Whispered Prayer of the Thankful ٌِيحَشىا َِِحَشىا ِٔلىا ٌِسِب

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Whispered Prayer of the Thankful

ِ ‫بِسٌِ اىلِٔ اىشَحَِِ اىشَحي‬

ِ‫ٍْاجاة اىشا مشي‬


The sixth whispered prayer by Imam Ali As-Sajjad (as), as in As-Sahifa As-Sajjadiya

English Translation Transliteration Arabic Text

My God, the uninterrupted flow ilaahee ad'-halanee a'n

iqaamati shuk-rika tataabuu'
َ‫اِىـِٰٖي اَ ْرَٕيَِْي عَِّ إقاٍَ ِت شُنْشِك‬
of Your graciousness hast
distracted me from thanking You! t'aw-lika ،َ‫تَتابُعُ عَّ٘ىِل‬
The flood of Your bounty has wa aa'-jazanee a'n ih'-s'aaa-i
thanaaa-ika fay-z''u faz''-lik
َ‫َٗاَعْجَزَِّي عَِّ اِحّصاءِ ثََْائِل‬
rendered me incapable of
counting Your praises! ،َ‫ـَيّضُ ـَضّيِل‬
The succession of Your kind acts wa shaghalanee a'n d'ik-ri
mah'aamidika taraadufu
َ‫َٗشَؽَيَِْي عَِّ رِ مْشِ ٍَحاٍِذِك‬
has diverted me from mentioning
You in laudation! a'waaa-idik ،َ‫تَشادُؾُ عَ٘ائِذِك‬
The continuous rush of Your wa aa'-yaanee a'n-nash-ri
a'waarifika tawaaleee
‫َٗاَعْياِّي عَِّ َّشْشِ ع٘اسِ ِـلَ تَ٘اىِي‬
benefits has thwarted me from
spreading the news of Your ayaadeek ،َ‫اَيذِيل‬
gentle favours!
This is the station of him who wa had'aa maqaamu mani
aa'-tarafa bisubooghin-naa'-
ِ‫َٗ ٰٕزَا ٍَقاًُ ٍَِِ اعْتَشَؾَ ِبسُبُ٘غ‬
confesses to the lavishness of
favours, maaa-i ،ِ‫اىَْعَّاء‬
meets them with shortcomings, wa qaabalahaa bit-taq-s'eer
،ِ‫َٗقابَيَٖا بِاىتَقْصِيش‬

and witnesses to his own wa shahida a'laa naf-sihee

bil-ih-maali wat-taz''-yeea'-
ِ‫َٗشَِٖذَ عَيٰى َّفْسِِٔ بِاإلَِّٕاه‬
disregard and negligence.
You are the Clement, the wa antar-ra-oofur-rah'eem
ُ‫َٗاَّْتَ اىشَُٗٗؾُ اىشَحِيٌُ اىْبَش‬
Compassionate, the Good, the
Generous, ،ٌُ‫اىْنَشِي‬
who does not disappoint those ul-lad'ee laa yukhay-yibu
،ِٔ‫اىَزِي إل يُخَيِـِبُ قاصِذِي‬
who aim for Him,
nor cast out from His courtyard wa laa yat'-rudu a'n finaaa-
iheee aaamileehee
،ِٔ‫َٗإل يَغْشُدُ عَِّ ـِْائِِٔ آٍِيِي‬
those who expect from Him!
In Your yard are put down the bisaah'atika tah'ut'-t'u
،َ‫بِساحَتِلَ تَحُظُ سِحاهُ اىشَاجِني‬
saddlebags of the hopeful
and in Your plain stand the hopes wa bia'r-s'atika taqifu
ُ‫َٗبِعَشّصَتِلَ تَقِؿُ آٍاه‬
of the help-seekers!
Whispered Prayer of the Thankful

So meet not our hopes by fala tuqaabil aaamaalanaa

bit-takh-yeebi wal-ee-aas
ِ‫ـَال تُقابِوّ آٍاىَْا بِاىتَخّيِيب‬
disappointing and disheartening
and clothe us not in the shirt of wa laa tul-bis-naa sir-baalal-
qunoot'i wal-ib-laas
ِ‫َٗإل تُيْبِسّْا سِشّباهَ اىْقُُْ٘ط‬
despair and despondency!
My God, my thanksgiving is ilaahee tas'aaghara i'nda
taa'az'umi aaalaaa-ika shuk-
َ‫ٌ آإلئِل‬
ِ ُ‫اِىـِٰٖي تَصاؼَشَ عِْْذَ تَعاظ‬
small before Your great boons,
ree ،‫شُنْشِي‬
and my praise and news- wa taz''aaa-ala fee jambi ik-
raamika ee-yaaya thanaaa-ee
َ‫َٗتَضَاءَهَ ـِي جَْْبِ إ ْمشَا ٍِلَ إيَاي‬
spreading shrink beside Your
generosity toward me! wa nash-ree ،‫ثَْائِي ََّٗشْشِي‬
Your favours have wrapped me in jal-lalat-nee nia'muka min
anwaaril-eemaani h'ulalaa
ُِ‫جَيَيَتِْْي ِّعََُلَ ٍِِّ اََّْ٘اسِ اإلِيَْا‬
the robes of the lights of faith,
and the gentlenesses of Your wa z''arabat a'lay-ya lat'aaa-
ifu bir-rika minal-i'z-zi kilala
ٍَِِ َ‫َٗضَشَبَتّ عَيَيَ ىَغائِؿُ ِبشِ ِك‬
goodness have let down over me
delicate curtains of might! ،ً‫اىْعِزِ ِ مِيَال‬
Your kindnesses have collared wa qal-ladat-nee minanuka
qalaaa-ida laa tuh'al-lu
،ُ‫َٗقَيَذْتَِْي ٍِْْلَ قَالئِذَ إل تُحَو‬
me with collars not to be moved
and adorned me with neck-rings wa t'aw-waqat-neee at'-
waaqal-laa tufal
،ُ‫َٗعََ٘قْتَِْي اَعَْ٘اقاً إل تُفَو‬
not to be broken!
Your boons are abundant - my faaalaaaw-uka jam-matun
َِّ‫ـَأإلُٗكَ جَََتٌ ضَعُؿَ ىِساِّي ع‬
tongue is too weak to count them! z''au'fa lisaanee a'n ih'-s'aaa-
ihaa ،‫إحّصائِٖا‬
Your favours are many - my wa naa'-maaaw-uka
katheeratun qas'ura fah-mee
َِّ‫ََّٗعَّاُٗكَ مَثِيشَةٌ قَصُشَ ـَ َِّٖي ع‬
understanding falls short of
grasping them, not to speak of a'n id-raakihaa faz''-lana a'ni ،‫إدّسَامِٖا ـَضّالً عَِِ اسّتِقْصائِٖا‬
exhausting them! s-tiq-s'aaa-ihaa

So how can I achieve fakay-fa lee bitah'-s'eelish-

،ِ‫ـَنَيّؿَ ىِي بِتَحّصِيوِ اىشُنْش‬
For my thanking You requires wa shuk-reee ee-yaaka yaf-
taqiru ilaa shuk-r
،ٍ‫َٗشُنْشِي إيَاكَ يَفْتَقِشُ إىٰى شُنْش‬
Whenever I say, 'To You belongs fakul-lamaa qul-tu lakal-
،ُ‫ ىَلَ اىْحََّذ‬:ُ‫ـَنُيََا قُيْت‬
it becomes thereby incumbent wajaba a'lay-ya lid'alika an
aqwla lakal-h'am-d
َ‫ ىَل‬:َ‫َٗجَبَ عَيَيَ ىِزٰىِلَ اَُْ اَقُ٘ه‬
upon me to say, 'To You belongs
praise'! .ُ‫اىْحََّذ‬
Whispered Prayer of the Thankful

My God, as You have fed us ilaahee fakamaa ghad'-d'ay-

tanaa bilut'-fik wa rab-bay-
،َ‫اِىـِٰٖي ـَنََا ؼَزَيْتَْا بِيُغْفِل‬
through Your gentleness and
nurtured us through Your tanaa bis'un-i'k ،َ‫َٗسَبَيّتَْا بِصُْْعِل‬
so also complete for us lavish fatam-mim a'lay-naa
sawaabighan-nia'm wa ad-
ّ‫ َٗادّـَع‬،ٌَِ‫ـَتََِـٌِّ عَيَيَّْا سَ٘ابِـػَ اىّْـِع‬
favours, repel from us detested
acts of vengeance, faa'a'n-naa makaarihan- ،ٌَِ‫عََْا ٍَناسَِٓ اىّْـِق‬
and of the shares of the two wa aaatinaa min h'uz'ooz'id-
daaray-ni ar-faa'haa wa ajal-
‫َٗآتِْا ٍِِّ حُظُ٘ػِ اىذَاسَيِِْ اَسّـَ َعَٖا‬
abodes, give us their most
elevated and their greatest, lahaa ‫َٗاَجَيَٖا‬
both the immediate and the a'ajilaw-wa aaajilaa
،ً‫عاجِالً َٗآجِال‬
To You belongs praise for Your wa lakal-h'am-du a'laa h'us-
ni balaaa-ika
َ‫َٗىَلَ اىْحََّذُ عَيٰى حُسِِّ بَالَئِل‬
good trial
and the lavishness of Your wa subooghi naa'-maaa-ika
َ‫َٗسُبُ٘غِ َّعَّائِل‬
a praise conforming to Your good h'am-day-yuwafiqu riz''aaka
،َ‫حََّذاً يُ٘اـِقُ سِضاك‬
and attracting Your great wa yam-tareel-a'z'eema mim-
bir-rika wa nadaaka
َ‫َٗيََّتَشِي اىْعَظِيٌَ ٍِِّ بِشِ ِك‬
goodness and magnanimity.
O All-mighty, O All-generous! yaa a'z'eemu yaa kareemu
،ٌُ‫يا عَظِيٌُ يا مَشِي‬

By Your mercy, O Most Merciful birah'-matika yaaa ar-

ِ ‫بِشَحََّتِلَ يا اَسّحٌََ اىشَا‬
of the merciful!

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