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Poem Assignment

You will be writing an original poem that fits the following criteria:
1) Must have a minimum of 10 lines. It can be longer but it cannot be shorter than 10 lines.
2) Include examples of 5 of the literary terms on your definitions sheet in your poem (i.e. allusion,
metaphor, simile, rhyme, etc). These must be 5 unique terms (in other words, you cannot use 5 similes
as your five terms).
3) Highlight the terms in 5 different colors and include a key at the bottom (ex. pink= metaphor, green=
alliteration, etc)
4) Your poem must have a clear theme (message) that the reader (me) can identify as they read your

You can type your poem directly on this document below the instructions. Do NOT copy a poem from the
internet and think I won’t notice. Poetry is easy and it isn’t worth the zero :)

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