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 Lecture is a teaching method consist of explanation of
facts, principles which the teacher wishes the class to
 Teacher talks more or less continuously to class.
 The class listen takes notes.
 It is a great art.
 Oxford Dictionary : Lecture method is talk
giving specified information to class or
long serious speech.

 A lecture is an
oral presentation intended to present
information or teach people about a
particular subject.
 Lecture is derived from Latin word Lectare
which means to read aloud.

 Middle English, act of reading, from Late

Latin lectura, First Known Use: 15th century.
Types of Lecture
A. Traditional oral essay
 The teacher is an orator and the only speaker.

B. Participatory Lecture
 begins with learners brainstorming ideas on the
lecture topic on what they have read in preparation.
Types of Lecture Cont…
C. Feedback Lecture
 Consists with mini lectures with 10-minute small
group discussion.
 opportunity to manipulate the lecture content.

D. Mediated Lecture
 Use of media such as films, slides, Web-based
images etc.
Purposes of Lecturing
 Lectures can be an efficient means of introducing learners a new
 It helps to clarify the concept
 It can be used to stimulate students’ interest in a subject .
 It can also be used to inspire people.
 To integrate and synthesize a large body of knowledge. (Parker,
 “The lecture is valuable where knowledge is advancing and up-
to-date textbooks are not available.” (Jones,1990)
 It is an appropriate method making available for large group.
• Principle of aim.
• Principle of activity.
• Principle of co-relation.
• Principle of looking ahead.
• Good lecture effective preparation.
Advantages of the
Lecture Method
1. It is economical in terms of student time.
 A great deal of information can be communicated in
a one hour lecture.
 More relevant information can be taught to a

2. The lecturer can supplement a textbook by enhancing

a topic and making it come to life.
Advantages of the Lecture Method

3. The teacher serves as a role model for students.

4. Lectures bring enjoyment to the learners.

5. It helps students develop their

listening skills.
Disadvantages of the Lecture Method
1. It lends itself to the teaching of the facts while
placing little emphasis on problem solving, decision
making, analytical thinking, or transfer of learning.
(Black. 1993)
2. Lecturing is not conducive to meeting students’
individual needs.
3. Lecturing brings with it the problem of limited
attention span on the part of the learners.
4. Time consuming.
Technique of the Lecture
1. Control your anxiety.
 An effective control mechanism is imaging.

2. Spontaneity
 Avoid reading to the class.
 Do not write your lecture out in full sentences.
 Rehearse the delivery at home.
Technique of the Lecture
3. Voice quality
 Beware of lecturing in monotone.

4. Body language
 Do not stand glued to the podium.
 Use your hand for emphasis but not too much.
 Be aware of your body language.
 Maintain eye contact.
Technique of the Lecture Cont…
4. Speed of delivery
 Affects both the learner’s comprehension and enjoyment
of the material.

5. Elicit feedback from student

 To know how much student has received knowledge.

6. Time Management
 Lecture should finish on time.
 If it exceed gives tension to teacher and damages content

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