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Effect of sintering temperatures and screen printing types on TiO2 layers in DSSC

Agus Supriyanto, Lutfi Furqoni, Fahru Nurosyid , Jojo Hidayat, and Risa Suryana

Citation: 1717, 040001 (2016); doi: 10.1063/1.4943444

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Published by the American Institute of Physics
Effect of Sintering Temperatures and Screen Printing Types
on TiO2 Layers in DSSC Applications
Agus Supriyanto 1), Lutfi Furqoni1), Fahru Nurosyid 1,a), Jojo Hidayat2), Risa
Department of Physics, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Sebel as Maret University
Jl. Ir. Sutami 36A Kentingan Surakarta 57126
Research Center for Electronics and Telecommunication, Indonesian Institute of Sciences (PPET-LIPI)
Kampus LIPI Gd. 20 Jl. Sangkuriang Bandung
Corresponding author:

Abstract. Dye-Sensitized Solar Cell (D SSC) is a candidate solar cell, which has a big potential in the future due to its
eco-friendly material. This research is conducted to study the effect of sintering temperature and the type of screen-
printing toward the characteristics of TiO 2 layer as a working electrode in D SSC. TiO 2 layers were fabricated using a
screen-printing method with a mesh size of T-49, T-55, and T-61. TiO 2 layers were sintered at temperatures of 600oC and
650oC for 60 min. DSSC structure was composed of TiO 2 as semiconductors, ruthenium complex as dyes, and carbon as
counter electrodes. The morphology of TiO 2 layer was observed by using Nikon E2 Digital Camera M icroscopy . The
efficiencies of DSSC were calculated from the I-V curves. The highest efficiency is 0.015% at TiO 2 layer fabricated with
screen type T-61 and at a sintering temperature of 650oC.


One of renewable energy that is not commonly used in Indonesia is solar cells or photovoltaic. It is able to
directly convert sun light to be electric energy without producing emission. In fact, Indonesia is a country with high
radiation intensity due to the equator line that lies across it. In addition, Indonesia is one of tropical countries in the
world. Unfortunately, this country with an abundant natural resource faces the crisis of energy. Therefo re, it is
important to study more about solar cells. In its development, solar cell has reached three generation: silicon
semiconductor solar cell [1], thin film solar cell [2], and dye-sensitized solar cell (DSSC) [3, 4].
DSSC consists of porous nano crystal layer as photo anode, dye as a light catcher (photosensitizer), a redo x
electrolyte liquid, and counter electrode (cathode) with catalyst layer [5]. DSSC co mponent is a semiconductor
material in which the dye attached. Titaniu m dio xide (TiO2 ) is the co mmon semiconductor material. (TiO2 ) has a
wide band gap of 3.2 eV (the energy gap) with a range of -1.2 eV – 2.0 eV. TiO2 is widely used because it is not
easy to react (inert), non-toxic, easy to obtain and has a good optical characteristic. However, in its application in
DSSC, TiO2 has to have a wide surface so that the dye adsorbed more and the resulting current can be increased [6-
Efforts to increase the efficiency of DSSC based on TiO2 semiconductor have been conducted by varying the
method and the composition of the component materials. Nadeak et al. conducted a research on the variation of TiO2
calcination temperature at the temperature of 350o C, 450o C, and 550o C, and holding calcination time of 30 min and
60 min with extracted dragon fruit as dye. The efficiency was 0.038% for TiO2 layer result showed maximu m
temperature at 550o C and at hold ing time of 60 min [9]. The gro wth of TiO2 layer at the substrate also affects DSSC
efficiency. According to Dani, spin coating was a better method to increase efficiency than slip casting, doctor
blade, and spray to increase efficiency [10]. Each method has advantages and disadvantages. For instance, do ctor

Sustainable Energy and Advanced Materials

AIP Conf. Proc. 1717, 040001-1–040001-4; doi: 10.1063/1.4943444
© 2016 AIP Publishing LLC 978-0-7354-1365-8/$30.00

blade or screen-printing is an efficient method for DSSC fabrication in factory scale. The level of effectiveness of
screen printing method is determined by the hole size (mesh) in the screen because it determines the amount of TiO 2
particle that can be deposited in the substrate.


This research used fluorine -doped tin o xide-poly ethylene terephthalate (FTO-PET) glass substrate having a
thickness of 2 mm and a resistance of 15 Ω/sq. Substrate was first cleaned by soaking it into some solutions and then
placed into ultrasonic cleaner for 12 min. The solution used to was h the FTO glass substrates were de-ionized (DI)
water solution and ethanol solution.
Fabrication o f TiO2 paste was performed by using some of the fo llo wing ingredients, such as TiO2 nanoparticles
powder of 0.25 g and 1 ml of ethanol, mixed with a magnetic stirrer for 60 min to fo rm TiO2 paste with
homogeneous characteristic. Counter electrode was fabricated by using FTO glass substrate coated by carbon by
means of shading the surface of the substrate with 2B pencil. After perfectly shaded, substrate was heated on a
candle in order to make the candle soot containing carbon attached to the substrate.
TiO2 deposition process to an FTO glass substrate was conducted by using screen printing method. The variation
of the screen was T-49, T-55 and T-61. The screen-type grouping was based on its mesh. Screen’s mes h size
determined the amount of TiO2 particles that can be deposited on the substrate. Screen T-49 showed 125 holes per
inch, while the T-55 showed 140 holes per inch and T-61 showed 155 holes per inch.
After being deposited onto the substrate, TiO2 layer was sintered at temperatures of 600o C and 650o C. Sintering
process made the o xide mo lecules can be bound perfectly and form groups of chemicals that were used to bind to
the dye molecules. Other than that, the process was intended to make the solvent molecules evaporate to form nano
pore which serves as a place for dye molecule to bind with TiO2 molecules. Morphology of TiO2 layers were
performed using a camera digital microscopy (CDM).
Dying process was conducted by soaking the substrate coated by TiO 2 into dye ruthenium co mplex. It should
also be done in a light-tight room for 24 h. After the dying process, the substrate was dried in a room temperature.
DSSC sandwich structure was composed of TiO2 as wo rk electrode that is sensitized by dye ruthenium co mplex and
carbon as counter electrode. The process of merg ing the two electrodes was done by putting keyboard screen guard
as a partition between the two, but before that, an electrolyte solution was dropped on one of the electrodes. Both
electrodes are then glued together with a paper clip.
The measurement of the electrical characteristic of DSSC used a set of I-V Keithley tools. The tool was also
equipped with a light source that has intensities of 1000 W/ m2 . Additional device that were used to test the I-V was
Lu x meter. It is functioned as a tool to measure the intens ity of light radiat ion and to co mpare the amount of
intensity received by DSSC devices.


Figure 1 shows morphology of TiO2 layers on the PET-FTO g lass substrates with variation of mesh size and
sintering temperature at T -49 and 600o C (Fig. 1a) and 650o C (Fig. 1d); T-55 and 600o C (Fig. 1b) and 650o C (Fig.
1e); T-61 and 600o C (Fig. 1c) and 650o C (Fig. 1f). White colors indicate the cracked regions while black colors
indicate the TiO2 layers. The wide of the cracked regions decreased as increased the screen types or the number of
mesh per inch. In addit ion, the cracked regions at 600o C were not significantly different the cracked reg ions at
650o C as shown in Table 1. It is considered that TiO2 part icles coagulated to form bigger particles at higher sintering
temperature so that the cracked region become narrow [11].
TABLE 1. The cracked regions size for each the screen types at sintering temperatures of 600 oC and 650oC
Number Sintering Temperature Screen Type Mesh per inch Cracked Size (m)
1 T-49 125 11 × 10-5
2 T-55 140 7 × 10-5
600o C
3 T-61 155 4 × 10-5
4 T-49 125 10 × 10-5
5 T-55 140 6 × 10-5
650o C
6 T-61 155 4 × 10-5

T-49 T-55 T-61
a b c


d e f

FIGURE 1. M orphology of TiO2 layers on the PET-FTO glass substrates with variation of mesh size and sintering temperature at
T-49 and 600oC (Fig.1a) and 650oC (Fig. 1d); T-55 and 600oC (Fig.1b) and 650oC (Fig.1e); T-61 and 600oC (Fig.1c) and 650oC
(Fig.1f). White colors indicated the cracked regions while black colors indicated the TiO 2 layers.

Previous work, we have calculated the efficiency o f DSSC fro m the typical current -voltage characteristic curves
[12]. First, we determine the sort circuit current (Isc) and the open circu it potential (Voc). It is known that the
incident light is Is = 1000 Wm-2 and the active cell area is A = 1.5 cm2 . The fill factor (FF) is determined using the
equation FF = (Vm Im)/(Voc Isc) with Vm and Im can be determined as shown in ref. [12]. Meanwh ile, the
efficiency () is calculated using the equation (%) = [(Voc Isc FF)/(Is A)] × 100%. Calcu lation of efficiency for
the screen types of T-49, T-55, and T-61 at each sintering temperature of 600o C and 650o C can be shown in Table 2.

TABLE 2. Calculation of efficiency for the screen types of T-49, T-55, and T-61 at each temperature of 600oC and 650oC
Screen Type Pmax(W) FF η (% )
T-49 3.7 × 10 0.32 0.003
T-55 8.5 × 10-6 0.23 0.006
600o C
T-61 1.8 × 10-5 0.24 0.012
T-49 1.7 × 10-5 0.43 0.011
T-55 2.1 × 10-5 0.25 0.014
650o C
T-61 2.3 × 10-5 0.21 0.015

Efficiency of DSSC does not increase significantly as the screen types increase while the sintering temperature
increase fro m 600o C to 650o C can increase the efficiency significantly for similar the screen types except for T-61.
The screen type of T-61 at 650o C has the highest efficiency i.e. 0.015%. Meanwhile, the cracked size of T-61 is
narrowest i.e. 4 × 10-5 m as shown in Fig. 1. Mustikasari et al have been investigated that grain boundaries can avoid
excited-electrons reaching the work electrode [13]. As a consequence, the efficiency will decrease. If we assume that
grain boundaries similar to the cracked size, the screen type of T-49 will has the efficiency is lowest i.e. 0.003 % at
600o C and 0.011 % at 650o C.


The screen printing types can significantly affect the cracked size of TiO2 layers wh ile the sintering temperature
cannot significantly affect the cracked size of TiO2 layers. The cracked size correlates to the efficiency of DSSC.
The cracked size is narrowest will has the highest efficiency. It is considered that the cracked of TiO2 layer will
avoid the excited-electrons reach the work electrode.

The authors would like to acknowledge DIKTI-KEM ENDIKBUD REPUBLIK INDONESIA for financial
support in Penelitian Unggulan Perguruan Tinggi of Sebelas Maret University (UNS), Indonesia.


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