Proposal: Arts Centre Fundraising - Dog Show: What's Our Problem?

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Proposal: Arts Centre Fundraising – Dog

Prepared by Shona
Version 1.0 Date 18/10/2020

What’s our problem?

Who’s got the problem? Why is it a problem? How might we...?

The centre’s funding is falling, and we have more work to do on the building and ambition for our community schemes
than we can afford to fund at the moment. How can we find new sources of income and funding for the arts centre, so
that we can raise £50k do better and more ambitious work – and fix the roof, too?

What’s the solution?

What are we going to do? What won’t we do? Why will it work?

We will hold a fund raising celebrity dog show in the grounds of the centre this summer.
- Running a fete with bring and buy and a barbecue
- Community volunteers helping with fete and activities
- Run free taster workshops for the arts activities we offer
- Charging entry fees per dog
- Local celebrity will judge the show
- Promotion on social media and through usual events listings and promotion channels
- Sponsorship from local building firm and the brewery to help cover costs.
We’re not hiring any external PA kit to keep costs down and reduce the chances of noise complaints.
We think this will be more successful than last year’s fundraising fete, because we have more experience, and this
has more PR opportunities due to celebrity and dogs.

What are the benefits?

What’s good about our solution? Why is this better than other solutions?

Community Involvement.
This is an accessible fun event that will bring in local people who would not usually visit the centre. The community will
also get involved with planning the activities for the fete.
High Enthusiasm and Engagement internally.
This is a fun event for everyone involved, so staff are excited to help out and our volunteers are also excited.
Audience development:
Good PR opportunities with local press because of celebrity, social media campaign planned by Alex. Event attracts a
different audience to our bigger more cultural events.
Sponsorship Opportunity: Our big sponsors are keen to be involved and contribute time and money; it strengthens
that relationship and covers costs.

How much will it cost?

What will we need to pay for? What resources do we already have? Will we make money back?

Staff time £1000

BBQ for 100, £5/head £500
Celeb: pro bono £0
Total costs apx £2000

This Proposal Canvas is adapted from the Creative Canvas by Dr Terri Lorna and the
Business Model Canvas from It is free to adapt and reuse under a Creative Commons
Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License
What are the risks?
What could go wrong? What will the impact be? How can we plan around that?

Major risks identified are:

Bottled Gas Barbecue Accident
The BBQ is powered by bottled gas. This could present a safety hazard if stored and used incorrectly- a fire risk and
risk of explosion.
We will follow safety guidelines for use. Keep spare gas bottles In secure storage area. Check BBQ provider is
properly trained and certified.
Dog Poo Incident
Dog poo gets trodden through arts centre, health risk, food prep hygiene issues, general unpleasantness
We will Provide poo bags, bins, make sure staff are keeping an eye out for it, remind owners to clear up after their
dogs. Keep dogs away from food prep areas
Low ticket sales
We could make no profit on the event, so raise no money for the centre
We will plan promotion early. Follow PR strategy, Promote at end of events, get local paper involved.

Additional steps to manage risks:

• Do a proper accessibility and safety review
• Review budget and expenditure weekly with James in finance
• Talk to our local RSPCA about managing dogs

What does success look like?

What do we get out of doing this? What will be better when we’ve finished? How can we measure the

Community Engagement 300 visitors minimum

Community Feedback 80% positive feedback from surveys
Social Media Reach 100 Facebook shares before event

Sponsorship £2500
50 dog entries at £10 each £500
100x BBQ at £7 £200
300 people donating £2 each, £600
£3800 income
Less £2000 costs
£1800 profit
Pays for Education Event

What’s the plan to make it happen?

How long will it take? What are the big deadlines? What are the next steps? When do we need to decide?

Planning starts October 2019

Confirm our sponsorship, and celebrity February 2020
Advertising begins March 2020
Organising work starts April 2020
Dog Show: 23rd May 2020 (Bank Holiday Weekend)
Final income figures June 2020

Sign off due by Oct 31 2019

Next steps:
Start planning, approach celebrities, do the accessibility review and confirm sponsorship.

This Proposal Canvas is adapted from the Creative Canvas by Dr Terri Lorna and the
Business Model Canvas from It is free to adapt and reuse under a Creative Commons
Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License

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