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Whispered Prayer of the Knowers

ِ ‫تِظُِ اٌلهِ اٌزَدِّٓ اٌزَدي‬

‫ِٕاجاج اٌؼارفني‬

The twelfth whispered prayer by Imam Ali As-Sajjad (as), as in As-Sahifa As-Sajjadiya

English Translation Transliteration Arabic Text

My God, tongues fall short of ilaahee qas'uratil-al-sunu

a'm-bulooghi thanaaa-ika
ِ‫صزَخِ األٌَْظُُٓ ػَّٓ تٍُُىؽ‬
ُ َ‫اٌِـٰهِي ل‬
attaining praise of You proper to
Your majesty, kama yaleequ bijalaalik ،َ‫ وَّا يٍَِيكُ تِجَالٌِه‬،َ‫ثَٕائِه‬
intellects are incapable of wa a'jazatil-u'qoolu a'n id-
raaki kun-hee jamaalik
ِ‫وَػَجَشَخِ اٌْؼُمُىيُ ػَّٓ إدّرانِ وُْٕه‬
grasping the core of Your beauty,
eyes fail before gazing upon the wa an-h'asaratil-ab-s'aaru
doonan-naz'ari ilaa
‫وَأْذَظَزَخِ األَتْصارُ دُوَْ إٌَظَزِ إٌٰى‬
glories of Your face,
subuh'aati waj-hik ،َ‫طُثُذاخِ وَجّهِه‬
and You have assigned to Your wa lam taj-a'l-lil-khal-qi
t'areeqan ilaa maa'-rifatika
‫وٌََُّ ذَجّؼًَّ ٌٍِْخٍَْكِ طَزِيماً إٌٰى‬
creatures no way to know You
save incapacity to know You! il-laa bil-a'j-zi a'm-maa'-
.َ‫إألَ تِاٌْؼَجّشِ ػَّٓ َِؼّ ِزفَرِه‬

My God, place us among those ilaahee faj-a'l-naa minal-

lad'eena taras-sakhat
َٓ‫جؼٍَْٕا َِِٓ اٌَذِي‬
ّ ‫اٌِـٰهِي فَا‬
within the gardens of whose
breasts the trees of yearning for ash-jaarush-shaw-qi ilay-ka ‫ذَزَطَخَدّ اَشْجارُ اٌّشَىقِ إٌَيّهَ فِي‬
You have taken firm root fee h'adaaa-iqi s'udoorihim
،ُِّ‫دَذائِكِ صُذُورِه‬
and the assemblies of whose wa akhad'at law-a'tu mah'ab-
batika bimajaamii'
ِ‫وَاَخَذَخّ ٌَىّػَحُ َِذَثَرِهَ تَِّجاِِغ‬
hearts have been seized by the
ardour of Your love! quloobihim ،ُِّ‫لٍُُىتِه‬
They seek shelter in the nests of fahum ilaaa aw-kaaril-af-
kaari yaa-woon
،َْ‫فَهُُّ اٌَِٰى اَوّوارِ األَفْىارِ يَ ْاوُو‬

feed upon the gardens of nearness wa fee reeaaz''il-qur-bi

wal-mukaashafati yar-
ِ‫وَفِي رِياضِ اٌْمُزّبِ وَاٌُّْىاشَفَح‬
and disclosure,
tau'wna ،َْ‫يَزّذَؼُى‬
drink from the pools of love with wa min h'eeaaz''il-mah'ab-
bati bikaa-sil-mulaat'afati
ِ‫وَِِّٓ دِياضِ اٌَّْذَثَحِ تِىَاْص‬
the cup of gentle favour,
yak-rau'wn ،َْ‫اٌُّْالطَفَحِ يَىْزَػُى‬
and enter into the watering-places wa sharaaa-ia'l-mus'aafaati
َْ‫وَشَزايِغَ اٌُّْصافاجِ يَزِدُو‬
of warm affection.
Whispered Prayer of the Knowers

The covering has been lifted from qad kushifal-ghit'aaa-u

a'n ab-s'aarihim
،ُِّ‫لَذْ وُّشِفَ اٌْغِطاءُ ػَّٓ اَ ْتصَارِه‬
their eyes,

the darkness of disquiet has been wa anjalat z'ul-matur-ray-bi

a'n a'qaaa-idihim wa
َّٓ‫ػ‬ ِ‫اٌزَيْة‬ ُ‫ظٍَُّْح‬ ّ‫وَأْجٍََد‬
dispelled from their beliefs and
their innermost minds z''amaaa-irihim ،ُِّ‫ػَمائِذِهُِّ وَضََّائِ ِزه‬
the contention of doubt has been wa antafat mukhaalajatush-
shak-ki a'n quloobihim wa
َّٓ‫وَأْرَفَدّ ُِخاٌَجَحُ اٌّشَهّ ِ ػ‬
negated from their hearts and
their secret thoughts, saraaa-irihim ،ُّ‫ه‬
ِ ِ‫لٍُُىتِهُِّ وَطَزا ِئز‬
their breasts have expanded wa ansharah'at bitah'-qeeqil-
maa'-rifati s'udooruhum
ِ‫اٌَّْؼّزِفَح‬ ِ‫تِرَذّمِيك‬ ّ‫وَأّْشَزَدَد‬
through the verification of true
knowledge, ،ُُّ‫صُذُورُه‬
their aspirations have ascended wa a'lat lisab-qis-saa'adati
fiz-zahaadati himamuhum
‫وَػٍََدّ ٌِظَثّكِ اٌظَؼادَجِ فِي اٌشَهادَ ِج‬
through precedent good fortune
in renunciation, ،ُُّ‫هَُِّّه‬
their drinking is sweet from the wa a'd'uba fee mae'enil
mua'amalati shir-buhum-
ُُّ‫وَػَذُبَ فِي َِؼِنيِ اٌُّْؼاٍََِحِ شِزّتُه‬
spring of devotion to good works,

their secret thoughts are delicious wa t'aaba fee maj-lisil-unsi

،ُُّ‫ض طِزُه‬
ِ ُْٔ‫وَطابَ فِي َِجٍِّضِ األ‬
in the sitting-place of intimacy,

their minds are secure in the wa amina fee maw-t'inil-

makhaafati sir-buhum
ِ‫اٌَّْخافَح‬ ٓ
ِ ِ‫َِىّط‬ ‫فِي‬ ََِِٓ‫وَا‬
place of terror,
their souls are serene through the wa at'-maan-nat bir-rujooi'
ilaa rab-bil-ar-baabi
ِ ِ‫وَاطَّْأََدّ تِاٌزُجُىّعِ إٌٰى رَب‬
return to the Lord of lords,
anfusuhum ،ُُّ‫األَرّتابِ أَْفُظُه‬
their spirits have reached wa tayaq-qanat bil-faw-zi
wal-falaahee ar-waah'uhum
،ُُّ‫وَذَيَمََٕدّ تِاٌْفَىّسِ وَاٌْفَالحِ اَرّوادُه‬
certitude through triumph and
their eyes have been gladdened wa qar-rat bin-naz'ari ilaa
mah'-boobihim aa'-yunuhum
ُِّ‫وَلَزَخّ تِإٌَظَزِ إٌٰى َِذّثُىتِه‬
through gazing upon their
Beloved, ،ُُّ‫اَػْيُُٕه‬
their settling place has been was-taqar-ra biid-raakis-soo-
li wa nay-lil-maa-mooli
ًِّ‫وَاطّرَمَزَ تِاِدّرانِ اٌظُىْيِ ؤََي‬
settled through reaching the
request and attaining the qaraaruhum ،ُّ‫ه‬
ُ ُ‫اٌَّْاُِْىيِ لَزَار‬
and their commerce has profited wa rabih'at fee bay-i'd-
dunyaa bil-aaakhirati
ِ‫وَرَتِذَدّ فِي تَيّغِ اٌذُْٔيَا تِاآلخِزَج‬
through the sale of this world for
the next! tijaaratuhum .ُ
ّ ‫ذِجارَذُ ُه‬
My God, how agreeable for Ilaahee maaa alad'-d'a
khawaat'iral-il-haami bid'ik-
َِ‫اٌِـٰهِي ِا اٌََذَ خَىاطِ َز األٌِْها‬
hearts are the thoughts inspiring
Your remembrance, rika a'laal-quloob ،ِ‫تِذِوْزِنَ ػٍََٰى اٌْمٍُُىب‬
how sweet travelling to You wa maaa ah'-laal-maseera
ilay-ka bil-aw-haami fee
َِ‫وَِا اَدٍَّٰى اٌَّْظِيزَ إٌَيّهَ تِاألَوّها‬
through imagination upon the
roads of the unseen worlds, masaalikil-ghuyoob ،ِ‫فِي َِظاٌِهِ اٌْغُيُىب‬
Whispered Prayer of the Knowers

how pleasant the taste of Your wa maaa at'-yaba t'aa'-ma

،َ‫وَِا اَطْيَةَ طَؼَُّ دُثِـِه‬
how delightful the drink of Your wa maaa aa'-d'aba shir-ba
،َ‫وَِا اَػْذَبَ شِزّبَ لُزّتِه‬

So give us refuge from Your faai'd'-na min t'ar-dika

wa ib-a'adik
،َ‫فَاَػِذْٔا ِِّٓ طَزّدِنَ وَإتْؼادِن‬
casting out and Your sending far,

and place us among the most waj-a'l-naa min akhas'-s'i

a'arifeek wa as'-lahee
،َ‫وَاجّؼٍَْٕا ِِّٓ اَخَصِ ِ ػارِفِيه‬
elect of Your knowers, the most
righteous of Your servants, i'baadik ،َ‫وَاَصٍَّخِ ػِثادِن‬
the most truthful of Your wa as'-daqi t'aaa-ie'ek wa
akh-las'i u'b-baadika
ِ‫وَاَخٍَّص‬ َ‫طائِؼِيه‬ ِ‫وَاَصّذَق‬
obeyers, the most sincere of Your
worshipers! ،َ‫ػُثَادِن‬
O All-mighty, O Majestic, O yaa a'z'eemu yaa jaleelu
yaa kareemu yaa muneel
‫ يا‬،ُُ‫ يا وَزِي‬،ًُ‫ يا جٍَِي‬،ُُ‫يا ػَظِي‬
Generous, O Endower!
By Your mercy and kindness, O birah'-matika wa man-nika
yaaa ar-h'amar-raah'imeen
ََُ‫اَرّد‬ ‫يا‬ َ‫وََِّٕـِه‬ َ‫تِزَدَّّرِه‬
Most Merciful of the merciful!

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