wthout miter dove *) Weipa P128X con yaa mesa Cerburetor scheme - Esquema carburador eat econ tn {et Cabrero mr / altar ire dl {Bow fing et eter ge vege, Sic omni er Cir ae et a. Sar jt Suter ware 1 Sig matr P ‘a repunaon tuj msze 1. Ft sor e i : i tg ser Tor scot Modification of carburettor In order to. provent possible flooding and/or detactve earburation cases in partictar conditions tn Vespa P 125 X-P 150 X and F200 €, the fllowing modifications tothe carburettor have been setted ‘Such modifications have been already introduced inthe mass production on Vespa P 200 E stating from chassis serialnumber SX 15740, on Vespa P 125% starting from chassis serial umber {NK T 24008 and on Vespa P 150 starting from chassis number VIX4 T= 44170 The" modified carburetors ‘canbe. immediately donuited as they have th throttle adjusting serext «yellow passivated » The mentioned modifications consist essentially ia replacing the siow running jot » A= (see fg. 57) ‘with another one of nave design, in modifying the Slow running air bracking eireut end the hting Of 4 now throttle ‘slide ‘Te slow running Jet, with the modified sir hole, Is such ae to avoid a possible natural down fw of tho fuel with not runing engine, which on re ‘modification carburetors could occur In particular {tim conditions of the vehicle (or inst. vehicle parked on Inclined position For such modification it has been necessary to plug the end of the air intake = B- ol the pre fxisting duct with's fixed plug (2 28 lead shot “C= pressed in the hole «B» by means of the punches ='D» shown in fig. 5). ‘operations carried out by acting progress vel wth pinches shaped ht and On dts Vand 2. ‘As regards the throttle slide «E+ a new one of new deson is fed arding to what we have said above on Vespa ape modo cotaattart abi peste tases of flooding or however of defective carbu- ‘ation, It is advisable to introduce the mentioned ‘modifications by seting 8 follows: a), Replace the pre-existing slow running jet a. with the: one of new design, Bb) Apply the lead shot « C= In the ai intake “Be by using progressively the punches of the Puesta al dia carburadores Para prevenit que no se shoque el carburador y ro defecte fa carburacion, casos que en ‘cond Cones de uso particulares, $0. han vericado. en Sigunas. Vespa P'125 ~ 80% y P200, han sido ‘detiidas las siguientes. modificeciones al carbu ‘or, Dichas modiicaciones han sido ya Introducidas fan serie en las Vespa P200 a partir del vehiculo VBX1T- 5740, on las Vespa P 125% 9 partir del vehiculo VAX T= 24008 yen las Vespa P 150% pertr del vehicula VIX 1 T- 41170, ts carburadores modifieados 86 reconocen por et taro dereglocin vin gas asad am las “moditicaciones citadss estin constuidas fesencialmente. por la sustitucion del surtidor del Ininimo = A (ver fi. 57) con otro de nuevo di: Inj por la modification dal elreuito frenie. aire ‘minimo y Ia adopcionde-una nueva vita gas. El surtidor del minimo, con orifiio sire mouifcs: do, evita el overtual refujo natural del earburante ‘motor parado, queen los carburadores pre ‘modifcacion s¢ podeian verficar en paticuleres ondicianes de disposicién del vehicula. (por el Vespa dejada en poseion inlinadet.). Para tal moditicacion es necesarioobtura la extre: rmidad’ de toma'de aire = B~ dol pro-existente onducto, mediante ia aplescion de. un tapdn iperdigon «C2 25 prenesdo dentro del ofa fe los punteros = D = (tig. $7). La splieacion viene efectuada sctuando. progres vamente con punteros potfados en la extromidad tomo en fos detallos ty 2. Por lo que conciere la vilvula gos + €+ viene Inetalads una de nuevo dibujo, Gon’ respecto a lo antedicho, 2 las” Vespa con Ccarburadores pre-madiiescion que se shoguen 0 dfecten en Ia earburacion. es opertuno intoduct Tas varlantes arriba ctadas setuando como sive. 2) Susttur el surtidor del minimo pre exstente SA con el de nuevo dbo. 1). Aplicar ef perdiggn » = en la toma are « utlizande progresivamente punteros del tie Vent fy aed eee ri 9 oe a i ht Pe Sree ides Sen a type = D+ (with diferent end outline as shown Indatale sand 2) 12} « Replace the tivotle slide «= with the one ‘ot new design Gear control: overhaul 5} - Substitution of gear selector bell crak (ig. 58). For eomecting the intemal bell eank to the gear elector group which when issued as 8 spare part ES mound together with the retainer pt operate 1) Disconnes ttracting the taper pia) 3} "Apply the gear contol bracket « S » on special Support, 0028182 snd expel by means of wedge T:0021200/" the taper pin. in auch way it would be possible to extract gear selector and crank. The new selector is assembled by Intaducing the Selector shaft in the hale ofthe bracket snd than By connecting the bell crank with the selactor by meando taper pin me the wedge T-O021280/1 rs 1) = Contra adjustment. 1) contacts the fend of the pin Washers fiting = Use the tool endowed with the datals 11 and #2 fae shown In fg) 62 for iting the pin, and” push by means of the handle "A unt the tab washers are wedged on the sutnging hub. = Take off. now both spacers (detail 17 fig. 64) ‘nd “atter having completely filed with grease SHAT 2 2+ the space smong = NADELLA = = “Rooring tbe and singing hub displace the dust overs (2 Be, fig. 62) until they are Toested. in the mentioned space. = With the above described fitting of the. tab ‘washers the reassembly operation of the front ‘Mepension ‘unit ia completed ticular 14 y del particular 16 en susttucién del pniculer 12. sobre el lado’ opuesto al represen: {edo en la ig 63 para el mentee del segundo gr po arandela dentada ~ colnet de aguas ~ reton Posicionamiento final cojinetes de aguas» NA- DELLA’: sabre el porno (extremidad eje 8 tope con ‘el fonda interno de los » NADELLA =), ver hi. 6 = Emplear el tl proviso, sobre Is. varia, del pentculer 15 y del partieiar 18 sobre el fondo Como represontado of fa fig. 64 “"Empujar. actuando sobre la empunadura « A» ‘hata llevar fondo interno de los dos» NADEL UA" a contacto con [a extromidad del porno. Montaje srandelas dentadas. ~ Emplear etl provisto do los particulars 1 y 42, 'como en la fig. 62 para el monte del ele ripujar mediante la empunedura = A haste el ‘moma de las arandelse en el buje oscilante = Ovitar entonces las. dos. distancisdores. (part i ig, 64) y, despues de haber llenado completa. mente con giase °FIATZ2- el eapecio comprendi tio entre los =NADELLA. - tuba de direcion'y buje bscllante, deaplazar los anilos guarsapaive” fig G2 hasta colocarlos en el antedieha espacio, Con ol montaje de ls arandelas dentadas arriba indieadas, se completa ja tose de remontaje del srupo suspension elantera ‘osu Q Crankcase to chassis suspension group overhaul - Revisién grupo eldstico de unién motor - chasis Dismantling Fig. 65 - Buffers from erankease supporting arm (Wespa P 125%'= F150) For extracting the suspension bearer tube «A fliminate the four upset zones. created. by the ‘operation at the tube extremities 80 asly slide through the robber Remove the spacer sleoves Desmontaje Fig. 65 - Sllontblocks del travosano (\ x Pts0x) opseten y sige tbo, ‘T.a018190 and 0022552 slide out the tube. Aftor having removed tho tubo expol the rubber buffers from their housing using @ serewdriver. Buffers of crankcase supporting arm (Vesps P 2008} The dismantling of the buffers (with relative leoves) ‘ean be carried out by Introducing = metalic rod’ through the sleeve of one of the Butters so a8 to expel the thor. Fig. 6 - Rear damper connecting buffer. For extracting the reer damper connecting buffer {nd tubo asny. «Buse, n'a similar manner to thet indleated for engine bracket butler, the tools ‘Too1e190 and. 0022889, Reacsombly {st Operation (fig. 66): Place the engine bracket in the too! T- 0023567 and introduce trough: the ‘Spenings ofthe tool the. butfere = A's with the oumnter sunk extremities a indicated in the fg Using a press of minimum eapacity ST. ‘aca upped by th formed by ming 7 9 of the of water. powder in 25 Ih ‘and Operation: (Fig. 67): Slide the tube « 8» onto the component 12" of the tool and secure by ‘serawing the component 17 to tho guide pin Mount the tube betwoen the bulfers = A' using "press. by applying the above mentioned grou fs indicated In the figure (yetore assy. lubreate the tube ‘sing a solution of = Acquarex ») {rd Operation, if necessary (Fig. 68): On engine bracket extremity facing the contact surace of the crankease Relves, the tubo should project in such s'manner that, when the distance plese « C= 1s mounted” and” tube” punch marks” formed, the fxtremity punch marked ls 4520.5 mm. from the con un destornillador actuar sobre Ios silent locks fata desmontarios de low salentos relatives « Silontblocks del travesafio (Vespa 200) La extraccion de los silentblocks (con sus tubos cluarse simplemente lies, Introducida’ en fig, 6 - Silentblock uniém amortiquador trasero, Para desmonter el grupo sllentdlock y tubo ais: tanciador = B= utilizar, en: modo Alcado para. ios 'sllentblacks del litlas'Thoorei00 y 7.002258, Montsie ‘La Operacién (fig. 66): Colocar el travesafo en fut T 0022567 e tntroducte através de las aber {ura del Util los. sllentblocks «/A= con len tradas como se Indies en la figura, usar une ren 38" de potencia minima 5 tonelodas Para Tacldad de. montae, sumercir los tacos en ing solucién de ~ Polvere Acquarex (que pe tein puede ser suministrada por nuestra Fabrica, formoda por 7 9, de polvo cada 25 It de agua, 24 Operacion (Fig. 67): Invoducir el tubo « B« fel ele {detalle 2 del iy Merlo, toenland Sobre ef ele el particular 17 Ablicar como se indica'en Ia figura el grupo i: {ado 9 en une prensa, manta el tubo (previemen. te lobrieado eon la soldeson de = Aequarex =) don tro de los silentblocks = A 3 Operacién eventual (Fig. 58): Desde al exe ‘mo de travesaro, lado superficie de acoplamiento Garter el tubo. debe. sabresslr deforma’ due, ‘montado el distanciador = Cy efectuada. ere: Chaflanado del propio tubo le extremidad ochalo hada date de i supercie de acoplamiento carter Ne. N. Blocks (On reassembling always use new butters Al montaje deben usarse siempre silent 6 rankcase contact surfaces (dimension indicated br"C) in the figure relative to the. successive operation) For obtaining said condition act on the tobe with hand press, a8 indicated on the figure, 803 fo. abtain the necessary projection. (naturaly the tube ond withthe greater projection should be placed under the press) 4th Operation (9,68): mount the distance pisces 8nd upset punch the Its two extremities meter blfer mount ‘one ofthe spacer washers, Indested In the Spares tialague, which ‘whon assombled will isl compress tho buffer by 010.15 mm. fers of engine bracket (Vespa P 200 €): The sermbing of butlers, Aw, kewiae (0 wht indieated on page 8 fr diamaniling, can be caried ut without spocitic tool it Is suficient after faving lubricted the uifers' witha soltion segue inert they" hand ‘eepective housings and to” push "them “atthe Bottom by means’ of mallet blows Notice - The assembly of the erankcase to chassis Suspension group ean alsa be carried out on an gine assy. In this case, given the diieulty In hecking the dimension Indicated by asterisk (see {igs 6) the dealers ean eliminate said operation on onditlon’ that ster “sasombling the tube,” te ‘extremities project equal from the engine bracket. Fig, 69 - Rear damper connecting buffer (Vespa P 125 x- PIB0X- P00ED = lubricate the buffer «D+ and the tube «Ein 3 soution of = Acquarex« es indicated on page 63 mount the buffer =D.» into its housing. By and Sand then apply the tube » Eto teal exomity 30 s8't0 obtain the ult 453.4015 mm. (eota indicada con (*) en la figura Felativa a In operacion. siguiente), Para obtoner esto, puede ser stil sctuar sobre el tubo con una prensa da mana como se indica en fa figurhasta ‘obtener el sobresalientenecesario (Gayo ia "prensa debera ponerse ia parte. del tubo ‘qe sobresale: mayormente del travesahol, 142 Operacin (fig. 68): Montar los distancidores ¥ achalonar el tubo B ea Tos dos extrem. Enel lado del silent block de menor dismetr, mon: tar une do fos anos distanciadores previstos en tl cataogo P.R. para obtener un acoplamiento que pormita un sprete axial sobre el taco de 0,8 mm, A silentblocke en el travessio (Vespa P 200 E) El remontaje 60 os silentbiocks « A andlogamente {To que'se Indica en a pig. 68 para el dasmontao fo ofoctua sin emplear utes especifcos ese fieionte {despues de lubricar los silent blocks con solucion de» Acquarex«)introdueirls a mano\en log lojamientas. respectivos y empularios hasta tl tope dando golpes con un mato, Advertoncia- EI montaje on el tavesaio del gr po slistico de union del motor al chasis, puede tambien reaizarse con el motor completo. En tal ago, dads Ia dificltad de verifier fa medida ind ada con asteriseo (ver fa. 68). log Distrbuidores pueden no ‘leetusr dicho conivol, asequrindose ‘Que al montaje del tubo los extremas. sobresalgan dda misma modide de ls extremas del travessno. Fig, 69 Silentblock de unién con el amortiguador trasero (Vespa P125X-P 150%" P2008), ~ tobricar ol silentblock « D» y el tubo «E+ con in soldctin de = Aequarex = indleada on la p89. 65 ‘montara mano ei silent block =D = en su aloartion: to, luego aplicar en el extremo del util el tubo = E> 4e' manera que se pueda montar definivaments Fig, 70 - Dismantling and re Tock For dismantling i, remove the cover « C « and the Fivets == by laverlag with 8 screwdriver a8 Iiustated ‘in igure, Inert the Key into the security lock. turn to the normal open position and slide out the blade unit Gt the secusty lock from its housing (On reassembly its advisable to use new rivets. Inthe case where security lock key has been lot for dismanting the sevice it i necessary. 10 machine down the rotary block oF the blade unt, Using for example 2 dell bit © 8 to 10 mm embly the security Cable harness from chassis 1) = Unsolder or disconnect the terminals and Securing’ seeps 2) Tie a pilot wite to the cable extremities, which fn extracting the wires should remain in the chasse to faciitate the reassembly operation. 3) Slide out throttle end cluteh cables from hander ide 4) - Side out he cable harness (inside the chassis) from under the steering column cove. Desmonta Fig, 70 hurt. Para sustitue el anti-hurto, guitar Ia tapa = Gy fos remaches « R= actuando ton un destornladot ‘como se lustre ei i igor, Introducir la lave en Ia cerradua, loverla on la Dosicion normal de» abierto™ sacar et grupo pestllo’ de Ta cerradura. de su alojamionta. Al hmontaje usar nuevos remaches. En caso se haya perdido la llave del anti-hurto bara deumontar el dipositive ex necesario eons frie el bloque. rodante del grupo. pestle, por lemplo con broca 28-10 mm: ‘Susttuclin grupo cables 1). Desoldar 0 solr los terminales y Ine abra- 2aderas de ujecion 2) - Atar en una extramidad de los eables un alam bre oto que avers ene Bastidor para fo iar el monte 3} = Sacar loa cables mando gas y embrague del lado manilor 4) Sacar los cables eldetricos (en el interior del Besuidor desde la parte Interior del cubre dee: Painting Plosse, note thet for obtaining perfect results in retouching paintwork. the” lllowing operations ‘should be carried ot “Prepare the necessary products: Operation Cycle A - Major retouches: were the ‘metal a8 exposed fs rusted oF the paint Him Is not Suficienty ‘adherent 1. Thoroughly rub down the effected zone so as to compietely oxposa the underying metal surface Carefully dey and dust using clean regs. 2. Spray on the rust preventative and dry 3. Apply filer and dry. 4 Rub down with emery (grade 320 or fn) 5. Spray on top coat and dry. Operation cycle B For minor retouches Where. the application of 9 rust preventative. is “hubs down as per point (1) = If necessary carry out the operations 3 and 4 ‘of the cycle A. = Garry out the operation 5 of the cycle A. Pintura Se llama le atencién sobre In importancia que pat buen resultado de los retoques se realize. con fuidedo | provedimient siguiente = Preparar los productos necosaris. Gilo,A - Retoaes importants: Is che jesnudo y so prosenta oxidada © la capa pinteda no's sullctentemente sdheronte 4. « jar suficiontamente limpiando la chape ojindola al desnodo. Secar y auitar el polve con ‘wapos bien limpios 2. Dar con pistola ol antidxido y 3. Plastocer y secar 44 Ljar con papel de lija muy fino (minima 220) 5. Dar el esmalte » pistola y socar Cielo B - Para pequenos retoques para los cuslos no es necessris Ta eplcacion de un producto ant aids “"Ujar como en el punto (1). < Si ee nevesario efectar | del ico A. lectus la operacion § del cielo A. operaciones 2 y 4 NN. B.- On the following parts apply the metalized aluminium paint (083 PIAGGIO} ront whee! hub, rand. outer whet rear viel drum and steering column NB -Para las pezas: buje ucla delant anillo cere lanta tamber ueda delanter, tambor ‘eda tresers, tubo de direesion. dar eon pistols Beene luminio metalizado (989 PIAGGIO) scoot jp-com Reassembly of vehicles Notes concerning reassembly On this chapter there are illustrated the main Speretions of reassembly ‘whioh. requ special Tealing and expendients, Operations easily executed Using standard serewarvers, wrenches, per otc fare nat demonstrated: Tikewise. thre "are. not iustrated the operations already carried out on the chapter = Dimenting es" these. operations” ore arred out with a vieeversa procedure (On reassembly check that all parts are cle caroully examined. and The following points should be strictly adhered to: ‘The crankesses should not be. cracked or detormed: the bearing seats should not be damaged = Ball bearings check that they sre in_pertect conditions "and not excessive. axial and! redial plays spear: check thelr smoothness by wheeling thom by hand: It after the cleaning (washing in ‘esaline), roughness appears on the rotation Feolace them When reassembling grease the bearings with ESSO _GEACON 2, HAT JOTA 3, SHELL ALVANIA, (GREASE 3, MOBILUX GREASE 3 - Drawn cup roller bearings: foreach reassembling aration tne drown eps. by observing the ‘Wash the now drawn cup in neat gasoline (petrol) for in paratin to eliminate the ashy ater the Sreasing, place them with the side-on which is ‘tomped the mark facing towards the outside For their fiting operate a8 indicated on respective fires ofthe pozent copter by using the proper ooling Shafts and axles: bearing and sliding surfaces fhave not to. present indontations” snd abrasions 40 that ® good running is compromised. They Should be suitably lubricated Montaje vehiculos Notas relativas al montaje En esto capitulo so iustran las operaciones prin Clpales de montaje que necesitan wes 0 metodos purlcuares. No stan Indicades Tas operacion fe" facil ‘efecuctén. que pueden ser rapidemente jecutedas ‘con destorniladores, laves, allcates hormales. etc. Analogamente ‘nose indlean I ‘operaciones ya lustradas on el capitulo = Desmon- taje para In cuales hay que seguir el proved Imisnto inverse, AAl-montaje controlar 1a limpieza de Ise piezas y fas condiciones do las mismas, En particular toner presente quo: = Los semicartrs no deben presentar griotas 0 Gelormaciones: los slojamientos. de los coinetes fo debon presentarabrasiones. Cojinetes de bolas: controlar que estén en per fectas condiciones y no presenten excesives jue. 08 axial y radalee:verfiear Is rodadura do los Imismos hacléndolos girar's mano: at despues de Tavaros on gobolina se nota diftuttad de rotacion susttuiros Al montaje engrasar Ios cojinetes con grasa ESSO BEACON 5, FIAT JOTA 3, SHELL ALVANIA GREA- SE'3 MOBILUX GREASE 3 Casqullos de agulas: on cade romontje emplear ‘nuevos casqullios, ebservando las norma. sigulen fee" lavar el casqullo en gasolina pura 9 pet‘leo heutro para aliminar ol producto. antionidante protective. despues del engrase aplicarios con la ara sobre Ta cual ests. grabada Ia sigla vuelta hacia exterior Para el montaje correcto actuar como se indica en Tae respectivas figuras del” presente. eépitlo, Usando lag herramontas ‘espesticas Arboles y eles: las superices de doslizamiento 4 fodadura no daben presentar asperdades y abro. (qe puedan comprometer e! corecto misnto y deben ser conveniontomonts er 70 ~ Starting: check that the teeth of the coupling fare not excessively. worn out and that th ‘Sagagement with starting gar is correctly care ofits chek the wea: of the platen. of the ‘couplings on plates an ofthe toothing ofthe helical ‘ear, in case replace the damaged pats. ~ Gears: check the conditions of the toothing, it presents some spalings or on exceseive wear replace with new parts = Wheel axle spot punched nuts: when bling, anew nut shouldbe ‘omployed 10 bo spot punched on respective shale according 10 the Instructions carried aut in ig. 93, ~ Always use new gaskets and spilt pin. NB. - For the validity of the tools for diferent Vehicle “models the” ‘lea’ ofthe section “Dismanting = are valid (eee page 40) Arranque: Controlar que 1s dlentes del acopla: mente desgastados ye ‘tl engrane con el engranaje de arangque seo C0 = Embrague: Contolar el desgeste de los discos, Ge fos seoplomientos, sobre Tos discos y de. tos Slontes “del engranoje.holicoial, eventuaimente Sustitue Tas plesas averadss, condiciones de tos ‘ue debe ser Schatlanada sobre el respectvo arb Soqun lag instrucciones indlcadas en cor a de la fg. 93. = Usar sl NB. Para Ia valider de los iti tos’ modelos de vehiulos, ‘mas’ del capitulo = Desmarteje'= (ver pa. 40) Locking torque — Pares de blocaje [Toms Kon Pores on Fan] Engine unit Damper upper retaining nut a4 a4 Grupo motor Tuorea' "superior amortiguedor Bactplen sec.scrw 0304 | 03208 | paner lower resining nuts gear | ear Foi soporte bobins Fares th eter anorigider Storer lover soe, nut savas | 2228 ring i rea fi placa pm Stewing unt Bick up see. serew ~ | 924025 | steering column upper betring ossor | ossor Formilo fk op Sele i apne super ve decsin Glutch unit sec. aut at8s 4545 | Steering column upper bearing ring aut 536 536 Tuerca fij. grupo embrague Twerca "annete ‘superior de direccié Gee chnter pin st. st asas_ | 2225 | sanueoors seo, sew sean | szen occ ee Sra ratte ‘nite i eae tel wagets se. nt exes | ores Woosh" tauren Rear suspension uit ‘rine’ seapensiontasere ie a0 ite tat 18*2 | golt for sec. engine to chassis 61475 61575, Tomills fH. carburador ornill i, motor a! bestidor | Clutch cover bolts 06408 9.608 | Damper lower part sec. nut 13423 13423, Fete Se omtragve Root nfo angdor Cylinder head sec. mute taste | sree ‘ores cata Wea! unit Chip fe Joining pie stencer to eylnder rss0 Se oz mt Racord cilindro - silencisdor Repeal chats sen. rate: Tuereas fi. eje rueda trasere Front suspension unit Grupo ‘suspension d Nuts for see. damper plate to steering column ‘Tuateas enclaje chape’amoriguador al tubo’ do tireceton Nut for see, front and rear wheel rims to the rum Werces fy, lantas del. y tess, al tambor Front wheel axle sec. nut Tueree ojo rueds dolantera Reassembly Fig. 71 Crankease half, ywheo! side: Place the crankease half onthe base plate T.0022467 ‘and heat the bearing “housing sone. et about 80°C wath the heater 0019978, Iain bearing and drive shat dc ing Fit in respective housings the mah foller bearing =A and the drive shaft B. ©. roller Bearing = 8, if necessary, by means of punches ‘oveto7' and 7.003387 CCrankease hal, clutch side Likewise ‘ss for operetions of fg. 71, heat with the heater the housing zone of main tall bearing Fig, 73 Outer cireip and main ball bearing: Apo with pliers T- 0022485 the outer cirelip = + and ‘with the punch T-0023586 the ball bearing = Em Fig. 74 ner ciclip and oll seal: Apply with pliers ‘T.t02249s the inner elrelp = Fs, and using again the punch T. 0025569 the inner sil eal = 6 = Montaje Fig, 72 - Semicarter lado volante: Colocar ol som: farter sobre la base te spoyo 1. OOS2467 y co Fentario\s 80: C aproximademants en la zon de Alojamionto cojinetes con ef caleatador 0019978 Fig, 72 « Cojinete de rodillos del cigiefet y cx sauilo de aguas sje eng. cambio: Montar of fos Fespectives lojamientos al cojinete.de_rodillos {el ciguonal «Any el casqulllo de aguas eje eng ambin = B+ 8i-necesarie syudarse con os pn teros Toozio7t 7.003397" oa Semicerter lado embrague Analogamente a fo indiesdo en ta fg. 71 calentar on ol ealontador Ta 2ana de alojamento del cone. te'de bolas Gel cigienal. Fig, 73 Anillo eléstico exterior y cojinete de bo- 5 del ciguenal: Mantat con fo sleates 1. 0022465 tl anill elastico exteror = Cy con el pantera 028580 el cojnate de bolas «Ew Fig, 74 - Anilo ldstico interior y retin do aceite: Montar con fes alates 0022465 ‘el milo els stioo int =F »'y empleando nuevamente el puntero Ts 0020660 el reten de aceite int. = = 'N.B.- The d.¢.oller bearing « B» postion should be as indiested on dts Dig. 72 N.B.-.A montage efectuado ol ossquilo de aguas 1a dabard estar en la posicion indiada nel detate = Dig. 72 Fig 75 - Drive shaft ball bearing and circip: Use the punch 10020781 for prose ints housing the but bearing «= and Ingart with piers T-0022405 the bearing retainer circlip «1s, faking care that RSs correctly fted in its housing Fig, 78 Drive shat: Introduce the dive shalt «A = from the oppasite. side. to the one. where. the bearing = has been ited (ig. 75). Apply tho to! T-DOV819 with part 8, a8 ustratod infig. 76 then acton nut « D » unt the shaft « A » butts egainst the ball bearing. Note: When resssembling the selector spidar Temember that the gear control fod has & ioft ended treed Looked the rod on the selector spider spot punch the ends of the rod itsell. When the drive shaft 1A ia ites remove the foo, tho. # gears with ine concerning sheuder washer and by means. of the pliers 0029690 place the cel. Notice: for axial play of gears, realized by Shoulder washer, sea fig. 47 and tab. om poge 50. Fig, 75 Cofinete do bolas tldetico: Montar ef cojmete de Bolas = H'= en su siento, usando el puntaro T-O0207B! y ‘colocar on les sliestee 6022468 ef anillo elestico de Fetencion cojinete cuidanda que vaya & alojr en Su propio alojamento Fig, 76 Eje engranajes cambio: monte el vie en Grenajes cana "A= introduciendolo desde ei Fedo opuesto al del montaje del cofinete.» H'= (ig. 73). Aplicar el uti T 0018119 con el particular 1.9 como representada en la fig. 76. actuar sobre {h tueren = B= haste llevar el eje A +a tope con 6 cojinete de bolas om NB. Al remontaje de a cruceta tener presente te ia varia tiene rosea a tnquierdas, Bocada a varila sabre Ia crucete remachar log fxtremidades. de la vasila misma, Etectuado el ‘monte del eje = A. quitar el Util, montar Ios. 4 ‘npranaies con el anile de empuje relatva y con {os altetes: 0025638 aplicar ef anllo elastica ‘Nota: Para el juego axial de los engranaes relia do'con el aniio'de eapeaor ver fig. 4? 9 Pag. 30, Q A Tair MI scoot i % Fig. 77 - rive shaft oil 2) shown in Fg. By I: Fit the oil seal C= ithe punch T-00207S1 Crankshatt Fig, 78 ner ting ofthe roller main bearing. Place the crankshaft (clutch side) on the base = - of Bnutale aight and with the conta hate © Heat proviously in il bath at 100°C the inner Fig. 77 Monta ot steno fige empleando’ et puntoro T. 0020781 Cigienal Fig, 78 - Anillo it. cojinete de roillos ciglesal; Inivoducir ol eiguonal Tado embrague sobre und base do apoyo « B= con 2 int 35 mm. y despues de colocar el distanciador T-OD8000" nontsr lap Sta int « C calentada en bato de aceite a 100°C. I ot fing «C+ of the main roller bearing (#ywhee! ey" snd “fa. "on’ cranes attr” having interposed the spacer T, 0080007. (Use 2 lenght of tube. 1D. 3:26). When ‘astombled, the ring postion should be as Indleated on det. = Dv in hg N. B.- When fitting the inner ring «C+ insert between the. crank, halves the proper wedge T-0025127 to avold crankshaft deformations. (see fig 7). Fig. 79 - Crankshaft alignement check: by means of ihe proper tooling (see fg) chock that the ecentriities of the ‘surfaces of the diam. = = SndrF = should enter between 0.03 mi. (masinurh Timits‘as read on the dal indicator gauge): check besides eccentricity of © « Ds a\max reading of 9.02 mm. is admissible, In the casa where the secentricity reading exceed to Imuch that prescribed taighten the crankshaft by ‘exerting pressure betwoon the evant halves ‘ing the proper wedge, or between vice jaws (atuminian Tied) Fig. 80 - Crankshaft on crankcase hal, clutch side: Introduce the erankahaft on erankcass, haf, clutch el cojinete de rodillos sobre el cigdefal (lado ‘olantel empleando como puntore «P= un pedazo {Je tubo con’ 2 nt, 26 mm, 1’ montsje efectuado la pista deberd restar on la Posicion indieada en ef detalle «D> de la fg, NB. Ourante el montaje dela pista «C » intro- thcir ia cure 0025127 entre lot semicigietales Dara eviter deformaciones en el ciguenal, Tver fig. 3) Fig. 79 - Control, alinescion cigiehal: con opor {unto utlliaje (ver fig) controler que los excontrc. fades do los supericies de fos =Es y «P= estén comprendidas entre 0.03. (limite me ma de Tectura sobre el rel) camparador): con twolar tambien la excentiided del 2 = D+ ae Smite una Teetura maxima de 002 mm Enel caso de excentrcidades no. demasiado Devloes a ae preseritas, seguir al enderezado del iguerel ‘actuando entre Tos semiciguenales. con tin eufis 0 apretendolos en un torilo con mords: 49 de aluminio sogun le necesidad Fig. 80 - Giga! sobre semicarter lado embry (ue: colacay of guna sobre al semiearter lado mbraque ‘como representado en stig. apicar y A et | scoot } y % % the opposite side) the tool T. 0018119 with part 'and'9 and act on nut D + unt the Crankshatt Is pulled to hit on crankcase ‘all beseing, Fig. 81 - Grankease coupling: Both the crankshaft ‘and gear change parts should be fited on crankcase half eluteh vside, the starter sector on. the Crankesse lywheel side: take care thatthe lever ‘etum spring 1s correctiy hooked Check that the tuber butlers for limit stop of the Starter. sector ‘are’ not” damaged it necessary feplsce them) tnd take care, that they” do. not fexcaed the crankcase hsives coupling, surface, For mating the crankcase halves. proceed as folows Carel clean tho mating surfaces: spread sel paste ofboth surfaces of the gaskel shaft ivan the erankease half iywhee! side For ‘obtaining "a perfect ft when mating the Erankease halves, fn on tho tye! sie sng "wooden mallet; under no eircumstances shoud tho crankshalt extremity be acted on for easing ‘the operation. Fig. 82 - Maln bearing outer seal (fiywhee! side) Place oll seal » As on the special Seat on the #001 0027338. by mallet blows on the too! push the Oil seal unt the tool self butts against the Crankcase, Engine and flywheel magneto tim (Webicles P125X = P150X without tun signal lamps fywhesh of « vaditionel = type). Engine and flywheel magneto timing 1s carried out 8 Follows 8) «Bring the piston to 9 position corresponding To the spark advance angle. Bi Rotate tho. coll anchor plate so. that_ the Feeding col for ignition col azaumes the postion Indieated in fi. 83 desde el lado opuesto) el stil 1. 0010119 con las partculoros n, 8.9 y actur sobre Ia toorea = Ds fasta llevar ciguefal s tope eon el ‘ojinete. Je bolas del semicarer. Fig. 81 - Acoplamiento carter: Tanto. el cigiohal como fas plezes del camblo deben spicarse en el femicarter lado. embrague: el sector dented” de {a puesta en marcha ea el semicartor lado volante Culdando Ios corrects ijsctones. del mulled Cantrolar que los sileat-bocks en goma de fin. de ara" del_sector dentado. no esten’ sveriados {oventuslmente sustiurls) y earciorarse que no Sobvesalgan del plano de acoplamiento. semicerter, acoplar los semieartersactuse como 80 indica Limpiar eameradamente las superficies de acople Imiento; pegar con mastic smbes partes de la junto {de papel'y montaria en el semicarter lado volte. Para obtoner una perfect union de los semicartrs, fsctuar eventalmente. con un mazo de madera. 30: bre el semicarter lado volanto: no actar Jamas fen ln extremidad’ dl eiguehal Fig. 82 -Retén exterior pat volante: Colocar el reten de costs © A= directs ante en el slojamiento dl itl T- 0027938 y dn {fo golpes con un mazo, mpujr ef reten 8 cette hasta lever et utl'atope con el carter Calaje del motor y dal volante (Webiculos P 125% - P180X sin intermi late. de tipo = tradicional -). Ecaloo del motor y dl volante se realize actuan fo como indies ® continuacion, 2) Llevar el pistén en la posicion coerespondien fe al angulo de avance al encendido 5}," Girar ot soporte bobines de manera que la obi slimentacton bobina A: 1 exterior 88 halle fn la posicin indicada en ls Hig. 03 = ones ©} = Bring the contact bresker group in contact uth the eam 80° that the contact breaker points Start 10 open alter having, obtained the conditions indicated at sas "ands bs the operation is Carried out by means of» serowdriver into the slot of the bracket 1) The msx- opening ofthe contact breaker points Should'be 03 t0 05 mm. (0011 to 0" DIS). Engine and fiywhes! magneto timing (Webieles P 125 x - P150X with tura signal lamps, stars type tiywhee. For vehicies P25 snd P150X with turn signal amps and ars type flhoel the same instroctions ar for vehicles with = tractionel = Hywhee! (eee fn page 16) are valid except the operations carted fut at point «b= that should be earned out a follows: Bb} = Rotate the coil anchor plate so that the core fn which the contact breaker unt is fixed assumes the’ position indlcated in i, 88 13 operations valid for is0x (fig 85) For checking the timing, act 3 follows: 4)-'Slockon the serews = E*(lig. 85) securing the backplate on crankcase, 2) Mount the Indexing ft» A» (tool ¥.0020250) in place of the sparking piug and anchor to the Crankshaft the graduated disc > (arg 0023465) by meana of the special nut Apply the apparatus «Do (tool T.027535, which fonctions with 220'V a,c 43)" Secure with 9 crankcase bolt a fixed iron wire index = B= Taee figure) Tho T.0.C. corresponds with the average of the angular graduations checked onthe ‘disc = C= Which correspond with the two butt positions of Sho itn sania the doug fat. "An These ‘btained by rotating the erankshalt ‘by hand uot! the piston butts, then ©} Llovar el grupo del ruptor en contacto con la txcéntrica de forma que los platings empiczen 9 Shriree después do realar las condiciones == Ys be; Ia operscién se efectia introduciondo la bunta “de un destorniladr on le remurarealizada fn'el soporte 4} “ Corciorarse que ta abertura max de los ple tunos este entre 0.305 mm, motor y del volante. (Webelos P 125 -P 150 con intermitantes, vo lante de tipo » 9 estrella =), Para el calaje-del motor y del volante en los ve hicolos P 128% P #50 X con intermitentes.volante , tt. =O y enar con grasa Esso Beacon 3 0 bien FIAT 22 Ta camara Int del disco porta’ zapatas. Jer® Sex ® S Sang ‘ ip” Fig, 91, Roller besring, oil seal, ball. bearing, brake “drum ‘elrelip: Assembling “of the oller bearing = Glo cariad out in similar manner 98 indleated in’fig. 90. (uso. puch 19..20003). then ‘apply the respective ol seal =| Operate on the apposite external side for fssembling the ball bearing M: use a8 2 punch 9 fenght of tube with an external dameter 30 mm \inen the bearing ls fted: apply by meana of piers Te0020465" the Crcip = L = and grease with Esso. => Fig, 0 - Casquillo de ag ‘olinete de bolas = alo ‘el tambor sei {rene para el moniaje dal casqullo de ag analogamiente a To que se ha efectundo en la fig. 50 omplar el puntero espectics 19120008 9 c2 locar el rolatvo reten do aceite, Actuar desde el lado opuesto (exterior) para ‘montar el cojinste de boise =H» empleendo como Duntero un pedazo de tubo con’® ext. 30. mm olocedo el cjinete, con tos alcates T, 0022465 Notice: The ball bearing H should be placed inside the drum so as its protected sid ls facing outsige Nota: £1 cojinate de bolas =H » debe ser montado ‘nel Intrior del tambor eon la parte protege de Aicho colmete vuelta hacia of exterior. Q i eit scifi som joo Beacon 3 or FIAT 22 the inner chamber between teller beating and ball bearing. land cirelip: Put the anclor plate on the font Sule Sind connect it withthe front damper by means of the two screws, then apply the circip » Fx using {he pliers 0023656, Fig. 92 - Locking of front wheel dram (Locking torque 75-5 Kom). When the front whee! drm 's tte donot reuse the old colar mot. but roplace it witha new one: hence tre facing. should be farted out by carefully spot punching, as on figure, the colar Ia the proprer groove existing ‘othe wes axe ° * For the apct punching operation pliers FIAT- SATA Fei can be employed « Fuel cock insert the fuel cack, from bottom, into ihe tank then insert the washer andthe nut through the ‘filer ‘and secure by meane of the wrench ‘T.0082873."{eee Bg. 28) ‘montar el sillo elistico «Lx y eubrir con gr Enuo Beacon 30 bien FIAT Z2'Ia camara Ine del tember Fig, 82 - Disco porta zapatas sobre ol ojo ruede Gelantera y ail eldstica: Mtontar 6! dato ports apatae sabre el je ruada delantere conectandolo on el amoriguador mediante dos tornilos. de Sujecion'ycolocar ‘con oe alates. 0022638 el Sno elabico = Fig, 83 - Blocaje_tambor porta-rucda dolant (ares do bocaje 7350 Kg). Al montaje del tam bor del frano sobre el eja tueda delantera mo va ver a utlizar le twercs remacheda anteriormente flesmentada, mas susttura con otra nucva" el boca deberd por fo tanto stectuarse remachando fuldadosamente, como en la figura. el callor en {e'ranure del cje porta ruods Para la operasion de ramachado emplear los alt fates PIAT“SATA 74128, Grito depésito mezelaintrodicir el grifo mezcla {lado inferior del dopésito). mont’ arandela.y {ueree lado superior del deposital, y blocar eon Mave 7.008297 (ver fig. 35). ‘eet rnin of mt fr leh ‘mfiod eres sco Q rns & Fuol tank: For assembling operate in the inverse as described for disassembling on pages tnd 4, (i! tank for vehicles with LS device. Fora the all tank operate in verse manner for disassembly on page 45 and keep in mind the directions cared tin fg. 82 while". 49 wad oe some raring on ene [RRs vom ta to tho ai lewar arbre hsy oa) Fig, 95. Windshield beading fitting Seid operation should be caried out on the veh without. the following components: handlebar Footrest edge strips with rubber Inserts and. end pads. Siig te beading over the windshield ensuring {hat it follows the. externa {ov ensure thet tis perecty ted, necessry, L sera rubber mallet. ok the beading in position using rubber bands for straps ee indicated in fig 95. 2" Gsing 70023800 start ro the points = sirap (1) ‘the beading trom Yo "As (200 fig), Remove’ the nd than continue the rang operation remave the step (2) and complete the rolling operation. If the beading should present wrinkles OF it ig not adhering perfectly to the windshila Sdjust by frst "using’ the rubber ‘mallat on the Btfected tones snd tho fool 7.023580 x aera A se alts Sane Sens Depésito mescla: Para el montaje del depésito Tas operaciones inversas indica "45 para ol dosmontae. ite para vehiculos con dispositive ‘I montsje del depdsito aceite sjecvtar las operaciones Inversas indicadae en Ta. pag. 45 era’ e! desmontsje, teniendo presente las Insiuc. lones indizadas en lig 98 Advetecia Al marae dol deta de ace ceca, Sonn pon race hc a ver ISGE? Feira tnce escorts she BESS RS eee Shee Saat Fig, 95 - Aplicaciin borde del eseudo ffectuarse con el vehicula sin tes extriores al repos Piintroducir el borde on el escudo en su parte superior haciendole seguir el perl exterior. Para ‘un buen seoplamionto empl, st es, ne: como se ilustra en fig. 85 =Con el tt 7 0023890, empezar ol curvado de la zona ‘superior de ia direselon,partonda de = B+ feta =A = Tego la ‘igadra (1). Prosoquir 2 dos partes hasta | cuter pow tower” Ia cin (2) i Guitar la éinta (2) y completar el curvado. Si so |e lide score (pos Son coats presentaran a lo ancho dal borde poque Feciones no hubiese una perfecte adhorencia rune ssid dh npn. solr sobre ce sot . , Se ee mere ms | at” Seomtgopom SiMe pres de os rees ex Soman ok, B 8 estos agujetear of borde del escudo iromache m owzasa0 PIAGGIO 6 6.- SpA Foradere- SA. Operations and checks before operating sree surgee cee ee before consigning the vehicle to Its. owner. the Dealers are advised to carry out the above indicated Dperstions also on new vehicles after unpacking fnd prior to. consignment Puesta a punto del vehiculo antes del uso Terminada ta revisin del motor 0 de otras gri- os y despues de heber prabado”eventuslmente fn ef banco el motor y'el volante, efectuar ios 1. Verificacion aprete tuercas y tornllos, part ularmante de las ruedas y tambores Tronos 2, Nivel aceite en el cambio: con fa moto dere ha el nivel dabe slcanzar el agujero de carga del 3. Eficiencia de los amortiguadores. 4. Ausencia de pérdidas de mezcla y de acoite. 5. Control de Ia presion da los neumticos (ver Careotristicas en las pags. 25 5. Eficiencia del equipo elécrice, 7. Control dela earburacion 8. Eficiencia de los frenos. 8. Regulaclon mando embrague y cambio. 10. Establided en la carretera sin apoyar las manos en el mani 11. Funclonamiento del ant-hurto. Esie dispositive no debe ser engrasado nunca 12, Limpieza de la moto: para el exterior del mo- tor petroleo: para las pares pintades. agua y 93 Imuza para scar: paa fa parabola del faro sar un Plomera’ suave (evter en Torar eon los dedos le Supertcte aluminiads) y Advetnca A se teen i Reccvem gle, aehiore te Tas coon” ana TeM ceen Scoot J

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