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Research methdology.


Samira Mohamed Ali.
Yasser Mahamoud
Directed by :
Miss Raouia Mohammed

BBA 3 2019/2020.

Introduction :
I. Research methodology.
II. Y&S payment card.
1. Company presentation.
Since the world is developing and growing little by little, the electronic sector of the market
is becoming more and more important and is growing at a scaring speed. e-Wallet is a
company that has been working in the electronic field for more than fifty years and offer
products such as electronic wallets for individual who wishes to pay for their transaction
electronically, in a matter that one day the usual wallet will disappear and the electronic one
will take place in the whole market and will be in the possession of everyone in the world. As
e-Wallet is expanding through the years, it wants now to have a customer base in east Africa
starting from Djibouti.

Core values of e-Wallet.

The core value is : « We are one team, valuing inclusion and collaboration, demonstrating
integrity, trust, respect, and empathy. We take care of each other and our community. »

Visions of e-Wallet for its new target.

 Eliminate the conventional payment system from Djibouti.

 Become the biggest electronic payment means provider of east Africa.
 Become the best seller in 10 years.
 Expand in the entire African content.


 To simplify the consumer experience by providing cost-effective, turnkey payment

solutions to online merchants while inspiring confidence in their customers.
 To provide simple, affordable, secure and reliable financial services on digital
 Focus on customer’s satisfaction.


 Be the biggest electronic company of Africa.
 Have more than 50 percent of market share.
 Make our website one of the most visited internet platform.
 Sell more than 1 million electronic cards by the first years.
 Make a profit of 10 million dollars each years.
 Still being functional even after 150 years.
 Become the most powerful and influential company in the world.

a. Activities.
e-Wallet has many activities since it is an old company that have been on the market for fifty
years and as you can see, we are presenting some of them below.

Offer payment card:

e-Wallet offer payment card as an activity which is to offer electronic card that will enable
customers to access funds in their bank accounts and effectuate electronic payments with it.
Customers use this card generally to do foreign transaction.

Send and receive funds:

The company also has an activity that is called “send and receive funds” which is as it name
says to receive money from customers and to send money to the customers whenever it’s
needed. It enables users to send and receive money at anytime and anywhere as long as they
are connected to the company’s application.

Connect with people:

e-Wallet also take as an activity the service that permit to connect people with through their
power. Customers can transfer funds to friends or business associates accounts quickly and
securely 24 hours on the go and all weeks. As one of its mission is to satisfy the customers, e-
Wallet offer services that can be helpful for their costumers as long as it can be in their
power, like for example, to transfer money to another account securely and quickly 24/7.

Make purchase:
e-Wallet has as an activity the fact to purchase and transfer money at any time. Whenever a
customers’ needs money, the company purchase money and transfer it to the needy customers
and note it as a credit for the client.

e-Wallet has as an organigram, a function specialization structure and a functional organization
structure is a hierarchical organization structure wherein people are grouped based on their areas of
specialization. These people are supervised by a functional manager with expertise in the same field.
This expertise helps to effectively utilize the skills of employees, which ultimately helps organizations
in achieving its business objectives.
Each department will have a department head who will be responsible for the performance of his
section. This helps the organization control of the quality and uniformity of the performance.

e-Wallet has chosen this style of structure because it is the most suited style for an electronic
company, and as you can see this structure is based on the maximization of human capital
skills. Group of people are created in the organization based on their area of specialization
and are managed by a functional manager who got more expertise in the field in order to
guide them and for the company to achieve its goal effectively with the skills of its
employees. The competitive advantage is based on the performance of the people of the

c. General problem formulation.

The company e-Wallet wants to expand itself and wish to have a customer base in east
Africa, more precisely in Djibouti and e-Wallet decide to penetrate the new market with a
new product that is nowhere in Djibouti still to have more impact from the beginning.

e-Wallet wish to launch a new payment card that they will call Y&S card for a segment from
18-40, and want to know if this product will have a customer base in Djibouti and if that’s the
case, how to attract the customers to the new product and which variable could help the
company to orient its research toward the wanted result. To penetrate a new market with a
new product, it is a very delicate task so before taking disposition of such action, the
company must first know if this project will be profitable or not for itself and here e-Wallet is
trying to enter the Djiboutian market with a new payment card, so to not have a customer
base or a sufficient one, and not know how to attract the customers on the new could be fatal
and make the company to lose money and in order to arrive to this conclusion, the research
department of the company decided to do a business research project in order to collect data
and to make a final decision before launching the project.

 Problem statement.

 How to attract the targeted segment to the new card payment?

 Scope of the research.

Scope refers to how far the research area has explored and parameters in with the study will
be operating in. The type of information to be included in the scope of a research project
would include facts and theories about the subject of the project.

 Do the conditions for obtaining , the fees, the plafond and the access to services can
impact the customer base of the targeted segment ?


 Electronic card for youth age between 18-40.

 Plafond.
 Conditions d’obtention.
 Fees.
 Access to Services .
And according to those variable, here are some problems identified :
 How to attract customer for the new product according to those variable ?
 What kind of impact do they have on the customers behaviors ?
 How can those variables could play in our favor ?

2. Business research.
Business research is a process of acquiring detailed information of all the areas
of business and using such information in maximizing the sales and profit of the business.
Such a study helps companies determine which product/service is most profitable or in

a. Researcher’s status.
For this research project, the company e-Wallet is assisted by two researcher of its research
development. Committed employees who know the goals and objectives of the company as
well as the capacities of the company, which make them the more suitable for this research
project for the expansion of the company.

b. Objectives of the research.

Because a research can be a wide topic, as researchers, we have to set objectives in order to
guide the research in a direction in such a matter to obtain the answers that made us do this
research in the first place. Since we are trying to know how to attract customers to the new
product of the company we are going to :

 To do a market analysis to determine whether this new product will

attract the segment we are targeting.
 To see if the variable we have chosen have a link with the customers.
 To test the variables on customers to have results.
 To get an answer from the results of the test.
 To analyze the results and conclude an answer.

c. Nature of the research.

For this project we are doing a scientific business research which can be qualified as an
explanatory research because we’re trying here to understand the impact of our variables on
the customers and the change they can create on customers. We are planning to conduct a
survey to experiment which variable can be an attraction factor to the new card.

d. Research motivation.
Motivation Research is the analysis of wishes, desires, needs, drivers etc. It tries to
understand the why of this research. And to understand the purpose of this research, we have
to see and enumerate the cause and factors that gave birth to this research in the first place.

Researcher personal motivation.

We are motivated as researchers from the research department because this research will
provide us information about the customers’ behavior and how to attract them based on the
variables that we identified for a new product. Which will be very helpful information for the
company because they will be decision making information according to the objectives of the
company and as researchers working for the company, we are collecting data in order to
know how to make this project profitable for the company and maximize the profit of the

Company motivation.
The company is motivated by our research because the data that we’ll collect from this
research will serve to know what to do to attract the chosen customer segment on this specific
and how to compete against the competitors. But the data of the research could also be used
for others future product because it a data collection on how CUSTOMERS’s interest change
based on those variable.

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