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Besides, in a recent announcement by the Chinese authorities in Beijing are being put in the

alarm level red on air pollution, even can be seen as a crisis of air pollution, large scale .

Recently, the World Health Organization (WHO) said the level of smog in China was 50 times
higher than recommended levels of organizational safety. A figure that will surely make many
people still startled about pollution levels in China, which is 4,000 people die each day due to
pollution in China.

That can be seen, air pollution adversely affects human health, in which children are the most
vulnerable group of health due to the effects of air pollution.

If people are not conscious of environmental protection of air, the consequences of it is

probably much less terrible HIV-AIDS pandemic and many other diseases.

And I would say air pollution is caused by CO2 that you have created. That is a very toxic gas, it
was born from the greenhouse gas emissions the most - this is the main reason for the increase
in the greenhouse effect causing global warming. CO2 emissions are also called - is the gas
exhaled by humans burning fossil fuels (gas, oil, coal) for energy production, transport, forest
fire, ... . when respiration or when there is a fire.

Ti?ng Anh

Also gases also destroyed beautiful nature that you have:

- In the period 1995 - 2006 11 years (except for 1996) is listed as 12 years the highest
temperature in history since 1850, the hottest is 1998 and 2005. The most recent was in 2010,
five were considered to be the hottest in history and in June 2010 was recorded as the hottest
month worldwide since 1880.

- Notably, the growth rate of Arctic temperatures rose twice the global average
temperature. Extreme temperatures also tend to match the average temperature, resulting in a
reduced number of cold nights and hot days increasing numbers.

Sea level rise is the rise of the water level of the oceans around the globe, which do not include
tidal surges ... sea level rise at a certain location may be higher or lower than the world average
bridge because there is a difference in temperature of the ocean and other factors.Monitoring
sea level shows the average sea level rise of 20 cm in the past 100 years. In the past decade, the
fastest rising sea level in the western Pacific and eastern Indian Ocean.

Last week I had the opportunity to roam in Hanoi capital of Vietnam beautiful country but I have
witnessed people always could not help worrying about the air condition. They are more
confused than when the air they breathe every day is compared with "doomsday atmosphere" in
the media reportage of Singapore Channel News Asia.
From the current state of living, transportation of people to the study and analysis of experts
have expressed a Hanoi "absence of clear blue sky", Hanoi of smog, pollution is rising fast

If living in Hanoi, probably you will not difficult to catch sight of people out into the street in the
daytime everyone is wearing a mask and equipping "armor" from head to toe to avoid
dust. Stepped out into the street without "armor" when returning home and clothing spattered
face palpable dust.

Many experts believe that 70% of air pollution in Hanoi due to transport. It also estimates the
current managed by Hanoi is 5.3 million motorbikes and 560,000 cars. This figure is projected to
grow 11% per year for motorcycles and 17% for cars.

If with such speed is calculated to 2020, there will be nearly 1 million cars and 7 million
motorcycles crammed the streets of Hanoi. A sharp increase in the number of vehicles and
individuals be explained by the scarcity of this type of public transport, people do not have the
habit of walking, a department psychologist car buyers to express class. Congestion at the alarm
level makes environmental pollution levels become difficult to control.

I hope, by this warning, you - the owner of the Earth will have a more drastic actions to prevent
air pollution for a cleaner world and full of beautiful.

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