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Stoica Elena-Isabela

2nd Year

Plan of Analysis


 Opening paragraph of James Joyce’s “A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man”,

published in 1916;
 Type of text  narrative descriptive;
 Focalization: external  3rd -person omniscient heterodiegetic narrator, heterodiegetic
and omniscient;


 Thoughts, feelings, activities and free indirect thought/speech of a baby  these to

create knowledge of the baby’s universe;
 The baby is the one experiencing in the story;
 Synaesthesia  the senses of the baby are coming presented together (examples);
 The free indirect thought is subjective;
 Mature and unreliable omniscient narrator omniscient with impression of ‘reading’
the mind of the baby;
 Elements which make up the world of the baby: parental, musical, and dancing 
happy childhood; the child had a supportive family;
 The story is adjusted to the hearer and is structured to look simple and understanding;
 Very short paragraphs;
 Quotation of song and dancing;
 Generalisation;
 Motion verbs;
 Common ordinary verbs;
 Reporting speech + short sentences;
 The social status and the background of the baby are suggested by the piano;
 The mother is the caregiver;
 Baby talk: “wothe botheth”
 Verbs of senses and perception  temperature, smell;
 Relative clauses  few cases;

 Recreation of the universe of a baby who had a happy childhood.

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