Transcript 7 - Pie and Bar Charts Excel

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The first data that we were presented with was about Adrian’s fund and what investment strategy it

used, how did it break down its money invested into different components. And we thought
components, ah, that's a pie chart or bar chart maybe here. So how do we do that? We could highlight
the data, insert, and go straight to this pie symbol here, click on that and say we just want a simple pie
chart please. Look at that, there it is, we can resize this, according to what we want and we could go
up here and say actually chart elements. Maybe I don't want the legend down there, and we saw in the
example in lecture we had data labels. So we could do data labels and go more information and maybe
more options, and maybe we go we want the values outside the end and we want them to include the
category name. And again we could look at resizing this, to fit on the screen by the way if you want to
quickly resize in Excel the whole screen, if you hold down ctrl and press the and use the mouse wheel,
upwards zooms in and down zooms back out. We can of course adjust this and you can edit this title
to talk about, you know, we want a more informative title we should include information about the
breakdown etc. but this is our basic chart. Pretty easy to do there. What if you had the missing
information here? You can move these categories to say actually ah no cash isn't included sorry. Or I
can include it again, so I can move information there or I could go to select data and here's all the data
and I can change what the actual data is as well. But with very simple cases it is pretty easy to just
choose the chart you want after selecting the data. Now let's go to insert, now instead of selecting the
data this time let's go into column, simple column chart here, notice I'm even near the data so Excel
has quickly worked out what I was looking for. You might just make room to fit both of these on the
screen, and again notice okay well maybe this doesn't have all the information that we want. We
should always have an axis title, so I'm adding the axis title here and you've got an option to add one
here and you simply double click and you can start editing what the title is there. We talked about
potentially the value of data labels so notice that includes the label on each and you're able to
manually move them if you like, but that's the basics there and you can go through and change lots of
other things about it. But that's the basics. Fairly easy to do.

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