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Apéndice G PRESIONES DE VAPOR TABLA Gl Presiones de vapor de diversas sustancias Eoucién de Antoine: Ingpty=a— By donde p*= presidn de vapor, mm He T = temperana, K 4, B, C = constantes Nombre Forma Interval (K) A B c Acido acétioo CH,0, 290430 168080340557 -56.34 Acetoma CHO M1350 166513. 284046 35.93 Amoniaco NH, 19261 16481 3250-3298 Benceno Hy 280-377 15.9008 eS 1-52.36 Disulfwo de cabono CS, 288-342 159844 2690.85 3162 Tetaclonso de cazbono CCl 253.374 «158742 2808194599 Cloroformo CHC!, 260370 159732 696.79 46.16 Ciclohexano Col: 280380 «15.7527 7663-3050 Avetato de etlo CHO, 260-385 161516 = 279050 S715 ‘Aleohol etlico CHO 770-369 «= «185242357891 -50.50 Bronaro de eto HBr 206-333 159338 51S n-Heptano CH, 770-400 «158737281132 3651 aHexmo Cty 245370 «15.8366 269755 48.78 Alcohol metilioa CHO 257.364 «185875 3626353429 n-Pentano, Cay, 20.330 © «15.8333 M7707 -39.94 Didsido de saute 80, 195280 167680 2302353597 Telueno CH,CH, 280-410 16.0137 300652 53.67 Agua H,0 Mel = «'183036. 816A 46.13 rursre: R.C.Reid, J. M Pransnitz yT. K. Sherwood, The Properties of Gases and Liquids, 3a. ed, apendice A. Nueva York, McGraw-Hill, 1977. ‘Table Bt Antoine Equation Constante” B bone =A- pre Minmm Mg Fin" Example: The vapor pressure of acetaldehyde at 25°C is determined as follows: ogy PEayo(2S°C) = 8.00552 — 29551 Jo(25°C) = 10% = 902 enn Hg Compound Formula Range (°C) 4 a © Acetaldehyde GHG — 210344 800552 1600017 291.809 Acetic acid GHG; WSIS TIT 1533.13 222.309 Acetic acid” GHG: 01036 71S80F 14167 225 ‘Acetic anhyciride GMO, 62819 — 714948 1444718 199.817 Acetone GH. 12910853 TUT 1210595 29.564 Acrylic acid CoH, MNO TO SSID GaR.ADD 154.583 ‘Ammonia* NH; ~ 8310 6 7.38986 1002.71 247.885 W26r0185.2 13200 17SLSIs 206.089 14310809 680272 1208.531 219.888 -TBlo-03 EMSS RAEI 30711 é-Butane BS. 10-16 6.78866 B67 241.82 1-Butanol CiHeO 992401257 — 7.36366 1305.198 193.427 2-Butanol GiHgO 72410 107.1 720131 1457.00 168.279 L-Butene Gis =T75t0-37 653101 810.261 228.066 Butyric acid CHO, 20001500 8.TIDID 2433.04 255.189 Carbon disulfide CS 36 0199 6.98279 1169.110 241.593 Carbon tetrachloride = CC, 14.100 76.0 2 1212001 226.400 Chlorobenzene CHCl 6200017 6O7HOS T31.0SUT.$50 Chlorobenaenet CoHsCl Otoa2 71060 15000 2240 Chiorobensene? GHC! 210230 6650 141312 216.0 Chloroform CHC = 10410603 6.95465 L1TO.N6 225.292 Chloroform CHC = 3010 150.9028 1163.03 Cyclohexane GHz 199 to B16 = GRAAL 126.001 Cyclohexanol CHO DFO 1607 6255 912.865 n-Decane nCrety 94510 175.1 695707 1508.568 L-Decene BKB tw 1716 6.95433 1497527 L1-Dicbloroethane 38810176 6.97702 174.022 ichloroethane 30810924 7.0253 12TLIS Dichloromethane —s0.01040 740916 1525938 252.616 Diethyl ether 80810199 6.92032 10.066 228,709 Diethyl ketone S6Sto 13 — 7.02529 1302 214.192 Diethylene glyeal 10Dt0 24.0 763666 1898359 162.714 Ditnethyl ether =T82t0-24.9 697608 BBBIGI 241.957 Dimethylamine

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