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Conference of Junior Researchers in Civil Engineering 282

Simultaneous nitrification and denitrification process in the municipal

wastewater treatment
Gergő Zajzon
BME Department of Sanitary and Environmental Engineering, e-mail:

This paper deals with the experiences of simultaneous nitrification and denitrification process in the municipal wastewater
treatment. The main advantage of this process: efficient total nitrogen removal without separated anoxic basin, decrease operating
costs due to the low oxygen concentration required in the biological reactor. In the last two decades SND were investigated by
many research, however there are several unanswered questions about the mechanism and implementation of SND. In most cases
this process were investigated in laboratory SBR reactor, only a few deal with continuous flow reactor and full-scale experiments.
Earlier studies were evaluated and presented the results of the different SND technology (conventional activated sludge, MBR,
biofilm system using intelligent hidrogel microcarriers).

In the last two decades the reduce eutrophication processes in both inland and international watersheds, new
demand has emerged to accomplish high-efficiency nutrient removal (nitrogen and phosphorus compounds)
in municipal wastewater treatment technologies. The removal of nitrogen compounds are carried out usually
by biological treatment, utilizing two biochemical processes namely, nitrification and denitrification, each
requiring different environmental conditions (aerobic, anoxic circumstances, inorganic and organic carbon
sources). In the practice the isolated anoxic/aerobic reactors have been applied (pre-denitrification, post-
denitrification). Therefore the investment (construction of new reactors and recirculation) and O+M (the
energy demands of aerating and recirculation, external carbon source, chemicals to control the pH) costs
have increased. Many researches in the world are developing innovative processes which to satisfy the
following requirements: high removal efficiencies, simple technology, upgrading with low investment and
operational cost. Simultaneous nitrification and denitrification process is one of the possible options.
Simultaneous nitrification and denitrification process
The phenomenon of simultaneous nitrification and denitrification has been described in full-scale continuous
process ([1]), rotating biological contactors ([14]), submerged biofilter of clinoptilolite in an upflow fixed
bed reactor ([6]) and bench-scale SBR system ([8]).
The explanations for SND can be divided into two categories, physical and biological in nature. According to
the physical explanation dissolved oxygen and other nutrients cannot reach the inner part of activated sludge
flocs, therefore anoxic and/or anaerobic zones can develop inside flocs or biofilms (microenvironment
theory)(Figure 1). Besides this mixing patterns can affect SND as well, anoxic and/or anaerobic zones may
develop within the bioreactor as a result of the mixing pattern caused, for example, by the oxygen transfer
device. This could be considered to as the bioreactor macro-environment (G. T. Daigger et al., 1999).
According to the biological explanation there are aerobic denitrifiers and anaerobic nitrifiers. Moreover,
nitrification under fully anaerobic conditions has been shown to be possible (Robertson et al., 1994) and
denitrification under aerobic conditions as well ([11]).
SND process is also effective in maintaining optimum pH level without the addition of external acid or base
source. During nitrification, oxidizing 1g NH3-N will consume 7.14 g (in CaCO3) alkalinity, whereas
reducing 1 g NO3 will produce 3.5 g alkalinity as a compensation for alkalinity loss in nitrification ([12]).
From previous studies, it was found that three principal factors - the carbon supply (readily biodegradable
substrate), oxygen concentration, floc size and density - significantly influence SND.

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Fig. 1. Concentration gradients in the activated sludge flocs (Kazuaki H. et al. 2005)
Carbon supply
To achieve denitrification in any process, organic carbon is needed as energy source for the bacteria. In most
domestic wastewaters complete denitrification can be accomplished with a TCOD:TKN ratio of 7 ([1]). The
biodegrability of the carbon source can affect the denitrification rate significantly as well. Henze (1989)
compared the denitrification rates using different organic components and found that the rate with domestic
wastewater was about one third of the value obtained with acetic and acid or methanol. Tam et al. ([17]) and
Gerber et. al. ([5]) found acetate to give the highest rates, followed by methanol and glucose.
Dissolved oxygen
In the case of denitrification the rate of the process decreases when oxygen concentration higher than 0.2 mg
O2/l. On the other hand, nitrifiers requires DO concentration should be higher than 2 mg O2/l otherwise DO
can be the limiting factor, 0,2 mgO2/l is considered as a critical value, at which nitrification no longer occur
([2]). According to Münch et al. ([15]) 0,5 mgO2/l was suitable to achieve nitrification rate equal to the
denitrification rate which would therefore lead to complete SND. Other studies show similar results,
Klangduen et al. ([13]) carried out research in SBR system using activated sludge, nitrification and
denitrification rates increasing at DO level in the bulk liquid up to 0,8 mg/l.
Floc size and density
According to the physical explanation a substantial anoxic mass fraction exist in the center of the activated
sludge flocs resulting from oxygen diffusion limitation into the flocs. Investigation were carried out to get to
know the effect of floc size on SND, denitrification and nitrification activities were measured with same
conditions using activated sludge in SBR system before blending the flocs and after the blending. Median
floc size 80 µm can achieve 52 % SND, whereas the SND activity decreased to 21 % after the median floc
size was reduced to 40 µm. These results support the microenvironment theory about the mechanism of
SND. Kazuaki H. et al. ([12]) carried out experiments in laboratory-scale MBR system, in the case of higher
sludge retention time SND became more significantly, supporting the microenvironment theory as well.
Increasing C/N and F/M ratio resulted more efficient nitrogen removal via SND which demonstrate the role
of density and size of flocs.
Investigation in SBR laboratory-scale system
In the last two decades numerous research have been carried out to investigate SND in SBR system.
According these study C/N ratio, F/M ratio, pH, FA (free ammonia) concentration can affect the SND
process. Inorganic nitrogen forms, NH4-N, NO3-N and NO2-N profile were investigated using different
environmental conditions (C/N ratio, F/M ratio, pH, ammonium load). Ying-Chih Chiu et al. ([18]) reported
that SND was completed using 11.1 COD/ NH4-N ratio in a SBR reactor, low C/N ratio and higher
ammonium load caused nitrite accumulation in the effluent.
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In many cases ([10]) significant nitrite concentration occurred after the SND process, which means
denitrification can occur via nitrite instead of nitrate. It was found that the SND via nitrite can be influenced
by free ammonia (FA) concentration, DO, pH, free-hydroxylamine (FH) concentration, lag-time when
changing from anoxic to aerobic condition. According to the results ([9]) to implement the SND via nitrite it
is necessary to use simultaneous and/or alternating nitrification/denitrification process in the same reactor,
maintain low DO during aeration, keep the microorganism in direct contact with the influent wastewater to
achieve contact with high concentration of FA and/ or FH raise the pH, add hydroxylamine to the reactor
and maintain the reactor temperature near to 25 C°.
Investigation in continuous flow laboratory-scale system
Conventional activated sludge system
Zhang et al. ([19]) carried out experiments to investigate the SND in conventional continuous flow activated
sludge system in a continuously stirred laboratory-scale reactor.

Fig. 2. SND experiments using activated sludge process ([19])

Synthetic wastewater were used which consisted of glucose, ammonium chloride, and monopotassium
phosphate nitrogen, and phosphorous in the wastewater, respectively. Magnesium sulphate, ferrous sulphate,
calcium chloride, bicarbonate and manganese sulphate were added as trace elements. The activated sludge
was originated from a municipal WWTP. In the course of the experiments the effect of DO, C/N, F/M on
SND process were investigated.
Number of HRT (influent) COD (effluent)
retention C/N F/M removal removal
experiments (h) (mg/l)
time (day) (%) (mg/l) (mg/l)
1 8 60 10 0.3 55.1 17.4 301 40.2
2 12 60 5 0.1 43 34.7 311 30
3 16 60 2 0.05 8.3 2.1 120 20.7
4 24 45 10 0.1 66.7 19.7 317 28.9
5 42 45 5 0.05 60 38.2 319 15.5
6 3.2 45 2 0.3 14.7 10.7 118 31.6
7 12 30 10 0.05 54.4 17.5 334 37.3
8 8 30 5 0.3 45.4 27.6 320 62.9
9 9.6 30 2 0.1 37.8 24 126 46.7
Table 1. SND experiments using activated sludge process ([19])
According to the results it can be seen that nitrification and denitrification can occurred in the continuously
stirred tank using the conventional activated sludge process, however the efficiency of nitrogen removal was
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rather low. The TN removal was above 60 % in the experiment 4 and 5. Higher efficiency removal could be
achieved only with high HRT and SRT. The increasing of C/N ratio and the increasing of F/M ratio caused
increase in the TN removal. Nitrite occurred in the effluent only in the experiment 2 and 9. From the results
it can be seen that it is not possible to match with stricter standards with this technology.
MBR system
According to Kazuaki H. et al. (2005) the efficiency of SND was above 90 % (initial TN concentration was
25 mg/l) in a laboratory scale MBR system. The effect of C/N, F/M and DO were studied as well.
Experimental results showed that F/M ratio and C/N ratio had positive effects on SND. As to NH4-N, the
removal increased with DO when DO was lower than 1.5 mg/l, and the removal was almost independent of
DO when DO was over 1.5 mg/l. Besides this it was found that a low DO concentration was advantageous to
SND on condition that nitrification was not inhibited, and mean removal for TN was 86.6 %, 77.5 %, 65.3 %
and 54.2 %, respectively when DO was 0.8 mg/l, 1.5 mg/l and 5 mg/l. In MBR system sludge retention time
can be much higher than in conventional activated sludge system. The results of this study confirmed the
issues that higher retention time can result high floc size and/or floc density, which can more suitable for
SND process.
PVA-PAA microcarriers
In the course of IASON project ([4]) the SND was carried out by using PVA-PAs copolimer carrier material
embedded with starch in a continuously stirred, laboratory-scale reactor using multiple strata protobiofilm.
The experience showed that multiple strata protobiofilm cannot be kept using high C:N ratio because of the
faster growth of heterotrophic microorganism. In our research we tried to reach high efficiency nitrogen
removal in a continuously stirred laboratory-scale reactor by multiple strata protobiofilm developed on PVA-
PAs copolimer embedded with starch granules based on the experiences of the IASON project.
In the course of the experiments we maintained 0,2-2 mgO2/l dissolved oxygen level, the temperature were
between 15-22 C°. The average ammonium load was 11-28 mg/hour. The average removal rate of inorganic
nitrogen compounds was 53 %, the average value of the ammonium removal was 76 % and 50 % in the case
of nitrate and nitrite. To control the growth of heterotrophic bacteria the applied C:N ratio was in the range
of 2-5, methanol as external carbon source was used. The F/M ratio was between 0.11-013. The hydraulic
residence time were between 8-12 hour. The MLVSS concentration was 1,8-2,1 g/l in the reactor. The
influent wastewater were from a large-scale wastewater treatment plant, South-Pest WWTP. DO,
temperature, inorganic nitrogen forms were measured during experiments.
On the 59. day the nitrification was completed, and the efficiency of denitrification was 67 % even at the
high DO level (>2 mgO2/l). This phenomenon proves that the oxygen gradient formed in the biofilms layer.
On the 64. day DO level were between 0.4-0.6 mgO2/l, which is the ideal range for SND according to earlier
studies ([19]).

Fig 3. The results of NH4-N,NO2-N and NO3-N measurements during the 49-65. day (the initial NH4-N concentration was
considered as 100 %)
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Fig. 4. The DO level and temperature during the 59. and (before the measurements)
In this range nitrification was not complete and nitrite appeared in the effluent as well, but the denitrification
was more efficient the in the 64 day. In the effluent wastewater the nitrite and nitrate concentration was in
similar range (5-10 mg/l). The reasons of inhibition Nitrobacter can be related with DO, pH, free ammonia
concentration, low C/N ratio according to the earlier studies ([9]). The alkalinity of the influent wastewater
were high (7-8 mmol/l), therefore the reason probably could be the DO level and the low C/N ratio in these
case. The MLVSS concentration was 1,8-2,1 g/l in the reactor during the experiment.
Investigation in full-scale WWTP
C. Collivignarelli and G. Bertanza ([3]) studied the implantation of SND on two full-scale WWTP (design
size: 2500 PE and 440000 PE). The WWTPs have more parallel reactors, due to this circumstances it was
possible to compare the pre-denitrification system and the SND process in equal conditions. According to
the results similar COD and nitrogen removal efficiencies can be obtained with smaller volumes (20 % less
than a conventional pre-denitrification system) and lower energy consumption (50 % less). To avoid the
nitrite accumulation a small aerated zone were used before the sedimentation tank. DO and ORP were
measured as input parameters to automated control of aeration intensity. Investment and operational cost
were calculated for a wastewater treatment plant with design size of 100000 PE.
Non conventional plant
Pre-denitrification plant (SND technology)
Investment costs (Thousand US$/USD)
Oxidation reactor 765 1118
Denitrification reactor 588 -
Air supply system 400 276
recirculation 180 -
Submerged mixers 188 -
Other items 11120 6541
TOTAL 8588 7935
Operating costs (Thousand US$/year)
Electric energy 706 353
Other items 887 887
TOTAL 1593 1240
Table 2. Cost evaluation for the pre-denitrification and the non conventional process ([3])

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Table 2 shows that both investment and operating costs are more favorable in the case SND process.
Operating and investment cost were reduced with 22 % and 7,3 %.
According to the studies SND can be achieved in SBR system, in continuous flow and full scale WWTP as
well. Most of the studies confirm the microenvironment theory and the aerobic denitrification theory as well,
however SND due to mainly the microenvironment conditions. Sludge flocs size and density can affect
significantly the efficiency of SND. High nitrogen removals were achieved system where high sludge
retention time was because of the higher density and size of flocs. According the studies the advantages of
SND: it is not necessary anoxic zone, mixed liquor recycle (compared to pre-denitrification system), less
energy consumption (low DO) and maintaining of optimum pH level is possible with less external acid or
base source addition in case of alkalinity of wastewater is low. Several research reported about SND via
nitrite, which is influenced by many factors (FA, HA, temperature, DO etc). Disadvantage of SND is related
with its complexity and problems can occur with the implementation as well. Efficient nitrogen removal
cannot achieve with the conventional activated sludge process because of the low density and size of sludge
flocs. However other technologies like biofilm system using hidrogel microcarriers achieved efficient SND.
This work is connected to the scientific program of the Development of quality-oriented and harmonized
R+D+I strategy and functional model at BME. This project is supported by the New Széchenyi Plan (Project
ID: TÁMOP-4.2.1/B-09/1/KMR-2010-0002).
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Zajzon, G.: Simultaneous nitrification and denitrification process in the municipal wastewater treatment

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