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Project Report On

A study of comprehensive analysis of employee attrition rate in

different department of Dainik Bhaskar Raipur in a year 2017-18

Submitted in partial fulfilment of the requirement for the award of the degree Master of
Business Administration in Human Resource Development (MBA – HRD)

Submitted to: Submitted By:-

Mr. Ashutosh Mandavi Ghanendra Kumar
Head of the Department MBA (HRD) 4th Semester
Department of management Roll No. 1601506

Session 2016-2018
Department of Management


A study of comprehensive analysis of employee attrition rate in

different department of Dainik Bhaskar Raipur in a year 2017-18


Submitted in partial fulfilment of the requirement for the award of the degree Master of
Business Administration in Human Resource Development (MBA – HRD)

Project Guide: Submitted By:

Mr. Nitin Kalla Ghanendra Kumar

Department of management MBA (HRD) 4th Semester

Roll No. 1601506

Department of management
Session 2016-2018



I, Ghanendra Kumar declare that the project report entitled ―A study

of comprehensive analysis of employee attrition rate in
different department of Dainik Bhaskar Raipur in a year 2017-
18” submitted to Kushabhau Thakre Patrakarita avam
Jansanchar Vishwavidyalaya Raipur C.G., For the award of
Degree of Master of Business Administration in Human Resource
Development (MBA – HRD) is a record bona fide and independent
work done by me under the guideline and supervision of Dr.
Ashutosh Mandavi head of the Department and it has not formed the
basis for the award of any other Degree/ Diploma/ Associate ship/
Fellowship or other similar title to any candidate of this or any other

Place : Submitted By:-

Date : Ghanendra Kumar
MBA (HRD) 4th Semester
Roll No. 1601506


This is to certify that Mr. Ghanendra Kumar a student of Master of

Business Administration in Human Resource Development
Semester 4th has successfully completed the internship in partial
fulfilment of requirement for the award of MBA in Human Resource



This report is the record of the authentic work carried out by the
student during the academic year 2016-2018.

Project Guide:
Mr. Nitin Kalla sir
Assistant Professor
Department of Management


The completion of this study would have been impossible without the material
and moral support from various people. First of all I hearty thank to Mr.
Ashutosh Mandavi the HOD of management Department for giving me
opportunity to do this assignment. I would like to thanks to, Mr. Nitin Kalla sir
faculty of Management Department, for his effective supervision, support and
guidance without which this would not have possible, I extend my gratitude to
Mrs. Poonam Diwan and Mr. Akash Sharma who taught me in the MBA
academics, therefore enriching my research with knowledge.

Last but not least I am highly thankful to my family, and faculty of Hr

Department of Dainik Bhaskar for constant support and helped in overcoming
all the critical situation with attitude of always keeping moral high.

Place : Submitted By:-

Date : Ghanendra Kumar
MBA (HRD) 4th Semester
Roll No. 1601506

Chapter – 1 Introduction 1
Human Resource Management 2
Objective Of The Study 7
Scope Of The Study 7
Attrition Rate 8
Causes Of Employee Attrition 10
Types Of Attrition 12
Cost Incurred Due To Attrition 13
Company Profile 16
Product And Services 31
Competitor 46
Literature Review 58
Chapter - 2 Research Methodology 65
Process of research report 66
Aim of the study 70
Objective 70
Sampling 71
Methods or tools of analysis 71
Execution of Project 72
Chapter - 3 Data Analysis And Interpretation Of Data 74
Chapter - 4 Finding, suggestion, conclusion and Limitation 110
Chapter -5 References 125



Attrition, in Human Resource terminology, refers to the phenomenon of the employees

leaving the company. Attrition in a company is usually measured with a metric called
attrition rate, which simply measures the number of employees moving out of the
company (voluntary resigning or lay off by the company). Attrition Rate is also referred
as churn rate or turnover.
"the rate of shrinkage in size or number" In the best of worlds, employees would love
their jobs, like their co-workers, work hard for their employers, get paid well for their
work, have ample chances for advancement, and flexible schedules so they could
attend to personal or family needs when necessary. And never leave. But then there's
the real world. And in the real world, employees, do leave, either because they want
more money, hate the working conditions, hate their co-workers, want a change, or
because their spouse gets a dream job in another state.

Human Resource Management
For any organisation to function effectively, it must have resource of men (Human
Resource), money, materials and machinery. The resources by themselves cannot fulfil the
objectives of an organisation, they need to be collected, co-ordinate and utilized through
human resources. And, the effective management of human resources is also vital. Hence,
Human Resource Management (HRM) has emerged as a major function in organisations.
Human Resource Management is the organizational function that deals with issues related
to people such as compensation, hiring, performance management, organization
development, safety, wellness, benefits, employee motivation, communication,
administration, and training.
Human Resource Management is the process of recruitment and selecting employee,
providing orientation and induction, training and development , assessment of employee
(performance of appraisal), providing compensation and benefits, motivating, maintaining
proper relations with employees and with trade unions, maintaining employees safety,
welfare and healthy measures in compliance with labour laws of the land.
Before we define HRM, it seems pertinent to first define the term ‗human resources‘. In
common parlance, human resources means the people. However, different management
experts have defined human resources differently. For example, Michael J. Jucius has
defined human resources as ―a whole consisting of inter-related, inter-dependent and
interacting physiological, psychological, sociological and ethical components‖.

Human: refers to the skilled workforce in the organisation.

Resource: refers to limited availability or scarceness.
Management: refers how to optimize and make best use of such limited and
a scarce resource so as to meet the ordination goals and objectives

Objectives of HRM
The primary objective of HRM is to ensure the availability of right people for right jobs so
as the organizational goals are achieved effectively.

This primary objective can further be divided into the following sub-objectives:
1. To help the organization to attain its goals effectively and efficiently by providing
competent and motivated employees.
2. To utilize the available human resources effectively.
3. To increase to the fullest the employee‘s job satisfaction and self- actualization.
4. To develop and maintain the quality of work life (QWL) which makes employment
in the organization a desirable personal and social situation.
5. To help maintain ethical policies and behavior inside and outside the
6. To establish and maintain cordial relations between employees and
7. To reconcile individual/group goals with organizational goals.

Functions of Human Resource Management
We have already defined HRM. The definition of HRM is based on what managers do.
The functions performed by managers are common to all organizations. For the
convenience of study, the function performed by the resource management can broadly
be classified into two categories, viz.

Managerial Functions:
The Human Resource Manager is a part of the organisational management. So he must
perform the basic managerial functions of planning, organising, directing and controlling
in relation to his department

Operative Functions:
The operative, also called, service functions are those which are relevant to specific
department. These functions vary from department to department depending on the
nature of the department Viewed from this standpoint, the operative functions of HRM
relate to ensuring right people for right jobs at right times. These functions include
procurement, development, compensation, and maintenance functions of HRM.

Human Resource Challenges

Issues such as cash flow, competition, and revenue growth are top of mind for small
business owners and their teams. Along with these challenges comes another area many
companies struggle with: human resource management.

#1. Compliance with Laws and Regulation

Keeping up with changing employment laws is a struggle for business owners. Many
choose to ignore employment laws, believing they don‘t apply to their business. But doing
so could mean audits, lawsuits, and possibly even the demise of your company.

#2. Management Changes

As a business grows, its strategies, structure, and internal processes grow with it. Some
employees have a hard time coping with these changes. A lot of companies experience
decreased productivity and morale during periods of change.

#3. Workforce Training and Development

Investing in the training and development of lower-level employees is another common HR
problem. Some businesses have trouble finding the resources to do so. Employees on the
front lines are some of your hardest workers, and may not have the time to take a training

#4. Compensation
Many companies are struggling with how best to structure employee compensation. Small
businesses have to compete not only with businesses of a similar size, but also with
corporations with big payroll budgets. Plus, you have to factor in the cost of benefits,
training, taxes, and other expenses, which can range from 1.5 to 3 times the employee‘s

#5. Recruiting Talented Employees

Attracting talent is a huge investment of time and money. It‘s difficult for entrepreneurs to
balance between keeping a business running, and hiring the right people at the right time.
In addition, it‘s impossible to know whether a candidate will actually be a good fit until
they‘ve worked for you for a period of time.

.#6. Retaining Talented Employees

Competition for talented employees is fierce. Startups and small companies don‘t have big
budgets for retirement plans, expensive insurance plans, and other costly items that their
larger competitors do—at least, not yet. Employee turnover is expensive and can
negatively impact business growth.
Now a days this is one of the most important question which is asked by higher authority to
HR people…."Why our attrition rate is higher than other company". Earlier it wasn't
important for the organization, whether their employees are committed or not, but now the
time has been changed. The company cannot afford to lose its best employee to
competitors. Therefore, HR team conducts EXIT interview when an employee left the job to
get the information about one's decision to leave an organization. It is a paramount
consideration for a HR team to think, why people are vacating their positions. Still Human
Resource team face the challenge due to wrong information provided during EXIT

 To find out the specific reasons why the attrition occurs and the possible way to
reduce it.

 To analyse the attrition rate in different department.

 To suggest the area of improvement.
 Comparative attrition rate analysis between various departments.
 To study how efficiently management settle a Grievance in an organization.
 To know the reason of grievance at Dainik Bhaskar Raipur.


 To determine effect of attrition on the business.
 Determination of solutions to avoid or to control attrition.
 To understand the extent of job satisfaction among the employees.
 To suggest proper measures.
 Helping them to reduce the employee Attrition.
 This study helps the company to understand more on the attrition rate in the
 The study educates the causes of attrition for employees in an organization.
 The study also helps to find the drawbacks of the current retention strategies.


The study was mainly undertaken to identify the level of employee‘s attitude, the
dissatisfaction factors they face in the organization and for what reason they prefer to
change their job. Once the levels of Employee‘s attitude are identified, it would be possible
for the management to take necessary action to reduce attrition level. Since they are
considered as backbone of the Company, their progression will lead to the success of the
Company for the long run.

"A reduction in the number of employees through retirement, resignation or death."

Normal and uncontrollable reduction of a work force because of retirement, death,

sickness, and relocation. It is one method of reducing the size of a workforce without
management taking any overt actions.
- Dictionary of Business Terms

A gradual reduction in work force without firing of personnel, as when workers resign
or retire and are not replaced.

- Phill and Ralph Peters

Attrition Rate Of Different Sector In India

Almost all the sectors in India are facing attrition, but the reasons and effects are unique
to each sector. The attrition rates of different sector are

The BPO sector has highest attrition rate i.e. 50%. The aviation sector, pulsating with
the early of numerous private players, has thrown up irresistible opportunities, fueling
attrition to 46%. In case of Service sector highest attrition levels are seen in sales. One
reason for this is the fact that companies in the FMCG sector are themselves hiring
more salespeople. Another reason is that insurance and telecommunications sectors
are also hiring people. At PepsiCo India, according to Pavan Bhatia, executive director,
human resources of the company, the proportion of people hired in sales to total hires
increased from 20% in 2016 to 70% in 2017. Leading business chambers of commerce
and industries, Confederation of Indian Industry (CII), Federation of Indian Chambers of
Commerce and Industry (FICCI), Associated Chambers of Commerce and Industry of
India (Assocham) and Indian Merchants‘ Chamber (IMC) also facing a major problem of
attrition. The attrition rate among these organisations ranges between 6% to well over

35%. Sources at these organisation said that though they revise salary and
remuneration by at least 25 to 30% annually, it seems it was quite inadequate
compared to the market trend. CII, which has a total employee strength of around 550
across India, has the attrition rate of 5 to 6%. FICCI, which has almost equal strength of
employees, the attrition is almost up to 20%. FICCI sources informed, ―Apart from
lucrative salary package, staffers take the advantage of command in various subjects
and sectors. At FICCI, recently a staffer, who was drawing Rs 15 lakh annually, got a
package of Rs 1.50 crore, while another had been lured by an industry in the
entertainment sector for a similar package. More than six employees of the middle level
have been hired by Reliance.‖ In case of IMC, the attrition is almost 25% of its total
employee strength of 80.

Causes Of Employee Attrition.

Obviously, it‘s important for organizations to reduce ATTRITION RATE . However, in

order to reduce these rates, organizations must first understand the main reasons
employees leave for other positions. Good people don‘t leave good organizations—they
leave poor managers

1. Growth opportunities not available.

A lot of good talent can be lost if the employees feel trapped in dead-end positions.
Often talented individuals are forced to job-hop from one company to another in order to
grow in status and compensation. The most successful organizations find ways to help
employees develop new skills and responsibilities in their current positions and position
them for future advancement within the enterprise. Employees who can see a potential
for growth and comparable compensation are more inclined to stay with an organization

2. Raises and promotions frozen.

Over the years, studies have shown that money isn‘t usually the primary reason people
leave an organization, but it does rank high when an employee can find a job earning 20
to 25 percent more elsewhere. Raises and promotions are often frozen for economic
reasons but are slow to be resumed after the crisis has passed. Organizations may not
have a goal to offer the best compensation in their area, but if they don‘t, they better pay
competitive wages and benefits while making their employees feel valued! This is a
critical combination.

3. Organizational instability.
Management‘s constant reorganization, changing direction and shuffling people around
disconnects employees from the organization‘s purpose. Employees don‘t know what‘s
going on, what the priorities are or what they should be doing. This causes frustration
leading to confusion and inefficiencies.

4. The job did not meet expectations.
It has become all too common for a job to significantly vary from the initial description
and what was promised during the interviewing stage. When this happens it can lead to
mistrust. The employee starts to think, ―What else are they not being truthful about?‖
When trust is missing, there can be no real employee ownership.

5. Decision-making ability is lacking.

Far too many managers micromanage to the level of minutia. Micromanagers appear
insecure regarding their employees‘ ability to perform their jobs without the manager
directing every move. Organizations need employees to have ownership and be
empowered! Empowered employees have the freedom to make suggestions and
decisions. Today ―empowerment‖ seems to be a catch-all term for many ideas about
employee authority and responsibility. However, as a broad definition, it means an
organization gives employees latitude to do their jobs by placing trust in them.
Employees, in turn, accept that responsibility and embrace that trust with enthusiasm
and pride of ownership.

6. People skills are inadequate.

Many managers were promoted because they did their jobs very well and got results.
However, that doesn‘t mean they know how to lead. Leaders aren‘t born—they are
made. People skills can be learned and developed, but it really helps if a manager has a
natural ability to get along with people and motivate them. Managers should lead by
example, reward by deed.

7. Rude behavior.
Studies have shown that everyday indignities have an adverse affect on productivity
and result in good employees quitting. Rudeness, assigning blame, back-biting, playing
favorites and retaliations are among reasons that aggravate employee turnover. Feeling
resentful and mistreated is not an enticement for a good work environment.

8. Coaching and feedback are lacking.
Effective managers know how to help employees improve their performance and
consistently give coaching and feedback to all employees. Ineffective managers put off
giving feedback to employees even though they instinctively know that giving and
getting honest feedback is essential for growth and building successful teams and

9. Personal reasons:
The personal reasons are many and only few are visible to us. The
foremost personal reasons are getting married or falling in love orchange of place. The
next important personal reason is going forhigher education. Most of the BE, MCA and
others appear for GATE examination or other examinations and once they get cleared
they quickly move out. Health is another aspect, which contributes for attrition.
Employees do get affected with health problems like sleep disturbances, indigestion,
headache, throat infection and gynaecological dysfunction for lady employee.
Employees who have allergic problems and unable to cope with the AC hall etc will tend
to get various other health problems and loose interest to work.

Types of Employees Attrition

Attrition is broadly defined as the total number of employees who leave the company
because of any reason whatsoever. Attrition is broadly categorized into two definitions:
Voluntary and Involuntary.


Involuntary Attrition Voluntary Attrition

1. Involuntary Attrition: Involuntary termination is the employee‘s departure at the
hands of the employer. There are two basic types of involuntary termination,
known often as being ―fired‖ and ―laid off.‖ To be fired, as opposed to being laid
off, is generally thought of to be the employee‘s fault, and therefore is considered
in most cases to be dishonourable and a sign of failure.

2. Voluntary Attrition: Voluntary attrition is the employee‘s departure on his own.

This happens when an employee resigns from an organization for personal or
professional reasons. Voluntary attrition is one of the major pain points for
companies in growing economies. In India – voluntary attrition of 20-40% is fairly
common in IT/ITES/Retail/Hospitality industries

Cost Incurred due to attrition

The cost of the internal recruiter's time to understand the position requirements, develop
and implement a sourcing strategy, review candidates backgrounds, prepare for
interviews, conduct interviews, prepare candidate assessments, conduct reference
checks, make the employment offer and notify unsuccessful candidates. This can range
from a minimum of 30 hours to over 100 hours per position.

Calculate the cost of orientation in terms of the new person's salary and the cost of the
person who conducts the orientation. Also include the cost of orientation materials.
Calculate the cost of departmental training as the actual development and delivery cost
plus the cost of the salary of the new employee. Note that the cost will be significantly
higher for some.

As the new employee is learning the new job, the company policies and practices, etc.
they are not fully productive. Use the following guidelines to calculate the cost of this
lost productivity:
Upon completion of whatever training is provided, the employee is contributing at a 25%
productivity level for the first 2 - 4 weeks. The cost therefore is 75% of the new
employee‘s full salary during that time period.


Calculate the cost of bring the new person on board including the cost to put the person
on the payroll, establish computer and security passwords 12 and identification cards,
telephone hook ups, cost of establishing email accounts, or leasing other equipment
such as cell phones, automobiles.
Calculate the cost of a manager's time spent developing trust and building confidence in
the new employee's work.

Calculation of attrition Rate InDainikBhaskar
Attrition in an organization simply refers to resignations in a particular month, quarter or
year. To simplify it further, it refers to the number of employees who leave an
organization. And formula for calculation fo attrition % is

Formula :

Attrition for the month/Total Headcount * 100

((no. Of attritions x 100) / (Actual Employees + NewJoined)) /100

Actual Employees
(Opening BAL) - 150
No. Of people
(Attritions) - 20
No. Of Joined - 25

So according to the formula: ((20 x 100) / (150 + 25)) / 100

Which comes to 0.1142 i.e. 11%

Now as you had 150 previously and now 25 joined so it makes150 + 25 =175
Now if you calculate 11.42% of 175 i.e. 175 x 0.1142 = 20

Industry Overview
The Indian print media industry is expected to grow by 9.6 per cent
over the period 2010-15. The print industry is expected to grow from Rs 128 bn in 2006
to Rs 232 bn by 2011, at 12.6% CAGR. While the newspaper industry is estimated at
Rs 112 bn, the magazine segment is valued at Rs 16 bn. The newspaper industry is
also projected to perform well for the next five years growing at a CAGR of 10.1 per
cent according to a report titled "India Entertainment and Media Outlook 2011" by
PricewaterhouseCoopers. Indian print industry is growing strong and is expected to
grow similarly while the global print industry is moving towards digitalization and
showing a negative growth rate year on year. Print industry in India is the world's
second largest with over 90 million copies in circulation daily after China with 130 million
copies in circulation daily. Most newspaper has an online presence and a growing view
counts on their portals. Much of the entertainment and media segments are now
focusing on growth in regional areas and smaller towns. Year 2009, a year when there
was a slowdown, the regional print showed growth in local to local advertisement. In
2010, regional print further increased its share in overall print advertisement revenue
pie. Regional papers give advertisers access to localised populations and their niche
target audience, difficult to do via national broadcast media. Newspapers have realised
value and have gone one step further and have launched area specific
newspapers. With the rise in literacy in past decade has let to the rise of regional
newspapers, they have much greater reach and a large audience to entertain.
Magazines have not been at their best performance in past few years. However, niche
magazine are doing well and is expected to show positive growth. The major challenge
faced by this segment of media and entertainment industry is newsprint which continues
to threaten profitability. Newsprint forms a major component of the cost of publishing a
newspaper. It is roughly 40 -50 percent of the total cost.

VISION:-To Be The Largest And Most Admired Language Media Brand

Enabling Socio Economic Change.


Trendsetter: We strive to differentiate in terms of format, content and policies

that proactively incentivize risk-taking abilities and push the boundaries of our
journalistic passion.
Result-oriented: We have a clear focus on goals. We are metrics driven in our
reader connect, business operations and in our measurement of stakeholders
satisfaction. This result orientation is an important part of our everyday work
Analytical: The Group follows a logical and data-driven approach in all its
Connected: We strive to establish a strong ground connect with latest national
and international developments across sectors to capture the latest trends. Our
finger is always on the pulse of our readers, customers, channel partners and
employees. Establishing a culture of respect and recognition with internal and
external stakeholders is of critical importance to us.

Company Profile:-
Ramesh Chandra Agarwal (30 November 1944 – 12 April 2017) was a media
proprietor and founder-chairman of the Dainik Bhaskar group of newspapers that has a
presence in 14 states of India with 62 editions and has an estimated readership of over
15 million. had a vision to make Dainik Bhaskar the largest and most admired language
media brand. Fuelled by this ambitious vision, the group that began its journey in 1958
with a single edition from Bhopal today has its presence in 14 States with 66 editions in
4 different languages, covering 58 percent of India‘s geography.
As India‘s largest newspaper group, DB has rapidly evolved into a formidable media
house. The editorial integrity and journalistic passion ensures that the Newspaper offers
cutting edge content and knowledge that gives its readers the confidence to succeed.
The editorial philosophy of ―Kendra Mein Pathak‖ (Reader at the center) has helped the
group to lead several socio economic changes in the Indian social system.
The group is now aggressively spreading across the Indian media scope with significant
presence in Radio, Digital, and Mobile App. The group has actively diversified beyond
media into various sectors such as Power, Textile, Real-estate and Hospitality


DainikBhaskar Group is Urban India‘s #1 newspaper group and has 6 newspapers with
67 editions. The group has a total readership of 1.26 Crore in Urban India. The group
has a strong presence in radio business. 94.3 MY FM, the radio brand of the group is
the largest radio network in India, with presence in 30 cities across 7 states. The digital
arm of group, DB Digital has 2.6 billion collective page-views with 80.4 million unique
visitors across its portals in four languages, Hindi, Gujarati, English and Marathi.

Late Mr. Ramesh Chandra Agarwal: founder
Mr. Ramesh Chandra Agarwal has
been on the board of the group,
engaged in running the organization
for over four decades. His strategic
management and business leadership
has made him the recipient of
numerous awards. Currently, he is the
chairman of the federation of Indian
chambers of commerce and industry, Madhya Pradesh states council. He has been
awarded the Rajeev Gandhi lifetime achievement award in journalism. He has also won
the national citizen award from the chief justice of the supreme court, the
Dadabhainaoroji millennium award for patrakarita and has been included in India
today‘s list of 50 most powerful persons in India. He holds an M.A. degree in political
science from Bhopal University

Mr. SudhirAgarwal | Managing Director

Mr. SudhirAgarwal has close to 23 years of experience in the publishing and newspaper
business and has been a part of the organisation for the same number of years. He is
responsible for its long-term vision, business planning and
performance monitoring.

Under his dynamic leadership and clear vision, the

Company has progressed to encompass multiple states,
three new languages and a PAN-India presence. Under
his leadership the

Company‘s door-to-door contact launch process has

helped its newspapers become No. 1 from Day 1, in launch markets. His aggressive
leadership qualities have led various analysts and investors to consider the Company
as one of the fastest growing media groups.

Mr. GirishAgarwal | Non-Executive Director

Mr. GirishAgarwaal has been on the Board since October 1995 and has approximately
20 years of experience. He heads the marketing and related operations of the Group.
He is also an active member of the INS and holds the
distinction of being its youngest Chairman in Madhya
Pradesh. He has been awarded ‗Entrepreneur of the Year‘,
2006 in the media category by Ernst & Young. Recently, he
was awarded the ‗Outstanding Entrepreneur‘ trophy at the
Asia Pacific Entrepreneur Awards (AEPA).

Under his leadership, DivyaBhaskar, the leading Gujarati

newspaper of the D. B. Corp. Ltd. won the ‗Best in Print‘ (Bronze) award at the IFRA
Asia Pacific Awards held in Chennai. DivyaBhaskar is the only regional newspaper in
India to have won this award.

Mr. PawanAgarwal | Non-Executive Director

Mr. PawanAgarwal has been on the Board since December 2005. He holds a B.A.
degree in Industrial Engineering from Purdue University, USA and has also attended a
programme on Leadership's Best Practices at Harvard
University. He heads production and the information
technology department along with the radio and DB Digital
Business within the Group.
He has been awarded by the Prime Minister for his
contribution to Indian language journalism and also by
Enterprise Asia as one of the outstanding entrepreneurs of
Asia-Pacific, 2010.

History of DainikBhaskar

The Begning:-
The group launches its debut edition of Hindi Dainik Bhasker on 13th August, 1958, in

The Decade Of Expansion In MPCG:-

Dainik Bhaskar establishes itself as the largest newspaper in the city of Bhopal through
its responsible reporting, engaging editorial content and superlative printing.
The group launches its flagship Hindi daily, Dainik Bhaskar, in Indore on 5th March,
1983. changing the newspaper landscape of the city.
The group lounches its flagship Hindi daily, Dainik Bhaskar in Raipur , tapping into a
new base of readership.

The Decade Of Expansion In New States:-

The group launches the Bilaspur edition of Dainik Bhaskar on 20th September, 1993.
Dainik Bhaskar gains the position of No. 1 in Madhya Pradesh and is also declared
India‘s fastest growing daily.
The group extends its readership in Rajasthan with the launch of Dainik Bhasker in
Ajmer on 6th April, in jodhpur on 3rd August, in Bikaner on 16th October.
The group launches Dainik Bhaskar‘s Kota edition on 6thmarch ,1999, and at
sriganganagar on 15th August.

The Decade Of Expansion In Vernacular Language In New State:-
MAY ,07
The group launches its Chandigarh edition of DainikBhaskar on 7 th May , 2000
changing the English – dominated market and gaining a lead of 2.5 times over its
English competitor.
JUNE , 03
The group launches its Shimla edition of DainikBhaskar on 3 rd June , 2000 .
JUNE , 04
The group introduces DainikBhaskar in Haryana on 4thJune , 2000, with its
Panipat and Hissar edition leading to 13 separate district papers being certified.

The group consolidates its position as the No. 1 news daily in Harayana (IRS
2001).With its lainch of DainikBhasker‘s Faridabad edition on 17 thJune ,2001.

The group launches DainikBhaskar , a Gujrati daily , in Ahmadabad, breaking the
language barrier, debuting with 4.52 lakh copies and instantly replacing the 50- year
established Gujarati paper.
The Group launches AHA! Zindagi, its first Hindi magazine on lifestyle and
positive thinking.
The Group launches Baroda edition of DivyaBhaskar on 12th September 2004.
In April 2005, a new company, D.B. Corp. Ltd. Is born, post the demerger of WPL
(Writers and publishers limited) and Warburg Pincus‘s investment.

In April 2005, D. B. Corp. Ltd. is given the license to launch its radio business in 17
stations, under its subsidiary, Synergy Media Entertainment Ltd. The radio channel, My
FM offers potential advertisers an integrated advertising solution across 17 cities.

Breaking the language barrier, the Group launches AHA! Zindagi in Gujarati after huge
success of its Hindi edition.

In December 2005, the Group forms its digital leg with a new web media company, DB
Digital (then IMCL), as its subsidiary.

The Group launches its debut radio station, My FM, Jiodil se 94.3, in Jaipur on
28th May, 2006, marking its venture into the new medium.
The Group launches Dainik Bhaskar in Punjab with its Amristar and Jalandhar
editions on 8th October, 2006, claiming the position of no.1 on day 1 yet again.

In November 2007, the Group launches the first edition of its English newspaper,
DNA, in Ahmadabad as a franchise of D B Corp. Ltd.

MY FM extends its reach to 14 cities across India with the launch of Jodhpur
station. The Group strengthens its position in Punjab with the launch of
DainikBhaskar‘s Ludhiana edition on 15th December, 2007.

The Group expands its business and reaches even further in June 2008 with the
launch of DainikBhaskar‘sPali, Nagaur, Bhilai, Ratlam and Shimla editions.
In June 2008, the Group expands its business in Madhya Pradesh with the
launchof DB Star‘s Bhopal and Indore editions.

In July 2008, the Group launches a national campaign ‗Zidkaro, duniyabadlo‘
championed by MS Dhoni to celebrate 50 years of DainikBhaskar, its flagship
Hindi daily. The Group also initiates massive investment in upgrading printing
infrastructure across all markets.
The Group introduces India Pride Awards on 9th October, a first-of-its-kind award
event in the PSU segment.

The Group expands to Jharkhand on 22nd August, 2010,
with Dainik Bhaskar‘s Ranchi edition, opening with 1,35,000 subscribed copies
on the first day.
D B Corp Ltd. launches Jammu edition of Dainik Bhaskar on 18th October, 2010

The Group launches 4 new editions of Dainik Bhaskar in Sri Ganganagar,
Bhilwara, Alwar and Sikar, in January, 2011, establishing a significant stronghold
on the state‘s readership.
D B Corp Ltd. launches 2nd edition of Divya Marathi by launching Nashik edition.
D B Corp Ltd. launches 4th edition of Divya Marathi by launching Ahmed nagar

D. B. Corp. Ltd. launches 5th edition of Dainik Divya Marathi by launching its
Solapur edition.

D B Corp Ltd. launches 6th edition of Dainik Divya Marathi by launching Akola
The Group expands to its 14th state and launches the 37th edition of Dainik
Bhaskar in Patna, Bihar.
Dainik Bhaskar launches 3 new editions in Bihar – Muzaffarpur, Bhagalpur and
DainikBhaskar is India's largest circulated Newspaper
Source: ABC JJ'15
Dainik Bhaskar is world‘s 4th largest circulated newspaper
Source: WANIFRA 2014 report
Expansion in Bihar with the launch of Dainik Bhaskar editions in Muzzafarpur,
Gaya and Bhagalpur

Dainik Bhaskar is world‘s 4th largest circulated newspaper
Source: WANIFRA 2016 Report

Profile of D. B. Group
The Tier II and Tier III cities in India are growing at a much faster space
compared to metros. It will not be out of place to mention that the growth of
Indian economy is largely supported by the growth in these markets.

DB Corp Ltd firmly believes in this growth and have been working along with it
and focusing on all such markets which we call as "The Real Indian".
D B Corp Ltd. is present in 11 states in Hindi Market. Besides we are also
present in 2 states in Gujarati language in Gujarat and Maharashtra, 1 state in
Marathi language in Maharashtra and 1 state in English language in Madhya
D B Corp is the only Newspaper Group which has presence in 12 states with 66
editions in 4 different languages namely Hindi, Gujarati, Marathi and English.
D B Corp Ltd. is one of the largest print media company in India, publishing 46
editions of Dainik Bhaskar Newspaper (Hindi daily), 9 editions of Divya Bhaskar
Newspaper (Gujarati Daily), 6 editions of Divya Marathi Newspaper (Marathi
Daily), 1 edition of DB Post Newspaper (English Daily) and 208 sub-editions in
four languages (Hindi, Gujarati, Marathi and English) in 12 states in India.
Our flagship newspapers, Dainik Bhaskar (in Hindi), Divya Bhaskar and
SaurashtraSamachar (In Gujarati) and Divya Marathi (In Marathi) have a
combined average daily readership of 19.8 million readers.
DainikBhaskar recently launched Jhunjhunu &Gangapur edition in Sept 2017 and
Surat Edition in April 2017.
Due to our unique launch ability, we became no.1 from the date of our launch in
almost all places, out placing the decades old local newspaper of that place.
Our flagship Hindi Paper "Dainik Bhaskar" is present in 11 states with 46 editions
as per the following list:

S.N. State Name Editions S.N. State Name Editions
name name

1 Madhya Pradesh Bhopal 24 Bharatpur

2 Hoshangabad 25 Sikar

3 Indore 27 Jhunjhunu

4 Khandwa 28 Chandigarh Chandigarh

5 Ujjain 29 Himachal Shimla


6 Sagar 30 Haryana Panipat

7 Ratlam 31 Rohtak

8 Chattisgarh Raipur 32 Rewari

9 Bilaspur 33 Hissar

10 Raigarh 34 Faridabad

11 Rajasthan Jaipur 35 Delhi National Ed.


12 Ajmer 36 Punjab Jalandhar

13 Jodhpur 37 Ludhiana

14 Barmer 38 Bhatinda

15 Bikaner 39 Jharkhand Ranchi

16 Udaipur 40 Jamshedpur

17 Banswara 41 Dhanbad

18 Kota 42 Bihar Patna

19 Nagour 43 Bhagalpur

20 Pali 44 Muzaffapur

21 Sriganganagar 45 Gaya

22 Bhilwara 46 Gujarat Surat

23 Alwar

Divya Bhaskar - Gujarati Daily

We are the only print media company of India which claims leadership in multiple
Our Gujarati Newspaper "Divya Bhaskar" is largest Circulated Newspaper of
Gujarat and is present in 2 states with 9 editions; as per the following chart

Divya Marathi - Marathi Daily

Our Marathi language newspaper, ―Divya Marathi‖, which has begun its journey
on May 29, 2011 from Aurangabad is present in 1 state with 6 editions as per the
following chart.

It also Publishes Compact Newspaper "DB Star" from Bhopal, Indore, Gwalior,
D B Corp Ltd. also publishes Largest Daily Newspaper of Saurashtra "Saurashtra
D B Corp Limited has launched a broadsheet in English language "DB Post" from
Bhopal which is a compact, smart product catering to the youth and English

Our Coverage
49% of Indian urban Population resides in D B Corp Market across 12 states .Our Hindi
daily, Dainik Bhaskar is present in 11 states with 46 editions. Our Gujarati Newspaper,
Divya Bhaskar is present in Gujarat and Maharashtra with 9 editions. Our Marathi
Newspaper, Divya Marathi is present in Maharashtra with 6 editions. Our English Daily,
DB Post is present in 1 state with 1 edition.

Product Profile
A. Media Business
1. Newspaper

Dainik Bhaskar: Dainik Bhaskar is

the flagship Hindi daily from the
Group which was first published
from Bhopal in 1958. Over the year
the news paper has expanded over
geographies and today it has a strong presence in 12 states with 40
editions. The newspaper has been championing positive value that have
driven India‘s growth and aspiration. Driven by its philosophy of keeping
―Reader First‖, the newspaper offers superior content through is vast
network of editorial team and syndicated content from its national and
international association.
# 1.44Cr Readers # 40 lac copies

Divya Bhaskar: The launch of Divya Bhaskar in Gujrat was a

momentous step. The Group broke the language barrier with the launch of
its Gujarati daily, Divy Bhaskar in2003. It is credited for creating a new
readership for itself against 8 decades old publications. The newspaper is
associated with cutting edge content and find its readers amongst the
progressive and affluent Gujarati readers. Today, Divya Bhaskar has 7
editions across Gujarat and Maharashtra.
# Readership37.20 Lacs (source IRS Q4 2012)
#Circulation of 9.50 Lac copies.

Divya Marathi: Launched in 2011 from Aurangabad, The New,

Independent and courageous, Dainik Divya Marathi rapidly become

synonymous with the voice of Maharashtra. With its hard-hitting and bold
journalism, the newspaper came to be recognised as Maharashtra‘s First
politically unbiased and fearless daily. The main newspaper addresses
larger issues of international, national and local news, politics, business,
interest; Divya City, Madhurima, DB Star and Rasik concentrate on
fulfilling specific readership needs and offer advertisers a focused reach.
#Circulation: 4.10 Lac copies.

DB Star: The compact daily was first introduced in 2008. It is known for
its hard hitting news, investigative journalism and campaign on social
issues. Apart from its exclusive news section, it also carries a bouquet of
news features, lifestyle and glamour pages. DB Star is the only Hindi
compact newspaper with pages in English for the youth.
# Circulation: 4.5 Lacs .

Saurashtra Samachar : Saurashtra samachar is the leading newspaper

of Bavnagar, which was acquired by Dainik Bhaskar Group in 2004.
Today, boasts of a unique identity, for its connect with the readers of
#2.23 lac readers #Circulation 51000 copies

DB POST: Dainik Bhaskar Group has launched a broadsheet English

daily from Bhopal ‗DB Post‘- the smart newspaper. A product that caters to
the youth, the upwardly mobile and the general English readership. It is
packed with crisp yet comprehensive news, views, analysis and insights
for the new-age reader.
# Circulation: 22000 copies

2. Magazines

Aha! Zindagi: Live positive Magazine: A new age monthly magazine

based on the concept of living was first published in 2004. A potent
combination for mind body and soul. The magazine inspires the readers
to lead a positive life.
Circulation: 50,000 copies

BalBhaskar: Hindi Magazine for kids A fortnight Hindi magazine for 7 to

12 year old school going children. The magazine has a strong pull for its
engaging entertaining learn with fun content.
Circulation: 1.50 lac copies

Young Bhaskar: English Magazine for young adults Fortnightly English

magazine provides infotainment that caters to the budding age group of
7-12 years. The magazine is enriched with general awareness, science
and a lot more for the young minds of the 21st century.
Circulation: 70,000 copies.

3. Radio

94.3 MY FM: Awarded licenses for 17 radio

stations by Ministry of Information Broadcasting
in 2005-06 and additionally acquired 13
frequencies successfully in the Phase III
auctions in 2015-16, consolidating its presence
in line with strategy to be the market leader in
‗Unmetro‘ geographies where DBCL has a significant print media footprint.

First radio station launched at Jaipur in May 2006.

Well poised - to gain out of synergy after commencement of news content.

MY FM consolidates its network with 30 radio stations in 7 states, across India

4. Digital ;No.1 Hindi News website ;No.1 Gujarati language news website ;Premier English language website; Ranked Amongst Top 3 financial website India‘s first-ever multi-lingual
fashion website; Largest bollywood News website; Spiritual & life management website; Prominent Cricket website; Fastest Growing Marathi language website; Complete real estate solution website

5. App
Dainik Bhaskar ;Mobile App Hindi language news app
Divya Bhaskar; Mobile App Gujarati language news app

B. Other Business
6. Real Estate
DB Malls Pvt. Ltd.
DB Infrastructure Pvt. Ltd.
7. Power
DB (MP) Power Ltd.
8. Hospitality
Courtyard by Marriott; Luxury Hotel at Bhopal
9. Textile
Bhaskar Industries Pvt. Ltd.; Leading denim fabric manufacturing

C. Non-Business
10. Education
The Sanskaar Valley School
Dainik Bhaskar School of Media Education
11. Art & Culture
Abhivyakti ; Center of fine arts and performing arts.

CSR of DainikBhaskar

Ek Ped Ek Zindagi

Computer Education Program: Enabling

Change, Empowering Lives

Sarthak Diwali

Mitti Ke Ganesh


 Ek Ped Ek Zindagi
MUMBAI: Dainik Bhaskar, India‘s largest media house recently concluded one of its
social initiatives ‗Ek Ped Ek Zindagi‘. The
plantation drive saw a record of 1.5 million
saplings planted in a short span of two months
across India. The objective of ‗Ek Ped Ek
Zindagi‘ was to sensitize and educate people
on the benefits of planting trees by encouraging
them to plant at least one tree in their life time.
‗Ek Ped Ek Zindagi‘ initiative was supported
and endorsed by over 250 dignitaries from
Politics, Bollywood, Padma Shri awardees and
Sportsmen encouraging the citizens to plant

Ek Ped Ek Zindagi is one amongst the many social initiatives, which is championed by
Dainik Bhaskar Group each year. This year over 1.5 million trees were planted during
this holistic initiative, which saw various stakeholders of society enthusiastically
participating in it with 3 CMs, 2 Deputy CMs and 3 Governors, 65 Collectors &
commissioners, 73 Famous Bollywood & Television celebs, 51 NGOs, 98 Corporate,
114 colleges, 335 Schools and 513 societies & Welfare Associations.

 Computer Education Program: Enabling Change,

Empowering Lives

At Dainik Bhaskar, Corporate Social Responsibility is not merely compliance; it is a

commitment to undertake initiatives in the areas of Environment Sustainability,
Computer Education and other Community Development Initiatives. Over the years, it
has focused not only on the business aspect of the group, but also on how it can be a
catalyst in driving the much needed social economic transformation in the country.
Taking its ethos forward, one such initiative which Dainik Bhaskar undertakes is
Computer Education Program. This initiative is aimed at imparting computer and
internet knowledge to Senior Citizens and Housewives who otherwise lack the basic
skill and knowledge to operate computer and make the most of web for taking
meaningful actions in their daily life.

 Sarthak Diwali
Diwali, the festival of lights, signifies
the time of the year when we come
together and celebrate the festive
spirit with friends and family. While
for most of us, the significance
attached to this fiesta ends here, for a
lot of underprivileged children, Diwali
begins only when the celebrations
are about to end for most. DB Corp's
flagship brand Dainik Bhaskar, has
launched the 'Sarthak Diwali' ad campaign, which is a CSR initiative from the
publication and which highlights this fact. Launched in 2011, it urges people to
understand the real worth of Diwali, which is to share and care for the less fortunate and
make the festive season a shade brighter for them.

 MittiKe Ganesh
Dainik Bhaskar‘s new eco-friendly initiative
‗MittiKe Ganesh‘ has received an
overwhelming response from its readers
across the country.
During the just concluded Ganesh Utsav,
through this environment friendly campaign
readers were appealed to bring home Lord
Ganesha‘s idols made only of clay. This activity was intended to motivate people to not
bring idols made of plaster of paris, which after immersion contaminates our
water resources. Dainik Bhaskar readers were also urged to not immerse idols in local
natural water bodies. They were encouraged to conduct immersions at their respective

homes in a water container, and use this water to water their gardens or flower pots at

 Annadaan
With an objective to extend help to
drought affected farmers and their
families, Dainik Bhaskar Group
initiated ‗Annadaan‘ (Food-grain
donation) campaign across 36 cities in
10 states starting from
th th
28 September-20 October. Through
this initiative, an appeal was made to
the citizens to contribute their bit by
donating food-grains as a token of
support towards the drought hit
farmers. Dainik Bhaskar Group endeavoured to utilize the power of ‗Annadaan‘ towards
this noble cause of providing food-grains to its growers who are deprived of food-grains
because of the three consecutive devastating droughts. Interestingly, this initiative was
aligned with the auspicious period of Pitrapaksha/Shradh during which people donate
religiously not only to appease their ancestors but also exercise their individual social
responsibility for the needy.



Dainik Bhaskar's 'Zidd Karo Duniya Badlo' corporate campaign celebrates how positive
persistence can change the world around you. The campaign was launched on 29th
April, 2016 and celebrates the spirit of stubbornness and persistence that can lead to a
larger good for all.
Brand Dainik Bhaskar embodies 'zidd' (stubbornness) in its growth story, from being a
single newspaper which was launched in Bhopal, to being the largest circulated
newspaper today with a presence across 14 states, is steeped in 'zidd'. Zidd is the
clarion call of the brand; the resilience, the determination, the strength to change and be
at the helm of change.


The 'Live No Negative' movement drives the people to have a positive outlook to life. At
DBCL one of the key initiatives undertaken to build this philosophy forward is 'No
Negative Monday'.
The Group follows the 'No Negative News on Monday' policy, across all its newspapers
and carries only positive news to ensure that readers start their week with positivity. If
there is negative news which is significant for readers, it is carried in a separate pull-out
or page with a disclaimer.
This helps generate hope, inspiration, delight and a sense of pr

Various Department Of DainikBhaskar

A newspaper organization is made up of various departments that make it possible for
information to be collected, printed and served to the general public. All of the
departments of a newspaper organization are important. A newspaper organization can
barely survive with the absence of any of the departments.
Below is a list of the basic departments that the average newspaper organization has:

1. The Editorial Department –

as the name implies, this department is the one responsible for content creation
in any newspaper establishment. It is headed by the Editor. The main
responsibilities of this department is the gathering of news, selecting of which

news and features get to be published in the paper, editing the news and
features that have been selected for publication and then laying them out for

2. Advertising Department –
The advertising department is also another very important department of any
newspaper establishment. Everyone knows how much revenue advertisement
brings newspapers. As a matter of fact, advertisement is said to be the major
source of revenue for newspaper establishments. Without advertisements in a
newspaper, the establishment cannot survive. The Advertising department of a
newspaper is in charge of advertisements that are published in the paper.

3. SMD –
This department is responsible for selling the newspapers, which is also another
major source of revenue for the organization. The department also sees to it that
the newspapers are delivered to the right places.

4. The Production/Printing Department –

This department is responsible for the printing of the newspapers. The
department is in charge of everything that has to do with the production and
printing of the papers, which includes, transforming journalists‘ stories into type
and maintaining the printing machines.

5. Finance and Accounting Department –

The accounting department is responsible for all the accounting work in the
establishment. Some of these accounting works include the preparation of books
of accounts, preparation of the budget, making financial plans, preparing the
balance sheet.

6. HR and Admin - This department is responsible for the general administration

of the entire establishment. The department is in charge of certain very important

duties such as planning, organizing and staffing. Thus, the department basically
looks after the general administrative work pertaining to personnel their selection,
training, promotion, allotment of work, maintaining leave record, liaison with
government departments, general facilities and all such work that facilitates
working of other departments. In the absence of a separate legal department the
administrative department also handles the work pertaining to legal matters.
Otherwise there is a separate department for the legal aspects.

This department is in charge of protecting, maintaining, and improving the
technical equipment associated with running a media outlet.
Engineers/technicians spend some of their time on preventive maintenance and
trying to keep equipment from breaking and much more of their time fixing
equipment that has already broken..

8. Brand Marketing-
An effective brand strategy gives you a major edge in increasingly competitive
markets. But what exactly does "branding" mean? Simply put, your brand is your
promise to your customer. It tells them what they can expect from your products
and services, and it differentiates your offering from that of your competitors.
Your brand is derived from who you are, who you want to be and who people
perceive you to be.

Top Newspapers in India
This is a list of the top newspapers in India by circulation. These figures include both
print and digital subscriptions, are compiled by the Audit Bureau of Circulations. The
figures include normal print editions, branded print editions (e.g., regional editions or
editions tailored for commuters), and digital subscriptions (e.g., for tablet computers or

Top Newspapers in India

Rank Newspaper Headquarters Language 2017

1 Dainik Jagran Kanpur Hindi 3,964,064

2 Dainik Bhaskar Bhopal Hindi 3,758,949

3 Hindustan New Delhi Hindi 2,735,252

The Times of
4 Mumbai English 2,716,291

5 Amar Ujala Noida Hindi 2,662,855

6 Jaipur Hindi 1,784,142

Dainik Dainik Hindustan The Times Amar Ujala Rajasthan
Jagran Bhaskar of India Patrika

The Above chart shows the rank of news paper on the basis of circulation there is
DainikJagran secure a First rank with highest circulation, than DainikBhaskar second,
Hindustan third the times of India fourth, Amar Ujala Fifth, rajasthan patrika sixth.

Competitor OfDainik Bhaskar

Dainik Jagran

is an Indian Hindi language daily newspaper. It is the largest read newspaper in India
and the second-largest newspaper in India by circulation as per Audit Bureau of
Circulations (India).
DainikJagran has now been the most read daily newspaper in India for the 25th
consecutive time. It has also been declared by the World Association of Newspapers
(WAN) as one of the most read newspapers in the world. It was named the most
credible newspaper source in India in a survey commissioned by BBC-Reuters.
The newspaper is owned by JagranPrakashan Limited, a publishing house listed on
the Bombay Stock Exchange and the National Stock Exchange of India. Jagran
Prakashan Limited also acquired Mid Day in 2010 and Naiduniya in 2012.
The newspaper was launched in 1942 in Jhansi during the Indian freedom
struggle (Quit India movement) by ShriPuran Chandra Gupta, JC Arya and Shri
Gurudev Gupta a nationalist, to voice nationalistic sentiments. Their legacy was carried
forward by literary stalwarts like Narendra Mohan who carried forward the paper's
editorial legacy.
In 1947, a second edition made its appearance in Kanpur. In a succession of planned
expansions, Rewa and Bhopal editions were added in 1953 and 1956. Gorakhpur was
added in 1975, followed by Varanasi, Allahabad, Meerut, Agra, Aligarh and Bareilly in
the 1980s, and finally Delhi in 1990. Dainik Jagran then ventured out into other states
likeUttarakhand, Haryana, Bihar, Jharkhand, Punjab, Jammu, Himachal
Pradesh and West Bengal. The group also started several educational initiatives at both
the junior and senior levels.

Hindustan Dainik or ''Hindustan''

is an Indian Hindi-language daily newspaper and the fifth-largest circulated newspaper

in India It is published by Hindustan Media Ventures Limited. Earlier it was part of HT
Media Ltd group, which spun off its Hindi business into a separate company named
Hindustan Media Ventures Limited in December 2009. It ranks as the second largest-
read daily in the country. Hindustan has 19 editions across the Hindi belt. They are
spread across Delhi, Haryana (Faridabad), Bihar (Patna, Muzaffarpur, Gaya
and Bhagalpur), Jharkhand (Ranchi, Jamshedpur and Dhanbad), Uttar Pradesh
(Lucknow, Varanasi, Meerut, Agra, Allahabad, Gorakhpur, Bareilly, Moradabad, Aligarh,
and Kanpur) and Uttarakhand (Dehradun, Haridwar, Haldwani). Apart from these, the
paper is also available in key towns like Mathura, Saharanpur, Faizabad.
In Delhi plus NCR, Hindustan is an undisputed No. 2 and has a rapidly growing even as
the market is declining. Hindustan readership has grown to 120 L readers in Q4 11. As
per Total Readership, Hindustan is No 2 with 385 L readers.
Hindustan, in addition to high-quality reportage, also aspires to become an ally to its
readers in their quest for success. The ambition for the brand is to become the partner
of progress for the youth in the Hindi belt.
Currently, the major editions of Hindustan are available online in epaper format.

The Times of India (TOI)

is an Indian English-language daily newspaper owned by The Times Group. It is

the fourth-largest newspaper in India by circulation and largest selling English-
language daily in the world according to Audit Bureau of Circulations (India). It is the
oldest English-language newspaper in India still in circulation, with its first edition
published in 1838. It is the second oldest Indian newspaper still in circulation after
the Bombay Samachar. Lord Curzon the then Viceroy of India called The Times of
India "the leading paper in Asia". In 1991, the BBC ranked The Times of India among
the world's six best newspapers.
It is owned and published by Bennett, Coleman & Co. Ltd. which is owned by the Sahu
Jain family. In the Brand Trust Report 2012, The Times of India was ranked 88th among
India's most trusted brands. In 2017, however, the newspaper was ranked 355th.

The Times of India issued its first edition on 3 November 1838 as The Bombay Times
and Journal of Commerce. The paper published Wednesdays and Saturdays under the
direction of Raobahadur Narayan DinanathVelkar, a Maharashtrian Reformist, and
contained news from Britain and the world, as well as the Indian Subcontinent. J.E.
Brennan was its first editor. In 1850, it began to publish daily editions.

Amar Ujala

is a Hindi-language daily newspaper published in India. It has 19 editions in seven

states and one union territory covering 167 districts. It has a circulation of around two
million copies. The 2013 Indian Readership Survey reported that, with 5.510 million it
had the 12th-largest daily readership amongst newspapers in India.
Amar Ujala was founded in Agra in 1948. In 1994, Dainik Jagran and Amar
Ujala shared nearly 70 per cent of the Hindi newspaper readership in the state of Uttar
Pradesh. Amar Ujala sold 4.5 lakh copies through its five editions.
Amar Ujala publishes a 16- to 18-page issue daily and also supplements focusing on
matters such as careers, lifestyle, entertainment and women.
In 2015 the newspaper's managing director, RajulMaheshwari, announced in a press
release that it was entering the "rural events and activation" market, saying that ―Amar
Ujala is not just a newspaper. It is also a change agent." The intention is to hold short
events in several towns that would bring together significant participants in the local
rural economy with larger agriculture-based service businesses and government

Rajasthan Patrika

is an Indian Hindi-language daily newspaper. It was founded by Karpoor Chandra

Kulish in 1956 and published as Rajasthan Patrika in Delhi and Rajasthan, and
as Patrika in 6 other states.
As per Indian Readership Survey 2013 , Rajasthan Patrika emerged as the fourth most-
read Hindi language newspaper in India, and Patrika emerged sixth.
Rajasthan Patrika was founded by Karpoor Chandra Kulish on 7 March 1956. Over the
years, it became a leading national daily

One of the largest Media Conglomerates in India, Patrika Group is known for its
journalistic values and high credibility. Aptly called the ‗newspaper with a soul‘,
Rajasthan Patrika was started more than 62 years ago. Today, it is read by 12.9 million
readers. Globally, Rajasthan Patrika is ranked 24th among top 50 paid for dailies (WAN-
IFRA). In India, Rajasthan Patrika is amongst the top three most trusted newspapers
(as per BBC-Reuters survey). It also stands amongst country‘s five community
newspapers, as per AMIC UNESCO. Forbes describes it as ‗Keeping readers above
advertisers‘. The ‗New York Times describes it as ‗Civic-minded hyper-local with large
circulation.‘ Wharton University article describes it as ‗Publishing House with PAN India
presence.‘ Patrika Group reaches 8 states, with 37 editions. With covering the 50% of
India‘s Hindi Heartland, the Patrika Group has marked its presence in almost every
region of India with Rajasthan Patrika being the only Hindi daily to effectively cover the
Southern parts of India.
Patrika Group offers a complete multimedia surround with its various verticals, viz. Print,
Digital, Radio, Cable, Billboards, Television, Events, Entertainment, Social Initiatives

Top News Paper In Raipur

S.No Newspaper Circulation

1 Hari Bhoomi, Raipur 2,55,045
2 Dainik Bhaskar, Raipur 2,16,393
3 NaiDunia, Raipur 1,43,751
4 Rajasthan Patrika, Raipur 1,37,987
5 Navbhart 1,08,982

Competitor OfDainikBhaskar Raipur

HariBhoomi, Raipur

HariBhoomi group was born on 5th September 1996 in the form of a weekly Hindi
newspaper. This Weekly newspaper got converted into Daily Newspaper on November
1997 and was known as HariBhoomi ‗Rohtak‘ Edition. We covered whole Haryana State
through this edition.

In April 1998 we started our ‗Delhi‘ Edition to cover Delhi, Faridabad and Gurgaon

We entered into the Chhattisgarh State and started our Bilaspur Edition in March 2001
from Bilaspur to cover maximum parts of Chhattisgarh State. Soon thereafter in June
2002 we started our Raipur Edition from Raipur. Both these Editions cover the whole of
Chhattisgarh State as well as parts of Orissa.

To cover Madhya Pradesh we started our ‗Jabalpur‘ Edition in October 2008.

Later on we started Raigarh Edition in the state of Chhattisgarh

Total 6,53,618 copies circulating per day


NaiDunia has been known for its unbiased, fearless and responsible Hindi journalism
since Independence. The proud journey of more than 66 years has been full of
challenges, success, milestones, and love of readers. Above all, we are honored to be
the voice of society for more than six decades. Because of our firm belief in integrity and
honesty, along with people oriented journalism, it has been possible to serve news &
views almost every day since 5th June 1947. Considered as one of the most efficacious
media vehicles in Central India, and enjoying a reader base that has grown substantially
over the years, NaiDunia has a presence in the major cities and upcountry regions of
Madhya Pradesh & Chhattisgarh viz. Indore, Bhopal, Gwalior, Jabalpur, Raipur and
Bilaspur. NaiDunia is also present in national capital New Delhi.
NaiDunia is a part of Jagran Prakashan Ltd. (JPL), which is India's leading media and
communications group with its interests spanning across Print, OOH, Activations,
Mobile and Online, covers all of India as its footprint – and is arguably amongst one of
the largest media conglomerates in the country.


Dainik Dabang Dunia is a Hindi daily. This newspaper operates from eleven cities in
four states and is headquartered in Indore. DabangDunia has different editions in
Bhopal, Delhi, Gwalior, Jaipur, Durg-Bhilai, Pune, Indore, Lucknow, Mumbai, Raipur,
Bilaspur, Jabalpur, Ujjain and Ratlam. The newspaper‘s motto is ―Nishpaksh Najar,
Nishpaksh Khabar‖, which when translated implies unbiased news and views. Staying
true to its motto, Dainik Dabang Dunia emphasizes on bringing out the common man‘s
issues fearlessly thereby transforming the lives of the people. This approach has drawn
a lot of praise for the journalists working for Dainik Dabang Dunia for their ethical
reporting practices and this newspaper has received a lot of positive reviews from
young readers. This newspaper publishes news articles related to health, sports,
business, politics, entertainment, travel, lifestyle and women‘s issues. Dainik Dabang
Dunia is also known for its aesthetic presentation and use of great photography in a
selective way. Dainik Dabang Dunia newspaper has been made available to its readers
in the digital format as an e-paper. The e-paper can be viewed online or downloaded in
the .pdf format. Apart from the e-paper, this newspaper has also launched an Android
app called D-Live which is a collaboration between Dainik Dabang Dunia newspaper
and the D-Live news channel.

Nava Bhart

Nava Bharat is a Hindi - language daily newspaper published

from Bhopal, Indore, Jabalpur,Gwalior, Satna, Chhindwara, Nagpur, Mumbai, Raipur, Bi
laspur, Pune, Nashik, Chandrapur and Amravati. Nava Bharat has the sixth highest
readership according to Indian Readership Survey 09 R1 in India amongst Hindi
Navabharat was founded by Late Ramgopal Maheshwari in 1934 in Orange
city Nagpur. He was a freedom fighter, a journalist by profession, a philosopher by
thinking, a reformer of society. Since then Navabharat has always upheld value based
journalism and lent its voice to raise the problems of region and people. During the last
81 years Navabharat has been known for consistently working and striving for the
development of central India.
Nava Bharat (Madhya Pradesh) brings out the six editions for the cities of Bhopal,
Gwalior, Indore, Jabalpur, Chhindwara and Satna. It also publishes the Central
Chronicle from Bhopal.
Nava Bharat (Maharashtra) brings out 6 editions for the cities of Nagpur, Mumbai, Pune,
Nashik, Chandrapur and Amravati but also has editions for Akola, Yavatmal and
Wardha. In 2015, Navabharat launched a sister paper named Nava Rashtra in Marathi.
Nava Rashtra currently has 3 editions from Mumbai, Pune and Nagpur.
Nava Bharat (Chhattisgarh) brings out 2 editions for Raipur and Bilaspur. It also
publishes the Central Chronicle from Raipur.
As per the IRS 2009 R1, Nava Bharat (Madhya Pradesh & Chhattisgarh) has a total
readership of 44.77 lakh; while Nava Bharat (Maharashtra) has a total readership of
22.36 lakh.


Deshbandhu is a newspaper with a 60 years standing, but it is much more than that. We
take pride in defining Deshbandhu as ‗PatrNahinMitr‘ meaning ‗Not only a journal but a
friend too‘.
Deshbandhu was launched in April 1959 from Raipur, now capital of Chhattisgarh, by
veteran journalist the late Mayaram Surjan. It has traversed a long journey since then.
In its golden jubilee year in 2008, Deshbandhu started its National Edition from New
Delhi, thus, becoming the first newspaper in central India to achieve this feet. Today
Deshbandhu is published from 8 Centres namely Raipur, Bilaspur, Bhopal, Jabalpur,
Sagar, Satna and New Delhi.
Besides, the group also publishes a broadsheet Hindi eveninger - Highway Channel-
from Raipur, Bilaspur and Jagdalpur ; A monthly literary journal - AksharParv, as also
reference books from time to time.
To uphold and propagate cherised values of democracy, socialism, secularism, social
justice and human dignity, and help achieve enduring peace and harmony in the
a) To publish daily Newspapers, periodicals, books etc. not only to disseminate
information, but also as tools of public education and social awareness.
b) To take up programmes & set up institutions for reaching out to general public for
creating better understanding about democratic values.

Literature review

Literature review
Employee attrition is the currently largely discussing term among HR professionals.
Although many studies have been conducted on employee‘s attrition to find out the reasons
of attrition, effect of attrition on but little has been done to find out the employees mind set
about relationship, career management its effect on attrition. This will study those facts
which are resulting into the attrition.
The purpose of this chapter is to describe the variety of opinions and views of the issues
related to the employee attrition. For this purpose the researcher tried to review the
relevant literature on this subject .The literature is taken from the following sources:-
1. Books
2. Articles from magazines and journals
3. Articles form Internet
4. Articles from News papers
5. Government Reports

Review of literature from books

1. SaiyadainMirza S., TriptiPande Desai,

Emerging Issues in Human Resource Management,
Excel Books, New Delhi 2007 p 133

In a book ―Emerging Issues in Human Resource Management, an Indian perspective‖ its

10th chapter ‗Attrition: A Behavioural Perspective‘ written by Brinda Balkrishnan, the author
describes the results of a comparative survey of employee attrition between ITES, IT and
manufacturing sector. The primary data was collected by using open
ended questionnaire .Total 73 respondents were selected consisting of ex-employees (27
from manufacturing, 27 from IT sector and 21 from ITES sector) and 5 human resource
managers from all three sectors. The information was collected on telephone and by mail.

It was found in that survey that better prospects, location preferences, stagnation and ill-
defined career plans were the prominent reasons of attrition in the manufacturing sector.

The human resource managers in the manufacturing sector believe that inviting offers by
competitors and better prospects were the reasons of employee attrition in the
manufacturing sector.
There is no universal solution, tool, technique for attrition management.

2. Memoria C.B., V.S. P. Rao

Personal Management Text and Cases
Himalaya Publication, 2012, p 251

In the book Personal Management Text and Cases, chapter number thirteen page number
251 the author focuses on employee turnover, its reasons and has explained how to deal
with it.
The author describes that labour turnover is the result of voluntary resignation which is not
good for an organization. There are various causes of resignation such as poor health,
better opportunities elsewhere, physical disability or marriage in case of young girls.
Further he says that this idea does not work always but we are working to make it better.
He also points out that employee attrition in an industry is a wide problem and not specific
to any organization. This company has implemented some measures to reduce attrition
such as job rotation, opportunity to select preferred location and this company reviews its
compensation scale twice in a year.

Reference from articles published in journals

Rao T.V.
Factors affecting attrition and strategies of retention,
NHRD Journal, Vol-1, Issue3,

Rao T.V. (2007) reveals that attrition affects both an individual and an organization hence it
should be managed effectively .He points out that people don‘t quit company but they quit
their bosses. There are many factors responsible for an employee quitting one company to
Managing attrition does not means reducing its magnitude but it means reducing the
negative effects of attrition and increasing the positive effects of attrition. It can be done by
preparing and implementing effective retention strategy, utilization of available human
resource and by talent utilization strategies. There are many factors which lead to attrition
such as personal factors, organizational factors, job related factors, professional factors,
societal including peer pressure, socio economic and environment factors. Further the
author describes that better and competitive compensation and incentive package, good
organizational climate, employee satisfaction survey, celebrating 56 festivals, birthdays,
and social and cultural network are the factors which keep the employees for a longer time.

Prof. LichiaYiu, India Employee Turnover Report, 2008, This study was conducted to
identify the level and patterns of labour turnover in India. A total of 151 senior managers‘
form and executives were selected as sample size. A survey consisting of 28 questions
was administered online in October – November 2007.
It was found that employee turnover is 34% in manufacturing industry. There is highest
turnover in the employees working between 1 to 4 years. Low Salary, Lack of career
advancement, poor relationship with superior, lack of recognition and job content were
found the key factors of employee turnover and Lack of training and career opportunities
was the least responsible for the employee turnover

G. Badri Narayan And PankajVashishth (2008) reveals that lack of skill availability is a
major problem in an automobile industry. The author describes that there is a positive
correlation between labour productivity and labour turnover. Labour productivity in original
automobile equipment manufacturers is higher than auto component manufacturers both at
the all India level and in every region. He reveals that the labour productivity of Indian
labour working in the German, Korean and Japanese companies located in India is high as
compared to the labour working in Indian Original equipment manufacturing companies. It

is because of high technology and automation level is higher in Germany, Korean and
Japanese companies as compared to Indian companies. The author describes that there is
a negative correlation between the workers working in the production department and
turnover whereas there is a positive correlation between the employees working in
Research and development and turnover.

AdhikariAtanu(2009), Factors Affecting Employee Attrition: A Multiple Regression

Approach The author of this article describes that there are mainly four factors which
increase the employee attrition. The first factor is related to work, the second is related to
skills of an employee, the third is related to skills of the employer and the last is the issue
related to the salary of an employee.
The author explains that the first and the most important factor which leads to employee
attrition is the factors which are related to the work , the second and the third factors are
skills of an employee as well as the skill of an employer and the last factor that leads to
employee attrition is factors related to salary.
Generally people feel that salary is the prime issue for quitting an organization but t is not
true. Employees give more preference to the job profile, job contents, behaviour and
attitude of their boss and at the end they give preference to salary. It represents that
employers should take proper care while assigning a work or job to their employees or a
group. The employer should match the job requirement with the skill and interest of an
employee. Employer should be well mannered with his subordinates.

Bojagar S.A,
A Study of attrition as HR challenge in medium scale industries in Pimpri –
Chinchwad area,
Contemporary Research in India:
Vol2, Issue2, June 2012
S.A. Bojagar (2012) conducted a study to find out the contribution of organizational factors
in workers job satisfaction in Pimpri Chinchwad area. A total of five medium scale industries
were selected from the Pimpri Chinchwad area for conducting the survey. The researcher
used an open ended questionnaire to collect the primary data.

It was found that the yearly attrition rate was 9.15 percent; it was calculated by adding the
total number of employees who left in all the months. .
It was found in a survey that there were different reasons behind employee attrition which
were expressed by the respondents during interviews in all the five companies.
The very first reason for leaving the job was to find better career options elsewhere. The
second reason was family problem; the third was lack of learning attitude and next was
switching over even for a little hike in salary, and lack of good relations with colleagues.
Hence it was clear from the survey that the reasons for leaving a company may vary with
an organization even in the same industry.

Articles from the Internet.

http://www.financialexpress.Com/news/attrition – rates – high – among hr professionals/
Human resource managers in automobile companies are very important and are expected
to play a crucial role in healthy management practices so that it will help to lower the
attrition rates, satisfying and retaining competitive workforce. According to industry experts,
Automobile industries are now a day‘s facing one of the highest attrition rates of nearly 70-
80 %. Since the last two years the importance of human resource has been understood by
the companies and they are trying to plan and implement effective human resource plans
and policies in a professional manner in their organizations. Arunima Sharma Sehgal, Head
INX executive search says, acute shortage of talent is one of the important reasons for
attrition among Human resource professionals. Hence, there is a need to increase the
supply of talented, qualified and skilled Human resource professionals in India.

High attrition rate continue to plague services: ASSOCHEM (The associated

chambers of commerce and industry of India) Survey,
Mr. VenugopalDhoot, President, ASSOCHAM said that human resource is the most
valuable asset in modern economy. Upgrading compensation level and reward structure
from time to time is not sufficient to retain employees but companies should integrate
human resource with the overall corporate growth strategies. Further he said that there is a

high attrition problem in functional areas like production, maintenance and safety controls in
the automobile industry.
The most challenging problem faced by the companies due to attrition is loss of intellectual
property. .It was found in a study that attrition is more in young employees , employees who
are in the age group of 26 to 30 years frequently change their jobs and the employees
those who have 2 to 4 years of experience are more prone to change their jobs. It is
observed during the study that the employees who are in the age group of 39 to 45 years
are more stable as compared to the employees in the age group of 26 to 30 years. These
employees are more settled as compared to the employees between the age group of 26 to
30 years.

Review of Articles from News paper

M.D. Rawat ,
Chief Secretary of ASSOCHEM (The associated chambers of commerce and
industry of India),
Daily AajkaAnand,
17th October 2012
Many people feel that employees change their job due to better opportunity but it is not true
.In a survey conducted by ASSOCHEM (The associated chambers of commerce and
industry of India) on 2500 employees it was found that misbehaviour by supervisor or boss
who is the main reason for leaving their job, means people change their bosses and not the
job.70% employee said they leave their jobs because of misbehaviour by the supervisor or
boss and not because of better opportunity. Most of the employees said that a good
industrial atmosphere was more important than salary.
It was also found that the employees faced health related problems due to misbehaviour by
their bosses. M.D. Rawat, Chief Secretary of association said there is greater impact of
relationship between employees and their superior on labour turnover or attrition. It was
also found that today management, superior and companies environment are the main
reasons of labour turnover in an industry. 50% employees said that misbehaviour of boss
results in low productivity and demotivation among employees.

Review of Reports
Annual Survey Report 2009,
On Recruitment, retention and turnover
Issued: June 2009, Ref: 4848,
Chartered Institute of Personal and Development 2009, p25
This survey was conducted in the public sector, private sector units and non-profit
organizations located in the United Kingdom. The data was gathered from 755
respondents. It was carried out in February and March 2009 and relates to the period
1st June to the 31st December 2008. The data was collected from human resource
professionals in public, private and voluntary sectors .It was an online survey and the
response rate was7.6percent.
This report suggests that companies can find out the reasons of voluntary resignations by
conducting exit interview.
According to this survey promotion outside the organization (50%), change of career (49%)
lack of career development (37%) and redundancy (36%) were found the main reasons for
leaving the organization.
The findings suggested that about one fifth of new starters leave the organization within the
first six months. It shows that there is a need to find out the real reason behind these
voluntary resignations. Most of the organizations reported that they are facing difficulties in
retaining the staff specially the managers.

Chapter - 2
Research Methodology

Research Methodology
It is a way to systematically solve the research problem. It may be understood as a science
of studying how research is carried on. It is we study the various steps that are generally
adopted by a researcher in studying his research problem along with the logic behind it.
Hence I used Qualitative and Quantitative approach. Where qualitative approach gave me
freedom to analyze the attrition data of the company quantitatively while Qualitative
approach helped in assessment of attitude, opinion and behaviour of employees

Define Research Problem

Literature Review

Research Design

Sample Design

Data Collecting

Data Analysis

Finding And Suggestion


Define Research Problem:-
At thievery outset the researcher must single out the problem he wants to study, i.e., he
must decide the general area of interest or aspect of a subject-matter that he would like
to inquire into. Initially the problem may be stated in a broad general way and then the
ambiguities, if any, relating to the problem be resolved. Then, the feasibility of a
particular solution has to be considered before a working formulation of the problem can
be set up. The formulation of a general topic into a specific research problem, thus,
constitutes the first step in a scientific enquiry. Essentially two steps are involved in
formulating the research problem, understanding the problem thoroughly, and
rephrasing the same into meaningful terms from an analytical point of view.

Literature Review:-
Once the problem is formulated, a brief summary of it should be written down. The
researcher should undertakes extensive survey connected with the problem for this
purpose For this purpose, the abstracting and indexing journals and published or
unpublished bibliographies are the first place to go to. Academic journals, conference
proceedings, government reports, books etc., must be tapped depending on the nature
of the problem. I collect my literature review from the internet, government reports,
books etc.

Preparing the research design:

The research problem having been formulated in clear cut terms, the researcher will be
required to prepare a research design, i.e., he will have to state the conceptual structure
within which research would be conducted. The preparation of such a design facilitates
research to be as efficient as possible yielding maximal information. In other words, the
function of research design is to provide for the collection of relevant evidence with
minimal expenditure of effort, time and money

Determining sample design:
All the items under consideration in any field of inquiry constitute ‗universe‘ or
‗population‘. The researcher must decide the way of selecting a sample or what is
popularly known as the sample design. In other words, a sample design is a definite
plan determined before any data are actually collected for obtaining a sample from a
given population. In the organization population is 321 but our sample size in 100 and
92 exit employee.

Collecting the data:

In dealing with any real life problem it is often found that data at hand are inadequate,
and hence, it becomes necessary to collect data that are appropriate. There are sever
always of collecting the appropriate data which differ considerably in context of money
costs, time and other resources at the disposal of the researcher.
Primary data can be collected either through experiment or through survey. I collected
data from the exit interview and through questionnaire.

Analysis of data:
After the data have been collected, the researcher turns to the task of analyzing them.
The analysis of data requires a number of closely related operations such as
establishment of categories, the application of these categories to raw data through
coding, tabulation and then drawing statistical inferences.

Summary of findings:
After introduction there would appear a statement of finding sand recommendations in
non-technical language. If the findings are extensive, they should be summarized.

Towards the end of the main text, researcher should again put down the results of his
research clearly and precisely. In fact, it is the final summing up.
At the end of the report, appendices should be enlisted in respect of all technical data.
Bibliography ,i.e., list of books, journals, reports, etc., consulted, should also be given in
the end. Index should also be given specially in a published research report.

Aim Of The Study
A study of comprehensive analysis of employee attrition rate in different department of
Dainikbhaskar Raipur in a year 2017-18.


 To find out the specific reasons why the attrition occurs and the possible way to
reduce it.
 To analyse the attrition rate in deferent department.
 To suggest the area of improvement.
 Comparative attrition rate analysis between deferent departments.
 To study how efficiently management settle a Grievance in an organization.
 To know the reason of grievance at Dainik Bhaskar Raipur

Primary research is research you conduct yourself (or hire someone to do for you.) It
involves going directly to a source —usually customers and prospective customers in your
target market — to ask questions and gather information.
Primary data was collected through personal and telephonic interview. A structured
questionnaire and exit interview form was prepared to collect relevant primary data from

Secondary research is a type of research has already been compiled, gathered, organized
and published by others. It includes reports and studies by government agencies, trade
associations or other businesses in your industry. Especially for small businesses with
limited budgets
Secondary data was collected from various published books, journals, company web sites,
intranet of organization and company brochure.

The study was conducted in DainikBhaskar Raipur.

The total sample size taken for this study was 192
92 From Exit Interview.
100 From Questionnaire.

Methods or tools of analysis.

 Percentage analysis
 Graph

Percentage analysis
Percentage analysis shows the entire population in terms of percentage.

Percentage =No. of respondents X 100

Total respondents

Graphical method was used in order to represent the factor in various graphical
methods like pie chart, bar diagram, cylinder, etc.

Structured exit interview it consist of close ended and some open ended questions there
are main 8 question or over all 20 question that related to the resignation of employee
and its reason
The questionnaire is well structured and it consists of closed ended questions. There
are a total of 10 questions that aims to cover all aspects of the employee attrition and
work culture of the organisation.

Project Execution
The Project Execution Phase is the phase in the project. In this phase, we will build the
physical project deliverables and present. The Project Execution Phase is usually the
longest phase in the project and it typically consumes the most energy and the most
To enable we to monitor and control the project during this phase, we will need to
implement a range of management processes. These processes help we to manage time,
cost, quality, change, risks and issues. They also help us to manage procurement,
acceptance and communications.

Collect Relevant Analyze Data
IDENTIFY AND Research Plan Suggestion and
Data and and Report
DEVELOP TOPIC and literature feedback
Information Findings


The most important part of the research process is defining the problem. In order to do any
research and collect data, you have to know what you are trying to learn from the research.
In research, defining the problem you need to solve will determine what information you
need and how you can get that information.
In this stage we analysis the problem of Dainik Bhaskar in which it is a huge problem of
attrition in marketing department employee resign frequently and organization fill that job
position with more efforts

Developing Research Plan and literature review

It‘s time to build the research plan. Research plan can be overwhelming to create because
it can include any method that will help our answer the research problem or explore an
opportunity identified in step one.
In this we study the old exit interview detailed and talk to some exit employee for reason
and many more to know the reasonIn this we start searching the literature review on the
relevant topic and study some books to know it.

Collect Relevant Data and Information

In marketing research, most of the data we collect quantitative (numbers or data) versus
qualitative, which is descriptive and observational. Ideally, gather a mix of the two types of
In this we make a questionnaire to know the problem of employee, working condition and
environment of the organization and other hand organize exit interview.

Analyze Data and Report Findings

After collecting relevant data we process that information by graph or percentage method
and getting our output as a result of reason of attrition and after it we know the exact
information of employee attrition in Organization

Suggestion and feedback

Towards the end of the main text, researcher should again put down the results of his
research clearly and precisely. In fact, it is the final summing up giving suggestion to the
organization what the reason of the problem and this is also for other who bears the same

Chapter - 3

Function of the Respondent employee

Department Number Of Left Employee Number Of Left Employee

Editorial Department 25 27%

Ad Sale Department 31 34%

Production Department 20 22%

Hr & Admin Department 01 1%

Finance & account 05 5%

Brand marketing department 00 No one resign

It department 01 1%
SMD 09 10%

Total 92 100%

Number Of Left Employee

5% 0% 10% Editorial Department
1% Ad Sale Department
Production Department
Hr & Admin Department

22% Finance & account Department

Brand marketing department
It department
34% SMD

In above respondent are 27% from the editorial department, 34% ad sale, 22%
production,1% hr and admin, 5% finance, 1% IT, 10% smd and no one resign from the
brand marketing department

Q1. Reasons for Resignation (In case of multiple reasons please number them in
order of priority).
Reason No. of Employee In Percentage
Grievances 3 3%

Better working environment 4 5%

Better Salary / Benefits 24 26%

Health Reasons 15 17%

Change In Industry 2 2%

Dissatisfied with Polices 9 10%

Job Mismatch 1 1%

Lack Of Job Satisfaction 2 2%

Family Reasons 14 15%

Further Education 3 3%

Start New Business 3 3%

Others. 12 13%
Total 92 100%

3% Grievances
13% 5%
3% Better working environment

3% Better Salary / Benefits

Health Reasons
26% Change In Industry
Dissatisfied with Polices
15% Job Mismatch
Lack Of Job Satisfaction
Family Reasons
Further Education
2% Start New Business
10% 17%


Above mentioned table and chart shows the responds of the employees for the important
reason for attrition in DainikBhaskar as 4% employee respond as Grievance, 4% respond
as Working Environment, 25% of employee respond as better salary/ benefit ,15% Health
issues, 2% wants to change industry, 9% respond they not satisfied with the policy, 1%
employee respond that mismatch their Job, 2% are not satisfied with the job, 14%
employee respond as family reason, 3% responds Further Education, 3% respond start
new business and at last 19% employee respond Others and they does not disclose the
So as the above table and graph shows that most of the employee left their job for salary/
benefit and other hand health or family reason.

Q2. Could the Company have done anything to encourage you to stay?

Option Employees Response Employees Response

(In Percentage)
YES 87 95%
No 5 5%
Total 92 100%




In the Above figure 95% employee respond Yes, and 5% employee respond No.
It shows that 95% employee agree to company encourage them for stay and only 5%
employee disagree from this so over all we can say that company always try to retain their
employee .

Que. 3:- a. Three things you like about DB b. Three things we can improve at DB
Responses of three thing good in the company, most of the employees respond working
environment of the company, working hour, superior‘s guideline and policy of company so
good on the other hand response of three bad thing, mostly employees are respond
nothing, and reaming employee respond salary policy, leave policy and work pressure

Q4. Work related feedback: ( Please use the Rating scale: 1- Never, 2-to a certain
extent, 3-to a large extent, 4-almost always)
S.No. Details 1 2 3 4
I. Did you know what was expected of you at work? 6 2 7 77
II. Were you provided with the resources & adequate training to 11 8 2 71
perform your job effectively?
III. Did you find your work satisfaction? 0 1 8 83
IV. Did you feel that the rewards and recognition you received were 12 11 19 50
in tune with your contribution?
V. At work, did your opinions count? 9 2 36 45
VI. Did you have a enough opportunities for personal growth? 3 0 13 76
VII. Did you think the company polices were employee friendly? 4 0 0 88
VIII. Would you consider returning to this company in the future? 7 2 14 69

i. Did you know what was expected of you at work?

Option Employees respond Employees respond

(in percentage )
Never 6 6%

to a certain extent 2 2%

to a large extent 7 8%

almost always 77 84%

Total 92 100%


to a certain extent
to a large extent
almost always


In the Above figure or table shows that 84% employee respond almost always, 8%respond
to a large extent, 2% responds to a certain extent, and 6% of employee responds Never.
According to above responds of employee, shows that organization clear expected work of
their employee what was their objective and what organization expect from them

ii. Were you provided with the resources & adequate training to perform your job

Option Employees respond Employees respond

(in percentage)
Never 11 12%
to a certain extent 8 9%

to a large extent 2 2.%

almost always 71 77%

Total 92 100%


to a certain extent
to a large extent
almost always


In the Above figure or table shows that 77% employee respond almost always, 2%respond
to a large extent, 9% responds to a certain extent, and 12% of employee responds Never.
According to above mention responds of employee shows that Dainikbhaskar provide a
sufficient resource for smooth work or provide a sufficient training and development
program to enhance knowledge, perform better and effectively achieve personal objective.

iii. Did you find your work satisfaction?
Option Employees respond Employees respond
(in percentage)
Never 0 No one respond
to a certain extent 1 1%

to a large extent 8 9%

almost always 83 90%

Total 92 100%

0% 1%

to a certain extent
to a large extent
almost always

In the Above figure or table shows that 90% employee respond almost always, 9%respond
to a large extent, 1% responds to a certain extent, and 0% of employee responds Never.
From the chart or table shows that employees are satisfied with his work in organization

iv. Did you feel that the rewards and recognition you received were in tune with
your contribution?

Option Employees respond Employees respond

(in percentage)
Never 12 13%

to a certain extent 11 12%

to a large extent 19 21%

almost always 50 54%

Total 92 100%



to a certain extent

21% to a large extent

almost always

In the Above figure or table shows that 54% employee respond almost always,
21%respond to a large extent, 12% responds to a certain extent, and 13% of employee
responds Never.
According to above responds the situation is 54% employee are almost always but rest of
the 46% employee more or less they dissatisfied with the reward or recognition they

v. At work, did your opinions count?

Option Employees respond Employees respond

(in percentage)
Never 9 10%

to a certain extent 2 2%

to a large extent 36 39%

almost always 45 49%

Total 92 100%


to a certain extent
to a large extent
almost always

On the above employee responds it shows that only 49% employee respond to their
opinion was count almost always but on the other hand 39% of employees was respond to
to a large extant and remaining 10% and 2% responded never or to a certain extant

vi. Did you have a enough opportunities for personal growth?

Option Employees respond Employees respond

(in percentage)
Never 3 3%

to a certain extent 0 No one respond

to a large extent 13 14%

almost always 76 83%

Total 92 100%


to a certain extent
to a large extent

83% almost always

In the Above figure or table shows that 83% employee respond almost always,
14%respond to a large extent, 0% responds to a certain extent, and 3% of employee
responds Never.
It shows that dainikbhaskar provides a enough opportunity for a personal growth

vii. Did you think the company polices were employee friendly?

Option Employees respond Employees respond

(in percentage)
Never 4 4%

to a certain extent 1 1%

to a large extent 11 12%

almost always 76 83%

Total 92 100%


to a certain extent
to a large extent

83% almost always

In the Above figure or table shows that 83% employee respond almost always,
12%respond to a large extent, 1% responds to a certain extent, and 4% of employee
responds Never.
So we can say that dainikBhaskar‘spolicy are employees Friendly.

viii. Would you consider returning to this company in the future?

Option Employees respond Employees respond

(in percentage)
Never 7 8%
to a certain extent 2 2%

to a large extent 14 15%

almost always 69 75%

Total 92 100%



to a certain extent
to a large extent
almost always

In the Above figure or table shows that 75% employee respond almost always,
15%respond to a large extent, 2% responds to a certain extent, and8% of employee
responds Never.
So most of the employee would consider returning to DainikBhaskar in the future
As per the above responds of employee.

Q5. Supervisor related feedback: (Please use the 4 point rating scale : 1-never, , 2-to
a certain extent, 3-to a large extent, 4-almost always)
S.No. Details 1 2 3 4
1 S/He Set clear performance expectation. 6 4 6 76
2 S/He seemed to care about you as a person. 2 7 11 72
3 S/He mentored your development. 7 2 3 80
4 S/He was approachable & receptive to open communication. 5 3 13 71
5 S/He provided frequent & Qualitative feedback on performance. 9 5 16 62

i. S/He Set clear performance expectation.

Option Employees respond Employees respond

(in percentage)
Never 6 6%
to a certain extent 4 4%

to a large extent 6 7%

almost always 76 83%

Total 92 100%


to a certain extent
to a large extent

83% almost always

Above mention chart shows that 83% employee are respond almost always their
supervisor Set clear performance expectation and 7% answered to a large extent, 4%
employee responds to a certain extent, and 6% respond never.
So it is clear that supervisors of DainikBhaskar are Set clear performance expectation

ii. S/He seemed to care about you as a person.

Option Employees respond Employees respond

(in percentage)
Never 2 2%

to a certain extent 7 8%

to a large extent 11 12%

almost always 72 78%

Total 92 100%



to a certain extent
to a large extent
78% almost always

On the above employee responds it shows that 78% employee think their superior seemed
to care about them as a person, 12%respond to a large extent, 8% responds to a certain
extent, and 2% of employee responds Neve

iii. S/He mentored your development.

Option Employees respond Employees respond

(in percentage)
Never 7 8%

to a certain extent 2 2%

to a large extent 3 3%

almost always 80 87%

Total 92 100%

8% 3%

to a certain extent
to a large extent
almost always

On the above employee responds it shows that 87% employee thinktheir superior
arementored them development, 3%respond to a large extent, 2% responds to a certain
extent, and 8% of employee responds Never.

iv. S/He was approachable & receptive to open communication.

Option Employees respond Employees respond

(in percentage)
Never 5 6%

to a certain extent 3 3%

to a large extent 13 14%

almost always 71 77%

Total 92 100%


to a certain extent
to a large extent
almost always


On the Above figure or table shows that 77% employee respond almost always,
14%respond to a large extent, 3% responds to a certain extent, and 6% of employee
responds Never.

v. S/He provided frequent & Qualitative feedback on performance.

Option Employees respond Employees respond

(in percentage)
Never 9 10%

to a certain extent 5 6%

to a large extent 16 17%

almost always 62 67%

Total 92 100%


to a certain extent
67% to a large extent
almost always

On the Above figure or table shows that 67% employee respond almost always,
17%respond to a large extent, 6% responds to a certain extent, and 10% of employee
responds Never.

Q6. Generally speaking you would rate this company as ______________ place to

Option Employees respond Employees respond

(in percentage)
(a)Excellent 21 23%

(b) Good 48 52%

(c) Average 18 20%

(d) Below average 2 2%

(e)Poor 3 3%
Total 92 100%


50 48


20 18

2 3

(a)Excellent (b) Good (c) Average (d) Below average (e)Poor

From the above mention Chart or table shows that 21 employees responds excellent rate
the company and 48 employees responds good,18 employee average, 2 employee below
average and 3 employees responds poor.
So that above respond we conclude that DainikBhaskar is a good company for work.

Q7. Management’s willingness to make corrections and changes is

Option Employees respond Employees respond

(in percentage)
(a)Excellent 26 29%

(b) Good 44 48%

(c) Average 16 17%

(d) Below average 5 5%

(e)Poor 1 1%
Total 92 100%





(a)Excellent (b) Good (c) Average (d) Below average (e)Poor

On the above mention chart shows that 26 employee think as a excellent, 44 good, 16
average, 5 below average and remaining 1 employee think that poor

Q8. Would you like to come back / re-join DainikBhaskar, in future ?

Option Employees respond Employees respond

(in percentage)
(a)Yes 79 86%

(b) No 13 14%
Total 92 100%




From the Above chart or table clear that 86% employee said yes for come back / re-join
DainikBhaskar, in future and 14% said No.


Gender of the Respondent

Gender NO. of Employee No of Employee
( in Percentage)
Male 92 92%
Female 8 8%
Total 100 100%

NO. of Employee




Above mention table or graph shows that there is only 8% female respondent and 92%
male respondent
As the above chart in organization have a few female employees work in the organisation
only have a one or two females in a all department.

Age of the Respondent

Age Number of employee Number of employee

(In percentage)
Below 20 0 No one respond
21 -30 37 37%
31-40 40 40%
above 40 23 23%
Total 100 100%






20 Number of employee



Below 20 21 -30 31-40 above 40

From the above chart or table shows that no any employee less than the 20 year age, 37
responded are between the ages 21 to 30, 40 responded are between the age 31 to 40 and
remaining 23 responded are above the 40 year. The average of the age of responded are

Department of employees
Department No. Of employees No. Of employees
(In percentage)
AD Sales 31 31%

Brand Marketing 2 2%

Editorial 28 28%

Finance & Accounts 10 10%

HR & Admin 9 9%
Production 7 7%

SMD 13 13%
Total 100 100%


AD Sales
7% 31%
Brand Marketing
9% Finance & Accounts
HR & Admin
2% SMD


31 employee from the ad sales department in above table or chart 2 from brand marketing,
28 editorial, 10 finance, 9 hr & admin 7 production and 13 from SMD

1. Your experience in DainikBhaskar

Year of experience Employees Respond Employees Respond

(in percentage)
0 to 3 61 61%
3 to 6 20 20%
6 to 9 13 13%
9- above 6 6%
Total 100 100%








0 to 3 3 to 6 6 to 9 9- above

Above mentioned table and chart shows that 61 employees are 0 to 3 year of
experience, 20 in 3 to 6 year of experience, 13 in 6 to 9 year and 6 employee above the
9 year of experience.

2. Which of the following policy need to be modify or change ?
Options Employees Respond Employees Respond
(in percentage)
Hiring of Relatives of 21 21%
Re-Hire Policy 0 No one respond

Leave Policy 28 28%

Salary Police 35 35%

Nothing / Other 16 16%

Total 100 100%


30 28



Hiring of Relatives Re-Hire Policy Leave Policy Salary Police Nothing / Other
of Employee

No. Of Eployeee

From the above table and chart it shows that 35 employee respond salary policy need
to be change, 28 respond leave policy, 21 employee respond hiring of relatives of
employee 16 respond as a nothing is need to be change and re hiring policy no one
response for this

3. How is your organization‘s working environment ?

Responce No. Of Employee Employees Respond

(in percentage)
Employee‘s Friendly 23 23%
Stressful 34 34%
Average 43 43%
Total 100 100%

40 34
30 23
Employee’s Stressful Average

No. Of Employee

From the above mention table or chart 23 employee respond organizations working
environment is employees friendly, 34 respond stressful, and 43 employee respond

4. How often you face Grievance in Organization?

Responce No. Of Employee Employees Respond

(in percentage)
Mostly 11 11%
Rarely 52 52%
Not at all 37 37%
Total 100 100%




30 No. Of Employee



Mostly Rarely Not at all

As par the above table or chart 11 employee respond mostly they face grievance, 52
respond rarely and 37 employee respond not at all, they not face the grievance in the

5. Most of your Grievance is related to …………………

Options Employees Respond Employees Respond

(in percentage)

Work environment 03 3%
Economic 16 16%
Work Burden 42 42%
Management 18 18%
Others 21 21%
Total 100 100%

25 42
15 21
10 16 18
5 3

No. Of Employee

Above mention table and chart it shows that 3 employee face grievance related to the
working environment, 16 employees respond economic, 42 respond work burden, 18
respond management and 21 responds others

6. To what level the management is effective in grievance settlement ?
Options Employees Respond Employees Respond
(in percentage)

To a certain extant 31 31%

To a satisfactory 56 56%
Not at all 13 13%
Total 100 100%



40 31


20 13


To a certain To a satisfactory Not at all

No. Of Employee

On the above mention table or chart 31 employees respond to a certain extent, for
management effectiveness of grievance settlement, 56 employees respond to a
satisfactory and at last 13 employee respond not at all.

7. My supervisor provides me with actionable suggestions on what I can do to

Options Employees Respond Employees Respond

(in percentage)

strongly Agree 67 67%

strongly Disagree 12 12%
Neither Agree Nor Disagree 21 21%
Total 100 100%

No. Of Employee



strongly Agree strongly Disagree Neither Agree Nor


As per the above table or chart it shows the 67 employee strongly agree 12 employee
respond strongly disagree, and 21 employee respond neither agree nor disagree for the
question supervisor provides me with actionable suggestions on what I can do to

8. Rate the overall satisfaction with employee welfare activity of the organization?
Options Employees Respond Employees Respond
(in percentage)

satisfactory 68 68%
Average 19 19%
dissatisfactory 13 13%
Total 100 100%




40 68

10 13

satisfactory Average dissatisfactory

No. Of Employee

On the above table or chat shows that 68 employees satisfied with the organizations
welfare activity, 19 employees said that average, 13 employees dissatisfied with this

9. The DainikBhaskar management is giving fair and equal treatment to all its

Options Employees Respond Employees Respond

(in percentage)

Strongly disagree 7 7%
Neutral 29 29%
Strongly agree 64 64%
Total 100 100%




Employees Respond



Strongly disagree Neutral Strongly agree

From the above mention table or chart shows that 7% employee respond strongly
disagree for management is giving fair and equal treatment to all its employees and29%
employee respond neutral and 64% employee respond strongly agree.

10. Would you recommend this company to work for, to your friends, or Others ?

Option Employees Respond Employees Respond

(in percentage)

Yes 82 82%
No 18 18%
Total 100 100%

No. Of Employee




From the above mention table or chart it shows that 82 employee Would like to
recommend this company for work , to friends, or Others and remaining 18 employees said

Chapter 4

Number of Employee In different department of Dainik
Bhaskar Raipur

Department No. of Employee

Editorial Department 88
Ad Sale Department 76
Production Department 96
Hr & Admin Department 12
Finance & account Department 22
Brand marketing department 2
It department 2
SMD 23
Total 321

No. of Employee
Editorial Department
4% 7%
7% 27% Ad Sale Department
Production Department
Hr & Admin Department
30% Finance & account Department
Brand marketing department
It department

Left Employee from different department of DainikBhaskar Raipur

Department Number Of Left Employee

Editorial Department 25
Ad Sale Department 31
Production Department 20
Hr & Admin Department 01
Finance & account Department 05
Brand marketing department 00
It department 01
SMD 09
Total 92

Number Of Exit Employee

1% Editorial Department
1% 5% 10%
27% Ad Sale Department
Production Department
22% Hr & Admin Department
Finance & account Department
34% Brand marketing department
It department

Attrition Analysis of Dainik Bhaskar Raipur.

Department Attrition Rate (In %)

Editorial Department 23.5
Ad Sale Department 32.5
Production Department 15.7
Hr & Admin Department 7.6
Finance & account Department 19.2
Brand marketing department 0
It department 33.3
SMD 25.7

Attrition Rate (In %)

Attrition Rate (In %)
32.5 33.3



Editorial Ad Sale Production Hr & Admin Finance & Brand It SMD

Department Department Department Department account marketing department
Department department

As the above graph shows that It department have a highest attrition rate 33.3%, than
32.5% in ad sale department,25.7% in SMD, 23.5 editorial department, 19.2% finance and
account department, 15.7% in production department, 7.6% in HR& Admin Department,
and lowest Attrition Rate 0 from Brand Marketing Department.

((no. Of attritions x 100) / (Actual Employees + New Joined)) /100
No. Of attritions = 92
Actual Employees = 321
New Joined = 85

((92*100) / (321+85))/100
= ((9200) / (406)) / 100
= .226 i.e. 22.6%
Now as you had 321 previously and now 85 joined so it makes 321+85 = 406
Now if you calculate 22.6 % of 406 i.e. 406 x 0.226 = 91.75 i.e. 92
22.6% attrition rate in dainik bhaskar Raipur unit.

Calculation of different department

Editorial Department
((no. Of attritions x 100) / (Actual Employees + New Joined)) /100
No. Of attritions = 25
Actual Employees = 88
New Joined = 18

((25*100) / (88+18)) / 100

= 0.235 i.e. 23.5%

Ad Sale Department
((no. Of attritions x 100) / (Actual Employees + New Joined)) /100
No. Of attritions = 31
Actual Employees = 76
New Joined = 18
= ((31*100) / (76+18)) / 100
= 0.329 i.e. 32.9%

Production Department
((no. Of attritions x 100) / (Actual Employees + New Joined)) /100
No. Of attritions = 20
Actual Employees = 96
New Joined = 31
= ((20*100) / (96+31)) / 100
= 0.157 i.e. 15.7%

Hr & Admin Department

((no. Of attritions x 100) / (Actual Employees + New Joined)) /100
No. Of attritions = 1
Actual Employees = 12
New Joined = 1
= ((1*100) / (12+1)) / 100
= 0.07 i.e. 7.6%

Finance & account Department

((no. Of attritions x 100) / (Actual Employees + New Joined)) /100
No. Of attritions = 5
Actual Employees = 22
New Joined = 4
= ((5*100) / (22+4)) / 100
= 0.192 i.e. 19.2%

It department
((no. Of attritions x 100) / (Actual Employees + New Joined)) /100
No. Of attritions = 1
Actual Employees = 2
New Joined = 1
= ((1*100) / (2+1)) / 100

= 0.333 i.e. 33.3%

((no. Of attritions x 100) / (Actual Employees + New Joined)) /100
No. Of attritions = 9
Actual Employees = 23
New Joined = 12
= ((9*100) / (23+12)) / 100
= 0.257 i.e. 25.7%

Comparison Between Attrition Rate of Dainik bhaskar Raipur and Bhilai.

((no. Of attritions x 100) / (Actual Employees + New Joined)) /100
No. Of attritions = 92
Actual Employees = 321
New Joined = 85
((92*100) / (321+85))/100
= ((9200) / (406)) / 100
= .226 i.e. 22.6%

((no. Of attritions x 100) / (Actual Employees + New Joined)) /100
No. Of attritions = 26
Actual Employees = 90
New Joined = 35
((26*100) / (90+35))/100
= ((2600) / (125)) / 100
= .208 i.e. 20.8%




21.00% 20.80%




Raipur Bhilai

The above chart shows that Raipur have a more attrition rate as compare to the Bhilai,
Raipur have a 22.6% attrition rate and 20.8in Bhilai .

 Highest attrition rate in It department of DainikBhaskar Raipur 33.3% but in Ad sales
department more number of employee left the organization which is 31 employee .

 In the organization have few number of female employee.

 Better salary opportunity, family or health issue is the main reason of employee‘s
resignation in Dainikbhaskar.

 Company always tries to retain their employee they encourage or motivate

employee to retain them in organization .

 Organization clear expected work of their employee what their objective and what
organization expect from them.

 Dainik bhaskar provide a sufficient resource for smooth work or provide a sufficient
training and development program to enhance knowledge, perform better and
effectively achieve personal objective as well as organizational goal.

 Employees are satisfied with his work in organization.

 54% employee are satisfied with the reward or recognition they received but rest of
the 46% employee more or less they dissatisfied with the reward or recognition they

 Employee‘s opinions are count or matter in the organizations decision making.

 83% employees think that there is enough opportunity for growth.

 Organizations policy is employees friendly.

 Organizations promote a birth of baby girls in this case organization pay a11000rs to
their employee and 50000rs in marriage of girls.

 Organization give a 180 days of maternity leave as well as 7 days of paternity leave.

 In the organization supervisor seemed to care about employee as a person.

 Organization‘s supervisors are approachable & receptive to open communication.

 Supervisor provides a quality feedback that are very helpful of the employee to
achieve a individual goal.

 48 employees from the 92 said that good place to work and 21 employee said
excellent that means we said that organization is a good pale to work.

 86% of employee said that they rejoin the company in case of they provide a better
salary benefits.

 In the organization have more employees are between 0 to 3 year of experience.

 35% of employees respond that salary policy is need to be change. As we know

Employees main reason to resignation is also salary.

 43% of employees respond that the organization working environment is average.

 52% of employees are rarely face grievance in the organization. Most of the
grievances are due to work burden

 Employees are satisfied with the settlement of grievance. They respond

organization effectively settle their grievances.

 67% of employees strongly agree on that their supervisor provides them actionable
suggestions on what they can do to improve.

 68% of employee satisfied with the organizations employee welfare activity

 Organization is giving fair and equal treatment to all its employees as respond of
employees they strongly agree on that statement.

 In marketing department of organization have a more stress and attrition rate too
and also have a good incentive plan apart from the salary so it determine that
employees of marketing department resign their job due to stress or pressure of


 The compensation package can be revised as it was considered as the important

reason for attrition in the company most of the employee dissatisfied with the
compensation or salary policy.

 Management should be able to find the people who have intention to leave the
organization and has to enquire about the reason and try to meet their expectation
and try to solve their problem if possible in order to retain them.

 Promotion and the monetary rewards can be considered more as the reward for the
performance the employees as those are preferred by most of the employees.

 Management should help the employees to overcome their personal barriers helping
him to perform well in his work and in his personal life.

 The voice process employees have responded that they suffer more from mental
and psychological stress. Hence management can provided meditation training
programs to them which will help to reduce stress.

 Reduces their work pressure and provide flexible working time to some department
in which it possible like marketing department.

 Management can organize many more recreational facilities and employee

engagement activities so that employees can enjoy their work place.

 Management should consider employees valuable suggestions and should be able

to implement it.

 Management should increase the number of female employee to promote female


 Conduct survey about employee satisfaction to check the functioning of the
company conduct the anonymous survey related to satisfaction of the employee on
regular basis. Ask the employee what they want less of and what they want more of.

 Management should create a effective grievance settlement mechanism to solve a in

organisations grievances.

 Organisation should find out the main reason of grievances in organisation and try
to dissolve and take a corrective action.

 Management should organise a general health check up camp in a month for

betterment of employee‘s health because many employees responded the health or
family reason to resign the job.

Attrition cannot be removed, but it can be reduced. If initiative is taken towards this step, as
per the recommendations of this research, then the attrition rate can be lowered, so that the
expenditures towards hiring and training an new joiner which exceeds the cost of retaining
an employee can be drastically brought down.
Human resource management practices at both the strategic and day-to-day levels. That is,
to be effective, human resource management practices must be grounded in two ways.
First, they must reflect companywide commitments as to how it will manage and relate to its
employees. Secondly, HR must implement these commitments so that the ideals of the
enterprise and deeds of its agents are congruent. In order to ensure a consistent flow of
trained manpower in the future, the industry needs to work with the government to
introduce courses at a school and college level.
To ensure organization's growth, HR manager should give close attention to why attrition is
occurring in the present. To ignore why people are leaving the organization is to ignore the
organization greatest assets – its people. People in organization are needed to perform the
task; but they are not just machine but more than that. They are organization dreams,
hopes, ambitions, creativity and innovation. And to retain these valuable assets is one of
the surest ways to build an organization rather than just to go in global markets. And this is
the only way an organization can lower its attrition rate.
So factors such as training, goal awareness, career succession planning are important
aspects to the employees and they prefer the organizational goals to objectives should
have their interest in their continuous growth. Regular feedback and support also been
involved in the attrition rate causes.

1. The employees of production plant, bureau and higher authorities were not
sampled for this survey.

2. The Respondents were busy in their work so they had not given much time for
filling questionnaire

3. Enough care is taken in formulating the questionnaire; still some errors may creep

4. Time has been a major constraint throughout the study as it has been only for
duration of 3 months.

5. Organisation not provide any Stipend for this work so this work takes a more

6. Employees may have not given the correct answers for some questions due to

Chapter – 5
References & Questionnaire

 Human Resources Management – Ashwathappa
 ArundhutiDasgupta (2002), "Global Call" Indian Management.
 Shelley Singh (2003), "Keeping 'em from straying," Business World.
 Kothari C.R., Research Methodology, New Delhi: WishwaPrakashan.
 Donald R Cooper and Pamela S Schindler – Business Research Methodologies
 Emerging Issues in Human Resource Management, SaiyadainMirza S.,
TriptiPande Desai,New Delhi 2007
 Personal Management Text and Cases, Memoria C.B., V.S. P. Rao Himalaya
Publication, 2012
 NHRD Journal, Rao T.V. May2007.
 Contemporary Research in India, Bojagar S.A, Vol2, Issue2, June 2012.
 Daily AajkaAnand, M.D. Rawat, 17th October 2012.
 Chartered Institute of Personal and Development 2009, Annual Survey Report



Name: _______________________ Employee Code: ______________________

Function :______________________ Location: ____________________________
Date of Joining:_________________ Date of Resignation: __________________

Q1.Reasons for Resignation (In case of multiple reasons please number them in
order of priority.

(a) Better Prospects (b) Better working environment (c) Better Salary / Benefits (d)
Health Reasons(e)Change In Industry (f) Dissatisfied with Polices (g) Job Mismatch
(h) Lack Of Job Satisfaction(i) Family Reasons (j) Further Education (k) Start New
Business (l) Others.__________________________________

Q2. Could the Company have done anything to encourage you to stay?

(a) Yes (b) No

(a) Three things you like about DB (b) Three things we can improve at DB

Q4. Work related feedback: ( Please use the Rating scale: 1-Naver, 2-to a certain
extent, 3-to a large extent, 4-almost always)
S.No. Details 1 2 3 4
1 Did you know what was expected of you at work?
2 Were you provided with the resources & adequate training to
perform your job effectively?
3 Did you find your work satisfaction?
4 Did you feel that the rewards and recognition you received were
in tune with your contribution?
5 At work, did your opinions count?
6 Did you have a enough opportunities for personal growth?
7 Did you think the company polices were employee friendly?
8 Would you consider returning to this company in the future?

Q5. Supervisor related feedback: (Please use the 4 point rating scale : 1-never, , 2-to
a certain extent, 3-to a large extent, 4-almost always)
S.No. Details 1 2 3 4
1 S/He Set clear performance expectation.
2 S/He seemed to care about you as a person.
3 S/He mentored your development.
4 S/He was approachable & receptive to open communication.
5 S/He provided frequent & Qualitative feedback on performance.

Q6. Generally speaking you would rate this company as ______________ place to
(a)Excellent (b) Good (c) Average (d) Below average (e)Poor

Q7. Management’s willingness to make corrections and changes is

(a)Excellent (b) Good (c) Average (d) Below average (e)Poor

Q8. Would you like to come back / re-join Dainik Bhaskar, in future ?
(a)Yes (b) No

Employee Sign. HR Head

____________________ __________
Date:- ________________


Name: _________________________ Employee Code: ______________________

Function:______________________ Location:____________________________
Gender :______________________ Age :______________________________

Q1) what is your Experience in DainikBhaskar?

(a) 0-3 (b) 3-6 (c) 6-9 (d) 9- above

Q2) Which of the following policy need to modify or change ?

(a) Hiring of Relatives of Employee (b) Re-Hire Policy (c) Leave Policy
(d) Salary Police (e) Nothing / Other_____________________________________

Q3) How is your organization’s working environment?

(a)Employee‘s Friendly (b) Stressful (c) Average

Q4) How often you face Grievance in Organization?

(a) Mostly (b) Rarely (c) Not at all.

Q5) Most of your Grievance is related to …………………

(a) Work environment (b) Economic (c) Work Burden (d) Management
(e) Others……………………………………………..

Q6) To what level the management is effective in grievance settlement ?

(a) To a certain extant (b) To a satisfactory (c) Not at all

Q7) My supervisor provides me with actionable suggestions on what I can do to

(a)strongly Agree (b) strongly Disagree (c) Neither Agree Nor Disagree

Q8) Rate the overall satisfaction with employee welfare activity of the organization?
(a) satisfactory (b) Average (c) dissatisfactory

Q9) ThedainikBhaskar management is giving fair and equal treatment to all its

(a)Strongly disagree (b) Neutral (c) Strongly agree

Q10) Would you recommend this company to work for, to your friends, or Others ?
(a) Yes (b) No


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