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Junior FFA Chapter Meeting

Leadership Contest
New York Association of FFA

The Chapter Meeting Leadership Contest is designed to develop leadership skills
associated with conducting a regular chapter meeting for sixth, seventh and eighth grade
members of the FFA. The contest will consist of a demonstration of opening ceremonies,
presentation of officer reports, the proper conduct of one item of business, and answering
questions related to conducting a chapter meeting.

The state contest will be open to 6th, 7th and 8th grade members of the FFA who are
regularly enrolled in agricultural education during the current calendar year. Contestants must be
active members of chartered FFA chapters with all current dues paid and in good standing with
the State Association.

1. Participants should be in official FFA dress as it is outlined in both the FFA manual and
student handbook.

2. The Chapter Meeting Team will consist of seven (7) members, one representing each of the
officers: President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, Reporter, Sentinel, and Student
Advisor. Each team members should be assigned to one officer station and perform the duties
associated with that officer.

3. Each team will be given materials for the treasurer’s report, minutes of the previous meeting,
and one committee report. Students will have five minutes prior to the start of the contest to
review these materials. The secretary will be given blank sheets of paper on which to record
the current minutes that includes the name of members making and seconding any motions
made. Minutes will be collected at the end of the meeting.

4. Official opening and closing ceremonies as well as the correct order of business are available
in the National FFA’s Official FFA Manual and Student Handbook. State Officers and
District Presidents shall not be used as judges. Judges cannot serve in two consecutive
contests. At least one of the judges must have had experience in conducting a chapter
meeting, for example, neighboring or retired agriculture teachers, and past officers or
Event Format:
The contest shall consist of three parts: Preparation, Presentation, and Questions.

1. The Chapter meeting team will enter into the judging room five (5) minutes before the start
of their demonstration. Teams are not required to use the entire preparation time.
2. Team members will be presented with station markers and materials needed for the meeting.
These materials include minutes of the previous meeting, treasurer’s report, and one
committee report. The same materials will be used for each team competing at that level.
3. Members should use the preparation time to read through the reports provided, arrange
station markers and themselves, and conduct any informal discussions. The item of business
will be a recommendation given in the Committee report.

1. Each team members should be assigned to one officer station and perform the duties
associated with that officer.
2. The chapter meeting presentation will consist of Opening Ceremonies, Previous Minutes,
Treasurer’s report, Committee Reports, Old/New Business, and Closing Ceremonies.
3. Members will be judged on their ability to recite the opening and closing ceremonies, present
officer reports, and handle one item of business.

1. At the conclusion of the meeting presentation members will remain seating for questions
from the judges.
2. The Question period should last no longer than five (5) minutes. Judges do not need to use all
of the question time if it is not warranted.
3. Each team member should be asked at least one but no more than three complete questions
about the duties of their office and the conduct of the chapter meeting demonstrated.

1. Immediately before the contest the judges should meet to discuss the objectives of the
contest. Each judge will score the chapters individually and will rank them according to their
score. The individual conducting the contest will collect the scorecards of each judge.
2. Chapter Meeting scorecards should be provided for each judge.

National FFA Official Manual, FFA Student Handbook, NYSFFA Chapter Meeting Contest

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