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I Imagine you are a librarian of a public library. The following decisions were taken. The
library will remain open on Sundays and closed on Mondays. The working hours will be from
9a.m to 6 p.m instead of 9 a.m to 5 p.m. The period for which the books can be borrowed has
been reduced from three weeks to two weeks.Write a notice informing the members and the
public about these decisions. ( 6 Marks )
II The following passage is not edited. There is one error in each line. Write the incorrect
word and the correction against the correct blank number. ( 4 Marks )
Ravi and Seema were enjoyed the puppet (a)_______________
show.The show man held a strings in (b)_______________
his hands. He trick his fingers with great (c)_______________
dexterity. The puppets semed to be live. (d)_______________
III Read the following extract and answer the questions that follow. ( 3 Marks )
“ And the sea which appears to have changed less,
Washed their terribly transient feet.”
(a) Whose feet is the poet talking about?
(b)Explain the line, ‘ The sea which appears to have changed less’ .
(c) What does the word ‘transient’ mean here?
IV Answer the following questions within 50 words. (3x4=12 Marks)
(a)” As for my grandmother being young and pretty, the thought was almost revolting.” Why
does Khushwant singh make such a remark?
(b) ‘ Hardships often bring out the best in people’ Justify this statement giving evidences from
the story, “ We’re Not Afraid To Die…If We Can All Be Together”.
(c) What do you learn about the poet’s mother from the photograph?


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