Whispered Prayers of The Rememberers

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Whispered Prayer of the Rememberers

ِ ‫ثِسمِ اىلوِ اىشَحمنِ اىشَحي‬

‫منبجبح اىزا مشين‬


The thirteenth whispered prayer by Imam Ali As-Sajjad (as), as in As-Sahifa As-Sajjadiya

English Translation Transliteration Arabic Text

My God, were it not incumbent to ilaahee law-laal-waajibu min

qabooli am-rika
ِ‫اِىـٰيِي ىٌَّال اىٌْاجِتُ ِمنّ َقجٌُه‬
accept Your command,
َ ِ‫أمْش‬
I would declare You far too lanaz-zah-tuka min d'ik-reee
،َ‫ىَنَضَىّتُلَ مِنّ رِ مْشِي إيَبك‬
exalted for me to remember You,

for I remember You in my a'laaa an-na d'ik-ree laka

biqad-ree laa biqad-rik
‫ ال‬،‫عَيَٰى اَّنَ رِ مْشِي ىَلَ ثِقَذْسِي‬
measure, not in Your measure,
and my scope can hardly reach wa maa a'saaa ay-yab-lugha
miq-daaree h'at-taaa uj-a'la
‫ حَتَٰى‬،‫ًَمب عَسَٰى اَّنْ يَجّيُغَ مِقْذاسِي‬
the point where I may be a locus
for glorifying You! mah'al-lal-litaq-deesik ،َ‫اُجّعَوَ مَحَّالً ىِتَقْذِيسِل‬
Among Your greatest favours to wa min aa'-z'amin-nia'mi
a'lay-naa jarayaanu d'ik-rika
ُ‫ًَمِنّ اَعْظَمِ اىنّـِعَمِ عَيَيّنب جَشَيبّن‬
us is the continuation of Your
remembrance on our tongues a'laaa al-sinatinaa ،‫رِ مْشِكَ عَيٰى اَىْسِنَتِنَب‬
and Your permission to us to wa id'-nuka lanaa bidua'aa-
،َ‫ًَإرْنُلَ ىَنب ثِذُعبئِل‬
supplicate You,

declare You exalted, and glorify wa tanzeehika wa tas-beeh'ik

.َ‫ًَتَنْضِييِلَ ًَتَسّجِيحِل‬

My God, inspire us with Your ilaahee faal-him-naa d'ik-rak

feel-khalaaa-i wal-malaaa
ِ‫اِىـٰيِي فَبَىْيِمّنب رِ مْشَكَ فِي اىْخَّالء‬
remembrance alone and in
assemblies, ،ِ‫ًَاىْمَّالء‬
by night and day, wal-lay-li wan-nahaar
،ِ‫ًَاىيَيّوِ ًَاىنَيبس‬

publicly and secretly, wal-ia'-laani wal-is-raar

،ِ‫ًَاالِعّْالّنِ ًَاالِسّشاس‬

in prosperity and adversity! wa fis-sar-raaa-i waz''-z''ar-

‫ًَفِي اىسَشَاءِ ًَاىّضَشَا ِء‬

Make us intimate with silent wa aaanis-naa bid'-d'ik-ril-

،ِ ِ‫ًَآنِسّنب ثِبىزّ ِمْشِ اىْخَفِي‬

employ us in purified works was-taa'-mil-naa

،ِ ِ‫ًَاسّتَعّمِيْنب ثِبىْعَمَوِ اىضَ ِمي‬
Whispered Prayer of the Rememberers

and effort pleasing to You, was-saa'-yil-mar-z''ee

،ِ ِ‫ًَاىسَعّي اىْمَشّضِي‬

and reward us with the full wa jaazinaa bil-meezaanil-

.ِ ِ‫ًَجبصِنب ثِبىْمِيضاّنِ اىٌََفِي‬

My God, love-mad hearts are ilaahee bika haamatil-

،ُ‫اِىـٰيِي ِثلَ ىب َمتِ اىْقُيٌُةُ اىٌْاىِيَخ‬
enraptured by You,

disparate intellects are brought wa a'laa maa'-rifatika

ُ‫ًَعَيٰى مَعّشِفَتِلَ جُمِعَتِ اىْعُقٌُه‬
together by knowing You,
mutabaayinah ،ُ‫اىْمُتَجبيِنَخ‬
hearts find no serenity except in falaa tat'-ma-in-nul-quloobu
il-laa bid'ik-raaka
،َ‫فَّال تَطْمَئِنُ اىْقُيٌُةُ إالَ ثِزِمْشاك‬
remembering You,

souls find no rest except in seeing wa laa tas-kunun-nufoosu il-

laa i'nda roo-yaaka
،َ‫ًَال تَسّنُنُ اىنُفٌُطُ إالّ عِنْذَ سًُْيبك‬

You are the glorified in every antal-musab-bahoo fee kul-li

،ٍ‫اَنْتَ اىْمُسَجَحُ فِي مُوِ ِ مَنبّن‬

the worshipped at every time, wal-maa'-boodu fee kul-li

،ٍ‫ًَاىْمَعّجٌُدُ فِي مُوِ ِ صَمبّن‬

the found at every moment, wal-maw-joodu fee kul-li

ٍ ‫ًَاىْمٌَّجٌُدُ فِي مُوِ ِ اًَا‬

the called by every tongue, wal-mad-u'w-wu bikul-li

،ٍ‫ًَاىْمَذْعٌُُ ثِنُوِ ِ ىِسبّن‬

the magnified in every heart! wal-mua'z'-z'amu fee kul-li

،ٍ‫ًَاىْمُعَظَمُ فِي مُوِ ِ جَنبّن‬

I pray forgiveness from You for wa as-tagh-firuka min kul-li

lad'-d'atim-bighay-ri d'ik-rik
ِ‫ًَاَسّتَغْفِشُكَ مِنّ مُوِ ِ ىَزَحٍ ثِغَيّش‬
every pleasure but remembering
You, ،َ‫رِ مْشِك‬
every ease but intimacy with wa min kul-li raah'atim
bighay-ri unsik
،َ‫ًَمِنّ مُوِ ِ ساحَخٍ ِثغَيّشِ اُنْ ِسل‬

every happiness but nearness to wa min kul-li suroorim-

bighay-ri qur-bik
،َ‫ًَمِنّ مُوِ ِ سُشًُسٍ ثِغَيّشِ قُ ّش ِثل‬

every occupation but obeying wa min kul-li shugh-lim-

bighay-ri t'aaa'tik
.َ‫ًَمِنّ مُوِ ِ شُغْوٍ ثِغَيّشِ طب َعتِل‬

My God, You have said - and ilaaheee anta qul-ta wa qaw-

:ُ‫إىـٰيِي َانْتَ قُ ْيتَ ًَقٌَّىُلَ اىْحَّق‬
Your word is true -
Whispered Prayer of the Rememberers

O you who have faith, remember (yaaa ay-yuhaal-lad'eena

‫(يَب اَيُيَب اىَزِينَ آمَنٌُا ارْ مُشًُا اىل َو‬
God with much remembrance and aaamanood'-kurool-laaha
glorify Him at dawn and in the d'ik-rana katheeraw-wa sab- ً‫ثُنْشَح‬ ُ‫ًَسَجِـِحٌُه‬ ً‫مَثِيشا‬ ً‫رِ مْشا‬
evening! bih'oohoo buk-rataw-wa
as'eela) )ً‫ًَاَصِيّال‬
And You have said - and Your wa qul-ta wa qaw-lukal-h'aq
:ُ‫ًَقُيْتَ ًَقٌَّىُلَ اىْحَّق‬
word is true -

Remember Me, and I will (fad'-kurooneee ad'-kur-kum)

) ّ‫( فَبرْ مُشًُنِي اَرْ مُ ّش مُم‬
remember you!

You have commanded us to faamar-tanaa bid'ik-rika

،َ‫فَبَمَشّتَنب ثِزِمْشِك‬
remember You,

and promised us that You will wa waad-tana a'lay-heee an

‫ًًََعَذْتَنب عَيَيّوِ اَّنْ تَزْ مُشَنب‬
remember us thereby,

in order to ennoble, respect, and tash-reefal-lanaa wataf-

kheemaw-wa ia'-z'aamaa
،ً‫تَشْشِيفبً ىَنب ًَتَفْخِيمبً ًَإعْظبمب‬
honour us.

Here we are, remembering You wahaa nah'-nu d'aakirooka

kamaaa amar-tanaa
،‫ًَىب نَحّنُ را مِشًُكَ مَمب َامَشّتَنب‬
as You have commanded us!

So accomplish what You have fa anjiz lanaa

maa waa't-tanaa
‫فَبَنْجِضّ ىَنب مَب ًَعَذْتَنب‬
promised us,

O Rememberer of the yaa d'aakirad'-d'aakireen

،َ‫يب را مِشَ اىزَا ِمشِين‬

O Most Merciful of the merciful! wa yaaa ar-h'amar-

.َ‫ًَيب اَسّحَمَ اىشَاحِمِني‬

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