Bill Oakes January Newsletter

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On 10/24/08 the FBI battered down the back door of Dr Roy

Shelburne’s office. They executed a search and seizure warrant on him and
his practice and took every patient and business record he had.

“Take heart...there are ways to prevent what happened to me from happen-

ing to you. Take a deep breath, hold on, and take a ride with me through a
Dental records healthcare providers worst nightmare”
Criminal records
“I was unwilling to plead
guilty and go to prison.
Friday, January 28th, 2011
The errors were not in-
tentional and I ignorantly
Hilton Greenville
believe this was an ade-
45 West Orchard Park Drive, Greenville, SC
quate defense. I learned
$50 Doctor, $25 per staff member
ignorance is no excuse
To RSVP contact me or Sandy Glawson, 704.234.0400 or
in the eyes of the law”
-Roy Shelburne, DDS

2011 WILL be a record year!!! Jan 2011

The Home Front

The Christmas holiday was tremendous for me, For the first time in a
Long time we enjoyed a white Christmas in Georgia. I was blessed to
spend some time with my nephew who is a Green Beret on the Af-
ghan/Pakistan border. He is on a US Army Special Forces team and is
heading back to Afghanistan for his 4th Tour of duty the first week of
January. God Bless our troops!

Although I didn’t get to ride my motorcycle (pictured at right) much over the holidays, I did get to spend some time with
my mother and father. Mom is 78 and Dad will soon turn 82 and so I feel very fortunate for every moment that I am
able to spend with them. I was able to also spend some time planning out my strategy for 2011, what I am going to
accomplish ,and set some personal and professional goals. I believe that 2011 is going to be a great year for those
who plan to make it that way! Fortunately, I got to rest and relax and recharge over the holidays and I hope that you
did too!

It is always great to spend time with my family. I am a blessed man and SO grateful for all the wonderful people in my
life that support me; my family, friends, customers and Team Schein.

Looking forward to a TREMENDOUS 2011! HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!!!

Jan 2011 2011 WILL be a record year!!

Thank You! this issue

Thank You!
THANK YOU! What’s Driving Growth P.1
Thank You!
Goals: Where are we going in 2011? P.2

I a m SO a p p re ci a ti ve Morning Huddle / Reputation Mgmt P.3

o f th e p ra cti ce s I h a d Dental Records Prevent Criminal Records P.4
th e h o n o r to wo r k wi th
i n 2 0 1 0 . T h e re a re so
ma n y e xci ti n g th i n g s
h a p p e n i n g i n d e n ti st r y What’s driving growth in Dental Practices?
ri g h t n o w a n d i t i s a
I had the tremendous pleasure of working I would like to share a quote I got from one of
p ri vi l e g e to b e a p a rt
with practices this year that experienced my colleagues; Jack Abrams, that sums this up.
o f i t.
record highs in production. You can find “I believe we are learning to live with our
At th e to p o f th e p a g e
plenty of people that will tell you how slow it new reality and making adjustments to once
I sta te d th a t 2 0 1 1 wi l l
was in 2010. Misery LOVES company. I feel again grow and prosper”
b e a re co rd ye a r. I
strongly that there are some specific differ- You are to be commended for all that you have
tru l y b e l i e ve th a t a n d
ences in the practices that are slow and the accomplished. It is exceptional all the effort that
i t i s u p to yo u . If yo u r
ones that are growing. you have put forth academically, socially, men-
p ra cti ce d i d n 't p e r-
These differences are subtle but extremely tally and physically to get to where you are in
fo rm a t th e l e ve l yo u
POWERFUL!! As we discussed in last your career. Take time to give yourself credit for
d e si re d i n 2 0 1 0 i n n o
months newsletter NOW IS THE TIME to all that you have done to get in to dental school,
wa y i s th a t a fa i l u r e .
work on the business side of your practice. become a dentist, and start a business. Running
It wa s si mp l y a l e s so n
Dentistry has been so good for so many a dental practice is one of the most difficult
i n wh e re yo u ma y
years that many practitioners were success- tasks there is. You aren't just a dentist. You
wa n t to ma ke ch a n g e s
ful just by setting up shop. Those days are are a psychologist, CEO, Marketing director,
i n 2 0 1 1 to a ch i e ve th e
gone for the most part. Dentists now are engineer, doctor, CFO, HR director...I could
re su l t s a re l o o ki n g
the CEO OF A MILLION DOLLAR COR- go on and on but will stop to say GREAT JOB!!!
fo r.
PORATION and in many cases multi-million The point is moderate changes in your actions
M y “b e st i n cl a s s”
dollar corporations. CEO’s make decisions will profoundly impact your practice for the posi-
te a m a n d I a re h e re to
differently from sole proprietors. The differ- tive as well as the negative . As you kick off
su p p o rt yo u i n yo u r
ence in the outcome is the difference be- 2011 I encourage you to examine where you are
e ffo rt s. I ma g i n e wh a t
tween being slow and growing. and where you want to go.
we ca n d o to g e th e r !!!
Ask yourself if it is possible that being slow EVERYTHING is possible!!!
is simply an indicator that what made you
Bill Oakes 678.699.5801
successful yesterday may not be what is
going to make you successful today.
“A vision is a clearly
articulated, results
oriented picture of a
future you intend to
Where are we
create. It is a dream going in 2011?
with direction”

-Jesse Stoner Zemel

It’s up to YOU!!!

If you did not like the results you achieved in 2010 then we need to be crystal clear on
two things in 2011:

Follow me on: Where are We?

Where do We Want to Go?

Just like taking a trip as long as we know our starting point and our ending point we
can find the most efficient way to get there. As Lewis Carroll said “If you don't know
where you are going, any road will take you there.” That is true in business too!

Below are some questions to get you thinking about where you want to go. I have a
very specific and effective process that I share freely with my clients to help them
through this process. Please contact me at 678.699.5801 to arrange a time for us to

-What do you want to produce this year?

-What is your production goal per day?
-How many production days will you have this year?
How much time off? YOU DECIDE!!
-How many days are you going to allow for C.E. and Staff Development?
The time you spend working ON your business is critical R
-What will your collection rate be?
-Number of patients you would like to see each day, week, month.
-What internal marketing strategies will you implement to retain existing
-What will your rate of treatment acceptance be?
National average is only 41%
-How much dentistry will you treatment plan each day?
The relationship between case acceptance and treatment planning will dictate
what you produce

By determining what the answers are to these questions you are making a decision to
create your own destiny. By taking a reactive approach; as most do, you are subject
to be swayed by everything that comes your way. Congratulations in advance for tak-
ing control!
Now that we know “where you want to go” we need to determine “where you are”.
Henry Schein has created an in depth practice analysis that I do with all my custom-
ers. Call today to schedule a time for yours!! 678.699.5801 or

DPAT the most powerful Practice Analysis tool

Who Has Time for a Morning Huddle? Current Industry
A morning huddle could be the most powerful 10 minutes you spend each day. A doctor
not having a morning huddle is equivalent to a college football coach not having a Social Media is THE
plan for game day. Can you imagine if the coach of your favorite football team recruited
the best talent in the country then just assumed they knew what to do? No getting back to MOST POWERFUL
fundamentals, no practicing, no pre-game speeches, no halftime adjustments. Just an atti- MARKETING TOOL
tude of expectancy that “they were trained in their positions they know what they’re sup- available to you
posed to do”.
Certainly that sounds ridiculous or at the very least a quick way for a coach to get fired. today to grow your
Your team is an extension of your vision for your practice. They may know how to do their Practice!!
jobs but it takes communication from you for them to carry out YOUR vision. Have you
ever wondered “why won’t they do what I want them to do?” It could very well be that your
team is willing they just aren’t clear on what you want them to do.
If morning huddle is new to you keep it simple. This is a time of positive reinforcement so
keep it light. Remember, we are getting the players fired up for game day. So what do we
talk about? Start off by talking about what we did well yesterday. Everyone enjoys a pat on
the back. Next identify what challenges we may face today so we can be ready as a team
and have everyone on the same page. What cases are we delivering today and tomorrow
and have they arrived from the lab? The more comfortable you get with the morning hud-
dle you can begin to identify items such as who is on the operative schedule but not in
continuing care and vice versa. What radiological opportunities do we have today? Who is
coming in that has been treatment planned but the work has not been completed? Who do
we need to properly present third party financing to? Who has relatives that have not been Early adopters of social
invited in to our practice yet?
media have struck
Keep it light but make it productive. This could be the most important ten minutes you
spend today. Don’t assume that just because your team members know how to do their GOLD!!!
job that they know how to carry out your vision. Your vision is the experience that will
separate your practice from the other practices your patients could be visiting today.
Facebook alone has
more than 500 MILLION
Reputation Management users and has
surpassed pornography
Why you need Demandforce TODAY: in popularity!!
Reduction in broken appointments Measure your results
What gets measured gets done If you are unclear on
Reduction in phone call volume how to get started or
Automate the referral process want to enhance the
Effectively reappoint lost patients power of your social
Control what is being posted
about your practice online media offering please
Build your online reputation
contact me today!!
Keep in touch with patients in Strengthen your online presence
between visits Whether you choose to
participate in social
Easily fill voids in your schedule with just media or not YOU WILL
a few keystrokes.

Contact me today for an in-office demonstration

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