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Prof. Dr. Sabah Rasoul Al-Jabiri

• One of the simplest definitions for optimization is :
“doing the most with the least” or
“the process of finding the most effective or favorable
value or condition”
• The purpose of optimization is to achieve the “best”
result relative to a set of prioritized criteria or constraints.
These include maximizing factors such as productivity,
strength, reliability, efficiency, utilization..... etc.
Essential features of optimization problems
1- An objective function is defined which needs to be either

maximized or minimized. The objective function may be

technical or economic. Examples of economic objectives are
profits, costs of production, …..etc.

2-Technical objective may be, minimum size of an

equipment etc.. Technical objectives are ultimately related

to economics.
3- Competing influences: In most optimization problems,

there would be some set of variables which has

opposite influence on the objective function. Such

competing influences require some balancing and

hence result in typical optimization problems.

4- Restrictions: Usually the optimization is done

keeping certain restrictions or constraints.

Mathematical Programming models
1. Linear Programming
Linear programming is an optimization technique for a
system of linear constraints and a linear objective
function. An objective function defines the quantity to
be optimized, and the goal of linear programming is to
find the values of the variables that maximize or
minimize the objective function.
The Linear Programming Model
Let: x1, x2, x3, ………, xn = decision variables
Z = Objective function
Objective: Maximize( or Minimize):
Z = c1x1 + c2x2 + c3x3 + ………+ cnxn
subject to the following constraints:

where aij, bi, and cj are given constants.

Linear Programming Problem Formulation
Problem formulation means translating real-world
problems into the mathematical equations of a linear
program model.
The basic steps in formulation are:
1. Identify the decision variables.
2. Formulate the objective function.
3.Identify and formulate the constraints.
Example: The XYZ petroleum engineering organization
produces the products (A, B, C) in 3 departments (L, M, N).
You are given the following data. Formulate a linear programming
model to find the optimal number of products to be produced that
maximizes the net profit.

Department Time (hrs)/unit Available

A B C time (hrs)
L 3 5 4 122
M 2 4 3 140
N 4 6 5 126
Profit 20 17 18
Formulation of linear programming model
1.Identify Decision Variables:
Let: X1 the number of units of product A to be produced
X2 the number of units of product B to be produced
X3 the number of units of product C to be produced
Z the net profit

2. Formulate the objective function:

Maximize Z=20X1 + 17X2 + 18X3
3.Identify and formulate the constraints:
3X1 + 5X2 + 4X3 ≤ 122 (hr)available time in department L
2X1 + 4X2 + 3X3 ≤ 140 (hr)available time in department M
4X1 + 6X2 + 5X3 ≤ 126 (hr)available time in department N
Non- negativity constraints X1, X2 ,X3 ≥0

4. Solution of Linear Programming Models.

1.The Graphical Method.
2.The Simplex Method.

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