Kevlar Fiber Fianl Report by Shubham

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   
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      
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   

  
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  
   
   

   

      
  

  

     

  

          
       
   
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  
  
  
  

         

       
      

 

       

   

        

   
 
       
     

     

     
     
     
     

        

      
   

       

   

        

   


 

 

We take this opportunity to express our heartfelt gratitude towards the Depart-
ment of Mechanical engineering R. C. Patel Institute of Technology, Shirpur that
gave us an opportunity for presentation of our project in their esteemed organiza-
It is a privilege for us to have been associated with Prof. P. S. Patil, our guide
during project work. We have been greatly benefited by his valuable suggestion and
ideas. It is with great pleasure that we express our deep sense of gratitude to his for
his valuable guidance, constant encouragement and patience throughout this work.
We express our gratitude to Prof. P. L. Sarode Head of Department, Mechani-
cal Engineering for his constant encouragement, co-operation and support and also
thankful to all people who have contributed in their own way in making this project
stage-1 work success.
We are thankful to Prof. Dr. J. B. Patil, Principal, R. C. Patel Institute of
Technology, Shirpur for the support and encouragement. We take this opportunity
to thank all the classmates for their company during the course work and for useful
discussion we had with them.
Under these responsible and talented personalities we were efficiently able to com-
plete our project report work in time with success.

Ahire Surendra Sanjay [Seat No. 646766]

Kangade Shubham Shashikant [Seat No. 646825]

Patil Rahul Sambhaji [Seat No. 646891]

Patil Sagar Kiran [Seat No. 646892]

Somwanshi Harshal Pravin [Seat No. 646936]


In recent years, the need for manufacturing reliable and innovative components
has been increased rapidly. Fiber reinforced composite materials have strong can-
didature for fulfilling these aspects with wide applications in almost all areas of
engineering and technology. Glass, Carbon, and aramid fibers are using widely for
production of fiber reinforced polymer composites. Kevlar is most popular aramid
fiber having a long chain of strong, ring-like aromatic molecules. Superior heat
and shock resistant properties make Kevlar the most promising antiballistic mate-
rial with stability at higher temperatures. It is widely used for body armor panels
for lightweight military vehicles, bulletproof jackets, and fireproof body suits and
in aerospace industries etc. This paper examines the tensile, flexural and impact
strength of Kevlar 29 (K-29) fiber reinforced polymer composite. The composite
samples used in this study prepared by hand lay-up technique. All Mechanical char-
acterizations were performed as per required ASTM standards. The acquired results
showed that developed Kevlar-29 fiber reinforced polymer composite has good ten-
sile, flexural and impact strength. These higher mechanical properties make this
composite suitable for enormous applications in engineering industries.

List of Figures iii

List of Tables v

1 Introduction 1
1.1 Kevlar . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
1.1.1 Production . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
1.2 Epoxy Resin . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
1.3 Hardener . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
1.4 Copper nanopowder . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
1.5 Compression molding machine . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8

2 Literature Survey 11

3 Problem identification and project objectives 17

3.1 Problem identification . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
3.2 Project objectives . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18

4 Design Methodology /Analysis and Implementation / Fabrication

/ Assembly 19
4.1 The Design Methodology /Analysis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
4.1.1 Mold Preparation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
4.1.2 Composite Preparation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22
4.2 Implementation / Fabrication / Assembly . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25
4.2.1 Properties of Composites . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25
4.2.2 Mechanical Test . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26
4.3 Thermal test . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35
4.3.1 Miscellaneous test . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38
4.3.2 Electrical Conductivity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39

5 Result and Discussion 43

6 Conclusion 44

7 Project Management and Bill of Material 45

7.1 Project Management . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45
7.2 Bill of Material . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46

References 47

List of Figures

1.1 Chemical reaction of kevlar . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3

1.2 Unprocessed Kevlar fibre . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
1.3 Woven Kevlar fiber . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
1.4 Epoxy resin . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
1.5 Hardener . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
1.6 Copper nano powder . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
1.7 Pictorial view of Compression molding machine . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
1.8 Compression molding machine . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10

4.1 Base plate . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20

4.2 Upper plate . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
4.3 Middle plate . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
4.4 Fabricated mold part . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
4.5 Assembled mold . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22
4.6 Kevlar composite . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24
4.7 Sample 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24
4.8 Sample 2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25
4.9 Sample 3 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25
4.10 Sample 4 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25
4.11 Properties of composite . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26
4.12 Specimen after charpy test . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27
4.13 Impact Testing Machine . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28
4.14 Specimen after izod test . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29
4.15 Impact Testing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30
4.16 Brinell hardness test . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31
4.17 Observing impressions in BHN . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31
4.18 Specimen after brinell hardness test . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32
4.19 Specimen used for UTS test . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33
4.20 Tensile Results . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33
4.21 Load vs Time Graph . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34
4.22 Tensile Testing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34
4.23 Tensile Specimen After Test . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35
4.24 DSC results of sample-1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36
4.25 DSC results of sample-2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36
4.26 DSC results of sample-3 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37

4.27 DSC results of sample-4 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37
4.28 FTIR result of sample 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39
4.29 FTIR result of sample 2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39
4.30 FTIR result of sample 3 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40
4.31 FTIR result of sample 4 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40
4.32 Electrical conductivity test results . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41
4.33 Testing equipment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41
4.34 Functional generator . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42
4.35 Conductivity testing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42

7.1 Gantt Chart for Major Project . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45

7.2 Bill of Material . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46

List of Tables

1.1 Kevlar properties . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2

1.2 Epoxy resin properties . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
1.3 Hardener Properties . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
1.4 Chemical Properties CNP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
1.5 Physical Properties of CNP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8

4.1 Composition of material in weight % . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22

4.2 Results for charpy test . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27
4.3 Results for izod test . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28
4.4 Results for Brinell hardness test . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31

Chapter 1


Composite can be defined as combinations of two materials one of which is called

as the reinforcing phase which can be in the form of fiber sheets or particles and
are embedded in the other material called the matrix phase. The objective is to
take benefit of the superior properties of both the materials without compromising
on the weakness of either. Mechanical properties of composites depend on the size,
shape and volume fraction of the reinforcement, reaction at the interface matrix
material.The composites are compound materials which differ from alloys by the
fact that the individual components retain their characteristics but are so incorpo-
rated into the composite as to take advantage only of their attributes and not of
their shortcomings, in order to obtain improved materials. There are two categories
of constituent materials of composite materials: matrix and reinforcement. The
matrix material supports and surrounds the reinforcement materials and simulta-
neously maintains there relative position. The reinforcements impart their special
mechanical and physical properties to enhance the matrix properties.

1.1 Kevlar
Kevlar is a para aramid synthetic fiber which has good tensile modulus, high strength
to weight ratio, and high energy absorption capacity. It also has good ballistic im-
pact resistance specially designed for defence applications[4].

RCPIT, Shirpur Department of Mechanical Engineering

Kevlar fiber is a kind of aramid fibers, which is famous for its lightweight, lower
dielectric constant as well as in-plane coefficient of thermal expansion (CTE) and
greater dimensional consistency, so it has great potential in fabricating HPCCLs.
In fact, considerable attentions have focused on preparing HPCCLs based on Kevlar
fibers. Aramid fibers have higher tensile stiffness and strength than glass fibers and
a lower density. Composites reinforced with aramid fibers are tough, with good im-
pact energy absorption properties, and are extensively used in special applications
such as armour plates, bullet-proof vests and other applications where crash wor-
thiness is a priority. However, they are not considered suitable for applications that
involve high compressive and flexural stresses, as these fibers are known to buckle,
kink and yield under such testing conditions. Significant contributions towards the
understanding of this behavior have been made in unidirectional reinforced aramid
fiber composites[4].
Polyetherimide (PEI) is a high performance amorphous thermoplastic, possessing
excellent mechanical properties even at elevated temperatures due to its high glass
transition temperature (around 217 o C). Its outstanding features also favor PEI as
a potential candidate for tribological applications, where high service temperature
is a critical issue . Neat PEI exhibits a relatively low coefficient of friction, however,
the wear resistance is less favorable. Thus, it is necessary to explore ways to improve
the wear resistance.

Table 1.1: Kevlar properties

Kevlar 29 Kevlar 49 Kevlar 149
Density (g/cm3 ) 1.44 1.44 1.44
Tensile strength(GPa) 3.6 3.6-4.1 3.4
Youngs Modulus(GPa) 83 131 186
Tensile Elongation(%) 4.0 2.8 2.0

Reinforced Conductive Polymer Composite using Synthetic Fibre 2

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1.1.1 Production

Kevlar is synthesized in solution from the monomers 1,4-phenylene-diamine (para-

phenylenediamine) and terephthaloyl chloride in a condensation reaction yielding
hydrochloric acid as a byproduct. The result has liquid-crystalline behavior, and
mechanical drawing orients the polymer chains in the fiber’s direction. Hexam-
ethylphosphoramide (HMPA) was the solvent initially used for the polymerization,
but for safety reasons, DuPont replaced it by a solution of N-methyl-pyrrolidone
and calcium chloride. As this process had been patented by Akzo in the production
of Twaron, a patent war ensued[2].

Figure 1.1: Chemical reaction of kevlar

Reinforced Conductive Polymer Composite using Synthetic Fibre 3

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Figure 1.2: Unprocessed Kevlar fibre

Figure 1.3: Woven Kevlar fiber

Reinforced Conductive Polymer Composite using Synthetic Fibre 4

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1.2 Epoxy Resin

ARALDITE AY105, a medium viscosity unmodified epoxy resin based on bisphenol-
A, was used in this study. Araldite, which is a registered trademark of Huntsman
LLC (The Woodlands, Texas), is used to bound the layers of the Kevlar fabrics
together. The chemical properties of the epoxy resin used in this study are presented
in TABLE 2. Epoxy resins are cured with the addition of a curing agent which is
commonly called a hardener. Low viscosity cycloaliphatic polyamine - Hardener
HY2962 .Aradur42 .from Huntsman LLC (The Woodlands, Texas), was used in this
research. Epoxy resins usually require the addition of the curing agent at a much
higher ratio of resin to hardener.The ratio of resin to hardener, used in this study, is
5:1. The various physical and chemical properties of araldite LY556 are as follows.
It is clear in color with slight odor; it is of liquid state and insoluble in water. The
vapor pressure is lesser than 0.01 Pa at 20o C and specific gravity must be between
1.15-1.2 at 25o C. The boiling point and the decomposition temperature must be
greater than 200o C[3].

Figure 1.4: Epoxy resin

Reinforced Conductive Polymer Composite using Synthetic Fibre 5

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Table 1.2: Epoxy resin properties

Density @ 25o C Flash point Vapour pressure @ 20o C Viscosity @ 25o C
(g/cm3 ) (o C) (Pa) (MPa-s)
1.13 >=200 <=0.01 10000-12000

1.3 Hardener
Hardener (HY 951) is employed to improve the interficial adhesion and impart
strength to the composite. The various physical and chemical properties of hard-
ener HY951 is of liquid state with ammonia odor, it is colorless in nature and its pH
value is 13. The boiling point and the thermal decomposition temperature must be
greater than 200o C, the flash point must be 110o C, its vapor pressure is 0.3 Pa at
20o C and its density is 1g/cm3 at 20o C[3].

Figure 1.5: Hardener

Reinforced Conductive Polymer Composite using Synthetic Fibre 6

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Table 1.3: Hardener Properties

Density @ 25o C Flash point Refractive index @ 25o C Viscosity @ 25o C
(g/cm3 ) (o C) (MPa-s)
0.92 >=110 1.4858-1.4878 10-20

1.4 Copper nanopowder

Nano materials are being applied in more and more fields within engineering and
technology. One of the key benefits of nanomaterial is that their properties differ
from bulk material of the same composition. The properties of nanoparticles, for
example, can be easily altered by varying their size, shape, and chemical environ-
Copper is a Block D, Period 4 element. It is a ductile metal with very high thermal
and electrical conductivity. The morphology of copper nano particles is round, and
they appear as a brown to black powder.
Copper is found to be too soft for some applications, and hence it is often combined
with other metals to form numerous alloys such as brass, which is a copper-zinc
alloy. Copper nano particles are graded as highly amiable solids; therefore, they
must be stored away from sources of ignition. They are also known to be very toxic
to aquatic life.

Table 1.4: Chemical Properties CNP

Chemical symbol Cu
CAS No. 7440-50-8
Group 11
Electronic configuration [Ar] 3d10 4s1

Reinforced Conductive Polymer Composite using Synthetic Fibre 7

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Figure 1.6: Copper nano powder

Table 1.5: Physical Properties of CNP

Properties Metric Imperial
Density 8.94 g/cm3 0.00032 lb/in
Molar mass 63.55 g/mol -
Melting point 1083o C 1981.4o F
Boiling point 2567o C 4652.6o F

1.5 Compression molding machine

Compression Molding is a method of molding in which the molding material, gen-
erally preheated, is first placed in an open, heated mold cavity. The mold is closed
with a top force or plug member, pressure is applied to force the material into con-
tact with all mold areas, while heat and pressure are maintained until the molding
material has cured. The process employs thermosetting resins in a partially cured
stage, either in the form of granules, putty-like masses, or preforms.
compression molding machine for preparation of composites in Dhule, Maharashtra,

Reinforced Conductive Polymer Composite using Synthetic Fibre 8

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India. The machine was designed, fabricated and assembled from locally available
raw materials in Nigeria. The machine consists mainly of threaded screw, hopper,
heater, heating chamber, forming chamber, steel frame, and control switch. The
raw materials (waste plastics) were loaded through the hopper and heated within a
temperature range of 180o C-220o C and under a pressure of 100 kg/cm2 . The control
switch was used to control the system. Newtonian fluid flow and Non-Newtonian
fluid flow were applied. The working temperature was determined as 220o C. Thus
at that temperature, the polythene solid plastic waste material undergo change of
state from solid to completely liquid[8].

Figure 1.7: Pictorial view of Compression molding machine

Reinforced Conductive Polymer Composite using Synthetic Fibre 9

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Figure 1.8: Compression molding machine

Reinforced Conductive Polymer Composite using Synthetic Fibre 10

Chapter 2

Literature Survey

[1] Gautam Bhardwaj”Measurement of electrical conductivity of

natural fiber composite”,Vol. 5, September 2016: Described that compos-
ites are also proving good substitute in electrical applications (micro-chips, part of
transformers and circuit boards) whether be it as an insulator or as a conductor
with some modifications in their preparation, it has become extremely essential to
carry out research in the field of determining electrical conductivity of various nat-
ural fiber composites. Electrical conductivity of a sample gives an insight into the
macroscopic properties of the material related to its ability to the extent to which
it can conduct electricity or behave as an insulator. The application of natural
fiber composite in a particular electrical system totally depends on how much is the
capability of the natural fiber to pass current through it.

[2] N. O. Warbhe”Mechanical properties of Kevlar/Jute reinforced

epoxy composite”,Vol. 5, Issue 9, September 2016: Described that the prop-
erties of Kevlar-Epoxy composites can be considerably improved by incorporation of
Kevlar in epoxy fibre composites enhancing the properties of resulting hybrid com-
posites.Stacking sequence (altering the position of Kevlar plies) significantly affects
the flexural strength. For the same relative weight fraction of Kevlar and Epoxy
fibre, layering sequence has little effect on tensile properties.The Kevlar to epoxy
ratio increases the tensile, flexural strength, impact energy, strain energy and re-

RCPIT, Shirpur Department of Mechanical Engineering

duces the weight of specimen. More the Kevlar percentage lowers the percentage so
the cost is reduced of specimen.

[3] M. M. Mohaideen”effect of nanomaterials on mechanical proper-

ties of kevlar composite”,Vol. 13, No. 3, July - September 2018:Described
that Nano-materials are ingredients added along with hardener to the epoxy resin to
get desired enhanced properties. It helps the matrix to binds the reinforcements also
to promote stress transfer.Nowadays, nano fillers are used in electrical, electronic,
automotive and aerospace applications due to its improved properties. Low filler
contents gets higher property enhancement compared to high filler content. Low
filler content helps in achieving desired mechanical properties. The strength of the
composites depends on fiber orientation, matrix composition and interfacial inter-
action. The nanoparticles increases the fracture toughness in the hybrid reinforced
composites. Fillers are used in composite industry because of its low cost and it is
naturally available. The graphite powder is used as the filler added to the epoxy
resin and manually mixed to get homogeneity of particle distribution. The carbon
nano tubes are used instead of graphite powder for better results in electrical and
mechanical properties.

[4]Subhan Ali Jogi”Evaluation of impact strength of epoxy based

hybrid composites reinforced with E-Glass/Kevlar 49”,Volume 36, No.
4, October, 2017: Described thatHybrid composites known for their strength-
to-weight ratio and ability to absorb energy when struck by bullet therefore used
for making body armors for armed forces establishment. Aramid fibers have sym-
metricin their internal structure. Aramid fibers extensively used in air craft design,
boat hulls, sports goods and armed forces applications. Kevlar fibers cross-linked
with thermosetting resin to produced hardened product. Aramid fibers have specific
strength and stiffness and incorporated matrix where toughness is required.

[5] Gangadhar M Kanaginahal”Microstructural study and evalua-

tion of few mechanical properties of hybrid composites”,Vol 7,2017: De-
scribed the mechanical properties of hybrid composites. In Fiber Reinforced Com-

Reinforced Conductive Polymer Composite using Synthetic Fibre 12

RCPIT, Shirpur Department of Mechanical Engineering

posite, Reinforcements are anisotropic (properties only in single direction) in nature,

have high modulus of elasticity and carry the maximum load and matrix protects
the composite from environmental changes, flexible in nature but solidifies after cur-
ing. Main advantage of composites is they can be tailor made i.e. molded into any
required shape and are light weight, strength/stiffness to weight ratio is higher. Syn-
theticComposites are made of glass, aramid, carbon, kevlar etc. reinforcements and
natural Composites are made of wood, snail shell etc. Kevlar fiber is less functional
in compression but performs well in impact conditions. Its Brittle and resistant to
fire, flexible due to its variation in diameter and low modulus. A section of composite
displaying more than single type fiber is known as Hybrid composite.

[6] S. P. Lin”Hybrid welding of carbon-fibre reinforced epoxy based

composites”, Volume 104, January 2017: Described the physical properties of
various fiber-reinforced modied epoxy composites. Epoxy resins are vitally impor-
tant constituents in many manufacturing composite materials. Because of high glass
transition temperature and being quite hard and brittle by nature, many thermoplas-
tic polymers modied epoxy resin systems were developed to improve the toughness.
The polyurethane (PU) modied epoxy resins1, 2 exhibit a number of advantageous
properties, including high processability, low shrinkage, good mechanical stability,
and resistance to heat and chemical agents. Fiber-reinforced polymer composites
are used widely because of their excellent properties, such as light weights and high
specic strengths and moduli. Fibers that are excellent reinforcing materials include
carbon ber, glass ber and aramid ber. The advantagesof using ber are its high tensile
strength, high tensile modulus, light weight, and high resistance toward chemical
and physical degradation.

[7] R. Destefanis”Space environment characterisation of kevlar:

good for bullets,debris and radiation too”,2014: Described the space en-
vironment characterisation of kevlar.Kevlar is a material extensively used for the
design and manufacturing of the shields protecting the manned elements of the
International Space Station (ISS) from the threat posed by meteoroids and space

Reinforced Conductive Polymer Composite using Synthetic Fibre 13

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debris that increasingly pollute the Earth orbits. Kevlar has been also selected for
extensive use in the manufacturing of innovative flexible structures under devel-
opment for future manned exploration missions. Kevlar initial selection was due
to its excellent ballistic properties for debris shielding, but its compatibility with
the space environment had to be thoroughly assessed. In parallel to hypervelocity
impact tests, to quantify its capabilities to reduce space debris lethality, a signifi-
cant amount of analysis, testing and simulations was performed to understand and
characterise the behaviour of Kevlar in space environment conditions. Structural
capabilities, behaviour under thermal cycling, flammability, and outgassing proper-
ties have been measured in laboratory for a range of different aramid fabric weavings
and composites. More recently, with the aim of developing multi-function protecting
structures, the capabilities of Kevlar to protect the human crews from the powerful
mix of highly energetic charged particles envisaged during long duration missions
have been investigated.

[8] M. Sudheer”Analytical and Numerical validation of epoxy/glass

structural composites for elastic models”,Vol.No.5, 162-168, 2015: De-
scribed the elastic properties like Youngs modulus and Poissons ratio are evaluated
for n different volume fractions along the material principal directions using finite
element method (FEM). The standard commercial software ANSYS is adopted as
a solver. These computational results are compared with the results obtained from
analytical methods such as Rule of mixture, Halpin-Tsai, Nielsen and Chamis elastic
models. The main objective of this paper is to compare the computational results
with analytical methods to determine the best elastic properties. The study indi-
cates that the Epoxy/Glass composite is more effective when the load is applied
along the fiber direction. The FEM predicted results are in good comparison with
results of analytical methods.

[9] A. Chennakesava Reddy of load transfer in tension

to estimate interfacial behaviour of kevlar 29/epoxy composites by laser
raman spectroscopy”, relation 6, 1, 2001: Described that Kevlar 49/epoxy

Reinforced Conductive Polymer Composite using Synthetic Fibre 14

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composites are routed with different curing processes to fabricate brake liners. The
curing processes are commenced with pressure, with pressure and vacuum and with
vacuum only. The Kevlar 49/epoxy composites are tested for compressive strength,
tensile strength, flexural strength, hardness, compressive modulus, tensile modulus,
flexural modulus and inter laminar shear strength. The reduction of volume fraction
is due to pressure compactness of epoxy coated bi-directional Kevlar 49 woven in the
composite. Pressure included curing processes are resulted in the interfacial micro-
scopic cracks, which can transform to macroscopic level by coalesce, and debonding
phenomena to discharge the developed residual stresses on account of the pressure
applied during the curing process. The compactness is high with curing process of
vacuum and applied pressure on the composite. The curing cycle (pressure and vac-
uum) has imparted fewer voids in the composites as compared the other two curing

[10] Prashant Ankolekar effect of kevlar fabric on the

mechanical Properties of epoxy resin”, Volume: 02,Aug 2015: Described
the effect of 10wt% Kevlar reinforcement on the mechanical properties of the epoxy
has been evaluated. The epoxy resin used in the current investigation was Bisphenol
A. Hand layup technique was used to prepare the composite. Results of the me-
chanical properties of composites were obtained by tensile, bending and compression
tests. SEM was used to observe reinforcement and matrix fractures. Addition of
Kevlar to the epoxy matrix led to a noticeable increase in the mechanical properties
of the composite. A moderate rise in compression strength was observed.

[11] Menail Y effects of water aging on the mechanical properties

of glass-fiber and kevlar-fiber epoxy composite materials”,2018: described
that the experimental results of the influence of water ageing after mechanical fa-
tigue on glassfiber composites, compared with Kevlar-fiber composites. The tested
specimens were subjected to fatigue during various numbers of cycles (100 to 50000).
After that, they were immersed into tap water and simulated seawater for differ-
ent periods (4, 20 and 40 days). Next, the tensile tests were made on the unaged

Reinforced Conductive Polymer Composite using Synthetic Fibre 15

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and aged samples in order to determine the evolution of the strength and stiffness
under local interactions of the water absorption and fatigue. The obtained results
showed that tensile characteristics were clearly affected by the immersion treatment
and fatigue loading. In fact, the residual stiffness and residual strength decreased
when the immersion time and cycle number of fatigue increased, indicating that the
studied composites have experienced some forms of mechanical damage.

[12] R. Srinivasa Moorthy”Investigation of a new approach for

additively manufactured continuous fibre-reinforced polymers”, Volume
66, 2017: Described the use of advanced composites has resulted in remarkable
achievements in many fields including aviation, marine and automobile engineer-
ing, medicine, prosthetics and sports, in terms of improved fatigue and corrosion
resistances, high specific strength and specific modulus and reduction in energy re-
quirements owing to reduction in weight. The aim of this work is to replace the
conventional steel driveshaft of automobiles with an appropriate composite drive-
shaft. The conventional driveshafts are made in two pieces for reducing the bending
natural frequency, whereas the composite shafts can be made as single-piece shafts,
thus reducing the overall weight. Carbon/Epoxy and Kevlar/Epoxy composites
were designed and analysed for their appropriateness in terms of torsional strength,
bending natural frequency and torsional buckling by comparing them with the con-
ventional steel driveshaft under the same grounds of design constraints and the
best-suited composite was recommended. Light has been thrown upon the aspects
like mass saving, number of plies and ply distribution.

Reinforced Conductive Polymer Composite using Synthetic Fibre 16

Chapter 3

Problem identification and project


3.1 Problem identification

[1]The world is always looking for alternatives which are environment friendly.
Now a days we use lots of heavy metals which are quite difficult to degrade. So
we are trying to find out an alternative for this metals. Which can also be used in
engineering applications and will be environment friendly.

[2]The main problem that we face is that of static electricity when the material
is subjected to high velocity application. Static electricity is the imbalance of electric
charges within or on the surface of material. The charge remains until it is able to
move away by means of an electric current or electric discharge.

[3]Fibers are the natural polymers and are insulators by nature, so the static
current may get generated on the face of the element using this kind of natural
composite material. So we are working on improving the electrical conductive prop-
erties of the material. Also we are trying to improve the mechanical properties of
the kevlar fiber by the use of epoxy resign.

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3.2 Project objectives

[1]The electrical conductivity of polymers can be increased by the addition of
conductive fillers, including various forms of kevlar fibers. The resulting compos-
ites can be used in applications where metals have typically been the materials of
choice. The advantages of using these materials include lighter weight, resistance to
corrosion, and the ability to be readily adapted to the needs of a specific application.

[2]The first objective of this project was to determine the synergistic effects
in electrical conductivity results of multiple-filler conductive resins. The second
objective was to develop an electrical conductivity model for kevlar fiber polymers.
In order to reach these objectives, data will be collected from different studies and
then an- analyzed.

[3]The first step towards achieving these objectives involved the characteriza-
tion and analysis of single-filler conductive resins. A significant number of conduc-
tivity models already exist for these single-filler composites. Through a parametric
study, the effectiveness of literature models can be determined and the significant
parameters in each one can be identified. The information gathered from this study
will provide a basis for the rest of the modeling analysis by helping to focus the
investigation and model development on a few select parameters.

[4]The information that is gathered in the study will then be used to develop
an improved electrical conductivity model for kevlar fiber polymers. This model will
include the factors that were considered to be important through the results of the
initial parametric study.

Reinforced Conductive Polymer Composite using Synthetic Fibre 18

Chapter 4

Design Methodology /Analysis

and Implementation / Fabrication
/ Assembly

4.1 The Design Methodology /Analysis

4.1.1 Mold Preparation

• Material used for making mold is high carbon steel.

• The mold cavity is made by using unconventional machining ( Electrical Discharge
• Surface finishing is done and holes are drilled from lower side.
• Base plate dimension : 240 mm 150 mm 20 mm.
• Middle plate dimension : 200 mm 90 mm 20 mm.
• Die plate connected to the top plate dimension : 200 mm 50 mm 20 mm.
• Upper plate dimension : 240 mm 150 mm 10 mm.
• Mold cavity dimension : 200 mm 50 mm 20 mm.

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Figure 4.1: Base plate

Figure 4.2: Upper plate

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Figure 4.3: Middle plate

Figure 4.4: Fabricated mold part

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Figure 4.5: Assembled mold

4.1.2 Composite Preparation

The mold was made by casting process. Then it was cleaned by glass paper and
was assembled by attaching all the three plates. The threading on all screw was
coated by grease, which made it easier to dismantle the mold. Diagonally opposite
mold were fitted first to ensure the proper load distribution. A layer of silicon mold
release agent was spread on the mold, to ensure that composite does not stick to
the mold and also to ensure complete removal of composite. Complete the mold
assembly and check for gaps if any. If there are any gaps then repeat the above
procedure once again[6].
For preparation of composite the most important factor is composition of material.
Here in this project we are preparing four sample which vary in copper composi-
tion. For the first composite or literally for all the sample we will keep the total
composition as 200 grams[7].

Table 4.1: Composition of material in weight %

Composite Specimen Kevlar weight % Epoxy weight % CNP weight %
1 15 85 0
2 15 84 1
3 15 83 2
4 15 82 3

Now after measuring all the materials to its best possible accuracy we then mix
epoxy resin and hardener completely for nearly 4 to 5 minutes. Then the mixture

Reinforced Conductive Polymer Composite using Synthetic Fibre 22

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is spread properly on the mold after this the Kevlar sheet is fixed on the mixture
properly by adjusting it in proper shape. This is repeated until all the material is
completely used by. The upper lid is fix by taking the most care, so as it can be get
fixed in the mold. Then the mold is placed in Compression molding machine.
The Compression molding machine is turned on then it is set to the temperature of
nearly 180o C for nearly 5 minutes. The full mold assembly is placed in the Com-
pression molding machine. Once the required temperature is obtained the plunger
is brought down till it touches the mold then the pressure of 100 kg/cm3 is applied
for nearly 5 minutes. After 5 minutes the pressure is released and the machine is
turned off. Mold with mixture of composite is left in machine for almost a day. This
is done in order to remove any accumulated vapors inside the mixture. The next
day mold is removed from the machine and the mold is dismantle and the composite
is removed by some hammering[7].
The same procedure is repeated for all the remaining sample just while mixing epoxy
resin and hardener copper nano powder is mixed to it with the proportion of 1%, 2%
and 3% to sample 1, sample 2 and sample 3 respectively. The first sample consist
of only epoxy and Kevlar fiber with the proportion of 85:15 respectively[6].

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Figure 4.6: Kevlar composite

Figure 4.7: Sample 1

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Figure 4.8: Sample 2

Figure 4.9: Sample 3

Figure 4.10: Sample 4

4.2 Implementation / Fabrication / Assembly

4.2.1 Properties of Composites

The composite prepared had different composition. The four composite specimen
were prepared with different composition which include change in weight % of copper
nano powder and epoxy while the weight % of Kevlar fiber remained the same

Reinforced Conductive Polymer Composite using Synthetic Fibre 25

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throughout. The effect of various test has been studied on all four samples and
result and conclusion had been obtained.

Figure 4.11: Properties of composite

4.2.2 Mechanical Test

1. Impact Test (ASTM D256):

A. Charpy Impact Test:

Impact strength of composite is define its ability of absorb energy under plastic de-
formation. Charpy impact test was performed on Kevlar fiber reinforced composite
samples to determine the impact strength. ASTM D-256 standard was adopted to
prepare specimens. The size of specimen was 55 mm 10 mm 10 mm. In this test
the direction on applied force was perpendicular of fiber orientation. Fig. 5 is shown
the charpy impact test arrangement for fabricated samples[9].
Mechanical properties of the composites are generally depends upon the fiber type,
orientation, fiber-matrix interface and matrix nature. All the three tests were con-
ducted on 3 samples of KFRPC laminates to obtain average values. These averages
values were taken as strength of fabricated composite. The average values of tensile
strength, flexural strength and impact strength for all three samples are mentioned

Reinforced Conductive Polymer Composite using Synthetic Fibre 26

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in table[9].

Figure 4.12: Specimen after charpy test

Table 4.2: Results for charpy test

Sr. No. Sample(Kevlar/ epoxy/ CNP) Charpy test(Joules)
1 15/85/0 4
2 15/84/1 4
3 15/83/2 4
4 15/82/3 8

Reinforced Conductive Polymer Composite using Synthetic Fibre 27

RCPIT, Shirpur Department of Mechanical Engineering

Figure 4.13: Impact Testing Machine

B. Izod Impact Test:

Izod impact test measure the toughness of the materials. The Izod impact power-
fully depends on size of the specimen being tested because number of imperfection
acts as stress raisers and deduce the fracture toughness of the laminate. The Izod
impact test was conducted by selecting different specimens and these specimens were
designed as per ASTM D-256 standard. The dimension of the specimens were 75
mm 10 mm 10 mm and radius of the notch was 0.25R having notch length of 2

Table 4.3: Results for izod test

Sr. No. Sample(Kevlar/ epoxy/ CNP) Izod test(Joules)
1 15/85/0 8
2 15/84/1 8
3 15/83/2 8
4 15/82/3 10

Reinforced Conductive Polymer Composite using Synthetic Fibre 28

RCPIT, Shirpur Department of Mechanical Engineering

Figure 4.14: Specimen after izod test

2. Brinell Hardness test:

The Brinell hardness test method as used to determine Brinell hardness, is defined
in ASTM E10. Most commonly it is used to test materials that have a structure that
is too coarse or that have a surface that is too rough to be tested using another test
method, e.g., castings and forgings. Brinell testing often use a very high test load
(187.5kg) and a 10mm diameter indenter so that the resulting indentation averages
out most surface and sub-surface inconsistencies[9].

The Brinell method applies a predetermined test load (F) to a carbide ball of
fixed diameter (D) which is held for a predetermined time period and then removed.
The resulting impression is measured with a specially designed Brinell microscope
or optical system across at least two diameters usually at right angles to each other
and these results are averaged (d). Although the calculation below can be used to
generate the Brinell number, most often a chart is then used to convert the averaged

Reinforced Conductive Polymer Composite using Synthetic Fibre 29

RCPIT, Shirpur Department of Mechanical Engineering

Figure 4.15: Impact Testing

diameter measurement to a Brinell hardness number[9].

Test Method Illustration:

D = Ball diameter
d = impression diameter
F = load

Reinforced Conductive Polymer Composite using Synthetic Fibre 30

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Figure 4.16: Brinell hardness test

Figure 4.17: Observing impressions in BHN

HB = Brinell result

Table 4.4: Results for Brinell hardness test

Sr. No. Sample(Kevlar/ epoxy/ CNP) Brinell hardness number
1 15/85/0 65.275
2 15/84/1 71.587
3 15/83/2 78.655
4 15/82/3 100.377

Reinforced Conductive Polymer Composite using Synthetic Fibre 31

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Figure 4.18: Specimen after brinell hardness test

3. Tensile test:

Resin materials (plastics) are found in a wide variety of items used on a daily basis.
Recently, plastics have started to be used as structural materials in transportation
equipment, such as automobiles and aircraft, due to their strength and light-weight
nature. In these applications, it is important to understand the mechanical strength
properties of these plastics.
ASTM D638 specifies methods for testing the tensile strength of plastics and other
resin materials and for calculating their mechanical properties, and outlines accuracy
requirements for the test frames and accessories used.
ASTM D638 differs slightly from its ISO and JIS equivalents, ISO 527 and JIS K
7161. For more information about ISO 527 and JIS K 7161[11].

As there are four samples having nearly same composition only copper nanopow-
der percentage is increased by 1% in each sample which does not affects the tensile

Reinforced Conductive Polymer Composite using Synthetic Fibre 32

RCPIT, Shirpur Department of Mechanical Engineering

Figure 4.19: Specimen used for UTS test

Figure 4.20: Tensile Results

strength of the composite. Therefore the tensile strength of all four samples is equal.

Reinforced Conductive Polymer Composite using Synthetic Fibre 33

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Figure 4.21: Load vs Time Graph

Figure 4.22: Tensile Testing

Reinforced Conductive Polymer Composite using Synthetic Fibre 34

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Figure 4.23: Tensile Specimen After Test

4.3 Thermal test

1. Differential scanning calorimetry (DSC):

Differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) is a technique used to investigate the re-

sponse of polymers to heating. DSC can be used to study the melting of a crystalline
polymer or the glass transition. The DSC set-up is composed of a measurement
chamber and a computer. Two pans are heated in the measurement chamber. The
sample pan contains the material being investigated. A second pan, which is typi-
cally empty, is used as a reference. The computer is used to monitor the temperature
and regulate the rate at which the temperature of the pans changes. A typical heat-
ing rate is around 10 o C/min. The rate of temperature change for a given amount of
heat will differ between the two pans. This difference depends on the composition
of the pan contents as well as physical changes such as phase changes. For the heat
flux DSC used in this lab course, the system varies the heat provided to one of the
pans in order to keep the temperature of both pans the same. The difference in heat
output of the two heaters is recorded. The result is a plot of the difference in heat

Reinforced Conductive Polymer Composite using Synthetic Fibre 35

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(q) versus temperature (T).

Figure 4.24: DSC results of sample-1

Figure 4.25: DSC results of sample-2

Reinforced Conductive Polymer Composite using Synthetic Fibre 36

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Figure 4.26: DSC results of sample-3

Figure 4.27: DSC results of sample-4

Reinforced Conductive Polymer Composite using Synthetic Fibre 37

RCPIT, Shirpur Department of Mechanical Engineering

4.3.1 Miscellaneous test

1. Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy (FTIR)

Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR) is a technique which is used to

obtain an infrared spectrum of absorption or emission of a solid, liquid or gas. An
FTIR spectrometer simultaneously collects high spectral resolution data over a wide
spectral range. This confers a significant advantage over a dispersive spectrometer
which measures intensity over a narrow range of wavelengths at a time. The term
Fourier transformation infrared spectroscopy originates from the fact that a Fourier
transform (a mathematical process) is required to convert the raw data into the ac-
tual spectrum. For other uses of this kind of technique, FTIR test is used to obtain
an infrared spectrum of absorption or emission of liquid, solid or gas. The technique
is quite simple. It can categorize unidentified materials; determine the quality of
the sample and the quantity of component in a mixture, etc.

Reinforced Conductive Polymer Composite using Synthetic Fibre 38

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Figure 4.28: FTIR result of sample 1

Figure 4.29: FTIR result of sample 2

Reinforced Conductive Polymer Composite using Synthetic Fibre 39

RCPIT, Shirpur Department of Mechanical Engineering

Figure 4.30: FTIR result of sample 3

Figure 4.31: FTIR result of sample 4

4.3.2 Electrical Conductivity

For any conducting composite, the electrical properties are checked by their elec-
trical conductivity. Since, there is no method for determining either the reactance

Reinforced Conductive Polymer Composite using Synthetic Fibre 40

RCPIT, Shirpur Department of Mechanical Engineering

or the capacitance of the composite, thus the only way of testing the electrical prop-
erties of the composite is by the help of its electrical conductivity.
The electrical properties of the composite were measured using the principle of
Kelvin connection layout[1].

Figure 4.32: Electrical conductivity test results

Figure 4.33: Testing equipment

Reinforced Conductive Polymer Composite using Synthetic Fibre 41

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Figure 4.34: Functional generator

Figure 4.35: Conductivity testing

Reinforced Conductive Polymer Composite using Synthetic Fibre 42

Chapter 5

Result and Discussion

In impact test the sample 4 with composition of 3% of copper nanopowder gave

the maximum value in both Charpy and Izod tests. The remaining three sample
gave the same reading. therefore energy absorbing capacity of material increased
with increasing the amount of copper nanopowder. In Brinell hardness test, as
the amount of copper increasing reading of hardness also increasing. The sample 4
with maximum amount of copper powder(3%) gave the maximum value of hardness
among all.

In tensile test results of all the samples are same irrespective of composition.
It gave the tensile strength of 55.7 Mpa and Yield strength of 28.8 Mpa. Electrical
conductivity was the main concern, after the electrical conductivity test on all the
samples, it is clear that the sample 3(2% Cu) conduct current of 0.01 mAmp at
supply of both 25 and 30 Volts D.C. supply through functional generator. And in
sample 4(3% Cu)the current flow through sample was 0.01 mAmp at 25 volt and
0.02 mAmp at 30 volt DC supply respectively.

Chapter 6


By observing all the results, we conclude that as the samples 3(2%Cu) and sample
4 (3%Cu) show electrical conductivity which means kevlar fiber with copper nano
powder composition can be used in high velocity sports cars, jets, planes, dome of
spacecraft to dissipate the static electricity and reduce the weight. By increasing
amount of copper in kevlar fiber, electrical conductivity can be increase.

It is observed from the tensile test that the kevlar fiber composite possess high
tensile strength. It has very high strength to weight ratio as compared to metals
and due to this property of material it can use in light weight applications subjected
to high tensile stress.

Also the hardness of the material increases with increase in percentage of

copper nano powder. So that the material of required hardness can be made by
adding suitable amount of copper nano powder in the composite.The only concern
of using kevlar fiber composite is the cost. Kevlar fiber has high cost and so as that
of composite material. So, it’s applications are very costly.

Chapter 7

Project Management and Bill of


7.1 Project Management

Figure 7.1: Gantt Chart for Major Project

RCPIT, Shirpur Department of Mechanical Engineering

7.2 Bill of Material

Figure 7.2: Bill of Material

Reinforced Conductive Polymer Composite using Synthetic Fibre 46


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[2] N O Warbhe, Ramakant Shrivastava, P S Adwani, ”Mechanical properties of

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Research in Science, Engineering and Technology, Vol. 5, Issue 9, September

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[4] Subhan Ali Jogi, Muhammad Moazam Baloch, Ali Dad Chandio, Iftikhar Ahmed
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based hybrid composites reinforced with E-Glass/Kevlar 49”,Mehran University
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[5] Gangadhar M Kanaginahal, Madhav Murthy, ”Microstructural study and eval-

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[7] M Sudheer, KR Pradyoth, Shashiraj Somayaji, ”Analytical and Numerical vali-

dation of epoxy/glass structural composites for elastic models”, American Jour-
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[8] A Chennakesava Reddy, ”Mechanisms of load transfer in tension to estimate in-

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[9] Prashant Ankolekar, T. T. Hawal, R. J. Naik, Dr. T. R. Anil, ”Reinforcement

effect of kevlar fabric on the mechanical Properties of epoxy resin”, International
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[10] Menali Y, ”The effects of water aging on the mechanical properties of glass-fiber
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Reinforced Conductive Polymer Composite using Synthetic Fibre 48

RCPIT, Shirpur Department of Mechanical Engineering

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Irene,FernandezVillega, Alfonso Maffezzoli,”Hybrid welding of carbon-fibre re-
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growing carbon black on carbon fibre surface Volume 149, 8 September 2017,
Pages 75-80.

Reinforced Conductive Polymer Composite using Synthetic Fibre 49

Mechanical properties of Kevlar reinforced Epoxy composite with Copper
Nano Powder
Prof. P. S. Patil, Shubham Shashikant Kangade, Harshal Pravin Somwanshi, Rahul Sambhaji Patil,
Surendra Sanjay Ahire, Sagar Kiran Patil
Department of Mechanical Engineering, R C Patel Institute of Technology, Dhule, Maharashtra, India

In recent years, the need for manufacturing reliable and innovative components has been increased rapidly. Fiber
reinforced composite materials have strong candidature for fulfilling these aspects with wide applications in almost
all areas of engineering and technology. Glass, Carbon, and aramid fibers are using widely for production of fiber
reinforced polymer composites. Kevlar is most popular aramid fiber having a long chain of strong, ring-like
aromatic molecules. Superior heat and shock resistant properties make Kevlar the most promising antiballistic
material with stability at higher temperatures. It is widely used for body armor panels for lightweight military
vehicles, bulletproof jackets, and fireproof body suits and in aerospace industries etc. This paper examines the
tensile, flexural and impact strength of Kevlar 29 (K-29) fiber reinforced polymer composite. The composite
samples used in this study prepared by hand lay-up technique. All Mechanical characterizations were performed as
per required ASTM standards. The acquired results showed that developed Kevlar-29 fiber reinforced polymer
composite has good tensile, flexural and impact strength. These higher mechanical properties make this composite
suitable for enormous applications in engineering industries. The result shows that with 3% Copper Nano Powder is
having very good mechanical properties.

1. Introduction
Composite can be defined as combinations of two materials one of which is called as the reinforcing phase which
can be in the form of fiber sheets or particles and are embedded in the other material called the matrix phase. The
objective is to take benefit of the superior properties of both the materials without compromising on the weakness
of either. Mechanical properties of composites depend on the size, shape and volume fraction of the reinforcement,
reaction at the interface matrix material. The composites are compound materials which differ from alloys by the
fact that the individual components retain their characteristics but are so incorporated into the composite as to take
advantage only of their attributes and not of their short comings, in order to obtain improved materials. There are
two categories of constituent materials of composite materials: matrix and reinforcement. The matrix material
supports and surrounds the reinforcement materials and simultaneously maintains there relative position. The
reinforcements impart their special mechanical and physical properties to enhance the matrix properties. Kevlar is a
para aramid synthetic fiber which has good tensile modulus, high strength to weight ratio, and high energy
absorption capacity. It also has good ballistic impact resistance specially designed for defence applications. Kevlar
fiber is a kind of aramid fibers, which is famous for its lightweight, lower dielectric constant as well as in-plane
coefficient of thermal expansion (CTE) and greater dimensional consistency, so it has great potential in fabricating
HPCCLs. In fact, considerable attentions have focused on preparing HPCCLs based on Kevlar fibers. Aramid fibers
have higher tensile stiffness and strength than glass fibers and a lower density. Composites reinforced with aramid
fibers are tough, with good impact energy absorption properties, and are extensively used in special applications
such as armour plates, bullet-proof vests and other applications where crashworthiness is a priority. ARALDITE®
AY105, a medium viscosity unmodified epoxy resin based on bisphenol-A, was used in this study. Araldite®, which
is a registered trademark of Huntsman LLC (The Woodlands, Texas), is used to bound the layers of the Kevlar
fabrics together. The chemical properties of the epoxy resin used in this study are presented in TABLE 2. Epoxy
resins are cured with the addition of a curing agent which is commonly called a hardener. Low viscosity
cycloaliphatic polyamine - HardenerHY 2962 . Aradur 42 . from Huntsman LLC (The Woodlands, Texas), was used
in this research. Epoxy resins usually require the addition of the curing agent at a much higher ratio of resin to
hardener. The ratio of resin to hardener, used in this study, is 5:1. The various physical and chemical properties of
araldite. Nano materials are being applied in more and more fields within engineering and technology. One of the
key benefits of nanomaterial is that their properties differ from bulk material of the same composition. The
properties of nanoparticles, for example, can be easily altered by varying their size, shape, and chemical
environment. Copper is a Block D, Period 4 element. It is a ductile metal with very high thermal and electrical
conductivity. The morphology of copper nano particles is round, and they appear as a brown to black powder.
Copper is found to be too soft for some applications, and hence it is often combined with other metals to form
numerous alloys such as brass, which is a copper-zinc alloy. Copper nano particles are graded as highly amiable
solids; therefore, they must be stored away from sources of ignition. They are also known to be very toxic to aquatic

2. Composite Preparation
The mould was made by casting process. Then it was cleaned by glass paper and was assembled by attaching all the
three plates. The threading on all screw was coated by grease, which made it easier to dismantle the mold.
Diagonally opposite mold were fitted first to ensure the proper load distribution. A layer of silicon mold release
agent was spread on the mold, to ensure that composite does not stick to the mold and also to ensure complete
removal of composite. Complete the mould assembly and check for gaps if any. If there are any gaps then repeat the
above procedure once again.For preparation of composite the most important factor is composition of material.
Here in this project we are preparing four sample which vary in copper composition. For the first composite or
literally for all the sample we will keep the total composition as 200 grams.
Composite Kevlar Epoxy Copper nano powder
Specimen weight % weight % weight %
1 15 85 0
2 15 84 1
3 15 83 2
4 15 82 3
Table: Composition of material in weight %
Now after measuring all the materials to its best possible accuracy we then mix epoxy resin and hardener completely
for nearly 4 to 5 minutes. Then the mixture is spread properly on the mold after this the Kevlar sheet is fixed on the
mixture properly by adjusting it in proper shape. This is repeated until all the material is completely used by. The
upper lid is fix by taking the most care, so as it can be get fixed in the mold. Then the mold is placed in Compression
molding machine. The Compression molding machine is turned on then it is set to the temperature of nearly 180°C
for nearly 5 minutes. The full mold assembly is placed in the Compression molding machine. Once the required
temperature is obtained the plunger is brought down till it touches the mold then the pressure of 100 kg/cm² is
applied for nearly 5 minutes. After 5 minutes the pressure is released and the machine is turned off. Mold with
mixture of composite is left in machine for almost a day. This is done in order to remove any accumulated vapors
inside the mixture. The next day mold is removed from the machine and the mold is dismantle and the composite is
removed by some hammering. The same procedure is repeated for all the remaining sample just while mixing epoxy
resin and hardener copper Nano powder is mixed to it with the proportion of 1%, 2% and 3% to sample 1, sample 2
and sample 3 respectively. The first sample consist of only epoxy and Kevlar fiber with the proportion of 85:15

Picture: Sample 1

Picture: Sample 2

Picture: Sample 3

Picture: Sample 4
3. Charpy Test
Impact strength of composite is define its ability of absorb energy under plastic deformation. Charpy impact test was
performed on Kevlar fiber reinforced composite samples to determine the impact strength. ASTM D-256 standard
was adopted to prepare specimens. The size of specimen was 55 mm ×10mm × 10mm. In this test the direction on
applied force was perpendicular of fiber orientation. Fig. 5 is shown the Charpy impact test arrangement for
fabricated samples. Mechanical properties of the composites are generally depends upon the fiber type, orientation,
fiber-matrix interface and matrix nature. All the three tests were conducted on 3 samples of KFRPC laminates to
obtain average values. These averages values were taken as strength of fabricated composite. The average values of
tensile strength, flexural strength and impact strength for all three samples are mentioned in table

Picture: Specimen after charpy test

Results for charpy test:

Sr. no. Sample(Kevlar/ epoxy/ CNP) Charpy test(Joules)
1 15/85/0 4
2 15/84/1 4
3 15/83/2 4
4 15/82/3 8

4. Izod Impact Test

Izod impact test measure the toughness of the materials. The Izod impact powerfully depends on size of the
specimen being tested because number of imperfection acts as stress raisers and deduce the fracture toughness of the
laminate. The Izod impact test was conducted by selecting different specimens and these specimens were designed
as per ASTM D-256 standard. The dimension of the specimens were 75 mm × 10 mm × 10 mm and radius of the
notch was 0.25R having notch length of 2mm.

Picture: Specimen after Izod test

Results of Izod impact test:
Sr. no. Sample(Kevlar/Epoxy/CNP) Izod test (Joule)
1. 15/85/0 10
2. 15/84/1 8
3. 15/83/2 8
4. 15/82/3 8

5. Brinell hardness test

The Brinell hardness test method as used to determine Brinell hardness, is defined in ASTM E10. Most commonly it
is used to test materials that have a structure that is too coarse or that have a surface that is too rough to be tested
using another test method, e.g., castings and forgings. Brinell testing often use a very high test load (187.5kg) and a
10mm diameter indenter so that the resulting indentation averages out most surface and sub-surface inconsistencies.
The Brinell method applies a predetermined test load (F) to a carbide ball of fixed diameter (D) which is held for a
predetermined time period and then removed. The resulting impression is measured with specially designed brinell
microscope across at least two diameters – usually at right angles to each other and these results are averaged (d).
Although the calculation below can be used to generate the Brinell number, most often a chart is then used to
convert the averaged diameter measurement to a Brinell hardness number.

Picture: Specimen after Brinell hardness test

Results for Brinell hardness test:

Sr. no. Sample(Kevlar/Epoxy/CNP) Brinell hardness number
1. 15/85/0 65.275
2. 15/84/1 71.587
3. 15/83/2 78.655
4. 15/82/3 100.377

6. Conclusion
This paper examines the tensile, flexural and impact strength of Kevlar 29 (K-29) fiber reinforced polymer
composite. The composite samples used in this study prepared by hand lay-up technique. All Mechanical
characterizations were performed as per required ASTM standards. The acquired results showed that developed
Kevlar-29 fiber reinforced polymer composite has good tensile, flexural and impact strength. These higher
mechanical properties make this composite suitable for enormous applications in engineering industries. The result
shows that with 3% Copper Nano Powder is having very good mechanical properties.

1. Jolie Frketic, Tarik Dickens, Subramanian Ramakrishnan (2017) Automated manufacturing and processing of
fibre-reinforced polymer (FRP) composites: An additive review of contemporary and modern techniques for
advanced materials manufacturing, Volume 14, March 2017, Pages 69-862.
2. PedramParandoush, Levi Tucker, Chi Zhoub, Dong Lin (2017) Laser assisted additive manufacturing of
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4. Thomas Hofstatter, David B.Pedersen, Guido Tosello, Hans N.Hansen (2017) Applications of Fibre-Reinforced
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Characterization of mechanical properties and fracture mode of additively manufactured carbon fibre and glass fibre
reinforced thermoplastics, Volume 137, 5 January 2018, Pages 79-89
6. Andrew N.Dickson, James N.Barry, Kevin A.McDonnell, Denis P.Dowling (2017) Fabrication of continuous
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7.Francesca Lionetto, Maria Nicolas, Morilla Silvio, Pappadà, Giuseppe Buccolie, Irene,FernandezVillega, Alfonso
Maffezzoli (2017)Hybrid welding of carbon-fibre reinforced epoxy based composites Volume 104, January 2017,
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8. Ji dong Dong, ChuyuanJia, Ming qiang, Wang Xiao, jiao Fang, Huawei Wei, HuaquanXie, Tong Zhang, Jinmei
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