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ActiGin™ works to boost performance and recovery through three main mechanisms.

Firstly, it can help increase muscle glycogen levels, which means your muscles have more
fuel to power through intense workouts.

Secondly, it enhances the activity of an enzyme called citrate synthase, which is the
enzyme that initiates the Krebs cycle, a series of chemical reactions that generates aerobic
energy in the body.

Finally, ActiGin™ can help reduce post-exercise inflammation, which inherently speeds up
recovery. Essentially, ActiGin can help boost exercise performance before, during, and
after working out by way of these mechanisms.
ActiGin™ is a patent-pending compound and is supported by a 2015 published human
clinical study, which delivered the following results: (a) increased glycogen recovery by up
to 370 percent, (b) increased high-intensity endurance performance by up to 20 percent,
and (c) decreased oxidative inflammation up to 69 percent after high-intensity exercise.

Lo siguiente es la info original de la marca

The Science Behind ActiGin®:

Associated Effects on the Human Body
Based on Research Findings

According to research findings, ActiGin® consumers may

experience a considerable increase in energy production
by producing 47% more of the pace-making enzyme
Citrate synthase. Citrate synthase initiates the Krebs
Cycle, which is a chemical reaction in the body used to
produce ATP, the energy currency of human cells.
C.H. Kuo, John L. Ivy, etc. Improved Inflammatory Balance of Human
Skeletal Muscle during Exercise after Supplementations of the
Ginseng-Based Steroid ActiGin®. PLOS One, 2015,

ActiGin® speeds up muscle recovery by reducing

inflammation in muscles. We examined a number of
inflammation biomarkers to get the larger picture of how
ActiGin® is benefiting the human body in recovery.
Research findings show measurements like a 24%
reduction in TBARS, a 44% reduction in MDA, a 35%
reduction in IL-6, and a 69% decrease in creatine kinase.
Furthermore, ActiGin® nourishes the body with key
nutrients to help the body’s glutathione levels significantly
increase after exercise. Glutathione is the body’s master
antioxidant that’s essential for alleviating oxidative stress.
In other words, we’ve examined multiple bio-markers
within the sphere of exercise-induced inflammation to
demonstrate the power of ActiGin®. This isn’t a one-trick
C.H. Kuo, John L. Ivy, etc. Improved Inflammatory Balance of Human
Skeletal Muscle during Exercise after Supplementations of the
Ginseng-Based Steroid ActiGin®. PLOS One, 2015,

C.H. Kuo, etc. Oral ActiGin® supplementation strengthens antioxidant

defense system against exercise-induced oxidative stress in rat
skeletal muscles. Journal of the International Society of Sports
Nutrition, 2012,

C. H. Kuo, etc. Ginsenoside-Rg1 protects the liver against exhaustive

exercise-induced oxidative stress in rats. Evidence-based
Complementary and Alternative Medicine. 2012 (932185):8.

According to our research studies, senescent cell

clearance and satellite cell depletion occur due to 80%
increase in myogenesis. ActiGin® eliminates senescent
muscle cells through macrophage phagocytosis.
Specifically, the study demonstrates a decrease of SA-β-
gal and collagenase, reverse apoptotic DNA
fragmentation, and leukocyte infiltration.
On the flip side, we see an increase of iNOS and IL-6
mRNA expression in quadriceps (Vastus lateralis) after a
60-minute cycling exercise at 70% V02 max.
C.H. Kuo, etc. Ginsenoside ActiGin® supplementation clears
senescence-associated b-galactosidase in exercising human skeletal
muscle. Journal of Ginseng Research, 2018,

C. H. Kuo, etc. Satellite cell depletion in exercising human skeletal

muscle is restored by ginseng component Rg1 supplementation.
Journal of Functional Foods.

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