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What are the implications of a pandemic

induced lockdown on delivery partners of E-


The impact of COVID-19

on E-commerce business
in kerala

Vishnu FK-3317
Philo FK-3352
Ambadi FK-3369
Nikhil FK-3375
Priyanka FK-3386
Jeffy FK-3440
Vaishnav FK-3441
Table of Contents
Research Problem:.......................................................................................................................................1
 E-commerce delivery trends before and after Lockdown....................................................................2
LITERATURE REVIEW....................................................................................................................................2
The impact of COVID-19 on E-Commerce business in Kerala

Research Problem:
What are the implications of a pandemic induced lockdown on delivery partners of


 E-commerce delivery trends before and after Lockdown.

● To study the E-Commerce business in India
● To analyse the online buying behaviour of the customers before and after


A brief resume of researchers conducted and related to the present study has been
presented as follows:
Hasanat, M. W., Hoque, A., Shikha, F. A., Anwar, M., Hamid, A. B. A., & Tat, H. H. (2020).
The Impact of Coronavirus (Covid-19) on E-Business. Asian Journal of Multidisciplinary
Studies, 3(1).” The key purpose of this research is to determine the impact of
coronavirus (Covid-19) on the online business. Coronavirus one of the deadly known
viruses has already taken the lives of many in almost half of the country. Apart from
that, the medium and small-sized retailers are combating with the situation due to low
footfalls. Further, online businesses are also not out of the list. They are also severely
affected. Many e-commerce businesses rely upon China for half of its merchandise
products. Therefore, it is assumed that this deadly virus will severely impact the Indian
online business especially the Chinese products. A survey has been conducted for this
research and primary research has been carried out to get a better outcome. The results
illustrated that as the maximum of the products comes from China and the maximum of
the industries are lockdown which means that there is no import and export of the
Parthasarathy, A. (2020). Coronavirus Challenge-Propelling a New Paradigm of Work
from Home.” The coronavirus pandemic forced governments and corporates worldwide
to switch to a new paradigm: Work from Home. Could this be a viable option, even after
the crisis passes?”

Rani, R. (2020). The Impact of Corona Virus on Indian Economy. Studies in Indian Place
Names, 40(60), 3618-3626.” Now a days a pandemic named corona spreading over
global level. Seasonal flu is also spreading. The coronavirus is causing disruptions for
businesses of all sizes and in all sectors. It may be a temporary and transitory disruption,
but there is a very real risk that families will lose income and businesses of all sizes will
suffer as a result. In this research paper effect of corona virus on Indian economy,
Precautionary measure to combat corona will be discussed.”

Singh, C. K., & Rakshit, P. (2020). A Critical Analysis to comprehend Panic buying behaviour of
Mumbaikar’s in COVID-19 era. Studies in Indian Place Names,  40(69), 44-51.” This study aims
to sightsee the contemporary situation of our motherland during the evil spread of
pandemic COVID 19 ie. Corona virus which brought turbulent times to globe and even to
us. Indian Government has Lockdown the nation for 21 days to avoid Covid 19
community spread. Cities athwart India saw a haste to buy grocery and other essential
stuffs on the first day of a countrywide lockdown on 25th March 2020, Wednesday even
as Covid-19 infections rose to 606, including 10 deaths (Hindustan Times). With stories
of privation and unease pouring in — of the predicament of migrant labourers and of
trepidations that some pharmacies and groceries in Mumbai might run out of stock —
the government stepped in to confirm essential services are not intervallic. Since March
2 when the second wave of coronavirus disease (Covid-19) cases was stated in Delhi and
Hyderabad followed by Mumbai, India has not reported any case of community
transmission, but the government is employed to control cases of pivotal outbursts in
some states.”

Section 1-Impact Of Corona On Ecommerce

1.Has your online expenditure increased after the start of lockdown due to corona?

Yes no

2.During lockdown what do you prefer, online shopping/offline shopping?

online offline

3.To stop the pandemic spread do you recommend online shopping to others?

Yes no

4. In the past 6 months what would be your estimate of online expenditure (in

0 1-10000 100001-50000 50001-150000 150001-300000 300001+

5.Is there any delay in arrival of your orders after the initiation of lockdown

Yes no

6.Has any of orders been cancelled after the initiation of lockdown either by you or
the ecommerce partner.

Yes no

7. I will grade my Internet using skills as: Skilled - Knowledgeable - Less

Knowledgeable - Want to learn Internet search and browsing techniques

About me………….

8. What is your age?

Under 21 - 21 – 29 - 30 – 39 - 40 – 49 - 50(+)

9.What is your gender?

Male Female
10.. In what industry do you work (e.g. medicine, academia, student, etc.)?

11.. Are you working in any ecommerce delivery partner firms. Yes no

12.If so, how do people react when they see you?

Welcoming unwelcoming

Section 2: In general, your views about online shopping

13 I shop online as I get user/expert reviews on the product 1234

14. I feel that my personal information given for transaction to the retailer may be
compromised to 3rd party 1234

15. I cannot get to examine the product when I shop online 1234

16. I feel that it will be difficult settling disputes when I shop online 1234

17. It is not easy to cancel orders when shop online 1234

18. I shop online as I can get detailed product information online 1234

19. I shop online as I get broader selection of products online 1234

20. Online shopping gives facility of easy price comparison 1234

21. I might not get what I ordered through online shopping 1234

22. I might receive malfunctioning merchandise 1234

23. It is hard to judge the quality of merchandise over Internet 1234

24.I shop online as I can save myself from market crowd 1234

25. I shop online as I can take as much time as I want to decide 1234
 An analysis of factors affecting on online shopping behavior of consumer.
International journal of marketing studies vol 4 no 5 2012 ISSN 1918-719X
E-ISSN 1918-7203
 The impact of corona virus(Covid-19) on EBusiness.
Asia journal of multidisciplinary studies vol 3, No 1(2020) ISSN 2651-

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