Values Feelings and Bad Behaviour Actions

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Values Feelings and Bad behaviour actions

What is a value?
Values are principles or standards of behaviour; one's judgement of what is important in life. Thus
people that acquire during their life this kind of principles can live in harmony with the other human,
animal and the environment around them.

What is a feeling?
Feeling is an emotion that you can show according with some kinds of external stimulus that can
affect in both possitive and negative it depends the level of importance you give to it. For example
when you make a very hard effort to get something almost always you feel happy

What are bad behaviour actions?

Those are the actions that someone make to feel bad and terrible to other, nowadays those actions
are called bullying, in our context bullying is done by saying bad words, physical attacking and
discrimination because of cultural beliefs and customs.

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Knowledge of the Content

1.Knowledge of the Has the student shown knowledge of the content?

2. Preparation Had the student prepared the presentation?
3.Answers Could the student answer the partner's questions?

4.New information Did the student give new information not present in the slides?

Posture, voice and eye contact

5.Body language Did the student have a good posture and body language?

6.Self-confidence Was the student self-confident?

Did the student keep eye contact with the whole class during the
7.Eye contact

8. Pronunciation and Did errors and pronunciation interfere with the message?
9. T o n e a n d v o l u m e n Did the student have an appropriate voice tone and volume?

10. Speed Did the student talk too fast or too slowly?

11. F l u e n c y Was the speech fluent?

12. S i l e n c e Did he/she use silences correctly?

Language, grammar, vocabulary and register

13. G r a m m a r m i s t a k e s Have the gramar mistakes complicated the comprehension? X3

Was the language clear and easy to understand? Was the
14. V o c a b u l a r y
vocabulary appropriate and varied? x2

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