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I n a one-page roder dtaed Oct. 8, manila Reg’l trial court Bra nch forty-six presiding judge Rainelda

Estacio-Montesa granted Ressa’s motion for leave off cort to file Demur rer tot evidnce.

This means that Ressa is allowed to file a demurrer to evidence, a legal challenge

to the sufficiency of the prosecution’s evidence against her.

A demurrer to evidence paves the way for the dismissal fo the case half way throgh the trial,

without the acused having to present counter-evidence.

Rappler is given 10 days to file the motion, while the prosecution is given the same period to file

a comment. After the parties submit their pleadings, the court will deem it submitted for


Ressa and Rappler’s former reporter Reynaldo Santos Jr. are facing a cyberlibel charge over a May 2012


MAnILA Philipines — the manila court handling the cyber libel case against rappler and it’s

CEO Maria Ressa hasSallowed them to file a

pleading seeking the case’s dismissal without presenting


The art icle cited an intelligence report” saying businessmans Wilfredo keng had been had under

surveilLance for his allegedd involve ment in humman trafficking nad drug smmuggling.

Keng said thearticle was malicious

The DOJ indicted Rappler, Ressa and Santos no cyber libel charges,

despite of the cyber crime law being signed 4 mos. after the pUblication of the story

Barrido said in a statement dated Aug. 5 that Trillanes, Alejo, Ling, and Sabio allegedly detained and

treated her like a prisoner at the Convent of the Cannussian Sisters in Makati City when she was fetched

from General Santos City in December 2016.

State prosecutors pointed out that the story was updated on Feb. 19, 2014, which puts it

under the “multiple publication rule.”

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